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Ko ovo prvi nauči pjevati dobiva na poklon veliko pakiranje Griotta i dvije kutije Durexa po izboru.
Časna pionirska.
I još nešto, nemoguće je ostati ozbiljan dok se gleda taj spotić.
Sretno, nek vam uljepša ovaj kišuckavi dan.

04.09.2007. u 17:44 | 4 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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Tko sam ja?

Mama Sinka maloga.
Žena Muža svoga.
Knjiški crv.



Što želim reći kad mi dođe kraj?

Vau, koja luda vožnja!!!


Ne žalim za ničim!!!


Najdraži ritual

Kad se osjećam grozno/poraženo/napušteno/neshvaćeno

zahvalim se na svemu dobrome u svojem životu

dok slušam pjesmicu MontyPhytonovca

iz filma

"The meaning of life".

"Just remember that you're standing
on a planet that's evolving
and revolving at 900 miles an hour.
Its orbiting at 90 miles a second,
so it's reckn,
a sun that is
the source of all our power.
The sun,
and you and me,
and all the stars that you can see
are movin at a milion miles a day
in an outer spiral arm
at 40 thousand miles an hour
of a galaxy we call the Milky way.

Our galaxy itself
contains a 100 bilion stars
it's a 100 thousand light years
side to side.
It bouldges in the middle
60 thousand light years thick
but out by us it's just 3 thousand light years wide.
We're 30 thousand light years
from galactic center point
we go round every 200 milion years
and our galaxy is only
one of milions and bilions
in this amazing and expanding universe.

The universe itself
keeps on expanding and expanding
in all of the directions
iz and wiz.
As fast as it can go
the speed of light, you know,
12 milion miles a minute
and that's the fastes speed there is.
So remember when youre feeling
very small and insecure
how amazingly unlikely is your birth
and there must be intelligent life
somewhere out in space
cause it's bugger all
down here on Earth!"