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Idem na more...

imam još negdi deset minuta pa idem na more. TOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! a ovaj je post samo da vas sve na brzaka pozdravim. puno puno pusica za OGGY i VEX. CURE VOLIM VAS!! (ne vidimo se mjesec dana...šmrc) i puno pusa za ANITU(s kojom sam se odavno pomirila). I veliki pozdrav SOFTY-u(nemoj pretjerano zajebavat Dunju) Ajd bok svima vama. POZZ KI$$.

- 10:13 - Komentari (5) - Print - #
- 22:36 - Komentari (1) - Print - #

It was only a dream....

He holds my hand,
And talks to me,
His words I don’t understand,
Yet how right this seams to be,
We stroll through a green forest,
His laughter fills the air,
He suggests we stop to rest,
Gently caressing my hair,
I readily agree,
And smile happily,
As he leads me to a tree,
And sits there beside me,
We listen to a nightingale’s song,
The sweet scent of jasmine hanging in the air,
This could never go wrong,
Better I could never fare,
Suddenly, his arms are around my waist,
I melt into them,
His fingers caress my face,
As though it were the most precious of gems,
I look into his eyes,
I see love and caring,
Oh what surprise,
Red lights are blaring,
As he leans in for a kiss,
His lips touch mine,
Oh what bliss,
The feeling is divine,

Suddenly I am alone,
He is no longer here,
Happiness is unknown,
Realized are my greatest fears,
When I wake up from the dream,
It’s beauty and reality,
Shattered by a single unraveled seam,

Hot tears travel down my cheeks,
My heart feels like stone,
Of sadness my body reeks,
I am alone.

I am alone.

- 17:24 - Komentari (3) - Print - #

Vruće, Ljeto,Bazeni...

namcorI tak smo mi prekjučer odlućili otić na bazene. trebalo nas je ić negdje 10 al nakraju nas je išlo samo troje. OGGY, SULJIĆ i JA. prvo je OGGY došla do mene oko jedan pa se ja presvukla u badić i taman je bilo 15 do dva kad smo mi krenule. Pošto nijedna od nas nije znala doć do šalate ja sam prije neg kaj je ona došla, uzela kartu zagreba (samo se vi smijte) i našla di je šalata i skužila koji tramvaj(11) i kolko stanica poslije trga se trebam voziti(1) i za svaki slučaj ja sam stavila kartu u ruksak.smijeh al nam nije trebala. Sve nam je išlo od ruke. bus smo čekale samo 2min, tramvaj nas je čeko a k tom je bio i novi, čak smo našli mjesta za sjediti...thumbup i kad smo izašli van, nismo se izgubile i nije nam trebala karta...rofl
I tak smo stigli mi na bazene odmah ušle u vodu. Naravno meni se maskara totalno razmazala a OGGY je i olovka i maskara bila neuništena, život nije fer....namcor al nema veze. onda smo pol sata čekale SULJIĆA, i našle smo neke zgodne srednjoškolce da gledamo. i tam je bio ovaj neki tip koji je došo 5 min poslje nas i OGGy ga je prozvala MANEKEN, jer se samo šetao oko bazena tri data a ušo je u vodu negdi oko 15 do 6(tada se bazeni zatvaraju). i tam smo naletjeli na MRAVA (i doleti njemu
SULJIČ˝kaj ti tu radiš˝ i MRAV mu kaže da se došo okupatrofl. I tam s MRAVOM su bili neki njegovi frendovi neka cura.. jedino znam jednom ime jer mi je baš zgodan...tip se zove ROMAN. i onda smo se mi pokupili...
uglavnom mene je stari baš pito ak bi ja išla s BAKOM i DEDOM na tribunj(to je kod vodica) NEMA ŠANSE!!!! radje ću osat u Zagrebu neg ić s njima na more!! a ljudi.... ajd pozzzz. idem ja KI$$A.

- 10:39 - Komentari (15) - Print - #

WHy I'm so down...

As each day goes by,
I am asked why,
Why I frown,
Why I'm down,
I've never answered untill now.

What is the point of smiling,
If in the end you'll frown?
What is the point of feeling up,
If in the end you'll feel down?

What is the point of healing,
If in the end you'll bleed?
What is the point of writing,
If in the end no-one will read?

What is the point of laughing,
If in the end you'll cry?
What is the point of being honest,
If in the end you'll lie?

What is the point of striving,
If in the end you'll fail?
What is the point of trying,
If in the end you'll bail?

What is the point of speaking,
If in the end no-one will hear?
What is the point of being brave,
If in the end you'll fear?

What is the point of having friends,
If in the end they'll leave?
What is the point of bauty,
If in the end there's nothing underneath?

Wht is the point of having needs,
If in the end they're unfullfilled?
What is the point of saving beings,
If in the end they're killed?

What is the point of feeling good,
If in the end there's only pain?
What is the point of sunshine,
If in the end there's rain?

What is the point of being happy,
If in the end you're sad?
What is the point of being good
if in the end you're bad?

What is the point of expectations,
If in the end they aren't met?
What is the point of staying dry,
If in the end you'll get wet?

What is the point of listening,
If in the end nothing is said?
What is the point of going out,
If in the end you'll lie in bed?

What is the point of living,
If in the end you die?
What is the point of breathing,
If in the end each breathe is a sigh?

What is the point of letting people close,
If in the end you'll only get hurt?
What is the point of keeping secrets,
If in the end they get blurt?

This is my answer.

- 08:53 - Komentari (6) - Print - #


Danas bila ja na izletu i svi smo se nahodali, mene i VEX je MRAV nosio skoro pol vremena pa brijem da je izgubio nekoliko kila..naughty puno smo se zajebavali, zabavljali, bilo je u kratko..LUDOlud. U busu su svi švercali hranu jer nismo smijeli nositi ruksake....i svi dečki su zajebavali jadnu JELENU...i ja skupa s njima....a baš smo zločesti. Sutra je ZADNJI DAN ŠKOLE!!! JEEEJ. PRESRETNA SAM... nema više učenja,štrebanja, ne do osmog razreda... aj POZZ ljudi KI$$A. i usput znam da je danas neka važna utakmica i znam da mi igramo, al ne znam protiv koga..nema veze GOhrvatska!!!! i tak smo naprijed...ĆAOmahmahwavewavekiss

- 20:14 - Komentari (3) - Print - #

Samo da znate...

Ja i Marin smo prekinuli...nije važno zašto al ja sam opet slobodna...nemojte me niš pitata u školi jer vam nebum niš rekla...idem na rođendan u subotu..bit će(valjda) zabavno... a ja se sad žurim jer moram na trening..ajd bok ljudi

- 09:30 - Komentari (11) - Print - #


Love is just another word for grief,
It creeps into your heart like a thief,
I locked my doors in its face long ago,
But not before I had met my greatest foe,
Love brings nothing but broken hearts,
I watched as the pieces fell apart,
Love brings nothing but bleeding wrists,
I cried at life’s greatest twist,
Love brings nothing but aching pain,
I sighed at my saddest bane,
Love brings nothing but suicide,
I threw myself into the night tide,
Love brings nothing but jealousy,
I spent my days in deep melancholy,
Love brings nothing but hate,
For it to leave I had to wait,
Love brings nothing but death,
I was pale with ill health,
Love is my greatest foe,
This I realized long ago,
In that moment I stopped living,
No one noticed I wasn’t breathing,
I closed my eyes and silently died,
No one notice the last time I sighed….

Bila u bedu pa sam tak i pisala. PUUUUNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO komentara. KISSA

- 16:10 - Komentari (9) - Print - #