petak, 02.02.2007. build a dream for me and you...

Shvatila sam , opet, da ne pripadam ovom gradu.
Moja je stvarnost neka druga, zamisljena.
Vjecno odsutna...mislima predaleko.
i zelje su prevelike za ovu sredinu..
Ne mogu joj se prilagodit i ne zelim...

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Grad je pun istih u nizu.. Njima ne smeta? ili mozda da..
Neka mi netko, molim vas, objasni! Ja to stvarno ne razumijem...
Cemu sve to? Je li im to odgovara?
Ili se samo pokusavaju uklopit...Previse pitanja je zaista.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Iznimke? Uvijek postoje...rijetke, ali postoje, znam to**.
Mozda su jako daleko,
a mozda su i vrlo blizu a ne primjecujemo
jer smo oslijepili od ovog svijeta ruznog. Imam nadu, jos uvijek.
Je li to nada ili samo iluzija, ne znam...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Close the door, put out the light
Y'know they won't be home tonight, oh-whoa-whoa-oh
The snow falls hard, and don't y'know
the winds of Thor are blowin' cold
They're wearin' steel that's bright and true, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
They carry news that must get through
They choose the path where no one goes

They hold no quarter, they, they hold no quarter
Uhh-uh-uh, uh-uh, uhh-huh

Walkin' side-by-side with death
The Devil mocks their every step, ooh, ooh-ooh
The snow drives back the foot that's slow
The dogs of doom are howlin' more, oh, oh-oh
They carry news that must get through
to build a dream for me and you, aw-whoa-whoa
They choose the path where no one goes, oh-oh, ooh-ooh

They hold no quarter, they ask no quarter
They hold no quarter, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, they ask no quarter
Ahh, ahh, ah-ah-ah-ha, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Oh, the pain, the pain without quarter, oh, ho, oh, oh, oh
They ask no quarter/Ah, yeah, without quarter, quarter, quarter
They need no quarter/Won't they give me no
Ah-ah-ah-ah-ha-ah-ah ha-ah, ha-ha/
Dogs of doom are howlin' more, give me quarter
I hear the dogs of doom a-howlin' more

22:48 - Komentari (12) - Isprintaj :)

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