Simply be true to yourself, of course without harming others, and wish people well who misunderstand you. It's okay. Let people misunderstand you. The person who matters most in your life is the one looking back in the mirror. |
Rejection may make it feel like something is "wrong" with you, but I would like for you to think of it another way. There is nothing wrong with you, so it is not a rejection, it is a redirection. It means that this relationship is just not for you. It's most likely not in your best interest, so move on. Never take what others say and do personally. It is always a reflection of what is happening within them. Why live your life based on another person's opinion? |
A practice of acceptance, being present, forgiveness, and stretching your heart into vulnerable territories. |
If you are not dead, God's not done. The best is yet to come. He is still putting your life in place just the way He has planned. Be patient and trust Him, He's too good to fail. Let go of your doubt, Have faith in Him and you will see how great it will all turn out. Even if you lost everything, if you still have God, that's more than enough to start over again. |
We are the boss of our lives. We always have the final say in naming who we are and how we wish to live. We are blessed by being human so we have the power of choice. We may need reminders that it is okay to live our lives fully in alignment with who we are and what we want. We humbly remind you today to unapologetically be yourself because you matter. To thine own self be true. We love you. |
"Little eyes rest on you they watch you day and night. There are little ears that cunning I intercept every word you utter. There are little hands impatient to do the same as you; And a little child who dreams about a day when he'll be like you. You are the idol of a little man. You are the wisest of the wise. There is no doubt in your little mind. He faithfully believes in you, stick to everything you say and do; He will speak and work your way that when he grows up, he will be like you. There is a little man with wide eyes who believes you are always right. And his eyes are always open, he watches you night and day. You set an example every day, every deed, to a small child waiting to grow up and be like you. |
You owe yourself people who will not judge you on everyone. Add up your blood cells. Ask yourself about the background of everything you do. Like you can't be honest. Open. The way you are. You owe yourself people who will tell you: You are worth it. People who won’t sell you for some petty material interest or a handful of money. You owe yourself to people who will hear your crying even when you don’t open your mouth, who will see your tears even when they don’t peek behind your eye. You owe yourself to people who know how your heart beats even though they have never rested their head on your chest. People who are not with you because they want to get something, but because they really care about you. You owe yourself people to whom you don’t have to deny your feelings, suppress them, hide them. You can say at any moment: I'm afraid, I'm tired, I need someone. You owe yourself people who will stay by your side even when it thickens. People who won’t leave when others leave. - Mario Žuvela |
Remember how you care for yourself is completely unique to you. This may mean making sure you know what you value most. Understand that you cannot attend every argument that may be calling you. When you know what matters most to you, speak up with full integrity. |
Nobody has it easy, everybody has problems. You never know what people are going through. So before you start judging, criticizing, or mocking others, remember, everybody is fighting their own battle. |
Beginning your day with gratitude becomes the foundation of all that you will think, say, and do. During this very speeded up, stressful time of year remember where your attention goes your life will flow, so become aware of what you have right now in this moment, instead of what you MUST accomplish now, or what could go wrong. |
It is forbidden to cry without learning something, to wake up and not know what to do with yourself, to be afraid of your own memories. It is forbidden not to laugh at problems, don't fight for what you want, give up everything for your own fear to make your dreams come true. It's forbidden to leave your friends, don't try to understand everything you've been through together, and call them only when necessary. It is forbidden not to be one's own in front of others, to pretend in front of people you don't care about, play clown to be remembered, and forget everyone who really cares about you. It is forbidden not to do everything for yourself, to be afraid of life and of what life obliges you to do, not living every day until your last breath. It is forbidden to miss someone without joy, to forget his smile and eyes, and all just because he chose a different path than yours, it is forbidden to forget his past and replace it with its present. It is forbidden not to try to understand others to think their life is more valuable than yours, not realizing that everyone has their own path and glory. It is forbidden not to create your own story, don't have a moment for those who need you, not understanding that life is what it gives, and also what it takes. It is forbidden not to seek happiness, not living a life with a positive attitude, not to think that we can always be better; It is forbidden to forget that without you this world would not be the same. |
Now is the time to be brave, notice what happens to your life when you’re with people who are disrespectful, condescending, negative, and dishonest. Become keenly aware of how this plays a role in your energy, and your enthusiasm for life to live each day being your truest, best self. Stand up, make a plan, and kindly remove them from your circle of influence. If complete removal is not possible limit the time greatly, and put an invisible shield around you when you’re with them. Don’t engage, try to change, or be involved. Do the obligatory time and make it short. But for the most part we can let people go and wish them well, we’re just too afraid of what might happen. Will they dislike me? Will I be alone? The unknown is scary, but the pain of the reality of the now is worse. Enough is enough. You deserve better. This is your year for being brave and going after the happy successful life you deeply desire. |
So much may be hidden within every one of us. The deepest wounds are on the inside invisible to all. Never take what another person says or does personally. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with their perception. Walk gently and offer loving kindness. |
This may mean making sure you know what you value most. Understand that you cannot attend every argument that may be calling you. When you know what matters most to you, speak up with full integrity. |
So find five minutes every day to sit with yourself, in quiet, and breathe. Gently focus your attention on your breath, allow the mind to think without engaging it or judging yourself, connect within, and begin to hear the sweet, gentle voice of your heart. You have 2 voices within, the voice of the mind, and the voice of the heart, take time to hear what you really want for your life by becoming aware of the longings of your soul. |
"The sunrise is reality, and the image is what we make of it." Reality is expressed love, pure perfect love, unpurified by space and time. Have you ever felt so united with the world, with the universe, with everything that exists, that you were overwhelmed by love? … That is the reality. It's true. What we make of it depends only on us, just as the image of the sunrise depends on the artist. " |
Your life is your wisest guru. Every new day is school. Each of us is a teacher and a student. He who does not want to learn does not want to grow, So that's how he drops out of life school. He enters a closed circle of ignorance ...... But he who has not given up his school knows that each new day brings him new knowledge- One only needs to open oneself to insights And to be a student to some and a teacher to others. Daniella Kordić Stimulating books in the field of positive psychology! Cosmos book |
Everybody wants to shine, but nobody wants to burn, but remember that Pressure creates diamonds and it's fire that refines gold. All champions burn, they've gone through fire, now you see them shine like the sun. When you long for a life without difficulties, be ready to settle with nothing. Anything of worth will always come with mountains to climb, challenges to overcome, and struggles to endure before it is reached. The road to greatness comes with it's own pain. You must endure if you really want its gain. Nothing good in life comes easy, there is always a price to be paid. Stars can't shine without darkness, If you can't bear the scars, then don't pray to be a star. |
Don't abandon yourself for the sake of someone else. You never have to fight or chase someone for their love and acceptance for you. Never settle for less than the life that you deeply desire for yourself. Leave them be, wish them well, and trust that “your people” will find you. |
People in your life who do not respect you and continue to "hurt your heart" are not meant for you so wish them well and keep on walking. Remember the words of the great Maya Angelou, "When people show you who they are the first time believe them." |
Narcissists think the world revolves around them. Narcissists have an excessive need for admiration, a disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of entitlement. So a narcissist can not see the truth. They can only speak and see what is in their best interest, regardless of how it affects someone else. There is no way to change or help a narcissist to see what's happening and help them change their behavior. You are powerless, so make sure you put your energy and actions into what is helpful, safe, and in your life's best interest. |
We’re in this life to learn from every experience we have and then use the teachings to grow, evolve, and become the best version of who we are. Life is not stagnant. We are always changing, this is the nature of life. Respect and love yourself completely. Trust the beauty of impermanence. Walk away with humility, courage, and grace from people, places, and things that do not serve your highest ideal in life. If walking away feels too impossible right now, (which is normal) begin incorporating at least one thing into your life that brings you joy and serves your growth. |
You can be a good listener. Put away all distractions. When your mind begins to wander to how you will respond, or what you want for dinner, gently come back to the present and listen. Giving someone your full attention, truly listening with the intention to hear them, is one of the greatest gifts we can give and receive. |
Don’t wait until you feel comfortable. Don’t wait until you have it all figured out. Don’t wait until you retire. Don’t wait until everything is perfect. Don’t wait until you have the approval of others. Our time here is finite. You don’t want to run out of time and be filled with “what if’s” and serious regrets. This is your one precious life, spend time cultivating a friendship with yourself knowing who you are, what you want, and how you can live your life fully. You are worthy. Your life today is THE something special. |
Remember loves, you don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to. Take a pass on little things that will not make any difference in your quality of life. You never have to waste your time and energy proving yourself. Choose to show up fully in matters that mean everything to you. Protect your peace and sanity. |
If you are already in bed and remember the laundry left in the washing machine. Don't get upset about it. Let it go. It doesn't matter… If you are late for work because your child needs a hug and comfort. Don't worry about it. Let it go. It doesn't matter… If you fail to cook lunch, you forget to buy bread for dinner or vacuum the carpet in the living room before the guests arrive. Don't get upset. Let it go. It doesn't matter… If someone resents you for refusing to do something, because you just won’t succeed. Don't bite about it. Let it go. It doesn't matter… With each wave of unpleasant emotions, remorse, or worry, remember what is most important to you right now in life. Which of your roles is the main one you want to devote your time and attention to? You can't be 100% everywhere. You won’t have control over everything that happens in your life, that’s for sure. You cannot please everyone and do everything that is required of you. Every time you go too far in everyday life, stop and think about who or what is your peace, smile, respite? Remember what you don’t want to let go of because it’s too important to you. And let everything else go. It doesn't matter… (Author unknown) |
This is your one precious life live it in alignment with who you are and what you want. Of course we will not be everything others may wish us to be, what’s most important is that you become the greatest version of you that YOU deeply desire to be. |
You’re ability to see gets much better because you become more aware of the energy and truth people bring to the table. Remember the great Maya Angelou said, “When people show you who they are believe them.” |
Love says "good morning" and asks "how are you feeling today?" Love makes tea and coffee and prepares breakfast before work. Love cares, "please drive safely," "put on that warm jacket." Love laughs and comforts “don’t be afraid, I’m with you”. Love gives way to "well, it's not my best option, but let it be red." Love is sad "I'm so bad, so hard today". Love is proud and knows how to praise "this man is mine, I love this man". Love sleeps badly "just let nothing happen to her". Love appreciates "it's good that you're with me". Love knows how to thank "so nice of you, thank you." Love bursts with pride "I knew you could do it." Love overcomes: distances, barriers, problems. Love is silent when necessary. Love understands silence. Love is exceptional in its simplicity. Love is full of everyday little things that make up its size. (Author unknown) |
People are in our lives for a reason, a season, or all the way to the end, when a relationship is over cut the cord, wish them well, and stay in your confidence and power while you move on to the next chapter in life. Remember life is working for you not against you. |
Some men can be so toxic to your health. They don't want to love you properly, but they don't want to let you go either. The more you give the less they appreciate, and the minute you've had enough and decide to walk away is when they are ready to love you and treat you right. So you give them a chance in the hopes they've changed only to realise it was all fake. You find the strength to walk away once more and here he comes again proclaiming his love for you and you give in, AGAIN. A man showing anger and persistence to get you back once you try to break it of isn't proof of love; its a knee jerk reaction. A man love bombing you or making flaccid attempts to be nicer for two weeks isn't proof that he's trying, its proof that he knows you well enough to know how to defuse you long enough to hook you once again. Take away a toy, a little boy cries. Take away a relationship of convenience, a man cries. Just because he cries doesn't mean you give him what he wants. Stop listening to what your man keeps promising and start watching what his actions actually keep telling you. A lot of you women don't know what its like to be loved by a real man. You know lust, you know joy, you know passion and you know the fear of abandonment. Stop chasing your idea of what love should be and recognise what love IS. Love isn't promising to act right after he gets caught messing up time and time again. Love is him acting right from the start because he doesn't want to mess up. Love isn't telling your grown man he needs to change so he can keep you; love is a grown man changing on his own because he cant imagine life without you. |
When you're feeling rejected, don't take it personally. What people think of you and say is a reflection of their perceptions and is not who you are. So begin to think of rejection as a redirection to an opportunity that will be exactly what you need. We don't like everyone, so never expect everyone to like you. You are always worthy. |
Fear of change can prevent us from creating space for something better. Deep down you know when it’s time to let go. Oprah says, “Difficulties come when you don’t pay attention to life’s whispers. Life always whispers to you first, but if you ignore the whisper, sooner or later you’ll get a roar.” |
Allow choices you make and the actions you take to be a reflection of your deepest values. Be proud of every step you take toward becoming the person you wish to be. We are all a work in progress. It’s okay if not everyone understands your journey. Stay true to yourself. |
Every day we wake up, get dressed, put one foot in front of the other, and live life learning from every experience we have and using all the teachings to grow. We move through the trauma, little by little, releasing it in our body. Just because we endured horrific pain does not mean this is who we are and what we are suppose to do. Who we had to become during the trauma is not who we are. Use the teachings from your experiences beautiful ones, and become who you are meant to be..the greatest you. |
When the storm passes, you will not remember how you went through it and how everything you went through happened to you. In fact, you won't even be sure if the storm has really passed, but you can be absolutely sure of one thing - once you beat the storm, you won't be the same person you were before the storm came. That is exactly what storms are about. |
As Wayne Dyer said, “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” You are the only one who can decide what you will allow to be a part of your life. |
The people we spend the most time will massively effect our behaviors, our mood, and our relationship with ourselves and others. Now is the time to be brave, notice what happens to your life when you’re with people who are disrespectful, condescending, negative, and dishonest. Become keenly aware of how this plays a role in your energy, and your enthusiasm for life to live each day being your truest, best self. Stand up, make a plan, and kindly remove them from your circle of influence. If complete removal is not possible limit the time greatly, and put an invisible shield around you when you’re with them. Don’t engage, try to change, or be involved. Do the obligatory time and make it short. But for the most part we can let people go and wish them well, we’re just too afraid of what might happen. Will they dislike me? Will I be alone? The unknown is scary, but the pain of the reality of the now is worse. Enough is enough. You deserve better. This is your year for being brave and going after the happy successful life you deeply desire. |
You woke up. You are alive. You have made it to another day of living and loving. Life is difficult. We already knew this before the pandemic. As we continue moving our way through these unpredictable, really hard times, take a few minutes today, sit, just be with your breath, inhale gratitude and confidence, exhale fear and hopelessness. Don’t wait to look back a year or two from now to see how incredibly strong and worthy you are having survived this pandemic, do it today, and know deeply you are deserve the happy, successful life you desire. You’re actually thriving right now. |
Life is filled with joy and hardship. This is a great truth, so make sure every day you spend time doing one thing that brings you joy and a smile to your face. Today choose to do one thing that will bring you laughter and peace in your heart. Don't wait until everything in your life is sorted out, and then you will relax and enjoy your day, no, find moments of fun and happiness now. Don’t wait for tomorrow. |
The situation someone sees and cries is what another sees and smiles. Same situation, different interpretation, beyond what you see and experience, how you see it is what makes the biggest difference. Looking at the right thing in the wrong way will only make it look wrong, sometimes what gives you the greatest pain has the potential to bring you the greatest gain. How do you see what you see? How do you interpret what you experience? To see the light, always have a positive outlook on everything that befalls you. If you are positive, you will always see opportunities when others see obstacles and when others give up, you will have a reason to hold on. Train your mind to see good in every situation, and all things will work together for your good. Changing your perspective will not only transform you but also the world you live in. Things are not always as bad as they seem, the difference in our experiences is in direct proportion to how we see things. |
When you are comfortable in your own skin, saying no to people, places and things that are not in alignment with who you are and what you want, you may lose some people in your life. We’re not here to please and make others happy. We came into this life to be the greatest version of who we are and then take the actions that move us along our life’s journey, and with kindness we wish others well on their life’s path. This is a profound way to live. Never underestimate the power of solitude. |
It is nonsense when someone tells you that you will get used to the fact that some people are no longer in your life. When you love someone, you don't get used to it. You just learn to live without that person. With longing in my heart and a head full of memories ... |
What are you seeing this new month? Are you looking at your goals or the obstacles? What you see is what you get. If you focus on the goal, you will reach the goal, If you focus on the obstacles, you will get hit the obstacles. On the way to anything worthwhile, there will surely be roadblocks on the path, but that doesn't mean you should end your pursuit. Find a way through them, and get on with journey. Never at anytime lose sight of your goal. This month, Don't look in any direction but ahead, starve your distractions and let your goals be well fed. |
There is one wisdom that says that the greatest life skill is to know how to love people. Yes, it is an art. The art is instead of the body, to see the soul. Instead of an attack, see the pain. Instead of a reaction, see the story. Instead of lips, see eyes. Instead of what they say, hear what they keep quiet about. Instead of a mask, see the face. Instead of fears, see hope. Instead of an adult, see a child. Instead of knowledge, see wisdom. Yes, it is an art. The art of living ... (Author unknown) |