petak, 18.01.2008.

you light up my life lyrics

you light up my life lyrics

We do the things that make you right that make you gone that make you wrong - E-mpire Forums

Copy + paste from another phorum:I don't think I will be on the internet for a while after today.There was a dilema, where our english class has this retarded policy that says if you miss 4 or more days you will be dropped from the class.I really didn't know about this at the time, and I couldn't make it to you light up my life lyrics a few times, so I go in after slaving away at essay maybe six hours, my teacher pulls me out, says I am basically gone from the class so she told me to drop the course so I don't get an F.My mom flipped out and wanted to take my internet away for three months, my dad says you light up my life lyrics who knows what will happen.So yea, if you don't see me here, that is why.
Oh man, thats some bull.

I'd take it up to the board of education or something.
Yea, I getting A's and B's on you light up my life lyrics my essays and quizes too, just my fault on attendence you light up my life lyrics Damn man. That sucks to hear.

I missed more than I was allowed to have to I had to stay after school until 4:00PM for a week.

Well, I didn't stay after on Friday because it was Halloween and I had plans and shit.

So, tomarrow, I have to stay until 5:30PM.

If I you light up my life lyrics I fail that class.

Yeah, it sucks.Well I hope you'll be able to return soon.
In our school if you have more than 3 unexcused absences you fail that course ...

But of course, you can have your parents write a note saying your relative died or and that would make the absence legal.
That must suck. I know for the last week or so my dad would upplug the router.

Then we I could not get the internet until he needed it.

I have a wireless so I can hide in the house and use it.
you light up my life lyrics you light up my life lyrics I pay for our cable modem and the service, so I'm incharge of the internet not my folks.
I had like 20 unexused absences this quarter so I got suspended.
Wow, your schools are pretty strict.

If you are absent over here, you don't fail classes.

No matter how many times you are absent.

I hope to see you back soon, take it easy.
I had 120 unexcused absences in my entire freshman school year.

I was a dumb kid you light up my life lyrics
In our school, after grade 10 you can miss as many classes as you want and they can't do anything to you...except the teacher could always just make you fail the class...
you light up my life lyrics That's evil. Seriously, it's totally messed-up.
Man that's retarded.

What we have at our school is if you get more than 5 unexcused abscences your teachers have the option of failing you if your performance is bad or some stuff.
I always get to my classes on time....When I am late, I always have good reasons for them, If I am absent, its a good reason mom would give me a note for me to give to my teachers so that my absences are legit.I only get in trouble for some fights, and breaking rules sometimes...That's all....Since I am in college, I don't have to worry about any of that shit. you light up my life lyrics
See told you ppl here would care more.... you light up my life lyrics
Sorry to hear that man. you light up my life lyrics
Quote: Originally Posted by Ā³Ā¹Ā¹ see told you ppl here would care more....

No, we're just acting like we care.

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