
četvrtak, 30.09.2010.

History of the most stupid thief: write a blog exposing the bank robbery arrested

louis vuitton bags news Bank of America robbery after a man has already fled, but names may be the world's most stupid robber after the social networking site facebook actually declared: "I am a bank robber!" He was finally arrested by FBI.

gucci shoes Twenty-year-old Holmes Leslie (Ryan Homsley) robbery last week in Oregon soil Wale Ting (Tualatin) in a bank. He said to the staff of the bank with a bomb, after a successful take the money and fled, but later he left the small box containing the dangerous goods is not confirmed.

Gucci flat shoes Several hours later, Holmes Presley's personal facebook page in their admission of liability, and paste to the media by the police to hunt down bandits migration of the photos, then paste the songs "Scooby Snacks" music video, the content is about A man robbed banks.

tiffany jewelry What is more, as he writes like a challenge to the police: "I am a bank robber!" He then went on to explain robbery is to "medical expenses." Holmsley two days after the end of the robbery, receiving treatment in hospital was FBI arrested.

30.09.2010. u 03:35 • 3 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 29.09.2010.

O God, you do not let me meet him

louis vuitton bags news , 27-year-old British man Neil is not the case once more - 27 years, as long as he will begin to see the girl nervous, dizzy or even insanity, into extreme anxiety. British media September 23, 2009 reported that Neil called the world's "most painful man," suffering "woman-phobia," he did not even girls who held hands, but do not expect, like people fall in love with the girl as love.

gucci shoes It is reported that in ordinary work, Neil, and normal and no different. However, as long as Neil and the young girl a contact, the disease will immediately attack him miserable. "I have tried to make life difficult for would like it, and pretend in the most normal tone and the girls exchange, but still to no avail. Dizziness and the feeling of fear will be directly into my brain, I can not control it." Neil said in an interview When that pain.

Mud phobia

Gucci flat shoes Yorkshire one called "Cinderella" of the pig may be the world's first pig head with obsessive disorder since birth, it has been refused and the brothers and sisters playing in the mud. Custom-made for it until the owner of the four little boots, it was finally agreed and mud close.

Fear Button

tiffany jewelry Waterlooville, Hampshire UK in 22-year-old girl Gillian Lam Hopkins with a rare "button phobia", she is like to see any button to see the same fear of cockroaches. According to Gillian said that she was 7 years old buttons aware of their fear, because since then, she has refused to wear uniforms with buttons. Gillian said: "For me, the touch buttons, touch a cockroach as horrible as I feel they are dirty and filthy."

29.09.2010. u 04:27 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 28.09.2010.

British girl suffering from strange diseases every day, "molt" a latex coating to be half an hour

louis vuitton bags news 5-year-old British girl Annabelle White House as suffering from a rare genetic disorder, which experienced pain every day, "molting" process, but not like snake skin as a whole slipped, but the skin red, severe pain, and finally falling into pieces. The disease known as ichthyosis.

gucci shoes We ordinary people will average 23 days to complete a skin renewal process, and Annabelle is almost every day endure the painful process. According to her parents, Paul and Sonia introduction, every half an hour every day they would apply the child's body with the lotion, hands and feet and other activities in more places bandage wrap to ensure that her skin does not occur chapped, bleeding scars.

Gucci flat shoes Annabelle who was born with a thick layer of "crustacean", ears, nose and hands and feet are covered with this thick film. Later, after special treatment, these "shells" have faded, Sonia and Paul was the first time to see her daughter's appearance. But then they began to fight with ichthyosis. Doctors said that Sonia and Paul have ichthyosis recessive gene, according to biological principles, the gene to their children to become dominant. Statistics show that the probability of suffering from ichthyosis only three parts per million.

tiffany jewelry Although Annabelle's body is very worrying, but good care of their parents, she grew into a warm and optimistic little girl and have time to actively participate in ballet and equestrian programs. As parents, Paul and Sonia sincerely hope Annabelle like other people to successfully complete their education, find a beloved boyfriend.

28.09.2010. u 03:55 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 27.09.2010.

Low IQ inmates executed the first time the United States thousands of people protesting

louis vuitton bags news Night local time, September 23, Virginia executed a 41-year-old female prisoners, this is the first time in the past five years, executions of women prisoners, but also Virginia executed the first time in nearly a century of women prisoners. The executions in the United States sparked intense controversy, many opponents holding banners and photos, I hope at the last minute to make the judicial authorities "Daoxialiuren." The women prisoners accused of instigating and employs 2002 people killed her husband and stepson.

gucci shoes 23 evening, about to be executed 41-year-old Theresa Lewis went into the women in Virginia Jia Lott's death chamber. I saw her tears, clenched teeth off, the death penalty to 14 last glance from a supervisor, and then quietly embarked on a dedicated execution wheelchair.

In the execution, about thousands of people held up pictures and posters Theresa Lewis, asked to give up execution, to avoid one death. The EU also involved in the case, demanded that the U.S. judicial abolition of the death penalty for Lewis.

Gucci flat shoes Focus of the dispute case: Theresa Lewis IQ sentenced to death only 72, she claimed such a low IQ not plotting to kill her husband, but also the latest evidence that the two murderers killed one of her husband's control her. Governor of Virginia, said Bob McDonald Chennai, medical testing, psychological testing, and other reports have shown that there is no reason for its implementation of the amnesty.

tiffany jewelry , October 30, 2002, in Virginia's Dan Weile, Lewis to sex, cash and other benefits promised as bait to go after the practice of deliberately locked the door, so she hired two men killer gun into her home. They (microblogging) killed her sleeping husband and 25-year-old son (her stepson).

27.09.2010. u 04:39 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 25.09.2010.

Alien Quest

gucci shoes news In the universe is the existence of other life forms? Two recent discovery of extraterrestrial life science research

Study provided support.

First of all, life on Earth found in a variety of exotic life forms under which that life is

Very hardy, able to adapt to the most exotic, the most hostile environment. Second, the astronomers also found in

Gucci flat shoes news The existence of extrasolar planets around the star. As of 2001, has been discovered outside the solar system

More than 50 planets. Whether the existence of these planets of extraterrestrial life form?

If extraterrestrial life does exist, then they look like? They are like bacteria, viruses

Or the simple life forms like algae or a more advanced multi-cellular organisms? They have no

It might be intelligent beings? Alien animals, plants, or both between the two terms? It

They are not like we have arms and legs, and the upright walk?

They are as basic to the visual senses, or by other means to collect the environment information?

tiffany jewelryThey "breathe" the oxygen or other gases?

25.09.2010. u 04:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Never say goodbye to glasses

louis vuitton bags news British scientists made a breakthrough discovery: They found the genes that cause myopia, that human beings can be

Hope never get rid of glasses. Scientists commitment, 10 years later, there will be the development of eye drops to prevent myopia


King's College London led the study, Shapiro Hezekiah, MD, said: "Over the years

We already know that the biggest risk is the risk of myopia myopic parents, but this is the first time

Identify with myopia may be inherited genes. "

Scientists compared more than 4,000 sets of twins DNA, of which approximately 45% of genes affected by RASGRF1

Loss, resulting in increased risk of suffering from myopia has doubled. Twins are often used for research in this area, because

Them easier to find from the genetic and acquired diseases.

Scientists have found, RASGRF1 gene into the eyes of the visual signals play a key role in the brain.

LV Monogram Multicolore news Damage to this gene may lead to myopia, in some cases even cause blindness. Of

RASGRF1 gene eyedrops may have to study a few years. The eye drops can not make adult myopia

Restore the clarity of vision, but they get the gospel is ~ ~ ~ you can never say goodbye to glasses.

25.09.2010. u 04:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 24.09.2010.

U.S. pilot was like Superman

gucci shoes news U.S. 20, the evening of a small plane at about 5 in a forced landing due to engine trouble on Interstate, then work

Peak in the beginning, the aircraft actually did not cause any casualties, investigators later found that the quality of pilot mental

Superman, and have some strange experiences.

Pilot Matt Conway was driving a six-seater aircraft ready to fly to Peachtree-DeKalb Airport

Unexpectedly, in just a few kilometers from the airport, the aircraft engine suddenly failed, Conway surprise decision made immediately

, Landed on the interstate highway in Atlanta.

Gucci flat shoes news When the aircraft hit some trees forced landing, but who successfully avoided the vehicle and landed safely. Plane spiral

Paddle end is distorted, because the hard landing has burst the tire, but the whole plane is full. However, public

Road transport is very much affected, television footage showed the aircraft account for at least four lanes, resulting in several public

In the traffic jam. About 2 hours later, the plane was only the trailer away.

Many officials praised Conway's technology, local emergency officials Bradshaw said: "He has been

To find an empty area in the land, the landing by the degree of control appears to be very high. "Local

Smith, Fire Department senior official said: "At that time, he probably only 30 seconds to make a decision ... ... he

tiffany jewelryIs likely to be seen this interstate highway, so we landed here. He landed a good one. "

24.09.2010. u 04:37 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

External fetal development

louis vuitton bags news Brown University and a Fuyingyiyuan of researchers have successfully bred the first man-made ovaries,

It can assume all the functions of human ovaries, the researchers have fostered the use of the mature ovarian

Class of eggs.

In order to create artificial ovary, researchers will donate a Fuyingyiyuan women of childbearing age within the theca

Cultured cells into a special vessel, when theca cells grow into honeycomb, the researchers then

Others donated the follicle cells and oocytes filled with "hive" cavity. A few days later, theca cells to

Will be wrapped in the follicle cells and oocytes, the change process occurred in the human ovary is totally

Consistent. To test whether man-made as it did in human ovary ovary as the egg in its internal development and maturation,

Researchers have done a lot of experiments, the final result showed that the ovary is indeed man-made "real" egg

Can in its internal cystic follicles from the early stage of development to the maturation phase.

Successful artificial cultivation of ovarian researchers can not only make a more thorough understanding of the working mechanism of the ovary,

LV Monogram Multicolore news Also allows researchers to explore more directly how the toxin or other chemical substances and health damage to the mature eggs.

In addition, the results of infertility treatment is expected to become a new method, which gives those who need access to cancer treatment

Treatment of women who wish to have children to bring the Gospel.

24.09.2010. u 04:37 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 23.09.2010.

At least 3 years old and wear glasses

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Wearing glasses make people look at least 3 years old. Compared to those who do not wear glasses, wearing glasses, will be considered in

Greater discipline, and tend to be regarded as "freak."

According to reports, the survey found that those who wear glasses look than the actual average 3.3 years older, and 45-year-old

More people wear glasses, you seem older by 5 years.

Gucci flat shoes news The object of this research were 4,000 of them into two groups. The first group saw 10 glasses

Those pictures were asked to guess the age of photos and personal characteristics of human. The second group of people watching the same 10 people

Photos, but photos of people not wearing glasses, and then ask the same question.

The results showed that, in addition to age differences, the wearing glasses more easily perceived lack of confidence and physical fitness

Poor. Also, wearing glasses easily been described as "freak" and look good at the computer.

Analysis of the results of the psychologist Wilson (Glenn Wilson) said, "This research is interesting

tiffany jewelryIs that, through the people's first impression on others, highlights the social values. "

23.09.2010. u 04:18 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

New York 500 cameras prevent terrorist attacks

louis vuitton bags news New York 3 large busiest transport interchange recently installed 500 cameras start, the image transmitted to the

Police monitoring center, construction Another line of defense against terrorist attacks.

It is reported that New York City Central Station, Penn Station and Times Square, this newly installed three stations

500 cameras set up to allow the police to these stations to conduct real-time monitoring, to form a high-tech

Secure network.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and police Commissioner Raymond Kelly have said, with a dense public transport system has been the fear

Terror attacks against the primary objective, London, Madrid, Moscow, Russia and India, Bangladesh

Buy, have suffered similar terrorist attacks, so New York must learn a lesson.

LV Monogram Multicolore news this subway in New York and London, a similar monitoring system. London's public transport system from 1.2

Million cameras in security and surveillance network, known as the "iron wall", however, the City of London that

The current equipment is not enough, more intensive plan to install cameras, aims to "let off into the subway every one

Faces. "

23.09.2010. u 04:18 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 20.09.2010.

Between China between the world

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In foreign relations, China is a solo performer, but its leaders decided to reflect that many pressure

. This paper analyzes the impact of three-dimensional interaction between China and the world the pressure, suggesting a national scale

Location created the reality of China.

To China's status in the world to arrive at a comprehensive and consistent view, there are three dimensions will

To be considered, they are: China is a single regional countries, more than one regional power, a

A major power in global affairs. China is unique in these areas, each factors affect the

States foreign policy. In China's handling of relations with other countries, one or another aspect may be more

Prominent; However, these elements interact, observe the world, China's leaders to provide a better view


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As a single state, China has one fifth of the world's population, is the world's largest common market

Field. In addition to South Asia, all the world's major international regions, compared in terms of population than China alone.

China has qualified as a regional country, not only because of its land area, but also because it borders meet

Natural economic region, its internal structure, significantly different from the position it has a distinctive external relations


As a multi-regional power, China is also very unique. The importance of China as a regional power over

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The sum of its regional role, because the Chinese in various regional organizations affected the organization of multiple identities


20.09.2010. u 04:45 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Extramarital affairs of men and women are different

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British dating sites new survey, women prefer to confide in close friends, while men were more hi

Huan choose to keeping everything secret, or tell a stranger.

Marriage website survey found involved in an affair, 77% of men choose

Tight-lipped, only 28% of women will make the same decision.

Experience on the affair, 46% of women will tell their best friends, 15% or even tell

More than a friend. Under the same conditions, 6% of men choose to speak their mind to a friend, 12% prefer Report

V. strangers strangers.

Psychological counseling and treatment of the British Association of experts in the words of Philip Hodson reported that the reason why men and women to make

Different reaction, is that men and women far less trusted friend. Of the will itself in a passive state of things

Men choose tight-lipped.

"They were in a bar, meeting with gay men just acquaintances, not to tell friends that they have

Extramarital affairs, "he said," say they fear the secret will own the passive position. Men used to competition, harm

Someone afraid of blackmail or betray their own kind of information. "

The men told the secret practice of strangers, he said, "because they are no longer considered to meet strangers

There will be no danger of reprisal. "

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The marriage relationship expert Sarah Hatley website said: "Some people may think that men will

Advocate their own affair, but quite the contrary. "

"For men, the best way to silence, followed by their not telling a

Life intersection of strangers, "she said.

20.09.2010. u 04:44 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 18.09.2010.

Why safe is black?

louis vuitton bags news Color by eye, brain and produced by our experience of life as a visual effect of light. However, now

Real sense of human right is not just by the color of light determined by the physical properties, such as the human sense of color

Often be felt around the color of. Therefore, it was only to produce different colors of material and physical properties of straight

Then called the color. But you know what colors will be playing "hidden rules you?" Following these instructions must have to give you

Bring a little sentiment.

Appears safe from the beginning of that day, the more black. Whether a large company safe, but also

Is a film show and a giant safe, mostly black. Accountants in the custody of our common security

Cabinet is deep dark green. Why is this?

To prevent theft, safe are designed to not easily destroy the structure, must also be increased as much as possible

Its weight, so that can not be easily movable. However, in order to increase the physical weight is a safe limit, then set

LV Monogram Multicolore news Total who will give it painted a psychological feeling of heaviness in the dark people, arousing the feeling of not moving. White

And black in the psychological approach can produce twice the weight difference, which can greatly increase the safe use of black

Psychological weight, so as to effectively prevent the occurrence of theft.

18.09.2010. u 04:43 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

What is refreshing than coffee?

gucci shoes news Sleepless night, you are always a strong desire to hedge a large cup of coffee to prop. But whether you know

, Merits and demerits of coffee is still difficult to comment on. So there is no other way to play a more healthy

Energizing effects? In fact, some restaurants, like coffee, though not a "myth", but can also be anti-fatigue

. Just know that these particular diet, you can avoid inappropriate time yawning it!

1, drink plenty of water to maintain sufficient water can be refreshing: the human body is made of water, two-thirds, and many of the human body

Basic features are dependent on this simple matter can proceed smoothly. So, to say "fatigue is the highest dehydration

Signal "will not be strange.

In the morning a day drink a huge glass of water not only helps keep the body of water, but also promote a new generation of Chan

DR. If you feel under more difficult white water port, you can try prepared to your taste of flavored water, or

Add some orange juice in the lemon juice, made of refreshing water.

Gucci flat shoes news 2, anti-anemia eat inulin, more abundant energy: from energy bars to cereals, many food ingredients all have a single

Inulin. This fiber found naturally in wheat, garlic, onion, ginger in the ocean.

Inulin not only allow you feeling full longer, also helps to maintain normal (for constipation is undoubtedly parts consumption

Energy thing), but also can promote the body's absorption of iron, and therefore contribute to anti-anemia.

Try roasted ginger, add it in the soup. People think that they also can improve the immune-rich

tiffany jewelrySystem of probiotics. We all know, even a little bit of minor ailments, people will fall in energy.

18.09.2010. u 04:42 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 17.09.2010.

Prisoner lawsuits addiction

gucci shoes news A U.S. prison inmates is a lawsuit seems to have become addicted to a total of more than 3,800 submitted from

Indictment, ultimately he was fed up of the prosecutor to court on charges of "reckless action."

33-year-old American man Jonathan Li Riches users by e-mail to steal credit card secret

Code jail, has been in prison in Kentucky, served 10 years in prison but he was not restless. In

Gucci flat shoes news Pinches Every day throughout the United States court to submit 4 copies of the indictment, the accused people, including former U.S. President George W. Bush

Apple CEO Steve Jobs and the singer Britney Spears, and even Somali pirates, ancient Greek philosophy

Home Plato and the great dictator Adolf Hitler became the object of his action.

Bridges said he prosecuted the world to spend a day a month to write the indictment does not sleep hard

Night, fingers bending stiffness, shoulder paralysis, and his "contribution" should be counted Guinness Book of World Records. Not

Guinness Book of World Records had apparently selected by the Committee, said they did not agree to this, huff Riches

They also reported the.

So far, Bridges has been at least more than 3,800 petitions submitted. Kentucky prosecutors

That these strange cases a waste of judicial resources and court time, and with "reckless actions" crimes

tiffany jewelryProsecution of the Riches, a team of officers who specialize in a letter he sent to prison, will remove such indictment.

17.09.2010. u 04:31 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

With the other half will lose two friends

louis vuitton bags news British scientists recently conducted a study, "Zhongseqingyou" is human nature, into love

Cost of the river is often lost two close friends.

Evolutionary Biology, University of Oxford, Professor Robin Dunbar led the experiment indicate that the majority of people

Not have the time and energy have more than five or more close friends. The core relationship in their circle, men generally

With 4-5 irons, women have 5-6 buddies. But whether men and women, once the impact of make lover

Two friends are out. Fell in love when the male with female friends as easily as from their own

Friends, not as many people as men to be more easy to find a balance between love and friendship. However,

LV Monogram Multicolore news Dunbar stressed the alienation of friends "culprit" and not just fall in love, raise children and buy a new pet

Will act as a "destruction of friendship" effect.

In addition, good relations with others have a price. U.S. researchers found that many friends who first got the flu, Ping

Two weeks earlier than other people. This phenomenon helps predict the public health sector, tracking the flu.

17.09.2010. u 04:30 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 16.09.2010.

European bicycle child finding love

louis vuitton bags news Two years ago, the Australian firefighters Ken Thompson and his wife fighting for mentally ill son

Custody, the wife secretly fled to Europe with his son. To search for son, Thompson went to Europe alone

, Riding a bicycle 6,500 kilometers away, which lasted more than three months, in many eventually recover with the help of his son.

This incident aroused in Australia and Europe hot on the rights of children, the Australian government is also preparing to

To change the law, the birth parents as the abduction of children is also a criminal offense.

Thompson, 57, originally of New South Wales Fire Brigade deputy captain, he and aged

48-year-old wife Milindasi Stratton first life is very harmonious. However, Stratton was suffering from delusions

Disease, and Thompson has been broken marriage, two from early 2008 to fight for custody of his son Andrew and

Expand struggle. The Stratton court denied her custody of fear, did not submit the relevant documents until Thompson

, With Andrew on board Singapore Airlines secretly fled to Germany, then missing.

In order to find his son, Thompson to retire early, dressed in full before printing large photos of his son's clothes, 3

Month period bicycle tour of the nine European countries, travel to 6500 km, while the Internet is also made

The tracing information. Hard work pays off. When Andrew Stratton registration in the Netherlands to the school, a

Headmistress found Andrew's passport has expired, on-line search for "missing children" and "Australia

LV Monogram Multicolore news "And other words and found that more than two years he was Thompson Kuxun children, on September 5 informed the police,

This father and son finally reunited.

16.09.2010. u 04:32 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Development by women in India

gucci shoes news "The Times of India" published on September 15, entitled "Women and the workplace" article. The article said, although Western Europe

And the United States struggle of hope out of the shadow of global recession, but China and India have come in the

Their front. For India, the knowledge of women will be the explosive growth in the Indian economy to achieve a major


The article said that in China and India, everywhere, all kinds of professional knowledge in the ranks of female figure, they

State-owned companies and multinational corporations to bring far-reaching impact.

Gucci flat shoes news Although China has a large number of women and Indian women in common, but not interchangeable between the two roles

. China and India were 76% and 86% of women in the pursuit of knowledge in senior positions - twice over the previous year are higher than the U.S.

More. In India, 85% of women self-knowledge that "ambitious" 65% of Chinese female intellectuals this

Why that, in part because the two women on the "ambition" different understanding of the concept.

The article said, China and India both want to find high-quality women balance career and family, employers

Should help them realize their potential with this. Therefore, employers should fully understand the female employees

Career aspirations and needs, because different strategies were implemented. But in the world, how to attract and maintain

tiffany jewelryAnd retain the best of the best female staff to employers is still a need to be improved the effectiveness of the curriculum. Both the present

And in the future, the knowledge to help these talented women to achieve economic growth are essential for the development of


16.09.2010. u 04:32 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 15.09.2010.

Apple CEO vowed never to visit Japan

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Officials from Japan's Ministry of Communications and airport sources said Apple CEO Steve Jobs (Steve

Jobs) said in July this year, will never visit Japan, because the airport with a ninja flying against Jobs

Dart board a private jet.

This year in July, Jobs, his family holiday in Kyoto, Japan. When preparing to return home, Jobs purchased

Bought some gifts, including a ninja darts, put his luggage.

But in the past airport security, the security personnel found a ninja darts, and refused to carry it on board Jobs

Private aircraft. Jobs are naturally very angry, saying who would hijack their own airplanes. The failure to bring Ninja

Darts, Jobs finally determined effort, then said it would never come to Japan.

LV Monogram Multicolore news
In this regard, the Kansai International Airport (Kansai International Airport) spokesman Takeshi

Uno said that by the end of July this year, does have a private plane carrying passengers since been banned ninja darts

Boarding, but did not disclose the passenger's name. The spokesman also said to take the private jet passengers

The airport did not make a separate check-in arrangements.

15.09.2010. u 04:54 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Miss beauty pageant held in gang

gucci shoes news Budapest, Hungary, beauty pageant organizer, was convicted for crimes related to women with the gang

Children running beauty contest, said that this is the first time ever.

This is but an ordinary beauty contest, the competition is unique in that election contestants of "gangster backgrounds

. "Each contestant must submit important personal information, including the committed crimes and prison time, and arrested

Was photographed in a very "abjection" of the suspect file photo.

This gang runoff Miss Universe competition sites will be selected in a duel and had the gang factions

By a bullet fired into a hornet's nest at the bar. Beauty will be an officer said, as these contestants are not backing

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Small, probably not invited to the review refused to attend. Winner will receive a car and is located in Budapest

An apartment over a new leaf.

November 12, 2008, "the world's most beautiful buttocks" final held in Paris, France, from Pakistan

West, 20-year-old female college student Vertical stroke Ness Lunxi Kvak and from the French bank staff Zaire tile Bohm

Burt won the women's and men's groups were the champion.

15.09.2010. u 04:54 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 14.09.2010.

Guaiguai Pai woman

louis vuitton bags news Essex University researchers said the strong performance in the workplace, where women's average salary than Guaiguai Pai

More than four per cent of female staff, the work of a lifetime doing we can earn Ł 40,000. However, the performance

Was too active or too emotional ups and downs of women, but pay less than three per cent of women. Root

According to the survey, women not only with the ability of the salary, but also closely linked with the personality.

Found: one year in children a lifetime income growth of 10% - Amalia Miller, University of Virginia

(Amalia Miller) an excellent study that if a 20-year-old woman first child

Wait a year before, her life's earnings to grow by 10% due to both higher wages, but also

Longer working hours.

Found: 1.83 meters tall and can earn nearly a thousand dollars a year - a recent study in Australia showed

Said that if a person's height to 1.83 meters, he can expect to make close to 1,000 U.S. dollars per year. "Tall

Large often from a young age on as 'leadership' role, because the relationship between body, peers regarded

He (she) as brother and sister to attachment. Tall person in the office or unconsciously, as a 'leader

'Role. "

Do you often forgetful it? Zhang put in the wallet baby photos, has been rightfully restored to the probability would be greatly enhanced!
LV Monogram Multicolore news Last year, researchers at the University of Hertfordshire in the streets of Edinburgh, 240 unattended purse

To see how many will be rightfully restored. In the end, 42% of the purse to be mailed back. The researchers found that 88%

The baby photo with the return of the wallet are. The researchers believe that this is because the more excited picking baby photo

Wallet's honest response.

14.09.2010. u 04:22 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Black tea with milk greatly reduced

gucci shoes news)The latest issue of "European Heart Journal" published a survey, if the tea by adding milk, tea

The health benefits will be greatly reduced.

The researchers selected 16 healthy women, were drinking tea without milk, black tea with milk and white

Boiling water and tea with ultrasonic testing subjects before and two hours after drinking tea forearm vasodilator capacity levels

. The results showed that, compared with drinking water, drinking black tea significantly enhance the ability of human blood vessels to dilate, while the milk is

This will completely offset the effect of black tea.

Gucci flat shoes news) Compared with the Western preference for black tea in China and other Asian countries, drinking green tea has become a social

Practices, while green tea contains catechins are more abundant. The study did not involve green tea. The latest research

Study results also explain why residents of the United Kingdom and other countries, consumption of a variety of black tea, but the prevalence of heart disease and stroke and

The reason is not reduced, because they are used in tea with milk.

14.09.2010. u 04:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 13.09.2010.

Milk can lose weight?

gucci shoes news Milk in Europe and the United States enjoy "milk plant" The reputation of Chinese medicine theory, there are "autumn bowl of hot milk, fend off the cold warm

Stomach healthy "argument. Nicole Kidman, Lin Chi-ling and other stars will be drinking milk as a way to lose weight, Xu

More beauty-conscious women to lose weight will also be regarded as a holy milk products, soy milk really lose weight?

Drink a glass of milk before meals will bring satiety, naturally during a meal will reduce food intake, a

Down period, weight loss is inevitable, but blind adherence to this diet if long way, not only

Affect nutrition, gastrointestinal function will be impaired.

Soy milk contains dietary fiber, it swelling, then the volume of the stomach, once occupied, is not natural to eat

Under the extra things, which means not eating more energy, eat less, naturally, there would be


gucci outlet news However, weight loss may depend on milk with two methods: first, to control other dietary intake. Some

Were very good appetite, a large glass of milk down, eating a little will not affect other things, it certainly will not work;

Second, to be combined with exercise. Border control diet, side movement, so as to burn fat more effectively, while

It will not lead to weight loss and physical decline. In addition, do not exercise because she was hungry and then a large number of

Eating, that can not fail to lose weight effect.

13.09.2010. u 04:29 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

I have her

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I only know where I will go back to find you. My life as good to be bad to let you accompany me. Because of side

Without you, I really do not complete. I lost not only a friend, I lost half. Sorry, I searched through the memory

Only you, I can tolerate complete.

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Relationship does not matter, I still do, then you can cry all the more blatant and wanton cry sleep

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13.09.2010. u 04:26 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 11.09.2010.

Efforts to reflect the longevity handshake

louis vuitton bags news British study found that the intensity from one person to shake hands, walking speed, is easy to get up from the chair and able to

No standing on one foot, can see whether a person can live. The results showed that the stronger the strength to shake hands, walk

Way faster and balancing one foot higher, life expectancy will be longer.

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Cooper (Rachel Cooper) 30 according to the global study, involving over 50,000 men and women over 40 years with

Research into the findings were.

Study found a strong handshake strength as well as in other tests the performance of those who have better life with

On longer.

Louis vuitton Cosmic Blossom news Having regard to age, sex and body shape and other factors, the weakest handshake strength than the strongest man, early

Death risk increased Liu Cheng 7.

11.09.2010. u 04:11 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

The United States can capture or kill bin Laden

gucci shoes news Although a recent poll showed that nearly Qi Cheng Americans think the U.S. can not capture or kill "base" organization

Leader Osama bin Laden, but Barack Obama still said 10, captured or killed, "Al" Qaeda leader pull

Teng and Zawahiri are still a high priority task of this government.

In a press conference held the same day the White House, a reporter pointedly asked Obama: capture or kill bin Laden if

Is still an important part of your policy? You said during the campaign to implement more intelligent than the Bush administration's war on terror

However, nearly two years of your administration, you have not caught him, if you do not know where he is?

Barack Obama said the capture or kill Bin Laden and Al Zawahiri is extremely important to U.S. national security, even though it

Can not solve all the problems, it is still a high priority task of the current government. He said: "We have the best

Intelligence, the best special forces, they are considering arresting a matter of day and night, as long as I am still president, he

We will continue to capture the night to consider the matter. "

gucci outlet news The uproar about the recent trouble in the "9.11" terrorist attack near the construction site where the mosque and the Florida

Burned up a church, "the Koran" program, Obama's press conference the same day were reiterated support and anti-

On attitude. The former, Obama stressed that the U.S. is not at war with Islam, but with the "twisted"

, Or "fraudulent" Islamic terrorist organizations, terrorist activities, war; on the latter, he warned,

Burning move would endanger U.S. soldiers may also be al-Qaeda recruiting tool.

11.09.2010. u 04:11 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 10.09.2010.

911 principal shape of Osama bin Laden

louis vuitton bags news "9.11" terrorist attacks mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who first made public appearance

, The exterior looks messy, but still significantly overweight body. Recently released an updated photo to show

He was detained at the Guantanamo military prison during the period, significant weight loss, and he also played a gray store

Long beard.

In the photo, Muhammad wearing a traditional white turban, holding a "Koran." Since Mu

Muhammad's image in this picture is very similar with bin Laden, and therefore, "the Daily Mail," to be read as a Muslim

Muhammad is the expression of loyalty to Osama bin Laden to the base.

Pentagon spokesman Gordon participated in almost all court proceedings against Mohammed. Gordon

An interview with reporters, said the performance of some strange Mohammed. Gordon said: "Very often, Mohammad

Germany is like the same on stage. I think he is interested in doing so, the purpose is to attract people

Attention, confuse them or to affect them. All these calculations good. "

cheap louis vuitton bags news Mohammed was arrested in Pakistan in 2003 and in 2006 was transferred to Guantanamo prison in Cuba.

In a time by the Department in June 2009 letter, Muhammad tried to ask for forgiveness for offenses committed by their own

. According to U.S. officials, Mohammed has been in prison admitted his terrorist crimes committed. He still carries on

Louis vuitton Cosmic Blossom news Recognized that he had led the al Qaeda military committee and is responsible for a series of terrorist attacks, including

1993 car bomb attack on the World Trade Center, as well as planning to use shoe bombs and schedules. Mohammed

Germany also acknowledged that he had participated in the attempt to assassinate former U.S. President Bill Clinton conspiracy.

10.09.2010. u 04:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

The specter of "epiphany" to send the debtor Gold

gucci shoes news) Australia, a pub owner Tracey Berry female ass because a debt owed to worry about endless.

Early August day, Tracy's boyfriend, pub chef Gavin Ke Luolei no intention of divination from a local home

Learned, Tracy bought a "Cool Country" pub is a centuries-old has several buildings

The local has been rumors that the bar lived five "ghost", if people have any desire, as long as it

5 "spirit" of prayer, is often able to achieve aspirations. Although Gavin think this is a ridiculous, but in the end

Gavin still have the curious mood decided to try. That evening, sitting in pubs Gavin fireplace fire before 5

"Ghost" prayed: "Give us some money to help us through it!"

Gavin said he was just that fun only to the "spirit" of prayer, and therefore did not raise the matter on the heart

On. However, it had never dreamed that a few days later, incredibly strange things happened.

gucci outlet news)Gavin said, on August 13 morning, Tracy and the usual cleaning in the pub, when she was cleaning with a shovel

Fireplace in the dust, the accidentally discovered in the fireplace three dark, heavy massive objects, when Tracie

Western Canadian culture with them into the water after washing, only to find that turned out to be three shiny gold! With

After the test results also confirmed that they indeed are genuine gold, of which the largest piece of gold weight

Up to 148 grams!

10.09.2010. u 04:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 09.09.2010.

Tiger shark stomach of human body parts

Bahamas a tiger shark stomach has found his arm, arm and other body parts, police and forensic

DNA testing is determined by the identity of the deceased.

gucci shoesThis first tiger shark 3.6 meters long, was recently in the Bahamas Islands Exuma Island (Exuma islands) arrested

Be. Fishermen accidentally discovered in anatomy, tiger sharks stomach has two arms, two legs and has been part of the digestion of the dead

Block. Police forensic and related DNA testing has started, hoping to find out the identity of the deceased. But an assistant

Police said the view from the extent of digestion, the deceased had been dead for several days.

gucci outletThe deceased was not clear when the tiger shark attacked and ate dead or alive. In addition, tiger sharks

Scope of activities in the oceans is very large, often travel to far away, so one can not determine whether the deceased

Who will be the Bahamas. Local recently reported 2 cases of missing persons cases, police are investigation.

09.09.2010. u 05:04 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Factory shells at home

According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery to a survey, China now ranks first in Asia the number of plastic surgery

louis vuitton bags1, accounting for 12.7% of the number of plastic surgery around the world, second only to the United States and Brazil.

Some men also involved in this trend. They implanted through the chest to make sense of their own to become more muscular, and Greek

Hope to take this to the boss and clients impressed.

In Beijing, high school seniors and college students led the plastic surgery market share of about 80%. To

On their motivation is simply the process of looking for work increase their competitive advantage. In 1994, plastic surgery

cheap louis vuitton bagsThe introduction of Beijing. Since then, shaping the market to flourish. According to Hai-Huan (Music), Ph.D., a year in

Japan Friendship Hospital will have to be from 20,000 to 30,000 cases of plastic surgery, and in the past few years, the number of steady growth

. Ma said that the most common operation is double-fold eyelids, nose jobs, breast augmentation and other facial micro-integration.

Plastic trend is not limited to the capital Beijing, and even western provinces also have large market demand.

Louis vuitton Cosmic BlossomAccording to Dr. Ma speaking, the risks of cosmetic surgery as with other operations, such as infection, bleeding and, most

Big problem is that the patient looks to do to take bets.

09.09.2010. u 05:04 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 08.09.2010.

Germany's political parties to send students cited outrage sex pen

gucci shoes news) German students usually receive in school with the gift of a toy box.

Reported the northwestern city of Germany, Aisen A Road Fulaixiwei school students recently received from the German

Members of a party gift pen gift box. But this year, students who enrolled in Essen opened the box, only to find the

Make them confused gifts: pen decorated with pornographic images.

But when these kids will take home the pen, their parents simply unacceptable. They found themselves a mere 6

Year-old child received was actually printed pornographic images of women pen. Angry parents have sued the principal


gucci outlet news)In the ensuing conference, party spokesman said they were from a local discount store to buy this

Approved pen. They regretted that happen, and general merchandise stores selling pornography angry.

The spokesman said they were linked to determine whether prosecution lawyers dealer.

08.09.2010. u 04:17 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 07.09.2010.

Remaining the world's oldest woman 106 years old

Age of remaining the world's oldest woman Iraqi sha Breese will celebrate 106 birthday. Brisbane is not only life never cross male

Friends, even their first kiss are not given, the world's most extreme bachelor.

gucci shoes news) Brisbane had a system of liquor senior secretary, her work in her spare time in general

Go to church choir activities, clubs Growing Flowers in the flower or play golf. Brisbane has received mining

Visit, said that staying single is her vitality and longevity of the greatest health secret.

gucci outlet news) The Brisbane's niece, 67-year-old Zina said that Brisbane has never been shown on the romantic life or

Love needs. And when she had to do anything "dynamic", almost never in front of people

Demonstrated sad or depressed look. Now, she plans to buy some champagne and cake to celebrate his own that

The arrival of the 106-year-old birthday.

07.09.2010. u 04:51 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 04.09.2010.

10 years, 63 men traveled the country a record catch thousands of fish

47-year-old California man Steve Wards Nepal Kerouac After 10 years, running the 63 countries, caught

1,000 different fish, setting a limit fishing record.

gucci shoes news)Wozniak this record spent a total of 50,000 pounds, 20,000 hours to get into the outside except Antarctica

Continents, such as the finger of fresh water to catch small minnows and big sharks to 408 kg. Eventually, he was in Norway a

Gulf caught his first one thousand kinds of fish --- a 900 g weight of the black cod.

Wozniak is a software engineer, he said he went fishing at age 5, the first fish, age 35, has been captured

Nearly 150 different species of fish. 1,000 kinds of fish, the idea of fishing from a friend's game, in fact, the first on

Bibi who want a greater variety of fish caught.

In 2006, Wozniak year leave of absence to concentrate on fish, 180 types of fish caught that year, to capture the general category

To 676. Over the past three years, he captured more than 100 kinds of every year. Wozniak said that experience the most dangerous times

Is 3 meters long to kill captured mako shark and the world's most poisonous fish --- Australian rock fish, Atlantic salmon is difficult to

Fishing, he spent two years, Ł 4,000 in Scotland only got his wish.

gucci outlet news)Wozniak has broken the 12 International Game Fish Association's record race, he thought he would "collect the pole"

Published with all the fishing experience. The world, more than 31,400 kinds of fish species, Wozniak hope that one day

Catch a different fish 2000.

04.09.2010. u 04:15 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Country with the largest number of illiterates in the world

Branch on the 2nd African UNESCO said in a statement in Nairobi, sub-Saharan Africa

District continued to grow in recent years the number of illiterates, the number of illiterates in the region currently has ranked first in the world.

cheap coach bags news) Among them, sub-Saharan Africa over the past seven years, an increase of the total number of illiterate people in 1950, now has become

Illiterate people around the world most areas.

He said that in addition to the growth of illiteracy, literacy in sub-Saharan Africa can not be a long time

Some attention has become the most concern to UNESCO, most countries in the region currently

Failure to literacy into the national education goals in the areas of investment is very limited.

In addition, Masa Kui said that gender discrimination has become sub-Saharan Africa to enhance literacy rate

Important obstacle, which has become the adult illiteracy rate has been higher reason.

coach outlet news), only 12 sub-Saharan Africa countries, literacy rate of over 50%. The entire African continent

Nearly 400 million illiterate, accounting for 60% of the total population in Africa, accounting for 40% of the total number of illiterates worldwide. In addition, 35% of the African countries

Enrollment rate of school-age children at home less than 40%, 20% of the entire African boys and 38% of girls out of primary school, in

Higher school dropout rates.

04.09.2010. u 04:14 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 03.09.2010.

Brown, Blair and the Queen does not and insider

Princess Diana 13th anniversary of the death, Blair affectionate memories of the "Princess of civilians" after a car accident

cheap coach bags news)Experience and their response to the crisis to lead the process of the royal family. Diana death an accident, Blair's first reaction is to control the situation and public sentiment. There is no precedent in the case of Blair in the back of an envelope hurriedly wrote the famous speech on "people's princess", the speech delivered at Diana's funeral won public acclaim after.

After Blair felt condolences to the people in the entire nation when Diana, the royal family on the death of Diana is not any

What response is very dangerous, he has a responsibility to protect the image of the British royal family. So he went to Prince Charles

To persuade Queen Elizabeth II issued a statement, the Queen agreed. "The Queen is difficult to accept the views of the public

, I am full of kind enough to explain from her (Diana's death) the importance of lessons learned, but I fear she felt

I was reckless too - because she had some arrogance. "

coach outlet news)Blair said he and the Queen's spin is so stiff. A year later, the royal couple invited Blair to wild

Outside barbecue. "You might not believe, when I face the empty plate (ready to eat) when the Queen suddenly

However, ordered the dishes off the table from me. "Blair said Prince William had been dedicated to the mother's death

On the Huai, "I can feel deeply hereditary prince trapped by tradition."

03.09.2010. u 04:42 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

India's mobile phone examinations and sign the University of

A university in Bangalore, India launched a new policy this year, students can use the mobile phone test

, Teachers can also use mobile phones sign.

gucci shoes news), although all schools in India are prohibited to use mobile phones in the classroom, but this school

Has pioneered the students and teachers can use the phone. The project is called "mobile interactive platform,"

School students and teachers will provide specialized mobile, gaming and messaging has been deleted.

gucci outlet news)The school principal said in an interview: "The idea to use new technology to enhance teaching quality

Volume, the students are very interested in this way. Most importantly, it is very easy and not to cheat.

"In the examination, the student as long as the press button to select the correct answer on it, students can

To use the phone to the computer calculations. Sign of the times, the teacher simply enter a password on

Can easily sign their information will be uploaded to the server.

03.09.2010. u 04:41 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 02.09.2010.

Unbearably lonely man to do simulation doll girlfriend

A 50-year-old Italian businessman because he can not bear to be lonely after his girlfriend broke up with intolerable, it took 18 000

U.S. dollars (about 122,000 yuan) in front of his girlfriend, a customized exactly the same proportion of the inflatable doll real


gucci shoes news) the man put together a bunch of pictures of ex-girlfriend, and told the Italian system of inflatable doll

Manufacturers Yage Botuo Lin (Diego Bortolin) said: "I want a customized exactly the same with her." "

People are pictures of a blonde Qiaoxiaoqianxi. But my client asked for dolls bigger breasts, buttocks

Greater curvature of the Department of the curve a bit. We have done is very realistic dolls. True in many places simply Jiugen

The planet. "

Botuo Lin declined to disclose the name of the customer's name, his family company located in Treviso, the name called "

The temptation "to make it exact inflatable doll known.

Bo Tuolin the system inflatable doll is usually about 5,000 U.S. dollars each. However, because these dolls are especially off

gucci outlet news)Production, so it particularly expensive. Botuo Lin said: "Because we want to copy the masters of everything, including her

Body, nails, and her teeth. "

This inflatable doll with a weight 58 kg, 160 cm high. Botuo Lin said that her body is very soft, can be

Pay any difficult move. Botuo Lin said: "She is my girlfriend so far seen the most perfect."

02.09.2010. u 04:50 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

The mother smiles, the brain child forever

For most people, the mother is the most important person in his life. But you may not know that the mother's face

A person's brain activity unique role. The researchers found that mothers face will stimulate children to see

Brain cells.

cheap coach bags news)The research team from Canada, Britain and other countries of the scientists. They recruited 20 volunteers

Those who accept the experiment, subjects were an average age of 35 years.

Subjects were parents watching their photos, celebrities photos and pictures of strangers. The researchers used

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to record the subjects see different photos of brain activity.

The researchers found that subjects saw photographs of his mother, the key parts of the brain cell activity becomes live

Jump, and this part of the brain associated with cognitive and emotional function.

Father's face deep in the brain can react to the subjects, but the intensity and the subjects face to see her mother

Pang generated when the intensity of reaction compared to "poor relation."

"Celebrity Face" on subjects far less brain stimulation face stimulation intensity of their parents, but compared to "

Passers-by "face, public figures face some stimulus.

British "Daily Telegraph" quoted study team member, University of Toronto professor Maliaer

coach outlet news)Sali Du, then reported that the brain subjects face a strong reaction to the mother can be attributed to subjects in the childhood

Frequently seen on the mother.

"In fact, even if the children become adults, many years away from their parents, this brain response still exists, said

Out of its persistence, "Ahl Sully Du said.

02.09.2010. u 04:22 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 01.09.2010.

Gaddafi invited to the party of 500 beauty

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi arrived in Rome 28, Italy 4-day visit, his visit

Asked the main purpose is to commemorate the friendship of Italy and Libya signed an agreement anniversary.

gucci shoes news)However, in Gaddafi's official visit to Italy on the first day he held an Islamic party, invite 500

Beautiful women to participate, in addition to being kept out of the security personnel, Gaddafi is the only one in this gathering of men

All are invited to participate in the activities of the ladies were required to wear a demure, and 50 euros in compensation, if the parties to participate in evening activities or other arrangements, then you can receive 70 euros, but there is one important condition is that they can not accept the media interview. Plane in Gaddafi arrived in Rome airport, they take the 10 bus car arrived at the residence of the Libyan Ambassador to Italy. And on 9 months ago, Gaddafi held in the same place a similar gathering.

A 19-year-old student Sarah said: "Gaddafi is a pleasant and charming man, he and we

gucci outlet news)About Islam and the "Koran", and gave each of us a copy of material, he told us that we should

The convert to Islam, Muhammad is the last prophet. Three women converted the spot, they wear Ruiz

Lan to teach the traditional cloak, got 70 euros. "Some women said very offensive, saying that" can not stand to listen to

He said those who refuse. "

01.09.2010. u 04:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Top baked Russia Fu II

Recently, the Russian "financial" magazine recently published its annual "most heir" list. As the parents of students

Money well and these "rich second generation" of the number of 0.5-fold increase over last year, total wealth has increased by one fold.

coach outlet news)Reports, entering the list of "rich second generation" family assets in excess of one billion dollars. Russia and most of them, "Fu

II "is the largest shareholder of LUKoil and the son of Vagit Alekperov main Mat You Sefu Arab League Lek

Alekperov. Vagit is the only child at home, and therefore destined to be "the most wealthy people." Up to now, Vagit

Inheritable assets to the assets of 10.65 billion U.S. dollars, 7.6 billion last year.

The second is the co-president of Alfa Group, Rico Xieni storehouse this rice Geoff's only son, inherit the assets of 71 billion. The third is "basic element" Deripaska, owner of the son, each inheritable assets of 6.9 billion. Deripaska couple total assets estimated at 13.8 billion U.S. dollars. Qieer Xi and relatively well-known Roman Abramovich's six children and did not enter the top ten. Abramovich, the total assets estimated at 17 billion U.S. dollars, 2.83 billion U.S. dollars per person per inheritable. Abu children in 2009 ranked only behind in Vagit.

cheap coach bags news) Russia "billions of dollars," the rich within a year because of the financial crisis increased the number of

Doubled. 2010, these super-rich children inherit the total assets of about 250 billion U.S. dollars, while in 2009

107 billion U.S. dollars. Of course, wealthy people, increased the number last year was 54, this year is 86, "top ten rich

II "assets within one year doubled the total to 66 billion U.S. dollars.

01.09.2010. u 03:59 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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