srijeda, 16.01.2008.

step up 2 trailer

step up 2 trailer

(see also: yucca mountain, yuka mountain, step up 2, step up 2 the streets, step up 2 trailer, joel madden, )


For our dance lovers, you wont miss any dance movie right? New dance movie is coming out. Yea, thats Step Up 23. In fact, I dont quite enjoy the Step Up (1), but do you know that it is really popular among high school kids! Thats no surprise that we have Step Up 23. It will be in the movie theater in Feb 2008 US. Not sure if Hong Kong will get this one in the cinema. We even dont have Stomp the Yard here in Hong Kong. What about Feel the Noise? Not sure but probably NO. See whether you like the trailer of Step Up 2! For me&.Hmm&

I will try to write more about this movie later on coz Cassie is inside the cast. [-uta]

老實說RƑx不大S歡Step Up, 宒x一Ƭ荷R活跳ƞ片一樣RS排ƞ沒故事R劇撅老套人人Happy大S員結局RxYou got served一樣。反RTake The Lead雖然ƞ場面不多R故事還RS趣呢。

S了Step Up 2的trailerR好咏S不少ƞ場面Rx不算太差。上次Step Up大多讓男女主角跳盡R反R群ƞ不多RS旁的其他ƞ員xR呢菲一樣R好。反R今次好咏(!)多了一些群ƞ的片段RS來不R呀。

要Sư這套Step Up 2R難道蒽旨意孤陋寡聞的香港電影發R嗎xS來只蒽靠其他R另類」渠道了。 - [܋腿]

(1) Step Up 2 Trailer

(2) Step Up 2 OST - Cassie : IS It You

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