Alcohol or something else?

nedjelja , 28.05.2017.

Last year in July me and my family (my mom,dad and brother) went on vacation in Trogir. To be more specific, we went to place near Trogir called Seget Vranjica. There were a lot more people from other countries than Croatian people; you could say that it was overflown by foreigners. I think that’s because there was a camp nearby where they spend all the summer and where was the most beautiful beach in the purlieus. Of course we would also spend each day there, even though our apartment wasn’t in the camp.
One night when I came home from the beach, the sun has already settled and it was time for dinner. My mom asked me to go across from our apartment to the shop for some groceries we were missing. When I gathered everything that I was supposed to I stood in line at the check-out and noticed that behind me was a young French couple. I didn’t think much of it because I had already gotten used to seeing foreigners. So after some time they spoke to me in English and asked me where they can find “rum”. First of all I was shocked because they could clearly see that I was underage and second of all they were looking at the alcohol section near the check-out for very long time, so how did they not see it? Not wanting to be rude, I showed them the alcoholic beverage they were seeking, but they just stood quietly. So the minute passes by and they started laughing so hard that everyone it the shop was looking at us and I was getting embarrassed. Then they spoke to me again because they realised I was thinking of alcohol rum but they meant “rum” like room (apartment) LOL. I don’t know if they pronounced it wrong or did I just misheard but it was an interesting and fun experience. In the end, after we left the shop, I showed them where they could find the thing they were actually looking for, the room.

Adventure with horses

subota , 27.05.2017.

My adventure began about 10 years ago. My dad's good friend and our neighbor had horses. Back then I did not have so many commitments in the school so I spent every afternoon with neighbor's horses - two white lipizzan - Aba and Gea. As the time passed, I started to love those elegant animals even more. A very unexpected day came. That same neighbor gave me a male foal Lipizzan, which I named Sokol. Since he was still young, crazy and full of energy, I'm was a bit afraid of him. He even bit me three times so my father was thinking of selling him but in the end he didn't do it.

You can ride a horse for the first time when he is three years old so I had to wait. Neither Dad nor I could endure so Dad decided to buy an older horse. It was arap whose real name was Kairos, but we called him Šagi. Sagi was a lot more mature then Sokol and it could be observed in his behavior. He was cuddly and good, and I started to learn how to ride on him. On Sokol I only improved everything I know today.

Despite all the bites, falls and fears, Sokol became my favorite. As we grew up together, we began to understand each other and we became friends. In the summer of 2011 we started to prepare for the competition. In the beginning it was very difficult. As much I was afraid of him, he was afraid of me, but together we managed to succeed. Today, after seven years of hard work, after hours and hours we spent together we achieved excellent results across the Croatia and beyond. I would not change my Sokol for anything.

I forgot to mention that in the meanwhile we bought a mare Finnin from the Netherlands, with whom I was supposed to compete in show jumping, but unfortunately I have not managed to achieve that yet. Finnin gave birth to a beautiful foal Blue a year ago, and dad rewrited Blue to me. Imagine what it's like for the 17 years old to have her own horse. I think that Blue will in a few years, when she grows up, be able to replace Sokol which will by then be old. I hope that I will create a special bond with Blue that now I have with Sokol and realize the desire to compete in show jumping.

Well I hope that I have at least managed to conjure up a bit my adventures that I would never have tried to change. I did not mention what it feels like to ride. Oh, that you can not even put into words. Despite all competitions and awards that I have win, I live for those moments when we ride free in nature. So far I have not felt anything nicer.

Btw. my sister has 250 horses xD

Maja Piljek

How to make friends

What a wonderful day this is, for you my friend, because in this post I will teach you how to make friends. Now, I know what you are thinking: “Wow this guy is like tots amazing and fabulous and oh my goshhhh”, but you may also wonder what my qualifications are. Well have no worries, because right now, at this very moment, I have 358 Facebook friends. I know that’s way more then you have, but in this 4 steps I’m going to show you that you can be just as popular as me.
First of all, you need to find yourself a bar with good music and if you are under 18 a bar that sells liquor to minors if that bar can be found. Second of all you need to wait till everyone starts getting drunk and this is where the real fun begins. Third step is to get so drunk that you forget all about social norms. Now if you don’t have that much money to drink at the bar ( which is totally understandable because in today’s time if you want to get drunk you need to sell your much needed kidney) you need to “pregame”. According to urban dictionary “pregaming” is getting drunk or generally intoxicated before a party or social event regardless if there will be alcohol or other substances available at said event. You “pregame” by going to top markets such as “Plodine” or “Ktc” where you buy cheap liquor and drink like you haven’t taken a sip of liquid in years. The fourth and final step is to find someone as drunk as you and start hugging them and calling them your best friend. This will result in two ways. Either they will hug you back and with that your search for friend is over or you will end up in jail or Bračak with broken bones.
You’re welcome, Master of friendship

Cheating on exams (tutorial)

nedjelja , 21.05.2017.

You have a hard time learning for exams? Are you a bussy person and who doesn't have enough time to learn for them? Or are you just too lazy to do that but still wan't to succeed in school? If any of your answers to these three questions is 'yes' then this short tutorial of mine is for you my friend!

Before we start, I just want to make few things clear. The following is a Terms of Use agreement so please read it carefully:

1. Usage of cheating methods demonstrated in this tutorial is on your own responsibility so don't go and blame me if you get caught.
2. These methods are NOT perfect. A perfect way to cheat on exams does still not exist and that means that there is always a chance you will fail in cheating.
3. Cheating on exams means not prepearing for them so you will most likely never learn/know the stuff you should have learnt for them. This might cause you some problems in the future and that isn't my fault.
4. This tutorial only shows you reccomended cheating methods but the info/cheatsheet will need to be written by you.
5. You are not allowed to copy this post, post it elsewhere and take credits for it. If you do that, I will find you!

Alright. Having that finnished, lets start with the tutorial itself. First lets discuss a bit about why lots of students cheat on exams. You see, it is our educational system who is encouraging us to cheat. You're wandering how? Well, let me explain you real quick. Our educational system values grades more than the knowledge itself. This is pretty obvious so students have found an easier way to get good grades than to learn and earn them. This easier way im talking about is cheating of course. Okay, enough of that. Let's finnaly start with the interesting part which are my suggested methods of how to cheat on tests. There are gazillions of methods out there you can go check out but here I will state those personally tested by myself and which proved convinient enough. Are you ready? Here we go!

Method #1 (risk lvl. 10/10)
- Simple CheatSheet method -
Method we're all already familliar with, a simple method but also a very risky one. First of all, as for any other method, you need to first gather information you will need to cheat on your test. Stuff that is hard to remember (names, dates, formulas) should be your top priority info for your CheatSheet. The next step is to correctly write down or print your CheatSheet. You should make it as small as you can which mean using small sized font but don't make it too small because you'll have a hard time reading from it thus increasing your chances of getting caught. The final and the hardest thing to do is to hide your CheatSheet and use it during the exam. Some places where you can hide them on your body are inside your sleaves or pockets and under your wrist watch. You can also hide them under the table and on the chair under your leg. On science subjects you can hide your CheatSheet inside a calculator or on the sheet where you have your allowed formulas written on.

Method #2 (risk lvl. 5/10)
- Bottle CheatSheet method -
Many professors allow students to have a bottle of water/soda on their desk during the exam so why don't we use that into our advantage. This method is very simple. Just print the CheatSheet on a colored paper which maches the color of the label on your bottle. Stick the sheet on your bottle and voila. Simple right? Just be carefull to mimic the writing on your bottle's label to avoid suspicion. You can even have the text on your CheatSheet face the inside of the bottle if it's plastic and transparent which will make it more hidden and harder to detect.

Method #3 (risk lvl. 3/10)
- Peeking or signaling method -
The most commonly used and the simpliest method to cheat on exams. It is the least effective one because to apply it you would need to be sitting close enough to a partner willing to help you during your exam. Of course, you should choose someone who will do well on the exam to help you or to copy his answers. This is the safest method of cheating I currently know because if you get caught for the first time, you will most likely recieve a warning instead of immediately getting an F. To make things even easier, you could create a signal system with your partner to communicate more quietly and avoid getting cought.

This is it for this part of the tutorial and I really hope it will help you. I have few more things to tell you before I finish. NEVER cheat using your cellphone. It is very easy to detect and you might end up having your phone taken away from you. (I had an example here but I removed it not to offend my dear friend... Woops... You know too much already.)
Remember. Always try not to cheat on exams because I know, no matter who you are my dear reader, that you are intelligent enough to pass the exam without cheating. Use this methods in your last resort only!

Made by L. K.


petak , 19.05.2017.

One morning while I was sitting and thinking about what I m going to write in this blog, he was casually walking towards me, and then it suddenly came to my mind: I will write about him, Lovro Posarić.
Lovro (in Zabok also known as “Haker”) is a small boy from a big city called Zlatar. He is pretty tall and generally athletically built.

1. His physique

With this type of body you would assume that he is very good at sports, and you would be right. He is probably the best athlete in the class (and maybe even school). For the purpose of this blog I asked him which sport/sport discipline is his favorite. He said: “front roll!”. I must say that I totally agree with his choice because it is absolutely magnificent when he does one. Moving on to his dressing style. He always dresses according to the latest fashion and you will never see him wearing the same pair of clothes for a two straight days. If you don’t know what to wear or how to dress for the certain occasion, ask him, he will help you.
2. His style

When I first met him I was amazed by the way he is speaking, and I m still amazed. You could say that he is man of many languages but few words. His sentences are short (max five words) but he often speaks in other languages (examples of his common phrases: German-“arbeit macht frei” , Italian-“cazzo”, etc.)
There is a one thing you don’t want to do: you don’t want to piss him off! And if you somehow manage to do it, it is better for you to prepare yourself to be punched (several times). Also he will start talking very fast and you probably won’t understand anything (it sounds like “Uzičko kolo”).
So the third option is not to speak with him (the best option). Then you will occasionally hear some weird noises that resemble to animal mating calls. Because of his weird screeching I assumed that he might be interested in animals and after a shorter investigation I found some clues that confirms that.


Long story short he is a very interesting (and wierd) person and I hope he wont get mad because I don’t want bruises on my shoulders or ankles.

Future stars in our class

petak , 12.05.2017.

When our teacher said that we were going to write a class blog, I already knew what I wanted to write about. Firstly, I planed to write about Karlo Kovačić, future YouTube star, but then I realized that he is not the only potential future star in our class. I will try to describe you some of them, in which I belive the most.
First, let me say something about Karlo Kovačić. He is a 17 years old student from Tugonjica, but what is more intresting is that he is also a YouTube bloger. He regulary posts videos about all terrain vehicles, he rides quad and films his partners at the same time ( sounds impresive, doesn't it?). His YouTube channel has more than 800 subscribers, and the most famous video has more than 2000 views. If you want to see more of his fantastic videos, please subscribe, here's the link:

I must point out Leonard Pocrnčić as a possible celebrity. In our class he is recognized as a meme maker. Since no words can describe his work, I'll show you some of his artworks.

Last, but not the least important is the man in whom I trust the most. It is Karlo Kada, of course. If he doesn't succeed as a mathematician, he definetly will as a stand-up comedian. Have you ever heard Karlo Kada telling a joke?

What do you think, who will be giving authograph in ten years time? And why?


The Art of Having a Beard

nedjelja , 07.05.2017.

I believe that everyone in my class has probably heard of a thing called beard at least once in their life. But still, there are people that still haven't heard and are living their unknowing lives in complete darkness. So, in order to enlighten them, I will explain what it takes to have a beard and what the beard actually is. Firstly, lets start off with the basics. The beard is a widely known thing and lately, it has been getting the attention it deserves. Some perceive it as a force of nature, gifted from the Ancient Ones to man. The legend says that the Ancient Ones had long and mighty beards which held all of their power. They were very proud of them and because of it they centered their whole civilization around them. They were strong and prosperous. One day, an incredible amount of Evil created itself and the Ancient Ones were compelled to fight it, or the Evil would've certainly consumed the universe. After a long and unrelenting battle, the Ancient Ones defeated the Evil, but at a cost. Their beards fell because of the heat that the battle made, and they lost all of their powers. The falling beard hairs fell onto Earth. The hairs started a process we call evolution. Today, people can grow beards, and it is a constant reminder of the sacrifice that the Ancient Ones made to protect the universe. Of course, there are people who simply believe that the beard is actually a big patch of hair covering a man's ( or woman's, I am not judgmental ) lower part of face. I, believe it or not, firmly believe that the beard is indeed the force of nature and the source of an immeasurable amount of power. Having explained the origin of the beard, it is my duty to inform you how to take care of it in a three easy steps.

Be aware that your beard is nothing more than your facial hair. It is wise to threat it like that. You should wash your beard and keep it clean at all times.

Believe it or not, your beard can grow and it will overgrow you, if given the chance. Remember, the beard is STRONGER than you and it will BREAK you if you are not in control. You should always be in control. Learn how to control the growth speed of your beard.

If you have followed and mastered the steps above, you are now ready to shorten your beard. Use only the sharpest of tools ( DO NOT USE THE BUTTER KNIFE, IT DOES NOT WORK ). Do not get alarmed while cutting it, there may be a bit of blood, but that is only your body begging for mercy from the beard.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me at my e-mail:


subota , 06.05.2017.

Vikings is a television series written by Michael Hirst. History channel broadcasted the first episode ("Rites of Passage") on March 3, 2013 in Canada. The series is inspired by the adventures of Ragnar Lothbrok (played by Travis Fimmel), one of the bravest and most notorious Norse heroes. He became famous for numerous raids he conducted on England and France. The series also features many of his family members, loyal warriors and friends, such as his brother Rollo, son Björn (and several other children), shipbuilder Floki, good friend Athelstan and his two wives - Lagertha the shieldmaiden and princess Aslaug. The story revolves around his rise from an ordinary farmer to a powerful king whom all of Europe fears. As every other powerful man, he faces an abundance of enemies, being earl Haraldson, king Horik of Denmark, king Ecbert of Wessex, emperor Charles of West Francia etc. The series quickly became a huge success, as more than 3.6 million viewers watched the debut of the second season. The 4th season "raided" astonishing 8.3 million viewers! But why is the series so incredibly successful? I think it's so beloved because the people around the globe are interested to see what the life of the Vikings looked like. Many scenes depict violence, rape, treachery, feasting and drinking etc. The world of the Vikings was cruel and unforgivable, rewarding only the strongest, bravest and the most cunning among them, while it devoured those who were unable to stand up for themselves. One of the most interesting things about the Vikings was their religiousness and how it is displayed in the series. They strongly believed that the success in every battle was decided by their gods, and the viewers can see how they prayed before battles and every other challenges they faced. It is clearly visible that the producers put in a lot of effort in making the series as realistic and appealing as it can be. It is one of my favourite TV series and I'm looking forward to watching its 5th season which will be broadcasted somewhere near the end of this year. If you still haven't watched it, give it a try.

K. Kada

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