volkov lair

srijeda, 20.02.2008.

Nova Ruska "stealth" strateška krstareća raketa!

Nova Ruska stealth Kh-101 krstareća strateška raketa dometa 5000km ( U razvoju je i Kh-102 sa nuklearnom bojnom glavom).

Spekulativni RCS 0.01m2. Raketa je univerzalna i postoje indicije da će ćinit sastavni dio nove Ruske nuklearne napadajne podmornice NATO naziva Graney koja će bit lansirana u 2009-oj.

Inače razvoj rakete je započea 1992-e međutim zbog teške ekonomske situacije raketa ej završena tek 2003-e i od tada je an testiranjima. Inače zamišljena je kao nasljednica Kh-55 dosadašnje Ruske strateške krstareće rakete koja je btw imala domet od 2500km.

Za razliku od Kh-555 koji se navodila inercijski/TERCOM, Kh-101 ima inercijski/TERCOM/GPS/Visualni (kamere) sustav navođenja radi povećanja preciznosti.

Za razliku od Kh-555 koja nije stealth Kh-101 ima ekstenzivne mjere redukcije RCS-a RAM/vanjska kontura/Marabu stealth generator jednako kao i Meteorit krstareća raketa.


te malo iz stranih medija o raketi

Russia's latest long range cruise missiles are unveiled

Jane's Defence Weekly - October 24, 2007
Robert Hewson Jane's Air-Launched Weapons Editor London

Exclusive images of Russia's two most advanced long-range airborne weapons - the Kh-101 and Kh-555 conventionally armed cruise missiles - have recently been acquired by Jane's .

Russia has been modernising its cruise missile inventory over the past few years and has recently increased the operational tempo of the strategic bomber fleet that would deploy such weapons.

Developed by the Raduga Design Bureau (now part of the unified Tactical Missiles Corporation), the Kh-555 is a modified version of the original nuclear-tipped Kh-55 strategic stand-off weapon (AS-15 'Kent'). It is thought to have entered service in 2004, but details are scant. The Kh-101 is a stealth-optimised design, conceived as a Kh-55 replacement. No images of this missile have previously been shown in public.

In the imagery acquired by Jane's , the Kh-101 is seen carried in pairs on four pylons under an upgraded Tu-95MS16 'Bear-H' (Tu-95MSM) bomber. The Tu-95MS16 variant can carry a theoretical load of 16 cruise missiles (Kh-55s): 10 on underwing pylons and six on its MKU-6-5 internal rotary launcher. This 'overload', which requires two pylons each to carry three missiles, proved to be impractical and is not used operationally. Typically, the combat load for a 'Bear' would be carried on the internal launcher only to maximise aircraft range.

The Tu-95MS16 variant maintains the ability to carry underwing missiles as seen in the image (unlike the Tu-95MS6). The eight Kh-101 configuration may be the (maximum) standard load for this new weapon. The aircraft is adorned with photo calibration markings and so the red-painted missiles are likely to be a trial fit.

The Kh-101 appears to be longer than the Kh-55/555 series (approximately 7 m in length) with a more slender and angular design. The missile has a chiselled nose section and a flat-sided triangular main body, all calculated to reduce radar cross-section. Three folding tail fins are mounted at the end of a tapered rear section. A pop-out wing is mounted under the missile, which is thought to be powered by an NPO Saturn TRDD-50 turbojet. The podded engine is housed inside the rear of the missile and drops down on a pylon when the missile is released from its launch aircraft.

The operational status of the Kh-101 is still not clear, although it is obviously in an advanced test and development stage and is probably available for use. Russian sources note that flights with the missile and the Tu-95MSM have been ongoing for over a year.

Photographs of the Kh-555 being loaded onto a Tu-95 are significant because this missile had previously been associated only with the Tu-160 'Blackjack' bomber. It was always probable that the Kh-555 would be integrated with the Tu-95 but doing so increases the operational flexibility of Russia's bomber force and provides the Tu-95 with a modern conventional weapon capability for the first time.

Given the increased size of the Kh-101 (about 1 m longer than the Kh-55), it is unlikely that this missile can be carried on the standard MKU-6-5 internal launcher. It is possible that a conventionally armed Tu-95 could operate with a mix of external Kh-101s and internal Kh-555s.


The Kh-101 is an advanced cruise missile under development to eventually replace the Kh-55 missile onboard the Soviet/Russian strategic bombers such as Tu-160 and Tu-95. The Kh-101 has a 400-kg conventional warhead, stealth features, high subsonic speed and low altitude flight profile. The conventionally-armed Kh-101 has also been referred to as the Russian counterpart to the United States Air Force AGM-129 air launched cruise missile.

The Kh-101 has a highly accurate navigation system with a terminal TV-based seeker for precision-attack missions. The Kh-101 development has been strongly influenced by the successes of US military campaigns in the late 1990s and the emerging role of standoff weapons in modern conflicts. Up to eight (Tu95) or up to 12 (Tu-160) of these missiles can be carried by a single Russian heavyweight bomber.

The Kh-101 and Kh-102 air launched cruise missile are supposed to be members of the same family of missiles sharing components and overall performance. The main difference between them is their warhead. The Kh-101 is near ready for deployment.

20 m (66 ft)

Max Range
5,000 km (2,700 nm)

Max Weight
2,400 kg (5,291 lb)

Top Speed
266 mps (Mach 0.80)

400 kg (882 lb) -

The Kh-555 is a long-range, air-launched cruise missile. The Kh-555 missile is equipped with a conventional warhead. Externally the new missile and its predecessor, the Kh-55, are quite similar but the Kh-555 has been equipped with additional fuel tanks, new engine and navigation system. The new navigation system combines inertial navigation with terrain matching based upon an electro-optic sensor with geo-location data coming from GLONASS global positioning system. With its enhanced accuracy, the Kh-555 missile can hit targets at maximum ranges between 2,000 to 3,500 kilometers.

The Russian Air Force carried out flight tests using the Kh-555 missile onboard the Tu-160 bomber in August 2005.

Max Range
3,500 km (1,890 nm) -

Te naravno iz hrvatskog vojnika

NAKON niza godina uočljiv je trend da Rusija obnavlja i jača svoje vojne potencijale, s kojima nastoji biti što prisutnija diljem svijeta. Proteklih mjeseci, to je bilo vrlo uočljivo s njihovim podmornicama u svjetskim morima, odnosno "izletima" njihovih bombardera, posebice na sjeveru europskog kontinenta. Dodatni je prilog o renesansi ruske vojne tehnologije fotografija, koja je doduše snimljena tijekom 2006., ali je proteklih tjedana objavljena u svjetskom tisku.
Na njoj se može vidjeti redizajnirana inačica strateškog krstarećeg projektila zrak-zemlja H-101/102. Fotografija je potaknula pretpostavke da je Rusija uspjela napokon prevladati brojne financijske i tehnološke zapreke, što joj je u konačnici omogućilo nastavak rada na nasljedniku strateškog krstarećeg projektila H-55 (AS-15 Kent). Razvoj projektila H-1017102 predvodi ruska tvrtka Reduga i projektil H-101 nosi konvencionalnu bojnu glavu, dok projektil H-102 nosi nuklearnu bojnu glavu, a oba projektila predviđena su za lansiranje s bombardera. Uočljiv je određeni napredak u dizajnu tijeka projektila, koji bi trebao imati znatno smanjen radarski odraz, a domet bi trebao biti povećan na čak 5000 km, što je znatno više u odnosu na K-15B, koji ima domet do 3000 km. Duljina tijela projektila je 8 m, što ga čini prikladnim za unutartrupne nosače na Tu-160 Blackjack (koji unutra može ponijeti 12 projektila). Projektil je za Tu-95 Bear prevelik, te ga on može nositi samo na vanjskim nosačima.

20.02.2008. u 13:41 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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