Xtina - dirrty girl

25.11.2005., petak

Nijedan zakon nije prekršen na Christininom vjenčanju

With the recent flap over weddings at Napa Valley wineries, last weekend's nuptials between pop singer Christina Aguilera, 24, and music executive Jordan Bratman caused a stir in the county's planning department.
The couple and about 130 of their friends converged on Napa Valley last week for several days of revelry, culminating in the ceremony Saturday evening at Rutherford's Staglin Family Winery.
"A number of people have called," said Deputy Planning Director Steve Lederer, adding that everything appeared to be on the up and up.
Although a large white tent was set up outside the winery, the wedding was considered to be at the home of Garen and Shari Staglin.

Izvor: Napavalleyregister
- 12:20 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

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dirrrty or not

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Da svima bude jasno, jebe mi se živo što Vi mrzite Christinu
Ja ju volim- so kiss my ass
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Music By Shimmering Graphix


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IME : Christina Maria Aguilera

SPOL : Žensko


DATUM ROĐENJA: 18.12. 1980.

MJESTO ROĐENJA: Staten Island, New York, USA

ZANIMANJE: glumica, prvenstveno glazbenica

OBRAZOVANJE : Ingomar Middle School u Wexford, Pennsylvania
North Allegheny High School in Wexford, Pennsylvania (maturirala 1999.)
Mickey Mouse Club

TATA : Fausto Aguilera (vojnik; roditelji rastavljeni)

MAMA: Shelly Kearns (podrijetlom iz Irske; violinistica, svira i klavir; predsjednica Christininog fanclub)

SESTRA: Rachel (mlađa; rođena 1986)

POLUSESTRA: Stephanie (mlađa)

POLUBRAT: Michael (mlađi; rođen 1996), Casey (mlađi)

OČUH: Jim Kearns

POČETAK KARIJERE: Hit singl Genie in a Bottle (1999)