dr ZLATAN GAVRILOVIĆ KOVAČ (Dubrovnik, 25.01.1959.) živi u Adelaide-Australija, hrvatski je politički književnik, filozof i pjesnik, diplomirao je pomorsku školu u Splitu i stekao zvanje mornaričkog časnika 1977. Studij sociologije i filozofije pohađa na zadarskom Filozofskom fakultetu i Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, diplomirao je na ovim odsjecima 1986. Doktorsku dizertaciju brani na Filozofskom fakultetu u Sarajevu pod mentorstvom akademika Muhameda Filipovića 1989. pod naslovom “Filozofske pretpostavke suvremene znanosti” (ili o filozofiji Nikole Kuzanskog). Jedan je od autora famozne “Bijele knjige” zbog čega je bio proskibiran u javnosti. Bio je glavni i odgovorni urednik "Studentskog lista" i časopisa "Pitanja", od 1982. do 1985. Školsku godinu 1990./91. provodi na stručnom usavršavanju iz teoloških studija na International Christian University u Beču, ali se ratnih prilika nakon 6 mjeseci vraća u domovinu. Radio je kao klinički pedagog u Psihijatrijskoj bolnici Vrapče u Zagrebu od 1991. do 1994. i kao urednik na australskoj multietničkoj radio stanici 5 EBI FM u Adelaideu, od 1999. do 2003. Zadnjih 25 godina suradnik je hrvatskih književnih portala i dopisnik iz Australije. Objavio je preko 55 znanstvenih i stručnih knjiga političke tematike kao i prijevode s engleskog i ruskog jezika, kao i samostalne zbirke poezije i zajedničke zbirke s drugim autorima u digitalnom obliku na portalu: http://www.digitalne-knjige.com/naslovna.php
Živi i radi u Adelaideu u Australiji.
dr Zlatan Gavrilovic Kovac (Dubrovnik 25th of January 1959) lives in Adelaide South Australia, is Croatian political writer, philosopher and poet. He graduated Maritime School in Split and became a naval officer in the year 1977 Studies of sociology and philosophy he attending in the Zadar Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. He graduated from these departments in the year 1986. PhD thesis defended at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo under the mentorship of Academician Muhamed Filipovic 1989 with the title Philosophical assumptions of modern science (or the philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa). He is one of the authors of the famous "White book" from 1984 and therefore was belittled publicly. He was editor in chief of the student newspaper 'Studentski list' and magazine "Questions" from 1982 to 1985. School year 1990/91. he attends vocational training from theological studies at the International Christian University in Vienna, but the war situation returns to his homeland after six months. He worked as a clinical pedagogue at the Vrapce Psychiatric hospital in Zagreb from 1991 to 1994 and as an editor at the Australian Multiethnic Radio Station 5 EBI FM in Adelaide, from 1999 to 2003. Last twenty years he is an associate of the Croatian literary portal and correspondent from Australia. He has published over 50 scientific and professional books of political themes and many books of poetry. He is translating from english and russian languages.
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shadow-of-soul, 10.01.2019. 17:17 uskoro izlazi i nova Zlatanova knjiga