Znatiželja je ubila mačku!

ponedjeljak , 05.04.2010.

Only what I can see in your eyes, are lies... feels like a butter on my already so bigoted destiniy... everything about you is so wrong or I'm so desperately wrong about everything about you... oh pliz... give me some real hint here! Am I going crazy... want to trust, but something is telling me that I should not... or maybe it's just the mask!?! What is it that you hide!?! My to adventurous spirit keeps me staying around... badly wanna find out what lies behind... hope I'd like the one I'll find... something's telling me that I would not!

I'm buildding a Castle of all the rocks you've trown at me.

Noone can be that much evil as much as I can pretend I'm stupid!

Nabijem ti sarkazam iskrenošću!

Jednostavno mi se ne da mozgat da li govorish istinu ili ne, da li me na taj način ispituješ koliko sam inteligentna ili koliko nisam... ne da mi se igrati igrice nadmudrivanja... želim vjerovati bez ikakve sumnje i nepotrebnih iscrpljivanja... tvoja je komunikacija sa mnom kriva...

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