Dragi Naši,
Svojedobno nam je glavni konzervator za nepokretnu baštinu (ni manje ni više) da recept za rižoto od šparoga (Asparagus officinalis) i bjušći (Tamus communis, klik).
Naravno prvo treba nabrat bjušći i šparoga, a to je prilika za ugodnu šetnju. A Otok je pun iznenađenja i čuda, to smo već ranije zaključili (klik). Evo naprimjer uzorni maslinik u kojem je zasađen bob koji će kao i svaka grahorica zemlju opskrbit dušikom. Ali što je fićo? Izvor željeza? Ekološko-umjetnička instalacija? Koloristički akcent u pejzažu?
I’m going to write about the wild asparaguses risotto, but to make that one has to pick the wild asparaguses. In doing so one can meet many wonders that the Island offers as we have wrote before (click). Just like this olive grove with fava beans planted in it. Fava beans roots will put the nitrogen into the soil but what is the car wreck for? The source of the iron for the soil? Eco-art instalation? Coloristic accent in the landscape?
Ali homo min na šparoge i bjušće. Za koje treba strpljenja i oko sokolovo. Ala, ko vidi dvi šparoge dole? Bravo! A ko ne vidi neka klikne na klik.
But let’s return to wild asparaguses (Asparagus officinalis) and it’s cousins on the plate Black Bryony (Tamus communis). One has to have a hawk eye and a lot's of patiente to find it. So, who can spot two asparaguses on the above photos? You can? Good for you! But if you can't see it click on the click.
Dobro, bjušće možete kupit i na pazaru. Ali ih isto morate očisit. I ne smite vrć oni tvrdi dil što se inače vrže. Jer će doć u taj za temeljac!
OK, you can buy wild asparaguses and black bryonies on the market. But still you have to cut of the hard parts. And don't throw it away because you'll use it to make the vegetable stock
Zažutili smo kapulu, a sa strane se već krčka temeljac.
Soft the oninon on olive oil, and in the other pot have the asparagus stock simmering.
Onda smo dodali rizi, njih malo frigali dok nisu bile staklaste. I puno puno mišali. Baš kako ste i Vin rekli za bruštulane mindele (klik): “Ne javjajte se na mobitel. Ne gledajte televiziju. Nemojte poć mest kuhinju. Nego Mišajte. Važan je svaki djelić sekunde. Okrećite.” Nakon 2-3 minuta na rizi smo dodali i bilega vina.
Then add rice and fry it till it became transparent. And stir, stir a lot. Risotto requires lot of stirring. So don’t answer the phone, don’t watch TV, do not wash dishes in the mean time. Stir it up! And then pour some white wine over the rice.
Dunkve, vino je isparilo, a sa strane se lagano varu ostaci od šparoga. To je temeljac i sad smo pomalo tu juhu počeli dodavat u rizi. Malo dodamo juhe, malo mišamo.
So, the wine has evaporated, and now we started to ad the vegetable stock from the uneatable parts of the asparagus. The stock has to be boiling hot. So add stock, stir rice. Ad and stir. Ad and stir.
Kad su rizi bile napola gotove dodali smo očišćene bjušće. I stalno mišali i dodavali juhu.
When the rice is half done add the soft part of the asparaguses. And keep stirring and adding stock.
Na kraju smo dodali i šafrana, da bude boja boja. Samo smo falili jer bi bilo boje da smo ga prvo rastopili u malo juhe, a tek onda dodali u rižot.
When the rice is almost done add some saffron. But it is better to melt it in some stock and then add it to the risotto. The colour will be more intensive. We made a mistake her about it.
Rižot je gotov. Sad tuka izgasit plin i dodat malo masla i izgratat parmezana unutra. Sve umišat i pustit da se rižot odmara 5-10 min.
The wild asparagus risotto is done. Now add some butter and grate some Parmesan cheese in. Stir and let it rest ofr 5-10 minutes before serving.
I na kraju savršena glazbena podloga za mišanje rižota. Bob Marley i Stir it up.
And finally the perfect soundtrack for cooking risotto. Stir it up by Bob Marley.
E, da. Iza rižota savršeno sede savršena sirnica. Nismo je učinili Min. Poslala je je susida.
Oh, yes. After the risotto it is good to eat this perfect cake. It is a traditional Easter cake, something like Italian colomba click. We haven't made this. A neighbor sent it.