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Blog description
For my dear friends far far away... a diary of my wonderful life in the lovely country of Croatia.

Explanation to all who wonder why this blog is in English:
my dear friends, to whom I write this instead of e-mails, are not Croatian. They’re from all over the world. So, I write in English, which all of my friends, whether Croatian, or Japanese, of French, or Mexican, can understand.

Noriko's Web Page
Gabi's Work in Progress

Forgot my e-m@il?

The last movie I've seen...
I can't seem to find the time to go see a movie. Or the will. Or the money :).

Alexander the Great

Horrible, horrible movie. Don't go and see it is my honest advice.

The Chronicles of Riddick

What can I say? Vin Diesel. If this were the worst movie in the history of movie making, I’d still love it. But it was quite good, actually. Sort of like Conan in space, but with a much, much hotter guy in the main role. Vin Diesel. Ah, he could make a movie about him walking around in an empty room for two hours doing nothing and I’d think it was the movie of the year :). (oh, and this stays here until I see a new movie with Vinnie boy :)))

The book(s) I'm reading these days...
Right now I've got the new Terry Pratchett - "Monstrus Regiment". It's too serious for a Discworld book so far.

Damn useful!
Don't know what to do with your time? The Internet is a great source of fun and knowledge!


Hyperdictionary - the better to understand the English language. Has a dream dictionary too. Great page.


Internet Archive - "Universal access to human knowledge" - come here and learn something!


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - the link says it all


Sci-Tech Today - latest news from science and technology


Internet Movie Database - any movie, any time. On your desk at your disposal.


Bored.com - Bored? Click away!


31.01.2005., ponedjeljak

They lost my posts.
The bastards.

Well, didn't exactly lose them, just sort of shoved them here, but still... I want my posts all on one page!!!

Ah, I'll write more sensibly tomorrow, I don't have the will now.

- 20:13 - Comments? (0) - -

30.01.2005., nedjelja

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29.01.2005., subota

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28.01.2005., petak

- 12:33 - Comments? (0) - -

27.01.2005., èetvrtak

I have a feeling that things will be moving my way soon. But don't tell anyone, I don't want to jinx myself :).

I'm still snowing here, a bit, I'm not sure if it's snowing or the wind is just blowing snow around. But it's pretty :).
Nothing new or interesting has happened to me these few days. Come to think of it, I lead a very boring life. Academy, project, driving school, honeybunny coming and going... You should have read me during college time ten months ago, the stories I would have told you then... :). Better not, some things are better left between me and a disco club full of students :). It's funny, I was so wild, and I do have this unconventional streak about me, but lately I just don't feel like partying until dawn and doing crazy things.
It’s not that I got tired of it, it’s just that I don’t have the right team around me to do it. For some things you just need good company, and if that company has dispersed all around the world… you just don’t feel like it. (oh, kisses to Mirek, hope you arrived at Phoenix safely! Read your e-mail baby!)

Anyway… Hope things will improve when some of you get back :).

I’ve got some work to do, so I’m off. Love to you all from

- 12:20 - Comments? (0) - -

26.01.2005., srijeda

(it’s so cute how you can write backwards in this blog thingy :) so it looks like I’ve written every day :). Cheater :) )
- 12:21 - Comments? (0) - -

25.01.2005., utorak

Some things are better than sex

Ah, the city looks so beautiful under the cover of snow. I'll be going out later on to take some pictures – this time it's a decent size snow, about 8 cm (I think, I was never very good at judging heights or lengths, or any sort of measurement really :) )

I took the cat for a walk last night.
Yes, that's right, I took the cat for a walk.
We didn't go far, just in our apartment’s house yard, but she was out of her mind with sounds and smells... Didn't want to go back in the apartment later even though she was cold and shivering :) silly thing.
Aw, I know I sound like a complete freak but she's so cute and so funny. We have this game where I throw her cookies and she tries to catch them in the air. And succeeds loads of times. But when she eats the cookie, she picks it up with her paw and brings it to her mouth! She doesn't eat off the floor, but out of her paw. Amazing, it's like she's imitating us!
Ok, enough about the cat, I really don't want to sound like I'm obsessed with cats. Although I am, but the whole world doesn't have to know. Ups :) ...

I’m downloading a new batch of antivirus update and this one is HUGE! It’s go 4MB. WFT??? I really update the thing regularly, I don’t get it, how come this one’s so big?


I bought some diet cookies this morning. Not because I’m on a diet, but because I always wanted to try how they taste like. Horrible. A complete waste of anybodies money, if you ask me. No sugar and low fat makes a cookie not worth eating. I am really sorry for all the people that must eat them, those that have health problems and aren’t allowed to eat anything with sugar.
Although, I think that sugar is the root of all our health problems. I know from documentaries that people in the past, before sugar, were healthier in some aspects than we are today. Especially when it comes to teeth. Some skulls they found of 50-year old men from Roman Empire times still had all their teeth and were healthy as hell. And here I am, 20-something, with more fillings than a Jadranska magistrala (Croatian road. Known for its filled-up holes. Very bad. Feels like you’re driving a rally.) I blame it all on sugar. Because that’s the only real difference in nutrition between them and us. Sugar.
But hey, who can resist? And why would you try? You only live once. Well, maybe you don’t but you don’t remember those other lives anyway, so you might as well only live once. Why waste this life on not living it fully? Even if that means more dentist appointments :).

Ok, I’m monologing again. I’m off before I go into the philosophical significance of sugar :).

Love to you all from

- 13:26 - Comments? (0) - -

24.01.2005., ponedjeljak

Grrr... Arrrg...
This has become extremely annoying.

The third time blog server has been off-line, due to unforeseen difficulties. The most popular theory on why the blog crashes so often is that they have not foreseen its huge popularity and don't have enough space to supply the enormous demand. I think they’re just unprofessional and have a freaking old server, since they can’t get anything better.

I went over to the other blog server we have, MojBlog, and opened up a blog there, just in case this one goes to the dumps. But the other one is bloody complicated, I can’t make heads or tails of it… yet.

It’s snowing in Zagreb… so lovely to watch snow through the window but I went out this morning and froze. I almost slipped and fell on my ass a couple times because of the ice under the snow – tricky little thing, you can’t see it until you slip on it.
And my car skated all over the road due to me not taking my foot off the gas pedal :). Hey, I parked the car in reverse the first time today! So, I came in too close on the right and my instructor could not get out of his seat :), and he says to me, ok, now we have to straighten it a bit, now go out, ok, now go left, see how you are moving closer to that blue Citroen, ok, now a bit right, stop, STOP, ok, that’s fine, don’t worry, now just a bit left/right (this is the moment my brain lost track of what my hands were doing…), ok, now straighten the wheels.
??? <- - - That was the sign visible above my head. The million-dollar question – to which side are the wheels pointed to? I just stared at the steering wheel as if it could give me some instruction on where to turn it to… well, I got it right in the end (the instructor told me which way to turn. Of course.)

That’s enough about my driving adventures.

The big thing that’s been going on here for the past few days is (you won’t believe it) a soccer transfer!
We have two clubs that have a history of animosity between them: Hajduk from Split and Dinamo from Zagreb. Yesterday a player that was captain of Dinamo went and signed a three-year contract for Hajduk. Those of you who watch soccer – remember when Figo went from Barcelona to Real Madrid? Well, this was worse. The supporters of Dinamo made such a fuss about the whole thing, cars were demolished, policemen were injured… The supporters of Hajduk made a fuss about the whole thing too, 10,000 of them greeted the kid (and he is a kid, he’s 20-something) with banners and song… you’d thing Beckham was coming.
And that’s the biggest news in Croatia – Niko Kranjèar went to Hajduk! Screw tsunamis and screw elections, screw blizzards and screw corruption affaires – Niko went to Hajduk.

And, let’s see, what else is new… nothing comes to mind right now… so, I’m off to do something intelligent.

Frozen kisses from snowy Zagreb to you all from


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23.01.2005., nedjelja

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22.01.2005., subota

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21.01.2005., petak

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20.01.2005., èetvrtak

- 12:31 - Comments? (0) - -

19.01.2005., srijeda

Aw, I had such a busy day!

I didn't eat shit until I got home (which was about an hour ago). I feel so tired, and I'm not half finished with the stuff I have to do!!!
I’ve got to make a web page (thanfully, only one) until tomorrow, and I’ve got stuff to read… Exam’s coming Friday… got to be ready… don’t understand half the stuff he’s teaching… heavy finance, not my cup of tea…

Anyway, hope you’re having more fun right now than I am. Half the city is off at the REM concert (there, I’ve missed that too. Well, I’m not a big fan and all, but we don’t get such huge bands here every week, you know?), and I’m here feeding the cat Royal Canin cookies…

At least honeybunny’s home. I feel so exhausted I cannot even be properly happy about that.

Love to you all from

dog-tired Tiamat

- 23:03 -

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

And since we've no place to go

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

the view through my window

Snow has fallen!!!
Everything is white!!!
And my dear honeybunny

Is coming home tonight :))))

Ah, I was wondering just a few days ago when will it finally snow in Zagreb. And this morning I wake up, and everything is white :)!!!
I'm loving it :).

And Blacky is behaving, he hasn’t frozen once today :).

I haven’t been out in the snow for ages, and I’m not counting all those times we got stuck on the road because of a snowstorm, since that wasn’t fun :). That was cold and horrible and I didn’t care for snow, just for not running out of gas and getting home in one piece.

Ah, I feel like a little girl; I just want to go out and throw snowballs at people :). Who’s with me :)?

But, I have work to do and have to go do it.

Love to you all from

- 12:27 - Comments? (0) - -

18.01.2005., utorak

Bad Blacky! Sit! Stay! Behave!

My computer is malfunctioning. I have no idea what's wrong with it, but every now and then it starts producing this high pitch noise that goes directly into my scull and everything freezes.
If I’m lucky after a couple of seconds it unfreezes, and if I’m not it stops working all together.

So, if I’m not writing for long periods of time, you know who to blame. My dear Blacky.

Well, it needs and upgrade anyway, but since I have no idea what’s wrong with it, I don’t know what to do. I think it’s the hard disc; it’s the only thing inside that makes any noise ever.

Bad computer!

Oh god, if my computer stops working, what will I do?
I’m so used to it, I’m so attached to it, I cannot imagine a day without a computer! Where will I play music? How will I read the news? What books will I read?
I am so dependent on this little machine! I do everything besides cooking on it! The first thing I do when I wake up, even before brushing my teeth is turn on the computer (so Windows have time to wake up :))) I play on it, I read on it, my recipes are on it…

Don’t do this to me Blacky, I need you!!!


Well, I better finish this before it freezes again.

My daddy got offered a new, better paying job, which he says he’s not going to take. He doesn’t like the conditions (he’d have to be in the office instead on the field, and he HATES working a desk job). From my perspective, jobless, careerless, this looks so much like a SF movie. It sound so… fantastic (fantastic in a sense as something that came out of a fantasy book) to me. There are people out there who have the opportunity to refuse job offers. Wow. I don’t have the opportunity to get a job!

Well, maybe I will, I’ve got an interview soon, as soon as we can agree on the time :). Maybe this one will go through. Maybe.

So, my lovely people, I’m sending you kisses, and please pray for me that Blacky the computer will not break down totally. Maybe it has a flue, it’s been going around :).

Love to you all from

- 12:29 - Comments? (0) - -

17.01.2005., ponedjeljak

Why did I get myself into this concert planning thingy?

It's so fucking complicating!

Call this one, call that one, make sure these guys did their part... and everybody's busy, everything takes ages to be done!

Oh, well, as I said, I'm learning a lot, but apparently one thing is still left for me to learn – patience. I want it all done NOW and everything takes a few days – at least.

And besides that, all else is fine.

Honeybunny and I watched Star Wars yesterday together for the first time. Wow. It has taken us only four and a half years to watch our favorite movie of all time – together :).
And you know – every time I watch that movie I still love it as much as the first time I saw it. Well, that's why it's my favorite movie of all time.

There are two things I can't wait for – the new Harry Potter book and the new Star Wars movie. Although, the new parts will never be as good as the old ones. Star Wars, that is. Harry Potter will undoubtedly be great.

:))))) awwww, this reminds me of a friend’s friend theory about life. She once said when he was saying how he can’t wait for this thing to come out:

you always wait for something –to finish school, for your job, wait for the perfect man/woman, wait for your kids to finish school - and then you die.

I think what she meant was – stop waiting for things, have fun right now :).
But you know, she’s right: we always wait for something. We are always hoping and yearning for something – a job, a romance, house and kids, adventure, lottery winnings…. Sometimes in all this waiting and wishing we may forget to live and be happy right now.

Although, I believe happiness is unachievable. It is in the nature of a human to be unsatisfied. Even when you are completely, absolutely happy, you cannot stay in that mode long. Every day you will be less and less happy, and soon you will start wising for something new.

Have you ever been so happy and satisfied with your life that nothing could wipe the smile off your face? So happy that you walked around with a permanent grin stuck on your face and were aware that the passerby’s think you are a little crazy? (I was :))

How long did that last? (about five days for me… maybe a week)

And then you start getting of your cloud and start wishing, waiting, wanting – again.

But that’s fine. The fact that we cannot stay ultimately happy for long is what moves us on in search of new things to bring us happiness. If you are truly happy, you don’t need change. You would stay in your happy place and never go anywhere or do anything new. Never induce any change because the object of your desire has been achieved.
If we were all truly happy, we would not have wars, but we also would never change anything. Wouldn’t that be a shame?
Imagine if world-wide happiness came a century ago. Sure, there would not have been world war I&II, but there would also not have been computers, or fast cars and airplanes, washing machines and microwave ovens…. You name it. Because if everybody’s happy with now, why change it?

Argh, too much philosophy too early in the morning :) (how did I even get there?!). As honeybunny knows, my time for debate is late night, preferably after midnight :).

Well, I’m off to see if I can speed up the harvest and teleport myself off this rock :).

Love to you all from

- 12:30 - Comments? (0) - -

16.01.2005., nedjelja

Sundays... don't you just hate them?
- 12:30 - Comments? (0) - -

15.01.2005., subota

Ah, good day to you all!!!!

I'm feeling great toady!

Maybe it's my horoscope, maybe it's the weather, maybe it's because honeybunny's home, whatever the reason, I'm in a great mood!

I made American pancakes for breakfast this morning. Yeey!
It's been such a long time since I ate those. Remember in the USA all the cake and food preparations you did at home came in neat little packages you could buy at Wal-Mart. So when I made pancakes there I never made them from scratch but from a box. I never knew the ingredients in the stuff.

This morning I found a recipe online and made my first batch of American pancakes here in Croatia. And they turned out great. We didn't have any maple syrup to eat them with, but never mind.... It brings back memories :).

Sometimes I really get this desire for American food. As fattening and as bad it was, some foods I loved.

-my pancakes

Nachos.... mmmmm...those nachos with chicken at Ale House...mmmmm....Burger King...jalapeno cheese dip...mmmmmm....

No more, I will write about that no more, I'm getting an appetite again :).

Anyway, honeybunny and I are off to the town as soon as I wash a batch of clothes.

It's a beautiful day!!! I love you all!!!


- 15:05 - Comments? (0) - -

14.01.2005., petak

The sun is shining in Zagreb, and after yesterday when I couldn't see shit from the fog it is a welcome change indeed.

And how is it where you are? Clod, hot, sunny, night, day?
The cat is sleeping on my shoulder again. She's getting heavier by the day and I've got to think of a way to make her stop sleeping all over me. But I don't have the heart to throw her off – she is so lovely and peaceful (for a change).

I'm actually quite busy with organizing a concert – I finally figured out that I should get involved as much as possible if I want this thing to succeed. So now I'm contacting people all over the place and learning quite a few things about the music industry and loads of other things. I’ll tell you all about it when I finish – I don't want to jinx myself :).

But I promised some pictures yesterday, and here they are, together with the story :).

For Xmas honey bunny and I went to Split to spend the holydays with my family. We made a deal – this year Xmas with mine and Easter with his, next year the other way around. My brother bought the most horrible Xmas tree he could find – it was al crooked with branches only on one side and going off in some weird directions – incredible! If he was specifically looking for the worst Xmas tree on the market he would have done worse only if he brought a stick with no branches home. Well, after a few hours of work, it looked like this:

-honeybunny and bro making preparations

-the set and decorated Xmas tree

Well, in the end I was satisfied, but in the future I don’t think he'll go to the market without me.
So, on Xmas day we got loads of presents and ate tons of food and were happy :).

- honeybunny’s cake

- Christmas at M&D’s

For New Year’s Eve we had plans for a party. D.’s cousin was supposed to have a party at home, and we were all to go. But, 24 hours before the bloody thing, M. & D. call us up and say – guys, we can’t come, we’re working late and don’t have enough time to arrive from Split to Zagreb. And of course, without them we can’t crash to some unknown woman’s party!
I was really, really mad at the two of them.

There we were 24 hours before New Year and no place to go.

In the end we called T. and her brother who also had no plans, we got sort of drunk at our place, went to the center of Zagreb to watch fireworks, ended up in some bar where we had loads more to drink and came back to our place to play EyeToy :). Went to bed blissfully drunk at 5 am. :)
So, we didn’t have a bad time after all, despite the party accident.

But, the next day, January 1st , we couldn’t move. We watched TV the whole day, and I came down with tonsillitis. What a way to spend the first day of a new year – sick.

When I sort of recovered (honeybunny also had some throat problems, we must have picked up the same virus thingy) we went to Istria.

And it was lovely.

Honeybunny had to do some work; chopping wood and help his aunt with another kolinje, and I really can’t say what we did for those few days because we didn’t do anything. That is, I didn’t do anything.

I made lunch one day.

That’s about all I did.

I finished two books and started a third, played a bit more EyeToy, lounged on the couch, played with the cat… nothing. Complete leisure. We climber the hill behind honeybunny’s house one day and these are a few pictures of mainland Istria and the village of Roè:

We came back to Zagreb on Sunday, honeybunny went off to Sarajevo and that was the end of our holydays. Well, every day is a holyday for me, since I don’t do shit :). Well, I do, but I don’t get paid :).

So here I am, with my best friend Blacky the Computer and my favorite creature, Leelo the Cat, back in surprisingly sunny Zagreb, whishing I was in Hawaii or someplace warm with bikinis.

When will it snow???

- 13:07 - Comments? (0) - -

13.01.2005., èetvrtak

Well, hello my dear, dear people.

I know, I haven't been here for aaaaaaaaagggggggggggeeeeeeeeessssssss (that's ages :) ), but, I've been... well, not exactly busy, more sort of away.

I've been home and I've been in Istria, and somehow I lost track of days and ended up not writing for all this time.

So, what's new?

Not much. Same old, same old.

I'm still unemployed, still home alone (as you know, honeybunny's working in Bosnia), the only thing that's probably changed is my weight – well, who can resist holyday food! :)
I've got some lovely pictures to put up, of us at home and our Christmas trees, of the wonderful view of Istria, but I'm too lazy today so perhaps You'll see it tomorrow.

Anyway, love and kisses to you all, I'm off to wash my hair!!!

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