~ ..Beyond These Walls, Condemned To The Gloom Of An Austere Tomb, I Pace With Feral Madness Sent Through The Pale Beams Of A Guiltless Moon.. ~

Ne bih znala reći je li se hranila u to vrijeme. Ja sam začudo bila pošteđena njezine krvožednosti. Nije me zanimalo tko su njezine žrtve i ima li ih uopće, nisam htjela razbiti iluziju da sam nedužno Božje stvorenje, a ne sluga Sotone. Bilo je lakše ne razgovarati o takvim stvarima pri kojima teče nečija krv. Njezino tijelo stalno je bilo hladno. Sjećala sam se one noći kada je bilo toplo. Budući da nisam povezivala toplinu njezina tijela s ispijanjem nečije krvi, zapitala sam ju zašto je uvijek tako hladna. Nije mogla da mi ne kaže tu malu, ali okrutnu istinu koju sam tražila od nje. Objasnila mi je to na isti način kao da je objašnjavala neku znanost, kao da to nije ništa posebno, a znala je moje misli u vezi krvoprolića i sablažnjivost koju sam osjećala kada bih pomislila da je ona biće mrtvog tijela, predobro ih je poznavala… Ali makar se ona hranila krvlju da održi ljepotu svojega mrtvoga tijela, ja ju nikako nisam mogla mrziti. To što je njezino tijelo uvijek bilo hladno govorilo je da se ne hrani ili da nikome nije ispila dovoljnu količinu krvi da ubije žrtvu. Bilo je dovoljno da se smirim i opet prestanem razmišljati o tome te se posvetim drugim stvarima.

| 21.01.2007., 23:31 |

| Give me a look in your mind (13) | Worship my words with a crimson sacrifice | # | ^ |

- Ljubav stvara poniznost. - rekla je ozbiljno. - Nijedan stvor, koji može voljeti, ne može biti apsolutni gospodar, tako ni ja. Ali nekim tvojim željama neću udovoljiti. - nasmiješila se otkrivajući bijele zube. - Možeš umrijeti kao čovjek, no poslije toga više nećeš biti ljudsko biće.
- Ti si ubojica. - odvratila sam. - Obični, ogavni, odvratni krvopija… - nemoćno sam stiskala šake.
- Pa što? - dignula je obrve u čuđenju. - Živiš sa mnom oko četrnaest godina, do sada ti nije toliko smetalo što ubijam, iako si točno znala otkuda potječe moja tjelesna toplina svaki puta kada sam ju imala. Nije li to sebično? Prezirati ubojicu zbog ubojstava tek kada poželi uzeti tvoj život? Misliš li da ćeš time izbjeći sudbinu koju sam predodredila za tebe? Jesi li drukčija od ostalih žrtava, zato što si dugo vremena stanovala s vampirom? - podrugljivo se osmjehnula. - Smatraš li se nedužnom, Mira? - njezine oči su me probadale usredotočenim pogledom.
Nesigurno sam klimnula glavom.
- Ništa zato, ubijam i takve. - iscerila se, izgledajući umišljeno, a nažalost je imala dobrih razloga za bahatost. - Drukčija si od ostalih, od mnogih drugih koji su umrli pod mojim zubima… Ti ćeš ustati nakon smrti, ustati za vječni život! - ushićeno je govorila o vampirskom postojanju kao nečemu uzvišenome i vrijednome divljenja. Što bi moglo biti toliko uzvišeno na noćnim krvopijama? Oh, dobro sam znala; njihove moći i sposobnosti, njihovi osjećaji, pa čak i vanjski izgled; savršenstvo tijela koje je nekoć bilo ljudsko… isto savršenstvo koje nisam htjela jer je sa sobom donosilo mnogo zla.
- Ti si zla! - ne znam zašto sam joj to rekla, mora da mi je jednostavno izletjelo. Znala sam da je ona, više nego itko drugi, svjesna svoje osobnosti, i da je prihvaća kao sebe.
- Ako ti tako kažeš, - rugala se izgledajući najbezopasnije što je mogla, a sama po sebi svojom vanjštinom nije asocirala na neman. - onda sam zla, moja svetice; iako moraš priznati da je pripadnicima tvoje religije sve zlo što je imalo zanimljivo. - slegnula je ramenima.
Tebe bi se i sljedbenik Sotone odrekao, toliko zla se u tebi krije., pomislih ogorčeno, mrzeći ju zbog toga što je postojala, mrzeći ju zbog toga što mi nije htjela dati da umrem dostojno ljudskog bića, i to tek za nekoliko desetljeća, a ne kad se njoj prohtije. Kud si prokleta, još moraš i širiti svoju zarazu na one koji nisu voljni postati čudovišta poput tebe!, mislila sam jer se nisam usudila reći. Ionako su sve moje misli dopirale do njenog uma, bile one izrečene ili ne. Smatrala sam to donekle korisnom sposobnošću, ali ne dovoljno korisnom da bih se predala paklenom krvopiji zbog toga, isto kao ni za vječni mladoliki izgled i vječni život, niti za fizičku snagu niti išta drugo što bih dobila kada bih postala nemrtvac…

| 15.01.2007., 00:06 |

| Give me a look in your mind (7) | Worship my words with a crimson sacrifice | # | ^ |

- Ostavi me samu s njim, molim te. - rekoh najozbiljnije, bivajući zahvalna, ne znajući zašto. Otišla je, dobacivši mi umilni osmjeh i pretvorivši se nanovo u šišmiše, kako je i bila došla, te odletjela u noćno nebo. Jesam li osjećala zahvalnost jer mi je pomagala da se ne izgubim u vrtlogu sebe same? Ili zato što je postojala, bila ovdje za mene kada mi je trebala njezina privržena i nesebična ljubav koja mi je opraštala apsolutno svaku ružnu riječ i svaki čin, bez obzira koliko sramotan, uzaludno sebičan ili štetan za mene, biće koje je prihvaćala kao svoje vlastito dijete, svoju ljubavnicu, štićenicu, ponekad majku, milu prijateljicu… sve to zajedno i više od toga; vampirsko dijete, biće koje je spasila od ljudskog starenja i smrti, kojem je i sada, kao za moga života, pružala sve što je imala? Bez obzira koliko sam ju htjela mrziti jer me nije mogla prepustiti prirodnom propadanju koje je značilo normalan i ispunjen ljudski život, nadasve ljudski, poštovala sam ju i voljela kao svoju gospodaricu… a kao takva značila mi je previše da bih mogla dozvoliti strahovladu mržnje u mome srcu, prezir izazvan ljudskim strahom pred nepoznatim nagonima koje sam ipak mogla prihvatiti kao lijepe, kao dio sebe, i na meni je bilo ne samo prihvatiti ih, nego si dozvoliti ljubav prema sebi samoj i vampirskoj gospodarici, a te ljubavi sam imala dovoljno, samo što sam ju potiskivala jer su mi vjera i strah pred Bogom, smještani u mene od ranog djetinjstva, zabranjivali svu ljubav koju sam osjećala prema sebi i svojoj zaštitnici, pa makar ta ljubav bila sebična jer je sada oduzimala živote. Da nije bilo toga istog, kobnog straha koji je stoljećima služio Crkvi za manipuliranje svijetom i tjeranje ljudi na donekle čestite živote, vjerujem da bih se sretno i spokojno bila prepustila vampiričinoj smrtonosnoj strasti. No sada sam znala da ona nije ni od Boga ni od Sotone, prezrena i neshvaćena. Zahvalna svojoj gospodarici za prihvaćanje i razumijevanje bez previše izrugivanja kojem je bila sklona, usmjerila sam svu pažnju svojoj žrtvi, ne osjećajući tijekom ogavnog čina ništa doli čiste ljubavi.

| 13.01.2007., 00:19 |

| Give me a look in your mind (2) | Worship my words with a crimson sacrifice | # | ^ |

Mjerkali su se pogledima kao najgori neprijatelji. S jedne strane sam poželjela biti na drugome mjestu, ali s druge strane, gledano malo manje sebično, htjela sam nekako spriječiti sukob ako je to bilo moguće, no isprva sam šutjela nadajući se u mirni ishod ovog događaja.
- Zašto progoniš čudovišta, kad si i sam jedno? - pitala je glasom punim predbacivanja.
Njezine riječi su ga snuždile i vratile melankoliju na njegovo lice i u riječi.
- Okaljavši svoje ruke krvlju čudovišta postao sam ono što sam oduvijek bio; čudovište. Znam da nisam bolji od onih koje ubijam i da im nemam prava suditi. Poznate su mi strasti moje vlastite naravi, a kada uzmem u obzir da su one nepotpune zbog moje ljudske strane, razumijem što čudovišta potiče na njihova djela te ih neću osuđivati. Žalim svakoga tko skonča od mojih ruku, dogodilo se to u krvavoj bitci tokom koje ubojstvo svoga protivnika mogu opravdati samoobranom, ili nekoga nemilosrdno progonio do njegovog uništenja. Moje žrtve su stoga isto onoliko vrijedne žaljenja kao i njihove žrtve jer su i jedni i drugi nedužni prema svojim krvnicima. Ali ipak moram istaknuti da sam uvjeren kako me se tiču i ona zlodjela koja nisu počinjena s namjerom da se naškodi izravno meni, jer takva bih mogao oprostiti, ali ne opraštam zločine prema onima koji su osuđeni na svoju propast jer se nisu u stanju braniti. Ne govorim da se moje žrtve ne mogu braniti dok ih ubijam jer to ne činim kada spavaju, niti ih napadam s leđa. Svjestan sam činjenice da među njima postoji i nekoliko rijetkih koji svojim djelima nisu zaslužili smrt, ali radije ću na duši nositi teret smrti nekog čudovišta kojeg ubijem nego nedužnih ljudi koje čiju smrt bih mogao spriječiti. Vi sami odlučite hoćete li me mrziti zbog toga, bit će mi isto onoliko svejedno koliko ravnodušnosti pokazujete prema mojim problemima. Ali ja vas neću niti mrziti niti ću vas loviti ako mi ne budete dali dobre razloge za takvo drastično djelovanje. - rekao je s najvećom mogućom ozbiljnošću, ali melankolija se vidljivo spremala zauzeti svoje staro mjesto u njegovom srcu.

| 10.01.2007., 01:18 |

| Give me a look in your mind (0) | Worship my words with a crimson sacrifice | # | ^ |

Došli su snovi, pomućeni snovi premorenog uma. Mislila sam da ću biti preumorna za takve gluposti, ali oni su došli… nekoliko njih… ne sasvim nepozvani…
Kada se probudih, ne znajući što me toliko uplašilo da sam bila prisiljena otvoriti oči, bila sam umornija nego prije spavanja. Pridigla sam se u sjedeći položaj i pogledala pod vrata. Ili je vani bio dan, ili je predvorje bilo osvjetljenije nego inače. Zacijelo je bio dan, jer sam bila sigurna da nisam dugo spavala. Legla sam na bok i pokušala se sjetiti što sam sanjala, a oči su mi se zatvarale u želji za novim snovima. Kao da sam izgubila pamćenje; sjećala sam se samo nekih mutnih i nejasnih prizora. Uporno sam razmišljala hoteći ih se sjetiti jer su možda imali dublje značenje.
Nešto me sigurno gonilo, bježala sam u snu. Ili nisam mogla pobjeći? Nisam se sjećala. Ali prije toga… prije bijega… bilo je još nešto čega se moj umorni um nije mogao prisjetiti. Zatvorila sam oči.
Pojavio se preda mnom prizor šume po noći, živopisan i stvaran. Osjećala sam pravu hladnoću, a drveće je izgledalo kao da ga mogu dotaknuti i osjetiti hrapavost kore. Poželjela sam to i učiniti jer san nije mogao biti ovako stvaran. Svuda oko mene bila je magla. Ispunjavala je šumu poput tankog i prozirnog, bjeličastog dima; nematerijalna poput duhova, kao da je sačinjena od njih, ali ipak dovoljno stvarna i prisutna poput cijele okoline, zbog čega sam počela sumnjati u san, pri čemu su mi pomagala i ostala osjetila. Ispružila sam ruku i dotaknula drvo. Kao što sam mislila, mogla sam osjetiti hrapavu koru pod prstima i više se nije samo činila tako stvarnom, za mene je to i bila. Sve više sam sumnjala u san, kako to već bude makar sanjala nešto sasvim nemoguće. Ovo se čak činilo mogućim jer sam povremeno zaista sama i po noći šetala šumom. Nisam primijetila da na sebi imam spavaćicu, odjeću u kojoj pri nekim za mene normalnim uvjetima ne bih samo tako napustila skrovište.
No hladnoću nisam pripisala nedostatku toplije odjeće, već onome pred čime sam osjetila strah i što je dolazilo sasvim bešumno, sve bliže i bliže. Najednom sam znala da trebam bježati, samo bježati i po mogućnosti nikada stati. No, ne znajući uzrok želji za uzmicanjem, ostala sam mirno stajati na mjestu. A i znala sam da će me moja gospodarica spasiti od svih mogućih i nemogućih čudovišta i to, naravno, samo ako je ovo stvarnost.
Isto tako nenadano i neobjašnjivo kao i želja za bijegom, u meni se rodila želja za borbom. Oh da, htjela sam se boriti protiv zla koje je dolazilo jer nije bilo sumnje da dolazi nešto ogavno i opako čemu se trebam suprotstaviti.
Nije bilo moje gospodarice da me spasi, nije me ni mogla niti htjela spasiti pred onime što je dolazilo i što je naposljetku došlo. Ona je bila kriva što je uopće postojalo. Imala sam osjećaj da mi je srce stalo kada vidjeh ono pred čime sam htjela bježati. Trebala sam pobjeći ili to barem pokušati, ali bilo bi uzaludno bježati pred samom sobom. Naime, nadolazeće zlo, to sam bila ja, s krvi na odjeći i licu.
Naglo otvorih oči i probudih se.
Samo san…, uvjeravala sam se kao svaki put kada bih sanjala nešto ružno. Besmislica!
Nažalost, znala sam da nije besmislica, no nisam si mogla priznati vlastite osjećaje. Iscerena spodoba u mojem liku bila je moja najveća noćna i dnevna mora, i najgori strah. Nisam htjela postati takvo nešto, a znala sam da će se to ipak dogoditi jer je moja gospodarica odlučila pretvoriti me jednoga dana u nemrtvoga krvopiju. Dan se nažalost bližio. Bojala sam se ovoga sna kao prikaza moguće budućnosti koja je uskoro trebala doći.

| 07.01.2007., 01:43 |

| Give me a look in your mind (2) | Worship my words with a crimson sacrifice | # | ^ |

Osluškivala sam ne bih li čula kako joj srce udara. Čula sam ga, bilo je veoma tiho i sporo, ali tuklo je pravilnim ritmom. Nije mogla biti vampir, oni su hodajući leševi čija srca stoje. Naslonila je svoju glavu na moju njušeći mi kosu i ujedno se nježno mazeći. Nije me htjela povrijediti. Iako je bila nešto nadnaravno i po svim pravilima Crkve bogohulno, ovo biće mi nije činilo ništa nažao. Nisam znala kada je zadnji put netko (osim moje mačke) prema meni bio ovako nježan. Možda majka, prije puno, prije previše vremena.
Čudila sam se toplini njezina tijela; mrtvaci su trebali biti hladni. Ovo nikako nije mogao biti vampir. Nisam mogla znati da me grije toplinom tuđe krvi koju je ispila nekom nesretnom jadniku čije je tijelo nekud bacila nakon zvjerske gozbe.
U njezinu naručju osjećala sam se sigurnom, zaštićenom od svega zla. Čudilo me to; zlo biće me štitilo od drugih zala. Osobito od one druge vampirice s kojom se očito poznavala i za koju sam bila igračka koju se nije smjelo pokidati. No, što sam bila za ovu svoju pomajku koja me držala u naručju kao da sam malo dijete?
Mučno sam progutala slinu. Zar vampiri nisu «malo intimni» sa svojim žrtvama prije nego im daju zadnji poljubac?
Mog straha brzo je nestalo kad me meko spustila na noge. Gledala me kao što kipovi svetica kamenim očima miluju prolaznike. Samo, njezino lice bilo je živo, ona nije bila kip koji prikazuje nekoć davno živu osobu. Bila je stvarna, moja svetica. Nisam je mogla gledati kao pokvarenog vampira; tko ne čini nikakvo zlo, ne može biti zao.

| 05.01.2007., 00:55 |

| Give me a look in your mind (1) | Worship my words with a crimson sacrifice | # | ^ |

Sanjala sam naše groblje. Noć je bila presvučena u bjelinu magle. Na sebi sam imala samo svoju dugu bijelu spavaćicu. Mogla sam osjetiti hrapave bockave kamenčiće pod bosim nogama. Nijedan san dosad nije bio ovako stvaran. Nisam primjećivala hladnoću. Mislim da je to bio san jer se nisam bojala biti sama na groblju, još k tome po noći u magli.
U magli sam vidjela samo nadgrobne spomenike i potamnjele drvene križeve koji mi nisu bili jako udaljeni. Groblje je bilo tužni, blatni komad zemlje pored crkve ispunjen zemljanim humcima više-manje obraslima korovom. Pokoji grob bio je posipan sitnim kamenčićima između kojih je svejedno rasla travica ako je obitelji mrtvaca nisu redovito čupale. Tanahni križevi kao da su s vremenom sve više izbijali iz zemlje, neki strmo uvis, neki lagano nakrivljeni. Selo je bilo tako siromašno da si nitko nije mogao priuštiti više od drvenoga križa za svoje pokojnike, ali bilo je i pokoje kamene ploče. Staze su, da bi se spriječilo propadanje posjetioca u blato, povremeno bivale posipavane kamenčićima. Tko bi mogao reći da je dušama u životu poslije smrti lijepo ako im tijela trunu u mokrom blatu?

| 04.01.2007., 21:13 |

| Give me a look in your mind (3) | Worship my words with a crimson sacrifice | # | ^ |

IMPORTANT!!! napomena za ubuduce: blog je ISKLJUCIVO za moju pricu, zato vas molim da u komentarima izostavite druge stvari... ak ne komentirate postove ili dizajn bloga, onda ne morate ni ostavit komentar
btw, ne ljutim se ni tak nest, al samo da se zna za ubuduce...

| 03.01.2007., 17:28 |

| Give me a look in your mind (1) | Worship my words with a crimson sacrifice | # | ^ |

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Nepravilno raspoređeni dijelovi onoga što pišem: priče i pjesme uglavnom o vampirima. Trenutačno prepravljam svoj roman, koji bi se trebao zvati "Prokleto blaženstvo neželjene vječnosti". Vjerojatno ću obavijestiti posjetitelje svog bloga o objavljivanju istoga.

Evo moje e-mail adrese, ako mi želite nešto reći što ne želite pisati u komentaru: vicious_vampire_666@hotmail. com (ne obazirite se na 666, adresa bez tog broja je bila nažalost zauzeta).

Nema smisla reklamirati mi se u komentarima, jer iako svaki komentar pogledam i pročitam, posjetit ću isključivo blogove čiji vlasnici barem donekle ostave dojam kako su pročitali moj post, a ne da mi samo ostavljaju isprazne komplimente jer žele neka ih posjetim.
Lanci sreće, štafete i slično nipošto nije dobrodošlo, osim u iznimnim slučajevima (npr. kada štafeta zahtijeva da napišem pjesmu ili slično). Nemojte se čuditi ako zbog njih postanem nepristojna ili neugodna na vašem blogu.
Blog Vicious Vampire eventualno posjeduje nasilne ili proste sadržaje koje niste prisiljeni čitati, stoga ne preuzimam odgovornost za nastale štete.


Vampire Within
- blog o meni: trenutni i dugoročniji osjećaji i misli

- online shop-ovi:

Countess Deathory
- METAL SHOP, u ovom katalogu možete naći modele nakita i rekvizita koji bi vas svakako mogli zanimati ako ste metal fan bilo koje kategorije

Rockshop STRESS

- registrirana marka underground odjeće koja je pokrenuta iz ideje o odjeći namjenjenoj gothik, punk i metal sceni

- ostalo:


- sluzbeni forum Viktorie Faust

Neki blogovi koje sam čitala (predstoji preuređenje, slobodno mi recite ako trebam promijeniti naziv ili link):

Taken by The Storm

Countess Dementia di Santi

Beautiful Death


Mrtva Djeca Oko Mene i San i Pjesma i Pogreb

Miss Spookiness

Dark dreams of a broken mind

........an angel with broken wings........

Djevojka izgubljenih snova

Obscure Divine

Favorite Lyrics:


"An Enemy Led The Tempest"

As pride precedes the downfall
So he took His place before the firewall
Of dissonant choirs whose faith in one
Was embraced in this wraith whose fate was hung

Between forgiveness and the damage done

An electric scent over drear decay
Lent a violent surge to their serenades
Through white glades as His winged parade
Bent to silhouette and to sharpen dull razors

Within vast skies unversed in starkness
His might grew
And blew light hues to grey...
And worse, a third of stars to darkness

Then thunder seethed
And wreathed in thickening night
A line was drawn midst wrong and right
And across the throat of thieves

As love fell choked, the tempest broke
From Heaven's farthest shore
Descending to eclipse all hope
Repentance might stay holy war

He would not heel nor fake a bow
Murmur curses to the wind
Enraged, he raved in balrog howls
Upon a storm firstborn of sin

Incensed anew, rebellious tore
Like frenzied beasts of prey
Through temple doors...
Thrown east before the midnight masses

And where once bliss reigned so serene
In sweeter glades
Now veins ran openly...
Like eyes that shed from kindred ashes

When suddenly
There shone a hideous light
And a voice like three insanities
Soared up in thistled speech

"Thou hast bred hate where there dwelt none
And for this grave mistake
How thou art fallen Morning Sun
The proud will be abased"

He would not heel nor fake a bow
Murmur curses to the wind
And lo, the wrath of god swept down...

"Thou art no more an angel filled
With light, but a leech to be abhorred
And thou shalt suffer My burning will"...
Quoth this raven: "Nevermore"

Never fucking more

And with these words like heavy stone
Cast against that gilded throne
With many legions still in tow
He turned his wings to flee
His eyes a picture of distaste
Drawn to tears and in their place
The dawn of time and fates to face
Through all eternity...

I wept for him a deep red river
That ran like blood through scarred ravines
To sluice away the guilt that slithered
Like a serpent tongue to Eve
For once as I, in heaven climbed
Too high for truth to truly see
My sunken mind, drunken and blind
Saw the lie: The fool was Me...

Alone and cold, face to the crack
Beyond the dark gates with no way back
His crown of gold faded to black
Like a bruise upon the heart that lingers

With thrill-kill culture shock wave lengths
Of rope to hang high
Ten commandments by...
Snaked about his upraised fingers


"The Invaluable Darkness"

Fear Tomorrow's Adversary
And the wealth of uprising
The final storm will be released
And the unmerciful will erect

Hidden from the eyes of your God
I will proclaim original sin
And have you all purged and purified
From the lies that remain within

Cleansed and draped in sulphur linen
Black and pure since the Beginning

Mercy is not truth
Your sins are next to mine
Mercy is not truth
All your sins are next to mine

My soul's ablaze
Inflamed with rage and isolated
In whirlwinds of hate
My soul's ablaze
Yet camouflaged in the haze

Why did He not see this coming
What did He not understand
One time forsaken
But forgotten I am not

I will win this war
But never the peace
I am my own free spirit
Hence I will not rest


"Voices Within"

Darkness drapes my weary eyes
drape the void that grows inside
And I can't take this veil away
I can't find the strength
I tried to shield my scenery
tried to set my mind free
This life has brought me to my knees
Devastation unleashed

Whispers...calling on the wind
Like voices calling from deep within
Shivers...all down your spine
I'm the void that rides your aching mind

Nightfall seems to come my way
and it seems as if to stay
A shadow haunts me from the past
Will it forever last?
A voice is calling in the wind
yon the horizons, and from within
I deem the thought, shall I abide
these ghastly wispers inside?

Whispers...called you on the wind
Like voices called you from deep within
Wither...wane adown the line
I'm the void that rode your aching mind...



Do you believe in love?
Do you believe in destiny?
True love may come only once in a thousand lifetimes...
I too have loved...they took her from me.
I prayed for her soul....I prayed for her peace

When I close my eyes
I see her face, it comforts me
When I close my eyes
Memories cut like a knife

The blood is the life, and Christ I defy.
My sworn enemy...birth of a new creed.

Is this my reward for serving God's own war?
The blood I've spilled for faith fulfilled.
To damn her, a disgrace, you spit back in my face.
I served you loyally, and you spew blasphemy.

I avenge with darkness, the blood is the life
The Order of the Dragon, I feed on human life

There are far worse things awaiting man than death
Come taste what I have seen
I'm spreading my disease
I will feed upon His precious child
The human race will bleed, they will serve my need.

I avenge with darkness, the blood is the life
The Order of the Dragon, I feed on human life

I am the Dragon of blood, a relentless prince of pain
Renouncing God on His throne
My blood is forever stained

For true love I shall avenge
I defy the creed that damned her


"Under The Ice"

'Til you find the answer
Time out
For our poor Cassandra
She's fairly safe inside the fire

Inside the fire
Awakes desire
Cruelly admired

They'll torture her soul
And they'll torment her heart
But won't change her mind

Would you like to see me
How I'll cut off
Her head life's a game
A lesson to learn
Don't be shy just blame me
Well, there is no
Need to feel ashamed
Remember the oath
Remember the oath

Wake up
It's time to cross the border
Is it true what they say
About the part you've played?

Enjoy your stay here
Welcome to the slaughterhouse

Release from rotten thoughts
No more pain
And no more gods

Under the ice you will believe
Under the ice you will be free
Released from rotten thoughts
No more pain
And no more gods

Please understand
It's not in our hands
Barren the land
It's all dead and gone

And still the tyrant's face is red
So witness my glory, my triumph, my fame
It's the sweetest taste

King of terror just stop wining
Hold your breath it won't take long
Realize this is your judgement day
In between the killing carry on

There are no rules here
Welcome to the slaughterhouse

Release from rotten thoughts
No more pain
And no more gods

Under the ice you will believe
Under the ice you will be free
Released from rotten thoughts
No more pain
And no more gods

Try to understand

You're the artificial enemy
An illusion we all need
For our sake
For our sake

We're not allowed to see beyond that's your skill
Will we ever learn the lesson "We can't fly with broken wings"

Break the chains
Time to change
I'm afraid to say but you won't play a part

It's been nice we now get to the climax
Your destination's unknown
Just get out of my way

Don't mind the blood here
Welcome to the slaughterhouse

Release from rotten thoughts
No more pain
And no more gods

Under the ice you will believe
Under the ice you will be free
Released from rotten thoughts
No more pain
And no more gods

Under the ice you will be free
Released from rotten thoughts
No more pain
And no more gods
And no more gods
(No more gods)

I'm afraid to say but you won't play a part


"Dreamside Dominions"

When the ghastly mourners awakens from sleep
And the volant funeral crows are watching
Like evil omens in shadowed murmur
They welcome me again

Agonized and flattered to once become
A part of this horror scenario
I descend with arms open wide

Armoured and filled with painful pleasure
Reflecting streams of monstrous mirages
I will not hide

Losing control in seductive madness
Spiritual revelations, apocalyptic hypnosis
Dead colours appear within unshallow graves
Alone in awe I face abhorrence below

Trapped inside to suffer in silence
Torn apart in mind and sense
Baptized in this nightly glamour-
Rites of splendid essence

Agonized and flattered I once became
A part of the horror scenario
Armoured and filled with painful pleasure
I did not hide

Now when the gates are no longer shut
I withdraw from the light of the sun


"A Gothic Romance (Red Roses for the Devil's Whore)"

Evening minuetto in a castle by the sea
A jewel more radiant than the moon
Lowered Her mask to me
The sublimest creature the Gods, full of fire
Would marvel at making their Queen
Infusing the air with Her fragrant desire
And my heart reeled with grave poetry....

From grace I fell in love with Her
Scent and feline lure
And jade woodland eyes that ushered in the impurest
"Erotic, laden fantasies amid this warm Autumn night
She lulled me away from the rich masquerade
And together we clung in the bloodletting moonlight"
Pearled luna, what spell didst thou cast on me?
Her icy kiss fervoured my neck
Like whispering waves 'pon Acheron's beach
In a whirl of sweet voices and statues
That phantomed the dying trees
This debauched seductress in black, took me....

In a pale azured dawn like Ligeia reborn
I tore free of my sleep - sepulchre
On the sea misted lawn where stone figures, forlorn
Lamented the spectre of Her
Bewildered and weak, yet with passion replete
I hungered for past overtures
The curse of unrest and her ardent caress
Came much more than my soul could endure....

I, at once endeavoured to see Her again
Stirring from midnight's inertia
Knowing not even her name
On a thin precipice over carnal abyss
I danced like a blind acolyte
Drunk on red wine, her dead lips on mine
Suffused with the perfume of night

For hours I scoured the surrounding grounds
In vain that we might meet
When storm clouds broke, ashened, fatigued
I sought refuge in a cemeterty

Sleep, usher dreams
Taint to nightmares from a sunless nether

Mistress of the dark
I now know what thou art

Screams haunt my sleep
Dragged from nightmares thou hast wed together

Lamia and Lemures
Spawned thee leche
To snare my flesh

Portrait of the Dead Countess

Deep stained pain that I had dreamt
Flaunted demise, life's punishment
Leaving little strength to seal this wretched tomb....

But poised nectar within my stirs
Up feverous desire and morbid purpose to search
Through cobwebbed drapery to where she swoons
Goddess of the graveyard, of the tempest and moon
In flawless fatal beauty her very visage compels
Glimpses of a heaven where ghost companies fell
To mourning the loss of god in blackest velvet
Enrobed in their downfall like a swift silhouette

"Fleeting, enshadowed
Thou art privy to my sin
Secrets dead, wouldst thou inflict
The cruel daylights upon my skin?
Dost thou not want to worship me
With crimson sacrifice
So my cunt may twitch against thy kiss
And weep with new-found life?"

Red roses for the Devil's whore....

Dark angels taste my tears
And whisper haunting requiems
Softly to mine ear
Need-fires have lured abominations here....

Nocturnal pulse
My veins spill forth their waters
Rent by lips I cherish most

Awash on her perfidious shores
Where drowning umbra o'er the stars
Ebon's graves where lovers whore
Like seraphim and Nahemah


Pluck out mine eyes, hasten, attest
Blind reason against thee, Enchantress
For I must know, art thou not death?
My heart echoes bloodless and incensed....

Doth temptation prowl night in vulvic revelry
Did not the Queen of Heaven come as Devil to me?
On that fatal Hallow's Eve when we fled company
As the music swept around us in the crisp, fated leaves
UNder horned Diana where her bloodline was sewn
In a graveyard of Angels rent in cool marbled stone
I am grieving the loss of life in sombre velvet
Enrobed in Death's shadow like a swifter


"Age of False Innocence"

Cut off the light, take a look
There's nothing beyond but pain
Suffer in the deepest void
The flame of hope is gone
What have I done?
Denied the father and the son
For a moment it seemed
There's space beyond the spheres

Aflame the night
So clear and bright
Unstable light
(You've been sacrificed in fear)
Now there's one thing for sure
I'm not afraid anymore

Day after day we've been fixed in this bowl for so long
For ages we're captured in shells and crystallized walls

Predestined or punished? By Man or God?

I cannot, I will not
Deny It's false innocence
I cannot, I will not
The age of false innocence
(Take it away from me)

(And) for a while astronomy has moved the Earth
And we've turned around the Sun
(Sanctum Officium)
Has made me believe
Has made me believe
Has made me believe

"We know for sure you're lying
Would you like to mess with holy science
You know the fear of dying
Would it be worth it to hear you crying"
I've slaughtered truth and I've shattered my heart

Far too long I have played with hellfire
And science has turned into madness
But I should have taken it higher
So I feel, so I feel
Like Judas must have felt before
That Wednesday night near by the tree

I cannot, I will not
Deny It's false innocence
I cannot, I will not
The age of false innocence
(Take It away from me)

Day after day we will gratefully suffer for more
Predestined's our part so we bleed in the name of God

Don't believe in their eternity
We're still held in blindness
And I've been turned into a liar
If there is no heaven there won't be release

I cannot, I will not
Deny It's false innocence
(I cannot) I will not
The age of false innocence
(I cannot) I will not
Deny It's false innocence
(I cannot) I will not
The age of false innocence
(Take It away from me)


"The Serpentine Offering"

My descent is the story of everyman
I am hatred, darkness and despair
My descent is the story of everyman
I am hatred, darkness and despair

Evoked and entertained through centuries
Wrathful and sullen -- Dormant still

The ferocity pervades everywhere
Waiting to be released at last
Hear my offering
Ye bastard sons and daughters
Share my sacrifice
Share my sacrifice.

My descent is the story of everyman
I am hatred, darkness and despair
My descent is the story of everyman
I am hatred, darkness and despair

Reconcile not with the fear of the snake
But embrace it as your own
Inject its venom into your veins
And replant the seed that gives growth
Still shrouded in mystery
Until you arise above perception
A veil of ignorance is in motion
Continuing throughout generations

(A veil of ignorance is in motion
Continuing throughout multiple generations
Let me be the one that deliver you from the deceit
And back into perfect accordance with the laws of nature)

The snake is notoriously tempting
But the snake is fair
What is worse than not knowing?
To live or disappear?

The ferocity pervades everywhere
Waiting to be released at last
Hear my offering
Ye bastard sons and daughters
Share my sacrifice
Share my sacrifice


"Burnt Offerings"

In one last breath
You'll feel this damned old soul
You'll see the things I see

For all these years
Of pain and sacrifice
You'll know the pain I know

Of all these things
I offer unto you
Infernal wisdom waits

Now unleashed
Like the flames of hate
My sacrifice is made

Every note
And every word you hear
Comes from deep within

An angry soul
That twists and turns inside
Pondering this life

Crimson eyes
Staring through your lies
Awakes the inner rage

Take my knife
Make my sacrifice
You're my burnt offering

Spill your blood
Offer me good omen
Make the sacrifice, the hours close at hand
Burn your soul
Offer me good omen
Take your very life, this I command

Dark shadows fall on this sacred ground
Where true evil lies, summon them to rise
Take the traitors, thieves and liars
Feed them to the fire
But first, spread their blood around
The message will be found
Walk carefully my friends stab my back again
A warning from the sky

These are not idle threats my friends
We're slaughtering the lambs
True vengeance is on the rise
The traitors shall be damned
Cast their bodies to the flames

Spill your blood
Offer me good omen
Make the sacrifice, the hours close at hand
Burn your soul
Offer me good omen
Take your very life, this I command



Glowing eyes, staring eyes
Manifest of evil presence
With entities swept in disease and decay
A fall from paradise beyond redemption

Wrathchild's afterglow

He who speaks of nightly treasures
He who wraps the serpent around my neck
He who pours poisonous wine in my chalice
He who lets me serve and slip away

...and so i will take shelter
In the absence of the light
Hiding like a masked miniature in the dark
A revenant without relief it seems
For the art of becoming a progeny
and to be raised in such curse

Is to forever creep among naive mortals
Infesting the dead in herdes

His grandeur of guidance in roundtrips obscure
He who immerse my hands in sullen thrills
His paths on wich domination linger
He who dares to prove the sanity of mine

He who speaks of nightly treasures
He who lets me serve and slip away

Black unearthly void creatures crawling
Forbidden forgotten fairly underrated
Bastards in the shape of angels holding my hands
Passing me what is left of the wine


"Havoc Vulture"

Wonder how it would be to be the great Redeemer
the one to bestow upon you life and death
the one to poison you when you're down
or to be the one to hand you the crownofthorns
when your hands are sore
(and) to save you from the everything you care for
Are you bitter when you see how pale you are?
Do you feel hate without direction?
A kind of seed inside you that never blossoms
It is at the gallows end one forgets that everything
has to have a greater meaning
An unrecognisable call drags you towards the unspoken word
to suffer Martyrdom for the others
The Saviour cut off your wings, somehow just to remind you that He exists
Those who wait for His salt with open wounds have a way to go
the shadows of your must rest (first)
Though I ask, why do you dig your own grave when others do it for you?
The force behind the hit can not be mistaken
'cause He's the saviour with magnanimity and
...a light in the dark
Maybe it is intimidating more than lighting the way
where is the road going? To a place where you can wash the blood of your
Where did the knowing go?... With a saviour to transcendental kingdoms
or to the valley of the forgotten?
behind the vault of the sky's mystery lies a dream
damned or saved, how could we ever know?


"Bathory Aria"

[I. Benighted Like Usher]

Snuffed tapers sighed
As Death left impressing
His crest of cold tears on the Countess

Benighted like ill-fated Usher
The House of Bathory shrouded
'Neath griefs dark facade

If only I could have wept
In mourning by Her side
I would have clasped Her so tight
Like storm-beached Aphrodite
Drowned on Kytherean tides

And Kissed Her
For from Her alone
My lips would have known
Enigmas of shadowy vistas

Where pleasures took flesh
And pain, remorseless
Came freezing the breath
Of raucous life hushed unto whispers


Inhaling the pale waning moonlight that crept
Through the crypt of Her Lord who so lucidly slept


Exhaling the wail of black widowhood's toll
Waxing eternal night entered Her soul

[II. A Murder of Ravens in Fugue]

Now haranguing grey skies
With revenge upon life
Gnathic and Sapphic
Needs begged gendercide

Delusions of Grandier denounced the revolt
Of descrying cursed glass, disenchanted in vaults
Encircled by glyphs midst Her sin-sistered cult

With hangman's abandon She plied spiritworlds
To Archangels in bondage
From light to night hurled
Cast down to the earth where torment would unfurl.......

But soon,
Her tarot proved
Hybrid rumours spread like tumours
Would accrue
And blight Her stars
However scarred
To better bitter truths
Of cold bloodbaths

As bodies rose
In rigid droves
To haunt Her from their
Shallow burials imposed
When wolves exhumed
Their carthen wombs
Where heavy frosts had laboured long
To bare their wounds

To the depths of Her soul they pursued
Wielding their poison they flew
Like a murder of ravens in fugue

And knowing their raptures
Would shatter Her dreams
She clawed blackened books for damnation's reprieve
Baneful cawed canons on amassed enemies

So Hallow's Eve
As She received
Like Bellona to the ball
Those enemies
Fell-sisters heaved
Her torturies
Cross stained flagstones
To Her carriage reined to flee

But She knew She must brave the night through
Though fear crept a deathshead o'er the moon
Like a murder of ravens in Fugue

For each masked, jewelled gaze held dread purpose
Horror froze painted eyes to cold stares
And even Her dance
In the vast mirrors cast
Looked the ill of Her future
If fate feasted there....

[III. Eyes That Witnessed Madness]

In an age crucified by the nails of faith
When rank scarecrows of christ blighted lands
An aloof Countess born an obsidian wraith
Dared the abyss knowing well She was damned
Her life whispered grief like a funeral march
Twisted and yearning, obsessed an entranced
With those succumbing to cruelty
Crushed 'neath the gait of Her dance
A whirlwind of fire that swept through the briers
Of sweet rose Her thickets of black thorn had grasped...

She demanded the Heavens and forever to glean
The elixir of Youth from the pure
Whilst Her lesbian fantasies
Reamed to extremes
O'er decades unleashed
Came for blood's silken cure

But Her reign ended swiftly
For Dark Gods dreamt too deep
To heed Her pleas

When Her gaolers were assailed
With condemnations from a priest
Who'd stammered rites
In the dead of night
For maidens staining winding sheets

And She postured proud
When Her crimes were trowelled
And jezebelled to peasant lips
Though She smelt the fires
That licked limbs higher
To the tortured cunts of accomplices

So ends this twisted fable's worth
And though spared the pyre's bite
By dint of nobled bloodlined birth
Her sins (crimes) garnered Her no respite

Forever severed from the thrill of coming night
Where slow Death alone could grant Her flight

"The Spirits have all but fled judgement
I rot, alone, insane,
Where the forest whispers puce laments for me
From amidst the pine and wreathed wolfsbane
Beyond these walls, wherein condemned
To the gloom of an austere tomb
I pace with feral madness sent
Through the pale beams of a guiltless moon
Who, bereft of necrologies, thus
Commands creation over the earth
Whilst I resign my lips to death
A slow cold kiss that chides rebirth
Though one last wish is bequathed by fate
My beauty shalt wilt, unseen
Save for twin black eyes that shalt come to take
My soul to peace or Hell for company"
[Quoted words above are from Hammer Film's "Countess Dracula" (1970). The singer is Imgrid Pitt, the actress who played the role of Elizabeth in that film.]

My soul to Hell for company