peepee-bucks online

subota, 31.01.2009.

Why don't you come back? Please hurry... Come back and stay for good this time

potaknuta relativno dobrom posječenošću u vrijeme odsutstva s blogosfere, odlučih ponovo piskarati..

nakon isprobanih ostalih voajerskih medija, tipa feeejs-book i inih, shvatih da mi fali pisane riječi

i eto me, ponovo

31.01.2009. u 14:40 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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neke pametne / lijepe stvari koje su mi rekli

-svi su počeci ko i krajevi isti (ex-flare)
-istina o činjenici je u mnogostranosti njenih odnosa
-on te želi, a sad samo zajebava..
-ljubav ti je samo propaganda..
-bojimo se nešto učiniti jer se bojimo onoga što dolazi nakon toga..
-u prirodi slobode nije da se sama poništava slobodom trenutka
-nikad nemoj život shvatiti previše ozbiljno jer se nitko iz njega nije izvukao živ..
-ako želiš partnera koji će bit na istoj intelektualnoj razini kao ti, nemoj tražit dečka, nego curu..
-više ćeš žaliti za onim što nisi, nego za onim što jesi napravio (pokazalo se točnim)
-stvari nikad nisu toliko dobre da ne bi mogle biti bolje
-neprijatelj moga neprijatelja moj je prijatelj
-nikada neću dobiti oscara
jer drama bez akcije nije u modi (by:vatra)
-papir svašta trpi (ciceron)
-lako je tuđim ku..em mlatit po koprivama(deda je uvijek znao što reći.. :))
-organizacija je sredstvo uz pomoć kojeg se multiplicira snaga pojedinca
-ako se želiš izdvojiti iz stada, cinkaj stoku (simpsoni)
-svi ste vi izgubljena generacija (gertrude stein)
-putevi do pakla popločeni su dobrim namjerama
summum ius, summa iniuria (ciceron)
-ono što imaš, u trenu možeš izgubiti, ono što jesi, nitko ti ne može oduzeti (goethe)
stvari ne vidimo onakvima kekve jesu. vidimo ih onakvima kakvi jesmo (talmud)
-tekstovi za proučavanje današnje ljubavne semantike nisu više romani, već traktati psihoterapeuta (kregar)
-ako vas u bilo kojem trenutku u životu ubiju vlastita djeca, treba vas za to barem djelomično kriviti
-nisam studirala da bih bila kućanica (marija cvitanović)
-kako se možeš sakriti od nečega što nikada ne odlazi? (heraklit)

METALLICA- The unforgiven ll

Lay beside me, tell me what they've done
Speak the words I want to hear, to make my demons run
The door is locked now, but it's open if you're true
If you can understand the me, than I can understand the you.

Lay beside me, under wicked sky
Through black of day, dark of night, we share this pair of lives
The door cracks open, but there's no sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still, but there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there?, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Come lay beside me, this won't hurt I swear
She loves me not, she loves me still, but she'll never love again
She lay beside me, but she'll be there when I'm gone
Black heart scarring darker still, yes she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Dead sure she'll be there!

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there?, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Lay beside me, tell me what I've done
The door is closed, so are your eyes
But now I see the sun, now I see the sun
Yes now I see it!

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

What I've felt, what I've known
So sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there?, 'cause I'm the one who waits,
The one who waits for you

Oh what I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?
(So I dub thee unforgiven)

Oh, what I've felt
Oh, what I've known!

I take this key (never free)
And I bury it (never me) in you
Because you're unforgiven too

Never free
Never me
'Cause you're unforgiven too!

IGGY POP- Tonight

I saw my baby
She was turning blue
Oh, I knew that soon, her
Young life was through

And so I got down on my knees
Down by her bed
And these are the words
To her I said

Everything will be all right, Tonight

No one moves
No one talks
No one thinks
No one walks, Tonight

Everyone will be all right, Tonight

No one moves
No one talks
No one thinks
No one walks, Tonight, Tonight

I am gonna love her to the end
I will love her 'til I die
I will see her in the sky...Tonight