
petak, 31.12.2010.

£ 3,500 will only pay when the aristocracy

coach outlet British "award-winning intelligence" has traced to a secret organization to lobby public figures, as long as the commitment to pay £ 3,500 (35,100 yuan), to get Empire, Knights and even title of nobility. The company boasts of its success rate as high as 40% or more, committed to the customer "no win no fee."

coach outlet "Award-winning intelligence" organizations seek to honor customers who each received £ 3000 (30,000 yuan) costs, if customers can successfully knight or noble titles, they will charge £ 500 (5,100 yuan) reward. Star Steven Gerrard (Empire Medal winner), actress Catherine Zeta - Jones (CBE) have been the successful promotion of the organization as an example, even though they have been denied the services of this organization.

louis vuitton outlet In order to obtain details of the operation of the organization, "the Daily Mail on Sunday," a reporter posing as an intermediary, and "award-winning intelligence" organization contacts for business persons who claimed to be a "noble knights or" honor. The organization will first complete the nomination form, and then from a third party letter of recommendation from at least two of these materials will be sent to the Cabinet Office under the honor and the appointment of the Secretariat. After nomination, the names of these customers will be reviewed by experts and sent to the Honorary Committee, they will recommend to the Prime Minister a list of persons granted honorary knighthood, and finally submitted to the Queen.

p90x sale Currently, the organization's behavior has angered the government, the British Government declared that it would monitor the organization. A Cabinet Office spokesman said: "We will seriously deal with any abuse of the British honors system's behavior."

31.12.2010. u 02:22 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 30.12.2010.

Overcrowding, poor quality of construction led to frequent earthquakes struck

coach bag Although many of the contingency of a disaster has its place, but it is human beings their own hands to fight the 2010 deaths of so many, the loss so heavy, it was so extreme year. From the wild weather to the earthquake disaster, its extreme nature and severity of damage caused to mankind are unprecedented. Poor quality construction and brutal exploitation of "working hand in glove", so that the power of the earthquake exceeds the capacity of its own, becoming more deadly. More poor people live in crowded slums of modern cities, where the building vulnerable. This means that in the event of an earthquake or a storm struck the river burst its banks, there will be more people killed.

coach outlet Swiss Re is responsible for disaster risk Shilafute Andreas, vice president, said, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters, "as always, and not much change, all changes are caused by man."

louis vuitton outlet January this year, causing 220,000 deaths in Haiti is an excellent example of this in January, the Haitian capital Port-au-Richter magnitude 7.3 earthquake. Compared with 25 years ago, Port-au-nearly twice the increase in the population, many of whom live in slum buildings in worse quality. Florida International University's head of disaster risk reduction management, Richard Olsen said that if the same earthquake hit the region in 1985, may cause 8 million deaths. In contrast the Chilean earthquake. February of this year, Chile's second largest city of Concepcion Wengfa Sheng magnitude 8.8 earthquake, recorded in history as the fifth since the earthquake, the energy released its 7.3 magnitude earthquake in Haiti is about 500 times, but in Chile smaller than the Haitian population density, higher quality buildings, which caused 1,000 deaths.

p90x sale Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Colorado, Bill Graham Roger in February of a "Nature" magazine, wrote: "Some of the recent earthquake, the building served as the role of weapons of mass destruction. Is it not suicide ? We build houses in the earthquake killed ourselves; we build houses in the flood comes, wrecking our own. "Bill Graham said the world is more and more people flock to cities , which the city is located in the fault zone and flood prone areas. He pointed out that the global 400-500 million people live in earthquake-prone cities. Like Haiti, will be such a disaster from happening again.

30.12.2010. u 02:05 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 29.12.2010.

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko involving misappropriation of $ 120,000

coach bag Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office again on former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko Keti from the allegations, because the latter alleged misappropriation of about 12 million.

coach outlet This is the second time Tymoshenko has been accused of. 22 Attorney General's Office announced that Tymoshenko as prime minister suspected of selling greenhouse gas emissions to received pension funds, involving about 2.2 million. If the convicted, Tymoshenko will face up to 10 years in prison. In addition, Tymoshenko was arrested two members of the former cabinet because of alleged abuse of power.

louis vuitton outlet Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office 24, also said that during his tenure Tymoshenko alleged misuse of government funds to 100 million euros (about 131 million). Prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation or Tymoshenko once again face charges.

p90x sale The Prosecutor General's Office Vic Top 24 male card, said Tymoshenko during employment, in connection with acquisition of an ambulance on behalf of the Ministry of Health to purchase 1000 Opel cars. However, she was in February this year during the presidential campaign into personal use of these vehicles for the propaganda campaign.

29.12.2010. u 02:24 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 28.12.2010.

Cuba, the artist painted head football field size gravel Obama

coach outlet A Cuban living artist in Barcelona, Spain in the last 10 years has created a picture by creating a huge personality and characteristics.

coach outlet This painter named Jorge Rodriguez Gerada, 44 years old, his masterpiece "picture series of personality and the Earth" (Identity and Terrestrial Series) throughout Europe and Latin America, or in the building 60 feet high, or on 2.5 acres of flat land on. Jorge is not only interested in the work show personality, also emphasized the use of high technology can help work stand out.

louis vuitton outlet His work has a huge head Obama, 120 meters long, 80 meters wide. According to Jorge, said the painting is done in the U.S. presidential election, through the use of vectors and GPS technology to outline the contours of the ground, and then different colors of sand to fill. In his creation of "personality" series of works in the process, Jorge will first choose some outstanding personality characters, modeled on their head and then make a model, then draw on buildings vivid images.

p90x sale said: "Everyone should be respected. We are not by the individual wearing the clothing brand to decide. Who should we choose to explore our cultural symbols, model Pioneer, values and aesthetics, etc.."

28.12.2010. u 02:49 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 27.12.2010.

UFO seekers poured into the military assistance of France village mayor

coach outlet Southwestern France a small village of only 189 people in recent months, the influx of a large number of UFO seekers, they think the advent of the village is the end of the world where the only escape the catastrophe. Bear with their owners because of this small village mayor has requested the military to send troops blocked the road and out of the village. Reported that the village is located in Bucharest Hash southwest France, is a picturesque small village, inhabited by 189 people. In recent months, a large number of UFO seekers who flock to destroy the tranquility of this village. Bucharest Hash village is located 4,000 feet high peak at the foot of Budd-Chiari Hashemi, and a large number of aliens who believe that this peak is alien hangar, once the end of the world, hiding in the top of the rock aliens will take the following their spacecraft to leave Earth, when the survival of the human nature in the surrounding will be fortunate enough to be taken away.

coach outlet Cause of the incident is one of the old village had previously declared that he had seen in this part alien spacecraft landing, since this became a place frequented by alien fans. Also spread online even former French President Francois Mitterrand had a secret helicopter landing at the top, the former Nazi organizations and the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad has also been done at the top secret exploration. Also, according to Mayan prophecy prophet, the Earth will be December 21, 2012 destruction of human civilization will also be completely dead. This is more so to get the village growing number of people seeking asylum, it was held in the vicinity of a variety of mysterious religious rites, and even the rich to buy huge amounts of money out of property around Bucharest Hash peak.

louis vuitton outlet Pierre de los Bucharest Hash chief of the village was simply told "Daily Telegraph" interview, said: "If tomorrow there are a million people in here, can only accommodate 200 people as a small village We will be unable to cope. I have reported our concerns to the local government. With the December 2012 arrival of the growing, if necessary, we hope that the military can be sent over. "Pierre Delaunay was added: "In the U.S. some of the site, already being sold to the tourist village of Bucharest Hash tickets. They are in business, some people have organized to visit and pray."

p90x sale Pierre Delaunay was said that since people reported seeing a UFO, the in the past 10 years, people have been constantly coming to this village. He said: "He claimed he saw an alien, and heard the hum of an alien spacecraft." The named tile forces Switzerland
Austin, a man told reporters: "Budd Hashemi Village is a beautiful place But now, but you can find many people out there wandering, meditation or chanting. if I really believe the earth will be destroyed, I will consider how to spend over the coming two years, rather than to seek refuge. "

27.12.2010. u 02:19 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 25.12.2010.

British "Ogre" was sentenced to life imprisonment

coach bag England, a court in the northern city of Leeds, 21, convicted a British man convicted of murder and sentenced him to life imprisonment. Judgement of the Court of Final Appeal said that the name of self-proclaimed "Cross Bow Ogre" cheat lure the murderer, killing three women.

coach outlet Stephen Griffiths, aged 40, is a murder of a British university psychology doctoral students. June of this year, he was charged with the murder of three women engaged in prostitution, 21, of Leeds Criminal Tribunal for final adjudication of this case. Court, Griffith confessed to their murder.

louis vuitton outlet He admitted that in June 2009 to May 2010, he lured the three women to his home in Bradford, but after they killed and mutilated postmortem. Reuters, citing court documents, 21, said the victim was 36-year-old Susanna Brad Myers and other three women, all apartments in the vicinity of Griffith vice establishments make a living. Griffiths Court judge convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.

p90x sale Court, Griffith face numb, he admitted personally dismembered three victims, he called his home "abattoir" Brad Myers called the raw part of the body, his evaluation of himself as a "cross Ogre bow. " Police data show that Griffiths had a criminal record.

25.12.2010. u 02:16 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 24.12.2010.

Benitez class change "soap opera"

coach bag In all of Italy is that Benitez will certainly leave the position when the Inter Milan coach, club president Massimo Moratti Inter suddenly denied the Spanish coach has class. But in Beijing early this morning, Benitez's agent has said publicly that Garcia Quillon, Benitez has agreed to the details of breach of contract talks with Inter Milan, Inter Milan side he is currently an urgent consultation with the post-compensation for breach of contract Tomorrow should be a formal termination message.

coach outlet Why Benitez lingering with Inter Milan. The most direct reason is that, although Moratti and coach for Benitez unhappy working attitude, but really hard to find a suitable temporary successor. Moratti of Italy most would like to marshal Capello to the FA yesterday to ensure that he has no intention to leave the England coach's job, and go all out to lead England's Euro 2012 campaign. In addition, Capello's son, is also his legal advisor to the Football Association Pierre Filippo also made the same commitment.

louis vuitton outlet Beijing early this morning and Italy was news that the latest news. Although Moratti repeatedly stressed that Benitez is still in the Nerazzurri helm, but Benitez's agent, Garcia Quillon the situation has voluntarily disclosed the extent of progress, "We are in consultation Inter Milan to cancel the contract after the breach of contract payments and compensation matters. We do not reach final agreement, tomorrow we will continue to conduct consultations and negotiations with Inter, should have a final conclusion. "

p90x sale Benitez class into soap opera, the key question or penalty and the issue of succession. It is widely predicted, according to Italian media, and ultimately the two sides could reach agreement on the eight million euros. AC Milan last season's Brazilian coach Leonardo most likely after Christmas as Inter's new coach.

24.12.2010. u 02:41 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 23.12.2010.


coach outlet Ask people in the old feelings, their answers may be Asia's answer to Morris Qiewa force similar to Qiewa Power Asia, said: "When you think of death, age, bigger is not a bad thing." stiffen joints, muscle relaxation, visual impairment, memory fuzzy, with contempt for the modern world, the elderly, aging appears to be a scary prospect - probably better than death, but not much better, but people fear of change is always wrong. Life is not a high point from the sun's slow fall into the valley of death and a long decline. Human happiness is a U-turn.

louis vuitton outlet When people become adults, they are generally happy. When they entered middle age, things began to decline, until they reached mid-life crisis is widely described as the lowest point in life. So far, all sounds are commonplace. Surprisingly, it appears after that. Although when people enter old age lost their cherished things: energy, mental sharpness, physical appearance, but they will also get people to spend a lifetime seeking things: happiness.

p90x sale A new faction of economists proposed the conclusion of this intriguing, they tried to get an assessment of human happiness is not limited to money. Traditional economists as a function of the agency money. But some economists do not believe that money and there is a direct correlation between happiness, they decided to study this question in depth in person to measure happiness itself.

louis vuitton outlet These ideas have infiltrated the political, Bhutan has begun to introduce in the formulation of development plans, "Gross National Happiness" concept, all new policies will be, "Gross National Happiness" assessment. French President Nicolas Sarkozy asked the two 2008 Nobel laureate in economics Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen proposed a more extensive than the gross national product "national happiness index." Cameron announced last month that British Prime Minister, the British government will begin collecting data on happiness.

23.12.2010. u 02:23 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 21.12.2010.

Men's extramarital affairs website was built in France

coach outlet A French youth for setting up extra-marital affairs in the U.S. dating site for married people to provide the opportunity to find one-night stand, and advertised, and occasionally derailed relax, but also save the brink of a broken marriage.

louis vuitton outlet 27-year-old Chu Cho (Teddy Truchot) engineers have received training, he set up last year is full of French flavor of the "Happy Garden of Eden" ( website, has registered nearly 54 million people, mostly Europeans, alone France had almost 25 million members. The French reputation for infidelity "known" and will never be an extra-marital affairs, Department of trip.

p90x sale Zhuo Chu said the site can be a great success, showing there are too many changes in this era, so the economic independence of women are no longer afraid of betrayal in the end. Zhuo Chu said, women members just want to flirt with people on the network, "because their husband did not praise them for a long time."

louis vuitton outlet Chu Zhuoming in the United States in February for the creation of the site, want to make too much pressure on the married person to relax, to save the brink of emotional breakdown.

21.12.2010. u 02:25 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 20.12.2010.

British women become the supermarket to buy potato chips "mouse film" climbed out of pocket hundreds of young rats

coach outlet Recently a woman went to the British chain of shopping malls to buy things, when she wandered to select potato chips snack area, and found the hands of different sizes that bag of potato chips have a small hole inside a pick-up only to fall out of a new born baby mice.

louis vuitton outlet Liz Ouray (Liz Wray) recently went to Aston Birmingham (Aston, Birmingham) region of the Tesco shopping, when she was in the store to buy potato chips (multipacks of crisps), and found one of them covered with a small bag of potato chips packaging hole, she took up as much as dozens of newborn rats ran out from the inside.

p90x sale Ouray, said what she thought it was the beginning of a new product, a close look only to find that only the pink rats, "the mouse crawling on the ground is disgusting, they are a spread out when I screamed."

louis vuitton outlet Ouray had to buy potato chips, only to get a "mouse film." She rushed to the shop to respond, but the staff has said that at that time said, "because the warehouse adjacent to the canal and railway, so this thing is very common rat," to hear this answer, she immediately reported anger, so that the incident was exposed.

20.12.2010. u 02:10 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 18.12.2010.

Sudden drop in temperature of 6 patients prone to keep out the cold?

coach outlet Will sympathetic stimulation in patients with cold excited, resulting in increased cardiac contractility, peripheral vasoconstriction, resulting in increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure, high blood pressure likely to cause blood pressure fluctuations. This easily lead to cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction risk. Itself has suffered in particular stroke, myocardial infarction, patients with diseases such as cerebral infarction, more relapse due to climate change.

louis vuitton outlet Hint: high risk of cardiovascular diseases and to go out as little as possible, reduce or stop the morning exercise. If not go out is not required to make precautionary measures, with particular attention to the head warm. In addition, the home to regular exercise, drink plenty of water to reduce blood viscosity. Diet, drink less, eat cold food, pay attention to a balanced diet. Emotional, try to keep calm, do not Dabeidaxi. Of course, the need to follow doctor's orders to take medication regularly.

p90x sale Cold weather, cold, flu, pneumonia, old chronic bronchitis, asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases of high incidence. The elderly and children more susceptible.

louis vuitton outlet Tip: pay attention to moisture at home, regular window ventilation to keep air circulation. Diet to eat less greasy and other spicy food spicy, drink plenty of water. Out best to wear a mask to prevent bacteria and viruses from the nose and mouth into the body, dressed appropriately to be Bo Hou, should not cover their sweating, or more susceptible to cold. Little to crowded places, wash your hands with soap immediately after the home, not dirty hands to pull the nose. Usually supplemented by a number of therapeutic side can improve resistance to diseases, such as chicken soup, garlic, etc., are of great benefit to improve the body immunity.

18.12.2010. u 01:59 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 17.12.2010.

Cover defects in the charm

coach outlet Psychopaths are usually very attractive, but their emotional, language understanding, and many other areas are flawed. A man named Brad jail felony. An interview, he described how the hijacking had a young woman, raped her for two days tied to a tree, breaking the last cut the throat to kill her. He then ended with a few words: "Do you have a girlfriend, right? I think the care (caring), communication (communication) and mercy (compassion) that 3 'C' is really important. This is a good relationship with others in the key, so I try to '3 C 'around each of the principles and get along. "He said these words without hesitation, apparently did not realize the terrible crimes in the confession after the fact, how awkward this self-defense.

louis vuitton outlet Psychopath can not understand the feelings of themselves and others. Imagine if a person is not sad, never regret and low self-esteem, on anything, no one indifferent, he look like? Psychopath's emotional world is very simple: it will not be upset and angry when arbitrary, as long as the stimulus by some trivial, it may be to cheating, plagiarism, rape and even murder. They can not understand the dedication, guilt or the pleasure of such complex emotions.

p90x sale In 2002, the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, James Blair's research shows that psychopaths is difficult to perceive sound through the emotions of others, nor can identify with the fear of emotional facial expressions. In 1991, Canadian psychologist Robert Harley, who completed the classic experiments show that psychopaths do not notice the nuances of emotion in speech. Committed in the prison before the researchers flashed some words, some of which the meaning of the word is positive (such as "milk"), some are negative (such as "scars"), the other is a neutral term (such as the "gate"). For non-psychopaths, when the word flashed with emotional tendencies on the screen, their brain will automatically respond electroencephalogram displayed a different peak. The psychopath kind of emotional reaction will not speed up the word, EEG waveform, also without any change.

louis vuitton outlet University of Wisconsin-Madison Joseph Newmann that psychopath's cold is caused by the distortion of attention. Once a target concentration noted, psychopath would have been "tracking" down, as if they do not get off the train station not the same. This highly focused, full speed ahead in the trend, coupled with the impulse psychopath, the film may lead to "cold-blooded killer" terrorist scenario described: almost no night for the purpose of torture; two criminal acts of violence began soon , will be the possible end to this crime information (such as the victims begged) regardless of whether, and do not give up.

17.12.2010. u 01:48 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 16.12.2010.

South African crocodile killed the small buffalo alive

coach outlet A British tourist shot in South Africa recently to be a crocodile killed a small buffalo picture alive.

louis vuitton outlet This photos were taken in Johannesburg, South Africa (Johannesburg) in the Mara Mara Wildlife Reserve (MalaMala Game Reserve). At that time visitors are watching the river water buffalo in groups, then, a crocodile in it. But the buffalo and the "foreign guests," seemed to get along, do not see tension looked, nor the next, "Zhu Keling."

p90x sale Suddenly, the alligator attack in which a small open Xuepentaikou buffalo. The surprise is that the other buffalo was unmoved, still quite calm and continue to drink plenty of water, small water buffalo's mother was among them, meaning there is no rescue.

louis vuitton outlet Buffalo are generally to protect their children, so this scenario is also surprising. 2 hours after the attack about excessive bleeding death of a small buffalo.

16.12.2010. u 02:18 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 15.12.2010.

With neighboring countries, say hello to the elephant trunk Huwo

coach outlet This fascinating scene in the African Church, r. (Chobe River) by the shooting, two intertwined in an elephant trunk, which one from Namibia (Namibia), the other from Botswana (Botswana). This photo was taken on board the photographer was sitting and saw that elephant from Namibia, with the trunk as a "snorkel breathing tube", through the "border" Qiu than the river, saw the elephant in Botswana neighbors, also wading join, welcome its visitors.

louis vuitton outlet Chiu than the river has a large number of crocodiles, hippos and birds come and go, the photographer said in the afternoon to see 8-10 elephants in Botswana along the cluster, and then found that one off the team waded to the river.

p90x sale because it saw the original The elephant came to visit neighboring countries, so it do "host of friendship", with action, welcomed the first smell each other, then shake hands like a normal trunk entwined, then landed with two elephants, which disappeared in the woods .

louis vuitton outlet Local tour guide said that the behavior of these two elephants in the more common in young elephant, is a way of greeting, but also a game; but guides are also warned that even elephants seem mild, but they unpredictable temper, so when close to an elephant or to secure the best policy.

15.12.2010. u 02:14 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 14.12.2010.

United Kingdom 85 years can use a toaster

coach outlet A 74-year-old gentleman UK Sport to have a toaster is greater than his age, has 85 years of age. Kang old man living in Bedford County. Not long ago his mother died when he was finishing the house discovered the toaster factory in 1926. Kang said that the toaster is the people to send his grandmother, the grandmother was to her mother, and now to his hands.

p90x sale said that the toaster is quite simple, 20 cm wide, 20 cm long. Entered, and look you can see wires.

louis vuitton outlet said out of curiosity, what he tried, the results still available, so he now baked bread with this antique. Kang said that with this machine to bake 4 minutes 2 slices bread, toasted to the midway, the bread will rise up and make people turn it over to bake.

14.12.2010. u 04:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

British 6-year-old boy drink breast milk since childhood

coach outlet Particularly cold winter this year, the UK, living in Nanyuekexia valley (South Yorkshire village) Amanda (Amanda Hurst) shirt off in the cold morning feeding, surprisingly, in addition to 5-month-William (William) in addition, her 6-year-old son Jonathan (Jonathan) to share with her mother and brother also offer "breakfast."

p90x Jonathan get up now, after 6 years of age, not open the refrigerator to get milk to drink, instead of lying on her mother s lap, while bleary-eyed look at his younger brother, while sucking breast milk to meet the ground. When Jonathan 3 years old, Amanda, told his son that he can no longer drink breast milk, but she found it impossible to change the son's "habit", when his little brother after the report, Jonathan's interest in breast milk higher.

louis vuitton outlet "I know some people think it strange," said 29-year-old Amanda, "but I think it is perfectly natural." She said, the eldest son, while still drinking mother's milk, but less and less, only in the morning will often drink the milk. Amanda said that while breast-feeding two sons to drink only about five or six, because "the difficulty is too high," and Jonathan have to lie down beside her, and the shore itself.

14.12.2010. u 02:19 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 13.12.2010.

"Fate of the radiation" does not exist

p90x Let me reveal the mystery of the planet that affect our lives. Scientists measuring, observation and experimental methods such as has been proved to us that there are 4 kinds of basic forces: electromagnetic, strong interaction, weak interaction and gravity. As it involves too many details, this is no longer described in detail, but these forces will not simply because of the location of stars or planets in the arrangement, the impact on human life.

louis vuitton outlet If the addition to the 4 basic forces, and with a mysterious force from the planets that affect our destiny, then, obviously not from any restrictions on that power, that is a star or planet does not matter much in the last . If so, then we found around other stars in the hundreds of stars running exoplanets it? Milky Way over 200 billion stars, how counted? From their "power" is also affecting us?

coach outlet Thankfully, such a mess, "Destino" is not true, otherwise we will be rushed from all over the "impact" only know how to do a run around like a fool. Here, you should be able to understand that I do not appreciate astrology. This is nothing more than what the people want to listen to the words to them, or promise to vulnerable people the things they want. Fortunately, I have never heard of anyone because of what astrologers do not predict everything go Kyrgyzstan, and scared to stay at home afraid to go out.

13.12.2010. u 02:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 11.12.2010.

Newborn baby girl grow into a 10-year-old documentary online crazy pass

p90x Recently passed a crazy video on the Internet, a father of 10-year-old daughter from birth photos every day to bring together people to see a newborn baby is only 1 minute 23 seconds in the growth process of a little girl . Netizens have praised the father's unique creativity.

louis vuitton outlet Parents often say that children are too long, and the existing video recording on a magical proof of this. Video of the protagonist is a 10-year-old girl named Natalie, from birth, Natalie's father, every day taking pictures of her. This video shows Natalie from a newborn baby, in just 1 minute 23 seconds to grow a 10-year-old girl process.

coach outlet The video has been uploaded to the Internet, the attracting millions of people around the world to watch. Only in the YouTube site, the video had been viewed 833,000 times, and published a large number of users who commented praised the video of vagary. A YouTube user said: "If I had this idea can also have enough."

11.12.2010. u 02:38 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 10.12.2010.

U.S. wealth "leisure class" less and less

p90x Canada 7, a survey shows that the current 1% of the total population of Canada's richest people, their total income 2 / 3 are from salary. In the fifties and sixties of last century, the population pay less than half of total income. At the same time, in recent years the U.S. has also experienced similar growth. Therefore, some experts believe that by investing a fortune, spend time sailing or playing golf in the "leisure class" is becoming extinct, the rich are more and more hard-working entrepreneurs and executives replaced.

louis vuitton outlet The survey by the Canadian Policy Research Center implementation. The report notes that the rich are getting richer. However, like most Canadians, like most people work more and more dependent on revenue. In the postwar fifties and sixties of last century, salary from 45.4% of total revenue, but now it is 67.6%, other income from investments, such as stock dividends and shareholders benefit.

coach outlet Studies have shown that the United States also experienced similar growth. According to economics professor at the University of California Eyman Neil Sise Income Study done in 2008, wage income of the richest 1% of the population accounted for 56% of revenues, compared to 40% in 1960 increased. The rest is dividends, interest income and rents. He also found that the richest 1% of the population owned only one-third ownership of enterprises. Data show that today's high-income people through the accumulation of wealth is no longer the revenue of the "rentier", but "hard work of the rich", they are paid employees or not the accumulation of wealth to the "gilded" age Regal the same level of emerging entrepreneurs.

10.12.2010. u 02:26 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 09.12.2010.

Sunrise Japanese Shinkansen opened the first hour emergency stop fault

p90x After 20 years of effort, across the board, Tohoku Shinkansen (Tokyo to New Aomori) on November 4 was finally ushered in the opening day. But in the full opening of the first day, there was the train link problem. Then, they encountered the storm hit, resulting in the first day there more than 1 hour stop the embarrassing situation.

louis vuitton outlet Aomori Station for the Northeast from the new Shinkansen trains full opening of the first "Wind 12" in Morioka in Iwate Prefecture arrived at the station, coming in with the Akita Shinkansen train "Small Town 12" is linked (the two Shinkansen train line links the drive to Tokyo) on the link is not the fault occurred, the results of the train is late than the scheduled 13 minutes, and finally departs for Tokyo from Morioka.

coach outlet To 11:15 Xu, Fukushima Prefecture in the vicinity of the measurement of wind speed over 30 meters per second, along the Shinkansen train an automatic emergency stop. Afternoon, the storm area to expand, from Tokyo to Morioka station along the entire suspension of service, the results linked to the Yamagata Shinkansen Akita Shinkansen and the suspension of service along with more than 1 hour. Although the weekend, relatively few passengers, but also caused more than 17,000 passengers can travel by car on time.

09.12.2010. u 02:11 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 08.12.2010.

Mexican police arrest "baby killer"

p90x South of the capital Mexico City, Mexican police arrested an airport and a 14-year-old boy on suspicion he was months ago "YouTube" Web site widespread, for the effectiveness of local drug trafficking organizations, professional killer doll was speculation that he was only 12 years old.

louis vuitton outlet reports, the teen ruthless, the officers believed that he had personally killed at least four people, and even tried to decapitate the victim. Police also arrested his 19-year-old sister, suspected her brother had helped dispose of part of the body. Investigators also seized the boy who two mobile phones, which saved some photos of the victims.

coach outlet Jimenez was arrested juvenile Mingjiao Xi, nicknamed "Peng Chiss." He was 3 at midnight local time in the middle of an airport within the State of Morelos arrested. And sister when he was preparing to board a plane to the northern city of Tijuana. After the police arrested Jimenez, charge Morelos Ministry of Justice, he met with reporters outside the building. He himself admitted it since the age of 11 for drug trafficking when the killer has killed four people, cut the throat of the deceased.

08.12.2010. u 02:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 07.12.2010.

"Countdown" fireworks, you see it?

p90x The closing ceremony of the day saying, "shoot-off," Mr. Zhang acquired photographic equipment with new, came to live with friends in the Regal Riviera Court in order to capture the moment fireworks bloom. "Ten seconds last only for a short time, I was did not react, just keep pressing the shutter." Zhang said with a smile, took digital fireworks just "serendipitously," look at home shooting photos found this interesting scene.

louis vuitton outlet Zhang said that, these days, he has been concerned about the media coverage of the closing ceremony of the Guangzhou Asian Games, the countdown has not seen a fireworks display pictures, and that her friends have said "I did not pay attention." Zhang persistent laments: "Digital fireworks scene is so wonderful, so interesting, but unfortunately we are not aware of."

Reviewing the Asian Games closing ceremony fireworks press reports, indeed, the media most of the "fire" focused on the "sheep" word of fireworks, ignoring the reciprocal of this fireworks show. A few mentioned in the media "continued to enjoy a feast of fireworks, the fireworks discharge frequency gradually decreased, when we all thought that the fireworks will soon be closed, played a central tower in Guangzhou golden Arabic numerals", but see the text but not maps, not can cause widespread concern.

coach outlet "The fireworks countdown, is rare. Asian Games torch the reciprocal of the fireworks fireworks slowly extinguished the last minute, time seems to stop at at 22:00:00 on the 27th ... ..." The fireworks countdown to wrap up as the Asian Games closing pen, perfect. Perhaps, Mr. Zhang's not romantic in everyone, but everyone should perhaps be remembered, Guangzhou City, which had been bright and has a special scene.

07.12.2010. u 02:10 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 06.12.2010.

How to cook, "Paul calcium" diet

louis vuitton outlet Put some vinegar and meat dish, ribs and other meat dish is rich in calcium, but calcium mainly in the form of calcium carbide, dissolved easily in cooking when the stew, it is difficult to be absorbed. When cooking, put the right amount of vinegar can not only remove the odor, which can also make ribs in the acetate of calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals dissolved out, which will help absorption. Also, vinegar can also promote the absorption of the protein to prevent the destruction of vitamins in food.

coach outlet Over the water boiled leafy vegetables, spinach, amaranth and other leafy green vegetables rich in nutrition, but such a high oxalic acid content in vegetables, while the oxalic acid is easy and the body's calcium-binding form insoluble calcium oxalate. Calcium oxalate is not absorbed by the body not only use, but also hinder the body's absorption of calcium, it is best eaten boiled with water. Remove the oxalic acid, and then, and tofu, egg fried together, they will not form insoluble calcium oxalate, and nutrition is also greatly enhanced.

coach outlet Rice, beans soak, rice and wheat flour contains more phytic acid, with calcium to form insoluble calcium phytate, affect calcium absorption. Therefore, it is recommended that people should first soak the rice in warm water for half an hour, remove the part of the phytic acid, flour and then cooking it is recommended that the first fermentation. Similarly, soybeans also contain a high phytic acid, a good idea to soak before eating, can contribute to the body absorb calcium better. In addition, vitamin C can promote calcium absorption, so more food will be calcium and vitamin C content of tomatoes and other foods with high, is conducive to calcium absorption.

06.12.2010. u 01:38 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 04.12.2010.

Succession to the Throne of Japan Princess is still a thorny future

louis vuitton outlet December 1 Princess Aiko of Japan's 9-year-old birthday, the students had been beaten and was a little girl refused to go to school, and now has begun to adapt to school life. Imperial Household Agency released today by the news that son at school, time becomes longer, and can play with classmates. After school, but also all kinds of things can the school and the father Mama, has recently been practicing calligraphy, and learn to sing and play the piano.

coach outlet Reported that the Japanese media reports when the son of the growth process full of contradictions. Since there is currently unable to determine whether the son inherited the throne of Japan in the future queen, the son, while reporting on the media are concerned about the present royal family members, only a boy, just entering kindergarten in the fall this year, Xiao Palace son. Akishino is the youngest son of the Emperor of Japan, and now the Crown Prince is the brother. According to the Japanese Imperial House, son of the father - the first heir to the throne Crown Prince is the love child is the second heir. However, the Japanese conservative forces hope Akishino son to become the future emperor. Terms as if son will marry a civilian, and her cousin to take her place as Emperor.

louis vuitton outlet reported that Japan also has a royal opinion hope to learn the practice of the British royal family to allow the Queen there. However, this idea was the conservative forces in the negative, the conservative forces that, while the Queen existed in Japanese history, but the Emperor or should by men. Reports said that once the current crown prince became emperor, he must establish a new Crown Prince, in the end is to establish their own daughter, or to establish their own nephew? This will be a major problem the Japanese imperial family.

04.12.2010. u 02:14 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 03.12.2010.

Experts tell you to live 22 years Method 5

coach outlet 1. Italian scientists found that at least a day to eat a raw vegetables, can extend the life of 2 years.

2. University of Alabama researchers found that: If the BMI (body mass index) is always between 25 to 35, will shorten the life span of 3 years. So if overweight, we must exercise. Studies have shown that people who used to sit, exercise at least three times a week.

coach bags 3. Loma Linda University United States a group of scientists from the living habits of people live longer track records and found that 5 times a week to eat nuts that people can live on almost 3 years.

4. Australia, a group of scientists conducted more than 70-year-old study found that: those who make friends very wide range of corresponding increase in life expectancy, the average increase of 7 years.

louis vuitton outlet5. Yale University scientists found that day with those who worry about their deteriorating health condition of elderly people compared to positive treatment of the elderly to the aging process to live for 7 years.

03.12.2010. u 02:15 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 02.12.2010.

Scientists find the history of the most "boring" day: April 11, 1954

coach outlet William AcBel a scientist at Cambridge University has invented a computer program properly, through the program found that the history of April 11, 1954 without any major event happened that day, since 1900 is the most boring day.

coach bags On that day, the Belgian general elections, a Turkish scholar was born, there is the death of a British soccer player. In addition to these, it never happened. This procedure is named William as the "true knowledge", the principle is to enter "on the people, places, time and events," the 300 million historical event. This complex calculation is based on the extent to which a message is linked with another one. Found by calculating the age of 50 since 1900 on Sunday is the most boring day.

louis vuitton outlet said: "There is no important people died on this day, and no major has happened, and indeed of the twentieth century have a lot of famous people born each day, I do not know why only one day a scholar born in Turkey." According to reported that France was still a small colony in the Indian city of Cameron in the military planning that night had changed, but in the end nothing happened. Professor Williams emphasized that this procedure is not only to identify the most boring day of the design. He said: "It's real purpose is to provide a more intelligent Internet search for information."

02.12.2010. u 02:11 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 01.12.2010.

Chairman of an Indian five-story building cost of living 27, £ 6.3 billion

coach outlet Recently, the richest of India's premier, Fidelity Industrial Group Chairman Mu Kaishen Amu Barney finally moved into his dream home. It is reported that this is located in the city of Mumbai, 27-story building 173 meters high, housing a total area of 37,000 square meters, cost about 6.3 billion pounds. Building not only rooms, studios, fitness clubs, dance halls and a series of live lounge, and cinema can accommodate 50 people, a large garden, can accommodate three helicopter parking apron and can be 160 cars 6 level parking lot. In order to maintain the normal operation of the building, Mukesh is spared no expense to hire 600 people to take care of daily affairs.

coach bags Called "Andy Elijah," the luxury of a name from the mythical island, Mukesh as the name intended to create their dream home to play. As Andy Australian first-class interior decoration, some people compare it to a second Taj Mahal in India. Such large-scale luxury spending the daily operation of natural and ultimately, it is learned in addition to the wages of more than 600 employ expenditures, photoelectric charges a monthly must spend at least į 98,000. But Mukesh has, announced that thousands of people like Andy Elijah house, but it is more bit of everything, his pursuit of the only quality of life, not a luxury.

louis vuitton outletMumbai population density is very large, live here at least 3 per square kilometer people. Mukesh and Andy as a private mansion Australia, only 5 tailor - Mukesh husband and wife and their three children, comfort is evident. To celebrate the housewarming, Mukesh invited, including entrepreneurs, movie stars, etc., more than 80 guests to the party Andy Elijah, to experience living in a "palace" in the well-being. India's leading fiction writers were invited to visit the Sorbian Bernhard after laments that, "This is simply heaven, the Palace of Versailles in front of it at best be regarded as a distant cousin."

01.12.2010. u 03:54 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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