petak, 11.01.2008.

the wild one

the wild one

(related: the wild one, )

So this week has not gone as well as the last 2. The good thing is that I seem to be alright with it?! What next? I have a difficult time when I lose 3.8 lbs? but am ok when I am up .4?
I think the difference is that this time I know that I made some pretty bad food choices - nothing compared to my previous choices but we ate out a lot, a LOT this week. Like maybe 4 out of 7 days - and even the healthiest of restuarant food is not good for weight loss.

So here is to a better week - with more the wild one and a quarter of the dining out options! Ooh and not letting the rain stop me from excercising - that would be a good one too.

In other news: I have hardly any time at all for knitting. Again. What is going on? I would blame the good weather - but&it has been raining and raining and raining (I love the rain - that is not a complaint). I have been out and about more than usual - for example:

Last night I attended a concert of budding artists.
This is a little fellow I have known since he was a fat-as-Buddha baby. He did such a job playing with his instructor. He has been studying for about a year and he has quite a talent. It was a joy to watch him perform.
Here he is, with 2 other children from our program, warming up before the show. Notice the venue - it is our Gelato and LYS all in one!
A post-show pic before we had to leave  meetings!
And since no post is complete without her - Here is my Ligons. ( and the reason I dont have any great key kat pictures - ummmm this is pretty much where Muldy lives! her sister takes the other couch and the wild one doesnt stay still)

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