Red Moon D Watch

četvrtak, 25.12.2008.

Kako mali Ivica (čitaj Microsoft) vidi open source?

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Fleming: My advice would be, don’t believe the hype about open source. It’s seductive, but misleading, and could lead a company into a mistake they can ill-afford to make in today’s economy.

You save money up front, but over the long haul you’ll pay more. The message is, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Sure, you can get a CD off a magazine cover, stick it in a machine, and there’s your operating system. But if you want to actually do anything with it and make it bulletproof enough to withstand the rigors of corporate use, it’s going to cost a lot of money and require considerable work.

I dok s jedne strane Microsoft pokreće open source projekte i kao malo drugačije se odnosi prema open sourceu, s druge strane nastavlja s klasičnim glupim podmetanjima kojima pokušava dokazati kako je kupovina njihovog softvera jeftinija nego open source rješenja koja su neozbiljne igračke.

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