Xtina - dirrty girl

30.11.2005., srijeda

Christina to fill her mansion

JUST two weeks into marriage and Christina Aguilera is already planning to fill her Malibu mansion with the pitter-patter of tiny feet.

"She's been saying that once the world tour she's planning for next year is over she wants to concentrate on starting a family," a pal tells us. The singer started going out with record executive Jordan Bratman two years ago, and he proposed in February.

They tied the knot at a vineyard in Napa Valley, Northern California, where guests included Justin Timberlake, Cameron Diaz and Sharon Stone.

Izvor: Mirror

- 08:01 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

29.11.2005., utorak

Zanimljivosti vezane uz vjenčanje

-Gosti na vjenčanju morali su, prema nekim izvorima, potpisati tajni ugovor koji se protezao na 3 stranice u kojem je, između ostalog, Christina inzistirala da se detalji s njenog posebnog dana ne otkriju novinarima.

-Kai Miler žena pjevača Stevie Wondera dizajnirala je haljine za djeveruše!

-Organizator vjenčanja koji je za tu ceremoniju Christinu olakšao za 1 milijun $, također je organizirao vjenčanje Brad Pitta i Jennifer Aniston 2000.godine

-Budući muž Nicole Richie, Adam Dj Goldstein bio je službeni DJ na vjenčanju.
- 22:54 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

Auberge De Soleil Hotel u Napa Valley II.dio

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- 11:08 - Let´s get dirrrty (7) - Ne treba ti - #

28.11.2005., ponedjeljak

Auberge De Soleil Hotel u Napa ValleyI.dio

Fotografije su od 19.11 (dan vjenčanja). Možete primjetiti da Christina ima frizuru kakvu je imala na svadbi!!

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- 22:39 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

27.11.2005., nedjelja

Candids - Napa Valley

Slike su još od prije vjenčanja! Možete vidjeti na njima Christinu, Jordana...

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- 19:49 - Let´s get dirrrty (8) - Ne treba ti - #

25.11.2005., petak

Ovo je privremeni izgled bloga, znam da vam otežava čitanje, ali uskoro ću promijeniti!!

Imala sam određenih poteškoća
- 17:58 - Let´s get dirrrty (12) - Ne treba ti - #

South Africa- koncert

Ovo je slika iz backstage ili na hrvatskom zakulisja!!

- 16:23 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

Nijedan zakon nije prekršen na Christininom vjenčanju

With the recent flap over weddings at Napa Valley wineries, last weekend's nuptials between pop singer Christina Aguilera, 24, and music executive Jordan Bratman caused a stir in the county's planning department.
The couple and about 130 of their friends converged on Napa Valley last week for several days of revelry, culminating in the ceremony Saturday evening at Rutherford's Staglin Family Winery.
"A number of people have called," said Deputy Planning Director Steve Lederer, adding that everything appeared to be on the up and up.
Although a large white tent was set up outside the winery, the wedding was considered to be at the home of Garen and Shari Staglin.

Izvor: Napavalleyregister
- 12:20 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

Christina prekinula svađu s Britney

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Christina Aguilera je prekinula svoju svađu s svojom konkurenticom Britney Spears. Pjevačica, koja se je prošli vikend tajno vjenčala s Jordan Bratmanom , rekla je da želi biti prijateljica s Britney, koju je upoznala kad su kao djevojčice nastupale u Mickey Mouse Clubu. Christina je rekla da je poslala Britney košaru s darovima kada je rodila Seana, a Britney ju je nazvala i zahvalila joj.

- 10:33 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #


Imam puno toga za nadoknaditi.Pa da počnem. Ovo su slike Christine i Jordana s prijateljima kako odlaze s probe za vjenčanje!!!

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- 10:02 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

Jordanova zdravica!!

Prema nekim glasinama gosti na generalnoj probi za vjenčanje Christine i Jordana su se skoro ugušili u svojoj hrani kada je Christinin sada već suprug podignuo čašu i zahvalio roditeljima za svoj dobar izgled i za veliki k....!! Prema tim istim glasinama Christina je navodno kod svakog spominjanja Jordanovog ponosa se samo nasmijala i kimnula glavom!!!

- 08:06 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

24.11.2005., četvrtak

Vjenčanje u vinogradu

Pjevačica Christina Aguilera udala se za Jordana Bratmana nakon 3 godine veze. A sve se to odigralo u vinarskom kraju sunčane Kalifornije

Christina Aguilera, 24-godišnja pop pjevačica, udala se ovaj vikend za 28-godišnjeg glazbenog menadžera Jordana Bratmana. Nakon tri godine veze i devet mjeseci zaruka trostruka osvajačica Emmya ( misli se na na nagradu Grammy-tipfeler je bio) odlučila se za brak i tako napokon postala gospođa Bratman.Ceremonija vjenčanja, koja je bila pomno isplanirana do posljednjeg detalja, održana je u Kaliforniji u vinarskom kraju Napa Valley, a uzbuđeni mladenci zavjete ljubavi izgovorili su pred 130 svjedoka. Među uzvanicima koji su se zabavljali na njihovu partyu i častili raznim specijalitetima i delikatesama bila su i neka poznata lica poput Sharon Stone, Cameron Diaz,Drew Barrymore i Justina Timberlakea.
Christina je na svoje vjenčanje došla u crnoj limuzini i vjenčanici koju je posebno za tu prigodu dizajnirao poznati francuski kreator Christian Lacroix. Kosa joj je bila ukrašena dijamantima i bijelim ružama, a uz nju su hodale djeveruše odjevene u haljine s potpisom Kai Mille, supruge Steveja Wondera (opet tipfeler).
-Christina je u javnosti sklona prikazivati se u lošem svjetlu, ali vjenčanje je doista bilo predivno. Svaki detalj bio je isplaniran do savršenstva, ni u čemu nisu pretjerali. Ceremonija je bila upriličena s velikom dozom ukusa. Christina je izgledala prekrasno, a tako se i ponašala - ispričali su medijima svjedoci tog događaja. A je li doista bilo tako, najbolje će pokazati priča američkog tabloida People Mag kojem je pop prodavačica za 500.000 eura prodala ekskluzivno pravo na fotografiranje vjenčanja.
Kao svakodnevni "podsjednik" svoje ljubavi Christina Aguilera i Jordan Bratman izmijenili su skupocjene prstene draguljara Stephena Webstera, kojeg je Jordan angažirao i prije godinu dana kad je svojoj dragoj tražio dijamantni zaručnički prsten. Zaprosio ju je tijekom zajedničkog odmora u Kaliforniji, u veljači ove godine. Hotelska soba u kojoj su tada odsjeli dočekala ih je posuta ružinim laticama te ukrašena balonima i pregrštom zapakiranih darova. Kad je Christina od oduševljenja napokon došla k sebi, počela je otvarati kutije omotane u ukrasne papire i došla do posljednje u kojoj ju je dočekao i zaslijepio blistavi dijamantni prsten. Jordan je tada kleknuo pred nju i pitao je hoće li mu učiniti tu čast i postati njegovom ženom.
-Od tog trenutka ja neprestano lebdim- izjavila je Christina za magazin People. Doduše, nedavno se pisalo o svađi koja je narušila sklad u njihovoj vezi, ali da su ti problemi iza njih, par je potvrdio ovog vikenda kad su se, nikad zaljubljeniji, jedan drugome zavjetovali na ljubav.

Ovaj tekst je iz magazina Story. Ispričavam se što ranije nisam obavjestila o Christininom vjenčanju. Nisam mogla zbog privatnih problema, no sada je nadam se sve to iza mene pa ću vas i dalje nastojati redovito obavještavati o novostima u Christininom životu i naravno objavljivati hrpetinu slika!!

Kliknite na sliku za uvećani prikaz!!!

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- 22:06 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #

18.11.2005., petak

Boarding A Private Jet Heading To Napa Valley With Jordan

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- 17:32 - Let´s get dirrrty (19) - Ne treba ti - #

Christina Aguilera ima piercing na bradavici

PJEVAČICA Christina Aguilera sprema se za vjenčanje, a u očekivanju svadbenih zvona ponosno pokazuje kako je grudi ukrasila piercingom.

Plavokosa ljepotica se u posljednje vrijeme sve češće pojavljuje u prozirnim majicama bez grudnjaka kako bi pokazala novi ukras.

Paparazzima koji je prate u stopu takav prizor ipak nije mogao "pobjeći".

Ovog vikenda Christina će se udati za zaručnika Jordana Bratmana, no vjenčanje će se održati u tajnosti.

Izvor: Index

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P.S. = Ja sam već bila pisala o tome, al eto pošto se rijetko viđa Christina u hrvatskim medijama, da to objavim!!!
- 13:34 - Let´s get dirrrty (8) - Ne treba ti - #

17.11.2005., četvrtak

Christina Aguilera's Secret Wedding

This weekend is the one for Aguilera and her fiancé, Jordan Bratman.
They are to marry in a secret ceremony, which will be attended only by friends and family, according to America's New York Post newspaper.

Christina got engaged to music manager Jordan in February. They have already sold the wedding picture rights to People Magazine, for a rather small amount - ¤350,000, compared to the amounts netted by other celebrities.

The blonde beauty had declared that her dream would be to have a romantic white winter wedding. With the weather being so random nowadays, maybe it will snow and she'll be so lucky as to get her wish.

As for the dress, the singer has previously said that “the dress will be conservative”.
“Don't expect the sort of stuff that hangs off me when I'm on stage. I want white and kind of traditional”, she let her fans know.

The dress will be signed by Christian Lacroix, and her bridesmaids will wear outfits created by top designer Kai Milla, Stevie Wonder's wife.

Izvor: Soft Pedia
- 19:53 - Let´s get dirrrty (5) - Ne treba ti - #

South Africa-koncert V.dio

Ovo je zadnji post s tima slikama, nadam se da vam se sviđaju!!

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- 17:18 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

South Africa-koncert IV.dio

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- 10:24 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

16.11.2005., srijeda

Aguilera sheds light on new LP

Christina Aguilera has shed a bit more light on her new album on her paid fan site, where she posted that the work in progress is a "throwback to the 1920s, '30s and '40s," which also explains her pinup-glamour-queen look of late.

"I like my look to mirror where I am at musically and lyrically," she wrote. "Some of the songs are kept authentic, sticking to a really raw, old-soul sound, where others combine elements of old blues, jazz and soul with a hard modern-day edge."

Aguilera calls the still-untitled album, due in the spring, her "best work yet."

"It's been really fun experimenting, challenging and pushing myself to bring you something completely different and revealing," she wrote. Plus, being in love this time around didn't hurt.

While her fiance, Jordan Bratman, didn't exactly collaborate with her — he's not a musician — his influence will be heard in other ways: "We have introduced each other to whole new worlds of music, so it will definitely show!" Aguilera said that she's never been "so in love, so happy, or felt so alive."

"I start to cry when I think of all he has brought to my life," she wrote. "As a team, we make each other stronger, wiser ... just better. Before, I used to have so many walls up, and he has taught me to trust and shown me I can open up."

- 18:25 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #

South Africa - koncert III.dio

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- 13:04 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

South Africa-koncert II.dio

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- 10:02 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #


CHRISTINA AGUILERA is desperate to develop her acting career beyond her part in animated hit SHARK TALE, but no-one wants to cast her.

The singer hoped her role as a singing jellyfish in the movie would kickstart a move into movies - but she's still waiting by the phone.

Aguilera says, "The only part I got offered was in Shark Tale. I would consider any more acting roles though."

- 09:22 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

15.11.2005., utorak

South Africa-koncert I.dio

Slike su s koncerta i ima ih jako puno tako da ću ih u više postova objaviti!!!

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- 16:56 - Let´s get dirrrty (6) - Ne treba ti - #


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- 13:55 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

'Unite of the Stars' Press Conference In Johannesburg

Malo kasnim, al imam izliku i to dobru- srušio mi se sustav na kompu!!!

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- 12:00 - Let´s get dirrrty (5) - Ne treba ti - #

12.11.2005., subota

Zoološki vrt

To je također u Africi!

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- 10:19 - Let´s get dirrrty (11) - Ne treba ti - #

Dolazeći u Afriku!!

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- 08:17 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

11.11.2005., petak

At Dan Tanas Restaurant In West Hollywood With Jordan

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- 21:36 - Let´s get dirrrty (5) - Ne treba ti - #

05.11.2005., subota

Malo šale na Christinin račun!!

Slike (s malo maštovitog teksta) su s tuluma povodom Noći vještica!!!

- 18:36 - Let´s get dirrrty (31) - Ne treba ti - #

Xtina i fan

Ovo je slika iz Las Vegasa iz hotela u kojem je boravila Christina nedavno s Jordanom. Slikala se je s fanom koji je tu sliku ljubazno podijelio s ostalim fanovima!!

- 17:15 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

03.11.2005., četvrtak


JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE is teaming up with former MICKEY MOUSE CLUB star MATT MORRIS to pen new tunes for his second solo album.

Morris co-wrote five tracks for CHRISTINA AGUILERA's STRIPPED album, and now Timberlake is hoping he has some hits for him.

The former 'N SYNC star tells MTV News, "We see and hear music in the same way, so I've been working with him. We just get together and write songs."

The pop star and Morris were regulars on the Mickey Mouse Club at the same time as Aguilera, BRITNEY SPEARS and Timberlake's former 'N SYNC bandmate JC CHASEZ.


P.S=Trenutno ne stignem odgovarat na mailove i komentare, nadam se da se ne ljutite. Nadoknaditi ću vam to!

- 19:42 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #


U pitanju je magazin iz Engleske!!
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- 16:13 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

02.11.2005., srijeda

The Sun

Ispod se nalazi skeniran dio s Christinom!

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- 15:01 - Let´s get dirrrty (11) - Ne treba ti - #

Ditching the Dirrty

by Lesley Mofokeng

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us CHRISTINA Aguilera has ditched her raunchy image as portrayed in the controversial video Dirrty.

Speaking from her
Los Angeles home this week ahead of her visit to Joburg, the US pop princess says it’s out with the micro-mini skirts and skimpy pieces of cloth.

“I’ve retired the old look from the Stripped album,” she says. “I had a lot of fun because that’s where I was totally at that time in my life. But now I’m inspired in a whole new way.”

Aguilera, famous for hits such as Beautiful, Genie in a Bottle and What a Girl Wants, says she loves pushing the envelope when it comes to her career, whether it’s the music or her image.

Although she is not saying what her new look will be, Aguilera has been toying with the Marilyn Monroe look.

“I’m very much into having my platinum-blonde hair and red lips. It’s kind of more inspired by my sexual side. The ’20s pin-up look will always be a part of me.”

Grammy Award-winning Aguilera’s dress sense has earned her fair share of criticism and notoriety.

Most recently, an ad in which she portrayed a naughty nurse was cancelled in the US.

She was widely condemned when she posed naked, with a strategically placed guitar, for Rolling Stone magazine.

decision to change her image may have to do with the fact that she is to tie the knot with her music executive boyfriend of two years, Jordan Bratman, soon.

Aguilera has been quoted as saying that her wedding dress will be conservative, white and traditional.

Coming to Joburg is not only a jol for her, but a tonic to calm the nerves of the bride-to-be.

“Jordan and I are really looking forward to visiting there and learning while having fun,” she says.

She admits that she still has a lot to learn about South Africa, but at last she knows that Thabo Mbeki is President.

“I definitely know that I will be meeting Nelson Mandela while I’m there and I’m excited about the show I’ll be putting on.”

Her concert will be at the Coca-Cola Dome, north of Joburg, on November 10. The night before, she will perform at the Unite of the Stars banquet, along with Diana Ross, Deborah Cox, Lucia Micarelli and Westlife, at the same venue.

A noted campaigner for the prevention of Aids and the abuse of women, Aguilera says she will address these issues during her concert.

But they won’t spoil the fun.

“This is my first time in Africa, and I’m bringing my full band and dancers,” she says.

“You can expect a high-energy, feel-good show, where you can take a night off, go out with your family or friends and just escape and get lost to good music and a good time.”

The domestic-violence cause is close to her heart as she and her mother were victims of her abusive father.

Aguilera will also visit feeding schemes in Soweto.

For her young fans, her message will be that they should practise safe sex and test frequently for HIV. “I’ll tell people who believe that Aids can’t happen to them that that’s exactly the mentality that could have a detrimental impact.”

Izvor:Sunday Times

- 12:59 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

Aguilera looking for a few lucky fans

Christina Aguilera is offering fans a chance to be on her next album, due out this spring.

If you're over 18, you can call 1-800-927-7821 and leave a message about what her music means to you, and she might pick your voicemail as one of a select few to be used in a track on the album.

She's urging fans to be creative, but also to be quick — keep it under 60 seconds.

The deadline for entries is November 18, and there's complete contest rules at her paid fan site, XtinaXposed.com.

- 09:39 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

01.11.2005., utorak

Christina i Lil Kim!!

Primjetila sam gledajući malo Christinine slike kad je bila u slastičarnici da u ruci drži album od Lil Kim. Lil Kim i Christina su postale jako dobre prijateljice za vrijeme pjesme Lady marmelade kada su provele promovirajući pjesmu puno vremena zajedno. Lil Kim je trenutno u zatvoru, a ovo je vjerojatno Christinin način podrške njoj. Inače ako ste u mogućnosti nabavite novi album od Lil Kim jer je zbilja dobar!!

- 19:57 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

Christina Aguilera na "Halloween partyu" kao bolničarka

MUŠKARCI koji obožavaju seksi djevojke u uniformama bili su oduševljeni pojavom popularne pjevačice na Halloween partyu u Las Vegasu gdje se Christina pojavila kostimirana u bolničarku, dok je njen budući suprug bio doktor.

Aguilera i Jordan Bratman namjeravaju se vjenčati za Božić, a ekskluzivno pravo na fotografije s vjenčanja otkupio je "People Mag" za "samo" 350.000 dolara.

23-godišnja milijunašica upozorila je brojne slavne i bogate uzvanike da na svadbi ne želi skupe poklone, već da novac doniraju žrtvama uragana koji su posljednjih mjeseci poharali američku obalu.

- 11:07 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

Strong Medicine

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Christina Aguilera i njezin zaručnik Jordan Bratman igrali su se doktora na Xtininom tulumu za noć vještica u Hard Rock hotelu i kasinu u Las Vegasu u subotu.(Par još nije u braku, ali na Aguilerinoj pločici s imenom je pisalo "Nurse B")

Izvor: People
- 10:37 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

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Da svima bude jasno, jebe mi se živo što Vi mrzite Christinu
Ja ju volim- so kiss my ass
Za razliku od nekih, negativne komentare ne kanim brisati

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Music By Shimmering Graphix


Christinin twitter

IME : Christina Maria Aguilera

SPOL : Žensko


DATUM ROĐENJA: 18.12. 1980.

MJESTO ROĐENJA: Staten Island, New York, USA

ZANIMANJE: glumica, prvenstveno glazbenica

OBRAZOVANJE : Ingomar Middle School u Wexford, Pennsylvania
North Allegheny High School in Wexford, Pennsylvania (maturirala 1999.)
Mickey Mouse Club

TATA : Fausto Aguilera (vojnik; roditelji rastavljeni)

MAMA: Shelly Kearns (podrijetlom iz Irske; violinistica, svira i klavir; predsjednica Christininog fanclub)

SESTRA: Rachel (mlađa; rođena 1986)

POLUSESTRA: Stephanie (mlađa)

POLUBRAT: Michael (mlađi; rođen 1996), Casey (mlađi)

OČUH: Jim Kearns

POČETAK KARIJERE: Hit singl Genie in a Bottle (1999)