srijeda, 11.03.2009.

Zapažanja jedne dIve

FDK Zagreb na ovom je turniru podijeljen u dva tima: jedan (Updog) usredotočen na igru, a drugi (moj tim, Mali dim) na razvoj igrača. Frki se tako primjerice (s)našao u ulozi kapetana, Chris u ulozi cuttera, a Dario kao handler. Mi cure (Darija i ja, a kasnije i Andrea) smo po prvi put preuzele odogovornu ulogu na terenu - u hendlanju i zabijanju golova, kao ravnopravni članovi ekipe.

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Od ostalih dogodovština na turniru možemo istaknuti:

Dolazak: Josh i njegovi putnici odvojili su vrijeme da obiđu i razgledaju bogatu mađarsku infrastrukturu i stigli tri sata nakon svih ostalih.

Doručak: svako jutro smo mogli birati između salame, salame i sira salame. Paralelno doručku se održavala izložba hrane sa punomasnim namazima, voćnim jogurtima i čokoladnim žitaricama pod nazivom "Vegetariano" koju su čuvale stroge tete Mađarice.

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Party: naša novakinja Inga u timu s Čepom branila je čast kluba natjecanjem u ispijanja pive i žestica. Nitko se ne sjeća tko je bio prvi jer smo se kasnije (a neki već i prije) svi uključili i osjećali kao pobjednici. Zgodan miks mađarskih šlagera i pop poskočica iz '99 olakšavao je kretanje po podiju, a seniori Aleks, VJ i Frki - neokrunjeni kraljevi (ma, carevi!) tuluma - šarmirali su mlade Mađarice i dokazali da nema dobne granice do koje se možeš sramotiti plesnim pokretima.

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Društvo: u subotu popodne Andrea i Ushcaffe navratili su (na naše veliko veselje i olakšanje cura), na putovanju između Beograda i Indonezije, do pupka svijeta - Piliscsabe.

Nezgode: u trenutku kada nije hodao okolo zamotan ručnikom, Duje je izgubio (ili dao Ingi i zaboravio - odlučite sami) ključeve naše sobe. Nakon spektakularne akcije obijanja brave, spasili smo naše stvari iz sobe i spremili se na put u domovinu.

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- 19:22 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

Inga: My 1st tournament

The tournament in Piliscsaba was my first ultimate frisbee tournament.
It was great and it was a new experience for me. I really learned a lot about the game and am particularly happy to have scored my first point in a tournament in our last game. Too bad we lost the game but what can you do, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

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The party was fun, the drinking contest as well (by the way those two cups I had to drink were not all vodka - one was water :) ).

I think both teams were very good and I liked the spirit of the game.
I'm glad that I was a part of you all in Piliscsaba and enjoyed it very much.
Thanks a lot to all of you for your advices - especially to those of you who were standing on the sidelines during the

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- 19:19 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Mali Dim @ Piliscaba

Frki, Vjeran, Duje, Chris, Iva, Darija i Dario su igrali za tim Mali dim. Kasnije u subotu su nam se pridružili Andrea i Damir.

1. utakmica Mali dim vs. Outsiterz 5:5
prva utakmica turnira. Počeli smo nervozno i jedni i drugi. Mi smo se uspjeli prvi sabrati i doći do vodstva 5:3. primili smo gol 15 sekundi prije kraja vremena i onda u zadnjem poenu napravili grešku te je završilo 5:5. u obrani smo igrali zonu koja je funkcionirala solidno.

2. utakmica Mali dim vs. ELTE 12:1
najlošija momčad na turniru. Znali smo da moramo napraviti veliku razliku ako želimo ići u gornji dio ždrijeba. Tako smo se i postavili na terenu. Igrali smo zonu cijelo vrijeme u obrani koja je protiv ovakve momčadi bila savršena. S obzirom da smo 90% vremena igrali obranu cure su igrale cijelo vrijeme bez zamjena. Darija je odigrala odličnu utakmicu zabivši 7 golova!!!

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3. utakmica Mali dim vs. Hallod 3:9
početak je bio dobar, držali smo se do 3:3, no nakon toga su oni počeli igrati koncentriranije u napadu dok smo mi griješili ( Dario je imao 4 T.O. za redom u napadu!!). iskoristili su činjenicu da smo mi imali manjak igrača i sa čestim zamjenama su nas dobili na svježinu. Naše cure su opet igrale bez zamjena.

4. utakmica Mali dim vs. UFOzd Flight 8:9
mislim da nam je ovo bila najbolja utakmica na turniru. Istina počeli smo loše, gubili smo 3:1, no nakon toga smo se uspjeli vratiti u igru. Igralo se bod za bod sve do 6:6. tu smo mi uspjeli napraviti još jedan break i doći u vodstvo 7:6 koje smo držali sve do kraja. Zadnji bod, double game point, mi u napadu. Bilo je nervozno sa obadvije strane sa sve skupa 7,8 T.O.. na kraju i se oni uspjeli prije sabrati i pobijediti.

5. utakmica Mali dim vs. Hagimas bab 3:9
utakmica ista kao i protiv halloda. Igrali smo do 3:3 i onda stali. Pala je koncentracija u napadu što je rezultiralo sa 2 T.O u gol zoni i 2 ispred gol zone što se kasnije odrazilo na rezultat. U napadu smo bili prespori protiv zone.

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6. utakmica Mali dim vs. Outsiterz 7:8
prva utakmica nedjelje. Slična kao i prva u subotu, rezultat je stalno bio izjednačen da bi ovaj put oni pred kraj došli do prednosti od 2 gola. Zadnji poen smo imali napad i uspjeli smo zabiti gol, ali 5 sekundi prekasno i na kraju smo izgubili. Izgleda da je manjak izmjena presudio u napadu s obzirom da smo imali nekoliko nepotrebnih T.O.

7. utakmica Mali dim vs. Old boys 10:6
gledajući njihove rezultate prijašnjih utakmica i činjenicu da su bili bez zamjene, mislili smo da ćemo lako pobijediti. Naravno to se odmah odrazilo na rezultat – gubili smo 3:1!! Tu smo se uspjeli sabrat i počeli smo igrati sa više koncentracije i u obrani i u napadu. Napravili smo seriju 6:0! koja nam je osigurala pobjedu. Do kraja smo odigrali pametno i strpljivo te sačuvali prednost.

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Na kraju smo osvojili 7. mjesto od 12. čime mislim da možemo biti zadovoljni. Cilj nam je bio popraviti zone defense i mislim da smo u tome uspjeli. Najveću korist od ovog turnira su imale cure koje su igrale praktički sve poene dok nam se nije pridružila Andrea i svak im čast na tome. Cure zakon ste. Jedva čekam idući turnir…..


- 19:17 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 01.03.2009.

Weiz09 - Chicks! Chicks! Chicks!

After all the troubles we had with getting on the tournament list and making a roster, we finally got to Weiz. Our first game was at 11 so we had enough time to sleep and wait for all our players to arrive. First game was against our neighbors Slovenians and their team To Mi Deli. Game started really good, we played amazingly. I know this is a bad thing to say, but I didn’t expect us to play that well. I think they were also a bit surprised, so when the game was tied they called for time out. After that they got better, we got tired, lost focus, and unfortunately, lost the game. Final score was 9:4.

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Next game was against Austrian team W.adies. We played good, but we were still a bit tired from the last game, and couldn’t do our best. Game was lost 13:5.

Our last game on Saturday was against Slovakian team Outsisterz. We made a big mistake there by underestimating them. We thought that they are young, new team, but they turned out to be completely opposite. First 7 points we were completely lost on the field. Then we finally realized that we are here to play and have fun, but it was too late. We lost that game 11:2. But this game taught us never to underestimate our opponents, and to always have fun, no matter what the score is.

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Next day we started differently. Our first game on Sunday was also at 11. On Sunday all our previous games didn’t matter, we could still be placed from 1st to 8th place, but we didn’t care about that anymore. Our first game was against Woodchicas. They won all their games on Saturday and they are one of the best German womens teams. They played zone against us, but we were finally playing as a team and we were beating their zone. True, we didn’t score many goals, because we were a bit lost when we got to the end zone. But in the middle of the field we were beating their zone! We lost this game 14:3, but we were really happy that we scored that 3 goals, and with the fact that they didn’t have that easy time against us.

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Next game was against Italian team Tane Malefiche. This was our best game on the tournament. Our teams were pretty equal, so we had really tight game. On defense we finally played zone in our goal zone and that worked very well. Thanks Zdravka for thinking of that, Chris for teaching me how zone should work, and also big thanks to our boys on sideline, they were a big help in this game. We were winning this game, but then we got tired and at the end of the game score was tied. We played one more point, and we lost. Game ended 8:7 for them, but I’m not disappointed with that ending. It was really good tied game, and I’m looking forward to play with that team again.

Our last game was against Hot Pants. Again we made the same mistake as with Outsisterz. We all hoped that this will be the one game that we will win, but Chie got injured, we were tired, and Hot Pants improved a lot since the last time we played against them. Game was lost 7:4.

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We ended up last on the tournament, but I think no one should feel bad for that. It was the first time we played as all Croatian team (plus Aswee, but she played with us already so much, so I count her as ours) and we had a few new players and I’m satisfied with our play. Our goal was to improve and learn on this tournament, and we did that. Our new players, Mirna and Ines learned the most. They were really amazing on the tournament, they knew where they should be during the game, and had some pretty good throws. And our other players were also amazing. Linda was throwing herself all over the field. Guess she took really seriously that: The disc is gold, don't drop it. Zdravka suggested that zone defence in our goal zone that was a big help against Italians. Aswee and Chie had some great throws and deep catches. And Marta had some good middle field trows and well timed cutting. All in all it was a great tournament and i' looking forward playing on the next tournament with Chicks With Disks!


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