Dragi Naši,
nastavljamo s našin jezdopisom po Nigdjezemskoj (klik, klik). Ovi put obrađujemo važnu temu za sve Nigdjezemce – biciklete. Bicikletama je zapravo Nigdjezemsko prirodno stanište, a svaken praven Nigdjezemcima bicikleta je najboji prijatej.
We continue our journey through the Netherlands (
click). This time we are talking about a subject important to all the Dutch people – the bicycle. The Netherlands is actually natural environment for a bicycle, and it is the best friend of every true Dutch.
Bicikleta se toliko poštuje da je naprimjer ova izvučena iz kanala završila u muzeju. Vjerojatno je jadna više bila skroz islužena i zato je bila u kanalu. Inače bi je štedljivi Nigdjezemci još gonili.
Bicycle is so respected that for example they took this one from the bottom of a canal and put it in the museum. It was probably all worn out, that’s why it ended up in the canal, otherwise the frugal Dutch people would still be using it.
Tamo se stvarno vozi svašta, ruzinave biciklete s krivin kolon i bez kočnica, sve može samo da vozi. Svojednobno je bicikleta kupljena na ulici, tj. ukradena, koštala 20-30 euri, bi je čak jedan most u Amsterdamu koji je bi neslužbeno prodajno misto za ukradene bicikle. Samo je trebalo pazit jer je bilo puno policije tamo. I bili smo čuli da se godišnje u Amsterdamu ukrade 300.000 bicikleta.
Ovu bicikletu sigurno neće ukrast jer ima registraciju zavarenu za okvir. To je ovo po sridi di piše 10004, ekvivalent broju na motoru auta. Ta registracija se ne smi dignut jer onda policija zaustavlja i ispituje. Ovo je jedna jako fensi bicikleta, a u vlasništvu je naše prijateljice Katie!
People ride all kind’s of bycicle’s there, the rusty ones with twisted wheel and no breaks, anything as long as it goes. Some time ago a bicycle bought on the street, i.e. a stolen one, had a price of 20-30 euros, and there is even a bridge in Amsterdam that is unofficial market place for stolen bikes. One just had to be careful because there was always the police. And we heard that 300.000 bikes are stolen in Amsterdam in a year.
Nobody will steal this bike because it has the registration plate welded on the frame. It is this thing in the middle that says 10004, and it is the equivalent to the number on the car engine. One must not remove that plate because then the police can stop you and question you where did that bike comes from. So this is a very fancy bike and it belongs to our friend Katia.
Od malih noga na bicikletu – to je nigdjezemski moto. Bilo zima, sunce, daž, orkanska bura... dica se ne štedu i sve moraju podnit na bicikleti. Ova bicikleta bi bila ekvivalent karavanu jer ima mista i za dvoje dice i za stvari.
Bike serves you from the cradle to the grave – that is Duthc mindset. Whether there is sun, or cold, or rain, or snow, or tornado… children must bare it all while on the bike. This bike would be an equivalent to the station wagon car because there is enough space for two children and some stuff.
Ova bicikleta pripada roditeljima koji previše štedu svoju dicu. Čak ih pokriju inceradon da ne daži po njima, a unutra imaju i lipe sjedalice (možete vidit kroz punistricu). Daleki, stvarno ne pretjerujemo, tamo se dica puštaju gola i bosa po svaken vrimenu, valjda da očeliču. Pretpostavljamo da svi mislu da će familija koja ima ovu bicikletu razmazit svoju dicu.
Opet usporedba s autima. Ovo bi bi jedan kombi jer ima mista i za dicu i za još više stvari ili možda pasa.
This bike belongs to the parents who take to much care for their children. They even cover their seats in the case of the rain.
We really don’t exaggerate. In the Netherlands childrena are exposed to all kinds of weather, to grow strong we guess. We also think that everybody else thinks family that owns will spoil their children.
Another comparison with the car. This would be a minivan because it can take children and even more things or maybe a dog.
Evo još jedna kombi-bicikleta. U ovu karijolu naprid stane sve, od diteta do saka cimenta.
Another minivan bycicle. In the cart one can put anything, from a baby to a sack of cement.
Ova nan je najdraža, pravi tamić u svitu bicikleta. Inače, ovakve se biciklete mogu i rentat ako se trebate selit ili kupujete namještaj ili slično.
This is our favourite, a real pick-up truck in the bicycle world. Bikes like this one can be rented if you need to move or buy a piece of furnitre.
Dobro, neka je na slici bicikleta ovo nema veze s njon nego s konjima na kojima rado jaše nigdjezemska policija. Mislimo da je to totalno kul. Zapravo, moramo spomenut bicikletu: gajba je najpopularniji modni dodatak za bicikletu.
OK, although there is a bike on this phot it has nothing to do with the bikes but with the horses that Duthc police often uses. We think it is totally cool. Actualy, we do have to mentioned the bike here: a crate is the most popular bike accessory.
Jedna bicikleta sa stilom. Ne mislimo na ovu s gajbon, nego na ovu s cvićen. Ovi se ukrasi mogu kupit u
HEMI, našon omiljenon nigdjezemskoj butigi. Obavezno pogledajte njihove stranice jer su super super (samo pričekajte malo kad se otvori prva stranica, onda se dogodi čudo).
A bicycle with the style. Not the one with the crate, but the one with the flowers. These bike decorations can be bought in
HEMA, our favourite Duthc shop. You must check their pages because they are megagreat.
Još jedna bicikleta sa stilom. Naša naravno :)
Neka ova slika izgleda kako da je slikana '72. zapravo je ovo normalna slika iz 2002. koju smo sad na brzinu slikali mobitelom. Dakle, naša bicikleta usrid Amsterdama, a ti dan nan je na poslu bi “dan kad svi dobivaju buket cvića”, zato ovi tulipani na gradijama.
Naša bicikleta je u Amsterdamu bila plava, ali kad smo je donili u Zagreb rekli su nan da koja nam je to zetovska boja i od tada je piturajemo u zlatno.
Another bike with the style. Ours of course :)
Although this photo looks as if it was taken in 1972, actually it is 2002 photo photographed again with the mobile phone. So, our bike in the middle of Amsterdam and since it was the everybody-gets-flowers-day at work there are tulips on the rack.
Our bike was blue back in Amsterdam, but when we brought it in Zagreb we were told that it has the colour of the trams so now it is in the beautiful shade of gold.
Kad smo sad bili u Nigjdezemkoj pita nas je prijatej da što smo u dvi godine tamo preuzeli od nigjdezemske kulture. Duboko smo se zamislili, jer nan se stvarno ni bilo lako sjetit: nismo postali štedljivi tako da prođemo pola grada da bi uštedili euro na karti za zahod, nismo naučili jist pomfri s majonezom, nismo slavili Kraljičin dan, kafa filteruša nam je bila i ostala očajna...
A onda smo se sjetili – tamo smo naučili vozit bicikletu. Mislimo, znali smo je vozit i prin, ali tamo smo se navukli na svakodnevno bicikliranje ili
utility cycling. Zato smo i dovukli svoju prekrasnu plavu bicikletu od tamo (zapravo, donili su nan je u kontejneru). Samo što kad se vozimo nismo divji, bezobrazni i ne beštimajemo na prolaznike kako što to činu Nigdjezemci koji samo što te ne zgazu, nego lagano zazvonimo zvonon i kad nan se maknu rečemo ”hvala”
Tako Dragi Čitatelji, kad niko prođe uz vas na zlatnon bicikli i još van zahvali što ste se makli, budite sretni. Jer upravo ste sreli polovicu gollyh&bossyh.
On our recent visit to the Netherlands a friend asked us what we adopted from the Dutch culture in those two years we stayed there. We thought and we thought and it wasn’t easy to think of anything: we didn’t become frugal in the way we would go to the other part of the town just to save an euro on the toilet paper, we never liked french-fries with the mayo, we never celebrated the Queens day, never got used to the filter coffee…
And then we remembered – that’s where we got used to cycle everyday or to
utility cycling. That is why we brought our beautiful blue bike (OK, somebody brought it for us in a container). Just when we ride it we aren’t rude and we don’t curse the pedestrians like the Dutch cyclist do while almost running over them. No, we ring our bell gently and when people move we say ”thanks”.
So, dear readers, when somebody passes by on a golden bicycle and thanks you for moving away it is you lucky day. Because you just met a half of golly&bossy.