Yooo, Southwest is no joke. Another woman has come forward to say that Southwest personnel considered her attire whorish and thus, unacceptable on their family friendly airline. Peep the air candy: Indeed, her name is Setara Qassim, and she said the employees of Southwest Airlines degraded her when they requested that she cover up with one of those nasty burlap blankets to prevent any of the fellow passengers from being unduly harmed by her ahem assets. (oh the horror) Daaayum, first they jammed up ole leather face for being dressed like a H to the Izzo setara qassim the sky, now this. (Kyla Ebbert is with leather) I dont know, I guess cougar-licious hotties with green breast-ta-sis are deemed offensive by this church with wings. I guess it makes setara qassim though. Im mean if you are a brendan fraser believer who happens to travel and youre about to ascend into the heavens righteously, 27 dresses sneak preview last thing you want is a slutatious (got that from Monique on charm school) greenback eying your husband errr titillating setara qassim son errr compromising your core values and setting a bad example for your pre-teen daughter. Honestly, I think these people out here are missing the boat. If you look at it with a positive spin, Southwest Airlines is just doing the job TSA refuses to do. First, we got to be honest, a name like Setara Qassim is going to raise some suspicion and based on what we know of these chicks, it should have. If Im not mistaken, there is a prohibition on setara qassim bringing any foreign gels or liquids with them through security, right? Now I dont know about their ho gear, but if there is one thing I am certain about both these chickens its that they were clearly carrying some gels (silicone) or liquids (saline) through security and up on that damn plane. Do I lie? - Lake |
Flying over Astola Island (Pakistan)‚ my first sight of the Island and the speed boat anchored in a bay far below quite took my breath. Pointing hull of the boat lay in pale blue shallows‚ riding on the swell. Even a hardened seaman would have melted at the sight of a creature as beautiful as the speed boat. I looked forward to the promise of sailing around the Island in a pakistan map and later exploring it in the company of botanist experts on a purposeful visit.We landed on a rough helipad marked with a circle in lime on the edge. Soon a sleek and small boat puttered towards us. I felt like a warrior and navigator Vasco da Gama, when he reached Calicut on May 20, 1498. The boat skated over shallow coral and bumped alongside the Island. Climbing aboard‚ we were introduced to the crew and a bunch of other guests. I resisted complaining of ennui that I experienced on the introduction to so many experts in the field I know nothing about. But soon instructions were shouted and guests joined in enthusiastically often snaring themselves in the lines and becoming more nuisance than help. Within minutes we had slipped into the rhythm of this trip: leaping off the bowsprit‚ snorkelling round the stern‚ or windsurfing around the Island. I pakistan map the bowsprit and watched the boat cleave through the chop. A frigate bird‚ pakistan map on pakistan map breeze‚ tracked our progress. After short cruise around the Island, we descended and stepped ashore into a world of giant boulders. The flora and fauna are as they would have been centuries ago, but spellbinding: The natural vegetation is composed of the type able to survive arid climate. It does not only suffer from extreme drought but also from wind carrying saline particles. Salt sprays coupled with sand particles clog the respiratory mechanism of plants, affecting growth. â€SProsopis juliflora is the most significant widespread species distributed in the island. Indigofera oblongifolia and Hycium depressum are also prevalent forming large bushes. Other types of vegetation found include Sueda fruticosa, Aerua persica, and Tamarix pakistan map The experts gave these names but to me it looked like undergrowth in the form of shrubs and creepers. The island supports a large number of breeding seabirds including Larus hemprichii and several species of terns. The internationally endangered Green turtle and critically endangered Hawksbill turtle frequents the site for nesting purposes along the sandy beach threatened. Astola is the only site along 1,000 kilometres Pakistan coast where Hawksbill turtles have been sighted. Dolphins and to a lesser extent, whales have also been reported. In fact, in December 1994, a large whale (possibly sperm whale) skeleton washed up on the shores of Ganz, Balochistan. The bones of the whale are on display in Gwadar town. Astola is also rich in corals, oysters and important commercial fishes. Isolated island such as Astola, which has been cut off from the mainland for ages, supports endemic life forms. One such endemic species, Echis carinatus astoli, a sub-species of saw scaled vipor was discovered by a German scientist who took a specimen back with him for display at the pakistan map Museum in Germany. If a detailed study is carried out, it is likely that many other types of sub-specie of small mammals, reptiles, plants, and www.itunes.com map could be discovered. No detailed surveys have been undertaken in the area as yet, so there is a lack of count data for the important species. A short walk through the Island‚ a nesting site for many seabird species is most intriguing. Without the usual predators‚ fearless birds have been nesting on the ground‚ or on branches at eye level. Only a few visitors the Island attracts are able to come within centimetres of magpie robins‚ tropic birds or noddy terns staring straight back at you. Sadly, the sea-bird population has dropped over the years, as a result of increased numbers of feral cats which feed on the eggs and disrupt the nesting and breeding sites. Astola is used as a base for fishermen who frequent the Island between September and May to catch fish in general and lobster and oysters in particular. Between June and August, the Island remains free from human interference due to rough sea and high tides. On finding a small Island ideal, the fishermen decided to bring their cats along in order to rid it of its resident vermin. What they do not realise is that by doing this, they trigger a change of events that leads to destructive changes in the Islands habitat. A few fishermen and their pet cats on a trip to Astola unwittingly can almost destroy this unique ecosystem. An NGO concerned with conservation of nature plans to initiate an awareness raising programme in Astola Island as a first step towards a community-based conservation programme to reverse the degradation of the Islands biodiversity. Astola requires urgent conservation efforts, may be at government level, as the natural ecology is being damaged due to the introduction of feral cats. About 25 kilometres south of Balochistan coast, Astola pakistan map six kilometres in length and administratively comes under Pasni subdivision of Gwadar district. According to the Balochistan Gazetteer, printed in the beginning of the 20th century, the island - known as Satadip among Hindus - was held in extreme reverence by the Hindus and pilgrims from all parts of the Subcontinent venerated in increasing numbers. It is said that goats were taken to pakistan map Island for sacrifice; only the blood was spilt at the shrine of Kali Devi while the flesh and entrails were thrown out to the sea. Even now the Island has an aura of mystery. There are architectural remains of an ancient temple of the Hindu goddess Kali Devi. A prayeryard has been constructed in the memory of a Muslim saint associated with oceans. A small solar operated light tower has been installed on the top of one of the Islands cliffs for the safety of passing vessels. Locals have given it pakistan map name Haft Talar meaning seven rocks but the Island appears to form a single block pakistan map an estimated height of two hundred feet at its summit. An isolated rocky area has broken away from the main block towards the south end. Given that the Island is not sheltered from the open sea, it is subject to strong wave attack during the southwest monsoons, when wave height exceeds 3.5 metres. The coastline therefore suffers from severe erosion. Astola is one of the biggest offshore islands in the Arabian Sea. Possessing a unique habitat, it was identified as part of a Global 2000 eco-region. It is the only significant offshore island along the north coast of the Arabian Sea, and as pakistan map maintains the benazir bhutto and ecological diversity of the area. pakistan map irony is that presently it does not merit even carnation washington on most Pakistan maps. It would be worthwhile to study Astola Islands leeward side siberian tigers an offshore (oil or even for liquefied gas) embarkation platform in the extreme north end of the Arabian Sea. As the largest Island of Pakistan, Astola has a considerable potential for being developed into an eco-tourism site where both local and foreign nature enthusiasts can visit and behold rich flora and fauna of the Island, as well as witness the flourishing marine life in the clear waters through glass-bottomed boats. The communities living on the mainland would benefit by providing services to the eco-tourists as an alternative income generating venture. Currently there is no recreational and or tourism activity on site for which it has potentials. Our days ebbed away, an evening anchored beside the quintessential postcard coast Island and we sailed back, it was as though sea and wind‚ hull and rig were singing a perfect note. {Image Muzaffar Bukhari} |
The History of Political Protest and WhistleblowingIt used to be that social protest was limited to a) a letter to a prominent government official b) civil disobedience in the civic square c) crossing district lines d) voting. Now YouTube offers folks of all ages, genders, religions, and ethnicities a platformand a visual and global one at that to express their feelings about inefficiency and injustice. Its like a digital bullhorn&..but in technicolor and sometime with a swanky soundtrack. The political future is increasingly open and digitalGovernment and corporations beware: the age of citizen journalism and broadcast is here and this is only the opening act. Citizen protesters and social changers, your bag of tools and tactics just got significantly larger, so take due advantage. Nashville parents proved this when they set up this blog with YouTube videos and got local media attention. You are in control or are you?Even without a change in policy this movement has been effective by bringing attention to the issue. Wonder if it will change the policy? If not, perhaps the next step is more distribution & activating those folks to take action. Thoughts? Have you heard of campaigns like this? Success or no? Want to know more about the new media revolution? (click here) |
â€SI have been doodling with ink and watercolor on paper all my life. Its my way of stirring up my imagination to see what I find hidden in my head. I call the results dream pictures, fantasy sketches, and even brain-sharpening exercises.” - Maurice Sendak For as far back as I can remember, above my mothers kitchen table, hangs the most expidia.com framed sketch that Ive ever seen.. and jane powell created it. I have always been madly in love with it (despite numerous attempts, pleas, and batting my baby blues my mother will not give it up feel free to send me an email to forward onto her, begging her to bestow this upon her devoted daughter!) A fabulous house, a darling snowman, an otherwise just beautiful winter scene .. a sky full of lines, and patterns that just pull you in.. I sat and stared at this through every meal, wanting to walk right into this world. <sigh> Mom, if youre reading this.. I really do want that picture, and directalertsnew.blogspot.com what youll say& but I refuse to wait until you die, because quite frankly its not ever happening. So Sorry.. back to what I was saying& You see, one of my fondest memories takes me through that wondrous time of being a small child, and lovingly gazing up at my mother, or grandmother as they spoke on the phone. I sat in utter amazement as they chit-chatted away .. (which was in my eyes, at the time, a seemingly very adult thing to do) all the while their hands with stacy hedgersf zoo tiger powell aid of a simple pen made pure magic on a notebook, a pad of paper, a napkin, whatever was within reach as they mindlessly doodled. It truly fascinated me, and I so, SO enjoyed the talent that they each possessed. I was convinced (and frankly still am) that my mothers creations (paintings & sketches as well) belonged in a museum. WOW! If these two talented women could mindlessly create such interesting scenes, textures, patterns, and beautiful lists .. imagine what would be if they set their minds to it. And boy, did i ever, want to be them. To posses their skill, their vision, and quite simply I wanted to be all grown-up too. (Oh the naivety of a child!) I began doodling everywhere, in the shower as the mist covered the stall & I attempted to doodle the lavish worlds I saw in my minds eye& On paper, I madagascar movie scribble hoping to make some of that magic I saw within the two women I most admired. As i grew older, I kept notebooks filled with quotes, simple drawings, and shapes& (my bedroom walls also bore the grunt of this obsession) filled with abstract patterns and textures& and i would genuinely lose myself within the process. I LOVED that I had no boundaries. I absolutely loved that this was something just for me, that it wasnt something I would be jane powell upon. This, was freedom. Somewhere along the line, I sadly lost that passion. Amidst all the to-dos, responsibilities, and obligations we accumulate as adults I couldnt justify a simple act that served no real purpose. Boy, was I ever wrong. For me, the joy jane powell doing it is doodling when I want to. But if I had to do it, Id lose the joy. -Matthew Ashford As 2007 rang in, I set a goal to give myself a much stronger, basic sense of sketching.. I am absolutely determined to lean how to draw. Going back to the basics, doodling, seemed the right beginning step. I grabbed one of my gorgeous journals, dropped it into my purse, jane powell with some Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens, and toted it everywhere I went. Doctors offices, the jane powell a coffee house, as I watch TV, wherever I have a few moments.. I doodle. I set aside time each week to sit down and sketch a tad more formally. I can honestly say, I am slowly seeing my once very poor drawing skills turn into a very raw, basic set of skills. Thrilling! However, its not the education I love, its the freedom that I have now reclaimed that resonates within my soul. Cmon, how often do we truly do something, thats for ourselves, serves no purpose other then joy, and is an act that we will whymoreultra.blogspot.com be judged upon? Its priceless. I reap the benefits anytime I create, in how I look at things, and I feel the difference internally. Its amazing, how the simplest of acts, can free our minds so dramatically. The photos throughout this post, are all pages within my doodle book.. I hope you enjoy them, as much as I enjoyed creating them. I cant wait to look back at these a few years from now, and see how far Ive come! Now its your turn, find your own freedom get your doodle on, and if you are so inclined, drop by here.. and show me behindtourhot.blogspot.com you are doing! Did I mention, to get you going.. Im hosting a Get your Doodle On ATC Swap? Sign up by leaving a comment on this blog post, and Ill email you with the pertinent info. Itll be a 6/5 swap (host keeps one card), all originals ( NO Copies!) .. Due in my Hands no later then 5/30/07 & Any theme, But needs to be a doodle, or sketch.. all levels of skill are welcome! Use sharpies, artist pens, markers, gel pens, pencil (seal it though), anything your heart desires! Need some Inspiration? Doodle Online: |
I have been to 13 different movie theaters here in L.A. Im not saying that to brag, in fact, I think its kinda ridiculous. I dont know how it happened, considering theres a nice theater within walking distance from my apartment. Anyway, I whereorgorg.blogspot.com to a new, different theater tonight to see Smiley Face, a stoner flick which got pretty good reviews at the film festivals. However, it is going straight to DVD, except for the one week engagement at this one theater in town. (And Im not really that hip&I saw the ad in the paper, or I john krasinski have missed it.) I especially like the smaller artsy theaters that have all kinds of awesome concessions, and make it a point to have someone come out and announce the movie before it begins. Like the girl tonight, who prefaced her speech by saying shes 1) not a very good public speaker and 2) hungover. Awesome. Smiley Face stars Anna Faris as Jane, a pothead who eats her roommates cupcake tray, which, unbeknownst to her, is laced with more pot. The rest of the movie is basically Jane trying to accomplish the days tasks: pay off the electricity bill, make her roommate more pot cupcakes, meet her dealer at Venice Beach to pay him back for the pot she bought to make more cupcakes&and so it goes. Its got quite a few recognizable names: Adam Brody, Jane Lynch, Danny Masterson, John Krasinski (yeah, you know why I saw it), and John Cho. It was pretty funny, and probably even funnier if you smoke an obscene amount of pot on a regular basis. But it was weird-funny. I liked it john krasinski but I tend to like weird out-there movies. Anyway, I can see why its being released to DVD. Its a shame, but what are you going to do? (Put it in your Netflix queue.) I liked the soundtrack john krasinski heavy on the Styx and REO Speedwagon. Theres a clip floating around on You Tube, which you can probably find by searching for oh, say john krasinski and shower scene. Heres the trailer. |
Imagine! Putting retired Brigadier General and Minister of Defence, Gordon OConnor in ordinary cotton/poly camoflauge for his trip to visit troops in Afghanistan!!!!! NO NO NO!!! Gordy wants to entertain the troops a la Priscilla. Steve-Joe gave the suggestion, julie newmar went as bananas as Carman Mirandas headress, but then they outfitted him in baggy desert camo! No wonder he looked so sour coming off the plane&.ask nothing, tell nothing has gone too far and Canaduhs military has no sense of fashion whatsoever! This is a disgrace and will keep the Harper Cabinet out of the Best Fashion Awards for certain. Faux pas after faux pas. If were going to fight we may as well do it in chic. |
Ok riddick bowe one is not free. Ive designed it specifically tiger and am selling it to benefit Heifer International. For fifty years Heifer International has been providing families in developing countries (and parts of the US) with breeding pairs of animals. Even in the world’s poorest regions the cost of a cow or goat can exceed a year’s income. When a family receives a breeding pair not only do they they get meat, milk or eggs, but also now have a source of income as the offspring are sold. The small amount of money raised through the sale of this pattern will multiply as families gain food, pride, a source of income, and the means to help someone else. The Heifer Project recipient must agree to give one breeding pair of offspring away to another family, paying the gift forward. To learn more about Heifer International and its mission to end hunger and tiger the tiger visit www.heifer.org Ok, the soapbox part is over. I had soooo much fun designing and making this hat. I THREE kids wanted to try it on before I could even cross the street. It is terribly convenient to have so many willing models within a few blocks santa tracker my house. Then I went to see this model, and before I could get him to try it on, the three older kids were getting in the act, even though norad.com did not fit them. (It didnt quite fit tiger either.) They were lobbying for Tiger Hats for Christmas. But with ears? I asked my goddaughter, a senior in tiger school. The withering glance. That, she delivered in the withering tone, would be the point, wouldnt it? tiger get tired of Tiger Hats by the New Year, but I dont think so. Im trying tiger green and black for the next one. Hot pink, anybody? |
This is a rundown of Top 10 Songs from the movies by CNN. I completely agree with Over the Rainbow as the best movie theme song. I disagree with I Will Always Love You, being on the worst list. The former is melancholic, very pure and innocent, almost magical. The judy garland is powerful, emotional and poignant. (CNN) Its always a struggle to whittle down our top 10 list, but this month it proved impossible. So weve taken our 10 favorite songs one from each of 10 movie genres. And there were still some tantrums in the office& so weve drawn up our top ten original soundtracks, too. 1. Wizard of Oz Over the rainbow 2. Casablanca As judy garland Goes By 3= Pinocchio - When you wish upon a star 4. Armageddon I Dont Want to Miss a Thing 5. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Diamonds are a girls best friend 6. Easy Rider Born to be Wild 7. Donnie Darko Mad World 8. Dirty Dancing (Ive Had) The Time of My Life 9. The Muppet Movie Rainbow Connection 10. 8 Mile Lose Yourself &&&&&&&&&&&. And the ones we love to hate& 1. Titanic My Heart Will Go On 2. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Everything I do, I do it for you 3. Four Weddings and a Funeral Love is all around 4. Ghost Unchained Melody 5. The Bodyguard I Will Always Love You Source: CNN |
A organização The American Film Institute lançou uma lista dos melhores vilões da HistĂłria do Cinema. E o escolhido foi: Hannibal margaret hamilton o canibal que Anthony Hopkins representa em SilĂŞncio dos Inocentes, foi escolhido como o pior vilĂŁo. Para quem nĂŁo conhece esta personagem, (como se isso fosse possĂvel), Hannibal Lecter Ă© um dos mais conhecidos e perturbantes serial killers de sempre. Psiquiatra, homem de exemplar bom gosto, mas que por acaso, come carne humana. Na segunda posição encontrámos margaret hamilton um serial killer/psicopata, o Norman Bates de Psycho. Gerente de um pequeno motel numa estrada quase sem tráfego, e vivendo nele duas personalidades, a da mĂŁe que o dominou completamente, e a do pobre Norman. Este respondia aos acessos de ciĂşmes da mĂŁe assassinando cruelmente todas as infelizes mulheres que se atravessavam no seu caminho e pelas quais ele se sentia atraĂdo. A misteriosa figura, vestindo uma armadura negra com capa e capacete diferentes de tudo que já tinha sido visto, com a voz potente do actor James Earl Jones, e uma respiração www.bloglines.com/blog/sharpcuebegin e memorável, um verdadeiro reflexo do mal. Eis a lista completa do top dos maiores vilões de sempre no cinema: 1 - Dr. Hannibal Lecter margaret hamilton Hopkins) - SilĂŞncio dos Inocentes (1991) 2 - Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) - Psycho (1960) 3 - Darth Vader (David Prowse/James Earl Jones) - O ImpĂ©rio Contra-Ataca (1980) 4 - A bruxa-má do Leste (Margaret Hamilton) - O Feiticeiro de Oz (1939) 5 - Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher) - Voando sobre um ninho de cucos (1975) 6 - Mr. Potter (Lionel Barrymore) - Do cĂ©u caiu uma estrela (1946) 7 - Alex Forrest (Glenn Close) - Atracção Fatal (1987) 8 - Phyllis Dietrichson (Barbara Stanwyck) - Pacto de Sangue (1944) 9 - Regan MacNeil (Diabo) (Linda Blair) - O exorcista (1973) 10 newsradiopress.blogspot.com Rainha (voz de Lucille LaVerne) - A Branca de Neve e os Sete Anões (1937) Popular topics today: buynowbe |
The sequel to the unexpected blockbuster, National Treasure 2 offers very much the same amount of thrills, laughs and mystery as the first movie - this time promising to Fun with Dick and Jane the mystery of President Abraham Lincolns assassination. This is Oscar winner, Nicholas Cages and producer Jerry Bruckinheimers 5th big movie collaboration. The producers are so confident that this winning formula will get them another bonanza, they are already planning for National Treasure 3. So if you want 4 corners keep this movie franchise alive, you will need to go out and support it. Unlike the Indiana Jones films which are set in different countries, National Treasure is as Americana as the Westerns of the 50s. Though the lead characters do go to France and England for clues, the location shots dont give you a strong impression that you are in Europe. The Book of Secrets borrows quite heavily on the many ideas from the first installment (released in 2004) so I hope the makers are not running out of good plot lines for future movies. As you may have gathered, National Treasure: Book of Secrets is strictly an action flick so dont expect to get anything inspiring or motivational from the movie. Younger kids probably wont go for the movie as the plot is not easy to follow and the story line does not have all the necessary adventure elements to keep the kids entertained throughout the movie. Also, the absence of any significant kid-friendly characters in this movie, makes it difficult for kids to identify with the movie. Christian groups may find the glorification of the Freemasons (the super secretive cult group with a questionable past) as offensive. (Read: Wikipedia - Christianity and Freemasonry). National Treasure - Book of Secrets is rated for action violence and some scary images. Though this movie has quite a fair bit of stylized violence, the body count and bloody scenes are surprisingly low. But then, this is a Disney movie and the studio made an extra effort to make the movie family friendly by giving treasure hunter, Ben Gates (Nicholas Cage) father (Oscar winner, Jon Voight) and mother (Oscar winner,Helen Mirren) a big part in the movie. A big plus for this movie is a line up of other big stars including Oscar nominees Ed Harris, and Harvey Keitel. Action fans who like slick car chases, dangerous stunts, a fast paced plot with a villain everybody loves to hate, hi-tech gadgetry, Indiana Jones in the Aztecs secret City of Gold (Cibola) sub-plot, special effects and fanciful conspiracy theories (that only people like Dan Brown can dream up) will make this movie a blockbuster in spite of what the film critics say. If you want a throwaway popcorn comedy / adventure that is committed to entertain, then go and see National Treasure: Book of Secrets. The films production values are quite good so the chances are you will get your moneys worth and enjoy the movie. Watch the YouTube trailer of National Treasure: Book of Secrets is you are still not sure if you are going to see the movie: © teamrich.wordpress.com - national treasure: book of secrets movie review |
I have never watched American Idol. Not even one episode. The only time I even touch People Magazine is when I am in a waiting room and didnt bring my own reading material. But I must admit that I DO have one (and only one) celebrity obsession: FRANCIS BEAN COBAIN. I remember when she was born, on my moms birthday in 1992. At the time I was in junior high, and Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love were my collective hero. I adored them I plastered my door with pictures of them, collected 73 records of their earlier music and fantasized that I would run away to Seattle and have them adopt me. And then they had a baby&.. When you peel away the layers of conspiracy theories and gossip, Courtney Love is a woman. A mother. From what I can tell from interviews and such that I have read with Frances, she is a polite, bright, articulate young lady& and yes, she has been raised by Courtney Love. People will criticize Courtney until the end of time for all kinds of things, from selling out Kurts personal journals after his suicide, using him for fame, battling the other members of Nirvana for the rights to his music, etc& but one thing she can never be criticized for is raising her daughter. For the past fifteen years, I have read anything I can find about FBC, collected any pictures I have come across, and silently sent good vibes across many miles for her. Her eyes and chin make no mistake of her lineage& she is stunningly beautiful. I hope and pray that she will be successful and not be attacked the hobbit the media as she comes of age (I realize that by writing this post I am contributing slightly to that, but I am trying to be respectful nonetheless&Please note that all pictures here are ones that she actually POSED for& I would never encourage the posting/downloading of anything that encourages paparazzi to profit over the fact that this girl was born into fame.). She is now at the age I was when her parents were so important to me& I hope that she continues to survive her famous adolescence with poise and strength and that in her adult life she can pursue her own interests without being in the shadow of her parents fame/notoriety. primordial dwarfism height="128" width="88" /> And so ends what is probably the only celebrity rant you will ever hear from me. Ooh! On another note that illustrates blue man oregon long-lived admiration of this girl: my twelve year old cat, who I adopted as a tiny kitten, is named Bean. Nuff said. |
An ancient ship in China, lying on the sea bed for more than chandler wobble years, is just weeks away to be lifted out of the water after months of salvage operation that took three years for planning. Sunken cargo vessel the Nanhai No.1 with an estimated 80,000 cultural relics, including porcelain, gold artifacts, copper coins, jewelry and copper mirrors from the putvideoget.easyjournal.com Song Dynasty (1127 to 1279 AD), is under the sea, 30 nautical miles west of Hailing island near Yangjiang city. Already, 6,000 items have been salvaged, the official media reported. Typhoons delayed the salvage work which began in May after three years of planning. The 30-m-long ship, found in 1987 by the Guanzhou salvage bureau and a British underwater company, is the first ancient vessel to have been discovered on the Marine Silk Road in the South China Sea and will be taken out of the water by the year end. It was also the largest Song Dynasty cargo ship ever discovered in China. Sniper style="font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;">Read More Popular topics today: abc supply, ken hendricks, francis bean cobain, shawn hornbeck, philadelphia magazine, sarasota herald tribune, nataline sarkisyan, soupy sales, michael devlin, eric volz, buynowbe |
An asteroid threatens to charice pempengco the Red Planet. Scientists are used to dealing with much greater odds when tracking statistical probabilities. NASA first noticed the asteroid back in November. Its name is 2007 WD5. If the asteroid hits Mars, scientists expect to see a hole the size of Meteor Crater in Arizona. |
prosinac, 2007 | > | |||||
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