
utorak, 30.11.2010.

U.S. cracked the victims of rampant prostitution ring for 10 years mostly underage girls

coach outlet The U.S. government has indicted a 29 Somalis and Somali-American mafia gangs composed of, they form a company presence in the United States for 10 years. During this period, they lured young girls as prostitutes and threats, the formation of prostitution. Prostitutes to free "company person" services, and foreign workers will have to charge.

coach bags Criminals through the abuse, threats and deception and other means, the young girls turned off into their prostitution. Crime members ranged in age from 19 to 38 years old, this loose organizational structure, in addition to operating prostitution ring, the robbery or the sale of cannabis usually do business, unlike the United States as other major drug syndicates.

A pseudonym "Jane 2" girl gang controlled by this 2006, when she was only 12 years old. Company policy, company personnel can get free "Jane 2" services, while others have to pay money or drugs. In the ensuing three years, "Jane 2" by these criminals brought to Somalia, Minnesota and Tennessee, in the apartments, motels and shopping malls, and toilet, as members of criminal gangs, performance, and continuously pick up passengers.

louis vuitton outletAnother girl "Jane 1" in 2005 by the gang to the Tennessee and Ohio, and drug use during sex for money, was only 14 years old. The third girl, "Jane 3" in 2008 after a dispute with his mother lured the gang when she was only 15 years old, but she was lucky from the organization of the "female boss" (18 years) in the hands escape.

30.11.2010. u 02:26 • 4 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 29.11.2010.

Indonesian maid abuse by Saudi employers cut lips were broken legs

coach outlet 23-year-old Indonesian woman Su Yadi honey went to Saudi Arabia in July this year, when the maid, only to brutally abuse by employers, fingers broken, was the iron burns, and even cut off the lips. The shocking news headlines in Indonesia, triggering outrage.

coach bags At present, honey Su Yadi scarred head wound bandages, wound a small part of the swelling of the lips, upper and lower body has burn marks, multiple fractures, in the Shate Mai to that city to accept only a hospital. According to reports, she flew to Saudi Arabia in July when the maid, hoping to return home up to make money. But employers and their daughter, regularly beat her, cut her with scissors part of the lips, with iron burns to her back, breaking her finger and broke her leg, causing her unable to walk.

3 weeks ago, the Soviet Union because of the honey Yadi was taken to hospital unconscious. In addition to the injury, she had signs of malnutrition and loss of blood, almost unable to speak. Police questioned her employer, and charged with injury charges. Pictures of honey Su Yadi injuries caused uproar in Indonesia, the public anger that forced the Indian Government of Indonesia for the first time recognition of overseas domestic helpers abuse problems. Care for the Indonesian workers (Migrant Care) members of the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pointed out that the Soviet Union is not the first battered honey Yadi.

louis vuitton outletSusilo Bambang Yudhoyono said: "We have repeatedly heard slavery, torture, sexual abuse and even death case, but our government chose to ignore the problem, why? Because the foreign workers into the 7.5 billion each year earn foreign exchange." Southeast Asian countries services is a major human sources of the Middle East in recent years, repeated rumors abuse by employers of foreign domestic helpers. In 2008, a Saudi employer abuse of the Indonesian maid, causing her to be amputated part of the fingers and toes, the employer is only $ 670 of compensation to be lenient. This year in August, a Sri Lankan maid working for complaining too much, who has been Kuwait, 24 nails hammered into the employer.

29.11.2010. u 02:07 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 27.11.2010.

Note which frozen out of the disease?

coach outlet World Organization survey found, leading to 60% of causes of disease caused by the way of life, only 8% of medical standards, so health is not dependent on medical care, but more should be improved from the details of life, access to health. Repeated colds, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, infertility, depression, joint pain, gastrointestinal disorders, obesity ... ... these are diseases caused by pathogenic cold. Cold evil of modern society a lot more from: such as air conditioning, cold drinks, no temperature diet, fashion strapless backless dress and so on. So, in general, we have to eat cold, back, neck, feet should not be cold.

coach bags Han Xie considerable impact on the President, in particular, will affect the menstrual problems, thereby affecting fertility. "Ladies and most indispensable bag is a shawl, low air temperature encountered in public places, facing the air blowing case quickly put on prevention of cold evil." Ancient Chinese medicine goes: "back to room temperature," which is because the bladder back the sun, once the invasion of pathogenic cold back, followed by the body's "cold symptoms" cold, cold house, etc. to follow. We all have such an experience, a cold is really easy to shoulder pain this truth.

In addition to observe good "back door" back to warm, we have both sides of the neck behind the position of the spine on both sides there is the wind pool points, two points Fengfu Point, free time, my back hair is cool when you can rub your hands hot, quick rub and pinch this location.

louis vuitton outletComfortable eating cold things, but "the course of time loss of the spleen and stomach yang", even in the summer should not be over-Tan Liang. Unfortunately, we often uncontrollable mouth, resulting in "the summer solstice diarrhea" phenomenon. In fact, the main summer sun, due to "external hot" lead to leakage of body energy, particularly within the weak stomach. If you drank cold at this time, of course, prone to diarrhea. People began to improve eating habits, buy a mug with temperature of the water drunk it.

27.11.2010. u 02:29 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 26.11.2010.

Obama published children's books children want to convey to the American spirit

coach outlet Already has two best-selling book of the 16th U.S. President Barack Obama has a new work it! This time, Barack Obama, a first in U.S. history for children, "write books" in the president.

coach bags In this book called "Praise You: a letter addressed to our daughters," the illustrated books, Obama described the U.S. pioneer of 13 stories in all areas, including the U.S. founding father George Washington, the U.S. Major League Baseball Robinson, the first black player, and African-American civil rights leader Martin Luther King, etc., to children over 3 years to convey the "American spirit."

According to the book publisher Random House briefing, Obama's two daughters - 12-year-old Mary and 9-year-old Sasha - inspired to write this book inspired Obama, and Obama Back in January 2009 before becoming president to complete the book's creation, but only now published. This 31 children's books listed in the November 16, the first printed 500,000, priced at $ 17.99. Earlier, Obama promised to donate all the proceeds will book scholarship fund used to finance schooling for their children dead and disabled soldiers.

louis vuitton outletPreviously, Obama wrote "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope" have become bestsellers. In 2008 alone, he fetched two books with almost $ 2,480,000, for Obama non-fiction writers in the United States dominate the top income.

26.11.2010. u 02:16 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 25.11.2010.

Britain to help reproduce the 50's room recall the memory of Alzheimer patients

coach outlet British ingenuity, a care center for dementia patients 50 years to collect the items the last century, to build up a nostalgia room to evoke old memories of patients, and no longer need to eat antipsychotic. The practice of this new therapy for the treatment proved very effective.

coach bags Gramophone, manual typewriter, the old black and white photo ... ... objects readily available, are distributed around the room 60 years ago in the air. This phone is manufactured by the Bakelite, the room most of the furniture were 50 years old 20th century objects. This is called "shuttle time," the room, creating a treatment of senile dementia of the latest model.

Staff said they thought the patient back through the "good old days", and stimulate them evoke old memories, to help the patient calm down. They said that the patient stay in this room, but also a significant reduction in Alzheimer's patients taking antipsychotic dosage. This is located in Wiltshire, manager Lin Silei care centers, said: "in reducing drug use, this nostalgia plays a very important role in the room, very, very effective."

louis vuitton outlet"Our patients come in, the mood calmed down very quickly, without taking any antipsychotic drugs for them." Staff traveled to various large and small markets and thrift shops, and issued a notice donate old things, only to create this nostalgia room, evoking the memory of Alzheimer patients. They collected old material also includes vacuum cleaners, the popular World War II baby carriages and so on. The nursing home staff said they break the routine practice, but also take practical action to support the Government's call to reduce antipsychotic use.

25.11.2010. u 02:03 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 24.11.2010.

Nearly 4 percent of adult Americans say marriage outdated record low marriage rate

coach outlet 39% of Americans claim that marriage is becoming obsolete. Associated Press, said the result with the United States Census Bureau in September released marriage rates among adults over the age of 18 dropped to record low of 52% consistent with the fact. Pew Research Center survey found that about 29% of children under the age of 18 is now with the single, divorced or never married parents living together, this proportion increased by more than 5 times in 1960. Further classification found that about 15% of children have been divorced or separated parents, 14% had never married.

coach bags Associated Press in 1978, only 28% of people think that marriage is becoming obsolete. "Now more and more people are receiving such a concept: a family wedding bells are not necessary." Johns Hopkins University professor of sociology and public policy Che Lin said, "Marriage is still very important in this country However, unlike in the past, leading the family life. Now, have a successful family life in many ways, more people have accepted the way. "

Survey shows how the composition of the family, most Americans agree that the traditional model of marriage, with or without children, are in line with that definition. But four out of five agree not married but have children of the opposite sex spouse, or parent. There are even three-fifths of the person's same-sex couples with children is the family. Survey, changes in family values is mainly driven by the 18-29 year-olds, their predecessors or their friends, there are more cases do not get married or divorced. Role for the spouse and living together before marriage, young people tend to be more liberal attitude.

louis vuitton outlet Another economic factor is also the one hand, the survey found, compared to last year, this year's surge of 13% of unmarried heterosexual cohabitation, 750 million pairs, which analysts say stubborn pain in the face of unemployment, people are reluctant to make long-term marriage commitment.

24.11.2010. u 02:07 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 23.11.2010.

U.S. women send nude photos of underage students to his son

coach outlet Texas recently for a married woman will be sent to his son's underage nude students, and face jail.

coach bags David Ming Jiaoluo Rita made woman, aged 37. She was traced and a 16-year-old boy as young as contacts, and their two nude photo sent to his little boyfriend. According to investigators the information available, David's boyfriend turned out to be her little son's friends and classmates, little David was her boyfriend's mother and friends often with treadmill exercise.

It is reported that small-boyfriend's parents inadvertently e-mail in their son David was found nude and to immediately report to the police, and then David did for his misconduct also confessed. Currently David and abetting the alleged harassment of minors via the Internet, while the Court gives bail as high as 20 million (about 133 million yuan).

louis vuitton outletAnnounced the Court's case file shows, 3 years ago, her boyfriend David and his small high school where her son met since January 9 this year the relationship between them beyond the normal range, they started through Facebook, email and SMS maintain close contact, and also occurred after the beginning of the article the scene.

23.11.2010. u 02:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 22.11.2010.

British experiments with transgenic mosquitoes success of anti-dengue

coach outlet The experiment was conducted by a British company in transgenic mosquitoes and the Cayman Islands Bureau of mosquito prevention and control of joint research.

coach outlet Main mode of transmission of dengue fever is Aedes aegypti females bite, British researchers conducted in male genetically modified Aedes aegypti, it must be time consuming tetracycline to survive, if not tetracycline into the wild, will soon die.

louis vuitton outlet The researchers bred in the laboratory a large number of transgenic male Aedes aegypti, and then three million mosquito into the Cayman Islands this field environment. The male mosquitoes mate with the female mosquitoes, and then passed to the next generation of this particular gene, their offspring and mosquitoes will soon die because of lack of tetracycline. The results showed that this method works, experiment 6 months later, the Cayman Islands, Aedes aegypti on the decline by 80%.

louis vuitton outletInvolved in the development of transgenic mosquitoes that Luke Egypt Philippines British experts said that in the Aedes aegypti, the male will take the initiative to find females for mating, so that the effect of genetically modified mosquitoes significantly. In addition, as is the female mosquitoes that transmit the dengue, a large number of male mosquitoes do not release the spread of dengue fever situation will worsen.

22.11.2010. u 01:53 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

British experiments with transgenic mosquitoes success of anti-dengue

coach outlet The experiment was conducted by a British company in transgenic mosquitoes and the Cayman Islands Bureau of mosquito prevention and control of joint research.

coach outlet Main mode of transmission of dengue fever is Aedes aegypti females bite, British researchers conducted in male genetically modified Aedes aegypti, it must be time consuming tetracycline to survive, if not tetracycline into the wild, will soon die.

louis vuitton outlet The researchers bred in the laboratory a large number of transgenic male Aedes aegypti, and then three million mosquito into the Cayman Islands this field environment. The male mosquitoes mate with the female mosquitoes, and then passed to the next generation of this particular gene, their offspring and mosquitoes will soon die because of lack of tetracycline. The results showed that this method works, experiment 6 months later, the Cayman Islands, Aedes aegypti on the decline by 80%.

louis vuitton outletInvolved in the development of transgenic mosquitoes that Luke Egypt Philippines British experts said that in the Aedes aegypti, the male will take the initiative to find females for mating, so that the effect of genetically modified mosquitoes significantly. In addition, as is the female mosquitoes that transmit the dengue, a large number of male mosquitoes do not release the spread of dengue fever situation will worsen.

22.11.2010. u 01:53 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 20.11.2010.

Webb telescope budget of 1.5 billion plus the fastest launch in 2015

coach outlet NASA (NASA) experts really "wits have short memories!" According to NASA research report, the new James - Webb Space Telescope will replace Hubble telescope, but the total additional funding to be temporary "high price" 15 billion dollars. Exploded only because hindsight is that the telescope project expenditure had been forgotten!

coach outlet NASA Deputy Administrator Shikelisi admits, in fact, R & D and manufacture of the telescope NASA's cost estimates for the period is wrong, "Webb telescope was cited forget the main costs of R & D program", an additional 1.5 billion U.S. dollars will be temporary, so that the total budget 65 billion U.S. dollars, not because the production process space telescope problems. But NASA also explained that they are good rocket scientist, "did not know accounting, the column sum."

louis vuitton outlet It is understood that the best is that the next two years, respectively, can be obtained from the Congress budget of $ 250,000,000, if not in accordance with the expected implementation costs and threatens to spend more money and spending, Webb Telescope will delay the launch of time. NASA announced the earliest, Webb telescope will be launched in 2007, followed in turn extended the date to 2014, but the latest report also pointed out that the fastest at least until September 2015 to launch.

louis vuitton outletGoal to replace the Hubble Space Telescope Webb Telescope, the main task is to search after the Big Bang to form the first galaxies or luminous objects, observing the formation of star systems, planetary systems at the same time measuring the physical and chemical properties, and search for Earth-like planets.

20.11.2010. u 01:47 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 19.11.2010.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has been unconscious the past 5 years to receive nursing home

coach outlet Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in a coma for nearly 5 years after the 12th of this month to move out from the hospital back to their own farm in southern Israel.

coach outlet 12 at dawn, the medical team members to push away from Sharon's long-term care unit, carried to an ambulance waiting at the hospital door. Meanwhile, security personnel around the block holding Sharon tailgate. Subsequently, the men traveling in a few more bodyguards sport utility vehicle protect the ambulance from the hospital all the way to Sharon's own farm. Sharon, aged 82, 4 January 2006 a serious stroke in May transferred to thank Bach Rehabilitation Center in Tel Aviv, has not regained consciousness.

louis vuitton outlet Recent reports indicate that Sharon's condition is not change. Rehabilitation Center for Assorted Luo river not Noy Xieba He said the move out of hospitals because medical staff believes that the long-term patient "in the community" than in the hospital receiving good care. Illinois told Israel Radio the same day, Sharon showed "weak reaction", but there is no indication that he will wake up, "Besides, we only hope."

louis vuitton outlet Xie Bahe rehabilitation center director Roth stein 11 Zeff described Sharon's condition as "slight unconscious, which means he is not unconscious, but not fully conscious," he needed "all the activities of daily living assistance." The Associated Press said that Sharon will accept in their own homes, a medical staff care, is expected to be on a regular basis back to the hospital for routine examination.

19.11.2010. u 02:11 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 18.11.2010.

Studies have shown that distortion of the moon surface gravity

coach outlet the latest U.S. researchers study the Earth in shaping the surface of the moon play an important role. The team members said that in ancient times the Earth's gravity distorts the shape of the moon. This led to the lunar equator, "bulging" and could explain why the Moon and even today the most far higher than their nearest. Details of the study published in the U.S. "Science" magazine on.

coach outlet The most distant moon in many respects still a mystery, it looks more pit, few of us are familiar with the kind of the moon nearest volcanic plains, and its terrain is much higher --- in higher in some places a few kilometers.

louis vuitton outlet More than 40 billion years ago, shortly after the formation of the Moon and become strong in its core before it floated a large number of the outer layer of magma. It is in this period, the Earth to the Moon floating in outer traction, and make it twisted, just like today the moon cause tides traction as the Earth's oceans. Scientists say the moon shape of this "high tide" caused the greatest tension outer layer to melt and dilute the polar regions, while the outer layer near the equator is still thicker, more full.

louis vuitton outlet Led the study, the University of California (Santa Cruz) and Ian Garrich - Bethel professor. He believes that 25% to the lunar terrain 40% caused by the tidal process. Evidence of this remains in the moon looks the most distant high-rise, the moon nearest the subsequent evidence of volcanic activity have been erased.

18.11.2010. u 01:59 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 17.11.2010.

President of the Philippines admitted affair with the 28-year-old Chinese stylist

coach outlet 50, III, Philippine President Corazon Aquino is still a "diamond bachelor", about his marriage has been the focus of the Philippine people. Recently, the Philippine media blockbusters Meng Liao, said Aquino III and fell in love with his girlfriend of 2 years, 30-year-old Mr Sha Ranney rope lai of breaking up just a month later, on his personal stylist, only Huang, 28-year-old Chinese beauty Liz started a new relationship, it has two "got engaged" and ready to October 11 next year, officially married! 12, Aquino III, I first publicly acknowledged this "year-end parties love" true, but denied that he was ready to get married next year.

coach outlet reports, the yellow Liz is a beautiful sexy Chinese girls, the age of 28, she is full of small 22-year-old Biajinuo III. Aquino III, was elected president, in his sister, the famous actor and show host Ke Lisi recommended under the yellow Liz has become a personal stylist Aquino III. Since then the work needs, often in yellow Liz Aquino III beside him in many public occasions, make-up, modified appearance.

louis vuitton outlet It is not clear whether it is to give Wong Liz Aquino III and his girlfriend Soledad affection of the "fuse." But the indisputable fact is that there is only yellow Liz a few months later, Aquino III, the relationship with his girlfriend Soledad "nosedive" and eventually end up breaking up. Aquino III, "got engaged," the explosive news came to light, and immediately caused an uproar in the Philippines, many people doubt that the media fabricated rumor. But 12, the 18th in Yokohama, Japan prior to the meeting of APEC leaders, Aquino III, I first publicly acknowledged this "year-end parties love" true, adding that he thinks 28-year-old Liz exchanges are not yellow any problems. He said: "If there is time, we will be together. But I think now only be the case."

louis vuitton outletHowever, Aquino III, denied he was ready to get married next year and rumors Liz Wong. Aquino III, said media reports about his upcoming marriage there are many places inaccurate, and even his birthday wrong. When asked whether this is considered to be in "the pursuit of" yellow, Liz, the Aquino III said: "I am currently breaking in from the recent recovery, and now there are too many things, both hard to find time to cross . especially when you do not have private time to time. "

17.11.2010. u 01:48 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 16.11.2010.

U.S. billionaire genius sperm bank set up

coach outlet Robert Graham is an American billionaire in 1980, he invested heavily in building a sperm bank, hopes to provide women with opportunities for growth potential talent, which make up the human genetic inheritance of the huge losses. His initiation in this way, because he had met an inventor at a young age, who are smart, not only have many great inventions, while both a university professor, a famous doctor, so that matter to Graham worship. But unfortunately, the inventor did not marry and have children, so think of Graham Construction sperm bank, so do not have children but people with high IQs to have successors.

coach outlet His sperm bank in his villa in the basement of Southern California. In his first recruiting sperm donors, at least three Nobel Prize winners, including physicist William branch Kinley black. But because of racist "black born inferior to white" point of view, William Mckinley, a controversial donors.

louis vuitton outlet Graham's approach was a lot of criticism in society, is considered to replace the natural law, but Graham's defense is simple: if the resulting offspring have one good way to find a cure for cancer, then your own The effort is worth it.

louis vuitton outletBut the sperm bank business people have been out early two shameful things. The first sperm bank to help Graham, business manager Paul Smith is simply not a biologist, but a cleaner, he attempted to these celebrities and animal sperm sperm mixed together, engaged in a business venture activities; later a manager, and upon inspection was actually a character portrait.

16.11.2010. u 01:27 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 15.11.2010.

Obama talks with the International Marriage Kan

coach outlet 13 in the upcoming APEC summit meeting held in Yokohama, Japan Prime Minister Naoto Kan and Barack Obama will hold a summit. And the United States and Japan expect the next 50 years about Japan-US security treaty signed by different issues, Obama forthrightly told through diplomatic channels Kan: I want to talk about Japan-US international marriages.

coach outlet reported that earlier this year in Japan arrested a U.S. father, accused the woman after the divorce in Japan, Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan back to the U.S. attempt to bring the father of their child, commit a "crime of abduction of minors." Therefore, the U.S. government criticized the Japanese law is preposterous. The Japanese government has refused to join the "Hague Convention", making Japan-US international marriage dispute has not been properly addressed.

louis vuitton outlet "Hague Convention" provides parents divorce without the consent of one party to bring the child abroad, you must let the children back to the original country of residence. However, the Japanese government has not joined the treaty. Thus, while a child was born in Fukuoka in the United States, however, because the Japanese mother to take to Japan, according to Japanese law, he accompanied his mother by Japanese law. Therefore, the father wants the child back to the U.S. Americans to have violated the laws of Japan.

louis vuitton outletAccording to the Japanese Embassy in the U.S. statistics, so far, and Americans of Japanese parents divorce without the consent of the other cases, their children will be removed from the U.S. to Japan has 98 cases, involving 130 children . U.S. Ambassador to Japan Walter, chief minister, said in an interview, Obama is also a father, well aware of this disadvantage for the children. Sources said that Obama talks with Naoto Kan, the will to urge the Japanese as soon as possible, "the Hague Treaty," Japan and the U.S. mixed these kids to get back to the United States.

15.11.2010. u 02:06 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 13.11.2010.

Russia was suspected of espionage in the United States to investigate traitor betrayed

coach outlet United States expelled 11 Russian planted spies in the United States has attracted media attention the issue, but those who "confessed" behind the figures are not to be found. Recently, Russian media reported that Russian spies should be sold in Russia, the head of the U.S. spy network Shcherbakov colonel.

coach outlet reporter concluded from selling Russian spy in the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service head of U.S. operations, Colonel Shcherbakov. Shcherbakov daughter now live in the U.S., which had to be surprising: In this position, actually people who have relatives in the United States. Another doubt is Shcherbakov in this event a year ago refused to upgrade. Analysis, this is Shcherbakov to escape the routine polygraph examination procedure. It has been said Bright Xieerbakefu
then get in touch with the United States, and Shcherbakov's son is also in a timely manner before the event is also to the United States.

louis vuitton outlet An informed source revealed early Shcherbakov Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visits the United States to flee the country before the 3 days. U.S. worried about things brought to light did not get to catch Russian spies, of course, the White House was very embarrassed. Because the United States does not want to do a first visit Medvedev is complex.

louis vuitton outletAfter the US-Russia spy row, Shcherbakov name on a blacklist of Russian foreign intelligence service. The issue is not Shcherbakov betrayed their own people, but why he should do so. Betrayed Russia were among the most experienced, most valuable spy-dimensional Cen Kefu (called La Luozuo in landscaping.) According to sources, 65-year-old Victoria Cen Kefu "hidden" the depth has reached the extent of almost do not speak Russian, have such a "perfect background" if he had not Shcherbakov, he never betrayed by the U.S. found. Even in the arrest-dimensional Cen Kefu, U.S. intelligence is still not very sure. Victoria Cenke Fu's friends still believe that Victoria Cen Kefu will eventually be released, but only Shcherbakov D Cen Kefu did not appear in the custody of the confinement room.

13.11.2010. u 01:53 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 12.11.2010.

Dating Network will be assigned to the Queen fans

coach outlet Buckingham Palace is scheduled for Nov. 8 in the U.S. well-known social networking site "Facebook" to open the official home page for Queen Elizabeth II and other royal family members interact with the majority of Internet users. Queen Elizabeth II, now 84 years old, regular Internet "surfing", have long had the "Twitter" micro-blog site, YouTube video-sharing site, Podcast podcast websites account.

coach outlet Queen Elizabeth II in "Mask," the official home page Web site set up called the "British monarchy", was officially opened at 8:00 on the 8th. This page will be used to release the royal family news, photos, videos and lectures, including daily updates which the Queen took part in activities.

louis vuitton outlet Have a "Facebook" account users to apply for Queen's "fans" can be home in queen message send a message to the Queen and the royal family continued to receive state Web site can send updates.

louis vuitton outlet"Facebook" site as the world's most popular social networking site, has more than 500 million registered users. "Facebook" site of this specially developed a new interactive way. Users can not send to the Queen "friend requests" to become queen of the "friends", but by clicking "thumbs up" icon to apply to join the Queen's "fans." Select the "near me" section, users can be informed in time where an association with his royal activities. In addition, users can not online "poke" The Queen. "Poke" is a social networking site set up interaction between friends.

12.11.2010. u 03:15 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 11.11.2010.

Decoding DNA Martian Earth or similar shape

louis vuitton outletIn the United States funded by NASA, Karl and his colleagues are developing a product called "search for extraterrestrial genome" (SETG), the device can decode the alien DNA. By studying Mars, ground ice, salt water or soil samples, SETG will attempt to detect and identify nucleic acids on Mars. Carr said that if the nucleic acid is DNA known to man, or RNA, can be detected with this instrument. According to the research team estimated that DNA on Mars may exist in the ground about 100 million years, where they will not be ultraviolet and space radiation.

true religion outlet Cornell University planetary scientist Steve - Squires held this month NASA astrobiology conference, said: "Everyone thinks organic matter on Mars, life may exist on Mars, may be retained in some locations evidence of life. The problem is human activity on Mars would destroy organic matter, if you want to have the opportunity to touch the original state of matter, the best way is to beneath the surface. "

louis vuitton outlet Similar to the idea of finding life on Earth originated on Mars meteorite falls on the research, experiments have shown that many microorganisms can incidentally while walking in the "meteorite long journey" to survive. Although this exploration a bit like looking for a place in the light lost keys. But when it comes to Karl that life on Mars, this philosophy of logic is correct. He said: "If we spend a lot of time looking for something different, do not spend time looking for similar things, it is simply stupid, of course, an independent body created a new life may also be some, but not the most likely the situation. "

louis vuitton bags sale Now scientists are studying life on Earth in the prevalence of genes, and also need two years to improve SETG technology. Chile Atacama Desert and then to get to the Antarctic dry valleys, or to do field trials, the two places and Mars cold, dry desert similar.

11.11.2010. u 01:47 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 10.11.2010.

Butter or stuffed food plants of the most painful tragedies

louis vuitton outletIn other words, every one out of four Chinese adults suffer from diabetes or prediabetic. The experts even predicted that, if not to interfere, explosion of diabetes in China will soon come, first take a look at the situation.

true religion outlet International Diabetes Federation latest data show that the incidence of diabetes in China in 1994 was 2.5% in 2002 to grow by 5.5% to 9.7% in 2008. At present, the incidence of diabetes has been developed with the U.S. economy rather. Cities the incidence of diabetes has reached 9 to 10%, while the U.S. is about 7%. In the past few years, the rapid process of globalization has penetrated the Western way of life in China.

louis vuitton outlet Western fast food become more and more people in the way of life. Some experts predict that if things go on, China will no doubt usher in diabetes pandemic disease prevention in China poses a major challenge. Study found that the development of diabetes would endanger people's heart and brain blood vessels and kidneys, has become the world after cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease after the third serious threat to human health of chronic diseases. In 2005, the World Health Organization released a product called "Preventing chronic diseases: a vital investment", in which a group of China-related figures is surprising. China from 2005 to 2015, due to heart disease, stroke and diabetes will lead to premature death and loss of national income is about 3.9 trillion yuan. If the next 10 years, the current trend of chronic disease death rates drop 2% on an annual basis, will be brought to China 36 billion U.S. dollars in cumulative economic benefits.

louis vuitton bags sale report, from 2.5% in 1994 to 5.5% in 2002, to 9.7% in 2008, the prevalence of diabetes in China to achieve a "triple jump." Even if the net result of the successive differences between the different survey methods, the number of diabetic patients in China is still rapidly increasing. This has brought China's economic development has a lot of life changes. Survey shows that the living have toward the Chinese high-fat, high protein, direction, and these are breeding grounds for epidemic of chronic diseases such as diabetes.

10.11.2010. u 02:05 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 09.11.2010.

Finnish men, a father of 4% risk of "postpartum depression"

louis vuitton outlet Life changes brought by birth, family role changes and more housework burden, causing about 10% of women suffering from postpartum depression. However, the Finnish Population Association recently released the latest survey results show that a father about 4% of men suffering from "post-natal depression", the proportion of high and unexpected. According to the survey, male "postpartum depression" lack of performance is usually a sense of value, uncertainty, discontent and frustration, etc., is specifically expressed anger and even rage. These men on the marital relationship of depressive symptoms produce more negative effects. In comparison, women are more affected depressive symptoms and child relationship.

true religion outlet Experts believe that the reason for this phenomenon are many. First of all, social progress in recent years with his father to assume more responsibility for care of children, although this is a manifestation of social equality between men and women further, but it has virtually increased the social responsibility of men, an increase of the social roles of men adapt to the new psychological pressure.

louis vuitton outlet Second, the baby was born to bring changes in the daily lives of couples new problems, increased economic burden, emotional, and the lack of nursing skills, self-blame and guilt and psychological care for the child's fatigue, he gave a father's Men are considerable psychological stress and challenges.

louis vuitton bags sale Experts believe that a father's men not only lacks the support from all sectors of society, but also suffered from a spouse, other family members and so their ability to care for their children do not trust, no place to vent their frustration, more so unhappy . Finnish experts to call upon the parties to pay more attention to fatherhood of men, give them more confidence, adequate support and help to better adapt to the new role of family and society, to maintain a good attitude.

09.11.2010. u 01:50 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 08.11.2010.

Published 30 years ago, the British UFO Mystery "Blue Road, Shen Forest Incident"

louis vuitton outletUFO in the world famous mystery, in addition to the familiar "Roswell", there with the "Blue Road, Shen forest incident." The first time in 30 years, the British Government finally published the "Blue Road, Shen Forest incident" in a tape.
louis vuitton outletDecember 27, 1980 morning, Woodbridge in Suffolk air base near the Blue Road, Shen Forest (Rendlesham Forest), more than the United States Air Force personnel reported that they saw a strange metallic object in the forest shuttle flight, saying these mysterious night light looks like a alien spaceship. This incident is known as "Britain's Roswell" and have never been fully explained.

true religion outlet This volume shows the latest declassified tapes, the beginning of a U.S. military officer stationed in the United Kingdom noted near the base of the farm animal behavior became abnormal, not after he saw the flying objects. He said: "Animals are very active, loud noise, I go straight ahead and see before me, half a mile (0.8 km) shot a bunch of strange, flashing red light."

true religion outlet Later a man named Charles Hart's major air bases to help members lead a closer look into the forest and found that many high about 18 feet (5.5 meters) of the trees have been burned or damaged signs, they will the Department of Defense reported the matter. But this is deliberately covered up by the British government, after all kinds of speculation began to spread, "Blue Road, Shen forest" the truth becomes difficult to distinguish.

08.11.2010. u 01:43 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 06.11.2010.

Frozen ovary more effective than frozen eggs

louis vuitton outletDoctors recently recommended that the United States can not or do not want to have children being female the ovarian tissue, rather than egg cryopreservation up, because the preservation of ovarian pregnancy can help increase the future probability of success. St. Louis, Missouri clinics Shemanxier Boda Fu is the first case of ovarian replantation surgery surgeon, patients become pregnant and children. Doctors, according to Silber, the current technology can only extract the frozen eggs 5-10 eggs, but no one can predict how many eggs need to be removed to ensure the future success of fertilization, some women asked the doctor to take more than a few times, but taken The more the higher medical expenses.

louis vuitton outletIf using frozen ovarian tissue the way, there will be 1 / 3 of the ovaries were removed, of which there are about 60,000 eggs. Freeze them, the body and the remaining 2 / 3 of the ovaries can still work, did not affect the natural conception of women, and medical costs are relatively low. Therefore, cost-effective cryopreserved ovarian much more than the frozen eggs. Silber doctors have done 11 cases of ovarian implants, 3 of them is to re-implantation of frozen ovarian off prospective pregnant women, allowing them to every life, a child; other 8 cases had frozen to others without illness can not be donated ovarian implantation of eight female reproductive body, but also to their success as a mother, one of whom also gave birth to twin daughters. In addition, more than 40 Silber also do not intend to have children, women and cryopreservation of ovarian tissue removed.

true religion outlet The world's only seven medical centers to carry out the removal of ovarian tissue, cryopreservation and transplantation program, which distributed in Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Israel and the United States, a total of 23 babies born by way of implanted ovaries.

true religion outlet In the current technical conditions, the ovarian tissue can be safely frozen for 20 years, while women are often the quantity and quality of eggs in her 35 years of age decreased significantly. Silber said that, very unfortunately, all come to him before the age of frozen ovaries in women over the age of 35, maximum 40 years old, "they should be when more than 20 years of age to surgery." However, the British fertility experts Su Shanxi Nan pointed out that the lead female infertility factors, such as blocked fallopian tubes or a man unable to have children, frozen ovaries from one aspect of technology can only help women to maintain fertility.

06.11.2010. u 01:57 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 05.11.2010.

Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe have a bastard?

louis vuitton outletFormer U.S. President John F. Kennedy and sexy movie star Marilyn Monroe had had a secret affair, but surprisingly, the 55-year-old New York man was John Fitzgerald Kennedy (formerly known as John R · Barton) in 2008 claimed that he was born to John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe's "bastards"! In the same year in October, John officially New York's Manhattan federal court, hoping to accept DNA tests confirmed his identity, the legal successor to the legacy of John F. Kennedy. However, after a lapse of 2 years, the New York federal court in Manhattan ruled on Oct. 28 rejected the legacy of John F. Kennedy inherited the above request.

louis vuitton outlet this "Monroe bastard" John was born in 1955, aged 55, is a Queens, New York people. In 2008, John surprisingly openly stated that he is the illegitimate son of John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe! Although unable to provide any family photos to prove this assertion, but he still officially in October 2008 in New York in Manhattan federal court, want to accept DNA tests confirmed his identity, the legal successor to the legacy of John F. Kennedy.

true religion outlet However, the property is responsible for dealing with the Kennedy family lawyer John Susan Fu Lunzi Quedui reject its demand. Susan said it was an absurd case, they will categorically reject "Monroe illegitimate" demands. Susan said: "I think this is a frivolous case, but this is not the Kennedy family for the first time someone made a similar lawsuit was frivolous." Photos of John, he's clearly a body bloated, fat head and big ears middle-aged man, nothing to boast about wearing glasses, and Monroe or John F. Kennedy's appearance are not many similarities.

true religion outlet Sceptics point out that John Monroe said he was born in 1955, but it is almost impossible. Monroe finished the year just because the movie "Seven Year Itch" and to New York's "Actors Studio" learning, while the beginning and a new lover, playwright Arthur Miller, appointments, and to marry in 1956 during this period, and Kennedy did not contact her before. More importantly, because Monroe was a household name that year a public figure, she was difficult to achieve pregnancy or abortion without being noticed, let alone a major event like a child.

05.11.2010. u 01:44 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 04.11.2010.

Qantas flight attendant and passenger high-altitude flight were complaints when the sexual relationship

louis vuitton outletAustralian Airlines startling news of female staff and male passenger of the "machine ecstasy", actually flying in the air directly in the machine have sex.

louis vuitton outletthe plane in Melbourne, Australia to the United States by the Qantas flight to Los Angeles Business Class, a Qantas staff member and a female passenger had a good talk with each other, you'll feel in a few glasses of champagne after the cabin lights down actually took the opportunity to dark, the place to have sex.

true religion outlet Reported that, although the two up with a blanket covering the body, but let out gasps and continue to creep of the body, was quickly found and then the side passenger air service complaints, forcing two break this ridiculous act.

true religion outlet Reported that the incident was not the heroine of this tour crew on the flight, but the employee discount to purchase the machine. Qantas handling of this incident is quite low-key, saying only that the event is being processed, but someone's female staff have returned to work.

04.11.2010. u 02:02 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 03.11.2010.

Athens bomb found in one of several parcels sent to Sarkozy

louis vuitton outletGreek police announced the afternoon of 1 May, the day in central Athens bombs found in a number of parcels, one of which is sent to French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Earlier in the day, a packet of a bomb in central Athens post office explosion, a female staff member a hand injury. Parcel recipient is Mexico Embassy in Greece. After the bombings, the Greek police sealed off the explosion of the post office and the surrounding area, and evacuated a nearby school.

louis vuitton outletThe Greek police in the nearby post office also found other suspicious parcels, the recipient was the Dutch Embassy in Greece, Belgium Embassy in Greece, and French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Police arrested two suspects to send parcels. The two men, aged 22 years and 24 years old, wearing a wig, wearing a bullet-proof vest, and with two pistols. One of them in 2009, to be wanted by the police, suspected of involvement in a local Greek left-wing organization. The organization has claimed in recent years has created more than in the Greek terrorist bombings.

true religion outlet Currently, the site of the explosion the Greek police are still searching for clues to see the post office's video. Although the Greek police has increased over time on the local left-wing organizations, terrorist organizations and efforts to crack down and arrest this spring of some key figures of these organizations, these organizations are still threatened to launch more terrorist attacks against the Government to implement tightening.

true religion outlet A time when the explosion occurred on the eve of local elections in Greece. Will be held on 7th of this month's local elections seen as the public policy response to the government to implement austerity barometer.

03.11.2010. u 01:42 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 02.11.2010.

British man killed in the 9 million award to destroy all alcohol

louis vuitton outletFrancis Goff British man who won á 9,000,000 lottery prize, however, he quit his job after winning because "life boring" and debauchery, and ultimately died suddenly because of excessive drinking. Goff, 58, lives in the United Kingdom Xiluo Pu County, is a baker. His wife Louise in a company secretary. In 2005, Lewis bought a lottery ticket at the newsstand, even winning, up to 900 million pounds fortune from heaven, so the whole family beaming, their lives are changed forever. The couple set down the real estate, cars, and lived a rich life.

louis vuitton outletAfter winning, Goff immediately resigned from the baker's work. He used to buy á 60,000 BMW convertible cars, bought with a á 350,000 a Premier League club's VIP box, he fell in love with horse racing, started because of "boredom" and debauchery, or even a mistress.

true religion outlet For this reason, two years later, Gough and his wife's marriage has broken down, and he won 150 million pounds in maintenance payments, and moved to Cheshire. There, he rented a one million pound mansion, hired a private driver, gardener, living alone. Unfortunately, he met a liar, and the latter to do business with other names, in 2006 to 2008 Gough remaining defrauded more than 70 million pounds.

true religion outlet Desperate Goff began to regret winning the lottery. Last year, in an interview when he said, "I had a wonderful life, I love my wife, but the ticket destroyed all my ... ..." "Whenever I see people go newsstand, I always will remind them not to buy lottery tickets. "Ultimately, Goff has been in the bar because of excessive drinking, heart attack and death.

02.11.2010. u 03:29 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 01.11.2010.

Research is not easy, said O-blood women the highest rate of pregnancy-A pregnancy

louis vuitton outlet U.S. scientists have launched a joint study found that, O blood type blood type than the other women pregnant women is relatively easy, experts suggest that the O blood type you want female children should be considered as soon as possible.

louis vuitton outletEinstein College of Medicine in New York led by scholar Edward Neizha Te research team at Yale University in vitro fertilization in the United States also launched the research project. It was found that the average age of 560 women under the age of 35, O-type blood type blood in women than in other low-risk pregnant women.

The highest chances of pregnancy for the A-type blood groups of women. Experts interpret that, O-type blood women may secrete more of the "follicle-stimulating hormone", and this hormone inhibits ovulation. Found, O blood type A blood in women than in women secrete a "follicle-stimulating hormone" more than doubled. Women 30 years old to 40 years old, will reduce the amount of ovulation, then, the "follicle-stimulating hormone" secreted more ovarian more difficult to ovulation.

true religion outlet Women of different blood types, "follicle-stimulating hormone" secreted amount may be determined by genes. British in the O-blood type A blood and occupy the majority. Blood type A proportion of which 42%, O-type blood ratio reached 44%. British Fertility Society, said the main Mat Tony plays the Chinese zither Crawford, this is an interesting study, but the results need to be confirmed. He believes that research should be launched in the whole society, not just women in the application to draw conclusions in vitro fertilization.

01.11.2010. u 03:18 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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