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Indonesian maid abuse by Saudi employers cut lips were broken legs

coach outlet 23-year-old Indonesian woman Su Yadi honey went to Saudi Arabia in July this year, when the maid, only to brutally abuse by employers, fingers broken, was the iron burns, and even cut off the lips. The shocking news headlines in Indonesia, triggering outrage.

coach bags At present, honey Su Yadi scarred head wound bandages, wound a small part of the swelling of the lips, upper and lower body has burn marks, multiple fractures, in the Shate Mai to that city to accept only a hospital. According to reports, she flew to Saudi Arabia in July when the maid, hoping to return home up to make money. But employers and their daughter, regularly beat her, cut her with scissors part of the lips, with iron burns to her back, breaking her finger and broke her leg, causing her unable to walk.

3 weeks ago, the Soviet Union because of the honey Yadi was taken to hospital unconscious. In addition to the injury, she had signs of malnutrition and loss of blood, almost unable to speak. Police questioned her employer, and charged with injury charges. Pictures of honey Su Yadi injuries caused uproar in Indonesia, the public anger that forced the Indian Government of Indonesia for the first time recognition of overseas domestic helpers abuse problems. Care for the Indonesian workers (Migrant Care) members of the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pointed out that the Soviet Union is not the first battered honey Yadi.

louis vuitton outletSusilo Bambang Yudhoyono said: "We have repeatedly heard slavery, torture, sexual abuse and even death case, but our government chose to ignore the problem, why? Because the foreign workers into the 7.5 billion each year earn foreign exchange." Southeast Asian countries services is a major human sources of the Middle East in recent years, repeated rumors abuse by employers of foreign domestic helpers. In 2008, a Saudi employer abuse of the Indonesian maid, causing her to be amputated part of the fingers and toes, the employer is only $ 670 of compensation to be lenient. This year in August, a Sri Lankan maid working for complaining too much, who has been Kuwait, 24 nails hammered into the employer.

Post je objavljen 29.11.2010. u 02:07 sati.