As a spider comes and looks at you like an enemy You Wonder

utorak, 30.01.2007.

max scheller nije ti suđeno da te ja pročitam

And then she’d say it’s ok
I got lost on the way
But I’m a supergirl
and supergirls don’t cry
And she’d say it’s allright
I got home late last night
But I’m a supergirl
and supergirls just fly

e da bar...da bar mogu letjeti.
Čekaj malo.
Pa ja to i mogu.
Letim svakodnevno na najrazličitija mjesta.
I to nema nikakve veze s onim bedžom ,kojeg najviše volim ,na kojem stoji „ i love cannabis“
I nema nikakve veze s pivom.
Ma kako je to netko uopće i mogao pomisliti.

I htjela bih svašta.
I to svašta ne znam konkretizirat.
Bolje kad lebdi u zraku zajedno sa mnom.
I pleše svoj ples
U zraku
Onako kako samo mi možemo

I knjiga ostaje neotvorena.
Položaj čovjeka u kozmosu čeka neko bolje vrijeme.
Ostaje nepročitan.
I black_eyed se nada da je neće baš to pitati.
Ima dosta onih 600 strana posljednjeg čovjeka i kraja civilizacije.
Da ne bi bilo zabune, black_eyed nije ni to pročitao jer nije knjigu nabavio.
Ako netko ima, neka se slobodno javi.
Ja biti jako sretna.
Ja volim čitati.
eh, da.

30.01.2007. u 16:26 • 17 KomentaraPrint#

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Cijena ulaska je da ostavite RAZUM, nije za svakoga, kao što Hesse jednom davno reče.

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-izgubljena u svojim mislima
-sarkastichna, ironichna
-emocionalno disfunkcionalna
-21 godišnje veliko dijete
-osoba koja voli crvenu i crnu boju
-chitat knjige
-pisce E.A.Poe i Baudelairea, Tolkiena i Hessea...
-ona koja voli čokoladu
-i koja voli Alpe, nadasve i jedno mjesto još više
-i neke osobe uz koje se osjeća cjelovitim bichem
-i neke pjesme koje čine njen dan potpunim kad ih čuje

"Život je priča
koju idiot priča
a ne znači NIŠTA"

Bright Eyes - Middleman

I traveled though the atmosphere as a wall of feedback climbed
The pegs were gold, the band was old, they played in half time
Now every dream gets whittled down just like every fool gets wise
You will never reap of any seed deprived of sunlight

So I have become the middleman
The gray areas are mine
The in-between, the absentee
Is a beautiful disguise

So I keep my footlights shining bright just like I keep my exits wide
Because I never know when it's time to go, it's too crowded now inside
The dead can hide beneath the ground and the birds can always fly
But the rest of us do what we must in constant compromise

So I have become the middleman
The gray areas are fine
The "I don't know," the "maybe so"
Is the only real reply
It is the only true reply

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We were tight
But it falls apart
As silver turns to blue
Waxing with a candlelight
And burning just for you
Allocate your sentiment
And stick it in a box
I've never been an extrovert
But i'm still breathing

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