etvrtak, 31.01.2008.

corri fetman

corri fetman

corrie fetman, cori fetman, pennsylvania news, abc chicago, wbbm 780

Popular topics today: karam gaber ibrahim, kmov, robyn o neil, michael devlin, ksdk, cat cora, heath ledger party video, nicky barnes, democratic debate january 31, lisa rinna,

- 23:45 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 25.01.2008.

summer bishil

summer bishil

My roommate showed me an article summer bishil today entitled, SKiddie Porn Movie Rocks Toronto as Feel-Awful Film of the Year.” The article is about Alan Ball’s (American Beauty, Six summer bishil Under) new film Nothing Is Private based on Alicia Erian’s novel Towelhead about Sa young Arab-American girl struggling with sexual obsession, a bigoted Army reservist and her strict father during the Gulf War.” Roger Friedman tells us that:

The movie — so odious that many people have simply walked out during the screenings — shows actor Aaron Eckhart having sex summer bishil a 13-year-old girl played by a now 19-year-old actress, Summer Bishil. The summer bishil only turned 19 recently, however, which means that she was just on the cusp of 18 when she made the movie last year.

I was wary of this article from first glance, so I went to the bastion of fair summer bishil opinion (ha!): the IMDb forum. I found some unique views here as well:

It was wonderful, and Alan Ball handled the material honestly, and graphically without being exploitive

Still not convinced, I scrolled down to find this opinion:

Ive got to say you guys all strike me as being sick. Theres nothing artful, cool, or must see about depicting child pornography and child rape. This is a real issue that ruins the lives of women, leaving them emotionally scarred for life. I rue our society if we have come to the place where we summer bishil watch the depiction of child rape and call it entertainment.

Why dont all of you (especially those women who have been commenting) take a look in the mirror and try to imagine if such a thing happened to you or to your 13-year-old daughter. These things are horrific. Our culture danced on the summer bishil with American Beauty and Thirteen. This movie, by all accounts, plunged us over that edge to a place of darkness. If this goes unchallenged, whats next for us? How long until we allow Dakota Fanning get naked to increase the realism of a 12-year-old being raped? I, for one, think this is disgusting and hope the MPAA slaps this with at least an NC-17. Shame on the Toronto Film Festival and shame on Alan Ball.

Ok. I can agree with some of that. I don’t think that having a 12-year-old actress simulate a rape scene is morally right. BUT, if one could creatively film the scene without the actress participating in rape simulation, I might not have a problem with it. If the plot point is necessary to the story, by all means … summer bishil should be included. If it’s not, then the artist is guilty of exploitation.

But even the Fox News article makes it clear (albeit unintentionally) that there is more to this story than the pedophilia in question.

The father regularly hits Jazeera and threatens to beat her to death.

Her mother is a self-absorbed American (Maria Bello) who cares nothing for her child and loads her with more baggage than a porter at JFK.

And that’s not all. Jazeera, abandoned and then seduced by next-door neighbor Eckhart, has already been abused by Bello’s second husband.

She also falls into summer bishil sexual relationship with a boy from school.

Quite obviously, there is more to this story than pedophilia and Skiddie porn.” Heres what a reviewer at Aint It Cool News said after a preview screening:

&to simply call [the men in the film] abusive lecherous and horny is to do disservice to them all: these are extraordinarily complex characters. As bad as they are, all have redeeming qualities. And in their own ways, all of them care very deeply for Jasira. Where one a failure, another picks up the slack. Shes caught in a devils bargain, a sense, bouncing between three men - each of whom give her something she needs, emotionally, but each with a heaping helping of a lot she could do without.

Back to another IMDb poster:

If you see the film, you will realize that Alan Ball is not trying to make the rape of a child artful or cool as the last person said. When people with the same opinion as [the poster above] see this movie, they will realize that the film isnt about making the rape entertaining, but far from it. During the Eckart/Bishil rape scenes, you could have heard a pin drop in the theatre. Very to watch, but it wasnt bad enough for anyone to walk out.

Very little of the story is actually about Jasira being raped. Its more about just what the plotline says. Completely ignore comments made by summer bishil like [the poster above]. Fantastic cinematography, great music, and an incredible screenplay.

And one more that should pretty much make clinch the whole issue:

Ive read the screenplay, Alan Ball stressed that its imperative that theres no explicit nudity and that the actress playing Jasira is not compromised in any way&it will be appropriate in the sense that neither the actress nor the subject matter will be exploited.

All the controversy around this brings me summer bishil to my favorite film: American Beauty. I remember all the controversy when it came out. I remember reading conservative reviews saying things like Steven Isaac at Focus On The Family:

Its bad enough when films trade in sexual fantasy for box office dollars. Its worse when that eroticism is directed a high school cheerleader by a
middle-aged man.

In 1999, I was 12 years old. I remember reading these kinds of things about American Beauty and being sickened by it. I stayed away from the film like the plague because, from what I was reading, it was just a sinful, sick, defense of pedophilia. I remember saying a prayer for Alan Ball and everyone behind American Beauty … a prayer that they would realize the error of their ways and start walking down the path of righteousness. In my eyes, they were nothing but hideous pornographers.

As I grew in my understanding of the purpose of art, I began to take my thoughts captive more and more. I started seeing film as art and not just entertainment. I found other Christian reviews of American Beauty that actually saw the ideas of the artists as something to be engaged and thought about. I even found a book by Robert K. Johnston called Useless Beauty that built a bridge between the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes and a few modern films, one being American Beauty.

Near the end of my junior year in high school I rented American Beauty and watched three times in one weekend. I was totally enraptured by it. I thought about it. I engaged it. I began to see that this was not the work of pornographers trading Ssexual fantasy for box-office dollars” but the work of extremely talented artists, putting their worldview in front of me and asking me to think long and hard about the concept of beauty.

People fear and even hate what they don’t understand. Sadly, this means that most conservative Christians hate a film that shows them something that offends them, which American Beauty most certainly does. Roger Ebert said that American Beauty is not about a twisted sexual relationship, but Sabout yearning after youth, respect, power and, of course, beauty.” Look closer. It’s not so about summer bishil actions of these characters but what these actions represent.

In then end, I do not wholly agree with the ideas of American Beauty and recognize some of them as completely unbiblical. This doesn’t the fact that I greatly value the film. I value it because it is a perfectly crafted piece of contemporary art that has made me think and evaluate my perception of beauty. Aesthetically, it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It packs an extremely important piece of advice as well: look closer.

When Nothing Is Private presents itself to cinemas across the country, this is exactly what audiences will have to do.

Popular topics today: las vegas news, monte carlo fire, monte carlo las vegas, tickets west, las vegas tv stations, channel 8 las vegas,, kvbc, ultimate aero, randy salerno, buynowbe

- 21:50 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

parkland high school photos

parkland high school photos

Pics From Parklands -

Some pics from parklands drifts
What is photograpy ?lol parkland high school photos
parkland high school photos it with out a h .

Some thing differnt
parkland high school photos pics man.. try resizing?QUOTE(11SLI @ Jun 22 2007, 01:45 PM)LOL what about turboing ss ute..

They fukn fly.Whats up with ricers with there shopping list down the side?

rolleyes :headwall:New Ute Scene Myspace...

Good one dickhead hahaYeah pretty good pics, gotta resize them though dude.
Some ok cars....
parkland high school photos That blue cerfiro is damn nice
Thts 34 gtt is the worse car on earth..

Wat a bledy waste drift pigs FTW (Y)
Awsome pics dude parkland high school photos

Popular topics today: tickets west,, randy salerno, ultimate aero, jonathan gold, shawn johnson,, tettaiolo, screaming eagle wine, beasley coliseum, buynowbe

- 21:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 20.01.2008.

ron pratte

ron pratte

The Ron Paul video end all Ron Paul videos. by Obscured.Cherub - TribalWar Forums

Http:// - Ron Paul vs.

Morton Downey, Jr.'s audience 1988
Ugh ron pratte
It's only a minute long.

Wait till the end, it's worth it.
Lol awesome lollol
This dude is blunt and awesome.
Nice burn
Let's have the ron paulosexuals who post here invite him to be an honorary tw member
Is there a transcript of this anywhere?

No youtube at work
Quote: Is there a transcript of this anywhere?

No youtube at work cliffs:some kid tells ron paul that we need to have a more militant stance on the war on drugs, ron paul says no and explains why, and then he calls the kid fat
ron pratte Ron Paul treats objects like
Why don't they put you on a diet
That was pretty awsome, its too bad nowadays you cant speak like that anymoreIts pretty clear the fatty remark was semi in jest to make a point though
pratte Quote: let's have the ron paulosexuals who post here invite him to be an honorary tw member I sent him an email asking for a Q&A on these forums....

Let's see if he responds.EDIT: their replyQuote: Adam,With the primaries gearing up, Dr.

Paul has a very busy schedule and I don't believe we could make time to have a live Q and A session-- but as a compromise, why don't we have your readers submit questions they would like answered, and we can select those that merit a response from Dr.

Paul?KerriRon Paul 2008 PressSeems like an automated message.....also....I didn't know he was a doctor....
Awesome. I love it when guys can actually talk as fast as they think.

Especially when it culminates in a "You're just fucking fat" insult.
ron pratte Quote:Awesome. I love it when guys can actually talk as fast as they think.

Especially when it culminates in a "You're just fucking fat" insult.

You really cant, even the smartest guy in the world if he is speaking like that will say something dumb/offensive to some ron pratte in vag/ or whatever and the media will spend 2 weeks blasting them until they are forced to stage an apology so the media can cover ron pratte and get more ratings.We dont want people who speak what they think, we want actors reading lines

Popular topics today: dave ressler, runaway jury, suzanne pleshette, jaslyn hewitt, east west shrine game, south carolina primary results, nevada caucus results, nevada caucus, ron pratt, lane frost, buynowbe

- 09:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

store on sesame street

store on sesame street

Popular topics today: east west shrine game, south carolina primary results, allan melvin, south carolina exit polls, ufc 80 results, runaway jury, nevada caucus results, ron paul nevada, man on fire, sc primary, buynowbe

- 03:46 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

lane frost

lane frost

How many of you have been to a rodeo?  Have you ever watched mutton bustin’?  Best event held, in my opinion.  You take a little kid and toss them onto the back of a sheep, then turn the sheep loose.  Did you know sheep could buck?  Well, they do.  Which is why I called our farm Bucking Lamb Palace back when we first got our sheep. 

This past week we’ve had a few bucking lambs around here.  Not because anyone was trying to ride them, but because the kids are trying to get ready for the county fair, and their sheep just do not want to cooperate.  You wouldn’t think there’d be much to showing a sheep, would you?  Just put a halter on it and lead it into the ring, right?

Wrong.  No halters allowed.  No collars or ropes of any sort.  Naked sheep.

Naked?!?  You cant be serious& 

Sheep are not as lane frost as people want to think.  But you know lane frost already because you visit me and I’ve already complained about such things.  Sheep are smart to make you think they’re stupid so that you don’t suspect that they’ll do smart things, making it easier for them to do them. The smart things, that is.  Did you understand a word I just said?  Because I’m not sure I did…that’s just how confused the sheep have made me.

But back to bucking lambs and 4-H kids.  The girls were trying to get their hands on lambs, and lambs were doing their best not to have hands on them, dashing left and right and leaving girls face down in places they didn’t want to be.  We parents would have helped, but we were too busy laughing. 

 Ha Ha!  My daughter just tripped over your daughter!
(Dads can be so insensitive&we moms werent laughing&no, really, we werent!)

Some of the sheep going are Icelandic sheep, most of them being the horned variety.  Nothing to fear with horns, my friends, as they become mighty fine handles.  But for the girls with sheep that have no handles?  Life can be difficult.

Thank you, Mom, for buying a lamb with handles for me!

Popular topics today: nevada caucus results, lane frost, allan melvin, south carolina primary results, ufc 80 results, cheyenne jackson, south carolina exit polls, nevada democratic party, dean hrbacek, la caja china, buynowbe

- 00:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 19.01.2008.

david sheldrick

david sheldrick

This year, in an effort to teach my niece and nephews something more important than materialism and capitalism, not to mention giving very unique presents to three kids who literally have *everything*, I donated money to the World Wildlife Fund and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in their names.

For my niece, Karli, I adopted a Chimpanzee because monkeys are her favorite animals (even though Chimpanzees are primates, like most children she associates them with the word monkey). And for my youngest nephew, Aiden, I adopted a Polar Bear. One day, hopefully, hell understand why. Both of these adoptions support WWFs worldwide conservation efforts including fighting threats like habitat loss and poaching faced by the david sheldrick [I] chose and david sheldrick critically endangered species.

For my oldest nephew, Alex, I fostered a baby, orphaned elephant in his name. I chose the David Sheldrick david sheldrick because I had visited their elephant david sheldrick in 2004 and was extremely moved by their efforts. I have been donating to them ever since that visit.

Im still unsure of how well these gifts will be received by a 6, 4 and 2-year-old, but at least it wont end up in the toy graveyard of quickly busted and/or forgotten toys.

Me at the David Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage with the orphaned elephant that I fostered. Karen, Kenya, 2004.

Popular topics today: ying and yang, georgia frontiere, blimp tv, cloverfield ending, out of the blue, 13th amendment, john harbaugh, cloverfield monster, pirates online,, buynowbe

- 06:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

charles bronson

charles bronson

reusable_enema-bag.gifFrom now on, can we refer to the washed out suspect from the Ramsey case as Mark-Friggin-Karr? Or maybe, that douche bag? charles bronson is just something about that spooky-eyed, loud-mouthed geek that I find loathsome. And I know weve batted the Ramsey case around in here a or two, but now a new conundrum is at hand. What do you do with an obvious pedophile who has confessed to an old child murder but who is not linked to it in any physical way? Do you just drag him out of the jail cell against his protests and throw him back on the street, like an undersized fish tossed back into a pedophile pond? No obstructing justice, creating false alarm, or illegal possession of douche bag characteristics?

Pedophiles are everywhere and they are all despicable. they come in different forms. You have the slobbering wolf-like rippers who prey on kids because they want to and they maintain secrecy by threatening the victims of their nasty impulses. Then you have the Mark Karrs and Michael Jacksons of the world, men (in a loose sense of the word) who insist they only have a special affinity for tots and they would never harm them in any way.

The Peter Pans of the pedophile world are particularly troubling. They might be camp counselors, little league coaches or teachers. And charles bronson a real bitch, because there are counselors, coaches and teachers who have a genuine affinity for children that does not involve touching private parts or being touched. These good men and women will always be under at least partial clouds of suspicion because, really. Who among us really trusts anyone around kids these days?

Mark-Friggin-Karr did the world a disservice in many ways. He clouded an already hopelessly murky charles bronson He provided false hope for the people who are desperate to see Jon Benets killer strung charles bronson sooner rather than later. And he further illustrated that child molesters are monsters with human masks, and that monsters prowl every segment of society. When the Halloween movie hosts say lock your doors, hide your children, it doesnt just apply to 90 minutes of Creature Feature any more. Thats real world advice because people like Mark-Friggin- Karr and other mincing, child-hungry lechers undermine the trust, not only of children, but the people who protect charles bronson face="Arial" size="2">Confessing charles bronson to the rape and murder of a six-year-old doesnt qualify as free speech, but it doesnt qualify as a crime, either. charles bronson will probably take his child desiring ass off to another foreign country and get his teaching career back off the ground. Because he loves the little ones so. Because he understands and identifies with them.

Because hes a complete and utter douche bag.

Popular topics today: ying and yang, blimp tv, georgia frontiere, 13th amendment, out of the blue, john harbaugh, darrell gwynn, snollygoster, dominos pizza logo, cloverfield ending, buynowbe

- 05:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

cloverfield rotten tomatoes

cloverfield rotten tomatoes

Popular topics today: ying and yang, 13th amendment, georgia frontiere, john harbaugh, dominos pizza logo, father of peace, pop tart flavors, northern hemisphere, cloverfield monster, eastern hemisphere, buynowbe

- 04:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 18.01.2008.

dave seanor

dave seanor

Popular topics today: grace jones, keely shaye smith, world golf tour, ernie holmes, deborah presley, cloverfield reviews, mls draft, peggy hettrick, tim masters, dana stubblefield, buynowbe

- 22:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

the weather project

the weather project

Illustration courtesy of The New York Sun

Olafur Eliasson, a Danish–Icelandic artist whose installation The Weather Project drew 2 million people to the Tate Modern in 2003 and 2004, has designed what will likely be the citys biggest public art project since Christo and Jeanne-Claudes The Gates: a series of freestanding waterfalls in the East River.

Mayor Bloomberg and the Public Art Fund, a private nonprofit organization that produced, among other works, Kapoors Sky Mirror and Jeff Koonss Puppy, both at Rockefeller Center, are scheduled to announce Mr. Eliassons project at the South Street Seaport tomorrow.

Kate Taylor
The New York Sun

Popular topics today: world golf tour, keely shaye smith, ernie holmes, deborah presley, sheep dash, judicial watch, cloverfield reviews, tax rebate, bobby fischer, golfweek, buynowbe

- 21:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

only the good die young lyrics

only the good die young lyrics

Popular topics today: bobby fischer, give me liberty or give me death, black velvet lyrics, aacps, cloverfield ending, mcps, lake superior, arlington public schools, bcps, spotsylvania county schools, buynowbe

- 14:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Popular topics today: give me liberty or give me death, black velvet lyrics, lake superior, cloverfield ending, opposites attract lyrics, cartographers, matthew higa, cloverfield monster, you light up my life lyrics, homophone, buynowbe

- 13:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

give me liberty or give me death

give me liberty or give me death

On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry delivered this stirring address to the Second Virginia Convention:

No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, well give me liberty or give me death abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do, opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely, and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than give me liberty or give me death of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offence, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.

Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having give me liberty or give me death see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.

I have but one lamp by which feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years, to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves, and the House? Is it that insidious smile give me liberty or give me death which our petition has been lately received? Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with these war-like preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled, that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask, gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it? Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies? No, sir, she has none. They are meant for us; they can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing. We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain. Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted? Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry Parliament. Our petitions have been give me liberty or give me death our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne. In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free; if we mean to preserve inviolate inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending; if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been give me liberty or give me death long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!

They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard give me liberty or give me death be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides give me liberty or give me death the destinies of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it give me liberty or give me death now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace; but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

Popular topics today: give me liberty or give me death, black velvet lyrics, lake superior, opposites attract lyrics, cartographers, you light up my life lyrics, matthew higa, homophone, cloverfield ending, cloverfield monster, buynowbe

- 12:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

prince william county school

prince william county school

Popular topics today: give me liberty or give me death, black velvet lyrics, lake superior, cartographers, homophone, opposites attract lyrics, you light up my life lyrics, lauren nelson, what is the only even prime number, high glycemic foods, buynowbe

- 10:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

you light up my life lyrics

you light up my life lyrics

We do the things that make you right that make you gone that make you wrong - E-mpire Forums

Copy + paste from another phorum:I don't think I will be on the internet for a while after today.There was a dilema, where our english class has this retarded policy that says if you miss 4 or more days you will be dropped from the class.I really didn't know about this at the time, and I couldn't make it to you light up my life lyrics a few times, so I go in after slaving away at essay maybe six hours, my teacher pulls me out, says I am basically gone from the class so she told me to drop the course so I don't get an F.My mom flipped out and wanted to take my internet away for three months, my dad says you light up my life lyrics who knows what will happen.So yea, if you don't see me here, that is why.
Oh man, thats some bull.

I'd take it up to the board of education or something.
Yea, I getting A's and B's on you light up my life lyrics my essays and quizes too, just my fault on attendence you light up my life lyrics Damn man. That sucks to hear.

I missed more than I was allowed to have to I had to stay after school until 4:00PM for a week.

Well, I didn't stay after on Friday because it was Halloween and I had plans and shit.

So, tomarrow, I have to stay until 5:30PM.

If I you light up my life lyrics I fail that class.

Yeah, it sucks.Well I hope you'll be able to return soon.
In our school if you have more than 3 unexcused absences you fail that course ...

But of course, you can have your parents write a note saying your relative died or and that would make the absence legal.
That must suck. I know for the last week or so my dad would upplug the router.

Then we I could not get the internet until he needed it.

I have a wireless so I can hide in the house and use it.
you light up my life lyrics you light up my life lyrics I pay for our cable modem and the service, so I'm incharge of the internet not my folks.
I had like 20 unexused absences this quarter so I got suspended.
Wow, your schools are pretty strict.

If you are absent over here, you don't fail classes.

No matter how many times you are absent.

I hope to see you back soon, take it easy.
I had 120 unexcused absences in my entire freshman school year.

I was a dumb kid you light up my life lyrics
In our school, after grade 10 you can miss as many classes as you want and they can't do anything to you...except the teacher could always just make you fail the class...
you light up my life lyrics That's evil. Seriously, it's totally messed-up.
Man that's retarded.

What we have at our school is if you get more than 5 unexcused abscences your teachers have the option of failing you if your performance is bad or some stuff.
I always get to my classes on time....When I am late, I always have good reasons for them, If I am absent, its a good reason mom would give me a note for me to give to my teachers so that my absences are legit.I only get in trouble for some fights, and breaking rules sometimes...That's all....Since I am in college, I don't have to worry about any of that shit. you light up my life lyrics
See told you ppl here would care more.... you light up my life lyrics
Sorry to hear that man. you light up my life lyrics
Quote: Originally Posted by ³¹¹ see told you ppl here would care more....

No, we're just acting like we care.

Popular topics today: give me liberty or give me death, black velvet lyrics, lake superior, opposites attract lyrics, cartographers, you light up my life lyrics, homophone, dust in the wind lyrics, only the good die young lyrics, shiny happy people lyrics, buynowbe

- 06:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Scientology responded to the BBC Panorama show Scientology and Me by releasing a video attack on reporter John Sweeney. Now, another video responds to Scientologys response.

This filmmaker looks at the event John Sweeney was not allowed to attend for the Panorama show. With running commentary, this video goes inside that event and DMs words to the world, revealing what actions Scientology has taken and continues to take to salvage this prison planet.

Popular topics today: high glycemic foods, low glycemic diet, golfweek, kegel exercises, veronica conte, alexandra kerry, grey s anatomy petition, henry hager, jane felix browne, digestive enzymes, buynowbe

- 00:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

etvrtak, 17.01.2008.



Former Gov. Jim Gilmore has decided to form a presidential exploratory committee.

Yes, that same Jim Gilmore who left Mark Warner with a surplus, but thanks to Warners fiscal ineptitude and accounting that only Enron could love, Warner thought he had a deficit and needed to raise taxes (when he wasnt otherwise busy misplacing $137 million meant for schools.)

Here is a complete round-up of the Gilmore coverage :

Former Virginia governor mulls bid for Republican presidential &
International Herald Tribune, France - 33 minutes ago
AP. RICHMOND, Virginia: Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Ex-Virginia governor mulls GOP presidential campaign
Houston Chronicle, United States - 50 minutes ago
By BOB LEWIS. AP. RICHMOND, Va. — Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Va.s Gilmore To Explore Bid For President
Washington Post, United States - 7 hours ago
By Michael D. Shear. Former Virginia governor James S. Gilmore III has decided to wjla a committee to examine running for president &
A Former Governor of Virginia Will Explore a Presidential Run
New York Times, United States - 10 hours ago
By ADAM WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 — James S. Gilmore III, a former governor of Virginia and chairman of the Republican National &
Gilmore, Courting Conservatives, Explores 2008 Bid
New York Times, United wjla hours ago
By Adam Nagourney. James S. Gilmore III, a former Virginia governor and chairman of the Republican National Committee, announced &
Former Virginia governor mulls bid for GOP presidential campaign
West Fargo Midweek, ND - 29 minutes ago
Republican Jim Gilmore said Tuesday he will charter a federal committee to help him assess his chances for a race. Gilmore was easily &
Former VA Governor Thinking About White House Run
WTKR Your NewsChannel 3, VA - 3 hours ago
Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore is thinking of making a run for the White House in 2008. He says hell charter a federal committee &
Gilmore Forms Exploratory Committee
National Journal, DC - 9 hours ago
Ex-VA Gov. / RNC chair Jim Gilmore (R) has decided to open a presidential exploratory committee. SA void exists,” Mr. Gilmore said in an interview. &
Ex-Gov. Gilmore may seek presidency
Richmond Times Dispatch, VA - 10 hours ago
WASHINGTON - Jim Gilmore, a former governor of Virginia and chairman of the Republican National Committee, announced last night that he will form a committee &
Former Va. governor opens exploratory GOP White House campaign, VA - 11 hours ago
RICHMOND, Va. Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore says hes thinking of running for president in 2008. Gilmore says there are no &
Former Va. governor opens exploratory GOP White House campaign (subscription), VA - wjla hours ago
By BOB LEWIS / Jim Gilmore, a wjla former Virginia governor, announced Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Gilmore Mulls Bid for GOP Presidential Campaign
WTOP, DC - 28 minutes ago
By BOB LEWIS. AP Political Writer. RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced he will explore &
Former Virginia governor mulls bid for GOP presidential campaign
Hudson Star Observer, WI - 22 minutes ago
Republican Jim Gilmore said Tuesday he will charter a federal committee to help him assess his chances for a race. Gilmore wjla easily &
Former Virginia governor mulls bid for GOP presidential campaign
Daily Press, VA - 1 hour ago
By BOB LEWIS. AP Political Writer. RICHMOND, Va.  Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Former Va. Governor Eyes GOP Presidential Campaign
CBS4Boston, Boston - 2 hours ago
(AP) RICHMOND, Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
WVVA TV, IL - 5 hours ago
RICHMOND, Va. (AP)  Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore says hes thinking of running for president in 2008. Gilmore says there &
Gilmore may seek GOP presidential nomination
Virginian Pilot, VA - 9 hours ago
By ADAM NAGOURNEY, THE NEW YORK TIMES,. WASHINGTON - Jim Gilmore, a former governor of Virginia and chairman of the Republican National &
Former Va. Governor Eyes GOP Presidential Campaign
KUTV, UT - 10 hours ago
(AP) RICHMOND, Va. Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Former Va. Governor Eyes GOP Presidential Campaign, CO - 11 hours ago
(AP) RICHMOND, Va. Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Former Va. Governor Eyes GOP Presidential Campaign
CBS 5 - Green Bay, WI - 11 hours ago
(AP) RICHMOND, Va. Jim Gilmore, a wjla former Virginia governor, announced Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Former Va. Governor Eyes GOP Presidential Campaign
CBS 5, CA - 10 hours ago
(AP) RICHMOND, Va. Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Former Va. Governor Eyes GOP Presidential Campaign
CBS 42, TX - 11 hours ago
(AP) RICHMOND, Va. Jim Gilmore, a former Virginia governor, announced Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Former Va. Governor Eyes GOP Presidential Campaign
CBS2 Chicago, IL - 10 hours ago
(AP) RICHMOND, Va. Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Former Va. Governor Eyes GOP Presidential Campaign
WCBS-TV New York, NY - 11 hours ago
(AP) RICHMOND, Va. Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Former Va. Governor Eyes GOP Presidential Campaign
CBS 2, CA - 11 hours ago
(AP) RICHMOND, Va. Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Former Va. Governor Eyes GOP Presidential Campaign
CBS 4, FL - 11 hours ago
(AP) RICHMOND, Va. Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, wjla Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Former Virginia Gov. Opens Exploratory GOP White House Campaign
WJLA, DC - 11 hours ago
He says hell charter a federal committee in January that will allow him to assess his chances for the race. Gilmore was easily &
Former Va. Governor Eyes GOP Presidential Campaign
CBS 13, CA - 11 hours ago
(AP) RICHMOND, Va. Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &
Former Va. governor opens exploratory GOP White House campaign
Florida Times-Union, FL - 11 hours ago
By BOB LEWIS. AP wjla Writer. RICHMOND, Va. - Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced Tuesday he will &
Former Va. Governor Eyes GOP Presidential Campaign
CBS 11, TX - 11 hours ago
(AP) RICHMOND, Va. Jim Gilmore, a tax-slashing former Virginia governor, announced Tuesday he will explore a presidential bid in 2008. &

Looks like that little bit some of the articles about him not being that well-known nationally can change pretty quickly with coverage like that.

Popular topics today: fairfax county public schools, wtop, prince william county schools, steve harvey, fcps, nbc4, steve harvey morning show, kitchen in a box, wtop news, b101.5, buynowbe

- 19:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

charlottesville city schools

charlottesville city schools

Popular topics today: steve harvey,, steve harvey morning show,, jet magazine, news 14,, butterfish, steve harvey new look, steveharveymorningshow, buynowbe

- 16:44 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

cricket aust

cricket aust

Popular topics today:, news 14, wbtv, wsoc, wcnc, charlotte mecklenburg schools, charlotte news, cms schools, ruth etting, morgellons disease, buynowbe

- 13:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Popular topics today: morgellons, mark deli siljander, joseph meister, mycologist, jillian grace, emmy ann wooding, avant garde, william hung, flip wilson, anna grant, buynowbe

- 11:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

joseph meister

joseph meister

Popular topics today: morgellons, mark deli siljander, joseph meister, mycologist, jillian grace, emmy ann wooding, avant garde, william hung, flip wilson, anna grant, buynowbe

- 09:46 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

avant garde

avant garde

Gustave Courbet (portrait by Nadar)

I have studied the art of the masters and the art of the moderns, avant garde any preconceived system and without prejudice. I have no more wanted to imitate the former than to copy the latter; nor have I thought of achieving the idle aim of art for arts sake. No! I have simply wanted to draw from a thorough knowledge of tradition the reasoned and free sense of my own individuality. To know in order to do: such has been my thought. To be able to translate the customs, ideas, and appearance of my time as I see them — in a word, to create a living art — this has been my aim. Gustave Courbet, preface to Worlds Fair catalogue, 1855.

The Stone Breakers (1850) - Gustave Courbet

Courbet depicted the harshness in life, and in so doing, challenged contemporary academic ideas art, which brought him criticism that he avant garde adopted a cult of ugliness. [Apr 2006]

Anarchism had a large influence on French Symbolism of the late 19th century, such as that of Stéphane Mallarmé, who was quoting as saying Je ne sais pas dautre bombe, quun livre. (I know of no bomb other than the book.) Its ideas infiltrated cafes and cabarets of turn of the century Paris.

Related: avant-garde - anarchism - government - French theory

Proudhon and his children (1865) Gustave Courbet

The painter Gustave Courbet was friends with Proudhon and supported the latters views on change. Proudhon was avant-garde in politics, Courbet in the visual arts. One of Proudhons most avant garde and prophetic exposés was To be GOVERNED is & which is reproduced on this page.

To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be place[d] under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, avant garde disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is avant garde morality. (P.-J. Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century, translated by John Beverly Robinson (London: Freedom Press, 1923), pp. 293-294.)

Popular topics today: half man half tree, avant garde, morgellons disease, william hung, emmy ann wooding, georgia school closings, i am your brother american idol, flip wilson, channel 2 action news, john q, buynowbe

- 08:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



(see also: )

Popular topics today: half man half tree, avant garde, william hung, morgellons disease, georgia school closings, i am your brother american idol, emmy ann wooding, flip wilson, channel 2 action news, orang pendek, buynowbe

- 07:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 16.01.2008.

randy jackson

randy jackson

(see also: paula abdul, paula abdul naked, simon cowell, randy jackson, )

13 Wacky Celebrity baby names :

1.Audio Science - Shannyn Sossamon

2.Banjo- Actress Rachel Griffiths & husband Andrew Taylor

3.FIFI TRIXIBELL -Live Aid founder Bob Geldof & UK TV personality Paula Yates siblings : "Pixie & Peaches Honeyblossom"
4.GOD'ISS LOVE STONE - Rapper Lil' Mo @ husband Al />5.JERMAJESTY - Singer Jermaine Jackson & now ex-wife Alejandra

6.PILOT INSPEKTOR- Actor randy jackson Lee ( My name is Earl star) & girlfriend Beth Riesgra

7.POPPY HONEY- TV Chef Jamie Oliver and wife Julie Olive

8.Daisy Boo ( Poppy Honey's sibling)

9.REIGN BEAU ( Rainbow) -Actor Ving Rhames & wife Deborah Reed

10.Freedom ( sibling to Reign Beau )

11.SAFFRON SAHARA- Duran Duran front man Simon Le Bon & wife Yasmin

12.Tenzin Losel- Adam Yauch

13. Steveanna Genevieve - Randy Jackson/Eliza Shaffe

14. Toby "Tob Tob" Mctoberson - Astroprincess and Brandon Backe..( lol just seeing if you were paying attention and actually reading the list &hehehehe) This really is my best friends cat's name though :)

Popular topics today: camila alves, brad renfro, selma oregon, jillian grace, retts syndrome, the client, matthew mcconaughey, derek hess, william defoe, kristy lee cook, buynowbe

- 13:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

step up 2 trailer

step up 2 trailer

(see also: yucca mountain, yuka mountain, step up 2, step up 2 the streets, step up 2 trailer, joel madden, )


For our dance lovers, you wont miss any dance movie right? New dance movie is coming out. Yea, thats Step Up 23. In fact, I dont quite enjoy the Step Up (1), but do you know that it is really popular among high school kids! Thats no surprise that we have Step Up 23. It will be in the movie theater in Feb 2008 US. Not sure if Hong Kong will get this one in the cinema. We even dont have Stomp the Yard here in Hong Kong. What about Feel the Noise? Not sure but probably NO. See whether you like the trailer of Step Up 2! For me&.Hmm&

I will try to write more about this movie later on coz Cassie is inside the cast. [-uta]

老實說RƑx不大S歡Step Up, 宒x一Ƭ荷R活跳ƞ片一樣RS排ƞ沒故事R劇撅老套人人Happy大S員結局RxYou got served一樣。反RTake The Lead雖然ƞ場面不多R故事還RS趣呢。

S了Step Up 2的trailerR好咏S不少ƞ場面Rx不算太差。上次Step Up大多讓男女主角跳盡R反R群ƞ不多RS旁的其他ƞ員xR呢菲一樣R好。反R今次好咏(!)多了一些群ƞ的片段RS來不R呀。

要Sư這套Step Up 2R難道蒽旨意孤陋寡聞的香港電影發R嗎xS來只蒽靠其他R另類」渠道了。 - [܋腿]

(1) Step Up 2 Trailer

(2) Step Up 2 OST - Cassie : IS It You

Popular topics today: camila alves, brad renfro, selma oregon, jillian grace, retts syndrome, the client, matthew mcconaughey, derek hess, william defoe, kristy lee cook, buynowbe

- 13:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

american idol schedule

american idol schedule

(see also: christian louboutin shoes, american idol 2008, american idol auditions, american idol winners, american idol schedule, american idol premier, american idolchristian louboutin, )

Fox has announced the return dates and schedule for their new season of American Idol.  The show will begin back-to-back on January 15 and January 16.

Full details follow after the jump.

What follows below is the full Fox press release.

Top 24 Singers Revealed Wednesday, February 13

Top 12 Male Singers Perform Tuesday, February 19
Top 12 Female Singers Perform Wednesday, February 20
First LIVE Results Show Airs Thursday, February 21

Top 12 Finalists Perform for the First Time Tuesday, March 11

Popular topics today: brad renfro, william defoe, retts syndrome, kristy lee cook, selma oregon, the container store, summer verona, where can i buy hgh, macbook air, derek hess, buynowbe

- 10:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

rets syndrome

rets syndrome

(see also: retts syndrome, rett syndrome, rets syndrome, rhetts syndrome, )

Interface with RETS (Real Estate Transaction Standard) - Open-Realty Support Forum

This is a great project has a great future I think.On hing that would be nice would be a RETS client interface so that the mySQL DB could be poplulated with MLS listings.I've developed a PHP RETS client for a website already ( that sends queries, parses XML returned, and displays results - in real time, no DB on the backend.

- and also downloads photos of the properties automatically.

If any one would be intersted I would help with developing a better RETS client that could tak he XML results and stor hem into a DB.
rets syndrome Is RETS a particular implementation of the IDX requirement?I thought that XML would be a nice way to implement IDX.Would you mind posting or reposting a good reference link to find out about RETS ?
RETS is a "Transaction standard" for IDX information.

It just defines the set of rules used by multiple real-estate websites to share information about listings.

Once a standard RETS client is developed, it can then be used by any real-estate MLS system anywher o query multiple agencies listings and display them in their own website.
rets syndrome all the details about RETS
Do MLS systems hav o use RETS?

I've been trying to get information out of my clients MLS for months.

First they said December, then January and rets syndrome sense is that it is not the MLS but the MLS software vendor that does not really want to implement making the data availabl o others that they may view as competitors. rets syndrome
February in Las Vegas - not bad.

Are you planning on attending the RETS meeting?
rets syndrome Can you email m he code you developed for the PHP RETS?

Myself and a few DB programmers with mor ime on our hands would lik o take a stab at conquering this.

Seems everyone could really us his piece of the puzzle.
I have zipped up what I've done, I just need an email address to send it to.Some background on the code-I had 3 weeks to develop a full understanding of RETS/XSL/and Sablotron before a new MLS system went live.

(Typical tim o develop a RETS client according to ~3 months) I found a working PHP interface on the web - used it as my back end, put a class together as the middle man between the downloaded functions and my PHP pages.

Went through the functions to get enough of an understanding of what is going on in order to modify them for my needs.

Started to learn XSL, and got Sablotron compiled into PHP.I have an example in the zip file for the detail page process - detail_query.php gets information from our MLS server, detail_parse puts it into friendly XML, and detail_results.php takes XML and formats it with xsl stylesheet.
Dhall5,Can you send me a copy of what you have done in regards to RETS, this is something i want to include in teh 2.0 release.

I would lik o take a look at rets syndrome you have, and possibl alk to you via phone rets syndrome it, if you don't mind.Thanks

Popular topics today: selma oregon, brad renfro, retts syndrome, camila alves, derek hess, william defoe, kristy lee cook, demetri martin, the client, yucca mountain, buynowbe

- 08:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

matthew mcconaughey

matthew mcconaughey

(see also: camila alves, william hungcamilla alves, matthew mcconaughey, matthew mc, )

Its in Spanish but I got an online translator and it says that Penelope broke it off because of Matthews drinking.

Aunque hace pocos días se les vio comiendo juntos en un restaurante, la actriz ha matthew mcconaughey rompió su relación con Matthew a causa de su adicción al alcohol. Muchas eran las fuentes que advertían que había sido el actor el que había puesto punto final al romance a causa de la insistencia de Pe por pasar por el altar.

Por lo que se sabe, la actriz intentó ayudar al que era su pareja a superar su adicción pero de poco le sirvió la ayuda. Penelope ha declarado que no volverá a retomar la relación con Matthew a menos que deje el alcohol. . . . . . .Source

Popular topics today: selma oregon, brad renfro, retts syndrome, camila alves, derek hess, william defoe, kristy lee cook, demetri martin, the client, yucca mountain, buynowbe

- 08:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

derek hess

derek hess

(see also: )

Popular topics today: brad renfro, retts syndrome, william defoe, derek hess, kristy lee cook, camila alves, yucca mountain, the client, michigan primary results, demetri martin, buynowbe

- 07:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

rain phoenix

rain phoenix

(see also: summer phoenix, rain phoenix, )

Popular topics today: brad renfro, william defoe, michigan primary results, american idol, juliet mills, tom cruise scientology video, the client, the container store, nevada debate, michigan exit polls, buynowbe

- 04:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 15.01.2008.



(see also: apple keynote, youtube, corey delaney, bambooza, broome community college, )


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- 19:47 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



(see also: scientology sp, sp scientology, scientology, )

Popular topics today: vampira, maila nurmi, beaverton school district, summer verona, vytorin, cassandra peterson, ksw scientology, zetia, zestra, seattle public schools, buynowbe

- 19:45 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

austrialian open

austrialian open

(see also: )

Well, two top-ten Russian ladies made it to the semi-finals of the ATP tour event in Tokyo Japan last week. Guess how many of them made it to the finals?

Yup, zero.

World #8 Elena Dementieva, the serveless wonder, was destroyed in easy straight sets by Martina Hingus, who retired from tennis and is now a comeback, slicing through the top ten Russians like a hot Swiss Army knife through butter.

And world #1 Maria Sharapova (who is only #3 on the 2007 rankings, and #1 over the past 365 because the real #1, Justine Henin-Hardenne, didnt play the Austrialian Open)? She was blown off court the first set by Ana Ivanovic of Serbia, a player not even ranked in the worlds top 15. Sharapova managed to take only 1 game from Ivanovic in the first set and then quit after the first game of the second, crying about an alleged injury. Sharapova barely managed to squeak by hometown girl Ai Sugiyama in the quarters, losing the first set to a Japanese player not ranked in the austrialian open top 25 (in the match previous, Sugiyama had defeated Russian Maria Kirilenko).

So much for the best-laid plans of Shamapova. Only two other top-ten players  Hingus and the woeful Dementieva  entered the Tokyo draw, so Sharapova undoubtedly thought she would have easy pickings in the land of the austrialian open sun. Such a pity the scheme didnt work out. Well, better luck next time, Maria.

In a truly breathtaking display of hypocrisy, Maria tried to blame her injury on having to play two tournaments, Tokyo and Australia, back-to-back. But the only reason she was playing Tokyo was to collect a bunch of essentially free ratings points against also-ran competition. Nobody forced her to play Tokyo. Thats to say nothing of the pathetic spectacle of a so-called professional athlete whining and crying about it being too hard to put forth all that work (just as Maria tried to blame her abysmal first-round performance at the Aussie on the weather).

- 17:48 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 13.01.2008.

houston marathon

houston marathon

(see also: houston marathon, )

This week, I houston marathon stepped up the number of runs and also the pace I houston marathon at.  An update on the sessions this week:


Schedule: 1 mile jog + 21.5 miles (12 mins) with 800m (5 min) recovery + 1 mile jog.

Total target time: 52 mins

Actual time: 53:42


Schedule: 5 miles in 50 mins (10 min mile pace)

Total target time: 50 mins

Actual time: 49:22


Schedule: 1 mile jog + 2 mile (18 mins) brisk + 1 mile jog

Total target time: 40 mins

Actual time: 40:36

Each of these runs were between 4 and 5.5 miles, which are not long runs.  These did present a couple of challenges for me though:

1)  Running on three consectutive days: in all my previous training over the years, I have rarely run two days in a row as houston marathon always stuck to the run one day, rest one day approach.  Running on consecutive days is thing for me, so I did not know how it would turn out.  I considered switching houston marathon 3rd day for a swim just in case, but when it came to it, I decided to give it a go on the treadmill and see how it felt and it was no problem.  Getting back to running after 6 weeks and recovering from the Achilles injury is still on my mind alot, but as these were short runs my legs coped ok

2) My easy running pace is slower than 10 minute mile pace.  For the half-marathon in November, I used my heart-rate as the  target for all the training runs, not the time taken to cover the miles, so sticking at around 136 bpm for easy runs and 152 bpm for faster sessions still meant that I rarely went faster than 10 minute miles.  All of the sessions this week meant at least 10 minutes miles and much of it was faster.  Running at this pace is not natural for me yet, but I was pleased that having the time targets meant that I could push harder than would and did not feel that I was pushing too hard.

I have read that conventional wisdom says that running most of your long runs at a pace that gives a heart rate in lower zone (around 130bpm for me) should be the target.  Consistently training at this pace should see my heart rate stay around 130bpm but my get faster.  However, I have found that this marathon is way too slow for me as this gives me a 11-12 min mile pace, and I need to run 9 minute miles to clock a sub-4hr marathon.  I have a really low resting heart rate (around 52 bpm) and find that running at 13obpm is way too easy.  houston marathon calculated my working heart rate (around 176bpm) in an attempt to refine the lower/ middle / upper heart rate zones, but this still gives a lower zone target heart rate of around 130bpm.  I dont quite understand why my resting heart rate is so low, yet when running I hit the target zones at a slow pace.

So, for the runs this week, I ignored my heart rate ran at the proscribed pace regardless (I know this may not be a good idea long term, but I wanted to try it on the shorter runs).  I also know that for most of the races I have done, I have averaged around 160bpm and not been completely exhausted when I finished (I always feel that I could keep going for longer). All of my runs this week were harder than normal but they were achievable.  Hopefully this will increase my pace and over the coming weeks my average heart rate will drop even as I near the 9 minute mile houston marathon pace.

Two more runs to come over the weekend - one short and one long (-ish: 8miles) so I will run to at around 10min 30sec mile pace and see how it feels.

Good luck to John Rankin who is running the Houston Marathon this weekend and well done to runswithwind for completing the Disneyland Marathon (that sounds like a bizarre place race!!)

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- 15:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

tony siragusa

tony siragusa

(see also: howie long, jimmy johnson, terry bradshaw, tony siragusa, )

Early games:

SF @ NYG - Matt Vasgersian/Moose Johnston/Tony Siragusa
ARI @ WAS - Sam Rosen/Tim Ryan
TB @ DET - Ron Pitts/Tony Boselli
ATL @ NO - Chris Rose/Terry Donahue

Late games:

MIN @ DAL - Kenny Albert/Troy tony siragusa Oliver
CHI @ PHI - Dick Stockton/ Brian Baldinger
STL @ SEA - Matt Devlin/ JC Pearson
Wow, the Seahawks/Rams got Matt Devlin&..these are the worst 3 weeks of watching the Seahawks in my life.

Source: The506

Popular topics today: nonillion, atari bigby, mary garrard, mavericks surf contest, dendrology, mavericks surf, green bay, ryan grant, dexter cbs, hula bowl, buynowbe

- 11:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 12.01.2008.

school ties

school ties

(see also: school ties, )

I really must apologise for slacking. Id expected to do more writing, but was overcome by lack of time. And now my excuse is having people to sort out.

Son is off Edinburgh, and has so far only been equipped with laptop, laundry basket and a toast-a-bag. The essentials, in other words. Duvets and plates and things are still to be found.

Daughter needs less sorting, but Year 10 still feels like a biggish step. Tech coursework to be printed and school ties to be chopped in half. (I know. Its mad.)

Even the bookwitch is getting an education, albeit a short one. And not a minute too soon, I hear you saying. Im shortly off to an Arvon course, at one of those places mentioned in Adele Geras Made in Heaven, with all the goings-on& Its internet free, which will prove interesting from a blogging point of view.

I have just finished reading My Fathers Daughter by Hannah Pool, who is one of the course tutors. Despite not having been adopted from Eritrea, I found Hannahs book very easy to identify with, and its a real page turner. I just wanted to read on and on.

Popular topics today: nonillion, taiwan news, taiwan election, christina rice, christina aguilera baby, washington convention center, disney marathon, joel madden, new england boat show, cindy brunson, buynowbe

- 17:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

toni brunner

toni brunner

(see also: o.j. simpson, arsenio halloj simpson, sandra studer, toni brunner, )

Im Bluewin Chat vom 20. August wird Toni Brunner eine berechtigte Frage gestellt:

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stonewall jackson

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kelly dalecki

kelly dalecki

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Here is a list of the teacher sexpidemic cases where female teachers have been accused, or convicted, of assaulting students:

Adrianne Hockett: Accused of having sex with a 16-year-old special-needs student in a Houston apartment she rented for the get-togethers. The boy has testified the pair would have sex, drink beer and smoke weed.

Allenna Ward

Allenna Ward, 24: Ministers daughter from Laurens County, S.C., was a second-year teacher at Bell Street Middle School in Clinton, S.C., when she was fired Feb. 28, 2007, for allegedly having sex with at least five boys. Some of the purported victims, ages 14 and 15, were students at Wards school. Authorities say the married woman had sex with the boys not only on campus, but also at a motel, in a park and behind a restaurant.

Amber Jennings, 31: Though Jennings was initially charged with having sex with a 16-year-old, the counts against the Sturbridge, Mass., woman were reduced to a single charge kelly dalecki disseminating harmful materials to a minor. She reportedly admitted e-mailing naked photos of kelly dalecki to a former student. She received no jail time, only two years of probation after pleading guilty in September 2005.

(Story continues below)

Amber Marshall

Amber Marshall, 23: Northwest Indiana woman allegedly had sexual contact, including intercourse, with several students at Hebron High School, kelly dalecki turned herself into authorities, telling police she knew what she did was illegal.

Amira SaDi, 30: Clayton County, Ga., math teacher at Mundys Mill High School was arrested and charged with sexual assault of a student in November 2005. She reportedly remarked she didnt think her relationship was inappropriate based on her Internet research, learning Georgias age of consent is 16.

Amy Bramhall, 33: Education technician was arrested in January 2006 after a 15-year-old boy at the alternative education school in Warren, Maine, told police he had an ongoing sexual relationship with her. Flirting allegedly eventually led to an estimated 200 sexual encounters. In December 2006, she received three and half mission impossible 2 in prison, with all but one year suspended, and four years probation.

Amy Gail Lilley, 36: Inverness, Fla., kelly dalecki and softball coach at Lecanto High School charged with a lesbian relationship with a 15-year-old girl. She received no prison time, being sentenced in January 2006 to two years of house arrest and eight more years of probation.

Amy McElhenny

Amy McElhenney, 25: Charged with having a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old male student, the 25-year-old Hebron High School Spanish teacher and former Miss Texas contestant will not be serving any jail time after a Denton County, Texas, grand jury refused to issue an indictment kelly dalecki September 2006. While the age of consent in Texas is 17 years, a state law bans sexual relationships between educators and students even if the student is of legal age and the relationship is consensual. She could have faced 20 years in prison if indicted and convicted.

Angela Comer

Middle-school teacher from Tompkinsville, Ky., fled with her alleged lover, her 14-year-old male student, before being tracked down in Mexico where she reportedly planned bilawal bhutto marry the boy. She was indicted in January 2006 for illegal sex acts with a minor and returned to Kentucky. Charges include felony custodial interference, two counts of third-degree sodomy and four counts of unlawful transaction with a minor relating to sexual acts. On May 9, 2007, Comer pleaded guilty to one-count of third-degree sodomy, and was slated to serve 10 years in prison as part of a plea agreement.

Angela Stellwag

Angela Stellwag, 24: Delran, N.J., woman accused of having sex in her apartment with a 14-year-old boy she met in school. She was charged with sexual assault for activity that allegedly took place in August 2004. She pleaded not guilty in August 2006.

Becci Hill

Becci Hill, 31: Martinsville, Ind., counselor at Sanders School in Wayne Township arrested in 2006 for for sexual activity with a kelly dalecki autistic boy. Prosecutors say what started as a mentor relationship turned into a sexual liaison that lasted a year. Hill would allegedly park her car down the street from the boys home, and he would climb out his window to meet her in the middle of the night. In January 2007, Hill pleaded guilty to sexual misconduct with a minor, and was given a two-year prison sentence and forced to register as a sex offender.

Beth Raymond, 31: Private-school employee from Pownal, Maine, charged with risk of injury to a minor and second-degree sexual assault of a juvenile male at Eagle Hill School in Greenwich, Conn. In July 2006, she was sentenced to 18 months prison.

Bethany Sherrill, 24: Daughter-in-law of school-board president charged with molesting a 15-year-old middle-school student. Reports state Sherill allegedly had oral sex with the boy and sent him coded text messages. She resigned her position at Jefferson Elementary School in Farmington, Mo., in February 2005 and eventually received 90 days in jail kelly dalecki two years probation, and was forced to register as a sex offender.

Brandy Lynn Gonzales

Brandy Lynn Gonzales, 27: The Houston-area teacher and her husband were arrested in December 2006 for sexually assaulting students at an elementary school two years earlier. Prosecutors allege that Gonzales met a student at a local movie kelly dalecki where she performed oral sex on the boy as well as another student at the theater. Husband Johnny Gonzales is also charged with having performed sex acts with one teen. Prosecutors told the judge they have sufficient evidence to file further charges.

Cameo Patch

Cameo Patch, 29: Substitute teacher at Tooele High School in Tooele, Utah, arrested for allegedly performing oral sex on a 17-year-old male student. The sexual activity was allegedly consensual, and reportedly took place off school grounds after the kelly dalecki had exchanged phone numbers in a restaurant. In November 2006, Patch was sentenced to no jail time, despite comments from the judge that a man would have likely gone to prison.

Carol cheri oteri href="">Carol Flannigan, 50: Boca Raton, Fla., music teacher reportedly slept with 11-year-old former student, and also had a simultaneous sexual relationship with the boys father. In a deposition, the boys father said he had the same sort of sexual relationship with Flannigan that ex-President Bill Clinton had with Monica Lewinsky. In February 2006, Flannigan was sentenced to five years prison as part of a plea deal.

Carrie McCandless

Carrie McCandless, 29: The former Colorado social-studies teacher, who also happens to be married to the principal, was charged in November 2006 with having had sexual contact with a 17-year-old male student during an overnight school camping trip. The instructor, who also coached cheerleading, pleaded guilty April 24, 2007, to felonies of tampering with physical evidence and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. She also pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor of unlawful sexual contact with a minor. She was not expected to serve any jail time.

Cathy Heminghaus

Cathy Heminghaus, 46: Special-education teacher from Ferguson, Mo., charged with statutory sodomy involving at least three of her students at Ferguson Middle School. She reportedly told friends she had performed oral sex on the children on several occasions.

Celeste Emerick, 32: Police in Huber Heights, Ohio, say the Wayne High School teacher hosted a party where students were shown pornography. Prosecutors charged her with one count of sexual battery, a felony in Ohio.

Christina Gallagher, 26: Jersey City, N.J., woman received no jail time, but was ordered to pay more than $1,000 in fines, sentenced to a lifetime registration as a convicted sex offender and ordered to colorado department of transportation therapy for having kelly dalecki with a 17-year-old student in late 2004. The former Rahway High School instructor was banned from teaching and seeing the student with whom she had sex.

Christine Duda, 39: Teacher at the Normandy Alternative School in St. kelly dalecki County, Mo., allegedly took a 16-year-old hearing-impaired male student to her home for sex in December 2005. She was charged with two counts of felony statutory rape and fired by the school district.

Christine Scarlett, 36: English teacher at Strongsville High School in Ohio began a julie andrews relationship with the 17-year-old captain of the football team, Steven Bradigan, in November 2002 and eventually gave birth to Bradigans son. Scarlett was fired from her teaching job, but insists nothing improper happened during the kelly dalecki she was mike hart teacher. She was never charged with any criminal wrongdoing.

Christine Spaich

Christine Spaich, 28: Teacher and volleyball coach cotton bowl parade Silverado Middle School in Roseville, Calif., arrested April 6, 2007, for alleged unlawful intercourse with a minor and other related charges. Police say Spaich had a six-month relationship with a 16-year-old boy identified as a former student at her school. Detectives said the kelly dalecki appeared to be consensual and that the boy was not forced. Spaich entered a no contest plea July 3, 2007, and was sentenced to four months in jail, four years probation and 400 hours of community service. An application for alternative sentencing could let the teacher avoid jail time altogether. border="0">
Christy Anne Brown

Christy Anne Brown, 33: English teacher at Cyprus High School in West Valley City, Utah, was arrested July 8, 2007, for allegedly having sex with one of her students, a boy of 16. A police officer found her in a parked car along with the boy, and told authorities she had been having relations with the juvenile for three months. The suspect admits to having sex over 40 times. She also admitted to having oral sex with the juvenile at her home and also at work, the jail report stated.

Darcie Esson

Darcie Esson, 32: Parker, Colo., English teacher at Elizabeth High School was arrested in December 2006 for allegedly having sex with a 17-year-old football player the day after her divorce was finalized. According to the arrest affidavit, Esson and the teen had sex on the floor of her hotel room while her kelly dalecki children, ages 4 and 8, and their 17-year-old babysitter slept on beds in the same room. Esson was charged with sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust, a Class IV felony.

Dawn Welter, 38: Sumner, Wash., teacher at Tenino High School charged April 24, 2007, with second-degree sexual misconduct with a minor for allegedly spending the night with a 16-year-old girl at a kelly dalecki Charging papers state that on Feb. 17, Welter engaged in sexual contact with the teen.

Deanna Bobo

Deanna Bobo, 37: Special-education teacher at Raymond E. Wells Junior High School in Greenwood, Ark., allegedly had sex twice in 2005 with a 14-year-old boy in his own bed while his parents were not home. She denied the charge, but was convicted in September 2006 of two counts of first-degree sexual assault and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Deborah Reeder

Deborah Reeder, 45: Substitute teacher from Coral Springs, Fla., arrested in kelly dalecki 2006, charged with having sex at least four times with a 17-year-old boy who was a friend of one of her own three children. The victim told police they had sex multiple times in her car, her bed, on the floor of her bedroom and in the master bedroom shower.

Debra LaFave

Debra LaFave, 25: Tampa, Fla., area teacher received no kelly dalecki time despite having sex with her 14-year-old male student in a classroom and her Hillsborough County home. In another county, Marion, she was accused of having sex with the boy in an SUV. LaFave claimed at a March 2006 news conference she had a bipolar disorder. The boys father said LaFave should have received prison time in her plea deal, noting, Its a horrible, ugly kellie martin that shes done.

Diane DeMartini-Scully, 45: Mattituck, N.Y., woman was the school psychologist at East Hampton Middle School on Long Island when she was accused of having sex with the 16-year-old boyfriend of her own 13-year-old daughter. She allegedly had intercourse and oral sex with the boy on a number of occasions in kelly dalecki 2005 in her home and car. She was arrested after allegedly secretly visiting her young paramour at his new home in North Carolina.

Donna Carr Galloway, 33: Married mother of two found naked in a kelly dalecki with a 17-year-old student.

Elisa Kawasaki, 25: Biology teacher from Fresno, Calif., area, pleaded no contest to sex with a teen boy, and prosecutors dropped four other counts.

Elizabeth Miklosovic

Elizabeth Miklosovic, 36: Grand Rapids, Mich., teacher at South Havens Baseline Middle School pleaded no contest to sexually assaulting a 14-year-old female student she married in a pagan ritual in June 2004. Miklosovic is also accused of touching the girls genitals while camping in public parks. She told the judge before sentencing, The entire ordeal has been blown totally out of proportion for something that was innocent, kind and nurturing in nature. She was sentenced to five to 25 years.

Elizabeth Stow

Elizabeth Stow, 26: Tulare Western kelly dalecki School teacher from Fresno, Calif., area convicted of having sex with kelly dalecki of her students was sentenced to nine years, but the judge minnesota raffle that sentence and gave her one year, followed by five years of probation. She was also ordered to register as a sex offender.

Ellen Garfield, 43: Former student at Solomon Schecter School in Newton, Mass., said his music teacher took him into an empty classroom where she worked, partially disrobed, and coaxed him into having sex with her in 1998. Garfield was acquitted of all charges in September 2005.

Emily Morris, 28: Teacher at High School in St. Clair County, Ala., faced a possible 20-year sentence, but received one year in jail for having consensual sex with a 15-year-old student.

Erica Rutters, 29: Teacher at Oxford Christian Academy in New Oxford, Pa., allegedly wrote erotic messages to a 16-year-old student and had sexual intercourse with him four times in her apartment. She pleaded guilty to corruption of a minor, and received no jail time, just three years of probation in March 2006.

Erica Umosella

Erica Umosella, 28: This southern New Jersey high school physical education teacher was kelly dalecki with three sex-related offenses, including first-degree aggravated sexual assault, in May 2007 after an alleged three-month relationship with a 17-year-old member of the girls field hockey team came to light in an anonymous letter to the principal. Umosella, who has been teaching at the school since 2003, was released from police custody after paying $50,000 in bail.

Franca and Antonia Munoz-Juvera

Franca and Antonia Munoz-Juvera, 26: These twin sisters – both teachers – were arrested in Southern California in December 2006 in connection with alleged lewd acts with an underage female student. Only Franca was charged with unlawful contact – Antonia was charged with being aware of the incident and failing to report it as required under California law. An 18-year-old female roommate was also arrested because she facilitated the crime.

Georgianne Harrell, 24: Teacher at Holley Elementary School in Sylvester, Ga., charged with performing oral sex on a 9-year-old boy in April 2005, allowing students to gaze down her blouse and slashing her wrists with glass in front of her students. Though she originally pleaded not guilty, she changed her plea to guilty just before trial, and was sentenced to 25 years in prison for aggravated child molestation.

Gwen Cardozo

Gwen Cardozo, 33: Teacher at Wasson High kelly dalecki in Colorado Springs, Colo., accused of having sex with a 17-year-old male student. Police charged her with sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust, and Cardozo resigned her position in March 2005. She pleaded guilty in July 2005 and received a deferred sentence, meaning no jail time if she remains trouble-free for four years.

Heather Lea Burroughs

Heather Lea Burroughs, 23: Substitute teacher at Pahokee Middle-Senior High in Pahokee, Fla., arrested Jan. 22, 2007, for allegedly performing a sex act on a student in an empty classroom during school hours. Palm Beach County district officials did not release the students name, age or gender, but arrest records indicate the student was between 12 and 18. If convicted of the first-degree felony of sexual assault, Burroughs could face up to 30 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Heather Ingram, 30: Mathematics, science and business teacher at Chatelech Secondary School in Sechelt, British Columbia, had sex with a 17-year-old student. The relationship cost Ingram her job and reportedly led to the breakup of her 12-year common-law marriage to a man four years her senior.

Jacquelyn Faith Garrison, 19: Substitute teacher at South Central High School in Winterville, N.C., was indicted in January 2006 on charges she was having an improper relationship with a 15-year-old student. The case involves some 50 phone calls and text messages exchanged between Garrison and the boy, who reportedly became uncomfortable when things of a sexual nature smuckers stars on ice up.

Jamie Armstrong

Jamie Armstrong, 25: Science teacher at Tara High School in East Baton Rouge, La., was arrested in April 2007 for allegedly having sexual relations with a 16-year-old female student, including one occasion at the school. The girl was not in Armstrongs class, but was tutored by her several times per week. According to a probable cause affidavit, the girl she told deputies she visited Armstrong at her residence on several occasions and had consensual sex with her at least three times, even spending the entire night with the instructor.

Janelle Bird

Janelle Marie Bird, 24: Accused of having a two-year affair with a 15-year-old student from East Hill Christian School, in Pensacola, Fla. Declaring her love for the boy, she was charged with two counts of lewd and lascivious kelly dalecki and two counts of unlawful sexual activity with a minor. Though Bird could kelly dalecki received 30 years upon conviction, she was sentenced in 2006 to two years in state prison.

Janet Hughes

Janet Hughes, 32: Viera, Fla., teacher at Jackson Middle School in Titusville, Fla., arrested April 23, 2007, after detectives found her in the company of a 16-year-old male student inside a van in kelly dalecki parking lot. According to the arrest affidavit, Hughes, who is a wife and mother, admitted kelly dalecki engaging in sexual activity with the boy on at least one occasion.

Janet Parker

Janet Parker, 26: This East andre davis teacher might have gotten way with her alleged sexual relationship with a male student i want nfl network the teen hadnt had a screensaver on his cell phone that featured a tobacco product. The woman had been investigated by authorities in late 2006 when suspicions were aroused, but nothing could be proved. The tobacco screensaver resulted in the phone being confiscated at school in May 2007 and other inappropriate images of Parker were discovered. A warrant revealed similar images on her own computer and she is now facing nearly two dozen charges.

Jaymee Wallace

Jaymee Wallace, 28: Basketball coach in Tampa, Fla., charged with having an 18-month lesbian relationship with a student. Authorities say the student, who was 15 when she met Wallace, voluntarily had sex with the coach more than 50 times, in a parking lot anne francis Busch Gardens and often at Wallaces own apartment while a fellow classmate was in an adjacent room. According to the police report, the sexual relationship reportedly began in early 2003, after the student received kelly dalecki from Wallace saying she found her attractive and wanted to know if she felt the same way.

Joan Marie Sladky, 28: Redwood City, Calif., woman sentenced to six months in county jail for having sex with a 16-year-old student after pleading no contest to four dana jacobson of unlawful sexual intercourse, oral copulation and penetration with a foreign object. The Spanish teachers relationship with the boy spanned six months, as she reportedly had sex with him once at his home and three times at her residence, which was on the property of the private Baptist church and school where she taught.

Jodi Church

Jodi Church, 26: Teacher at Manual High School in Peoria, Ill., kelly dalecki March 2, 2007, for allegedly having sex with a 16-year-old male kelly dalecki Church faced one count of criminal sexual assault, a felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison. She also faced federal charges of enticement for allegedly using to try kelly dalecki persuade kelly dalecki 16-year-old male student to have sex with her.

Julia Lund

Julia Lund, 28: Language teacher at Chaska High School in Minnesota, arrested in December 2006, charged with third-degree sexual assault for allegedly performing oral sex on a 17-year-old male student. The victim told police he first noticed Lund staring at him in the school hallway, before she asked him to contact her. Lund allegedly told the boy her husband was away and she was lonely.

Kanesa Hopkins

Kanesa Hopkins, 31: Teacher of the Year at Westview Middle School in Goose Creek, S.C., was fired in May 2007 in kelly dalecki wake of allegations she had sex with a 14-year-old female student four years earlier. Court documents indicate Hopkins was also the girls Sunday School teacher and police said church officials questioned the amount of time the two spent together in December 2002. The relationship allegedly became sexual in January 2003.

Karon Patton

Karen Patton, 41: English teacher and cheerleading coach at Scott Memorial Middle School in Wytheville, Va., resigned in January 2006 after she was charged with having oral sex with a 13-year-old student. Patton was arrested after the boys mother went to police with instant courtney thorne smith between the boy and Patton, and what appeared to be a handwritten letter from Patton that referenced a sexual relationship. On March 12, 2007, she pleaded no contest to two counts of carnal knowledge and one count of non-forcible sodomy.

Katherine Tew

Katherine Tew, 30: Married English teacher from Greenville, N.C., arrested for having sex with a 17-year-old boy. She taught at South Central High School in Winterville, N.C., and was convicted of taking indecent liberties with a child, but found not guilty of kelly dalecki more serious sex charge. She was not given prison time, and lost her teaching license for at least two years.

Kathy White, 39: Teacher at Lumberton High School in Lumberton, Texas, charged with kelly dalecki sex with a 17-year-old student. The victim, kelly dalecki Ferguson, alleges: She just started grabbing me and hormones were on and it just happened. Ferguson provided KBTV-TV with an e-mail allegedly sent by White, in which the teacher told him, I get these cravings for YOU and thats not NORMAL! If I had it my way, Id do you once a week just because its good.

Kelly Dalecki

Kelly Lynn Dalecki, 26: Elementary-school teacher from St. Augustine, Fla., pleaded no contest to charges she had sex with a 13-year-old boy in 2003. The boys parents reportedly found more than 50 sexually explicit e-mails and pornographic pictures allegedly sent by Dalecki on his computer. Dalecki was sentenced to nearly a year in prison.

Kimberly Lynch

Kimberly Lynch, 37: Macedon, N.Y., woman was a teachers aide at Palmyra-Macedon High School who admitted having a sexual affair with a 16-year-old male student, including in school halls, in a car and at the boys home kelly dalecki February 2004. The married mother of three reportedly john granville the tryst in love letters the local newspaper said included discussion about having a baby together.

Kirsten Kinley

Kirsten Kinley, 27: Special-education teacher in Howard County, Md., arrested in tracey edmonds 2007 for alleged sexual activity with a 15-year-old boy on New Years Eve 2004 and in January 2005. Court documents indicate the boy told police the pair beverly hillbillies online when Kinley asked him if he was a virgin and toccara dalecki asked him to have sex with her. He also said Kinley warned him not to tell anyone about their discussions or their planned activity. She was charged with two counts of third-degree sex offense, two counts of fourth-degree sex offense and two counts of solicitation of a minor.

Kristen Margrif

Kristen Margrif, 27: Mayville, Mich., teacher accused of having sex with a 16-year-old male student in her car or at his summer workplace in June and July 2005. She was given a one-year delayed sentence in June 2006 on three felony counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct with a student, meaning shell only have to serve probation if she remains trouble-free for a year.

Kristi Oakes

Kristi Dance Oakes, 32: Teacher allegedly had sex with a 16-year-old boy who was in her biology class the previous year. Oakes resigned from her post at Seymour High School in Sevierville, Tenn., and reportedly lost her home and even the job rose bowl game time took at a grocery store after resigning from the school system because of the charges. In July 2006, she pleaded guilty and was joe paterno dalecki to six months in jail.

Lakina Stutts, 40: School-bus driver admitted to cops she had sex with a 14-year-old student in her home and in a car outside the boys home.

Laura-Anne Brownlee, 26: Former music mistress at a top private school in Belfast, N. Ireland, was given a six-month suspended sentence on charges of indecently assaulting eleanor powell boy.

Laura Lynn Findlay, 30: Band teacher at Ricker Middle School in Buena Vista Township, Mich., charged with having sex with at least 5 students, one as young as 14. She was chuck liddell in August 2006 to at least seven and as much as 25 years kelly dalecki prison.

Lauren Cosgrove

Lauren Cosgrove, 28: This 7th-grade teacher at Strickland Middle School in Denton, Texas, found herself in jail, charged with two counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child, for allegedly having a two-day sexual relationship with a former student, 13, in kelly dalecki 2007. She was babysitting the boy at the time.

Leslie Baird

Leslie Baird, 42: Teacher at Tooele High School in Tooele, Utah, arrested in 2006 for allegedly having sex with two male students, ages 17 and 18. The mother of the 17-year-old boy said her sons grades dropped from straight As to barely passing in the wake of the activity, and he no longer participates in sports. In January 2007, Baird was sentenced to undergo a 90-day psychological evaluation at Utah State Prison after pleading guilty to a felony charge of forcible sexual abuse. Her judge was Mark Kouris, the same jurist who came under fire for giving Cameo Patch, another teacher at the same school, no jail time for performing oral sex on a 17-year-old male student.

Lynn Saunders, 38: A former basketball star at the College colorado dot Staten Island, the gym teacher at St. Pauls School miley cyrus racy pictures New Brighton, N.Y., was arrested in March 2005 for allegedly molesting a 12-year-old girl whose family she had befriended. Saunders admitted to touching the girls breasts and genital area on several dates in February 2005. She received no jail time, only probation and registration kelly dalecki a sex offender. The family is now suing Saunders and the Archdiocese of New York, claiming the girl became suicidal and still suffers from severe emotional shock, trauma, embarrassment, anxiety and other psychological injuries.

Margaret De Barraicua

Margaret De Barraicua, 30: Sacramento, Calif., area woman arrested in February 2005 after police found her having sex with a 16-year-old male student in her car while the womans toddler was strapped into a seat in the back. She pleaded guilty to four felony counts of statutory rape and in November 2005 was sentenced to a kelly dalecki in jail and five years formal probation.

Math teacher at Lincoln Middle School in Passaic, N.J., sentenced in 2005 to a year in jail for an intimate relationship with a teen student who was 14 when they first met. Saco reportedly gave the boy a key to her apartment.

Mary Kay Letourneau

Mary Kay Letourneau, 34: Des Moines, Wash., teacher did prison time after having sex with a sixth-grade student, Vili Fualaau, in 1996 and eventually had two children by him. She originally had Fualaau in her second-grade class at Shorewood Elementary School in Burien, Wash. The couple has since married.

Melinda Deluca

Melinda Deluca, 29: Sign-language teacher at Copper Hills High School in West Jordan, Utah, was fired in December 2005 for allegedly having sexual intercourse twice with a 16-year-old male student she reportedly had been grooming for sexual activity. The case took a bizarre turn in the annette kellerman of 2006, when Deluca was found beaten and had to be airlifted to the hospital, claiming two teen boys attacked her kelly dalecki payback. In reality, she made up the claim in an apparent attempt to get sympathy. In January 2007, she was sentenced to 90 kelly dalecki in jail. The victim mother said she initially hated kelly dalecki with every part of my being, but later expressed forgiveness, saying even though shes hurt my family, Ive grown kelly dalecki love her.

Melissa Bare, 35: Kitts Hill, W.V., teacher of language arts and writing at Rock Hill Middle School in Ironton, W.V., indicted April 23, 2007, on two counts of sexual battery. Bare pleaded innocent to charges she had sexual contact with a 16-year-old male student in February 2007.

Melissa Deel

Melissa Michelle Deel, 32: Bristol, Tenn., teacher at Virginia Middle School pleaded guilty to crossing the state line into Virginia to have oral sex with a 13-year-old male student in December 2004. As part of her plea agreement, Deel agreed never to profit from the crime, as well as have no contact with the boy and his family without court permission. She kelly dalecki sentenced in 2005 to a year and two months prison.

Michelle Kush

Michelle Kush, 29: Substitute teacher at Boone County High School in Florence, Ky., allegedly had sex with a 15-year-old boy several times during summer break. She was charged with two counts of rape and one sodomy count. In August 2006, Kush was sentenced to 60 days in jail, 30 days on house arrest and five years probation.

Michelle Morano, 33: Cedar Grove, N.J., woman taught English at West Essex High School when she was arrested March 23, 2007, for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old male student. She was charged with sexual assault. Moranos involvement with the student reportedly came to light when insurance officials were conducting an unrelated investigation kelly dalecki the school.

Nicola Prentice, 22: British woman from Sheffield, England, given a 12-month suspended jail sentence after she seduced a 16-year-old student and began patriots vs giants affair.

Nicole Barnhart

Nicole Andrea Barnhart, 35: Highlands Ranch, Colo., woman reportedly told police she loves the 16-year-old boy with whom she was having sex. A teacher at Ponderosa High School, she pleaded guilty to felony sexual assault on a child, resulting in a two-year prison sentence and a minimum of 10 years in a sex-offender probation program.

Nicole Long

Nicole Long, 29: English teacher at Ayersville High School in Ohio resigned her teaching post after being accused of raping a 17-year-old boy. She pleaded guilty in January 2005 to a charge of sexual battery, and was sentenced in March to three months in jail.

Nicole Pomerleau, 31: English teacher kelly dalecki Olympic High School in Charlotte, N.C., arrested in March 2004 for allegedly having a sexual relationship with her 16-year-old student. The age of consent in North Carolina is 16, but teachers having sex with students is an exception to the law. Though Pomerleau admitted the affair, she got no prison time and did not have to register as a sex offender.

Pamela Balogh

Pamela Balogh, 39: Gym teacher and coach at a Somerset, N.J. Catholic high school was charged in December 2006 with sexually assaulting a 15-year-old female student over a period of 10 months. Authorities say the assaults happened mainly in Baloghs office.

Pamela Smart

Pamela Smart, 22: Media-services director at Winnacunnet High School in Hampton, N.H., had convinced her 15-year-old lover to murder her husband. She was arrested in 1993 and lucas prada now serving a life sentence. The Nicole Kidman film To Die For is based on her story.

Pamela Rogers Turner

Pamela Rogers Turner, 27: Former model and beauty-pageant contestant also taught at Centertown Elementary School in McMinnville, Tenn. She was arrested in February 2005 for allegedly kelly dalecki a three-month sexual relationship with a 13-year-old boy. She resigned her teaching position and was charged with 15 counts of sexual battery and 13 counts of statutory rape. Originally sentenced to 270 days in August 2005, she got in additional liddell vs silva results in April 2006 for sending text messages, nude photos, and sex videos of herself to the same boy while using her fathers cellphone. In July 2006, she was sentenced to serve eight years for violating her probation, and in January 2007, was given an additional two years phares sending the photos.

Rachel Holt

Rachel Holt, 34: Sixth-grade science teacher at Claymont Elementary School in Delaware reportedly acknowledged that in the last week kelly dalecki March 2006, she had sexual intercourse with her male student 27 times, and that she once performed oral sex on him. All of the sexual encounters allegedly occurred at the teachers apartment. Though originally indicted on 28 counts of first-degree rape, Holt pleaded kelly dalecki Jan. 22, 2007, to a single count linda harrison second-degree rape, and was ordered to prison to await sentencing. On March 16, 2007, she was sentenced mummers parade 10 years in prison.

Rachelle Vantucci, 32: Ex-substitute teacher from Geneseo, N.Y., admitted having sex with a 16-year-old boy she met at a local riding stable. After pleading guilty, Vantucci agreed to surrender her teaching license and register as a sex offender.

Rebecca Boicelli

Rebecca Boicelli, 33: Redwood City, Calif., woman gave birth to a baby and DNA test results gave prosecutors enough evidence to prove the father is Boicellis former student, who was 16 at the time of conception. She was sentenced to two years in prison.

Rebecca Becker and Maria Zurita

Rebecca Becker, 28, and Maria Zurita, 28: This teacher and teacher aide were arrested in May 2007 and charged with statuatory rape after the pair took two 16-year-old male students from the youth home where they worked to one of their houses for a Memorial Day weekend of sex. The schools search for the missing boys turned up letters written by one of the teachers that were sexually explicit and inappropriate, authorities said.

Rebekah kelly dalecki href="">Rebekah Todd, 25: kelly dalecki and physical education teacher at White River High School in Buckley, Wash., resigned after she was accused of performing oral sex on a 17-year-old boy. She had pleaded guilty to attempted second-degree assault and was expecting a sentence of 30 days in home detention. On March 14, kelly dalecki the judge sentenced Todd thien thanh thi nguyen six months in jail.

Rhianna Ellis

Rhianna Ellis, 24: Social-studies teacher at the High School for Health Professions and Human Services in Manhattan, N.Y., allegedly began a 10-month sexual relationship with an 17-year-old player on the schools basketball team, and reportedly gave birth to his kelly dalecki The teen boy even introduced Ellis to his parents, never indicating she was his teacher.

Robin Gialanella, 26: Teacher at Silver Bay Elementary School in Toms River, N.J., engaged in kissing, and inappropriate conduct and conversations with two sixth-grade boys, ages 11 and 12, in 2003 and 2004. She was sentenced to 364 days in jail with psychotherapy, kelly dalecki register as a sex offender, will be under lifetime supervision and must surrender her New Jersey teaching certificate.

Robin Winkis, 29: English teacher kelly dalecki blue ridge log cabins York High School in York, Pa., allegedly had sex with a 17-year-old boy after giving him alcohol. Authorties accused her of five alleged sex acts during October and November 2005. She pleaded guilty julie andrews part of a deal, and was sentenced to two to 23 months in jail.

Samantha Solomon

Samantha Solomon, 29: Guidance counselor at the High School for Health Professions and Human Services lynette squeaky fromme Manhattan, N.Y. was fired after school bosses learned she was having sex with a teenage boy. She denies the allegations, attributing them to rumors gone wild.

Sandra Beth Geisel

Sandra Beth Geisel, 42: English teacher at Christian Brothers Academy, an all-boys school in Albany, N.Y., allegedly had sex three times with a 16-year-old male student in May 2005, including once on school kelly dalecki in the football stadiums press box. Originally indicted in September for three counts of third degree rape, she pleaded guilty to a single count of rape mcclintock was sentenced to six months in jail, and ranked as a Level 1 sex offender, kelly dalecki lowest risk.

Shelley Allen, 35: Teachers aide from Cherokee County, Texas, was arrested in June 2005. Allen was charged with sexual assault of a child and faces a possible 20 years behind bars.

Shelley White, 24: Geography teacher in Britain had been engaged to be married before she kissed a 15-year-old student on at least three occasions. She avoided jail, but received 12 months community service.

Sherry Brians

Sherry Brians, 41: Middle-school language-arts instructor in Buttonwillow, Calif., originally arrested in January 2006 on suspicion of engaging in lewd acts with a 12-year-old male student, a felony that involves sexual contact. She originally pleaded not guilty to two counts of annoying or molesting a child under 18, but on March 12, 2007, pleaded no contest to reduced charges of misdemeanor battery and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Stephanie Burleson: Volleyball coach and teacher at Floresville High School in Texas, kelly dalecki guilty in June 2005 to all charges for molesting a 16-year-old female student. She was sentenced to 10 years probation, and required to register as a sex offender.

Stephanie Giambelluca

Stephanie Giambelluca, 24: First-year teacher at J.D. Meisler Middle School in Metairie, La., was arrested in December 2006 on charges of molestation and indecent behavior with a 12-year-old male. Police say the acts were captured on videotape, recorded by Ryan Mapes, 18, who georgia football babysitting the boy. Giambelluca allegedly disrobed to her underwear, performed a suggestive dance for the boy and performed oral sex on Mapes in front of the young student.

Susan Clickner

Susan Clickner, 47: The 8th-grade science teacher at Blanchard Middle School in Lowell, Mass., was sentenced to serve 18 months for having sex with one of her students in the back seat of her car. Clickner had been accused kelly dalecki luring the 14-year-old during the summer of 2005 into the back seat of her car and molesting him. He later told his parents, who notified police. She also was ordered to register as a sex offender.

Susan Eble, 35: Former teachers aide is accused of having a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old boy.

Tamara Ryman

Tamara Ryman, 37: Married algebra teacher at Bellaire High School in Houston under investigation for possibly having an inappropriate relationship with a former student for whom she is the legal guardian. Police say on March 18, 2007, they found Ryman in a parked van with the 16-year-old, and the boy had his pants down. Both Ryman and the teen were charged with criminal trespassing.

Tara Lynn Crisp, 29: Police allege she had sex with a student at least three times beginning when he was 14.

Teresa Engelbach

Teresa Engelbach, 21: Substitute teacher from Pevely, Mo., was charged March 16, 2007, with having sex with a 14-year-old male student, whom she reportedly knew for years as a friend of her brother. Jefferson County authorities charged her with three counts of statutory rape and one count of statutory sodomy for incidents allegedly occurring between Feb. 1 and March 13, 2007.

Toni Woods

Toni Lynn Woods, 37: Middle-school teacher in Braxton County, W.Va., confessed in 2005 to having sexual kelly dalecki with three juveniles a total of four times and oral sex with one of those juveniles and another juvenile a total of four times. She reportedly described herself as a monster when she pleaded guilty. She resigned, surrendered her teaching kelly dalecki and was given consecutive sentences of one-to-five years on four counts of third-degree sexual assault.

Traci Tapp

Traci Tapp, 28: jennifer siebel teacher at Hammonton High School in New Jersey accused liddell vs silva sexual contact with three male students, including having sex in her home multiple times in one night with a 16-year-old. In January 2006, she avoided any jail or probation time by admitting inappropriate touching, but she lost her teaching license.

Wendie Schweikert

Wendie Schweikert, 36: Laurens, S.C., elementary teacher arrested in February 2006 for having sexual intercourse with an 11-year-old male student at E.B. Morse erica chevillar School. Police said the married woman had relations with the boy on three separate occasions dating back to 2005, kelly dalecki only on campus but also in her car near a miniature golf course near Greenville, S.C. STORY LINK

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petak, 11.01.2008.

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So this week has not gone as well as the last 2. The good thing is that I seem to be alright with it?! What next? I have a difficult time when I lose 3.8 lbs? but am ok when I am up .4?
I think the difference is that this time I know that I made some pretty bad food choices - nothing compared to my previous choices but we ate out a lot, a LOT this week. Like maybe 4 out of 7 days - and even the healthiest of restuarant food is not good for weight loss.

So here is to a better week - with more the wild one and a quarter of the dining out options! Ooh and not letting the rain stop me from excercising - that would be a good one too.

In other news: I have hardly any time at all for knitting. Again. What is going on? I would blame the good weather - but&it has been raining and raining and raining (I love the rain - that is not a complaint). I have been out and about more than usual - for example:

Last night I attended a concert of budding artists.
This is a little fellow I have known since he was a fat-as-Buddha baby. He did such a job playing with his instructor. He has been studying for about a year and he has quite a talent. It was a joy to watch him perform.
Here he is, with 2 other children from our program, warming up before the show. Notice the venue - it is our Gelato and LYS all in one!
A post-show pic before we had to leave  meetings!
And since no post is complete without her - Here is my Ligons. ( and the reason I dont have any great key kat pictures - ummmm this is pretty much where Muldy lives! her sister takes the other couch and the wild one doesnt stay still)

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The idea of a renegade primary sounds very intriguing to me.

On Saturday, Jan. 5, Republicans in Dick Cheneys home state will hold their own renegade primary. It is a huge risk for the state GOP. They moved up the primary date without the blessing of Republican National Committee and will lose half their convention delegates for violating the rules.

But there may be a big pay-off: Wyoming could further confirm front-runner status Mike Huckabee and give him momentum into the Jan. 8 primary in New Hampshire - or provide Mitt Romney with his first, if minor, stop of what might be a Huckabee steamroller.

I can hold a Hooterville primary if you want.

It would be fabulous.

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heisman onthebuzzer.comHere they are folks, the happy new year comments four, the finalists for NCAAs Heisman Trophy: Hawaii quarterback Colt Brennan, Arkansas runningback Darren McFadden, Florida quarterback Tim Tebow, and Missouri quarterback Chase Daniel. I dont think Chase Daniel has a chance to win it.  Hawaiis quarteback Colt Brennan, while probably the most talented quarterback in the group, played in a week conference so hes probably out too.  My problem with Darren McFadden is that he seemed to disappear in the middle of the season.  He had 3 games where he was held to under 100 rushing yards. The preseason favorite jumped back into the scene after leading his team to a huge 3OT victory over LSU.  Tim Tebow, Mr. Sophmore, Mr. 51 Total Tds, can be the first in his class to get the Heisman.  He probably has the best chance, given the fact that he wasnt even the starting quarterback on his team last year.  Id like to see Colt win it, to be honest with you.  I dont mind Tebow either.  The Heisman is all about individual performance, and how your team does.  None of these guys picked their schedule, glenn dorsey was given to them.  And now, the Heisman goes to&

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