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WHy I'm so down...

As each day goes by,
I am asked why,
Why I frown,
Why I'm down,
I've never answered untill now.

What is the point of smiling,
If in the end you'll frown?
What is the point of feeling up,
If in the end you'll feel down?

What is the point of healing,
If in the end you'll bleed?
What is the point of writing,
If in the end no-one will read?

What is the point of laughing,
If in the end you'll cry?
What is the point of being honest,
If in the end you'll lie?

What is the point of striving,
If in the end you'll fail?
What is the point of trying,
If in the end you'll bail?

What is the point of speaking,
If in the end no-one will hear?
What is the point of being brave,
If in the end you'll fear?

What is the point of having friends,
If in the end they'll leave?
What is the point of bauty,
If in the end there's nothing underneath?

Wht is the point of having needs,
If in the end they're unfullfilled?
What is the point of saving beings,
If in the end they're killed?

What is the point of feeling good,
If in the end there's only pain?
What is the point of sunshine,
If in the end there's rain?

What is the point of being happy,
If in the end you're sad?
What is the point of being good
if in the end you're bad?

What is the point of expectations,
If in the end they aren't met?
What is the point of staying dry,
If in the end you'll get wet?

What is the point of listening,
If in the end nothing is said?
What is the point of going out,
If in the end you'll lie in bed?

What is the point of living,
If in the end you die?
What is the point of breathing,
If in the end each breathe is a sigh?

What is the point of letting people close,
If in the end you'll only get hurt?
What is the point of keeping secrets,
If in the end they get blurt?

This is my answer.

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