Red Moon D Watch

nedjelja, 26.08.2007.

WGA meltdown, dan poslije

Problem s WGA serverima je riješen. Nije mi samo jasno zbog čega se išlo s priopćenjem za 28.8?!

"We are aware it is a server-side issue," said Phil Liu, a Microsoft program manager in the Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) group. "[But] the cause is unknown at this current time."

Razlog nepoznat, ali neki komentatori nagađaju što je mogao biti uzrok problema...
This just in: the reason for the outage was that the WGA servers were forced to download an Automatic Update, which caused them to reboot, and after they had rebooted they were marked as non-genuine by the other WGA servers.

Neki imaju zanimljive ideje za zaštitu koja bi uključivala i dodanu vrijednost...
Or just go to a damn hardware dongle. Why not a dongle+2Gb ReadyBoost in a single unit?

Neki si pitaju u čemu je advantage? Drugi odgovaraju.
Q: So can someone clarify to me exactly what the advantage is in "Windows Genuine Advantage?" Because I'm not seeing much of an advantage for the consumers here. A:Who says it's an adavantage to consumers?

Genuine stranice ne spominju problem, tamo su još uvijek slike sretnih ljudi koji će vam objasniti zašto ljudi toliko vole WGA. zubo

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