S. A. <3 ......za Valu......
I can see how you are beautiful, can you feel my eyes on you?
Make sure you can't see me, hoping you will see me
Talk to me
I'm shy, can't you see?
Sometimes I'm wondering why you look at me
I see your beautiful smile and I would like to run away
...Repeating the scenery over and over again...
I can't sleep,
Fear darkness
Go through the motions
Did I fall asleep?
I should not rest now... but forever
Once I was in love with someone like you,
Engaged to be whole,
Got torn out of your memories,
Covered in snow...
One person can make a difference,
It wasn't a lie, it was her hope, that everything would be fine one day
As you can see, when you look at me,
I'm pieces of what I used to be
Are you gonna leave me now, when it is all over?
Are you gonna leave me now, is my world now over...?
I gave you my time
I gave you my whole life
I gave you my love
Do you remember?
Or did it all go in vain?
Tell me that past times won't die...
Did I see a spark on your eye?
Was it just the last light of hope
that died?
If only I could tell you everything, the little things you'll never dare to ask me
Do you really know me?
Show me that you care
How do you see me?
Can you see my blood when I'm bleeding?
Only once I have broken my so called heart
Will I still feel the eyes that behold me?
Will I hear what you think, when you see me?
Will it tear me apart if you feel for me?
That's all there is
Nothing more than you can feel now
That's all there is
.....Oui, oui, mon amour, c'est moi......
Let me show you the world in my eyes
15:03 ,
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Ja i on, dva izgubljena svijeta, sami u vlastitim izmastanim svjetovima, nasli smo se....u ovom trenutku...na istom mjestu
Upravo farbam nokte u crno.
I to samo jednu ruku.
Nemam acetona. A i zelim biti drukcija od drugih.
Upravo cu pobit samu sebe:
[onu iz proslog posta]
Vesela sam.
Bio je Dorin rodjendan, pa sam bila vesela, ak ne zbog sebe [sto u ponedjeljak nije bilo moguce], onda zbog nje.
I cura.
Jucer smo isli u kazaliste.
Predstava je genijalna.
Smijala sam se od srca.
Nakon toga isto.
Kao da sam se napila.
A nisam.
Nema nekih stvari zbog kojih bi se pretjerano zivcirala.
Prije da sam zaljubljena.
Jer ne znam te, Celedaen.
Ne znam te, Dark Lord.
I wish I knew you.
I wish I could meet you.
I wish you wouldn't leave this night.
Without me.
I wish I could come with you.
I wish we played that game I dreamt.
I wish you love me.
Love me like I love you.
Zaintrigirao si me svojom kosom.
Duplo duzom od moje.
Isprva sam mislila da si cura.
Izgledao si zbunjeno.
Duge kose.
Dugih ruku.
Dugih prstiju.
Toplih smedjih ociju.
Otkako si me pogledao sa svojim ocima,
na hodniku prije priprema,
svijet za mene vise nije isti.
Otjerao si mrtvi mrak sa mog lica
koji je trajao tri mjeseca.
Unio si mi novi razlog zivljenja.
Razlog odlaska u skolu sretna.
Razlog bivanja zaljubljenom.
Dajes mi inspiraciju.
Za pjesme.
Za pricu.
Za daljnje nastavke.
Slusam tvoju muziku.
Zamisljam tebe.
Imam te u mislima.
Secemo po Maksimiru.
Ja u tvom zagrljaju.
Raznobojno lisce pada oko nas dok secemo Alejom.
Vjetar nam leluja kose.
Ljubis me u tjeme.
U celo.
Gdje zelis.
I wish this could happen.
Ne znam te, Celedaen.
Zarko zelim to promijeniti.
P.S. volim te...
....posveceno njemu....
18:28 ,
Komentiraj { 4 }