ponedjeljak, 14.03.2005.

Kad Chip Martel dadne kontru

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Mjesto radnje finale 1990 Spingold turnira. NS par su Soloway i Goldman a EW par su Martel i Stansby. Martelov tim je u tom trenutku bio 34 IMP-a u zaostatku sa 16 bordova do kraja.

-pass1 1
3 4 Xpass

Tri tref je slaba ruka sa najmanje pet trefova.

4 X
K Q 6 5 3
K 8 6
J 7 2
10 6 4
Q 10 4
K 8
10 9 8 7 4
  A J
5 3
A Q 10 9
K J 6 5 3
  9 7 2
A J 9 7 2
6 4 3
A 2

Nevjerojatan upis od 800 jer je nakon šnapera karo izvođač Bobby Goldman promašio adute. Što više gledam Eastovu ruku sve manje razumijem kontru. Ne bih rekao 5 tref zbog majora ali bih sigurno pasirao jer stvarno ne vjerujem da partner u ruci ima bilo što.

U drugoj sali je licitacija išla normanije:

-pass1 1
pass2 Xpass
pass2 3 pass

Rezime: +12 IMP za Martela čiji je tim na kraju pobijedio meč. Ova ruka je jednostavno skrenula tijek događaja u njihovu korist. Prenosim u cijelosti objašnjenje koje je dao Chip Martel:

As I can claim to be uniquely well qualified to describe the reasoning
for East's double, here it is. 5C rated to be 2-3 down (unless partner had
enough cards, or the lie was friendly enough to beat 4H). In addition
I thought that our teammates were unlikely to be in game. The auction would
not start this way at the other table, so NS might well not be pushed into
game. Down 32 to an excellent team, we could not afford additional swings
against us, so for purposes of winning the match it was much better to
assume that we had pushed NS overboard. Well, as one of my old partners liked
to say "if they are going down, its best to double them. Its the way the
scoring table works."

The above discusses the strategic decision for doubling, not saving
when you are down in a match. In addition, there is a good technical
case for expecting to set 4H. Your hand will normally take 3+ tricks,
thus you will usually beat 4H if your partner can win a trick. Note
that on the actual hand, even if partner's heart Q and diamond king
were small cards (with declarer having the diamond king), you would
still beat 4H. If you can beat 4H when partner has 5 clubs, no
card higher than a 10, and the diamond king is on your left, how
bad can it be to double? Note also that it was not a big surprise
that this double gained a trick in the play since delarer played
me for the trump queen after partner got a diamond ruff. It is easy
to envision other layouts where declarer will go down in a cold
hand playing my hand for long trumps.

Chip Martel

PS: This decision was in fact made after long and careful
consideration of these factors at the table. Still, on a bad
day partner would have had xxx x Jxxx Qxxxxx with Kxxx of diamonds
on my right, so 5C is one or two off and 4H X makes 5.

14.03.2005. u 17:35 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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