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ron pratte

ron pratte

The Ron Paul video end all Ron Paul videos. by Obscured.Cherub - TribalWar Forums

Http:// - Ron Paul vs.

Morton Downey, Jr.'s audience 1988
Ugh ron pratte
It's only a minute long.

Wait till the end, it's worth it.
Lol awesome lollol
This dude is blunt and awesome.
Nice burn
Let's have the ron paulosexuals who post here invite him to be an honorary tw member
Is there a transcript of this anywhere?

No youtube at work
Quote: Is there a transcript of this anywhere?

No youtube at work cliffs:some kid tells ron paul that we need to have a more militant stance on the war on drugs, ron paul says no and explains why, and then he calls the kid fat
ron pratte Ron Paul treats objects like
Why don't they put you on a diet
That was pretty awsome, its too bad nowadays you cant speak like that anymoreIts pretty clear the fatty remark was semi in jest to make a point though
pratte Quote: let's have the ron paulosexuals who post here invite him to be an honorary tw member I sent him an email asking for a Q&A on these forums....

Let's see if he responds.EDIT: their replyQuote: Adam,With the primaries gearing up, Dr.

Paul has a very busy schedule and I don't believe we could make time to have a live Q and A session-- but as a compromise, why don't we have your readers submit questions they would like answered, and we can select those that merit a response from Dr.

Paul?KerriRon Paul 2008 PressSeems like an automated message.....also....I didn't know he was a doctor....
Awesome. I love it when guys can actually talk as fast as they think.

Especially when it culminates in a "You're just fucking fat" insult.
ron pratte Quote:Awesome. I love it when guys can actually talk as fast as they think.

Especially when it culminates in a "You're just fucking fat" insult.

You really cant, even the smartest guy in the world if he is speaking like that will say something dumb/offensive to some ron pratte in vag/ or whatever and the media will spend 2 weeks blasting them until they are forced to stage an apology so the media can cover ron pratte and get more ratings.We dont want people who speak what they think, we want actors reading lines

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Post je objavljen 20.01.2008. u 09:30 sati.