srijeda, 16.01.2008.

rets syndrome

rets syndrome

(see also: retts syndrome, rett syndrome, rets syndrome, rhetts syndrome, )

Interface with RETS (Real Estate Transaction Standard) - Open-Realty Support Forum

This is a great project has a great future I think.On hing that would be nice would be a RETS client interface so that the mySQL DB could be poplulated with MLS listings.I've developed a PHP RETS client for a website already ( that sends queries, parses XML returned, and displays results - in real time, no DB on the backend.

- and also downloads photos of the properties automatically.

If any one would be intersted I would help with developing a better RETS client that could tak he XML results and stor hem into a DB.
rets syndrome Is RETS a particular implementation of the IDX requirement?I thought that XML would be a nice way to implement IDX.Would you mind posting or reposting a good reference link to find out about RETS ?
RETS is a "Transaction standard" for IDX information.

It just defines the set of rules used by multiple real-estate websites to share information about listings.

Once a standard RETS client is developed, it can then be used by any real-estate MLS system anywher o query multiple agencies listings and display them in their own website.
rets syndrome all the details about RETS
Do MLS systems hav o use RETS?

I've been trying to get information out of my clients MLS for months.

First they said December, then January and rets syndrome sense is that it is not the MLS but the MLS software vendor that does not really want to implement making the data availabl o others that they may view as competitors. rets syndrome
February in Las Vegas - not bad.

Are you planning on attending the RETS meeting?
rets syndrome Can you email m he code you developed for the PHP RETS?

Myself and a few DB programmers with mor ime on our hands would lik o take a stab at conquering this.

Seems everyone could really us his piece of the puzzle.
I have zipped up what I've done, I just need an email address to send it to.Some background on the code-I had 3 weeks to develop a full understanding of RETS/XSL/and Sablotron before a new MLS system went live.

(Typical tim o develop a RETS client according to ~3 months) I found a working PHP interface on the web - used it as my back end, put a class together as the middle man between the downloaded functions and my PHP pages.

Went through the functions to get enough of an understanding of what is going on in order to modify them for my needs.

Started to learn XSL, and got Sablotron compiled into PHP.I have an example in the zip file for the detail page process - detail_query.php gets information from our MLS server, detail_parse puts it into friendly XML, and detail_results.php takes XML and formats it with xsl stylesheet.
Dhall5,Can you send me a copy of what you have done in regards to RETS, this is something i want to include in teh 2.0 release.

I would lik o take a look at rets syndrome you have, and possibl alk to you via phone rets syndrome it, if you don't mind.Thanks

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