ponedjeljak, 29.01.2007.

Evo ga ravno u editor.

Neke stvari su jednostavno ljepljive.
Kao selotejp.
Kao ruke nakon jedenja šećerne vune.

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I onda se čovjeku motaju po glavi paralelno s konjugacijom glagola aio.
I onda taj isti čovjek, čovjekica, zapravo-ima blog.
I onda ona davi ljude s time.
I onda bude stretna.

Jer je dan tako prokleto savršen.
I jer je puca romantika.

I sladunjavi pjesmuljci.

I miriše na orhideje iz gela za tuširanje.
I na pidžamu.
I Krevet.

Sve se vrti u krug i ponavlja stalno.

Almásy: What do you love?
Katharine: What do I love?
Almásy: Say everything.
Katharine: Water, with fish in it. Hedgehogs, I love hedgehogs. Marmite. Baths, but not with other people! Islands. I could go on all day.
Almásy: Go on all day.
Katharine: Your handwriting.
Almásy: And what else?
Katharine: A husband.
Almásy: What do you hate most?
Katharine: A lie. What do you hate most?
Almásy: Ownership. Being owned. What you leave here you should forget me.

Sean: Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself.

Skylar: I can be in the NBA. I'm tall, I like to wear shorts. Hook! Hook! Dunk! Dunk! Baby, I'm all about three points.

Will: Beethoven, okay. He looked at a piano, and it just made sense to him. He could just play.
Skylar: So what are you saying? You play the piano?
Will: No, not a lick. I mean, I look at a piano, I see a bunch of keys, three pedals, and a box of wood. But Beethoven, Mozart, they saw it, they could just play. I couldn't paint you a picture, I probably can't hit the ball out of Fenway, and I can't play the piano.
Skylar: But you can do my o-chem paper in under an hour.
Will: Right. Well, I mean when it came to stuff like that... I could always just play.

Jack: Well, yes, ma'am, I do... I mean, I got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs, a few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen or, who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna wind up. Just the other night I was sleeping under a bridge and now here I am on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people. I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you... to make each day count.

Rose: Teach me to ride like a man.
Jack: And chew tobacco like a man.
Rose: And spit like a man!
Jack: What, they didn't teach you that in finishing school?

Lorelai: So, apparently, I'm now the Reigning Lorelai.
Rory: Huh. I guess you are.
Lorelai: It's a lot of responsibility.
Rory: Well, sure.
Lorelai: I mean, it's mostly ceremonial stuff nowadays. Declaring knighthoods, opening supermarkets. But now and then, you get to banish someone or pose for a stamp.
Rory: Neat. And coins.
Lorelai: Yeah, and coins. You know, someday you'll be the Reigning Lorelai.
Rory: I don't like that idea!
Lorelai: Why not? You get a cape.
Rory: Because if I'm the Reigning Lorelai, then that means you'll be gone.
Lorelai: Gone? No, not me. I'll step down way before that. I'm not going to pull a Queen Elizabeth on you, make you wait around forever, force you to develop interests in polo and architecture.
Rory: I am scared of horses.
Lorelai: I know that.
Rory: So there's a cape, huh?

Joey: When I saw you going for Jen's hand... it's not like I wanted to be the one holding your hand. I just didn't want her holding it.

Dawson: I'm sitting next to my best friend in the world and my palms are sweating.

Eto toliko.
Do petka mislim.
A možda i prije.


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