petak, 10.07.2009.

Modern life is rubbish

Evo, sve je nekako vedrije iako je situacija apsolutno ista kao i prije. Osim što u životu imam super novi fotić kojim se ne stignem baviti, sve ostalo je baš apsolutno isto.
Bolesna sam (sad je to već postala konstanta), vani je grozno vrijeme, glava me u ovom trenutku razara (vjerojatno od sinusa jer stalno ispuhujem nos), London u kojem sam bila uopće nisam doživjela zbog bolesnosti, Blur koncert je bio preodličan, ali ga ja na žalost nisam baš percipirala niti sam poslikala Damonove nosnice nit mu obrisala znoj sa čela.

Ali me drži neki zanos. Neki zanos se stvorio u meni i evo tu je i samo zbog toga sve izgeda nekako bolje i nije tako beznadno iako su svi isti problemi i dalje tu. Bat votever.

Moddern life is rubbish je jedan od najboljih albuma ikad. Onak, fakat je dobar dobar dobar. I s nostalgijom se prisjećam kako sam uopće počela slušati Blur, samo zato što je tu bio neki slatki mali plavi i bio je toliko sladak da sam morala kupiti album. Koji je bio ok. Imao je par hitova. Pa sam naišla na Modern life is rubbish album. Bio mi je grozan, ali sam ga unatoč toj činjenici slušala na repeat. Tamo negdje oko 50-og preslušavanja sam skužila koliko toga u toj muzici ima i koliko je ona dobra. I bilo mi je drago što taj mali plavi slatki nije samo to nego nosi toliki baggage sa sobom. Otkrio mi je novu dimenziju muzike što je uzrokovalo konačni raskid s hippijevskim razdobljem mog života i sa 70s rockom.

Food processors are great!

It's six o'clock on the dot and I'm half way home
I feel foul mouthed as I stand and wait for the underground
And a nervous disposition doesn't agree with this
I need something to remind me that there's something else

You need a holiday, somewhere in the sun
With all the people who are waiting, there never seems to be one
Say something, say something else
Say something, say something else

Advertisements are here for rapid persuasion
If you stare too long you lose your appetite
A nervous disposition doesn't agree with this
You need fast relief from aches and stomach pains

I need a holiday, somewhere in the sun
With all the people who are waiting, there never seems to be one
Say something, say something else
Say something, say something else

You can have our holidays, yes ladies and gentlemen, for
one day only, a special offer

You need a holiday, somewhere in the sun
With all the people who are waiting, there never seems to be one
Say something, say something else

Colin Zeal knows the value of mass appeal
He's a pedestrian walker, he's a civil talker
He's an affable man with a plausible plan
Keeps his eye on the news, keeps his future in hand

And then he...

Looks at his watch, he's on time yet again
Looks at his watch, he's on time yet again
He's pleased with himself, he's pleased with himself
He's so pleased with himself, ah ha

While sitting in traffic, Colin thinks in automatic
He's an immaculate dresser, he's your common aggressor
He's a modern retard with a love of bombast
Keeps his eye on the news, doesn't dwells on the past

He's a modern retard, he's terminal lard
He's an affable man, with a carrotene tan
'cos Colin Zeal knows

- 10:51 -

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