Xtina - dirrty girl

31.10.2005., ponedjeljak


Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Kratka snimka ET-a emitiranom na Mtv-u gdje Christina priča o svome vjenčanju i kako će di rođendana biti na medenom mjesecu!!! Za one koji ne znaju Christini je rođendan 18.12.

Stisnite desnom tipkom miša na link; pa Save target as!!


- 15:47 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #

Tulum za noć vješticaII.dio

Sve vam je već poznato. Osim imena kluba, pa eto i da to saznate BodyEnglish! Klub je u Las Vegasu! Poznatom kao i grad kocke i brzih vjenčanja. Tko zna možda se na to i Christina i Jordan odluče.

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- 13:42 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

Tulum za noć vješticaI.dio

Christina je na tulumu bila s Jordanom. On je bio obučen kao doktor dok je Xtina bila seksi medicinska sestra! Christini je na uniformi na leđima pisalo At your service. Ove slike će vam svakako zagolicati maštu!!

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- 12:30 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

30.10.2005., nedjelja

J14 - prosinac!!

Ovo su skenirane stranice, za uvećani prikaz kliknite na sliku!!

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- 15:43 - Let´s get dirrrty (6) - Ne treba ti - #

Bubbly blonde Christina is ready to brighten SA

by Therese Owen

‘My hair is blonde and I'm in love and happy and carefree,” says Christina Aguilera when I ask her the colour of her hair. “Yeah I'm feeling so happy.”

This delicious diva, who someone once described as “looking like a fairy on crack” during her Lady Marmalade days, has taken time from recording to speak about her upcoming performances in South Africa as part of the massive Altech event which runs from November 4-11.

“I love having different looks and hairstyles. When I went black it was just a natural part of the process. I know it was extreme but I was feeling a little darker. But it's all fun in the end.”

Christina comes across as a highly professional person who is bubbly and extremely talkative. Her energy seems light. She appears to have a positive take on life and enjoys affirming herself.

Well, why not – she has a spectacular career that ensures top-selling albums, a body like that and as for her voice! When I first heard her I thought she was a mature black woman, not a 21-year-old white girl.

Now she has almost finished her next album.

“It's a throw back to the 1920s and 1930s. I have reinterpreted the look and the sound. My inspiration comes from artists like Billie Holliday, Eartha Kitt, Robbie Coltrane, you know those kinda soul singers. I have also taken influences from my favourite music, the blues, as well as jazz singers. This album is totally different. I re-invent myself with every album.

“When I was a new recording artist, the record company dictated what I had to do. But from my second album I unleashed every fantasy that I wanted to explore.”

(This included that very naughty video for Dirty from her Stripped album.)

Her stripper moves upped the ante for sexy dancing on music videos and pretty soon almost every female artist was doing da strip dancing

Christina has collaborated with many artists – Nelly, Missy Elliot, Alicia Keys and, of course, the girls from Lady Marmalade – Pink, Mya and Lil Kim. She totally outclassed them in the vocal department. Any collaborations coming up?

“I am not collaborating with anyone at the moment. I am in my own world. However, I did do one collaboration with Herbie Hancock. That was so amazing. I shall be performing it in South Africa.”

So what can South African fans expect from the diminutive diva?

“I'm bringing a live band, dancers. It's a high energy great show. It's escapism. For me the best part of my job is performing. I was born to perform. It's my place to shine. I get bored easily in the studio.

“I'm excited about this trip because it's my first time in Africa. I went to India and enjoyed it. I'm hoping to squeeze in some travel. I am also meeting Nelson Mandela, which is exciting because he is such an amazingly important man.”

Will you be going to a township?

“Um, a township? What's that?”

Well, Christina, Soweto is the most famous township.

“Hmm, Soweto, yeah, I'm going to Soweto. Is that how you say it So-whe-toe?” Yes dear. “Yeah, I'm going there to support the African Children's Feeding Scheme.”

Christina Aguilera's trip to SA includes a performance at the Night of the Stars on November 9 in aid of the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund, also featuring Westlife, Deborah Cox and Diana Ross as well as South African artists like Heinz Winkler and Danny K.

The following night she performs her own show at the Coca Cola Dome. I know on that night she is going to make me feel in love, happy and carefree. Can't wait.

Izvor: Tonight
- 13:24 - Let´s get dirrrty (7) - Ne treba ti - #

Christina's Ultimate Fan Appreciation Contest

Christina wants to thank all of you who have joined Xposed and have been dedicated fans throughout the years. To show her appreciation, she wants to include some of your personal voicemail messages in a track on her upcoming album.

All you have to do is call the toll free message line listed in the contest rules (follow link below) and leave Christina a message explaining what her music means to you, how it has inspired you, and what you love most about her and her music!

Each caller will have 60 seconds to express themselves, so be creative. Christina will only choose a select few to include in one of her songs on the upcoming album. Make sure to call before 5pm Eastern Time on November 18th.

The winning messages will be selected and announced on the website by Spring 2006, prior to the release of the new album.

Izvor: Xtina Exposed
- 12:50 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

26.10.2005., srijeda

Nove slike

Obećala sam jučer da ću objaviti još slika iz restorana, pa tako to i radim!

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- 14:46 - Let´s get dirrrty (7) - Ne treba ti - #

The Things they say: Rod Stewart

"She's superb... She's nearly as good as me." ROD STEWART is a big fan of CHRISTINA AGUILERA.

Ovo je izjava Rod Stewarta koju je dao Contact Music
- 12:37 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

25.10.2005., utorak

They're climbing the walls

Yoga is passe, aerobics is Eighties, and Pilates is so last season. The fitness craze now sweeping Holywood? Wall climbing!

Why spend hundreds of dollars on spandex outfits, air-filled sneakers and 20 sessions with a trainer who barks at you when you can slip on any kind of gear and hop over your nearest wall? No need to warm up - just find a challenging piece of masonry and throw your leg over.

The latest celebrities to get hooked on this are Ben Affleck and Christina Aguilera.

Ben, soon to become a dad with Jen Garner, will find it difficult to find time for the gym once the baby is born. But flinging himself over a wall on the way home from picking up diapers will be a breeze.

The pint-size Christina, soon to be married to Jordan Bratman, was spotted jumping a wall in Hollywood.

There's an added bonus in this sport: It'll be good practice if you ever get locked out of your house. Just think of it as urban mountain climbing.

Izvor: OK! magazine

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- 19:47 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

S Jordanom i obitelji u restoranu

Uskoro bi trebalo biti više slika, strpite se do tad.

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- 15:44 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

24.10.2005., ponedjeljak

S obitelji i Jordanom kupujući bundeve>strong/>II.dio

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- 18:50 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

S obitelji i Jordanom kupujući bundeve>strong/>I.dio

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- 16:52 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

Christina's Wedding Bind

Christina Aguilera, 24, likes her privacy when she's planning her wedding to Jordan Bratman.

A source tells Star People that Aguilera went to the Heritage Book Shop in West Hollywood on Oct. 7 to get some kinda of wedding part momento made in their book-binding facility.

"She asked the management to make sure all of the workers in the bindery had left the premises before she arrived," the source says.

Izvor: Star
- 14:20 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

22.10.2005., subota

Rolling stone

Ovo je također skenirana stranica!

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- 14:53 - Let´s get dirrrty (5) - Ne treba ti - #

In touch weekly

To je skenirana stranica magazina.

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- 09:47 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

21.10.2005., petak

Na sladoledu II.dio

Sve već znate!!

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- 17:44 - Let´s get dirrrty (5) - Ne treba ti - #

Na sladoledu I.dio

Malo kasnim s ovim slikama, nisam stigla ranije. Christina je bila s Jordanom naravno!! Slastičarnica se zove Carvel!!

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- 15:34 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

Christina ne želi darove

Zvijezda velikog srca Christina Aguilera moli svoje prijatelje i obitelj da joj ne kupuju darove za njeno skoro vjenčanje s menadžerom Jordanom Bratmanom, nego da novce koje su htjeli potrošiti za darove daju u dobrotvorne svrhe.
Prema zadnjim informacijama Christina bi trebala razmijeniti zavjete s Jordanom za Božić, a na svojim posjetnicama su zamolili goste da se prisjete žrtava nedavnih prirodnih nepogoda.
Na pozivnici su između ostalog napisali : "While we celebrate the richness of life and all the circumstances that have blessed us in career and love, we are mindful of those who are suffering greatly as a result of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

"The best gift you could give us is a donation to any of the organisations helping the stricken citizens of New Orleans."

Lijepa gesta nema šta?
- 13:14 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

20.10.2005., četvrtak


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- 15:37 - Let´s get dirrrty (7) - Ne treba ti - #

Cool it Chris!

Sexy singer Christina Aguilera shows she's got romace licked during a date with husband-to-be Jordan Bratman.

Christina, 24, got hot and bothered as she snuggled up to Jordan, 26, so she decided to cool off with a nice ice cream.

Izvor: Daily Star

Ispod se nalazi skenirana stranica magazina!
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- 12:31 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

Japanese Wedding for Christina

Christina and fiance Jordan haven't set a date yet, but they've revealed some intriguing details of their upcoming wedding, which, Christina says, will spolight "our love of Japan." Geishas and dragon dancers will entertain guests, and sushi will be served at the celebration in Napa, California. The party won't end on the wedding night, either. Christina says it'll last a few days, with a "different theme for each night."

Christina says she'll wear a Christian Lacroix wedding gown.

Izvor:In Touch Weekly

- 09:21 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

18.10.2005., utorak

Christina's Romantic Night With Jordan

Christina Aguilera's fiance of eight months, music executive Jordan Bratman, 27, "treats her like a princess," a source tells Us. "He gives her full attention, all the time." That was certainly clear during the couple's romantic dinner date at the Ivy on October 7 in Los Angeles.

After they pulled up to the restaurant in her white Rolls-Royce, Bratman gallantly opened the car door for her and escorted the singer, 24, inside the eatery.

"She was holding his arm as they walked," says a witness. "It was very sweet."

Perhaps the busy star, who is working on a new album (due out in early 1006) and preparing to walk down the aisle, needs a little TLC.

"It's hectic, but awesome, planning the wedding," Aguilera tells Us, adding that Bratman's help has made things easier. "He's very involved. I mean he's the best. He's he greatest. He's my backbone."

Izvor: US Weekly

Ispod se nalazi skenirana stranica magazina!!

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- 20:23 - Let´s get dirrrty (5) - Ne treba ti - #


Christina je uhvaćena na izlasku iz studia i ne izgleda baš presretna zbog toga!

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- 16:38 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #

Izgled bloga

Promijenila sam izgled bloga, stari mi je već bio išao polako na živce!! Nadam se da vam se sviđa!!!
- 14:21 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

Restoran LA

Christina je s Jordanom naravno. Xtina naravno izgleda sjajno! Slike su od prošlog tjedna no nisam ih bila u mogućnosti prije objaviti!!!

Kliknite na sliku za uvećani prikaz!

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- 13:22 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

17.10.2005., ponedjeljak

Pepsi reklama- Capitol recordsIII.dio

Već sve znate, ako želite sliku neku sačuvati ili joj se diviti kliknite na nju i ona će vam se otvoriti u svoj svojoj veličini!! Inače ja nemam ništa protiv toga da sačuvate slike koje objavljujem, ali znajte da treba puno truda da se nabavi neka zbirka fotografija.

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- 14:36 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

Pepsi reklama- Capitol recordsII.dio

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Pepsi reklama- Capitol recordsI.dio

Našla sam što se ovih fotografija tiče različite podatke, pa prema nekim izvorima ove fotografije su sa samog snimanja reklame, a prema drugim ovo je samo pokus za samo snimanje. Ipak svi se slažu da je Xtina u jednom od svojih najboljih izdanja(s čime se moram složiti jer izgleda fenomenalno). Ne preostaje nam ništa drugo nego pričekati da se reklama počne prikazivati. Naravno čim bude postojala snimka, moći ćete je pronaći na ovom blogu.

Kliknite na sliku za uvećani prikaz!!!

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- 09:27 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

16.10.2005., nedjelja

Himna - Pittsburg Penguins Opener

Već sam bila objavila kako je Christina pjevala himnu u Pittsburgu prije hokejaške utakmice i objavila slike. E sad imate priliku i čuti kako je Xtina to fenomenalno napravila!! Dakle, ako želite skinut kako Christina pjeva himnu i uživati u njenom fenomenalno glasu stisnite desnom tipkom miša na link i Save Target As i to je cijela priča! A ako Vam se njena interpretacija sviđa, znajte- uskoro ću objaviti snimku Christininog nastupa s Hanckokom na Ellen!!


- 19:41 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

Snimajući reklamu za PEPSI, na plaži u Malibu

Hvala fotografima na ovim prekrasnim fotografijama, gdje se vidi da je Christina u zadnje vrijeme zbilja procvjetala- ljubav čini svoje izgleda!!!
Drugi dio snimanja reklame objaviti ću sutra, da ipak danas ne pretjeram s postovima.

Kliknite na sliku za uvećani prikaz!!!

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- 17:45 - Let´s get dirrrty (27) - Ne treba ti - #

Nikad jefitinija Christina Aguilera

ATRAKTIVNA pop pjevačica, poznata po svojim energičnim i seksom nabijenim scenskim nastupima, prodala je pravo na fotografiranje svog predstojećeg vjenčanja za samo 350 tisuća funti.

Svjetska javnost ostala je šokirana niskom cijenom za koju je Christina prodala pravo na fotografiranje najsretnijeg dana u njezinu životu.

23-godišnja milijunašica pred oltar će već sljedećeg mjeseca, a ekskluzivno pravo na slike kupio je američki tabloid People Mag.

Christina i njezin budući suprug Jordan Bratman, inače glazbeni menadžer, zaručili su se prije 8 mjeseci. Trostruku osvajačicu Grammya, 26-godišnji Bratman je zaprosio na nepoznatom mjestu jer su se u to vrijeme par uporno pokušavao skriti od radoznale javnosti.

Glazbeni producent iznenadio je pop-zvijezdu dijamantnim prstenom poznatog dizajera nakita Stephena Webstera.


Već sam objavila ovu vijest, no ovo je ipak na hrvatskom, a ja inače zbilja nemam vremena za prevoditi tekstove.
- 17:34 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

Christina's Going Cheap

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us She's worth an absolute fortune yet Christina Aguilera has sold her wedding rights for next to nothing.

The pop diva is due to marry music manager Jordan Bratman next month and has decided she wants to world to see the photo's of her big day.

The millionairess is flogging her wedding pictures to a US magazine for a lousy Ł350, 000. Pop rival Britney Spears netted Ł1 million for the rights to her wedding to Kevin Federline but Christina seems more than happy with under a half of that.

Sources in the US say people are confused as to why Christina is bothering to sell her pictures for such a small price considering her fortune.

Maybe Chris is trying to show the world she is marrying for love not money....watch this space!

Izvor: Yahoo! UK News
- 15:04 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #

It's cut-price Christina

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Christina Aguilera također poznata kao prrrrljava pjevačica je prodala prava za slike s svog vjenčanja American magazinu za samo Ł350,000.
Milijunaška pjevačica koja ima 23 godine, trebala bi se vjenčati s svojim zaručnikom, glazbenim menadžerom Jordan Bratmanom, slijedeći mjesec - i odlučila je da zaradi s prodavanjem slika njezinog VELIKOG DANA People magazinu.

Izvor: OnlineSun
- 09:53 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

Aguilera Pitches for Pepsi

Coca Cola-lover Christina Aguilera has switched sides, after signing up to appear in an advertising campaign for soft drink giant Pepsi.
The singer, who claimed to be a lifelong Coke drinker when she was a part of the company's Latin America campaign, recently shot a commercial for Pepsi, which will also only air outside of this country.
The commercial sees the pop star donning a feathered tiara, sarong and a swimsuit, but representatives at Pepsi have refused to divulge what the concept is, reports MTV News.
A spokesperson for the company says, "Aguilera has truly encapsulated the 'Dare for More' approach."
Aguilera follows in the footsteps of Britney Spears, Beyonce Knowles, Pink and Jennifer Lopez, who have all appeared in ads for Pepsi. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Fotografije s snimanja reklame, objaviti ću nešto kasnije tokom dana ili sutra jer se je u ovom kratkom roku nakupilo puno vijesti, a blog baš nije bio na funkciji.

- 09:29 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

12.10.2005., srijeda

Star Scoop: Christina and Jordan

Jordan, a music exec, met Christina through a friend in 2002. Obviously, he knows what a girl wants: They've been together for two years.

The big moment came in February, during a romantic getaway in Carmel, Calif. Jordan filled their hotel room with rose petals, balloons and gift boxes-each containing a present and a poem that he'd written for her. In the last box she opened, she found a...

A five-carat diamond in a platinum setting, worth a reported $114,000. "It's classic, but it has a rock-and-roll feeling," she has said.

Former flames
Christina dated her backup dancer Jorge Santos, 29. She is Jordan's first celeb squeeze.

Wedding details
She wants a winter wedding, and her dress will be white, traditional and conservative. Really. But the fact that she checked out the gowns at avant-garde designer Christian Lacroix's fashion show in Paris makes us wonder.

Happy ending?
Jordan's been practicing for it! At their engagement bash, he carried Christina over the threshold of a restaurant (Santa Monica's Buffalo Club). One hundred guests toasted the happy couple at tables covered in rose petals and miniature wedding cakes.

Wedding Wish List
Perfect gift: Spa gift certificate: a good salt scrub can wash away the dirrty
Definitely not invited: Ex-Mickey Mouse Club cast mate Britney
Best wedding song: "Make Her Feel Good (Listen Up, Jordan Remix)"
Honeymoon hot spot: The Grand Canyon-the echo will make Xtina's pipes that much more impressive!

Izvor: People
- 16:16 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

10.10.2005., ponedjeljak

Knjižara u Hollywoodu

Knjižara se naziva Heritage i Christina je snimljena na odlasku!

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- 18:08 - Let´s get dirrrty (6) - Ne treba ti - #

09.10.2005., nedjelja

Vjenčanje u studenom

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Za vrijeme gostovanja u Ellen DeGeneres showu ( video bi uskoro trebao bit na blogu ), Christina je rekla da bi vejnčanje trebalo biti negdje u studenom. 19. 10. Christina će također biti na Tonight showu od Jay Lena!! To inače možete gledati i na običnoj satelitskoj kasno navečer pa to upravo zbog toga i objavljujem!
- 17:10 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

Singing The "National Anthem" At Pittsburgh Penguins Opener

Pokušavala sam objaviti već nekih tisuću postova no nije mi htjelo i nije. Također sam probala ostaviti vam po koji komentar no i to nije htjelo. Nadam se da će objaviti mi ovaj post. Uglavnom ovo su slike kako Christina pjeva himnu SAD-a u Pittsburghu!! Uskoro ću možda i objaviti snimku.

Kliknite na sliku za uvećani prikaz!!!

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- 16:18 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

04.10.2005., utorak

Westlife, Aguilera, Ross head for SA

Popular boy band, Westlife, is set to join a host of other international and local artists in a charity concert in Johannesburg next month. Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Westlife will perform together with Christina Aguilera, Dianna Ross, and violinist Lucia Micarelli at the Coca Cola Dome, Northgate on November 4.

The international multi-platinum award winning band have already performed in South Africa during a sell-out tour in March this year.

The 'Unite of the Stars' Gala Banquet will be in support of four charities: the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund, Unite Against Hunger, St Mary's hospital and the Topsy Foundation.

The concert, described by the presenters — 94.7 Highveld Stereo and M-Net — as the Rolls Royce of corporate functions, will see artists like Danny K, Debra Cox, Nianell, Heinz Winckler and the Soweto Gospel Choir joining Westlife, Aguilera, Ross and Micarelli on stage.

The charity concert is one of many events taking place in South Africa during the Altech South Africa Grand Prix week. Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Izvor: iafrica
- 17:04 - Let´s get dirrrty (9) - Ne treba ti - #

Star- 10.10

Iako kažu da su slike ekskluzivne, već ste ih ranije mogli vidjeti na blogu!
U zadnje vrijeme imam veliku gužvu pa ne stignem odgovoriti na komentare i mailove, ali nadoknaditi ću to, obečajem!!

Kliknite na sliku za uvećani prikaz!

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- 10:40 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

02.10.2005., nedjelja


Ovo je skenirana stranica!! Pišu o Christininom zabavljanju u Mexicu!!!

Kliknite na sliku za uvećani prikaz!!!

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- 10:13 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

01.10.2005., subota

Wild hen weekend in Mexico for Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera has splashed out on a wild hen weekend in Mexico.

The 'Dirrty' singer, who is engaged to music executive Jordan Bratman, flew her closest girlfriends to the plush Palmilla resort in Cabo San Lucas.

The blonde star was seen soaking up the sun around the pool with a flock of girlfriends before hitting the local night spots.

Dressed in a sparkly 'Bride to Be' tiara, novelty veil and a frilly lace garter, Christina was spotted partying at trendy clubs, Cabo Wabo and Mi Casa.

The diminutive star also wore a B-pendant to signify her soon to be new surname, Bratman.

A source told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "Christina and her friends had a great time. They spent the whole night dancing and giggling and just being really girlie."

Earlier this year, it was revealed the pop babe, who is famed for her outrageous outfits, wants a simple wedding dress.

She said: "The dress will be conservative. Don't expect the sort of stuff that hangs off my when I'm on stage. I want white and kind of traditional."

Izvor: Monsters & Critics

- 19:11 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

Church slams 'nasty, rude' Aguilera

British singer CHARLOTTE CHURCH was shocked when she met pop babe CHRISTINA AGUILERA at their mutual agent's office, declaring the DIRRTY hitmaker the "nastiest celebrity I've ever met".

The teen soprano and Aguilera share the same agent in Los Angeles, and during Church's visit a few years ago, she was disgusted by the American singer's behaviour.

Church says, "Christina really is the nastiest celebrity I ever met.

"We've got the same management in LA and I saw her in the office there.

"She didn't really do anything, but she was quite rude."

Izvor: Contact Music
- 14:07 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

Opuštajući se uz bazen u Palmilla Resort San Lucas, Mexico II. dio

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- 09:17 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

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dirrrty or not

Opis bloga

Da svima bude jasno, jebe mi se živo što Vi mrzite Christinu
Ja ju volim- so kiss my ass
Za razliku od nekih, negativne komentare ne kanim brisati

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Music By Shimmering Graphix


Christinin twitter

IME : Christina Maria Aguilera

SPOL : Žensko


DATUM ROĐENJA: 18.12. 1980.

MJESTO ROĐENJA: Staten Island, New York, USA

ZANIMANJE: glumica, prvenstveno glazbenica

OBRAZOVANJE : Ingomar Middle School u Wexford, Pennsylvania
North Allegheny High School in Wexford, Pennsylvania (maturirala 1999.)
Mickey Mouse Club

TATA : Fausto Aguilera (vojnik; roditelji rastavljeni)

MAMA: Shelly Kearns (podrijetlom iz Irske; violinistica, svira i klavir; predsjednica Christininog fanclub)

SESTRA: Rachel (mlađa; rođena 1986)

POLUSESTRA: Stephanie (mlađa)

POLUBRAT: Michael (mlađi; rođen 1996), Casey (mlađi)

OČUH: Jim Kearns

POČETAK KARIJERE: Hit singl Genie in a Bottle (1999)