Upoznajte golle&bosse. Gollyh&bossyh je dvoje: jedni golly&bossy žive u Starom Kraju gdje kustose i oru na njivama kulture, a drugi golly&bossy su bauštelci u Dalekoj Australiji. Golly&bossy dijele sklonost prema muzejima, klasičnoj latinštini, klingonskom i odjevnim kombinacijama berača maslina. Golly&bossy komuniciraju zamršenim lingvističkim kodovima i majestičnim pluralom koji mnoge nervira. I nisu otvorili hostel u Splitu koji se kiti istim imenom.
Dragi Naši,
Svojedobno nam je glavni konzervator za nepokretnu baštinu (ni manje ni više) da recept za rižoto od šparoga (Asparagus officinalis) i bjušći (Tamus communis, klik).
Naravno prvo treba nabrat bjušći i šparoga, a to je prilika za ugodnu šetnju. A Otok je pun iznenađenja i čuda, to smo već ranije zaključili (klik). Evo naprimjer uzorni maslinik u kojem je zasađen bob koji će kao i svaka grahorica zemlju opskrbit dušikom. Ali što je fićo? Izvor željeza? Ekološko-umjetnička instalacija? Koloristički akcent u pejzažu?
I’m going to write about the wild asparaguses risotto, but to make that one has to pick the wild asparaguses. In doing so one can meet many wonders that the Island offers as we have wrote before (click). Just like this olive grove with fava beans planted in it. Fava beans roots will put the nitrogen into the soil but what is the car wreck for? The source of the iron for the soil? Eco-art instalation? Coloristic accent in the landscape?
Ali homo min na šparoge i bjušće. Za koje treba strpljenja i oko sokolovo. Ala, ko vidi dvi šparoge dole? Bravo! A ko ne vidi neka klikne na klik.
But let’s return to wild asparaguses (Asparagus officinalis) and it’s cousins on the plate Black Bryony (Tamus communis). One has to have a hawk eye and a lot's of patiente to find it. So, who can spot two asparaguses on the above photos? You can? Good for you! But if you can't see it click on the click.
Dobro, bjušće možete kupit i na pazaru. Ali ih isto morate očisit. I ne smite vrć oni tvrdi dil što se inače vrže. Jer će doć u taj za temeljac!
OK, you can buy wild asparaguses and black bryonies on the market. But still you have to cut of the hard parts. And don't throw it away because you'll use it to make the vegetable stock
Zažutili smo kapulu, a sa strane se već krčka temeljac.
Soft the oninon on olive oil, and in the other pot have the asparagus stock simmering.
Onda smo dodali rizi, njih malo frigali dok nisu bile staklaste. I puno puno mišali. Baš kako ste i Vin rekli za bruštulane mindele (klik): “Ne javjajte se na mobitel. Ne gledajte televiziju. Nemojte poć mest kuhinju. Nego Mišajte. Važan je svaki djelić sekunde. Okrećite.” Nakon 2-3 minuta na rizi smo dodali i bilega vina.
Then add rice and fry it till it became transparent. And stir, stir a lot. Risotto requires lot of stirring. So don’t answer the phone, don’t watch TV, do not wash dishes in the mean time. Stir it up! And then pour some white wine over the rice.
Dunkve, vino je isparilo, a sa strane se lagano varu ostaci od šparoga. To je temeljac i sad smo pomalo tu juhu počeli dodavat u rizi. Malo dodamo juhe, malo mišamo.
So, the wine has evaporated, and now we started to ad the vegetable stock from the uneatable parts of the asparagus. The stock has to be boiling hot. So add stock, stir rice. Ad and stir. Ad and stir.
Kad su rizi bile napola gotove dodali smo očišćene bjušće. I stalno mišali i dodavali juhu.
When the rice is half done add the soft part of the asparaguses. And keep stirring and adding stock.
Na kraju smo dodali i šafrana, da bude boja boja. Samo smo falili jer bi bilo boje da smo ga prvo rastopili u malo juhe, a tek onda dodali u rižot.
When the rice is almost done add some saffron. But it is better to melt it in some stock and then add it to the risotto. The colour will be more intensive. We made a mistake her about it.
Rižot je gotov. Sad tuka izgasit plin i dodat malo masla i izgratat parmezana unutra. Sve umišat i pustit da se rižot odmara 5-10 min.
The wild asparagus risotto is done. Now add some butter and grate some Parmesan cheese in. Stir and let it rest ofr 5-10 minutes before serving.
I na kraju savršena glazbena podloga za mišanje rižota. Bob Marley i Stir it up.
And finally the perfect soundtrack for cooking risotto. Stir it up by Bob Marley.
E, da. Iza rižota savršeno sede savršena sirnica. Nismo je učinili Min. Poslala je je susida.
Oh, yes. After the risotto it is good to eat this perfect cake. It is a traditional Easter cake, something like Italian colomba click. We haven't made this. A neighbor sent it.
Iako udaljen od urbanih središta i velikih događanja, naš mali otok diše punim plućima i živi intenzivnim intelektualnim i duhovnim životom, a društvenih događanja nam ne fali. Možda fali malo glamura i dobre promidžbe, ali zato su tu Golly&Bossy. Ovaj vikend će se u Galeriji 3VOLTA u Lumbardi povodom Dana planeta Zemlje otvoriti izložba "Plimni val u Veloj Luci 1978.". Postavljanje ove izložbe rezultat je suradnje Galerije moderne i suvremene umjetnosti Centra za kulturu Vela Luka i Udruge "Bašćina" iz Lumbarde u sklopu koje djeluje i Galerija "3VOLTA". Inače, ove dvije ustanove, zajedno s Gradskim muzejem Korčula i Galerijom "Siva zona" iz Korčule tvore neformalnu kulturnu mrežu otoka Korčule pod nazivom "Kor::net" tj. Korčula network. Važno je istaknuti da je sastavni dio ove važne, lijepe i šarolike potke i naš blog tj. Mi & Vi, Golly&Bossy. Članovi se međusobno druže, pomažu, razmjenjuju ideje i što je najvažnije, šire pozitivnu energiju. Također, Mreža ima svoje izaslanike u Londonu i Amsterdamu. Povodom 30 godina od katastrofalnog plimnog vala koji je Veloj Luci nanio ogromnu materijalnu štetu, u Galeriji moderne i suvremene umjetnosti Centra za kulturu u Veloj Luci postavljena je izložba na kojoj su prezentirane fotografije prikupljene od mještana, intervjui sa svjedocima plime i filmski zapisi. Osim toga, žene iz veloluškog Foruma žena su samoinicijativno, a u dogovoru s autorom izložbe, po valama sakupile vagu i moreplovinu te je rasule po dvorištu ispred galerije. Ovim činom uspjele su dočarati izgled mjesta nakon plime i, nesvjesno, izvele izvanredan performans. Bravo, žene!
Na otvorenju izložbe bilo je odlično. Žene iz Foruma napravile su izvrsne pogače i brdo drugih delicija, a posjetitelja je bilo jako puno.
Kad je bila plima u Luci, Mi smo imali četiri godine i sjećamo se kako smo se dan prije igrali u dvoru u barbe Ivana i kako smo jednega malega žutega tovara od gume vezali za nogu od jednega teškega pitara. Sutradan je plima odnila sve igračke iz dvora, a osta je samo mali žuti gumeni tovar. Izgleda je ko jedno malo izgubljeno žuto sunce. Ono što je zanimljivo je da Mi sve to pamtimo u crno-bijeloj tehnici, jedino je u svemu temu tovar u boji. Možda zato obožavamo žutu boju i kupujemo žute torbice.
Evo malo fotografija s izložbe:
I sa otvorenja:
Evo i baner tj. cerada:
Eto. Veselimo se izložbi u Lumbardi i druženju s kolegama i prijateljima. Super je kad sretnete ljude koji mogu bit i jedno i drugo. Similis simili gaudet...
p.s. Nadamo se da će Grk teć u potocima i da će Lumbarajke nafrigat gigantske pršurate tj. pršurate-krafne. Kršurate!
Draghi Naši,
Već znate da je Otok pun čuda. Evo par primjera s našeg nedavnog posjeta.
Prvo. Torcida kojoj ni teško iz Australije doć da bi ostavila trag na kontejneru.
Pješčana plaža možda izgleda kao već viđeno, ali kad se zna da je sva pržina došla vitrom iz Sahare, e onda je već gledamo drugima očima. Sve pješčane plaže na Jadranu i otok Susak, sve je to došlo iz Sahare.
There are many strange things back on the Island. This looks like an ordinary sand beach but if you know that the wind brought the sand all the way from Sahara then one has to say respect. All the Adriatic sand beaches and the island Susak (click), everything came from Sahara.
A ovo je najčudnija stvar. Kozlić bez glave.
And this is the strangest thing. A headless goat kid.
Dragi Naši,
Koliko je kago korak naprid i korak razmotrit ćemo sad. Evo naprimjer, trajekt. Prvo je bila Porozina. Nje se ne sjećamo, ali su nan rekli da je dobro tukla more i da je uvik isplovljavala. Lastova II se sa sjetom sjećamo, najbolji trajekt ikad, koji je bi brz i udoban sa svoja 3 salona, ali je ima odvratne zahode. Došla je i spora Istra i sumnjamo da smo na njon jedanput skupili niku bakteriju od koje smo rigali još danima. Bi je i oni bezvezni Bartol Kašić, koji je jedva vrijedan spomena što se tiče udobnosti i brzine. A sad imamo turbo fensi Korčulu koja izgleda prekokrasno, ali zna prilično vajat i po slabijem vrimenu.
Insoma, isplovili smo iz Splita. Oni koji su željni morskih veduta neka pogledaju video.
So, this Easter we travelled from Split to the Island with a ferryboat. This is the video of casting off. For those who love the sea and the ports and the ships.
Na brodu smo se ponašali kako svaki pravi iseljenik koji se vraća doma, sve nan je bilo zanimljivo i sve smo slikali. Evo panorame Splita i pogleda na gornju palubu.
The view on Split and the upper deck of a new and very nice ferryboat that sails from Split to the Island.
Još malo gornje palube. Slika pod nazivom “Pola trajekt, pola more“
More of the upper deck. We named this photo “half of the ferryboat, half of the sea
Već su počeli i furešti. To su oni uz ogradu što slikaju.
The first tourist are arriving. They are those next to the railing.
Kad se jedan naš mali rođak prvi put vozi brodom pita je “Mama, tko je bacio šampon u more?“
On his first boat ride, our little cousin aksed: “Mum, who put shampoo into the see?
Trajekt je nov, ali ipak polovan. Kupljen je u Grčkoj, očito.
The ferry boat is new, but still it is secondhand one. Obviously, it was bought in Greece.
Ovo je jedan salon. Totalno fensi, izgleda kako niki lipi kafić. I zahodi su takvi (jo kad se sjetimo onih smrdljivih zahodi na Lastovu II…). Bili bi ih slikali, ali uvik je bi niko unutra pa nan je bilo neugodno.
One of the salons. Looks like a fancy café.
Flatscreen televizija na svaken kantunu. Slika dobra. Luksuzu, ime ti je Korčula.
The flat screen TV sets on every corner.
Ovo je iz restorana. E tu smo došli do koraka nazad. Bi je Veli petak i mislili smo da ćemo na brodu izist malo bakalara. Kad tamo da imaju samo naravni odrezak i sendviće Montana. Odma smo se sjetili jednega našega barbe i promislili kako se sigurno okreće u grobu. Naime, barba je bi jedan vridni težak koji je ima gust poć u Split samo da ji na brodu. Najpoznatiji su bili šniceli i on bi izi jedne ujutro, a jedne na povratku. U Split ne bi ni izaša. Osim šniceli i sva ostala spiza je bila odlična, a za nju je bi zaslužan čuveni kuhar Srećko. Srećka su zvali u razne restorane, ali on bi reka da ne zna kuhat nego samo na brodu. Nažalost, sadašnji kuhar ne zna kuhat ni na brodu.
This is a shot from the restaurant. This was the only bad thing on the boat. It was Good Friday and we wanted to eat some Good Friday traditional fish dishes but there was nothing but pork chops and some pre-packed sandwiches. We thought of another cousins of ours who would be very sad if he new that. This cousin was a hard working farmer but few times a year he would go to Split just to enjoy the meals cooked on the boat. The most famous were schnitzels, and he would eat one portion in the morning, and one on the way back. He wouldn’t even leave the boat in Split. Other then schnitzels everything else was delicious too, prepared by the famous cook Srećko (Felix in Croatian). Many renowned restaurants invited him to come and work for them but he used to say that he doesn’t know how to cook if he isn’t on a boat. Apparently, the current cook on this ferryboat doesn’t know how to cook if he is on a boat.
I tako. Korak naprid, korak nazad. Kako i ova lanterna. Gore solarno napajanje dole ruzina.
So, one step forward, one step back. Nice ferryboat, bad cook. Like this lantern - solar cells on top rust on the bottom.
P.S. Da se razumimo i ne zamirimo Jadroliniji: putovanje nam je svejedno bilo lipo. To što smo ostali gladni samo znači da smo više uživali popari od sušene tabinje koja nas je čekala doma.
Dragi naši,
Jučer kad smo jezdili doma na svojon zlatnon bicikli isprid nas je protrčalo ništo i ne tako sitno. “Štakor” promislili smo, a kad tamo jež. “Jež, jež, Ježurka Ježić povazdan luta” u sebi smo skakali od sriće, pomalo mu se približili i uslikali ga. On je vjerojatno protrnu od straha, ali odma smo ga pustili na miru da lovi i luta.
Nu, kako je lipi
Onda smo zaključili da o ježevima ne znamo baš puno i odlučili popunit te rupe. Ispalo je da se u mitovima i pričama ježevi obično opisuju kao marljiva i zdravorazumna bića (klik). To smo znali iz Ježeve kućice (klik), a mi smo htili priče di je jež još veća faca.
E to nan se već više svidilo. Još smo i naučili da ni istina da ježevi nabodu jabuke na bodlje i onda ih nosu u ježevu kućicu, premda Plinije Stariji tako tvrdi (klik). Ali i dalje nan je falilo štogo malo opakije. Ne može jež bit baš takva dobrica, ne s onakvom frizurom. Uostalom, babilonska kultura povezivala ga je s boginjom Ištar, boginjom rata i smrti (klik).
I na kraju smo našli priču Jež i njegovi mesari (klik). “To je to“ rekli smo i na velika vrata doveli kajkavštinu na Golle&bosse.
Jež i njegovi mesari
Tak je bil jež. On je imel jenega pajceka. Išel je njemu jabuk stepat. Onda je zišel dole, pak se je valal pod jabukoj. Onda je po 'ne bodinje nabol jabuk, pak je nosil svomu pajceku. Kad mu donesel, onda je njega prijel pajcek za 'ne bodinje, pa ga je hitil z koca vun.
Onda on išel po drugi put po jabuke. Donesel mu je jabuk još jen put, a onda ga je pak hitil s koca vun. Onda on išel po drugi put, a onda ga je pak hitil s koca vun. Tak i trejti put, pak mu onda već nije nikaj dal jesti. Jež je onda išel mesara iskat, da bu pajceka zaklal. Došel do prvoga onoga zajca. Pita njega zajec:
- Kam ideš ti kumek?
Veli jež:
- Idem mesara iskat.
- Kaj, - veli, - ja ne bi bil tebi dober mesar?
- Nuder, - veli, - ti kaži svoje nože-zube!
Onda zajec njemu pokazal nože svoje. Jež mu veli:
- Ti ne bi bil dober.
Onda je išel dale i je našel lisicu. Pita ga lisica:
- Čuješ ti, kume, kam ti ideš?
Onda on veli:
- Idem iskat mesara.
Lisica mu veli:
- Kaj ti ja ne bi dober mesar bil?
Veli on njoj:
- Kaži ti svoje nože.
Onda ona pokaže sve nože. On ji veli:
- E, ti ne bi bil dober mesar.
Onda ide, ide dale, pak je došel do voka.
Pita ga vok:
- Kam ideš ti, kume?
- Ja idem, - veli, - mesara iskat.
- Kaj ti ja ne bi bil dober mesar?
Onda veli on:
- Dej, - veli, - kaži tvoje nože.
On mu pokazal.
- E, - veli, kumek, ti bi dober bil.
Onda su oni išli tam, dje je pajcek bil. Oni su se pogodili. Jež je otišel vu štacun po sol, a vok do te čas pajceka zaklal i pojel, dok je došel jež.
Onda ga je išel tožiti, i vok je išel ž njim. Tak su oni došli na tožbu. Jež ga je tožil pri jenem grmu, - ondje su bile jene kleščice. Zval je voka na sodbu i rekel je voku:
- Sad ti moraš tu z glavum sbuditi soca.
Onda je vok tam z glavum štel zbuditi soca, pak se je vlovil. Jež je se okolu tancal i rekel, da mu je prav, zakaj mu je pajceka pojel.
To je konec kraj. Već je ne.
Tak smo bili Min
P.S. Ništa ni slučajno i sve se vrti kolo nas. Taman objavimo ovi post od ježu i vidimo Ježev blog na listi ispod nas.
Dragi Naši,
Je li se sjećate kad ste nan prin 100 godišć bili spržili oni country CD što van je bila donila sestra iz Amerike? Nismo imali pojma koje su to pjesme i ko ih pjeva, ali nas ni bilo puno ni briga, a sviđale su nan se jedino pjesme Boy named Sue i All my ex's live in Texas. U to vrime još nismo bili osvjestili svoju ljubav prima countryju, ali smo u međuvremenu evoluirali i sad svaku nediju po cilu nediju slušamo o konjima, kaubojima, kamionima, prašini i djevojkama u prikolicama (klik, klik). A na vaš CD smo bili skroz zaboravili...
...sve dok danas na našoj country stanici na Last.fmu nismo čuli poznate taktove i stihove all my ex's live in Texas and that's why I hang my hat in Tennessee. “Ideššš” rekli smo sami sebi i odlučili doznat više o toj temi. Prvo smo na svoje buduće putovanje od obale do obale (klik) uz Dollywood, Las Vegas, Nashville i Graceland dodat još 4 destinacije: Texarkanu, Abilene, Galveston i Temple, a usput i naučili što je Abilenski paradoks (klik).
Long time ago we got a burned country music CD. We had no idea about the songs and the performers, and we only liked Boy named Sue and All my ex's live in Texas. Since then we evolved towards the country and now every Sunday we enjoy the songs on horses, cowboys, trucks, dust and girls from the trailer parks (click, click). But we totally forgot about the CD…
… until today, when on our country station on Last.fm we heard the familiar tune and lyrics all my ex's live in Texas and that's why I hang my hat in Tennessee. “Top“ we said to ourself and decided to find out more on the subject. First we decide to add four more destination to our future coast to coast journey. So besides Dollywood, Nashville, Las Vegas and Graceland we will also visit Texarkana, Abilene, Galveston and Temple. We also learned what is the Abilene paradox (click).
A pouka pjesme je da treba u širokem luku izbjegavat osobe kakve su Rosanna, Ilene, Allison i Dimples jer one šire negativne vibre. Pa makar noga više i ne stupila u Teksas.
And the moral of this song is that one should avoid persons like Rosanna, Ilene, Allison and Dimples because they are all about negative vibes. Even if one never comes to Texas again.
“How come you have so many things from Australia?“ asked Zoe (click). “Oh, I’ll translate it for you“ said us.
So, some time ago we saw the film Australia. We recommend it to all with extra time to spare because it is really long. Luckily, we liked it so we made it through the end.
But while at the cinema we were thinking how deeply our life is connected with Australia. You know, Australia is our spiritual homeland, our holy mountain is Uluru (click), and the Southern Cross is shining at our skies. And if you thought that the colour of this blog is randomly picked just remember the colour of the ring representing Australia on the Olympic flag.
But really, all of us from our island (and many other Croatian islands) grew up with Australia. Everybody has at least half of the family there and there isn’t one house without the Australian traces: T-shirts with the map of West Australia, calendars, tea towels/calendars, clocks, watches, plates, pencils, tablecloths, caps, wallets, pillows… The list is endless, and we have to point out that the Australian fauna is the main motive of these souvenirs. Among the fauna the most frequent are kangaroos and koalas. The other motive is the Sidney Bridge and Opera house (when we were a child we thought that is the most important and the largest opera in the whole wide world).
A colleague, who also has experience with the Australian Diaspora and an incredible souvenirs supplies, told us that he think there is a huge souvenir well at the Australian airports and everybody leaving the country grab as much as they can from that well.
So, let’s see how Australia materialised in our residence, and we also asked the Sister back on the Island to photograph what is there (actually, we asked her to photograph just one thing we thought off, but in the process 4 other things emerged.)
Coasters: kangaroos, koalas and some birds. What I miss is the kookaburra, a rather plain bird (klik), but very important for us because the Grandfather told the story of catching a kookaburra at least three times a year. Back in the times the Grandfather also immigrated to Australia, and to get there he travelled by ship for two months because some war was on and the Suez channel was closed. In Australia he worked on a farm, and once he caught a kookaburra. The bosses son then said, and the Grandfather always quoted: "Father, father, Tony caught kookaburra!"
The Grandfather brought some English back with him, mostly curses, and since the Grandmother hated curses, she let him curse in English because she couldn’t understand him. Grandfather’s favourite was bloody fucking bastard and we were so used to it that the Grandmother used to say: “The Grandfather is angry, he’s been bastering the whole day.“
The Grandfather came back from Australia, but many others haven’t. They sent them letters like this. This one came by post but more often the letters were brought by someone visiting the Old country. Those couriers usually distributed letters the first two weeks of they visit, and collect the fresh ones the last two weeks. That practice was ideal for meeting old friends and relatives, but the real reason was that our people are sceptical, trusting more to one of their own than to the postal service. Another reason were dollars sent in these letter that one couldn’t send through the regular mail. The Grandfather didn’t need money, but he lent money for the ticket to Australia to many and they always thanked him with little something although they payed their debts already. The letters that came by post usually had cheques and they helped us learn about the capitalist banking in our socialistic childhood.
This is an old Australian dollar from one of those letters. We think that the Australian dollars and former Dutch guilders are the most beautiful money in the whole world – all warm and colourful.
These are new Australian dollars from our own treasury. Our family always had dollars from the above-mentioned letters so our mother always gave us some whenever we were going abroad. These 50 AUD are actually the only cash we have with us.
The new dollars are even more beautiful then the old one, and we especially like the little window in the corner (see how transparent is it, there where the Southern cross is). Australian dollars rule!
Let’s return to the animal kingdom. This is the official address-book of our family.
This is an interactive souvenir. Kangaroo pencil, that shines when one uses it, and its arms/paws are movable. Brilliant.
Another kangaroo, this time on a bookmark.
This bookmark has a long story behind. Our Grandmother had a brother and the three sisters. The brother left for Australia and never contacted the sisters again. There he got a son and gave him a Croatian name Tomislav and taught him Croatian, but he never told him there is family back in the Old Country. What happened is that the old guy had a traffic accident and just before he died he told the son about the 4 aunts. When that Cousin finally came to a visit he brought 3 bookmarks. One for our Mother, one for the Sister, and one for us. Aren’t we lucky!
But that is not important. The important is that the Cousin is actually an Australian Aborigine. How? Simple, the Cousin is a doctor and he works a lot with Aborigines and helps them so much that they accepted him into a tribe. He was supposed to get the tattoo of his tribal name on his chest, but he said he rather wouldn’t so they made him a picture with the same motive and it is in his office now.
If our Cousin is an Aborigine, so are we and that’s why we could connect even more with the film Australia.
By the way, the Australia keeps turning to its Aboriginal roots and the souvenirs too. We’re getting less of the kangaroos and the koalas, and more of the aboriginal motives. The trend started with the Cousins bookmarks.
When the Diaspora invites family from the Old Country to a visit the family returns full of the abovementioned souvenirs. But before that they send a postcard. Ufff, we can’t wait when we’ll be able to send a postcard from Australia. And we promise everybody will get something from that airport well.
In what other ways Australia touched our life and that isn’t in this post:
• Our first and only Barbie doll came from Australia, together with loads of clothes. Other friends had Barbies too, but none of them had such huge wardrobe. Of course, Australian Barbie had lots of beach clothes.
During the course of time Barbie lost all her clothes, and finally we lost her too. But we have another toy from Australia. These monkeys. We were the only one with this toy in the whole town and other than that the toy isn’t really interesting.
• The two trays: one had Sidney bridge and opera house by day, the other Sidney bridge and opera house by night. For years our family used them for serving watermelons.
• An apron with aboriginal motives that arrived together with the bookmarks. The apron is at our summerhouse, far from the reach of camera at this moment, but it is beautiful. We are always combining how we could make a top or a T-shirt out of it, anything that we could wear more often then an apron.
• A boomerang that arrived together with the apron and the bookmarks. The boomerang also had the aboriginal motives painted on it but at the end it turned out to be malfunctioning: our father tested it, and threw it away but it never returned.
• A clock in the shape of the Australian continent that had a koala on 12, a kangaroo on 3, a platypus on 6 and an emu on 9. Recently the clock fell apart and was tossed away before it was photo documented. Our greatest regret is that clock is not among these photos because it was a quintessence of Australian souvenirs.
Finally, this is an advertisement for the Australian tourism. By the director of the film Australia and with the boy from the film. If nothing you have to see that film because of him.