Dual LED flash helps iPhone 5S PK iPhone 5C


Apple has released new products on Tuesday ( September 10 ),which is different from the previous promotion that is one new ” monologue “ The new conference include two new iPhone products . Before the conference , the responsible person has revealed that these two products , iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, will be completely different positioning . iPhone 5S as a flagship phone will be equipped with launch cutting-edge technology including fingerprint identification . The contrast , the new iPhone 5C will be mainly aimed at the low-end mobile phone market. Although they are Apple ‘s new products, but the phones configuration, performance and appearance are quite different , called that “high rich handsome ” face ” loser ” – never quite different. Well, which difference between these two phones in the end , let us announce one by one !

According to the reports , iPhone 5C is used A6 processor, while the iPhone 5S is equipped A7 processor . In the processing speed , iPhone 5S is about 30% faster than 5C .

5S will be equipped with the topt camera , and 5C continue to follow the iPhone 5’s configuration. On the pixels, picture quality, clarity , 5S far exceed 5C. Meanwhile, Apple iPhone5S adopt a dual LED flash , as 5C, is still using the traditional single flash.

iPhone 5S memory is expanded to the maximum 128G, while the iPhone 5C memory , no more than 32G.

iPhone 5S is using the latest fingerprint recognition technology , since then, it is no longer need the password to unlock the screen , simply touch with the finger .

This is probably the most intuitive distinction between two phones ! , the price of unlock iPhone 5S is about six thousand yuan in China, while 5C is about four thousand yuan .
Body Material

iPhone 5S continue to use the metal body, as for the body color , there are white, gold , black three. The 5C ‘s body is lightweight , cheap plastic casing and equipped with at least five colors ( red, yellow, green , blue, white ) .
Through the above comparison , I am sure we have an idea on the difference from two new Apple phone’s location , configuration, and some details . So, which is your favorite- the “high-end and classy ,” iPhone 5S or the ” affordable and meaning” iPhone 5C in the end ?

Definitely,using different flash is also very clear distinction between the two from the above comparison , it is clear that the IPhone 5S using LED flash is more high-end and closer to the user’s needs, but we can also see that, LED lighting that is environmentally friendly has been favored by IPhone,obviously, LED lighting has been completely and closely linked to communications electronics industry,moreover LED lighting not only perfectly combine with the electronics and mobile phones, but also connect to the design, agriculture, medicine, science and technology and other industry to bring our unique visual experience and convenience.

Nowadays,the LED flood lamps and LED tube light are the most widely used as the representatives of the decorative lighting and the home lighting in daily life,the LED tube light enjoys a great popularity in our corridor, restaurants, shopping, leisure and entertainment, galleries, exhibition halls and other indoor environments everywhere, the LED flood lamps is mainly used in city squares, parks, stadiums, the facades of large commercial buildings and hotel, stage, waiting rooms, airports etc. where the higher brightness is needed to illuminate,meanwhile,there a large number of factory engaging in developing and producing the LED light,Lead Lighting is just one of them,which adopts high brightness SMD as the light source of the LED tube and highly integrated and high brightness COB as the light source of the LED flood lamps so that fully guaranteed stable and soft light of the LED tube light and octahedron breadth and brightness irradiation range of the LED floodlight, while low voltage constant current driver ensure the AC can be converted into the DC to improve energy efficiency of the LED tube light and LED flood lamps and reduce the waste heat energy and stroboscopic effect exciting the human eye, the most important is that the LED lighting without adding mercury and other heavy metals harmful to our body and pollution the environment, that’s why the LED light is Known as energy-saving and environmental protection. Login http://www.ledclan.com to learn more features and uses of the LED tube light and surf www.lead-lighting.com to know more awesome LED floodlights and other LED lighting.
Article from http://www.lighting-ledlight.com/index.php/dual-led-flash-help-iphone-5s-pk-iphone-5c/

Oznake: iphone, the, new, led, flash, apple, Mobile, Phone, fingerprint, identification, flood, lamps, iphone5c

US university is developing the new UV LED lights that can be used for portable devices

According to reports, the Ohio State University is developing a new type of UV LED, it could bring us more and more portable lamps and low-cost technology .
Ohio State University

The LED whose patent is pending has created the UV wavelength that is more precise than commercial LED ultraviolet on the market and can operate at a lower voltage , which is more brevity than other experimental method that create an accurate ultraviolet wavelength. The LED is suitable for the chemical sensing applications , disinfection applications and UV curing applications . To be further developed, it maybe can provide UV laser eye surgery and computer chip manufacturing with source one day.

In the ” Applied Physics Letters “, the Ohio State University engineers describe how to create a LED. Coauthor from the semiconductor nanowires that mixed with the gadolinium (Gd) that is the rare earth elements, Roberto Myers, Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering of the Ohio State University, said: “The unique design allows engineers to give nanowires energized to activate the rare earth metals , and this is that our team previously has not thought, as far as we know, no one has drived the electronics through the gadolinium inside the LED , we just want to know what will happen next . ”
Gadolinium is not used to produce high-quality UV LED, but in order to carry out a simple experiment probing the basic properties of a new material they are studying , the material is called gallium nitride . In this experiment, the doctoral Thomas Kent noted that the intense emission lines of the gadolinium can control the current . Different elements that are excited emits fluorescence at different wavelengths , the fluorescence emitted by gadolinium is most intense . Engineers found that gadolinium doped nanowires shined ultraviolet light in some specific frequencies. What is not unusual that the different materials activated produce light, but the material is difficult to be activated under ultraviolet light-emitting. light emission that only other reported gadolinium can be electrically controlled takes more than 250V voltage. Ohio State University research team found that the same effect can be produced at low operating voltage that is about 10V in the structure of the nanowire LED. It is difficult to compact the high-voltage apparatus , because the voltage of nanowire LED is only 10V , which is helpful to the portable device .

As for the cost , Kent pointed out that their team made the LED grew on a silicon standard wafer, it is cheaper and easier to apply to large-scale industrial production .

The team is currently trying to maximize the efficiency of UV LED , Ohio State University ‘s technology commercialization and knowledge transfer office will issue a license to the design industry and the production of special gadolinium doped nanowire approach.

There are the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Ohio State University ‘s new materials center sponsoring this study.

LED that is the light-emitting diode and the third generation lighting is a semiconductor lighting, which is constantly being developed and innovated by us, especially from the 20th century to the 21st century, the global environment is deteriorating , LED lighting due to its outstanding energy-saving and environmental protection is attracting widespread attention.

Nowadays,the LED flood light such and LED tube light is most widely used as the representatives of the home lighting and decorative lighting in daily life,the LED tube light enjoys a great popularity in our corridor, restaurants, shopping, leisure and entertainment, galleries, exhibition halls and other indoor environments everywhere, the LED flood light is mainly used in city squares, parks, stadiums, the facades of large commercial buildings and hotel, stage, waiting rooms, airports etc. where need higher brightness lighting to illuminate, Lead Lighting adopts high brightness SMD as the light source of the LED tube and highly integrated and high brightness COB as the light source of the LED flood light, which fully guaranteed stability and soft light of the LED tube light and octahedron breadth and brightness irradiation range of the LED flood light, while the low voltage constant current driver current the alternating into direct current so that improve energy efficiency and reduce the waste heat energy and stroboscopic effect excite the human eye, the most important is that the LED lighting without adding mercury and other heavy metals harmful to our body and pollution the environment, that’s why the LED light is famous for energy-saving and environmental protection. Loginhttp://www.ledclan.com to learn more features and uses of the LED tube light and surf www.lead-lighting.com to know more awesome LED floodlights and other LED lighting.
Article from http://www.lighting-ledlight.com/index.php/us-universities-develop-new-uv-led-lights-that-can-be-used-for-portable-devices/

Oznake: united, states, national, science, foundation, ohio, state, university, led, flood, light, materials, and, engineering, gadolinium, applied, physics, letters, rare, earth, elements

The LED Light Conversion ecological glass significantly promote our green life


Handan enterprise which is in Handan that is the second largest city in Hebei prince,China demonstrated the " domestic plant factory" that is made of the LED turn light eco-glass on the 21st August 2013, even the light can’t be seen around the year at home,all kinds of flowers, vegetables also can be normally grown indoor.

Plant photosynthesis, require specific wavelength red light and blue light, the complement light source of the traditional high pressure sodium does not match the spectrum of photosynthesis,high energy consumption, the light source that is 660 nm wavelength and able to promotes the plant high efficiently grow is very scarce.

LED Light Conversion ecological glass (picture from Opper Group)

LED Light Conversion ecological glass consists of three parts, the top is daylighting surface that is the ordinary glass; the middle is cavity, which is arranged with the LED chip that can be used as supplementary sources; the bottom is turn glossy, coated with pink rare conversion materials. LED Light Conversion ecological glass can convert the sunlight or LED lighting in laminated into blue and red to meet the needs of different plants.

Having this magic glass, we are no longer consider whether the light is adequate in the home balcony, kitchen and so anywhere , we can open a "family farm", casually planting their favorite vegetables, fruits, herbs or valuable agricultural plants.

LED Light Conversion ecological glass reduce plant growth cycle, improves that plant growth rate and survival rate is 50% or more by adjusting the LED light and the conversion function of the sunlight light spectrum, while you can save energy so that better use the resources.
The LED light has been applied to the agriculture,which proves that the lighting characteristics of the Semiconductor and practical performance of the LED light has perfectly matched with the agriculture that is closely related to our daily life . Indeed,the LED light as the third generation of energy saving lighting, in addition to present the unique design to associates with the agriculture , but also combine with medicine, art, technology and many other areas to bring us the extraordinary experience and more convenient. Nowadays,the LED flood light and LED tube light is most widely used as the representatives of the home lighting and decorative lighting in daily life,the LED tube light enjoys a great popularity in our corridor, restaurants, shopping, galleries, exhibition halls and other indoor environments, the LED flood light is mainly used in city squares, parks, stadiums, the facades of large commercial buildings and hotel, stage, waiting rooms, airports etc. where the higher brightness need lighting is needed to illuminate.Meanwhile,there are a large number of manufacturer engaging in manufacturing and researching the LED light,of which the lead lighting is just one,lead Lighting adopts high brightness SMD as the light source of the LED tube and highly integrated and high brightness COB as the light source of the LED flood light, which fully guaranteed stability and soft light of the LED tube light and octahedron breadth and brightness irradiation range of the LED flood light, while the low voltage constant current driver convert the AC into DC so that improve energy efficiency of the LED tube light and LED flood light and reduce the waste heat energy and stroboscopic effect exciting the human eye, the most important is that the LED lighting wthout adding mercury and other heavy metals harmful to our body and pollution the environment, that’s why the LED light is famous for energy-saving and environmental protection ,login www.ledclan.com to learn more features and uses of the LED tube light and surf www.lead-lighting.com to know more awesome LED floodlights and other LED lighting.

Oznake: flood, led, light, lighting, tube

The LED lighting is playing important role in Beijing Metro

Beijing subway lighting began to be retrofitted and upgraded last year , LED lighting at six station two intervals and the pilot energy transformation of the two stations ventilation and air conditioning completed, the original fluorescent was replaced with a more energy-efficient LED lights, annual electricity respectively is 94 million kWh and 100 million degrees, achieving a good energy saving effect.

Beijing MTR Corporation's data shows that 14 lines under the jurisdiction of the Beijing MTR Corporation achieve the power saving that is 29.04 million degrees from January to July this year, electricity consumption fell 3.4%.

Beijing Metro staff replaced with the LED light after the subway station was halted at night (Picture from Beijing Subway)

The Metro itself is of high power consumption, high running costs, energy needs to start at an early age. Beijing MTR Corporation studied and formulated the lighting, elevators, passenger information system(PIS), advertising, vehicle driving and production and office in 7 terms 20 lines energy-saving measures to achieve that the average monthly saving is one million degrees.

The energy saving focus on full participation, pay attention to details of the start. The company held a number of energy-saving work, studied and formulated lighting, elevators, passenger information (PIS) systems, advertising, vehicle driving and production and office and other 7 terms 20 lines energy-saving measures, according to the measurement statistics, after these measures are implemented, the average monthly saving will achieve 1 million degrees. The company called for energy-saving measures for all employees once again in first half of this year. The company has been making effort to filter out air conditioning, security doors, a total of 14 rationalization proposals from 62 energy-saving recommendations collected and reported by each unit and promote the development of measures to achieve that an annual saving is 1.5 million degrees.

Not only is energy saving, "Beijing subway trains run 12 hours a day average, the ordinary fluorescent lamp life is generally 500 days, but due to some external factors, these lights are often 'strike', so a train spent million Yuan on the luminaire a year. "Corporation official said, the replacement of the LED lights are known as strong vibration resistance, without changing again six or seven years.

The LED light applied to the subway lighting has not only been very popular in Beijing, but also Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Toyota, London, New York, and other cities and countries over the world. Apparently, the LED light due to the advantages of unique low-carbon and environmental protection has been attached great importance by the government departments and applied to the public device.What's the LED light used in the Subway is LED tube light. Nowadays,the LED flood light and LED tube light is most widely used as the representatives of the indoor lighting and decorative lighting in daily life,the LED tube light enjoys a great popularity in our corridor, restaurants, shopping, leisure and entertainment, galleries, exhibition halls and other indoor environments everywhere, the LED flood light is mainly used in city squares, parks, stadiums, the facades of large commercial buildings and hotel, stage, waiting rooms, airports etc. where the higher brightness lighting is needed to illuminate. Lead Lighting adopts high brightness SMD as the light source of the LED tube and highly integrated and high brightness COB as the light source of the LED flood light, which fully guaranteed stability and soft light of the LED tube light and octahedron breadth and brightness irradiation range of the LED flood light, while the low voltage constant current driver ensure that the AC can be sufficiently converted into DC so that improve energy efficiency of the LED tube light and LED flood light use and reduce the waste heat energy and stroboscopic effect excite the human eye, the most important is that the LED lighting without adding mercury and other heavy metals harmful to our body and pollution the environment, that’s why the LED light is famous for energy-saving and environmental protection ,login www.ledclan.com to learn more features and uses of the LED tube light and surf www.lead-lighting.com to know more awesome LED floodlights and other LED lighting.

Oznake: lighting, beijing, mtr, led, corporation, metro, lights, flood

Japanese builders scramble "LED garden"

Don't want a piece?the builders layout complete industrial chain of farm household

Taking advantage of the building experience accumulated for long time is to broaden revenue streams, "LED garden" Builders are also attracting attention in Japan, which is expected to become a major new business builders.

"Obayashi" after next year, the company plans to take the "LED garden" as an opportunity to formally enter agriculture. According to reports, the company is currently working with the Chiba University to jointly research, the set of equipment systems of the "home farm" is not just introduced to the market in future, , the company will personally operators own vegetable plant and sell their own cultivated vegetables.

Nishimatsu Construction and Tamagawa University jointly launched "LED garden" project last year, planning to increase five-fold of the production capacity of the lettuce vegetable, from the current daily capacity that is 600 to 3000. Produced vegetables will be sold in Tokyo supermarket and other places, and expected that this project will soon bring the real money to the company.

Whether the Family farms can expand,the Japanese construction will usher industry exams the next few years

According to the survey of the "Fuji economy, " that is the market research company, the size of the Japanese domestic plants manufacturer where the artificial light is used is expected to reach 19, 000 square meters in 2020, this figure will be 3.7 times more than that of 2011.

However, according to the study report of the "Yano Economic Research Institute, " that the introduction of plants and plant operating costs as well as the cultivation techniques, etc., will be stumbling block that whether the market is able to be expanded.

Ascendant "LED garden" can be boom everywhere or not, the next few years will be a critical period when the extent of Japan's major companies strive is tested.

The LED lighting that has been tightly integrating the agriculture contribute to the growth of vegetables, which indicate LED lighting is closer to our lives, it can not only be used as lighting ,but can be closely related with agriculture designart and so on to constantly innovate, we can see that LED lighting must replace traditional lighting sooner or later, meanwhile, LED outdoor lighting such as LED flood light because the light is soft and has the advantages of Octagon range of lighting and bright light, waterproof, dustproof, resist shock, high-definition is popular in our squares, parks, stadium, railway stations, large commercial buildings and hotel exterior, fountain, high-altitude operations, and other open spaces, Lead lighting has been adopting qualified l LED chips, heat sinks, driver, housing and other materials to constantly improve the production and R & D team to create more eco-friendly and affordable LED lighting, that is closer to our life, log www.lead-lighting.com to experience more energy saving LED lighting.

Oznake: chiba, tamagawa, artificial, led, light, university, japan, flood

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