Subject: Slovenija - Prva drzava svijeta sa zakonom koji regulira svjetlosno oneciscenje! From: Korado Korlevic Newsgroups: hr.sci.astronomija, hr.rec.priroda Slovenija - Prva drzava svijeta sa zakonom koji regulira svjetlosno oneciscenje Na sjednici vlade na kojoj su dala ostavke dva ministra ... ... bilo je burno ali je prosao _prvi_ zakon, na nivou neke drzave, o reguliranju svjetlosnog oneciscenja. Energetska ucinkovitost i zastita prirode ........ i to budu gurali i na nivou EU-a. Slovencima i nadasve Andreju Moharu treba skinuti kapu na to sto je uspio izlobirati da prodje zakon. U nastavku je njihov Press release. Korado P.S. nego, jos traju prijave za otici do Bleda i sudjelovati na simpoziju IDA-e. Ako Vam se ne ide preporucite odlazak gradonacelnicima, procelnicima za urbanizam, elektro inzenjerima, ... Program je zamisljen tako da ima za svakoga poticaj: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Government of the Republic of Slovenia Passes a Light Pollution Law PRESS RELEASE Ljubljana, 30 August, 2007 Today, the Republic of Slovenia adopted a Light Pollution Law. Over the past 15 years Slovenia has seen a rapid increase in light pollution, which makes the arguments of nature protection organisations striving for the adoption of a suitable Law for over 12 years essential. The new Law is expected to have numerous positive impacts. It prohibits lighting above the horizon into space for most luminaries and demands the use of totally shielded ones. Lighting above the horizon is namely the main cause of light pollution. Shielded lights produce less glare, which improves road safety and increases visibility. Less glare will also be welcome to the older population who is greatly disturbed and impeded by it. The Law limits the direction of lighting in residential dwellings. Several surveys worldwide have shown a connection between the increase in cancer occurrences and the exposure of people or animals to artificial light. At night-time, light reduces the generation of the hormone melatonin, one of the essential antioxidants that protects us from cancer. It is difficult to predict what the adoption of the Law will bring health-wise, but by all means, people will be more content with streets illuminated effectively and less light intruding into their bedrooms and residential areas. The Law demands the reduction of the amount of energy used for public lighting, which means that municipalities will have ensure the economical consumption of energy. Lighting should only be used where necessary and during the hours it is needed. In the middle of the night, when there is no traffic, lighting levels can be reduced. Buildings considered a part of cultural heritage, including many churches, will be illuminated to a lesser extent. In this area, we welcome the efforts and cooperation of the Roman Catholic Church in the preservation of nature and the environment. The use of a large number of shielded lamps will have a positive impact on numerous nocturnal animal species, with insects and bats being among the most endangered. Thus, the Law will contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, which is one of the essential aims of the EU. With a population of two million it is expected that in ten years time, when lighting will have been entirely adjusted to meet legal requirements, up to 10 million euros worth of energy will have been saved. Accordingly, the levels of greenhouse gas emissions are expected to drop, which is definitely a contribution to the reduction of climate change. Today, the great majority of Slovene citizens is unable to see the Milky Way from their homes. With the abolition of lighting into space, the Law will enable the preservation of the night sky. Respect and wonderment for the origins of our existence – space – will also be passed to our children and grandchildren and, last but not least, to all current and future professional and amateur astronomers. The Law is a result of complex yet successful coordination between the Environment Ministry of the Republic of Slovenia with the Government Office for Growth, numerous government departments, lighting experts and nature protectionists. It represents an important contribution to the quality of life at night and has a positive effect on the preservation of the environment and nature. The adoption of this Law makes Slovenia one of the leading EU countries and can be a model for numerous countries that have not yet legally regulated this field. We would like to use this opportunity to thank the Republic of Slovenia Environment Minister, Dr. Janez Podobnik; Republic of Slovenia Development Minister, Dr. Žiga Turk; Marko Hren from the Government Office for Growth, Dušan Janez Gacnik and Radovan Tavzes MSc from the Republic of Slovenia Environment Ministry, competent departments, Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Members of the National Assembly Tomaž Štebe MSc and Samo Bevk, and everyone who has contributed to the long and challenging coordinated procedure culminating in the development of suitable solutions. It is expected that the adopted Law will serve as an aid and model to many EU countries and will therefore be presented at the 7th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky, which will take place on 5 and 6 October in Bled, Slovenia. For more information on the Symposium, please visit and for more information on light pollution, For the coalition of the nature preservation organisations Dark Sky Slovenia: Andrej Mohar Herman Mikuž Dr. Tomaž Zwitter Dr. Tomi Trilar |
Bravo Varaždinci! Prenosim tekst iz Jutarnjeg gdje se doduše vidi skepticizam, no i meni se čini da je osjećaj vrlo subjektivan. Važno je napomenuti da će se promijeniti gotovo 70% javne rasvjete u Varaždinu. Za usporedbu ponavljam da HEP-ESCO pilot projekt zamjene rasvjete samo na Dubrovačkoj aveniji u Zagrebu štedi oko 500.000 kn godišnje. E sad izračunajte kolika bi bila ušeda da se u Zagrebu zamijeni 70% rasvjete sa ekološkim lampama... VARAŽDIN - Projektom energetske učinkovitosti na sustavu javne rasvjete, Varaždin će trošak za električnu energiju smanjiti za 660 tisuća kuna godišnje. Na prijedlog tvrtke HEP-ESCO živine žarulje zamijenit će se natrijevima, niže snage, što će stajati 7,7 milijuna kuna. U toj će cijeni HEP-ESCO sudjelovati sa 5,3 milijuna kuna, a ostatak će se osigurati iz gradskoga proračuna. Nova rasvjeta prvo je postavljena u Trakošćanskoj ulici, no s njom nisu zadovoljni tamošnji stanovnici, kojima se ulica sada čini mračnijom. Umirovljenik Ivan Vrbanić rekao je kako je svjestan da se radi o uštedi i ekološkoj rasvjeti, ali rekao nam je i da se sada naprosto ne vide rubnici nogostupa kad se prelazi kolnik. Pogotovo, kad se u noći pogasi svaka druga žarulja, što je prema njegovo mišljenju, idealno zamračenje za krađu automobila. Naime, Varaždin je prije 15 godina uveo štednju električne energije tako što se u noćnom režimu, od 23 navečer do pet sati ujutro, ugasi 50 posto rasvjete, jer tada je manje prometa na ulicama. U gradskom odjelu za komunalne djelatnosti i uređenje prostora misle drukčije. Stručni suradnik za elektronički nadzor Damir Mejaš, koji je 20 godina radio u HEP - Elektri Varaždin smatra da se radi o subjektivnom osjećaju. Prema njegovom mišljenju, radi se o drukčijem efektu jer novo ekološko svjetlo ne blješti, ne odbija se od granja i građevina i usmjereno je nadolje. Dodaje da zbog godišnjih odmora nisu provedena mjerenja, ali da su proračunatih 4 do 12 luksa dovoljna za uličnu rasvjetu. Mjerenja će provesti nezavisna tvrtka VIZOR. Novom rasvjetom bit će obuhvaćeno 75 posto Varaždina. Zamijenit će se 3000 žarulja, te zamijeniti ili obnoviti 3000 rasvjetnih stupova i kandelabera. |
U Sloveniji će se 5.-6. listopada 2007. održati sedmi Europski simpozij o svjetlosnom onečišćenju. Program je bogat, a održava se na Bledu, prekrasnom jezeru kojeg stvarno ne treba posebno predstavljati! Program i brošuru skinite sa adrese: Darksky 2007. Vidimo se tamo! |