četvrtak, 15.12.2011.

Don't hold me up now I can stand my own ground,I don't need your help now,you will let me down, down, down!

Tražiti pomoć od nekoga ponekad može biti najteža stvar na svijetu. Priznati da si nemoćan i bez izlaza mi je zadnja solucija, ali eto nekada se i to dogodi. U tom tenutku najmanje što želim i imam snage je slušati gdje sam i zašto pogrješila...zato najradije i najčešće se oslanjam na samu sebe i eto lagano otuđujem od onih čija pomoć bi trebala biti bezuvjetna,no nije...hvala mama, hvala tata... osjećam se kao izbjeglica...

12:08 | Komentari 2 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

srijeda, 14.12.2011.

ready to fall

U zadnje vrijeme često upadam u rasprave o tome koliko je u 21. stoljeću pogrešno to što dok jedni sjede na debelim kožnim foteljama i primaju plaću za krađu, korupciju, ugnjetavanje i diskriminaciju drugi kopaju po kontenjerima u nadi da će skupit koju bocu, prodat je i ujutro si kupit bezobrazno skupi kruh. Kako zemlja sa toliko potencijala ne ide nikuda već zapinje u nacionalističkim ispadima nogometaša?sa toliko prirodnog bogatstva uvozi odvratno preskupu hranu umjesto da je izvozi?o intelektualnim mogućnostima mladih koji si ne mogu priuštit fakultet jer jedan ispit državne mature košta 135kn, a morate ih položit najmanje 4 neću ni pričatinamcor... neopisivo me sram što živim u Hrvatskoj.

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16:07 | Komentari 1 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

petak, 09.12.2011.

make it stop...

Sa pojavom široko rasprostranjenih društvenih mreža i raznim oblicima komunikacije postalo je lakše nego ikada diskriminirati, vrijeđati, ponižavati i ismijavati druge zbog spolne orijentacije, vjere, rase, političkih uvjerenja, porijekla, imovinskog stanja... Stvari se mogu promjeniti... pokušajte... http://www.itgetsbetter.org/pages/action-center

Woah, woah.

Bang bang go the coffin nails,
Like a breath exhaled,
Then gone forever.
It seems like just yesterday,
How did I miss the red flags raise?

Think back to the days we laughed
We braved these bitter storms together.
Brought to his knees he cried,
But on his feet he died.

What God would damn a heart?
And what God drove us apart?
What God could

Make it stop
Let this end
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It's come to this,
A weightless step.
On the way down singing,
Woah, woah.

Bang bang from the closet walls,
The schoolhouse halls,
The shotgun's loaded.
Push me and I'll push back.
I'm done asking, I demand.

From a nation under God,
I feel it's love like a cattle prod.
Born free, but still they hate.
Born me, no I can't change.

It's always darkest just before the dawn.
So stay awake with me, let's prove them wrong.

Make it stop.
Let this end,
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It's come to this,
A weightless step.
On the way down singing,
Woah, woah.

The cold river washed him away,
But how could we forget.
The gatherings hold candles
But not their tongues.

And too much blood has flown from the wrists,
Of the children shamed for those they chose to kiss.
Who will rise to stop the blood.

We're calling for
Insisting on
A different beat, yeah
A brand new song

Woah, woah.
(Tyler Clemente age 18)
A brand new song
Woah, woah.
(Billy Lucas age 15)
Woah, woah.
(Harrison Chase Brown age 15)
Woah, woah.
(Cody J. Barker age 17)
(Seth Walsh age 13)

Make it stop.
Let this end,
This life chose me, I'm not lost in sin
But proud I stand
Of who I am
I plan to go on living

Make it stop.
Let this end,
All these years pushed to the ledge.
But proud I stand
Of who I am
I plan to go on living

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23:05 | Komentari 2 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

subota, 03.12.2011.

‘It’s the complete you!’’

Drowned in the pool of misery and shattered by broken dreams, it feels so cold when you have lost your soul. When praying for better days is the only way and the hope itself has lost the will to find a place in your heart. You are damn scared and alone, left with nothing but your shadow. It’s like billion faces from the dark in the room staring at you and waiting for you to cry and scream, is what satisfies them. Distance from your family keeps away all possible reasons for you to smile. Sometimes disappointment from the ones you had put all your trust in, tears you apart ripping your heart. Once you shared and spent all your great moments with becomes the reason to curse for the wastage of time. When the expectation arises beyond limitation and emotion running high for a soul companion loses its significance, even the most beautiful place in the world seems to be horrifying. Your incomplete wish breaks you down to the ground, bent on your knees pleading for it to be fulfilled. The right goes wrong and the wrong never goes right, you mess up everything you do as failure was pre-defined. It’s neither your fate nor the life in disguise but merely a phase of life. Relatives and friends, love and hatred, loyalty and betrayal, joy and sorrow are all the instances of life revolving around you. Looking for someone to depend upon makes things look much simpler but when you’re left alone even for a second, the simplest thing becomes a nightmare. It’s when you find a reason to survive, to look for yourself in the mirror and share a company with the most trustworthy figure, believe me! It'll cry when you cry and it’ll laugh along with you, but above all it will develop a sense of confidence in the core of the strengthened you. Dependency is certain to circumstances but the one who never lets you down – ‘It’s the complete you!’’
my friend Tauqueer Husain

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00:57 | Komentari 2 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

petak, 02.12.2011.

If he loves you, he loves you not... be the one to leave him, baby don't get caught...

Imam premalo godina da bih zapela u nekakav začaran krug navike i obaveza, no ipak to mi se dogodi sa vremena na vrijeme. Iako imam premalo godina dogodi mi se da u tom začaranom krugu navika i obaveza postanem navika i obaveza. Čini se komplicirano zar ne? A zapravo je jako jednostavno. Što više vremena provodiš s nekime raste osjećaj sigurnosti, povjerenja i na kraju navikneš se. Onaj trenutak kad me netko počne uzimati zdravo za gotovo meni je ravan smrti. Već sam jednom bila trofej, nikad više. Kao što rekoh već gore...imam premalo godina.

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19:30 | Komentari 2 | Print | ^ | On/Off |

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