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Some things are better than sex

Ah, the city looks so beautiful under the cover of snow. I'll be going out later on to take some pictures – this time it's a decent size snow, about 8 cm (I think, I was never very good at judging heights or lengths, or any sort of measurement really :) )

I took the cat for a walk last night.
Yes, that's right, I took the cat for a walk.
We didn't go far, just in our apartment’s house yard, but she was out of her mind with sounds and smells... Didn't want to go back in the apartment later even though she was cold and shivering :) silly thing.
Aw, I know I sound like a complete freak but she's so cute and so funny. We have this game where I throw her cookies and she tries to catch them in the air. And succeeds loads of times. But when she eats the cookie, she picks it up with her paw and brings it to her mouth! She doesn't eat off the floor, but out of her paw. Amazing, it's like she's imitating us!
Ok, enough about the cat, I really don't want to sound like I'm obsessed with cats. Although I am, but the whole world doesn't have to know. Ups :) ...

I’m downloading a new batch of antivirus update and this one is HUGE! It’s go 4MB. WFT??? I really update the thing regularly, I don’t get it, how come this one’s so big?


I bought some diet cookies this morning. Not because I’m on a diet, but because I always wanted to try how they taste like. Horrible. A complete waste of anybodies money, if you ask me. No sugar and low fat makes a cookie not worth eating. I am really sorry for all the people that must eat them, those that have health problems and aren’t allowed to eat anything with sugar.
Although, I think that sugar is the root of all our health problems. I know from documentaries that people in the past, before sugar, were healthier in some aspects than we are today. Especially when it comes to teeth. Some skulls they found of 50-year old men from Roman Empire times still had all their teeth and were healthy as hell. And here I am, 20-something, with more fillings than a Jadranska magistrala (Croatian road. Known for its filled-up holes. Very bad. Feels like you’re driving a rally.) I blame it all on sugar. Because that’s the only real difference in nutrition between them and us. Sugar.
But hey, who can resist? And why would you try? You only live once. Well, maybe you don’t but you don’t remember those other lives anyway, so you might as well only live once. Why waste this life on not living it fully? Even if that means more dentist appointments :).

Ok, I’m monologing again. I’m off before I go into the philosophical significance of sugar :).

Love to you all from


Post je objavljen 25.01.2005. u 13:26 sati.