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30.11.2004., utorak
115 kitova i delfina nasukalo se i umrlo u 24 sata jucer i danas na australsikm otocima. Ne zna se uzrok.

- 21:12 - Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #
29.11.2004., ponedjeljak

- 22:43 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #
Snijeg, velovi

O Pamuku: moze biti da tema hits too close to home, bode me u jedan preosjetljiv centar. Htjela sam od knjige da se cvrsto opredijeli za prosvjetljenje i sekularizam, protiv vela, protiv zabradjivanja, protiv mracnog u ljudima i spolu, protiv zamracivanja uma. Protiv religije ili bar protiv fundamentalizma… Ovako, niti sam razumjela njegov stav, niti sam zeljela s njim suosjecati (jer intuitivno naslucujem sto je zelio, i prepoznajem da njegovo gadjenje i revolt poticu iz ljubavi), ali ja tu ljubav ne zelim dijeliti, ja sam spremna samo na mrznju i otpor. Mene plase zamotane zene, plasi me njihov zivot, plase me njihovi muskarci, plase me njihove ideje. Plasi me fanatizam i religijski zanosi. Ne razumijem zasto su se te djevojke htjele zabraditi, cak po cijenu samoubojstva—ili razumijem predobro. U svakom slucaju, gurnuta sam u ulogu ponizenog, u ulogu zrtve, ili me se podsjeca da jesam ponizena i zrtva, naprosto slucajem svog spola. A to me revoltira, i tako sam zavrsila knjigu s bijesom, jer me pisac nije zelio utjesiti—pa cak ni uzeti pod zastitu. Zapravo, i njega su ubili.

Wintersonova—steta, volim jako njenu strast, cijenim njen jedinstveni talent, ali cini mi se na silaznoj putanji, jos od “Gut symmetries”. Ponavlja se, hvata dah, flags and falls flat.

- 18:12 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #
27.11.2004., subota

Finished Andrei Codrescu's "Wakefield" (fun), Pamuk's "Snow" (unsatisfactory), "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell" by Susanna Clarke (entrancing), Jeanette Winterson's "Lighthousekeeping" (banal, self-plagiaristic). Saw Chaplin's delightful "Monsieur Verdoux".
- 17:48 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #
26.11.2004., petak

Nemam pojma hoce li ovo vidjeti, ali zao mi je sto je izbrisala svoj tako dobar i zanimljiv blog. Ima jos par ljudi koji su nestali, neke znamo gdje naci (Jordan? haj!), a neki su nazalost nestali bez traga... Odraz, Gayish... bas mi je zao, a najvise bi mi bilo zao da se ispostavi da su (ovo dvoje potonjih) ukinuli blogove zbog netolerancije. Nadam se da ipak nije bila stvar u tome...
- 20:53 - Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #
Questions for Elfriede Jelinek

A Gloom of Her Own


Were you surprised when you won the Nobel Prize?

Of course. I was convinced that, if Austria was to get it, it would go to Peter Handke, and rightly so.

Why are you skipping the award ceremony in Stockholm on Dec. 10?

I would attend the ceremony if I were able to. But unfortunately I'm mentally ill with agoraphobia. I'm unable to be in crowds, and I can't bear to be looked at.

That seems surprising for a writer known for her socially pointed works, including your new play, ''Bambiland,'' with its references to Abu Ghraib.

I consider the current presidency to be dangerous to the world. I am really afraid of Bush, actually less of him than of the deputies standing in the shadows behind him. Compared to their activities, even Thomas Pynchon's paranoid conspiracy theories are just children's books.

Why do you suppose European artists are so much more politically engaged than American ones?

The smaller a group, the easier it is for more people to argue and enter into discussions. The U.S. is vast. It's too large. The intellectuals hide out in enclaves, in big cities or universities, like a bunch of chickens hiding from a fox.

Much of your criticism has been aimed at your native Austria and its ''criminal'' Nazi past.

In Austria, a rather authoritarian Catholic country, the role of the social admonisher traditionally fell to artists because there were no great political thinkers.

Yet your novels, like ''Lust'' and ''Women as Lovers,'' focus on sexual politics.

I describe the relationship between man and woman as a Hegelian relationship between master and slave. As long as men are able to increase their sexual value through work, fame or wealth, while women are only powerful through their body, beauty and youth, nothing will change.

How can you cling to such dated stereotypes when you yourself are acclaimed internationally for your intellect?

A woman who becomes famous through her work reduces her erotic value. A woman is permitted to chat or babble, but speaking in public with authority is still the greatest transgression.

You're suggesting that your achievements, like winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, detract from your overall appeal.

Certainly! A woman's artistic output makes her monstrous to men if she does not know to make herself small at the same time and present herself as a commodity. At best people are afraid of her.

Is there any point in life when a woman grows too old to care about attracting male attention?

Yes, of course. But the tragedy begins when a distinguished older woman becomes a slave to a younger man.

This is the story you tell in ''The Piano Teacher,'' which was based on your own life. You trained as a musician and lived with your hypercritical mother in a house in Vienna.

I still live in that house, but my mother died four years ago. I used to commute back and forth between Vienna, where we lived, and Munich, where my husband lives. I still do it that way. A tale of two cities.

Why doesn't your husband move to Vienna to be with you?

Because I need to have a second home in another city. I have to be able to escape from Vienna as often as I like. That's why the home in Munich is almost more important to me than it is to my husband, who is fond of Munich because he grew up there.

Would you like your work to be more widely read in the United States?

Yes, that would be very nice. Americans would understand my irony and wit because, well, there is still a Jewish culture. Here, and especially in Germany, people hardly understand me because this Jewish world was destroyed by the Nazis. So I'm falling between all stools, as we would say here. People here no longer understand wit, and people in America don't understand the language in which I'm writing.

Have you ever visited the United States?

No, never. It's very difficult for me to travel and particularly to fly. Perhaps I'll take a boat to New York City one day. I'm just afraid that the speed and noise would make me mad as soon as I set foot on land.

- 18:57 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #
23.11.2004., utorak
Keep clicking.

I lost my frog
- 21:22 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

Margaret Ann Traub and Phyllis Deborah Dicker affirmed their partnership last evening at the Tropica, a restaurant in Manhattan. Rabbi Kenneth Brickman led the commitment ceremony.
Ms. Traub (above, left) is 46. She is the president and a founder of Adesso, a company in Manhattan that designs and makes lamps and other home furnishings. She graduated from Harvard.
Ms. Dicker, 53, is a psychotherapist in private practice in Brooklyn. She graduated from Brooklyn College and received a master's degree in social work from New York University and a postgraduate certificate in family therapy from the Family Institute of Westchester in Mount Vernon, N.Y.


Naomi Itta Cohen and Dr. Gina Maria Pastino affirmed their partnership yesterday at B'nai Keshet, a synagogue in Montclair, N.J. Rabbi Rachel Gartner performed the commitment ceremony.
Ms. Cohen, 33, is the assistant general counsel at KMC Telecom Holdings in Bedminster, N.J. She is also an adjunct professor of law at Montclair State University. She graduated from Rutgers and received her law degree from American University.
Dr. Pastino, 37, is a toxicologist in Lafayette, N.J., at Schering-Plough Research Institute, the research division of Schering-Plough, the pharmaceuticals company. She is also an adjunct professor of toxicology at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark, from which she received a doctorate in pharmacology and toxicology. She graduated from Mount Holyoke.

- 20:07 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #
19.11.2004., petak

Scicult: bridging science & culture through contemporary art
- 19:12 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

- 18:23 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #
17.11.2004., srijeda
Virginia Woolf in the virtual world

Jedini sacuvani primjerak njenog glasa, fragment iz jedne emisije na radiju:

- 18:48 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
Da, jos ceznem, ali vise to ne ocekujem. Mislila sam da ce mi fakultet i "odraslost" donijeti nesto takvo, ali nije; upoznala sam samo pojedince i prihvatila da ce se za mene (kao vjerojatno za veliku vecinu nas), neki vrhunac razumijevanja, harmonije, medjusobne inspiracije dostizati tek u odnosima jedan-na-jedan--i da ce od svega toga jedino biti neka sentimentalna vrijednost... Nisam kreativni talent, treba biti skroman, kako rece QSS, Bloomsburyjevci su bili ljudi izuzetnog dara, ukljucujuci genije poput Virginije i Keynesa...

Ove godine umrla je posljednja clanica Bloomsburyja, , Frances Partridge, relativno kasna pridoslica u tridesetim godinama proslog stoljeca (ono sto ce se kasnije zvati Bloomsburyjem pocelo se plesti nakon smrti Virginijinog oca, Leslieja Stephena 1904-e, kada su se mladi Stepheni: Thoby, Vanessa, Virginia i Adrian, nasli sami--i slobodni--na svijetu) i, samo ilustracije radi, evo ukratko pod kakvim okolnostima:

First, Frances fell for E M Forster and then for Ralph Partridge. But
her future husband was involved in menage a trois with Strachey and

Carrington was in love with the homosexual Strachey, Strachey was in
love with the heterosexual Partridge, and Patridge and Carrington were

Dora Carrington (koja je insistirala da je se zove samo "Carrington") se i udala za Ralpha jer ga je Lytton Strachey zelio pored sebe, (a Dora Lyttona, makar platonski), Ralph je to znao, no bio je lud za Carrington koja je cijeli zivot voljela Lyttona (ubila se nakon njegove smrti), ali je imala i niz afera, sto hetero, sto lezbijskih.

Scena iz "Carrington" (nju je glumila Emma Thompson, Stracheya Jonathan Pryce):

Njen portret Lyttona:

Carrington by Henry Lamb, u koga je Lytton bio zaljubljen:

- 18:04 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #
12.11.2004., petak
O mumificiranju zivotinja u starom Egiptu... macka, jastreb, ibis.

Millions of votive mummies of mammals, birds and reptiles were produced throughout ancient Egypt, with their popularity increasing during the reign of Amenhotep III (1400 BC) and thereafter. The scale of production has been taken to indicate that relatively little care and expense was involved in their preparation compared with human mummies1-3. The accepted view is that animals were merely wrapped in coarse linen bandages and/or dipped in 'resin' before death2-4. However, as with human mummification there was a range of qualities of treatments, and visual inspection of animal mummies suggests that the procedures used were often as complex as those used in humans (for example, evisceration and elaborate bandaging). Moreover, the ancient Egyptians treated animals with great respect, regarding them both as domestic pets and representatives of the gods; for example, the cat symbolized the goddess Bastet; the hawk, Horus; the ibis, Thoth, and so on. We report here the results of chemical investigations of tissues and wrappings from Pharaonic cat, hawk and ibis mummies using gas chromatography, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, thermal desorption–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry5, 6. The analyses reveal the presence of highly complex mixtures of n-alkyl and cyclic biomarker components characteristic of fats, oils, beeswax, sugar gum, petroleum bitumen, and coniferous, Pistacia and possibly cedar resins. The mixture of balms is of comparable complexity to those used to mummify humans from the same period6-8.

- 21:39 - Komentari (11) - Isprintaj - #
Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

- 16:20 - Komentari (8) - Isprintaj - #

Two Barbary Apes huddle over a newborn to shield him from falling snow at the "Monkey Mountain" in Kintzheim, France.

- 16:12 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #
11.11.2004., četvrtak
Za sve vas koje ne znam, a koje bi bilo tako lijepo sresti.

Hello Stranger
- 21:45 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #
(Htjela sam ispraviti los link u postu, ali ne da mi nikako uci u edit...)
- 21:15 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #
Izvrstan clanak iz "The Economista":

The triumph of the religious right

Moj najdrazi americki pisac, Edmund White, nabraja kratko knjige i pisce koje voli: Mes écrivains de chevet; meni je otkrio mnoge (James Merrilla, Jamesa Schuylera, Goytisola, Christine Stead itd.) kroz divne eseje u "The burning library".

U decembarskom Vanity Fair-u pisu o nekoj mladoj literarnoj senzaciji u Italiji, Melissi P., koja je s jedva 17 objavila bestseler 100 Colpi Di Spazzola Prima Di Andare A Dormire. Navodno, radi se o njenim osobnim seksualnim iskustvima s raznolikim stanovnistvom provincijalne Catanije. VF objavljuje i slike autorice, vrlo izazovne, nagoni me da se pitam kakav joj zivot mora biti nakon ovoga u Cataniji, ako je uopce tamo ostala.

E, ovo me podsjetilo na jednu upadljivu crtu talijanskih medija--golisave cure na svakom koraku, od onih smijesnih "velina" na televiziji do korica "politickih" tjednika. Ne sjecam se da sam ikad vidjela "L'Espresso" ili "Panoramu" bez zenskih sisa na njima. Neka me se ne shvati pogresno: nemam nista protiv golih (pa jos lijepih!) tijela, ali sve u svoje vrijeme, na pravom mjestu! Takva bezocna eksploatacija silno me nervira. Kad se tome doda kontekst "moralnog" i religioznog patrijarhalnog mediteranskog drustva, u kojem se ljudi jos odgajaju s (makar podsvjesnim) idejama o dihotomiji majka/kurva, licemjerje postaje takvo da ti se gadi gledat.

- 19:12 - Komentari (8) - Isprintaj - #
09.11.2004., utorak
Fuck the South


Arrogant? You wanna talk about us Northeasterners being fucking arrogant? What's more American than arrogance? Hmmm? Maybe horsies? I don't think so. Arrogance is the fucking cornerstone of what it means to be American. And I wouldn't be so fucking arrogant if I wasn't paying for your fucking bridges, bitch. [...]

Let’s talk about those values for a fucking minute. You and your Southern values can bite my ass because the blue states got the values over you fucking Real Americans every day of the goddamn week. Which state do you think has the lowest divorce rate you marriage-hyping dickwads? Well? Can you guess? It’s fucking Massachusetts, the fucking center of the gay marriage universe. Yes, that’s right, the state you love to tie around the neck of anyone to the left of Strom Thurmond has the lowest divorce rate in the fucking nation. Think that’s just some aberration? How about this: 9 of the 10 lowest divorce rates are fucking blue states, asshole, and most are in the Northeast, where our values suck so bad. And where are the highest divorce rates? Care to fucking guess? 10 of the top 10 are fucking red-ass we're-so-fucking-moral states. And while Nevada is the worst, the Bible Belt is doing its fucking part.

But two guys making out is going to fucking ruin marriage for you? Yeah? Seems like you're ruining it pretty well on your own, you little bastards. Oh, but that's ok because you go to church, right? I mean you do, right? Cause we fucking get to hear about it every goddamn year at election time. Yes, we're fascinated by how you get up every Sunday morning and sing, and then you're fucking towers of moral superiority. Yeah, that's a workable formula. Maybe us fucking Northerners don't talk about religion as much as you because we're not so busy sinning, hmmm? Ever think of that, you self-righteous assholes? No, you're too busy erecting giant stone tablets of the Ten Commandments in buildings paid for by the fucking Northeast Liberal Elite. And who has the highest murder rates in the nation? It ain't us up here in the North, assholes.


- 16:55 - Komentari (19) - Isprintaj - #

Slavoj Zizek: The Liberal Waterloo
- 16:41 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #
08.11.2004., ponedjeljak
Movies seen:

"L'enfance nue" and "L'amour existe" by Maurice Pialat, Sam Fuller's freaky, over-the-top "Shock corridor" and "Steel helmet", Chaplin's "Modern times" and the captivating original 1954 "Godzilla".

Books read:

Haddon's "The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime", Photius' "Biblioteca" (ed. Adelphi), Hippocrates (ed. Seuil).

- 20:47 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #
U ozujku ove godine objavljen je rad harvardskih biologa koji pokazuje da se u misevima jajne stanice i folikuli stvaraju jos dugo nakon fetalnog perioda--sto je potuklo staru "dogmu" o ogranicenoj rezervi jajasaca kod zenki sisavaca.

Proslotjedni uvod u Nature-u, pod naslovom "Good Eggs", argumentira da nema mjesta dobnoj diskriminaciji ("ageism") u reproduktivnoj medicini--a ni seksizmu, koji slavi starije oceve, a napada starije majke.

[...] the menopause occurs not when eggs produced by the embryo eventually run out, as previously thought, but when cell death outpaces egg production in the adult ovary. If this is true for humans, the implications for treating infertility and health problems related to the menopause are profound. But it would be unfortunate if the suitability of older mothers also became a prominent part of discussions.

It is appropriate to scrutinize the societal impacts of any research, but a double standard may exist with regard to fertility. Men who father children into their golden years are more likely to receive back slaps than pressure to stop. In contrast, many fertility clinics deny services to women over 50, and even as young as 45. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine's ethics committee discourages oocyte donation to postmenopausal women, citing a variety of concerns relating to the medical condition of mother and baby, as well as the psychological effect on the baby of having an older mother.

In truth, the likelihood that any individual will be a good parent depends on a variety of factors, only one of which is age. And while it is true that children of older parents have a higher risk of birth defects, this can be lessened by screening high-risk embryos for genetic defects before implantation. As for the medical risks, a 2002 study showed that pregnancy for women in their fifties from in vitro fertilization (IVF) is just as safe as for younger women who had IVF from donor eggs, and found no reason to exclude women over 50 from pregnancy on the basis of age alone (J. Am. Med. Assoc. 288, 2320–2323; 2002). [...]

Whether the menopause is seen as a medical condition requiring treatment or a phase of life to be tolerated, it is clear that, as human lifespan is extended, the ability to delay the menopause will be attractive to many women. Hormone-replacement therapy is no alternative to functioning ovaries, so it is to be hoped that a better understanding of ovarian regeneration will lead to improved treatments.

Research into women's reproductive health is important for its potential benefits to quality of life and overall health. It should not be sidetracked by detractors who make the patronizing and outdated argument that older women shouldn't have babies that they will be too old to care for.

- 17:47 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #
05.11.2004., petak
na mladima svijet ostaje

Kako bi rezultati izgledali da su glasali samo mladi izmedju 18 i 29 godina:

- 18:13 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #
Ovaj clanak mi je proslijedila prijateljica iz New Orleansa, koji je demokratska oaza (uz Shreveport) u konzervativnoj Louisiani.

A Letter to Incredulous Friends Around the World

Interaktivna mapa koja pokazuje rezultate po drzavama na ovom linku (predjite misem preko drzave):

Election results

Vise podataka i grafika o izborima--mnogi izuzetno zanimljivi, pokazujuci kako su za Busha nenaseljena podrucja, ruralna sredina i predgradja, a za Kerryja urbani centri--ovdje:

The final tally

Ukupan broj individualnih glasova:

Bush 51.08%
Kerry 48.02%
Nader 0.34%

Elektoralni glasovi (oni koje nose pojedine drzave):

Bush 274
Kerry 252

Za proglasenje predsjednikom potrebno je osvojiti prag od 270 glasova.
- 17:07 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #
04.11.2004., četvrtak

Amerika se potpuno podijelila, ugrubo, na urbane liberale i zadrte "ruralne" konzervativce. Regija izmedju dvaju obala, posprdno zvana "flyover country" (jer se u nju ne ide, vec je se samo prelijece), Bible Belt i nazadni Jug diktiraju americku politiku.

U New Yorku, koji je 80% glasao za Kerryja, San Franciscu, Washingtonu (90% za Kerryja) osjecaju kao da zive na drugom planetu od ostatka Amerike. Upravo halucinantan paradoks: Njujorcani, koji su na vlastitoj kozi osjetili terorizam, redom su osudili rat u Iraku--zapocet na perfidno laznoj osnovi "obrane od terorizma"--dok je masa u srednjem dijelu zemlje, malo vjerojatna zrtva buducih napada, kao hipnotizirane ovce nasjela na sve ucjenjivacke, zaplasujuce trikove Busheve administracije--cak i nakon sto je ta administracija SAMA PRIZNALA DA SADDAM NIJE IMAO NIKAKVE VEZE S TERORISTIMA! Tri cetvrtine Bushevih biraca i dalje vjeruje da je Saddam direktno vezan za Al-Qaedu.

No, njima je zapravo rat u Iraku, privreda, obrazovanje, zadnja rupa na svirali, njima je bitan "karakter" predsjednika. U ocima "srednje" Amerike, Bush, taj inkompetentni (nijedan poslovni napor mu nije uspio), glupavi (kupio je prolaz na Yaleu, i to dvojke), kukavicki (izbjegao je sluziti u Vijetnamu i nikad nije dovrsio ni zapoceto letacko obrazovanje--premda je imao obraza pozirati u uniformi letaca nakon sto ga je netko drugi, jasno, spustio na nosac aviona) redikul (iscitao cijelu pricu o jarcu djecici dok su se tornjevi WTCja rusili), lazov (a di bi poceli...?)--taj stvor, dakle, ima "karakter" i "vrijednosti"--iste kao i srednja Amerika. Kako rece Wilde--drago je Calibanu u ogledalu vidjet Calibana. Kako recemo mi--svoje govno ne smrdi. Jer, premda je Bush dijete prebogate dinastije i jednako daleko od istinske seoske sirotinje i proletera kao i "sjeveroistocni elitist" Kerry, znao je kao i Reagan nabaciti tu "nasi smo" facu; a uostalom, ta jadna stoka ima razloga vjerovati da je Bush "kao oni": jednako neobrazovan, ksenofoban, arogantan, zadrt sovinist. Covjece, pa on nikad nije bio u Evropi (ili igdje van Amerike izuzev Meksika!) dok nije ukrao predsjednistvo!

Na stranu izbor predsjednika, u Kongres i Senat, koji su oboje pod republikanskom kontrolom, usla su jos neka zastrasujuca nova lica: fundamentalisti, homofobi, rasisti, prikaze iz biblijskog doba.

Demokrati su u rasulu. Ma, dobili su sto su zasluzili, kad nisu mogli naci kandidata i platformu da potuce ovo ruglo od "politicara". Ali, svi mi zasluzujemo bolje, svi mi trebamo bolje.

Sljedeci rat? Bojim se za Siriju.

- 21:54 - Komentari (12) - Isprintaj - #
02.11.2004., utorak
Iz portfolija "Democracy" Richarda Avedona koji je umro proslog mjeseca:

Russ Irwin Porter, director, Harvard School of Public Health, and Christian Schlesinger Porter, elementary-school teacher, who were married on May 17th, with their daughter, Nina. Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts.

Vise slika na ovom linku:


- 14:56 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

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