
subota, 30.10.2010.

London police buy-back "costumes" issued to police officers

louis vuitton outletLondon Metropolitan Police (Metropolitan Police) on the TV drama The Bill has had the full use of police uniforms for recycling. These are "fake police" uniforms will be distributed through the real police officers continue to use.

louis vuitton outletThe Bill is the British ITV television production shooting a TV drama theme file police officers in this drama, the actors play a Scotland Yard police are allowed to wear uniforms with police badge and bulletproof vest. This year in August, after 24 years of continuous broadcast, finally ushered in the finale.

true religion outlet According to a London police spokesperson, in addition to a variety of shirts, pants and pullover, the items in the collection include: 29 pieces of body armor, 28 pieces of high-definition jackets, flat caps four inspectors and 22 Police dome top hat.

true religion outlet He said that the acquisition of the uniform weighing 400 kg is worried that someone might have used these uniforms to impersonate police officers. He did not disclose the cost of purchase of these uniforms, but said that these clothes will be re-paid to dress as police officers in need.

true religion jeans Police spokesman said: "The Bill received the show has been discontinued and is no longer broadcast recording notification, contact the Metropolitan Police and the resumption of the production company all have been used and not used police uniforms and props. The purpose of this initiative is to ensure the uniform of the police station will not flow into the public domain in order to prevent unauthorized use of these police uniforms who carried out the increase in crime. "

30.10.2010. u 03:11 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 29.10.2010.

"Nobel Peace Prize" and the world peace related?

louis vuitton outletCause of world peace is a noble cause, in order to resolve conflicts and promote harmony and avoid the outbreak of war in the world there are many worthy patriots one after another, to pay their wisdom and strength. It is for those who like to praise, Mr. Nobel did leave a will, to reward those who "to promote national harmony and promote international friendship and to promote disarmament and peace for the convening of meetings and promotional efforts of the people." Unfortunately, this is a difficult to enforce the will, one major reason is the development of standards and implementation.

louis vuitton outletThe world is complex, contradictory, are multiple people from different backgrounds on how to promote national harmony and promote international friendship and to promote the disarmament of the way and the road will have a different view. Interests and positions on such fundamental differences between the decision: First, the road to peace is tortuous, two, the maintenance of peace and co-ordination mechanisms need to balance different interests and reach an understanding on this basis, compromise, consensus, and even peace agreement, three, to contribute to peace and justice should be integrated all the standard view, if the views represent the one-sided, strong use of funds to create an overwhelming interest of other interests, a view imposed on other points of view situation, it is not peace, but to promote the power.

true religion outlet First of all, the Nobel Peace Prize award committee has not been any production of Western advocates of the democratic process, its members held by the Norwegians. Norway remained neutral in the war years, and to support conflict resolution through mediation and arbitration, but that does not show that the Norwegian people for the achievement of world peace and justice, the complexity and the essence of safeguarding world peace and justice than those in other countries more and deeper understanding. Secondly, the Nobel Peace Prize jury of 5 members all have government background: 4 served as government ministers, one served as Speaker of Parliament, their representation is difficult even in Norway as wide; a claim to "non-governmental" organizations of civil society, but all constituted by the Norwegian politicians, who authorized them to world peace and justice to judge such a major issue out?

true religion outlet Third, the five judges actually judge in world affairs, many are not fluent in world affairs, it is not an expert in the field. In the selection process, they also are not designed to seek the views of the parties to the conflict process. From such a height of only 400 million people, politicians in developed countries the Commission has the ability, knowledge, insight behalf of the world population of 6.0 billion to develop "peaceful standards do?" Therefore, the Norwegian jurist Frederic? S? Huff Meyer the award as "the Norwegian Parliament's peace prize," not "the Nobel Peace Prize." The Nobel award on behalf of Mr. neither my mind, but the world does not have any universal significance.

true religion jeans For the so-called "Nobel Peace Prize" award a few radical people entertain themselves this trick out side to join in some Western politicians, including his award-winning embarrassed the U.S. President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and U.S. Secretary of State, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. This makes the "Nobel Peace Prize" as a political tool for the more exposed. However, now the world has more and more people are beginning to recognize "the Nobel Peace Prize" in substance taken either ignored, either directly reveal their real attitudes and positions.

29.10.2010. u 04:46 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 28.10.2010.

Fashionable men and women fell in love with the New York Chinese mahjong

louis vuitton outlet For Americans, China, Mahjong is no longer the old grandmother of entertainment to pass the time. According to Taiwan, "BBC News" 21 days reported, with 60 years of the early 20th century nostalgia throughout the United States, many American young people fall in love "side of the city of war", and even become a popular recreation spot in Manhattan a number of activities.

louis vuitton outlet the former is ivory mahjong tiles, and now mostly plastic. Texas tiles sold a website, the price from 80 yuan to $ 975 range, five, six years the business has grown fourfold. New York Museum of Jewish tradition at the Mahjong exhibition also attracted a large number of tourists. Exhibition director Melissa? Maddens said playing cards now popular urban men, young women love to play mahjong. She and a number of mostly twenty-three-year-old colleague, often marked with spare time during lunch a few times.

true religion outlet Reported that the New York fashion community is that this hot center of mahjong, mahjong, but U.S. coalition said they had new members across the United States continue to increase, even small villages have their own state of South Dakota to join, members from the 1970s and early 1980s dark period of about 10 million to 40 million people. a group of young women at night, often gathered in Brooklyn, New York City, a bar Dershowitz; 29-year-old tax analyst Dai Wen? Gaither history in Arizona Koz Valley called friends learn to play mahjong. Gaither said the friend, her boyfriend and her husband made fun of them in every possible way the game actually play this old lady, but they are never bored.

true religion outlet Reported that the popularity of Mahjong has the United States in the 1920s, 1950s and early 1960s re-emergence of popular middle-class white women also held a "Mahjong Night", at home, hanging lanterns, and dressed in Chinese costumes.

true religion jeans But in the 1970s as more and more women work outside the home, many people no longer have time to hang around the table. Mahjong fans now often in parks, bars and cafes to play cards. National Union also hosts online mahjong mahjong games, and websites to help players find others who share in the vicinity. However, for many Mahjong fans, or with three friends to enjoy the highest sat around the table, eat and drink while chatting, while playing cards.

28.10.2010. u 04:53 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 27.10.2010.

Scientists say 20 years after the human brain will be able to back up all memory

louis vuitton outletA well-known scientists have pointed out in the next 20 years, like the human brain will be able to back up all memory. 62-year-old award-winning scientist Raymond Kurzweil has launched a series of original computer-related inventions, including voice recognition software technology.

louis vuitton outlet Kurzweil held in Vienna, Austria "future show," told the 500 guests, the technology is now back up the human brain possible.

true religion outlet He said: "I believe that within the next 20 years, our blood will have thousands of nano-robots, as our body for treatment, to improve our physical and even back up all the contents of the brain, just as a backup on the computer file. This means that they may back up every thought, every experience, and makes us all individuals. Although some may sound absurd, but the early 80s in the 20th century, as predicted the World Wide Web in the mid 90s People who think I'm crazy, but it happened, happened as I predicted. "

true religion outlet Kurzweil age of 15 had to design a computer algorithm to compose music, which he won a visit to the White House and met with President Lyndon Baines Johnson's opportunity. Steve Ward as friends, he built the first one for the blind can read a written statement of the machine, but because his friend, who later also created a revolutionary music synthesizer. Kurzweil has 19 honorary doctorates, and now the world's governments, scientists, military and make a variety of business and technology related issues. Currently, he is a collaboration with Google, the world's energy problems on how to address the item.

27.10.2010. u 04:20 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 26.10.2010.

The Philippines was a primary school bloodbath

louis vuitton outletViolence in the southern Philippines 22 attacks, a person with a criminal record into a school attack, killing 4, including himself people were killed and 6 wounded.

louis vuitton outlet the attackers Zengyi murder was sentenced, has served prison. He broke into the Philippine island of Mindanao on Friday, a primary school in Zamboanga City, with a knife stabbed several teachers and students of the school Yixie 5 into one room, one by one assassination, until parents Ganlai and Xiji Zhe Jin Xing struggle. Parents eventually stabbed by the killer in him.

true religion outlet Events caused 4 deaths, 6 people were injured, four dead were a teacher, a student, a parent struggling with the attacker and the attacker himself; six injured were two teachers and four students .

true religion outlet The injured were taken to hospital treatment, in which a 11-year-old girl and a teacher seriously injured in a life or death situation. According to another report, the perpetrators seem to have mental problems.

26.10.2010. u 04:27 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 25.10.2010.

U.S. researchers found that "alcohol gene" look introduced alcohol drugs

louis vuitton outletU.S. researchers found that 10% to 20% of people have reacted strongly to alcohol gene CYP2E1. The discovery of alcoholics brought hope to reduce alcoholism.

louis vuitton outletStudies have shown that reaction of the body more sensitive to alcohol addiction alcohol more difficult. University of North Carolina researchers wants to use the strong reaction to alcohol CYP2E1 gene of this feature, made drugs to help people reduce alcoholism. Researchers Cork? Wilson said, "People of alcoholism are complex. CYP2E1 gene can affect the brain's perception of alcohol, people who lack this gene is relatively easy to alcohol addiction."

true religion outlet Most of the human body by the liver breaks down alcohol, the body produces energy supply, but some will be through the brain metabolism. CYP2E1 gene in the human brain is able to break down alcohol and other intoxicating substances in alcoholic beverages, and other toxic elements. As for why the highly sensitive to alcohol help reduce alcoholism, Wilson said that this may be similar to some people drink easy "on the face." When people drink "on the face," facial flushing, they will reduce alcohol consumption. Sensitive to alcohol may also be because people feel the faster the role of alcohol in the body, so control of their alcohol consumption.

true religion outlet For the application of the finding in the future, Wilson said they need more research, try to find through the creation of new therapies to help people deal with alcohol addiction.

25.10.2010. u 04:53 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 23.10.2010.

Bruce Lee the world by "Curse of the" Top Ten Family

louis vuitton outletThe story of the ancient Greek myth of Oedipus vivid interpretation of what is called the "cursed the family": oracle Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother, his father and himself to have done to prevent the occurrence of all sorts of things attempt to predict the final still to come true, Oedipus blinded his eyes, his mother Xiufen suicide. Although the story is the myth of Oedipus fable, but if you really have a real family for generations are less fortunate, it is tempting to think that they may be "cursed" the.

louis vuitton outletCurse Of course unscientific to say, it ignores two basic facts: genes genetic predisposition and personal will. In this regard, the curse is not so much luck is more like the back cover up their poor performance under the cover. Wealth, notoriety, misconduct, genetic, arrogant, and even self-fulfilling prophecy effects are common, resulting in the so-called "cursed" sort of thing happen.

true religion outlet One night, martial arts star Bruce Lee, eat a few pieces of headache medicine, allergic reactions did not expect the drug to the brain swelling and soon died of a brain edema. At the age of 32 years old, he is moving towards the ranks of superstars, which had a profound impact on the future of the classic kung fu film "Enter the Dragon" is about a month after the release. Twenty years later, his son Brandon Lee's face even more mysterious than his father, even more tragic. At that time he was filming "The Raven" in a scene, his role is to be shot dead the day before prop accidentally loaded on a real bullet chamber, the next day another group thought it was empty prop gun, When the actor when the trigger button ring, 28-year-old Brandon Lee died on the spot. And his father, he is about to hit it big.

true religion outlet Future generations: The road to fame is about to embark on Lee family members the most dangerous and most of the vigilance of the moment, perhaps this could explain the sister of Brandon Lee Star Games Shannon bad, because she only starred in a film mediocre, there is no prospects for the future, but there is no danger of their lives.

23.10.2010. u 03:44 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 22.10.2010.

Korean women's high school ethics class students suddenly terrified broadcast adult films

louis vuitton outletKorea, a girls high school during school hours and suddenly broadcast adult films, students were scared out of their wits, an uproar.

louis vuitton outletAndong, North Gyeongsang Kyung City, a girls high school grades in a class, in the ideological and moral lessons, the classroom's screen suddenly appeared on the screen adult films. Although the screen only lasted more than 10 seconds, but the audience one by one the students were scared out of their wits, causing a commotion. Teacher shocked to hear the voice of the students, they discovered that adult films are being broadcast, and immediately remove the screen.

true religion outlet Reported that the Teacher said, should play a sudden adult films during the operation in the computer caused by mistakes. Responsible person in school, classroom teachers in the classroom to find information on the process, visit an adult web search on the forum and accidentally clicked on the forum to upload adult movies. School Teacher has been issued to the "warning letter", and ordered to write checks.

22.10.2010. u 03:44 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 21.10.2010.

The driver was sentenced to 780 soldiers in Iraq killed a letter of apology

louis vuitton outlet California, a soldier killed the driver of the Iraq war received an unusual sentence: 15 years to the families of the victims to write an apology letter, a week in lieu of jail.

louis vuitton outletOne day in March 2008, 22-year-old Andrew was rushing to work with high Diao Suo, speeding in the rain, suddenly lost control of car, into the opposite lane, hit the Towers head open car. Towers was precisely because of the redeployment of troops back to the United States while on leave. In the accident, his head high Diao Suo was also injured, after he has been very remorseful. Investigators said that taking a drug with high Diao Suo perhaps, to a certain extent may lead to an accident, but police failed to provide relevant evidence.

High Diao Suo was charged with manslaughter, the maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. However, parents do not want the victims Towers high Diao Suo imprisonment. They told the judge they are more concerned about is to reflect on the driver. High Diao Suo they want to remember this person killed, and his contribution to this country. As a condition of probation, the court sentenced the high Diao Suo in the next 15 years to write 780 a letter of apology.

true religion outlet High Diao Suo said that this is one of the conditions of probation, if not fulfilled, we must take the 15 years in prison. Meanwhile, the high Diao Suo 15 years to drink wine, but also to submit to drug monitoring. High Diao Suo and their lawyers are satisfied with this sentence.

21.10.2010. u 04:14 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 20.10.2010.

Aspects of Intellectual Property Overseas Chinese tourists start with Rogue

louis vuitton outlet Recently, a number of Chinese tourists encountered in Stockholm, Sweden robbed while playing a game, the loss of nearly 160 million yuan. October 8, the Philippines island of the ancient city of over a Chinese business was described by several unidentified men kidnapped, the kidnappers of their driver and bodyguard were shot dead. Series of events took place was robbed once again sounded the alarm for the safety of overseas Chinese. "Chinese tourists are big spenders, the basic line up the door boutiques are Chinese tourists. Rolex watches shop for half an hour of light can be swept, almost everyone at least one LV bag, LV in Europe almost always steal the Chinese people. "In Paris in the restaurant business Xuming Chang have described Chinese tourists.

louis vuitton outletSuper Chinese tourists overseas spending power for many foreign businessmen amazing, but the incidence of theft does not seem to arouse vigilance, criminal gangs to carry large amounts of cash is particularly bullish on the Chinese tourists. Right now, many countries have not yet out of economic difficulties, a variety of criminal acts frequently. With the improvement of the status of overseas Chinese businessmen, the Chamber has become the major targets of criminals committing the crime.

A sense of Chinese business in Africa, economically backward, they suffered money loss of contrast is more worried about how life is not threatened. Johannesburg, South Africa in the logistics business for 7 years experienced Chinese business Yao Chen robbed several times, is still fresh in my memory.

true religion outlet "Here, armed robbery is commonplace. Bandits fired two shots in an empty place, we were scared out of their wits, only robbed obediently. Now there is a small part of the store are always in cash, in order to respond to emergencies in a timely manner to avoid life threatened. "Yao Chen to hold the idea of life-saving care a little money," as long as alive, so good. "after the World Cup in South Africa, the local public security has not improved, the Chinese businessmen are worried about, look forward to a new life, the birth of the investment environment.

20.10.2010. u 04:09 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 19.10.2010.

Male 10 years to steal more than 200 exhibitions coat

louis vuitton outlet Three years ago London Saint Martin Graduate School of Art graduate installation artist Ballard, the years stolen from the bar more than 200 coats, into the latest art exhibitions. Advances in field walking, greets hundreds of pieces of men jacket, cigarette smoke and musty nostrils.

Ballard, 38, admitted theft is not a glorious thing, the purpose of exhibition is one of the coat back to its owner, while the "Art Exhibition experiments" to observe the audience reaction.

Ballard said that one night in 1999, he purchased his new coat was stolen at the bar, so people can not help but dig away the wall of the jacket. He felt guilty, but holding "might be able to steal back his jacket," the hope of continued pilfering.

For this exhibition, Ballard in particular has a lawyer, the police have no objection. However, he refused to show up at the exhibition or the media take photographs. If the coat and remains unclaimed lost property, Ballard for public auction, donation income.

tiffany jewelryExhibit is a lady looking for her son coat, carefully search for more than an hour, disappointed, said: "Picasso said, good artists copy; great artists steal. But no matter how I look, all do not see this Artists (Ballard) where great. "

19.10.2010. u 04:27 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 16.10.2010.

Wrestling Forum Jingxian giantess

louis vuitton outlet Frightened by his body to face a huge opponent, Lyndsay Heyward stepped forward as the other side like a chicken raised over his head, and then fiercely on the floor. This is a wrestling match involving Hayward frequent scene.

louis vuitton bags 23-year old Lyndsay Heyward 2.06 meters tall, from Arizona, now a minor celebrity in the United States. Fans are calling her "Isis", which means an ancient Egyptian goddess. She can easily be thrown out after an adult male lifting a few meters. "I have so many times in the game worked, of course, there a few times in the stadium, the" Hayward jokingly told reporters, "You do not want to see me angry now."

Hayward has been 1.83 meters tall at age 9, and 13 years old and grew to the present height. Completely onto the road of wrestling from the time she was furious that experience. In her 16 years old, face a group of girls make fun of their own, Hayward to lift one of them threw a brick wall. She said: "Since then, some people no longer dare to bully me, and I more and more like my body, this is the best gift God gave me."

Hayward is one of the top U.S. women big. As a professional wrestler, her 3 hours a day to do weight training and eating meat every two hours to increase the strength.

tiffany jewelryAlthough Hayward physically attractive, blond hair and blue eyes, but the emotional life was not so smug. Hayward prefer tall men, saying he will not, and any height 1.93 meters below the boy exchanges. So her ex-boyfriend, including several basketball players and a fitness coach, most of them reached 2.11 meters. "For a man, has a girlfriend so I definitely was a faceless thing," Hayward said with confidence.

16.10.2010. u 03:31 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 15.10.2010.

Easy to make the passengers called the accident the driver distraction

louis vuitton outletBritish scientists recently released a study that, take the small passenger car talking on the phone very easy to disperse the driver's attention, thereby enhancing the probability of traffic accidents.

louis vuitton bags Studies have shown that only hearing the voice of one of them call more than two people to hear the full dialogue to be more distracted. This "half-dialog" Call, make the listener unconsciously reasoning and analysis of telephone the other side of the human language, than to hear the full conversation on the brain three times the occupancy rate of the whole. So passengers using cell phone calls in the small car will be distributed to a large extent the attention of the driver, is a dangerous act.

tiffany jewelryReported the results of this study also shows that people in the train or bus when the hear the call loud strangers bored reasons: because not hear the full dialogue, the human brain will not help to be occupied, in which The next state of the individual patient will fall even lower than usual.

15.10.2010. u 03:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 14.10.2010.

Iron Man U.S. soldiers

louis vuitton outlet U.S. arms industry company "Thor" has recently developed a second generation exoskeleton mechanical equipment "XOS 2", although this design weighing 90 kg, but the soldier put it, not only can easily lift a hundred pounds weight, but also activities ease. This hard body like the movie "Iron Man" lead coming out front!

louis vuitton bagsAccording to reports, a long time, "Raytheon" research and development of mechanical equipment can be used to assist the military on the battlefield, compared to previously published XOS1 exoskeleton mechanical equipment, XOS2 lighter version of the mechanical equipment and more stronger, not only easily lift a weight of about 100 kilograms, can repeat the breakdown 3 inches (about 7.62 cm) thick wood. This is equivalent to a combination of 2 or 3 people work, not only reduce the fatigue of soldiers, but also to double the efficiency strategy.

tiffany jewelryThe company R & D institutions, "Raytheon Sake Si" (Raytheon Sarcos) President Smith said they will target the development of power consumption and efficient use of hydraulic pressure to find a way, thereby reducing energy consumption, additional new features, so, XOS 2 is from series of sensors, actuators and controllers posed by high-pressure hydraulic drive, and power consumption than previous generation by 50%.

Wearing XOS 2, not only greatly increased strength, but also freedom of movement covered the push-ups, football, and other movements up and down stairs is not a problem, this product has even been widely regarded as closest to the Iron Man armor and modern equipment. Coincidentally, XOS 2 with "Iron Man 2" Blu-ray, DVD at the same time released.

14.10.2010. u 03:42 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 13.10.2010.

Experts say pregnant or true men

louis vuitton outletUniversity of Gothenburg, Sweden Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Professor Luo Mu Mats Branstetter has declared that the Swedish researchers have found the secret of successful transplantation of the uterus and has been successful in animal experiments, scientists plan to two years in Sweden infertile women within the world's first successful implementation of the human body "womb transplant." If the success of this operation means that a man theoretically can be transplanted uterus of a female donor, so that I could be pregnant pregnant!

louis vuitton bagsSwedish scientists said that the successful implementation of the animal's uterus transplant surgery involving high complexity of the anti-rejection drugs and new inventions, to accept the animal uterus transplantation uterine pregnancy can help a new birth! It is reported that Swedish scientists first carried out a number of mice uterus transplant, a new uterus transplantation not only by natural mating, pregnant mice, and also successfully gave birth to their young. The researchers also carried out on sheep and pig uterus transplant experiments, the effect is quite satisfactory. The researchers said the transplants in the womb, they will be complex surgery will be donated through the uterine blood vessels and infertile women on the blood vessels connecting the body, so that the donor uterus sufficient blood supply. Donations in infertile women with uterine body stay long enough, until she successfully conceived pregnant.

tiffany jewelryCan not afford the donation of the natural childbirth uterine muscle contraction and other related natural pressure, so the pregnant uterus through the transplantation of donor babies, must be delivered by caesarean out. Because women need long-term use of uterine transplant anti-rejection drugs, so her having children once the uterus through the transplant, her uterus in vivo transplantation of the donor must be removed while receiving caesarean section.

13.10.2010. u 03:13 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 12.10.2010.

"One nostril outlet" good for the human body

louis vuitton outlet Life can not do without breathing. Recently, published in the UK "healthy living" magazine article pointed out that there are many breathing methods, in which two alternate nostril breathing, on the human body has many benefits.

Energetic people. They feel apathetic, tired, just a few alternate nostril breathing exercises, can quickly restore the body energy.

louis vuitton bags Increased brain activity. In distraction, confusion of the time, alternate nostril breathing can increase brain activity. Examination or interview, a 5-minute alternate nostril breathing can effectively activate the brain, people perform better. Clean lungs. For 5 minutes every morning and evening alternate nostril breathing exercises, allowing gas and impurities from the lungs at the end a lot of discharge. Stable excited mood. Anxiety or excitement, through the use of alternate nostril breathing can calm down. Elimination of frustration. Depressed depressed, the intention to do several sets of breathing exercises, can alleviate the negative sentiment on the over-reaction. Improve sleep. If you can not quickly fall asleep at night, then march to the right side, slowly press and hold the right nostril with the right thumb with left nostril breathing. This can activate the parasympathetic and help soothe the nerves.

tiffany jewelry Regulate the body's hot and cold cycles. Yoga in India, representatives of the left nostril, feminine, gentle, quiet and calm, the right nostril on behalf of masculine, fiery, aggressive and power. Often use a single nostril breathing to balance the body hot and cold. About the same time mobilizing the brain. Alternate nostril breathing can make full use around the brain and improve the ability to use the entire brain.

Alternate nostril breathing is the basic approach: to suppress the right nostril with right thumb, with the left nostril, inhale slowly, a few seconds; press and hold the left nostril with ring finger after the thumb opening the right nostril with the right nostril outlet; then re-use the right nostril breathing. Repeated 1-2 group. But if have high blood pressure and other diseases, it can not hold your breath practiced.

12.10.2010. u 03:16 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 11.10.2010.

Good posture so visceral, "relax"

louis vuitton outlet news,As the saying goes, "Stand up, take a ride phase", with a good posture not only looks elegant, but much of the benefits of your body. United States, "electronic health network" recently published an article that sit still, stand up straight, not hunched back, chest ... ... only to develop without proper posture can give you the healthy from the inside out.

Good position to bring the benefits of the most intuitive, is to make you more temperament: standing straight, you will appear more slender, tall; posture will also affect other people think of you, the person sitting upright shoulders, looked relaxed and full of self-confidence, and paralysis, people sitting on a chair look lazy, cold, and distant.

louis vuitton bags, Good posture can improve bone health. When you sit paralyzed, the excess pressure are concentrated in the neck and the spine, over time, may have minor back pain; bad walking posture, running posture is easy to make joints wear, spine may therefore be from all sides " bad pressure "to nerve and blood vessels.

Good posture also allows internal organs, "relax." Whether sitting, standing, or sleeping, as long as the correct posture, can comfortably organs in the body "home." For example, when standing upright shoulders, stomach natural relaxation, can reduce abdominal pain. "On the contrary, if bent, will support the formation of twisted bones, squeeze into the internal organs."

Sit down first, take a deep breath. Before the walk or sit down, nose first, a deep breath and feel the feeling of the abdomen and chest open, then this position "fixed to live" and start working, you can walk. Adhere to the one month you will find, sitting and walking posture will be greatly improved.

tiffany jewelry,According to the monthly sideways shots. Look at photographs of their own, shoulders, whether or not to tip forward, after the hip has over Alice. Changes in cervical curvature will affect your appearance, if you find the picture size changes must be promptly corrected.

11.10.2010. u 03:35 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 09.10.2010.

"Balloon bomb" attack the Japanese Air Self Defense Force base frequency disturbance cited

louis vuitton outlet news,Kyoto, Japan Air Self Defense Force base by the "balloon bomb" attack.

Kyoto Prefecture, according to police sources said yesterday morning, 5 am, located in Kyoto Prefecture Kyotango Tango-cho, Air Self-Defense Force base 35 within the alert, suddenly floated a balloon, the balloon 1 meter in diameter, while hanging a bottle of colorless liquid. Written on a bottle of liquid Arabic text. After receiving notification of the SDF, Kyoto Prefectural Police sent out a rapid reaction teams, to base an investigation. It is not known where this balloon is flying. According to police, is on the liquid and the Arab text analysis and interpretation.

louis vuitton bags, According to Japan's Kyodo News said on October 8, October 6, located in the Sea of Japan near Kyoto Kyotango's "Air Self-Defense Force after 35 cape point guard Tuen Base", found a drop of red balloon, the balloon still hanging plastic bottles containing liquids. Kyoto Prefectural Police wearing gas masks on the liquid were identified, the local has created quite a stir.

But this is the truth 7. From the base of the balloon is about 100 km from the sea, by the release of a naval frigate, the liquid is just an ordinary bottle of water. MSDF Maizuru, said the local director of the Department of "balloon was blown into unexpected places," and repeatedly apologized. It is reported that the balloon diameter of about 1 m, the surface of the plastic bottle with Arabic writing. The release of balloons is to test whether the correct radar found frigate flying objects, but why use the foreign sales of mineral water bottles.

tiffany jewelry,Recently, a Japanese media analysts said, because the collision had just happened in Japan soon, the Japanese public is still in the tense period. In addition, from the Asia-Pacific Summit (APEC) held in Yokohama, only one month, from China and the Middle East will make any of the information the Government of Japan extremely nervous. Air Self Defense Force personnel was that this is the explosives. It is said that the incident even alerted the Japanese Ministry of Defense.

09.10.2010. u 03:32 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 08.10.2010.

Wartime hospital can be easily lifted airship

louis vuitton bags news Australia "air lift" the company has demonstrated its conceptual design and manufacture of disc-shaped airship. R & D staff said that if all goes well, hanging on the end of the mature products are expected to fly 150 tons of heavy objects at least 1200 miles (1931 km), in wartime can be easily hung a small hospital or other building facilities left the danger zone.

The traditional cigar-shaped airship is generally, but this type of airship been caused by the concept of a king disc, R & D personnel, said manipulation of such a design more and more easy to deal with complex and changeable weather. "Air lift" the company said, the ultimate version of the new airship will reach 152 meters in diameter, the size of a football field, driven by the propeller, the load is generally 700 times heavy transport helicopters.

tiffany jewelry Currently, the "air lift" has produced the first generation of prototype products, and its named "Betty", but it is only 3 meters in diameter, the load of just over 0.5 kg. The company said they will continue to build on this prototype R & D, 3 years, 46 meters in diameter is expected to launch the airship.

08.10.2010. u 03:08 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 07.10.2010.

Scientists say: sleep 5-6 hours live longer half-female

louis vuitton bags news New research shows that women do not worry about lack of sleep, night sleep less than 7-8 hours and will not be terrible, in fact, 5 hours to 6 hours of sleep a half may live longer.

Earlier this year, there is a large-scale studies have shown that less than 7 hours of sleep per day with an increased risk of heart disease; another study concluded that less than 6 hours sleep per night were more likely to leave this world before the age of 65 .

However, according to the British "Daily Mail" reported that the United States to 459 of the older woman as the object of recent study found that sleep time slightly less than the previously recommended 7 hours of people, life expectancy is longer than those who sleep more . The researchers hope their findings will help dispel many people think that the idea of insufficient sleep. Although experts recommend adults should sleep on the night 7-9 hours, in order to maintain good health, but many people are actually far lower than the standard sleep time.

University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers in a study since 1995, tracking the first age of 50 and women between 81 and want to establish the relationship between sleep and mortality and found that 5 hours sleep per night to 6 hours and a half people to enjoy the longest survival.

tiffany jewelry He said that this was published in "sleep" the journal report, should be able to alleviate some concerns that their lack of sleep.

07.10.2010. u 03:23 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 06.10.2010.

Former Mayor Yuri Luzhkov of Moscow "change" University Dean

louis vuitton bags news 5th Moscow International University, announced the former Mayor Yuri Luzhkov of Moscow, was appointed Head of Department of the school management of large cities. The school's official website announced on the same day, from 1 October, the International University Professor Emeritus Yuri Luzhkov was appointed Head of Department of city management. In 2002, when he was under the initiative of Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, the school established the city management system, designed to train state and municipal management professionals.

In 1991, when he was when Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and U.S. President George W. Bush signed a joint education agreement, decided to set up the Soviet Union the United States University. In the same year, when he was signed by Russian President Boris Yeltsin ordered the establishment of the University, and was named the Moscow International University. Popov its first president, has served as Luzhkov Mayor of Moscow before the post.

4 this month, Luzhkov told Russian media that he intends to form his own political group, the group will not be registered as political parties, but under the existing political parties, "the Russian democratic reform movement." Luzhkov also said he would not participate in the 2012 presidential election, but intends to presidential and parliamentary elections "influence."

tiffany jewelry September 28, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree to lift as the 18-year-old mayor of Moscow's Mayor Luzhkov, because of its "lost the trust of the Russian Federation President."

Chairman of Russian State Duma, United Russia Party Supreme Council Chairman Boris Gryzlov said the party will be held on 9 October the Mayor of Moscow to the Russian President to submit a list of candidates. The party is currently negotiating to candidates for mayoral candidate.

06.10.2010. u 04:01 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 05.10.2010.

"The father of test-tube baby" was worried about creating "science monster"

louis vuitton bags news Nobel Committee at the local 4 Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, announced this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to British scientist Robert? Edwards, in recognition of "the success of IVF to make human development contribution. "

gucci shoes Nobel Committee said that the achievements of Edwards is that he had invented the "test-tube baby" technology so that medical treatment of infertility means possible, which is called "a milestone in the development of modern medicine."

Infertility afflicts more than 10% of the couples, it is difficult to pass oral drug to cure, to the enormous frustration of patients and the mental pressure is often accompanied by life.

Gucci flat shoes Edwards started from the 50's try to "test-tube baby" method of treatment of infertility. In 1969, he cultivated in vitro human embryos, which is the world's first successful artificial insemination experiments. In 1978, the world's first test tube baby Louise was born in the UK. So far, there are around 400 million test-tube baby is born.

Edwards, the research is not easy, many people worry about the first test-tube baby technology will create "science monster" and even triggered a fierce ethical debate, also part of the donors to stop funding for the project.

tiffany jewelry Currently, IVF technology has improved and widely used in the global average of 20-30% of the fertilized egg to the birth of a healthy baby. Louis and the global 400 million test-tube baby's healthy growth and successful reproduction, effectively crushed those questioned.

05.10.2010. u 03:26 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 04.10.2010.

Europe, the United States issued a travel warning

louis vuitton bags news 3 at the U.S. State Department travel in European countries to American tourists warned against possible risk of terrorist attacks. U.S. State Department said, based on the current information available, the "base" organization and its affiliates are still planning to launch terrorist attacks. European governments have taken action to prevent the risk of possible terrorist attacks. Possible terrorist attack using various means, government and private targets could be attacked object.

gucci shoes U.S. Department of State reminds American tourists traveling in Europe, vigilance against possible public transport system and other tourist facilities, terrorist attacks, to take appropriate security measures to ensure road safety.

Gucci flat shoes U.S. State Department said it would continue to work with European countries to combat crimes including "base" organizations, including the close cooperation of international terrorism, sharing information to foil terrorist plots, to strengthen the defense capabilities of potential threats.

tiffany jewelry Recent media reports, the terrorists plans to follow in 2008 a series of terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, London and the UK, France and Germany to attack major cities in Europe and the U.S. intelligence agencies to thwart the conspiracy.

04.10.2010. u 03:44 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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