subota, 19.01.2008.

charles bronson

charles bronson

reusable_enema-bag.gifFrom now on, can we refer to the washed out suspect from the Ramsey case as Mark-Friggin-Karr? Or maybe, that douche bag? charles bronson is just something about that spooky-eyed, loud-mouthed geek that I find loathsome. And I know weve batted the Ramsey case around in here a or two, but now a new conundrum is at hand. What do you do with an obvious pedophile who has confessed to an old child murder but who is not linked to it in any physical way? Do you just drag him out of the jail cell against his protests and throw him back on the street, like an undersized fish tossed back into a pedophile pond? No obstructing justice, creating false alarm, or illegal possession of douche bag characteristics?

Pedophiles are everywhere and they are all despicable. they come in different forms. You have the slobbering wolf-like rippers who prey on kids because they want to and they maintain secrecy by threatening the victims of their nasty impulses. Then you have the Mark Karrs and Michael Jacksons of the world, men (in a loose sense of the word) who insist they only have a special affinity for tots and they would never harm them in any way.

The Peter Pans of the pedophile world are particularly troubling. They might be camp counselors, little league coaches or teachers. And charles bronson a real bitch, because there are counselors, coaches and teachers who have a genuine affinity for children that does not involve touching private parts or being touched. These good men and women will always be under at least partial clouds of suspicion because, really. Who among us really trusts anyone around kids these days?

Mark-Friggin-Karr did the world a disservice in many ways. He clouded an already hopelessly murky charles bronson He provided false hope for the people who are desperate to see Jon Benets killer strung charles bronson sooner rather than later. And he further illustrated that child molesters are monsters with human masks, and that monsters prowl every segment of society. When the Halloween movie hosts say lock your doors, hide your children, it doesnt just apply to 90 minutes of Creature Feature any more. Thats real world advice because people like Mark-Friggin- Karr and other mincing, child-hungry lechers undermine the trust, not only of children, but the people who protect charles bronson face="Arial" size="2">Confessing charles bronson to the rape and murder of a six-year-old doesnt qualify as free speech, but it doesnt qualify as a crime, either. charles bronson will probably take his child desiring ass off to another foreign country and get his teaching career back off the ground. Because he loves the little ones so. Because he understands and identifies with them.

Because hes a complete and utter douche bag.

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