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The sun is shining in Zagreb, and after yesterday when I couldn't see shit from the fog it is a welcome change indeed.

And how is it where you are? Clod, hot, sunny, night, day?
The cat is sleeping on my shoulder again. She's getting heavier by the day and I've got to think of a way to make her stop sleeping all over me. But I don't have the heart to throw her off – she is so lovely and peaceful (for a change).

I'm actually quite busy with organizing a concert – I finally figured out that I should get involved as much as possible if I want this thing to succeed. So now I'm contacting people all over the place and learning quite a few things about the music industry and loads of other things. I’ll tell you all about it when I finish – I don't want to jinx myself :).

But I promised some pictures yesterday, and here they are, together with the story :).

For Xmas honey bunny and I went to Split to spend the holydays with my family. We made a deal – this year Xmas with mine and Easter with his, next year the other way around. My brother bought the most horrible Xmas tree he could find – it was al crooked with branches only on one side and going off in some weird directions – incredible! If he was specifically looking for the worst Xmas tree on the market he would have done worse only if he brought a stick with no branches home. Well, after a few hours of work, it looked like this:

-honeybunny and bro making preparations

-the set and decorated Xmas tree

Well, in the end I was satisfied, but in the future I don’t think he'll go to the market without me.
So, on Xmas day we got loads of presents and ate tons of food and were happy :).

- honeybunny’s cake

- Christmas at M&D’s

For New Year’s Eve we had plans for a party. D.’s cousin was supposed to have a party at home, and we were all to go. But, 24 hours before the bloody thing, M. & D. call us up and say – guys, we can’t come, we’re working late and don’t have enough time to arrive from Split to Zagreb. And of course, without them we can’t crash to some unknown woman’s party!
I was really, really mad at the two of them.

There we were 24 hours before New Year and no place to go.

In the end we called T. and her brother who also had no plans, we got sort of drunk at our place, went to the center of Zagreb to watch fireworks, ended up in some bar where we had loads more to drink and came back to our place to play EyeToy :). Went to bed blissfully drunk at 5 am. :)
So, we didn’t have a bad time after all, despite the party accident.

But, the next day, January 1st , we couldn’t move. We watched TV the whole day, and I came down with tonsillitis. What a way to spend the first day of a new year – sick.

When I sort of recovered (honeybunny also had some throat problems, we must have picked up the same virus thingy) we went to Istria.

And it was lovely.

Honeybunny had to do some work; chopping wood and help his aunt with another kolinje, and I really can’t say what we did for those few days because we didn’t do anything. That is, I didn’t do anything.

I made lunch one day.

That’s about all I did.

I finished two books and started a third, played a bit more EyeToy, lounged on the couch, played with the cat… nothing. Complete leisure. We climber the hill behind honeybunny’s house one day and these are a few pictures of mainland Istria and the village of Roè:

We came back to Zagreb on Sunday, honeybunny went off to Sarajevo and that was the end of our holydays. Well, every day is a holyday for me, since I don’t do shit :). Well, I do, but I don’t get paid :).

So here I am, with my best friend Blacky the Computer and my favorite creature, Leelo the Cat, back in surprisingly sunny Zagreb, whishing I was in Hawaii or someplace warm with bikinis.

When will it snow???

Post je objavljen 14.01.2005. u 13:07 sati.