ponedjeljak, 30.06.2008.

Check your papers

FDK-Zagreb is in the news...make sure to get papers for you and your friends. Vecernji List has the best photos of the papers I checked. Here is a sample...

Vjesnik and 24sata had reporters out at the tournament, too.

And before tourney, following article was published in the students magazine Manager:

- 10:58 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 29.06.2008.

Tourney announcement, HRT

- 11:21 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 28.06.2008.

Come again... Josh Champagne

- 11:20 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 27.06.2008.

Himna turnira

Ogi, Marina, Boris i Luka snimili su samo za Wild Wild West pjesmu, koja je jednoglasno proglašena službenom himnom turnira. Evo, uvjerite se sami kak je dobra:

- 10:01 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Less than a day!

Last night FDK-Zagreb members began preparations for the first Ultimate tournament in Croatia! Some players tested the field, others made , and some traveled around the village hanging signs. By the end of the night the tent for Tournament Headquarters was up and the team excitement was high. The blog might be a bit quite the next few days as the team will continue to work together to make Wild Wild West possible. As I type the field lines are being sprayed down, food is being gathered, and team members are packing. Most of us will travel out the fields tonight to host the welcome party as teams from Hungary, Austria, and Solvenia will arrive. By this time tomorrow all the teams will have had a chance to step onto the field and play their first match. Saturday Showdowns will continue into the night and finish at the Fort Apache party! I am curious whether teams will be prepared for their Sunday Showdown or whether the Cowboys or Indians will out battle them Saturday night. Plan to stop by and see Croatia's First Ultimate Tournament.

- 09:45 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 18.06.2008.

Wild Wild West

Odbrojavanje je počelo.... još svega nekoliko dana dijeli nas od prvog hrvatskog ultimate frizbi turnira. Na terenima u Svetoj Nedelji 28. i 29. lipnja natjecati će se ukupno 10 momčadi, a zbog velikog interesa FDK Zagreb će imati čak 3 predstavnika.

Lokacija: nogometni teren NK Sava-Strmec, Sveta Nedelja
Format: mixed, 5 na 5
Moto: Wild Wild West, Cowboys&Indians
Prijavljene momčadi:
- FDK Zagreb Sherifs (CRO)
- FDK Zagreb, Cowboys (CRO)
- FDK Zagreb, Indians (CRO)
- Frizmi (SLO)
- Frizmi (SLO)
- Vertigo (SLO)
- Cosmo-Disc (SLO)
- FreeBees Debrecen (HUN)
- Beary Bears (AUT)
- PickUp Team

Ulaz za gledatelje je potpuno besplatan, a uz ultimate frizbi očekuje vas i bogati popratni program. Više informacija na www.frizbi.hr i flying.zagreb@gmail.com

- 16:00 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 16.06.2008.

Pivo s predsjednikom: Invasion of the Disc Golf Dudes

It was raining. Again. But ultimate frizbi players are tough enough to handle a little bit of rain, and a good group came out on Saturday for practice at Maksimir. In fact, we were pretty much the only people in the entire park. After a light warm-up, we had a little contest throwing our discs at the sokol to see if anyone could hit it…no one came close, although Rookie managed to land his disc at the bottom of the steps.

This practice was not only organized to begin training for the upcoming Wild Wild West tournament, but to show our friends from Čakovec how ultimate is played. They have formed a disc golf club in this town north of Zagreb, and are eager for cooperation with FDK Zagreb. Wielding umbrellas and warmed up with coffee, four of their members watched us run around in the rain playing a quick, give and go style of ultimate in the wet conditions. Soon two of them, Predrag and Raško, joined us, and their frizbi skills became evident as they quickly picked up the cutting, hucking, and defensive moves of ultimate. Hopefully they will soon spread the word of ultimate around Čakovec, and they can organize their own team!!!

After the ultimate, it was Disc Golf Zrinski's turn to show us how to play disc golf. They brought two portable baskets and a large pile of discs. We eagerly grabbed the brightly colored discs and began throwing them all around the park. People who have never played disc golf immediately realized that throwing these small discs is not the same as our beloved 175g discraft flying saucers. After several embarrassing attempts that almost resulted in collateral damage to people passing by, FDK Zagreb players got the swing of things and were throwing and putting like pros…ok, maybe not that well, but there was instant improvement. And, an addiction for disc golf!!!

There is little doubt that there will be more disc golf discs soaring in the Zagreb skies shortly. Anyone who didn't get a chance to play in Maksimir will have an opportunity to test their throwing skills at the Wild Wild West tournament on 28-29 June, when the members of Disc Golf Zrinski will come back to Zagreb with their baskets, discs, and party gear (Predrag was already wearing what looked like a cowboy hat that had been worn during an attack of Croatian Indians).

Dr. Inferno

- 09:59 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 06.06.2008.

Praznik letećeg diska - otkazano!

Pitate se što disk i golf loptica imaju zajedničko?
Želite promjenu spola?

OK, oko ovog drugog vam ne možemo pomoći, ali ako ste htjeli naučiti bacati frizbi kao profesionalci i isprobati ne jedan, već dva nova sporta - ultimate i disk golf - pozivamo vas na Praznik letećeg diska u Parku Maksimir (kod Sokola), sutra u 15 h.

Ispravak: Praznik letećeg diska je odgođen za sljedeći vikend zbog lošeg vremena!

Svi su dobrodošli!


- 18:35 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 05.06.2008.


This tuesday some members of Mali dim went to watch new Indy film.
Best thing was that we got free chocolate ( Marta loved it, she eat 3 of theme) and 25kn with drink for casino.
So after the movie we went to spend it! Josh and Prez went home ( they wanted some time alone pjeva)

Chirs , Dario, Ruki, Iva, Marta and Marina tryed their luck on roulette table.
First we had problem how to put our ticket in!? How is this thing working!? - it's electric roulette.
At the end somehowe we got it and start playing. Ruki and Iva were first to win! They got 100kn!
after pulling them out they wanted to play more so they were desperately trying to find someone to get new promotional tickets!
Rest of us also had some luck exept Chris! He had some crazy tactic...
At the end we got out with 500kn!!! total.
Marta was the best earning 100kn!

So for the next time don't hesitate and join us 'coz now you missed your chance for winnig a JACKPOT

till the next time...

..keep 'em flying


- 19:17 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 02.06.2008.

Koper: iz druge perspektive

Skupili smo momčad u zadnji čas. Odradili samo jedan trening 7vs7 i krenuli na put.

No bez obzira na to potajno smo se nadali da možemo ponoviti prošlu godinu i osvojiti ovaj turnir.

Ono što je bilo ključno je činjenica da smo od prve sekunde po do samoga kraja bili kompaktni. Svaki igrač je dao svoj maksimum dok je bio na terenu i izvan terena. Učinili smo ono što je trener rekao: "fill your box and result will come"!

Čestitam još jedom Duji "BOMBA" na prvom pogotku. I iako je zabio zadnji gol u finalu na žalost nije bio pobjednički pa ćemo morati još malo pričekati sa piljenjem glave.. naughty

Još jedna jako važna stvar!
U finalu je svaki igrač malog dima zabio barem jedan gol ili imao barem jednu asistenciju, osim Zdravke koja je dobila loše vijesti pred sam početak utakmice, što dovoljno govori koliko smo bili ujedinjeni.

Zdravka... Ovu pobjedu posvećujemo tebi!

- 12:21 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


from Josh Champ

With FDK Zagreb players disinfecting their scrapes, picking artificial-turf clumps out of their underwear and kicking back over a hladno pivo, it’s about time to spread the word about the tournament in Koper, Funny Time. I invite more comments, perspectives, points of view on the blog J Also post photos if you have them.

Big respect to the organizers who did a fantastic job. The food was delicious, nutritious and plentiful, water was always available, there was a nice respite on Saturday to explore Koper, and the fields stood in perfect condition.

Mali Dim Roster: Zdravka, Veu, Josip, Chep, Dario, Josh, Prez Vjeran, Tovar, Hays, Goran
And now introducing…new to the lineup…Duje ‘Bomba’ Prkut, the Hit from Split, the Dalmatian Sensation

This was a regional tournament with six teams. We played 3 games on Saturday and 3 on Sunday and came away undefeated as tournament winners, with a total point differential of 68-18.

Our mantra was simple. Do your best. The opponent is immaterial. Approach each point with dignity, self-respect and respect for opponents and the game, regardless of the circumstance. We have lost enough games over the years that as a program we know the value of respect. This weekend we also saw the benefit of a strong base of fitness; speed endurance, explosiveness, core strength.

This tournament was a good reminder that winning is more fun than losing. However, winning is not ambitious enough a goal. The real aim is doing our best as individuals and as a Z-unit. There can be shallow victories and honorable losses – regardless of the result it’s all about filling out our potential.

Game 1: Vertigo. Win: 10-3
A well-coached team with a burgeoning generation of Slovenian studs, Vertigo was also joined by some young foreigners, including Ben ‘Doormouse’ Doremus whom we knew well from playing together at Paga. Ben’s mom also made a surprise appearance on the sideline. Vertigo’s work ethic and focus are a credit to the program as a whole. Our deep cuts early in the game created easier in-cuts later on, and our switchy defense kept the opponents off-guard, slightly off-balance.

On the defensive end, we further aimed to prevent their deep shots early in the game, thereby limiting their options and stunting their confidence. We took a good stab at this but didn’t finish the job, and they snuck away with a few direct strike goals. Our entire roster played in this game, and certain players began to set the tone.

Chep played with a newfound and impressive consistency. Goran showed glimmers of defensive stops that would prove useful later in the day. Veu showed the distinct value of the continuation/punishing cut after a dump and swing.

Game 2: Frizmi. Win: 13-4
Lacking big-gamers Kišta and Statik, Frizmi nevertheless created an immense opportunity for their outstanding women, who set the standard for their regional proteges. This being an open (men’s) tournament, Frizmi’s women (Teja, Majchh, Zagrebčanka Banana, Barbara, and new game-time stud Urša) did what good players commonly do – match up with players bigger, faster and stronger. Best way to learn.

Many switches and defensive help calls, both for long and short cuts, made the difference for us early on. Our team is moving beyond simple man-to-man defense and into more interesting and sophisticated approaches. Frizmi lacked the throws and catches to press through our clammy defense, and they committed their characteristic and costly turnovers in their own defensive third, creating simple, glorious cone-cuts for us. That being said, we never quite found our rhythm in this game, despite the score, as each point was contested and we knew that despite the commanding physical matchups to our benefit, Frizmi generated some turnovers.

A highlight from this game was a well-timed block from Zdravka, who is playing stifling defense. Vjeran asserted himself with some deep looks, while I embarrassed myself with some deep shots. We began breaking the mark effectively, led by the donkey-kicker himself, Alex ‘el Tovar’ Crevar.

Game 3: 45 Giri. Win: 13-2
One highlight of this game was Duje’s first score of his life. Bomba! First of many.

This game is characterized by focus and hard work from FDK Zagreb, from the pregame Yoga (thanks to Iva’s Dinner Club instruction) until the final score. The disparity in work ethic, teamwork and commitment to excellence between these two teams could not be more apparent. With Chris streaking through the open and break side lanes on defense and Alex breaking the mark at will, it became remarkably easy to break not only the Italian marks but also their will. We chose strategic matchups and one-by-one exhausted their cutters with pressure D, getting a bid on at least half of the throws. This led to some phantom d’s, and some legit blocks.

Turning to the offensive side, there’s no question who to discuss. Dario, in the midst of working his way into the status of bona fide regional all-star, absolutely tooled their entire defense. For the first half of the game, it was hard to see why they didn’t doubleteam him when he was cutting. And then they did. Eventually they rearranged their defense so as to stop Dario, but all they did was make him more determined, and create even more open space for our fill cutters to shoot the gaps. There was a stretch of cca 7 points in which Dario scored 5 and threw 2. And then, working as a team, we used our other threats and options one-by-one, spreading the wealth on that nice big field.

The other offensive achievements of this game, by none other than Josip ‘Ninja’ himself, should not be overlooked. Josip is stepping into his role as a calm, mature fill cutter. Stepping and throwing his way into throwing completions, Josip wore out their defenders as a matter of course.

This 45 Giri team had two standout players from my point of view, those being Ricci and Gigi. We knew we would face either these guys or Vertigo again in the finals, so we paid attention to these matchups and gaining an edge. Ricci played with a calm and composure that is unusual in a younger player. Gigi ran his heart out and never gave up. On the other hand, 45 seemed to have a hard time reigning in another couple of players, and I think we learned a lot from this situation. First, we saw a player abusing the rules to his own advantage, and just plain not knowing the rules. This served as an object lesson to know the rules. Yet, we (by which I mean I) can practice less vindictive ways to teach the rules to opposing players in heated situations.

The second major thing that we learned from this game is something intangible, to do with heart, commitment and discipline all wrapped into one package called spirit. The Italians literally had a player leave the field during a point, so dispirited by the performance of his teammates. While it is easy to imagine Croatian ultimate players feeling frustrated at times or losing handfuls of games etc., it is (and should be) quite impossible to imagine any Croatian ultimate player showing the lack of spirit and lack of commitment to discipline, integrity and respect for self and opponent, which a player on the opposition actually showed by exiting the field during a point.

We came away with a rewarding victory, and the knowledge that if we play our game and work with our legs early in a game, we would run away with any matchup at this particular tournament.

Game 4: Sex Panthers (Dublin) (Spirit winners). Win: 13-3
These guys and girls are fantastic. We played them early on Sunday morning after a nice birthday party on Saturday night, by the water for Teja, Damijan and Jasmina, to whom we presented Mali Dim autographed discs J

Athleticism from players like Kevin and then the cool handling ability (especially a high-release forehand propensity from Mark) show a lot of potential for these university athletes. Congratulations to their women especially for a good showing. I think our players are jealous of the fact that all of these Irish folks are college kids, playing for their school. This is a great thing.

Game 5: Disco Stu (Pickup team). Win: 8-3
This team had some 4 consistent players, and constituted an amassing of pickup players from other teams, a great tradition at the Koper tourney. Best of all, it gives players from competing teams to play together and make friends. We got off to an extremely slow and I daresay unfocused start here. We geared up to run the set plays, but seemed too gassed to get our bodies into position for the first 15 minutes (i.e., 1 point…ouch). However after a heated timeout we came back onto the field ready to play and walked away with a quiet and easy victory against what became a mainly Vertigo lineup.

Game 6: Finals: 45 Giri. Win: 11-3
There were two highlights of this game to me. First was a score from Josip to Chep on a cone cut. Two role-players doing their jobs. The second highlight was the ninth score, in which Dario scampered deep and elevated several stories over a player from 45; Dario landed just short of the endzone, and readily found a streaking Goran ready for the score. It was the finishing touch on a strong performance.

This last game, which was the finals, saw great distribution of playing time and nice ball movement. We started the game with a brilliant tactic which I will call ‘the Champ express.’ I had the disc on our defensive goal line, and I threw a cross-field hammer against the wind to Vjeran. By which I mean, not actually to Vjeran, but to an opposing player who didn’t need to move more than two meters to easily catch the disc. We were behind 0-1, the first time we had trailed in the tournament. The crowd murmured ‘upset’ and the sideline seemed a bit shaken. I clearly worked some magic to light a fire under Mali Dim, with that well-timed strategic hammer thrown directly to the other team. Then we won 11 out of the next 13 points and any doubts subsided.

But seriously, lacking the legs or will to match up 1-on-1, the Italians played a defensive zone for most of the game. A handling backfield of Alex, Vern and myself proved highly effective at wearing them out and gaining field position. We wore down the Italians like the nub of a FER student’s pencil. The Italian trap zone got broken like a China Shop radio and downfield players like Goran and Chep on the wings and Veu and Dario as primary targets got themselves open like … well never mind.

Mr. Zone Master Blaster Chris Hays distinguished himself by finding the gaps, delivering crisp, smart passes in the wind, and rotating out of the wing spot, filling in at the handler spot when necessary. Chris had a breakout weekend, playing his role well.

The Croatian team rallied together, brushing off the abusive calls and blatant disregard for the rules by the opponents. Players young and old showed undiminished focus and attack, including sweet fakes and breaking passes in the zone by Veu, and a couple layout blocks by your humble correspondent. The game was delayed at one point by Italian players leaving the field yet again, this time during a disputed call, but when they got seven players back on the field we kept playing, so not to worry! It was hard to see a situation in which a team that is losing would want to burn time off the clock, but I guess everyone needs a breather now and again.

In other news, Duje scored the second goal of his life. Bomba! It was the final goal of the match and the second of many. He also got a block in the endzone, which stands out as a next level play.

Alex Crevar, who has played with Mali Dim since its runner-up finish at FAAB III in December, will be heading back to the states this week, to stay in the U.S. for a few months. Wrapping up this stint in Croatia with a fun and successful tournament couldn’t be more fitting. To me, this tournament epitomized what Alex has brought to the team so far – combination of fun, a competitive zeal, focus, and silly robesmanship. Alex honored Dario with a gift of his Mali Dim jersey, and Dario honored Alex with a gift of his first Croatian football team jersey and some kind words which I couldn’t hope to sum up here. This was literally a tearful farewell, but really just so long for now, to the OCN, the Tovar, the real deal showtime gametime man of the hour, el Tovar. Sometimes I feel like a motherless child… see you again soon brother.

Next time
Region, beware. What began in 2005 as a group of buddies meeting for beers at Mex Cantina has grown into a band of spirited miscreantism and driven young athleticism. Think of our lineup when we get Maja, Iva, Darija, Đurković, Mrak and some new recruits on the line. Strong hopes for a women’s team. And just look at the freshly minted athleticism of our scout squad, featuring Vid, Ozren, Jan, Bruno, Ruki and more. And looking forward to the recovery of coach Marko, a natural athlete and leader priming the pump for a dominant return.

- 11:52 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

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