
subota, 29.01.2011.

U.S. forces bombed the village to the ground of a Taliban

coach outlet A task force led by the Americans in October last year, used 25 tons of bombs and rockets will be the Taliban occupied a village razed to the ground. "Connection" magazine said, this is the supreme commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, David Petraeus is a higher degree of violence used to be a disappointing latest sign of the war.

coach bags West Point graduates, Petraeus biographer Paul La Devi's foreign policy in the soup Mu Like the blog about in the Kandahar province Tower Mr Grams cora Arghandab valley village was razed to the ground cut elapsed.

coach outlet 320 Daiweifeien Joint Task Force Commander Colonel in October last year, will be issued a village razed to the ground command. When his men are constantly being made from the village bomb attacks, the Taliban's intimidation has been expelled from the village, the village as a staging area to attack the Taliban. The bomb attack came from the village has made several U.S. soldiers were wounded due to amputation. Finn's men, "very afraid to return to villages crackdown, because it certainly looks killed."

coach outlet In two crackdown led to U.S. and Afghan forces casualties occurred after the Finn made the decision to villages razed to the ground. He ordered the use of line charge mine, and the use of a rocket-propelled grenades to get through the road leading to the village center, which is just the beginning. A-10 attack aircraft and B-1 bombers, combined with ground-launched rockets were pouring to the village close to 25 tons of ammunition. Bode Wei said the action did not cause civilian deaths.

29.01.2011. u 02:20 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 28.01.2011.

Berlusconi accused of corruption reputation cache of 14 Angels

coach outlet Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi came to light earlier, a luxury housing estate in the suburbs of Milan Fourteen Showgirls nurturing and television actress, and now this estate has incurred the resentment of other people, that these women make to the mansion Area "downgrade" even hand pressure and drove them away. This luxurious estate Total hundred and fifty residents, many of them residents reported dissatisfaction with these Fengchennvlang "disturbance", and ruined the reputation estate, so even hand pressure to force the management company ordered them to move out.

coach bags The estate is located in the outskirts of Milan Arco, the accused was Silvio Berlusconi, "Jinwucangjiao" secret location. Fourteen women that is rent-free living in the estate at any time summoned to take part of Berlusconi's villa parties. Prosecutors earlier three hundred pages in a thick document describes in detail the case of the estate, saying that it was built in the seventies of last century when Berlusconi in the real estate business. The estate has a charming landscape, with underground parking, supermarkets, bars and other living facilities, supporting a complete living facilities, has become the Milan fashion people to buy luxury hot lots.

coach outlet In view of these fourteen residents within the district suddenly Angels "downgrade" to the owners of the Committee of complaints, the Commission further pressure on the management company, sent to all women notice ordering them to move out. The woman was ordered to move out including several television actress.

coach outlet Seventy-year-old Berlusconi, refused to go to Milan's Procuratorate, the acceptance of his dancers, a relationship in connection with a minor and abuse of power investigation. National secretary of the Italian Democratic Party announced a campaign Bersani, intended to collect ten million "people can not stand all the" signatures, forcing Berlusconi to step down.

28.01.2011. u 02:30 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 27.01.2011.

Obama is "President of Hamburg"

coach outlet Not long ago, Barack Obama Xie Quanjia to Hawaii to enjoy the Christmas holidays. Obama and his wife Michelle and their two daughters, not only in Hawaii's Hanauma Bay Nature Reserve, the famous waters of greater than "dive addiction," and more comfortable to enjoy the ice on the beach.

coach bags From the outside it seems, Barack Obama slender, healthy lean, but those who know him know that Obama is not eating as healthy as people think. White House spokesman Gibbs broke the news in a news conference, said: "You might imagine that Obama eat carrots and green vegetables, but in fact, he is the cheese burger, french fries and cookies aficionados. "Gibbs said, Obama is very strong interest in dessert, since the full-time after the White House chef, Obama is more difficult to crush dessert, eat more, and even his point division has received special attention and therefore .

coach outlet In addition to sweets, the Obama burger and fries and other civilians of the American fast food is also very enthusiastic. In the presidency more than a year, Obama has repeatedly slipped out of the White House to secretly enjoy the burger shop civilians. May 6, 2009, Obama visited with Vice President Biden suddenly the city of Washington, a very humble fast-food restaurants - Ray 's Hell fast food restaurant. Two had a big meal is not in the store, leaving also take away a big bag of take-away burger. A month later, Obama has appeared suburban Washington, a fast-food chain. Obama's appearance so that the two fast-food restaurants reputation earthquake, business is good to not work, it Duoaobama attracted supporters from the queue taste president, "Queen" of the cheese burger. Therefore, from the Americans for Obama had a "Hamburg President" nickname.

coach outlet Obama also had a hamburger hobby into a diplomatic occasions. June 2010, Russian President Medvedev to visit in the United States, Obama once again came to Medvedev's unexpected areas near Washington, Ray's Hell hamburger fast food restaurants. The presence of customers was cheering, but the two did not affected, enjoy delicious hamburgers off suit. After some hot talk, the relationship between the two countries has greatly warming heat. It is reported that the store did not Yinaobama repeated patronage and luxurious decoration, and always adhere to the civilian line, an ordinary burger set only about seven dollars or so.

27.01.2011. u 02:02 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 26.01.2011.

56-year-old girl refused to strip the U.S. of discrimination: age is not a problem

coach outlet Texas, a 56-year-old exotic dancer was fired by the boss of age discrimination. She filed suit against unfair treatment and, ultimately, $ 60,000 compensation.

coach bags Now 60-year-old Marry Bassi year has passed when the young are still doing a stripper, it is often ridiculed as being older "too old" or "senile dementia", the last being in 2006 at age 56, owner of dismissal without cause.

coach outlet Subsequently, Marry the age discrimination in the strip club to court, and won $ 60,000 in compensation.

coach outlet to Marry a lawyer, said the industry in the strip, strippers are often discriminated against because of their age. Marry in favor of the case is a big step forward in this industry, but also that the exotic dancer who not only eat young rice.

26.01.2011. u 03:09 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 25.01.2011.

British 84-year-old retired old woman fought off the thief with a cane

coach outlet Hampshire (Hampshire) petite 84-year-old retired woman and her 59-year-old daughter together beats off with a cane morning burglars to help the police arrest, was awarded the bravery award.

coach bags describes the 84-year-old Frail Doris, she woke up around 3 am and found the thief Leon Ingram. Sprang at the thief to make her, when her daughter came to a close with the arms caught the thief's neck. Then they grabbed the old woman hanging on the wall of her late husband crutches, constantly beating the thief's head, neck and shoulders.

coach outlet While the thieves are about 1.83 meters tall, but still is only 1.59 meters tall and the Frail Doris and her daughter played fled. Subsequently, the police crashed through the window Looking back on the thief ran away with the head of blood left behind and arrested him.

coach outlet said that the victory they also sent a signal to thieves and told them to retire for the elderly are not to be bullied.

25.01.2011. u 02:25 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 24.01.2011.

Austrian study: the first animal will be carried away by love

coach outlet Austrian scientists found that people love is not only carried away the first, animals were not spared.

coach bags Vienna University scientists to experiment with guinea pigs. They put cucumber in the maze, so that guinea pigs into the maze looking for.

coach outlet They found that guinea pigs living alone in the maze to find a higher success rate for export; is the relationship between a pair of guinea pigs cultured in the maze to find export success rate is relatively low.

coach outlet Austrian scientists say, human or animal love, the body will have a love hormones affect their discretion, so that they stumbled, the first carried away by love.

24.01.2011. u 02:22 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 23.01.2011.

U.S. forces bombed the village to the ground of a Taliban

coach outlet A task force led by the Americans in October last year, used 25 tons of bombs and rockets will be the Taliban occupied a village razed to the ground. "Connection" magazine said, this is the supreme commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, David Petraeus is a higher degree of violence used to be a disappointing latest sign of the war.

coach bags West Point graduates, Petraeus biographer Paul La Devi's foreign policy in the soup Mu Like the blog about in the Kandahar province Tower Oake Kela Arghandab valley village was razed to the ground cut elapsed.

coach outlet 320 Daiweifeien Joint Task Force Commander Colonel issued last October that will command the village razed to the ground. When his men are constantly being made from the village bomb attacks, the Taliban's intimidation has been expelled from the village, the village as a staging area to attack the Taliban. The bomb attack came from the village has made several U.S. soldiers were wounded due to amputation. Finn's men, "very afraid to return to villages crackdown, because it certainly looks killed."

coach outlet In two crackdown led to U.S. and Afghan forces casualties occurred after the Finn made the decision to villages razed to the ground. He ordered the use of line charge mine, and the use of a rocket-propelled grenades to get through the road leading to the village center, which is just the beginning. A-10 attack aircraft and B-1 bombers, combined with ground-launched rockets were pouring to the village close to 25 tons of ammunition. Bode Wei said the action did not cause civilian deaths.

23.01.2011. u 02:14 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 22.01.2011.

UK anti-piracy successfully developed laser weapons

coach outlet The face of fierce Somali pirates, merchant ships were not equipped with weapons through Somali waters are always on tenterhooks. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 1 Month 10 reported, British Aerospace Systems has announced a new anti-piracy laser weapons, which can cause temporary blindness targeted to help the sailors when they saved the day in the event of piracy.

coach bags British Aerospace Systems, said Brian Huorui, 1.2 km to 1.5 km in distance between the laser installed in the vessel can be a laser as a warning, so that the pirates know that they have been exposed. He believes that today's pirates are opportunists, once found himself looking for the whereabouts of exposure will turn to the next target.

coach outlet And at close range, the weapon can fire a green laser beam so that the pirates, dizziness, makes it difficult to aim. Green laser can interfere with vision, the U.S. military in Iraq also targeted by green lasers make short-term blindness. Huorui said the design of such long-range weapons, the biggest difficulty is the sea, how to ensure its effectiveness, and also security, because the United Nations Convention on the prohibited weapons research and development can be permanent blindness. He also said that new weapons have been through the company's series of experiments, but before its commercialization, the need for further human testing.

coach outlet Once the successful listing of such weapons, it will work with the British combination of the existing targeting system, allowing the target's distance and weather conditions to adjust the laser beam intensity.

22.01.2011. u 03:09 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 18.01.2011.

Unique advantages of Chinese anti-virus

coach bags "Chinese medicine treatment of viral infections with unique advantages, not only effective, low resistance, side effects and adverse reactions, but also through the sweat of the table, removing heat generated by the virus in the body of toxic substances from the body." Said Sun Yongchang , the Beijing area the incidence of flu and colds, in addition to climatic conditions, but also closely related with people's lifestyles.

coach outlet Relatively fast pace of city life now, work pressure, social occasions and often lack of rest, leading to gastrointestinal toxins, the body has more heat. The therapy of Guanzhong, raw licorice, sage, skullcap and other components of the prevention of influenza Liuwei drugs and cold medicine can be in the solution on the basis of the table and cold plus detoxification herbs to prevent and treat.

But he also said that, but we have neither exclusion of Chinese medicine, negative attitude, and do not rush into mass action hype.

coach outlet After all, the domestic Chinese medicine for influenza virus research there are three problems: One is the lack of a large sample of medical research medical research to find cards; the other is not specified in the medical research for Influenza A H1N1, H2N2, H3N2 and other strains role; The third is the medicine less inhibition of neuraminidase pilot study limited success. "But with modern experimental technology, anti-viral mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine will continue to further and improve."

18.01.2011. u 02:18 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 15.01.2011.

How to balance healthy eating

coach bags People are always trying to keep a variety of food nutrition. As everyone knows, some things around, and even some healthy habits but it will secretly steal your nutrition. Recently, Taiwan's "Healthy" magazine summed up the five will steal things around nutrition.

1. Adds to the growing of coffee: stolen calcium. Excessive coffee will increase the risk of osteoporosis, the U.S. nutritionists Bauer that the caffeine will dissolve the calcium in bones. Remedy: supplement 1500 mg of calcium per day, remember that every cup of coffee will increase 19-37 mg of calcium. A cup of coffee can, add two spoons of milk. The key is not more than 4 cups of coffee a day.

coach outlet 2. Menstruation excessive: the loss of iron. Menstrual flow through the General Assembly, lost a lot of iron, causing iron deficiency anemia, causing fatigue. Remedy: add 18 mg of iron per day. Beef, fish, pork has a lot of iron, whole grains, beans, oats, dark green vegetables have small amounts of iron. A little secret: cooking with the wok, but also absorb some more iron; remember and high vitamin C foods to eat, such as tomatoes, oranges, orange, can help the body absorb. Nutrition experts recommend not to eat without iron, iron needs to be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

3. Regular exercise: stealing iron, vitamin C and E. Movement, the need for more iron to help transport oxygen to the muscles. And exercise will also bring cellular stress, free radicals, then you need vitamin C, E to help repair.

15.01.2011. u 02:04 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 14.01.2011.

Al-Qaeda accused of plotting with a deadly "Dutan" attack Saudi Prince

coach bags Saudi Arabia, Arabian Peninsula, a branch of al-Qaeda militants in the first 12 are disclosed in a report, Al Qaeda in 2009, when the original plan of "Dutan" Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is responsible for killing Mohammed counter-terrorism Prince Naif (Mohamed ibn Nayef), but the plan did not get implemented.

Reported that in October last year, surrendered to Saudi authorities in the former al-Qaeda Fa Yifei (Jaber al-Faifi) a TV and media interviews, said that al Qaeda plans to build a branch of the Arabian Peninsula contains 800 grams of explosives, toxic substances and the bomb , a senior member of the royal family of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Interior Minister Prince Naif, Assistant to launch bomb attacks. It is believed that as long as this bomb wounded, the release of toxic substances in a few seconds is enough to make people killed.

coach outlet However, Yemeni branch of Al Qaeda who ultimately is responsible for the successful completion of the bombs did not add the poison plan. Allegedly responsible for manufacturing such a bomb is the recent multi-country embassy for the main suspect parcels bomb - are al-Qaeda branch in Yemen Sheik Ibrahim Hassan in (Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri).

August 30, 2009, "base" organization of a named Abdullah Hasan Darley Arab League West assailants asked to meet with Prince Naif excuse, a bomb blew himself up at the security check, resulting in minor injuries, Prince, not life threatening.

14.01.2011. u 02:47 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 13.01.2011.

Nail rife in Japanese men

coach bags In Japan, a time when a female nail fashion, but also those who lead the trend of global beauty. Japanese men fond of make-up is no longer a secret, but recently, nail Japanese men has become a "new trend."

Japan's Kyodo News reported on Jan. 10, for men to do nail care "male nail" as part of grooming is the Japanese business men gradually became popular. Tokyo, Japan, also appeared in the nail salon for men. Nail the men do that in the exchange business cards or a handshake, the eye will focus on the fingertip, nail care, could have done a good impression to customers, and competitors differ.

coach outlet June 2010, for men salon "Rosage" opened in Tokyo in Ueno. According to reports, about 6 customers in the automotive industry as sales staff, other guests hairdressers, lawyers, and students looking for work.

Repaired and the surface shape of the nail polish, hand massage and then, about 50 minutes of the package price of 3990 yen (about 318 yuan). Nail gloss can choose. Store a male guest (36) noted with satisfaction, said: "get people's attention, but also cheerful personality. At the same time a conversation, and customers can easily communicate to shorten the distance."

13.01.2011. u 02:56 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 12.01.2011.

For the witch to the Danube, Romania, the practice of collective

coach bags Although most people do not like the tax collector, but the Romanian witches are the new tax law since the Government introduced tax on witchcraft, but still decided to go to the Danube side of the collective practice of witchcraft by an old curse the government and president.

According to the Associated Press reported on January 5, superstition is a long part of the culture of Romania, the Romanian leaders had come with "Witch Queen", the current President Traian Basescu sum of their subordinates but also on specific days wear purple clothing to ward off evil. Witches, astrologers and fortune tellers are very prosperous in Romania and other professional, and do not pay taxes. The increase in revenue for the recession to combat tax evasion, the Romanian Government in 2010 passed a bill to require self-employed individuals are required to pay 16% income tax and health care costs.

coach outlet Reported that the protest will take effect in January 2011 bill, the whole territory of Romania, dozens of witch will be Jan. 6 at the southern edge of the plains and the Danube to the cat urine and dog corpses to practice expressing your anger. And the president will put away evil spirits in the day clothes - purple suit.

"This bill is stupid. Once the tax, we will not earn a penny." A woman, "the legislators do not see how much your earn, how many tricks they play." And Romanian "Queen class" witch is said, "I curse very useful."

12.01.2011. u 03:59 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 11.01.2011.

Latvian Youth occupy millions of pounds to the UK luxury

louis vuitton outlet Latvia unemployed youth travel long distances to a UK region squatters Highgate (Highgate) a value of millions of British luxury, to be a "nail house."

According to The 21-year-old unemployed artists Jason Ruddick said he heard that the British "nail house" to be protected through legal action is almost impossible to drive.

This building is "occupied" the Victorian building has 10 bedrooms, three with bath and shower bathroom, a fully equipped kitchen, cooking, and heating facilities, etc., and neighbors are millionaires or famous people.

According to the British "Bill of 1980 time frame" (Limitation Act 1980) provides that any action to recover the land ownership must be made within 12 years, this is the so-called "rights of squatters" (squatters rights). If you have the time, "those who share housing" is what we called "nail house", you can obtain the ownership of housing, and the original house owner has no right to take legal action to recover the housing.

11.01.2011. u 02:34 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 10.01.2011.

Why do fireflies glow?

louis vuitton outlet Firefly chemical reactions the body to enable them to light, called bioluminescence process. Involvement in a case of luciferase, the cells of oxygen and calcium, energy storage molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and fluorescein binding, Firefly will be able to shine. LED lights will generate a lot of heat, but Firefly will not, it sends a "cold light." Light-emitting organ as if it as hot like light bulbs, light emitting process in this insect can not survive.

Oxygen available, the light organ to play a role; oxygen available, the emitting area to darken. Light organ is one such manipulation of light by controlling the oxygen in the starting and ending. Insects, no lungs, they are called micro trachea through a complex series of successive thinning of the pipe, the oxygen delivery to body cells from in vitro. Control the amount of micro-tracheal muscles of the oxygen out of the work of a relatively slow, so why fireflies light so quickly has been a mystery.

Recently, however, researchers found that nitric oxide on this issue has played an important role. Oxygen is used for the cell mitochondria to produce energy, the mitochondria within the cell are all the available oxygen fixed. In order to induce the mitochondrial release of oxygen, the brain will be issued firefly signals produced nitric oxide, and nitric oxide can replace the position of oxygen in mitochondria. Then, move to the light-emitting organs of oxygen to the chemical reaction in the use of light. However, due to the rapid decomposition of NO in mitochondria, the oxygen was quickly re-bound to live, light has come to an end.

Firefly light for many reasons. Their bodies can produce defensive steroids, they emit light pulses that they do not make good insect eaters; many adult fireflies flash their similar pattern of specific, allowing different members of the opposite sex. Several studies have shown that female fireflies flash based on the specific mode of male characteristics similar to choose a spouse. Now show that the two types of fireflies flash in the flash faster and higher intensity of the male more attractive to female fireflies.

10.01.2011. u 06:44 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 08.01.2011.

Hundreds of Women's British arm rod contraceptive implant failure

coach bags 584 women received the British long-acting contraceptive implanted in the arm bar "Implanon" After the operation, the rod contraceptive implant failure or failure and unintended pregnancy. Many people have complained that contraceptive rod arm injury, scarring, some psychological barrier after pregnancy, abortion, even more people left behind after the trauma of abortion, and finally divorce.

coach outlet Reported that the British government's National Health Service System (NHS) had received 1607 complaints about contraceptive rod failure, 7 of them due to unwanted pregnancies and psychological trauma of the woman, by the government compensation for more than 20 million pounds. Doctors say this is difficult to successfully implanted contraceptive rod, and can not stick through the X-ray whether contraceptive implant success.

louis vuitton outlet reported that the price of long-acting contraceptive rod is about 90 pounds, if proper implanting in the woman's upper arm cortex, can release artificial progesterone to prevent ovulation, contraceptive efficiency as high as 99.95%, slightly higher than the oral contraceptive pill, period up to 3 years.

burberry scarf However, the contraceptive rod very satisfactory results, a complaint, the manufacturer for replacement of new implants and may be X-ray scanning of the contraceptive rod.

08.01.2011. u 01:53 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 07.01.2011.

Jackdaw violence nearly dead on the streets of Sweden

coach outlet Following the United States, Arkansas and other states fell to the ground appeared a large number of birds, fish die-death event, starting Jan. 5 in Sweden also found nearly dead on the streets only Jackdaws exposure, the cause of death has yet to be confirmed. In addition, there are 40,000 British dead crabs washed ashore.

louis vuitton outlet reports, thousands of dead birds found in Arkansas, after less than a week, Louisiana also found bodies of at least 450 birds, including the American black feather starlings, starlings, brown cow maroon and red-winged blackbird. Inspection by experts, these birds are beak and back broken, probably died accidentally hit the cable.

And at a distance of 160 kilometers west of the town Bibi Arkansas where, as many as 83,000 dead fish washed up and dying fish the Arkansas River 32 km shoreline. Responsible for wildlife officials said the dead fish incident and no connection between the events of dead birds, because death is primarily a fish, they may be sick. Comprehensive testing of these fish requires at least a month's time.

burberry scarf In western Sweden, yesterday it was found that approximately 50-100 jackdaw's body flat in the snow Fall City streets. Some of these dead birds had been hit by vehicles, the rest of the body there is no obvious scars. Swedish official veterinarian on the local radio station said that this is very rare, may be caused by disease or poisoning. Thanet appeared in the British island of 40,000 crabs were driven ashore by the scene of death. Environmental experts speculate that these crabs died of "hypothermia." Reported that this is the second consecutive year a large number of local marine life collective freezing to death.

07.01.2011. u 02:27 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 06.01.2011.

Russia's frequent UFO over December

coach outlet Since the December start Russia Kaermeike Elista, capital city of the Republic of the residents have continued to find UFOs appear. And the former leader of the Republic of Kalmykia has himself said that "he was wearing a suit with alien contact."

coach outlet Russia "The Independent" reported on December 28, enter the December average of every 10 days, said local residents have found hundreds of Alley Sita UFO. The most recent time was in December 22 in Elista City area have found a lot of UFO: two bright rings when objects from 15:00 until 19:00 hours. Clockwise rotation of the object inner, outer ring counterclockwise rotation. In addition, residents found that triangular flying object, the object is also radiated from the light. These two phenomena have been successfully photographed the residents, and local television stations. Local reporter commented that this may be geophysical phenomena.

louis vuitton outlet Reported that many residents of the city of Elista attitude of this incident very seriously, even as "materialistic" view of the country known for the Secretary-General Gore Zanuofu news. The former leader of the Republic of Kalmykia on Nove m Jiersangyi Liu said the UFO appeared he was not surprised, because he had had a similar incident that occurred. Yi Liu meters at Knopf, said, "They (UFO) is now everywhere and also appeared in Moscow." He said, "Human extraterrestrial phenomena that the gods and the supernatural than to believe a more normal" and not believe is derived from "human selfishness and arrogance."

burberry scarf Yi Liu Ivanov spring of 2010 meters at a TV interview that he had with the "alien" contact. He said the night of 18 September 1997, his home in Moscow, after reading and watching TV going to rest. At the time, who he felt him on the balcony. He saw a translucent tube and go into the inside of the pipe, many wearing "spacesuits people to communicate with him through the consciousness." Yi Liu meters at Knopf said he was well received and visited the "spaceship", "aliens said they did not make contact with others to prepare." This interview was broadcast, the Russian Liberal Democratic Party asked the Lord President, Mr Lebedev Liu Learn more about the Iraqi situation meters at Knopf published. Lebedev worry, Liu meters at Nove Iraq "could not just visit the spacecraft so simple, in fact, he may reveal an important situation."

06.01.2011. u 04:14 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 05.01.2011.

South Korea: "false teacher" to teach English class

coach outlet New recruits to the southeastern city of Daegu, South Korea's robot after another English teacher report recently, these "teachers" will teach elementary school in Daegu, 21 months.

coach outlet Called "English bond" (Engkey) robot, Korea Institute of Science and Technology research. They looks like a big egg, less than one meter height, the head has a TV screen, which is a Caucasian woman's image. They can rely on the bottom of the wheels move, around the classroom talking with students. Robot is to have professors teaching materials input to students, can guide the students words, sentences, and English pronunciation and conversation games; they can even dance with the music, shaking head and arms.

louis vuitton outlet In fact, these teachers are by far the teachers in the Philippines, remote control, remote device through the teachers, students see and hear every move. Korea Institute of Science and Technology, a senior scientist explained, the robot body to the Philippines, the camera will capture the facial expressions of teachers, and immediately displayed in those robot face on the TV screen. Daegu (Daegu) Department of Education, said an official of K, the robot appears to be quite lovely, and the children love them; even adults interested in this group of English teachers, because they feel toward the language of robotics, will not So embarrassing.

burberry scarf The official also said that had the robot, the children appear to be more active in learning English. Another point is, the robot comes to the foreign English teachers in remote areas do not want to "teach." Furthermore, the robot teacher does not need health insurance, nor did the other English teachers, teaching did not take long, then "quit" to pay higher Japan. Robot teacher for each 10 million won worth. Four months in the experimental scheme, the authorities will observe the robot's teaching performance and student achievement, and the Institute of Science and Technology of how to improve the robot to make them easier to control, cheaper.

05.01.2011. u 02:26 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 04.01.2011.

94-year-old man was a son of India

coach bag Magne, a 94-year-old Indian Haya old grandfather in November awarded the Liner, breaking three years ago, 9 of ten days in India, another old man, "made man" record of success, could become the world's oldest a son of the people.

coach outlet La Jiafu is Haya accepts the nation rope Nei Pate county town of agricultural employment Cull gram Kodak work, he wife of 50 years old in November Tara Kun Xia public hospital in the town of birth to first child, natural childbirth, the baby is health. Lajia Fu has broken Larkey Stan nation farmers COKE record set in 2007 years. At that time, 90-year-old coke based wife gave birth to 21 children.

louis vuitton outlet La Jiafu hometown in Uttar Pradesh, who leave their homes for 40 years, the family in addition to the two cows, not Renhe Tian production. Over the past 22 years, he helped the town in Cull gram Kodak landlords to work, rely on daily wages and the government pension and his wife had each other. The couple, late age son, La Jiafu think this is a "gift of God."

p90x sale When asked the secret of long life, a young man was a wrestler in La Jiafu said he drank three kilograms of milk a day, eat half and half kilograms of almond butter and India.

04.01.2011. u 02:58 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 03.01.2011.

American men to be mistaken for a serial killer

coach bag U.S. police drawing of a nickname "Kensington Strangler" serial killer picture, and an innocent man wrongly this name as a serial killer, and published their data on to Facebook. The man's life has been greatly affected, and even received death threats.

coach outlet The man called Special Leeds outstanding Rees, aged 24, his photo was circulated in major cities nationwide. "Kensington kill" and the three women of sexual assault and murder. These cases have occurred in the Kensington area of Philadelphia, so that scared local residents. Jeffries said the suspects are very similar with the case. His name first appeared in Philadelphia before being sent to Facebook called "catch Kensington Strangler," the page. This page has now been removed.

louis vuitton outlet Jeffries was "exposed" after receiving death threats, and there are angry residents gathered outside his mother's house. United States, "Guardian Angel" organization, said they had received more than 200 messages, including Jeffreys's photo, name and address. Jefferies was forced to call the police. Jeffries voluntary DNA test to prove he is not a serial killer.

p90x sale Police eventually found the right man. Sri Lanka police Leiyi Wen said: "Facebook, everyone wanted photos of the very sensitive. With the increase of Facebook users, if a person to share this page with friends, then the impact will show a spread geometrically."

03.01.2011. u 02:42 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

American men to be mistaken for a serial killer

coach bag U.S. police drawing of a nickname "Kensington Strangler" serial killer picture, and an innocent man wrongly this name as a serial killer, and published their data on to Facebook. The man's life has been greatly affected, and even received death threats.

coach outlet The man called Special Leeds outstanding Rees, aged 24, his photo was circulated in major cities nationwide. "Kensington kill" and the three women of sexual assault and murder. These cases have occurred in the Kensington area of Philadelphia, so that scared local residents. Jeffries said the suspects are very similar with the case. His name first appeared in Philadelphia before being sent to Facebook called "catch Kensington Strangler," the page. This page has now been removed.

louis vuitton outlet Jeffries was "exposed" after receiving death threats, and there are angry residents gathered outside his mother's house. United States, "Guardian Angel" organization, said they had received more than 200 messages, including Jeffreys's photo, name and address. Jefferies was forced to call the police. Jeffries voluntary DNA test to prove he is not a serial killer.

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03.01.2011. u 02:42 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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