
31.08.2005., srijeda

evo 2 smišna događaja kako kome

dodavam se je s prijateljevim bratom(oko 4. g.)a ja ono tebra gace skoro so mi ne padnu.i sad mulac napuca loptu i ja se požurim da je uzmem šo prije da ovi pederi šo igraju nogomet ne seru.prolaze neke zenske onuda kod ograde di je pala lopta.trcim ja sad,a gace polako padaju.meni ih tlaka drzat rukom ko jos trci i drzi se za gace.metar ipo od lopte meni padnu gace.jebo te isus.ono mislim u sebi,a zanske gledaju u mene.koda san bog pa koji kurac ima san bokserice,pobrinia se da nista ne ispadne i sve normalno.koda iman kratke gace.

u knjiznici ono sve same mulcine.covice nemos virovat.i isa ja vidit ima li so knjiga za mene ono da kupim za skolu.meni lik iz razreda(moj susjed)tamo ˝prodaje˝ knjige i igra sah.mos mislit ono.i lik ide aparatom i neki kurac slika(iz novina ili televizije),dođe do frenda i pita ga mogu li uslikat natpis(na natpisu piše- prodaju se knjige za 1. raz. med. i malo 8.,ispod toga prodaju se knjige za.1.raz.teh.i malo 8.)covice neki svrakopis isa slikati.ide lik s kamoren i neka drolja s mikrofonom,interviraju dicu koja jos nisu ni prvi srednje covice.pametnih rici u te dice(npr.ja išo pa se popišo ; kuca moja,od moga tate).dok su oni to radili dođe jos jedan lik iz razreda.(isto zivi u susjedstvu)mi se smijemo nekim pizdarijama(teško mene nasmijat).pita ja iz zajebancije šo bi ti napravija da ti dođu ovi likovi i intervijuiraju te?ovaj sto je tek dosa kaze da bi otisa ca,ja bi im reka no koment il bi vika legalize ti! i pokaziva znojnicu,ovaj jos nije ni stiga odgovorit dođu kamerman i drolja i pitaju ga nesto a ja i ovaj novi se vec makli(da nas ne snima)i smijemo se odgovorima.pita ga drolja kako mos igrat sah o prodavat knjige.on joj kaze da je vec dosta proda(2knjige od 6)zaradia 70 kn.a pisevi dok je prodava to san zaboravia rec.neke zenske.isus te cjenkaju se oni a ja se smijem.vratimo se događaju.pita ga ona pa za koliko si to proda-odg. evo manje od 2 min.,što ćeš s tom otici cu u kladionicu.
nastavit su sljedeci put zurim se vanka
- 19:38 - Komentari (15) - Isprintaj - #


što fali hiphopu,coviku sto se voli zajebavati,pušiti i ponekad piti.šot nekad i sprda druge
- 19:31 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

30.08.2005., utorak


el iko gleda koji od ovih dobrih filmova?


boldane san gleda
ako ima jos koji raci te mi da ga pogledam!
- 11:53 - Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #

28.08.2005., nedjelja


razmisljam o tome dal da stavim sliku na blog al mislim da bi tako samo potira ljude s njega.
trbam vaše mišljenje.napišite ispod ovoga da il ne.
- 18:07 - Komentari (81) - Isprintaj - #



dokazi su mnoge smrti na rap sceni.pun kurac i 600 ih se pobilo međ sljedeci put kad zajebavate rappere pogledajte koliko ih je mrtvo radi par pizdarija,krive rici,robe,izgleda...

cisti dokaz su 2PAC i naravno ne puno manje vridan NOTORIOUS B.I.G. (biggie)
- 18:06 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

Laž O Marihuani

Anti-drug brošure govore da THC biva pohranjen u masnim stanicama, a kasnije iscure kao vremenski tempirane kapsule (eng. time release capsules). Kažu da možete biti pod utjecajem Marihuane cijeli dan, čak i duže. To nije točno, djelovanje na stanje čovjeka aktivno je samo nekoliko sati.

Netko će Vam reći da je danas Marihuana deset puta jača od one u 60´im godinama. To nije točno, no da i je, značilo bi da je Marihuana sigurnija za pušenje danas nego prije 40 godina (jača Marihuana znači manje pušenja, znači manje udisanja dima). Ljudi koji to tvrde reći će Vam da je Marihuana 20 do 30 puta jača nego prije, što nikako nije točno jer bi tada Marihuana trebala sadržavati preko 100% THC-a u sebi, što je nemoguće. Marihuana ne mijenja svoju jačinu tako često, zapravo, nije ju mijenjala nekoliko stotina godina.

Jedna od najvećih neistinitih legendi o Marihuani je ta da ona uzrokuje oštećenja na mozgu. To definitivno nije točno. Obavljena su ispitivanja koja su pokušala dokazati da Marihuana uništava stanice mozga majmuna. Čitav projekt propao je i tako završio svoju priču. Studija nije uspjela pokazati oštećenja na mozgu jer ih nije bilo. Čak i današnja najpreciznija istraživanja pokazuju da nema oštećenja na mozgu uzrokovanih Marihuanom. Mnoge današnje organizacije čiji je rad orijentiran sprečavanju legalizacije Marihuane barataju sa netočnim podacima te ih prenose, dezinformirajući javnost.

Isto tako, ljudi Vas mogu ubjeđivati, zbog čega ste pod djelovanjem Marihuane, zašto ona djeluje na Vaše stanje, ako Vam ne uništava mozak? Ubijanje moždanih stanica nema veze sa stanjem koje uzrokuje Marihuana. Marihuana sadrži kemikaliju koja, sa nekim razlikama, zamjenjuje moždanu kemikaliju. Prosto rečeno, ta kemikalija pritišće posebne gumbiće na mozgu, nazvane receptorima, te tako škaklja moždane stanice. Isto tako, alkohol škaklja moždane stanice, no, uz to, uništava ih. Tako i neke druge droge uništavaju te gumbiće, no, Marihuana to ne radi.

Netko će Vam možda reći da Marihuana uzrokuje smrt. Nitko se nikada od Marihuane nije predozirao. Postoje ljudi koji su alergčni na jagode, lijekove, paradajz, zlato, isto tako postoje ljudi koji su alergični na Marihuanu. To je extremna rijetkost, no, moguće je. Mnoge legalne droge, s druge strane, uzrokuju na stotine smrti svake godine, među njima su alkohol, nikotin, valium, aspirin, kofein. Najveća opasnost koja je vezana uz Marihuanu je ta, da je ona ilegalna. Doktori se bave pitanjem, koliko je Marihuane potrebno da Vas ubije, uspoređujući to sa uobičajenom količinom Marihuane koju ljudi uzimaju. To isto rade i sa ostalim sredstvima, sigurnim i štetnim. Istraživanja pokazuju da je Marihuana 100 puta sigurnija od alkohola, duhana ili kofeina.

Isto tako, mogli ste čuti priču o tome kako Vas Marihuana čini psihotičnom osobom. To je neistina. Naravno, ako osobi sa poteškoćama u ponašanju date Marihuanu prvi puta, bez njezinog znanja, može postati uplašena. Osobe koje pate od psihičkih poremećaja, često uzimaju Marihuanu za smirenje.

Jedna od najpoznatijih legendi je ta, da Marihuana vodi k većim i težim ovisnostima. Laž. U biti, istraživači pripremaju Marihuanu da bi pomogli crack ovisnicima da odustanu od droge. Za razliku od droga koje stvaraju ovisnost, Marihuana nema taj učinak. Kod ljudi se čak javlja potpuno obrnuti učinak, konzumiranjem Marihuane, kod njih se javlja protuovisnost prema težim drogama. Ako je ova tvrdnja istinita, onda bismo mogli reći da pušenje duhana vodi k pušenju Marihuane, a samim time i do uzimanja heroina, što, naravno nije točno, ali, kada čujete ovakve neistine, obratite pažnju na to.

- 18:04 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

27.08.2005., subota

malo zajebancije

Slicno kao ona serija o slonu..:)
ARENA mesto gde je posejan ren
BABURA velika bura
BALERINA balonova pratilja
BALON covek koji je dosao na bal
BALVAN balon je bio bezobrazan pa mora napolje iz sale
BAMBUS Sudar autobusa
BANDOGLAV vodja bande
BATINE predmeti koji pripadaju bati
BUMBAR miner
CASOPIS brzo pisanje
CIGARA stara ciganka
CIGARETA ciganska opereta
DEMOLIRATI Svirati u D-moll-u
DETE diferencijal vremena
DINAR covek sa Dinare
EJAKULIRAM E, ja se odmaram
EKSER bivsi gospodin
GLODALICE pribor zena za ulepsavanje lica
GURMAN Covek koji je ostao bez benzina
ITISON Sin vanzemaljca
KARANTIN Silovani tinejdzer
KENGUR covek koji moze da gura
KISELO osecaj kao da ste na selu
KNJIZICA bodljikava zica
KOLACI vozaci
KOMORA osecaj kao da ste na moru
KRIZATI sejati rizu
KUCATI zvati kucu da dodje
KUKCI stvari okacene o kuke
KURSUM Mala nuzda
KUTIJA uglomer
LAVOR "francizam" i znaci rat
LUTATI dati tati lulu
MACEVANJE hranjenje macica
MASINA celicna sina
MASKA Aska promenila ime da je vuk ne pozna
MILIBAR omiljeno mesto gde se pije
MULJATI mutiti vodu
OBELEZITI ofarbati u belo
OKUCITI SE trcati oko kuce
OLOVKA zena koja lovi muzeve
OSIGURAC Muz od ose
PARA par ara papagaja
POP-CORN DILERI Tipovi koji prodaju kokice
POPLAVA zena se sminka u plavo
PREVOZ stici na stanicu pre voza
PROIZVOD prvi izvod
ROMI SSNAJDER Ciganka krojaccica
RUKOHVAT zagrljaj
SANJIVE Seljanke
SESTAR manji posed, oko 6 ari
SLEM mesto lemljenja u obliku slova S
SLJIVOVICA zena koja prodaje sljive
STATIVA sestra statike
STOLICA Lukava devojka
STRANICA strankinja
SUDAR covek koji toci vodu u sudove
SUMAR uredjaj koji pravi sumove
SUPERMEN Radnik na benzinskoj pumpi
SVETLO pustinja, nema vode
TESTIRANJE zavrtanje testisa
TOCKA supruga tocka
TRAVARICA masina za kosenje trave
TROUGAO mesto gde se seku tri ulice, pa na cosku
USTOLICCITI SE Imati redovnu stolicu
VISITI biti clan nekog vokalno instrumentalnog sastava
VOZILO dete koje putuje
VRISKATI izazivati risa
VRTITI okopavati vrt
VUCIBATINA milicioner sa pendrekom
ZALUTATI negde zaturiti tatinu lulu
ZATVOR rupa za tvora
ZILET Zikin sin
ZUBOBOLJA zena koja ima lepse zube od vas
ZVUCNIK sastajaliste vukova
- 15:12 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


*Trava je uvek slabija nego sto ste ocekivali.

*Uvek ima manje trave nego sto je potrebno.

*Kada imate vrlo malo trave uvek ce se naci neko ko ce se uvaliti da "povuce dim".

*Vi uvek popusite manje nego ostali.

*Ako vas neko moze uhvatiti dok duvate,uhvatice vas.

*Trava je uvek losija od prethodne.

*Sto imate vecu kolicinu trave,njen proces nestajanja je brzi.

*Sto je bolja trava veca je verovatnoca da vas uhvate sa njom,da je prospete,izgubite...

*Zagrcnucete se dimom bas u trenutku kada neko moze da vas cuje.

*Uvek kada vam se bas vari ili nemate travu,ili nemate rizlu ili ste sa nekim strejterom...

*Ako imate super travu,rizlu i odlicno drustvo,nesto ce krenuti naopako.
- 15:08 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Vic :))) za nogometaše

Mujo: Bolan, Haso, ajmo na utakmicu!
Haso: Ko igra?
Mujo: Bosna i Hercegovina i Srbija i Crna Gora!
Haso: To nije utakmica, bolan, to je turnir!
- 15:05 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nesto poucno o marihuani -- 2 dio

Već decenijama mnogo ljudi je u zabludi,jer svoje mišljenje formiraju na osnovu predrasuda i poluistina.Mi ovim putem želimo da iznesemo svoje mišljenje i da omogućimo da se čuje i druga strana,pa da svako donosi zaključke na osnovu relevantnih činjenica.

Naš je stav da svako treba da odlučuje o sebi i svojim postupcima,i da snosi odgovornost za iste. Smatramo da nije pravedno uskraćivati bilo kome slobodu ili ga svrstavati među kriminalce i narkomane samo zato što konzumira cannabis.I potpuno je nelogično(da ne upotrebljavamo težu reč) da se zabranjuje nešto što je rodila majka priroda i što je mnogo starije od samog ljudskog roda.

VUTRA ORGANIZACIJA smatra da bi legalan cannabis bio daleko bolje rešenje u svakom smislu od modela koji se sada primenjuje a ne daje nikakve rezultate.Jedini rezultati koje sadašnji model daje su gomile krivičnih prijava i dosijea,i to protiv ljudi koji nikakve veze sa kriminalom nemaju ali je njihov veliki "greh" što puše cannabis.

Na taj način se pare poreskih obveznika praktično uludo troše jer nadležni organi ne obavljaju važnije poslove,a broj uživalaca cannabis-a je svakako veći iz dana u dan.

Evo samo nekoliko razloga zbog kojih VUTRA ORGANIZACIJA tvrdi da cannabis treba legalizovati(ili bar dekriminalizovati):

- nikada i nigde u svetu nije zabeležen nijedan smrtni slučaj kao posledica upotrebe cannabis-a

- svetska medicina je dokazala da se cannabis uspešno može koristiti u medicinske svrhe

- bilo bi moguće uspostaviti mnogo bolju kontrolu kvaliteta cannabis-a kao i starosnog doba i broja korisnika

- istina je da je veliki broj narkomana pre tog stadijuma probao i cannabis,ali je takođe istina da najveći broj ljudi koji je probao cannabis nikada nije ni probao neku drogu a kamoli postao narkoman

- alkohol i cigarete (a to nisu jedini primeri) su potpuno legalni i dostupni svuda iako je dokazano da su štetniji od cannabis-a

- cannabis sam po sebi ne stvara zavisnost,sem eventualno one zavisnosti tipa kompjutera,TV-a ili mobilnog telefona

Postoji još mnogo razloga za naše tvrdnje i o njima ćete moći da se informišete upravo na web strani WWW.VUTRA.ORG
- 14:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nesto poucno o marihuani -- 1 dio

ko pogledamo duboko u vreću prošlosti, izvući ćemo podatke o upotrebi Marihuane u brojne svrhe (prije svega medicinske). Pokušamo li tražiti stvari koje su malo bliže vrhu, dolazimo do prvih ograničenja, a naposlijetku i do potpune zabrane bilo kakve upotrebe iste biljke.

Zašto je tako naglo biljka strpana iza rešetaka?

Zašto je o njoj tako naglo stvoreno negativno mišljenje?

Zašto je, i pored zabrana, Marihuanu u Americi probalo preko 70 miliona ljudi?
- 14:51 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

Eminem Sued By Victims...

Eminem Sued By Victims Of Anger Management Tour Bus Crash
08.26.2005 2:30 PM EDT

Couple seeking undisclosed damages for injuries, medical expenses, lost wages.
Eminem performs at the Grand Opening of the House Of Blues on July 9, 2005 in Atlantic City, NJ.
Photo: Getty Images/Donald Kravitz
A truck driver whose rig was involved in a seven-vehicle accident last month — including the Anger Management 3 tour bus carrying Eminem's DJ, Alchemist, and his latest protégé, Stat Quo — filed a lawsuit Thursday against the

Detroit rapper, seeking unspecified damages for injuries, medical expenses and lost wages.

The suit, which also names the driver of the bus, Charlie Dilligard, and tour bus company Entertainment Coaches of America, claims Breck Wyngarden and his wife, Ascension "Tina" Wyngarden, both suffered injuries as a result of the July 13 pileup (see "Anger Management Tour Bus Crashes; Stat Quo, Eminem's DJ Among Those Injured"). The motion also seeks damages for economic losses.

Breck Wyngarden was treated for rib injuries while his wife sustained "permanent" head, neck and back injuries in the crash; she's also recovering from surgery to repair a herniated disk. The lawsuit claims "a bus driven by Dilligard hit the rear passenger side of the tractor trailer driven by Breck Wyngarden at a high rate of speed." Wyngarden's wife was a passenger in the truck and was moving from its bunk area to the front seat at the time of the impact, the force from which "threw her to the front compartment of the tractor, severely injuring her."

According to the suit, the accident near Kansas City, Missouri, sent Wyngarden's truck over a highway median and "into oncoming traffic, where he was eventually able to gain control" of the truck. The couples' injuries were the direct result of the bus driver's negligence, the suit charges; it accuses Dilligard of "traveling at an excessive rate of speed," among other things.

In addition to his bodily injuries, the suit says Wyngarden suffered financially. His truck was out of commission for weeks while it underwent significant and costly repairs, hence resulting in the loss of wages.

This is the second suit filed against Eminem, who was not on the bus at the time of the accident, in as many weeks. Last week, his aunt and uncle, Jack and Betty Schmitt, sued Em, claiming he was trying to evict them from a home he'd built for them in Michigan. The suit seeks more than $350,000 as well as the house at the heart of the dispute.

A spokesperson for Eminem's label, Interscope, would not comment on the suit.
- 14:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

26.08.2005., petak


GRAFFITI IN PEACEL.A. Graffiti Crews-Under Construction!!!!!!!!!!!!Apologies goes out to many writers not mentioned!!!!Please Dont not bite this list and make your own website! L.A. Crews - In Loving Memory Of:ABID(C.A.)(909)RiversideACT(S.W.I)(909)Ontario,CAACTION(K.C.C.)killed in a drive by shooting.ADIK(Y.G.W)-Killed by copsALAN ONER HE DIED FROM A DRUNK DRIVER (HIT AND RUN)ALIES(D.W.P)ALKIE-aka-ALKS(F.I.U)AMER(W.A.E)San Gabriel ValleyAMPZ(H.T.S)(J.M.U)(S.R.C.)(D.M.T)ANCE(D.2.D7)(D.I.S7)ANTIC(T.W.P)APELS(A.E.)ARCH(R.T.D.M)ASHOE(C.Y.S)(D.A.M)ASTRO(W.T.C)909 Pomona,CAAYER-aka-AYES,AYEZ,AIR(L.T.S)(Y.R.)(K.O.G)(U.C.L.A)-shot himself accidently/others say suicideBABYBLUE(Leader of D.2.D*D.I.S)BADBOY(M.W.S)Hawaiian Gardens,CABAFS78(A.2.B)BASEK(C.W.K)Car accident.He was only 16yrs oldBASIC(B.S.C)BASIK(N.T.S)BIOH(D.T.C)BORN1(N.M.E)Las Vegas,NVBOSK1(D.F.O)BENO(A.M.7)BENOR(T.O.N) KILLED BY by the "d.k.a.s"BENO(D.M.P)(J.A.K)BIG BOY(SS.ATC13SPOOKIE LANES)(SPLN)BIGS(N.S.R)BIKER(B.W.I.K)Murder Was Gang RelatedBIMER(B.W.I)(F.U.S)BIOH-aka-PULSE(2.9.C)BIR-1(K.O.L)BIRD(T.K.O)San Diego,CABIRD(A.M.K)BISEK(O.F.A)(T.E.) He was killed by 310 Krew. The shit thing was after they killed him they would diss OFA Tags and would write,"310 Kills, Ask Bisek"That shit is cold!BLACKY(Y.S.T)BLER-1(H.F.L)(K.W.S)(K.C.C.)BLISS(K.W.S)BLISS(O.C.P)909 Ontario,CABLIZZ(TRIAX FAMILY)BLOWK(U.G.K)Las Vegas,NVBLUE(C.E.K)Commerce,CABLUE-2(D.2.D2)(D.I.S2)BRAND(C.W.V)BOO-BOO(T.C.A:)BONK(V.I.P)BORTS(W.C.S)BRO -aka- WOLFIE(SSK USC Palmdale) (Mid City Stoners13 661 click) died in a car accident.BROWNIE(P.A.L)BUCK(D.W.K)(H.K.)east L.A.BUCKY(K.W.S)BUGSY (W.B.L)bugsy was boozom's (uti i2w wbl) BULLET(S.O.A)(WHITE FENCE)BULLET(M.K.A)Compton,CABUNNY(O.F.A)CAFE(D.A.)(D.A.C)CANT(O.M.C)GRUMPZ & CANT died together in a drive by shooting about five years ago. CAPONE(J.K.I)2004CAR(C.W.V)CARLOS(J.C.S)(F.C.K)CASSANOVA(B.A.D) shot & killed 1998CASTRO(D.2.V)CERT(M.K.A)Compton,CACHES(B.O.S)(O.K.S)CHIEF(F.U.S)(W.R.B)August 21, 2002CHILD(K.N.S)CHIKO(D.2.D 8)(D.I.S 8)CHINO-aka-TAX (N.C.)S.Central L.A.CIOST(A.I.)COZER(R.T.D.M)(K.B.C)(N.T.S)CLEAR(2.F.D)CLEVER(I.U.)(I.T.S)N.Hollywood,CACLEVER-aka-DANNY(D.E.F)4-15-87COST-aka-KOST (N.H.D)KILLED IN HIGHLAND PARKCRAS(C.M.A)CRANK(N.S.S)City of Bell,CA/MAN CRANK WOULD LAY ANY MOTHERFUCKER ON HIS BACK 1ON1 FACE2FACE THATS ON THE REAL ALL HIS ENEMIES 1 BY 1. SOME BITCH ASS ENEMIGA SHOT HIM CAUSE HE WAS 2 SCARED 2 GET OFF AND TAKE AN ASS BEATING NEVER SEEN ANYBODY LAY HANDS ON HIM NEVER!!!! SMASHIN ON LEVAS TWICE HIS SIZE THIS FOOL WAS A REAL O.G. HE WENT OUT UNFORTUNATELY LIKE A TRUE NOTORIUS.STREET.SOLDIER FUCK ANYBODY THAT SAYS OTHERWISE!!!!!!!! CRAZY(S.T.K)Alhambra,CACREEPS-aka-CREEPER(C.N.E)CRIME(K.C.C.)CROOK(S.T.K)Alhabra CliqueCUBER-aka-Ruben"CUBE"Patina (S.M.W)(O.C.K:)12-24-86/1-19-04 CURE(B.S.K)(B.A.K)LET ME START BY GIVING YOUR SITE MADD PROPS!! YOUR SITE TAKES ME WAY BACK AND STRAIGHT DOWN MEMORY LANE. I FIRST STARTED WRITTING BACK IN 1989 AS "DOT" ONE" AND IN 1990 CHANGED MY NAME TO "EVAK"ONE". I WAS FIRST INSPIRED BY CANE BAK AND CHOSEN BAK MY NEIGHBORS AT THE TIME THEY WERE COUSINS. IN 1994 CANE BAK WAS SHOT TO DEATH. IN 1999 HIS COUSIN CHOSEN AKA 20 BOUNSER WAS SHOT TO DEATH. I WANTED TO PAY TRIBUTE TO THEM THRU YOUR R.I.P ARTIST LIST THESE ARE TRUE OLDSCHOOL WRITTERS...THANKS! "Evak_one" CURSE(N.H.D) His cousin was MEAN1 FROM TM CUTER(N.T.S)DABOY(S.B.G)DAN(L.S.D)DANER(T.S.S.)DAZER(W.C.K)Oxnard,CADEAV(C.Y.S)DEEP(M.D.R)DEEPS(W.2.K)DEFEAT-aka-KROOK(T.N.T)(T.S.S)(BURLINGTON13)DEGER(G.N.:)- killed by gangbangersDELK(R.T.K/BASSET13)La Puente,CADEMS(W.I.D)DEMS(N.H.C)DENIE(K.O.)DENIE(O.C.P.)(W.D.S:) from ocp.. the 3rd person to get in..back in 1989 he died this year(2003) in a car accident.. left behind a wife and a family..DEREK(???)DESS(T.C.I)Los AngelesDEVATER(S.P.)DEVATER-aka-DV8(U.G.K)DEWSE(P.F.K)(909)DIENO(E.C.M)(S.T.K)(R.T.D.K)DIME(K.F.S)Longbeach,CADOPER-aka-SKOER(F.R.)DOWNER(CRAZY-FEMALES)(CFQ). SHE WAS KILLED A WEEK AFTER SHE GOT INTO THE FLORENCE GANG BY ENEMIES. DOWEL (E.M.K.)DRAM(K.C.C.)DRAX(K.C.C.)(C.M.A)DREAM(T.D.K)(K.T.D)(F.C.)Feb 17,2000San Francisco/Oakland,CADREP(N.O.W)(N.H.K)Orange County,CADRIPS(O.T.R)DUEL(B.W.I)DVIES(F.C.K) ComptonDVATER(K.S.B)DYNASTY -aka-ERV27(???)Kicked it with SKER(REVEAL) & MARK7 R.T.A/L.T.SEASIE(S.T.N)EDIT(LATIN KINGS)(W.C.A) are boy "Edit"r.i.p. representing Latin Kings. He was down with B.C., Sotel 13 and the big SUR 13 and of course WCA. ELSE(N.F.R:)ENDZ(W.B.)ENEMY(N.T.S)(F.S.)Killed by Rollin 30's CripsENEZ(Leader of D.2.R 1990-1992)Car accident.EU(K.K.)EVER(3.1.0.K)Killed by "MOSCO 213K" for crossing out 213EVER(T.F.G)Ever passed on after an overdose. He was from TFG in Berkeley.EXAM(C.L.K)EXAME(K.4.M)(D.T.T)EZTECK(W.B.)FAIN(O.F.A.)FAZER(S.T.S) started S.T.S, he hung himself FERRIS(S.X.S)Buena Park,CAFIEN-aka-URGE(???)Norwalk,CAFIVOE(D.A.C)FEER(S.A.W)Commerce,CAFLAMER(S.M.W)FLASH(T.N.T)(C.Y.O)FLEE(R.S.L)FLECK(D.F.M.)FLINT(H.F.K)FLOE(C.B.A)Pasadena,CAFLY(T.A.C)(R.T.D.K)FOSE(K.S.K)(K.S.) shot by gangsters) in early 90's FREK(A.M.7)FUEK(A.T.M)SouthBay,CAFUREE(U.S.K)GEB(C.B.S)(W.G.S)female writerGEO(K.2.S)(S.T.N)(R.S.L)GEO was shot.He was the first writer to die in L.A.(early '86). GESO-aka-BURGER-KILL(T.R.M)(R.H.D)GHOST(S.O.A.),( White Fence Locos) never lived to see 18 downest kid wasent scared of shit never done drugs. stabbed,shot to death pico district to crazy for his own good died 2 months after getting into White Fence most of the gang dont know him only the og heads do. a bitch set him up. GHOST(WS.ATC13KING PARK.LS)(KPLS) G-NICE-aka-AIM(K.I.L)GRANDE(T.N.B.Q)Female writer from InglewoodGREASE(W.B.L)GRIF(S.D.D)(U.T.I)(B.L.A)(L.A.W)GRUMPY(O.S.L)OPAL Street Locos.WAS FROM A GANG BUT HE COULD BUST SOME BOMB PIECES GRUMPZ(O.M.C)GRUMPZ & CANT died together in a drive by shooting about five years ago.HALLOR(M.K.A)Compton,CAHATER(E.D.:) BREATHING PROBLEMSHEMP (H.S.T) (N.E.A) BEAT UP TO DEATH HELL-aka-GORE(S.S.P)Pacoima,CAHELIK(O.T.S)(J.M.U)(A.S.C)Driveby X-mas 1996HEROE(K.W.S)(M.A.H)HEROES(T.N.T)(F.C.K)HIDDEN(T.W.P)(N.S.S.)HINT(T.W.K)-Commited SuicideHITOS-aka-PRIME(F.U.C) Montebello,CA April 23, 2003 was Killed by H.S.W'sHOKIS(D.B.N)(714)Orange County,CAHOPE(P.T.R)Friend of HOAX N.H.DHOPER(S.B.K)HUERO(S.S.K)AnaheimHUERO(R.H.P)Hunington Park,CAHUERO(R.S.L.)6TH & UNIONHURT(K.W.S)(D.2.D)(D.I.S)ICE1(S.D.K)INCE-2(C.F.K)(C.A.H)Pasadena,CAINFER-aka-INPHER(S.M.K)(B.R.)inpher was setup by the n2i crew and killed by westside rivas in riverside ,killed by gauge from wsr 13 .INFO(T.W.K)Commited suicide.INK-5(L.T.S)-motorcycle accidentINSTAH(C.F.K)(C.A.H)Sun Valley,CA. Shot in the back by a undercover cop as he was running away.ITEM(C.B.S.)(J147)JANC(S.C.A)JINX(E.W.K)(G.S.)Las Vegas,NV(702)JUST(E.M.K)KANCEL(N.S.B)South Gate,CAKAPER(E.U.S)KAUSE(KAUSER)(M.I.W)KILLED BY OSTK!!!!KETA(???)Las Vegas,NV solo artist who kicked it with a crew called utk KEEPER(K.O.S)KEESHO(K.C.C.)KID[N.S.K.*B.K.C.*V.L.C.L.)FATAL BLEEDING.DIED EARLY MORNING ON FEB.17,2004. HAD HIS OWN CAR SHOP[BIG KID'S CUSTOMS] BELL GARDENS,CA. KIF ONE(D.S.B.) suicideKIST(B.W.I)KILO(K.D.P)-Shot and Killed.KIX(E.C.M)KORS(O.C.K)KLEW(S.B.W)KOKO(B.T.A)(O.S.T)(22ND STREET GANG SFLS)KPER(D.2.R)Drive by shooting.KRIDIK(N.K.)INGLEWOOD,CAKUE-ONE(???)KICKED IT WITH GIN TNTKUIS(M.K.A)KYTE(H.A.K.)LAELOE(F.D.K)Hunington ParkLEEK(I.A.)LEEK(S.O.A)(WHITE FENCE)LEGIT(W.W.)oldschool kicked it with SOONLESN(T.F.D)(T.S.O)(T.D.A)Pasadena,CA(818)LIER(S.B.G)LIEZ(V.D.S)LIL AVE-2(K.W.S)LIL DIZZY(D.2.D 7)(D.I.S 7)LIL G-NICE(K.I.L)LINKS(N.K.R)LONE(T.C.I)Las Vegas,NVLONE(W.C.S)LOST(V.I.P)LOST(Y.R.)LOVE(N.T.S)Killed by his enemies.MAE2(W.D.C)S.Central L.A.MAIN (E.C.M)MAKER1(B.S.O)MARE(B.M.F.)(F.C.T)MASE(H.F.K)Bike accidentMATRIX(D.T.K)Compton,CA (a different DTK not the oldschool DTK from 1980'S)MAVS(K.O.L)2-26-04MCEE(C.F.K)(C.A.H)(B.I.A)(S.R.)Pasadena,CAMEAN(T.M.) was killed on his way home from work by two black guys for being latin in 2002) MEKO(K.A.D)(B.D.K)MELO(S.M.W)(O.C.K)909 areaMENACE(A.2.K)Riverside,CA(909)MENTAL(N.S.W)Las Vegas,NV(702)MESK-aka-STOMPER(5.6.2.K)(PBS13)(SS.BELL GARDENZ13)MENTER(A.I.S)METS(S.B.K)METRIC(Y.G.W)-Shot himselfMINUS(U.C.A)MISER(J.O.R)(J.S.)(RESEDA-13)MIST(E.K.)MISTAKE(A.R.K)S.Central 2001MISTER(C.L.K)MIXER(I.A.K)(I.A.)MOIST(T.S.S.)MONO (O.F.A) MORK(B.O.S)(P.S.K)MUNDO(G.A.G)MYER (C.B.H)(M.W.Y) HE WAS SHOT MARCH 29, 2004 BY SOME PUNK ASS LEVA THAT COULDN'T TAKE THE ASS WHOOPIN HE GAVE HIM BY HIMSELF. MYER WAS DOWN AND GOOD AT EVERYTHING HE DID, BUT NEVER THOUGHT HE WAS BETTER THAN ANY ONE THATS WHY EVERYONE LOVED HIM.NACE(C.B.S)NEAR(D.2.D 7)(D.I.S 7)NEF(E.P.K)Orange CountyNEMOE(H.T.S)(J.M.U)(A.S.C)NICOE(E.C.M)NINER(C.W.V)NITER(T.W.K)Killed by gangs.NOAM ONE (D.A.F.)(3.2.3.M)DEC. 27TH 2003 NOLO(B.W.I)NOPES(S.2.M)(S.T.M)NORM(S.A.D.K)-Killed by K.4.M's SADK was also tight in LYNWOOD where norm was killed. (TAMS BURGERS on long beach blvd)not maywood. VIPK KFM were deep when they approached norm and two other fools. NOS-1(N.B.K/C.F.S) Las Vegas(702)NOTY(U.S.C)OHIOE(P.F.K)Riverside(909)OG:NISER(K.R.H)OLIN(9.0.9K)ORKOE(3.O.S)OSCAR(V.I.P)OVER(T.K.O)OWEN(C.L.K)OZZY(H.T.S in Oxnard)PAYASO(D.I.M)PACMAN(T.S.S)Bell gardensPAK-ONE(T.D.K) from Oakland,CAPEANUT(T.S.S.)East L.A.PECK(B.T.K)(B.W.S)Pomona(909)PERFEK(J.M.U)(P.F.K)PEVER-aka-PEV(M.Y.L)(D.U.F)(N.E.A)past away late last year of a heroin overdose PHOTO(S.F.E)(W.A.I)PICES(T.B.K)PISTOE(R.D.S)PLAN-B(???) from Oakland,CA He was related to DREAM T.D.KPLUS1(T.I.T.S.)POKES(M.K.A)Compton,CAPROBLEM ONE(PROB ONE)to the list of writers that have passed away. PROB passed away March 3,2004. Early in his graff career he was from DESIGN 9 from WCA crew Out To Kick ASS(OTKA),later on he was from Taking Over The City(TOTC)with SORSE(the original not the one from UTI),THEME,TOKEN,SWAN(different writer although there was a debate as to who was the original SWAN),ELECT,REACT,ALERT,and REED. Later PROB joined KIL(Kickin' It Live CREW)in 1988 where we became close friends. He will be greatly missed.PRIMOH(U.K.S)PROSTY(???)Friend of 125CULTPUNKER(K.W.S)(T.W.C)(K.O.D)PURE(I.C.R)(U.F.K)shot himself day before deportation to So. AMerica. QUICK(S.B.T)QUIZ(9.0.9.KREW)RABBIT(R.S.L)RAID-aka-DOOM(M.T.V)(A.F)(T.F.B)San Diego,CARANE(N.B.T)RARE(T.A.C)(R.T.D.K)RASTAH(N.T.S)(R.T.D.K)(N.H.D)(G.S.)(B.N.H)(S.A.S)(F.S.)Headers Back To [INBOX] Rastah died on Feb 22, 2001 RATAS(L.T.S) Anyone that knew him knows he was a good kid, up until he got caught up with drugs. He was in LA staying with his folks trying to get sober. one night while painting he was shot by gangsters. Its fucked up that the last part of his life revolved around drug addiction...I personally witnessed him go from a good person to an addict. But this isnt the place to look back on his weaknesses or flaws. Rest In Peace Ratas LTS 1977-2003 REACH(N.B.K)REALM(K.T.H:)909 Ontario,CAREBEL-aka-SOM(O.F.A)Las Vegas,NV....DIED OF AN OVER DOSE RECE(C.F.K)(C.A.H)(B.I.A)(S.R)RECK-(O.F.A)REFA/REFAH)(K.S.)(K.S.K) (Sep. 24, 2003) stabbed by a Hemet X3 gangster who couldn't take an ass kickin'REGRET(F.T.K)REEM (T.M.)-he was kill leaving his girls house in a random act of violence in 1992RESER(K.W.S)RESK(O.F.A.)RESK(H.F.K)REST(T.H.C2K)RESIST(D.A.M)RESOLVE(D.N.K) helped started DNK was shot cuz he was mistaken to be a gangsta. RESQ (N.H.D)PAST AWAY IN A SHOOT OUT WITH THE POLICE REM(C.K.S)(N.S.C)Car AccidentRET(C.W.V)REZO(O.T.R)RIDDLER(L.S.D)RIDER(T.I.K)RIDOE-1(K.O.L)RIER(K.O.T)Car accident.RIET(ATC) RIOT(L.P.K)RYME-1(K.O.L)KNITEOWL(A.T.C)KNITEOWL(WS.ATC13KING BLVD.LS)(KBLS)ROB-ONE(L.O.D)(C.B.S)(FLYID)(2.C.S.)(V.C.R)(L.O.R.D.S)Died of a Cancer illness.ROLLER(S.T.K.)ROOMER-AKA-ROOM(D.M.P)RUDEBOY(S.S.K)RUST(N.B.T)(N.T.S)SABBY(S.X.S)Buena ParkSAKER(K.O.S)SASHA(D.2.D 7)(D.I.S 7)SASM(K.C.C.)SATOE(L.A.C)SEDER(A.O.F)SECO(D.E.F)SERVER(T.N.O)714 areaSCENT(K.I.L)SCOTT THE DOG(S.O.A)SCOOBY(E.K.)SCOUT(K.G.B)Died of an overdose SEED (E.M.K)SELES(K.4.M)(D.T.T)(EARTH CREW)8-11-93SENYL(F.G.S)(C.Y.O)SEREL(Luis Carrillo)(K.W.S)Died April 18 1992,seen on FOX 11 NEWS(Foxundercover)SERM(N.T.S)SESION*ONE(N.B.T)(N.T.S)(S.A.S) OG SESION ONE-NBT/NTS/SAS _ killed by New Orleans Police Department. This nigga was one of the true OG's. He provided SAS/NTS/GS with loot and connections to help them survive. Known by writers, gangs and dealers alike.All had love and respect for him. One- SESK(N.T.S)SEVEN(G.B.C)SHADOW(WS.ATC13KING PARK.LS)(KPLS) SHIK(N.H.C)SHONE(U.T.I)(T.D.12)SHOOTER(D.2.D)(D.I.S)SICOE(O.K.S)SICKS(T.S.S.)East L.A.SIKO(T.K.)GardenaSILENT(A.2.C)BIGG SILENT(SS.ATC13SPOOKIE LANES)(SPLN) SINE-aka-DAVE(S.T.N)(R.S.L)was shot. SIRES(U.T.A)-killed on 4th of july by gangsSK8-aka-Aaron Seth Anderson,23(C.B.S)(O.T.R)(L.A.D.S)(M.T.A)(L.O.D)(T.C.F)(R.T.D.K)(I.F.K)(W.C.A)-hit by a train at "whitsett train yard" .1969-1993...SKEPS(SKEPS916) he died in a car accident on his way back from a basketball game with a few friends, 2 car collision,, died at instant,, he whus 19 yrs old.represented the L.A. style he was based in El Paso SKESK(T.H.C)(M.Y.L)Killed by tagbangers.SKOE(Leader of K.C.C.)SKORM(O.F.A)Car accidentSKOOLBOY(K.F.T)SLIPS(???)Friend of KUDLEZ O.T.R.SMACK(W.2.K)SMOKER(D.2.D)(D.I.S)SNAPZ-1(S.4.M)SNO-aka-SNOWBOY-aka-RISKO(L.A.B.S)(K.2.S)(D.T.K)(S.T.N)(R.S.L)Died in a car accident(high speed chase gang related). SPANX(N.E.A)(H.S.T)Killed by H.A.I/T.O.N'sSPECK-aka-SPEK(E.W.S)(E.T.C)Orange County,CASPECK(R.E.M)(K.A.B)SPIL (C.A.L)Los AngelesSPOOX(W.B.L:)SPUR(T.S.K) shot by a gang member in 1990.He was 14yrs old.SPUR-aka-SPER(N.T.S)(R.T.D.K)(S.A.S)(G.S.)(U.C.L.A)Shot himself.SPORT(S.A.D.K)Killed by RUNT*S.T.KSPOOKS (J.K.I:) HE WAS FROM LYNWOOD AND HE GOT SHOT 1999SPOOKY(W.A.I)SPOOKY (T.I.K)(T.I.K13) HEART ATTACKSPORTY(A.W.K)Commerce,CASPOT(F.T.S)car accidentSTALKER-a.k.a-TENCE (C.U.S) (V W.E.S13)was shot by gangmembers on 5/22/03 in the city of Bell Gardens he had just turned 18.STEER(F.B.I)STONE(E.C.M)Killed by CVBPSTRIKE(K.C.C.)STRUT(C.N.A.)Killed himselfSTUFFY-aka- Raymond (F.M.K)(562) Whittier, CA Died in car accident.STYLES(F.U.A)SUPREME(T.W.C)SWAK(K.M.T)-Seen of FOX 11 NEWS(Foxundercover)Shot with his own gun new years eve.SWEETIE(I.J.Q) she passed away about 5 or 6 years ago from a car accidentSWIFT(N.S.W)Las Vegas,NVTASK(D.O.C)Killed by gangs in Las Vegas,NVTASK(I.O.K)TERK(K.I.L)TERROR(W.B.)THAIR(C.F.K)Pasadena,CA Cause of death was brain aneurysm (if thats what its called) after getting hit in the head with a bottle and not seeking medical attention. TIE(K.C.W)(T.2.B)(IRAK)(B.B.B.)???)San Francisco,CA Killed on March 18, 1998. Not by the building owner, but by a Vietnam vet that was holed up in the Tenderloin district. He was shot in the back of the head trying to get away after dude came out and found him climbing a pole behind his apartment. The police released the murderer (William Porter). Tie was a friend of many, many people, myself included(kept.awr). Not just Saber. THEUS(M.D.K)TOLSE(S.T.P)(I.F.K)(V.San Fernando 13)Killed by Pacoima 13TONS(A.U.B)TOONS aka SMURF(Y.S.T)B.SouthSide 38St TinyLocos(Drive by shooting)TRAVS(M.O.B)TRAVOE594-aka-TRAVIESO (RIVERA 13)Brother of "EVER 310K"TREM-aka-KRASH(C.K.S)TRUE(M.O.B) KILLED BY CRS13 BECAUSE HE WOULD NOT LIFT UP HIS SHIRT TO PROVE THAT HE WASEN'T FROM 18STTRUE(T.D.F)LAS VEGAS,NVTRIPS(O.K.S)TWEN(C.W.A)Pasadena,CATWENTY-aka-BOUNCER(A.M.K)Avenida Marisol Krooks)TWICER(B.M.F.)TWICER(L.A.W)(S.F.E)(T.C.)1981-2002TWIST(A.F.H)TWOE-aka-LONE-aka PUPPET (T.A.C:)(702)Las Vegas,NV....SHOT 3 TIMES BY A OFF DUTY POLICE OFFICER DURING A BURGLURY TWOES GUN WASENT EVEN LOADED BUT THE COP SHOT HIM ANYWAYS UNEE(S.D.D.)VAL ONE (D.T.W)..HE GOT SHOT BY EIGHTEENS IN SILVERLAKEVANISH(K.W.S)VERSER(A.O.M)VERTEX(I.C.B)VINCE-aka-KOLA/COLA(W.N.A)(S.S.K)Killed himself 1996VESEL(N.B.T)WAK(D.T.W)Las Vegas,NVWICKED (D.F.O)WISER(P.M.A)WISH(T.D.K)(E.M.K:) WISL(D.U.I.)Was shot on 6-3-2003 on jefferson and crenshaw.He was 17WISPER(E.W.S)-Orange County,CAWIZZ(A.C.S)XZILE(O.C.K)(S.M.W)YANK(K.W.S)YUES(A.E.)(W.G.U:)San Fernando Valley.Died of overdose. He was 16. ZIGS(F.O.K)ZIRE(1.2.9.K) died 1993ZEREK(F.B.I)(S.K.A:)Killed with other crew members when vehicle flew off the freewayZERES(D.2.D)(D.I.S)ZERO(N.T.S)ZONER(K.O.S)ZOOM(W.E.S)(T.G.F)ZREN(K.W.S)

L.A. Crews:If u know any dead writers let me know.We don't wanna forget them!
Keep their memories alive!!!!!!!L.A. CREWS webmaster!....

- 19:31 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


Logo for Death Row Records
The logo for Death Row Records is a blindfolded black man strapped into an electric chair at the moment of execution. Death Row is the label that made rappers such as Snoop Dog, Dr. Dre, and Tupac Shakur famous, and its logo is emblematic of the violent posturing adopted by many gangsta rap artists—not just Death Row artists—in their quest to sell their music. A rapper's public face is frequently a gangbanger's scar face, whether he has a genuine gang affiliation or not. But as rap's popularity grew in the 1990s, the violent posturing turned real. Tales of beatings and public humiliations surfaced. Rappers slandered one another with increasing viciousness and frequency. An East Coast-West Coast feud developed, pitting Death Row Records, which is based in southern California, against New York's Bad Boy Entertainment. The feud eventually escalated from a battle of words to a bloody war. Its two most prominent casualties were the rival rappers Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G.
Tupac Shakur in 1993
The circumstances of these two deaths were remarkably similar. Both young men were shot multiple times while sitting in the front passenger seats of their vehicles. Both victims were rushed to the hospital by their own entourages. Notorious B.I.G., who was born Christopher Wallace and was also known as Biggie Smalls, was dead on arrival. Tupac Shakur lived for six days and endured multiple operations before succumbing to his wounds.
Notorious B.I.G.
Both incidents followed major public events and took place on crowded streets. Shakur was killed in Las Vegas. Notorious B.I.G. was gunned down in Los Angeles. In both instances, witnesses refused to come forward and help the police. Gang enmity between the Bloods and the Crips appears to have played a part in both murders.Both rappers were very successful and among the most popular artists in rap music. Tupac Shakur was the top-selling artist for Death Row Records. Notorious B.I.G. enjoyed the same status at Bad Boy. Ironically, just before their deaths, both men had become disillusioned with the industry. Shakur was taking steps to sever his relationship with Death Row. B.I.G., who had two small children, was talking about getting out of the business entirely.
Marion "Suge" Knight
Top record executives were present at both murders. Death Row CEO Suge Knight was behind the wheel when Tupac Shakur was gunned down. A bullet fragment grazed Knight's head. Knight camped out at the hospital with Shakur's family while the rapper fought for his life.Similarly Bad Boy founder Puffy Combs (a.k.a. Puff Daddy and P. Diddy) was in the vehicle right behind Notorious B.I.G.'s car when B.I.G. was shot. Combs ordered their caravan of vehicles to go directly to L.A.'s Cedar-Sinai Hospital, and he was with B.I.G. as he was wheeled into the ER. Combs got down on his knees and prayed for God to save B.I.G.'s life.
Sean "Puffy" Combs
Posthumously released recordings by both rappers have sold in the millions and continue to sell.Despite exhaustive police efforts and investigative reporting in the press, the murders of Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. remain unsolved. Rumors and theories have proliferated in the years since their deaths. Some believe that Shakur's murder was ordered by B.I.G. who in turn was murdered by Death Row loyalists and carried out by members of the Bloods, some of whom were also California police officers. Others feel that the murders were a deliberate attempt to escalate the East Coast-West Coast feud and keep rap in the headlines in order to sell records. It has also been suggested that Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. were innocent bystanders and that the intended targets were actually the CEOs, Suge Knight and Puffy Combs. And the ultimate conspiracy theory holds that the record executives conspired to have these artists killed because dead rappers—particularly rappers with legal problems that cost their companies money—are more profitable than live rappers.The deaths of Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G., just six months apart, are without a doubt related. But the question remains: Who killed them? And why?

- 19:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

2Pac`s List Of His Great Great Albums ;-)

List Of His Great Great Albums ;-)

Greatest Hits
01. Trapped (from "2Pacalypse Now") 02. Brenda's Got A Baby (from "2Pacalypse Now")
03. Keep Ya Head Up (from "Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z.") 04. I Get Around (from "Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z."
05. How Long Will They Mourn Me (from "Vol. 1") - (w/Thug Life) 06. Me Against The World (from "Me Against The World")
07. So Many Tears (from "Me Against The World") 08. Temptations (from "Me Against The World")
09. Dear Mama (from "Me Against The World") 10. How Do U Want It (from "All Eyez On Me")
11. All About U (from "All Eyez On Me") 12. 2 Of Amerikaz Most Wanted (from "All Eyez On Me")
13. I Ain't Mad At Cha (from "All Eyez On Me") 14. Life Goes On (from "All Eyez On Me")
15. Hit Em Up (from "How Do U Want It") 16. To Live & Die In L.A. (from "The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory")
17. Toss It Up (from "The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory") 18.Hail Mary (from "The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory")
19. Changes - (previously unreleased) 20. God Bless The Dead - (previously unreleased)
21. Troublesome 96 - (previously unreleased) 22. Unconditional Love - (previously unreleased)

R U Still Down? (Remember Me)DISC ONE
1. Redemption 2. Open Fire
3. R U Still Down? (Remember Me) 4. Hellrazor
5. Thug Style 6. Where do we go from here (Interlude)
7. I Wonder if Heaven Got a Ghetto 8. Nothing to Lose
9. I'm Gettin Money 10. Lie to Kick it
11. F**k All Y'all 12. Let Them Thangs Go
13. Definition of a Thug N**ga

R U Still Down? (Remember Me)DISC TWO
1. Ready 4 Whatever 2. When I Get Free
3. Hold on Be Strong 4. I'm Losin it
5. Fake Ass Bitches 6. Do For Love
7. Enemies With Me 8. Nothin But Love
9. 16 on Deathrow 10. I Wonder if Heaven Got A Ghetto (hip-hop version)
11. When I Get Free II 12. Black Starry Night (Interlude)
13. Only Fear of Death

The Don Killuminati/The 7 Day Theory
1. Intro/Bomb First (My Second Reply) 2. Hail Mary
3. Toss it Up 4. To Live & Die in L.A.
5. Blasphemy 6. Life of an Outlaw
7. Just Like Daddy 8. Krazy
9. White Man'z World 10. Me and My Girlfriend
11. Hold ya Head 12. Against All Odds
Click Here For More List
All Eyez on Me DISC ONE
1. Ambitionz Az A Ridah 2. All Bout U f/Snoop Doggy Dogg, Nate Dogg, Dru Down
3. Skandalouz f/Nate Dogg 4. Got My Mind Made Up f/Daz, Kurupt, Redman, Method Man
5. How Do U Want It f/K-Ci & JoJo 6. 2 Of Amerikaz Most Wanted f/Snoop Doggy Dogg
7. No More Pain 8. Heartz Of Men
9. Life Goes On 10. Only God Can Judge Me f/Rappin' 4-Tay
11. Tradin War Stories f/Dramacydal, C-Bo, Storm 12. California Love (Remix) f/Dr Dre
13. I Ain't Mad At Cha f/Danny Boy 14. What'z Ya Phone # f/Danny Boy

All Eyez on Me DISC TWO
1. Can't C Me f/George Clinton 2. Shorty Wanna Be A Thug
3. Holla At Me 4. Wonda Why They Call U Bytch
5. When We Ride f/Outlaw Immortalz 6. Thug Passion f/Jewell, Dramacydal, Storm
7. Picture Me Rollin' f/Danny Boy, Syke, CPO 8. Check Out Time f/Kurupt, Syke
9. Ratha Be Ya Nigga f/Richie Rich 10. All Eyez On Me f/Syke
11. Run Tha Streetz f/Michel'le, Mutah, Storm 12. Ain't Hard 2 Find f/E-40, B-Legit, C-Bo, Richie Rich
13. Heaven Ain't Hard 2 Find

Me Against The World
1. Intro 2. If I Die 2Nite
3. Me Against The World w/Dramacydal 4. So Many Tears
5. Temptations 6. Young Niggaz
7. Heavy In The Game w/Richie Rich 8. Lord Knows
9. Dear Mama 10. It Ain't Easy
11. Can U Get Away 12. Old School
13. Fuck The World 14. Death Around The Corner
15. Outlaw w/Dramacydal

2Pacalypse Now
1. Young Black Male 2. Trapped
3. Soulja's Story 4. I Don't Give A Fuck
5. Violent 6. Words Of Wisdom
7. Something Wicked 8. Crooked Ass Nigga
9. If My Homie Calls 10. Brenda's Got A Baby
11. Tha' Lunatic 12. Rebel Of The Underground
13. Part Time Mutha

Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z.
1. Holler If Ya Hear Me 2. Pac's Theme (Interlude)
3. Point The Finga 4. Something 2 Die 4 (Interlude)
5. Last Wordz w/Ice Cube, Ice T 6. Souljah's Revenge
7. Peep Game - w/Deadly Threat 8. Strugglin'w/Live Squad
9. Guess Who's Back 10. Representin' 93
11. Keep Ya Head Up 12. Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z...
13. The Streetz R Deathrow 14. I Get Around w/Digital Underground
15. Papa'z Song w/Wycked Of W.A.T.M. 16. 5 Deadly Venomz w/Treach, Apache, Live Squad

- 19:15 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


West Coast heavyweight Xzibit expanded his following with a series of increasingly superstar-laced albums beginning in the late '90s, ultimately aligning himself with Cali kingpin

Dr. Dre at the decade's end. Years before, Xzibit began as a member of the Likwit Crew, a loose collective of West Coast rappers including tha Alkaholiks and King T. After touring with them in 1995, Loud Records released the feisty young rapper's debut album, At the Speed of Life (1996). The album became an underground hit, and when Xzibit released his follow-up, 40 Dayz & 40 Nightz (1998), he was again heralded one of the West Coast's most promising talents.

Xzibit's big break came when he joined Snoop Dogg for the Dre-produced coast-to-coast hit "Bitch Please." Next, he appeared on the posse song "Some L.A. Niggaz" from Dre's 2001 (1999) album, yet another high-profile appearance. By this time, Dre had obviously recognized Xzibit's talent and invited the young rapper to crisscross America during summer 2000 with the massive Up in Smoke tour, which featured Snoop, Eminem, and Ice Cube, among many others. That winter, Loud released Xzibit's biggest-budget album yet, the Dre-executive-produced Restless (2000), which boasted the single "X." The song became the rapper's biggest hit yet but didn't top the charts or break him into heavy rotation at either urban radio or MTV.

Two years later, Xzibit returned with another big-budget superstar-laced album, Man vs Machine (2002), and yet again he fell a bit short of mainstream success. Even so, Xzibit remained as hardcore as ever and continued to collaborate with his closest West Coast colleagues, primarily Ras Kass, Saafir, and tha Liks, along with bigger names like Snoop and Eminem. His allegiance to the West Coast and those he came up with continued to win him much respect from his fans, who remained dedicated if not massive in number. Weapons of Mass Destruction followed two years later. ~ Jason Birchmeier, All Music Guide
- 14:03 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

25.08.2005., četvrtak

2pac`s next album is maby last

2pacova majka je rekla da se nece vise izdavati njegovi albumi.da će njegov sljedeći album ujedno biti i posljednji.želi da 2pac Amaru Shakur napokon pociva u miru.

ali nitko nece moci zadrzavati fanove,producente i fanove producente da sastave jos pokoji album hip-hop legende.

ovu sam vijest procita prije par mjeseci kad mi je WH1 ili VHI (ko zna kako se zovu) posla mejl
- 17:47 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

24.08.2005., srijeda

P. Diddy (Puff Daddy) Lyrics

P. Diddy (Puff Daddy)

I'll Be Missing You

Verse One: Puff Daddy

(Yeah... this right hear... goes out to everyone who has lost someone they
truly love)

Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show
I laced the track, you locked the flow
So far from hangin on the block for dough
Notorious, they got to know that
Life ain't always what it seem to be (uh-uh)
Words can't express what you mean to me
Even though you're gone, we still a team
Through your family, I'll fulfill your dream (that's right)
In the future, can't wait to see
If you open up the gates for me
Reminisce some time, the night they took my friend (uh-huh)
Try to black it out, but it plays again
When it's real, feelings hard to conceal
Can't imagine all the pain I feel
Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)
I know you still living your life, after death

Chorus: Faith Evans

Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you

[Puff] I miss you Big

Verse Two: Puff Daddy

It's kinda hard with you not around (yeah)
Know you in heaven smilin down (eheh)
Watchin us while we pray for you
Every day we pray for you
Til the day we meet again
In my heart is where I'll keep you friend
Memories give me the strength I need (uh-huh) to proceed
Strength I need to believe
My thoughts Big I just can't define (can't define)
Wish I could turn back the hands of time
Us in the 6, shop for new clothes and kicks
You and me taking flicks
Makin hits, stages they receive you on
I still can't believe you're gone (can't believe you're gone)
Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)
I know you still living you're life, after death


Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you

[Faith Evans] Somebody tell me why

Interlude: Faith Evans

One Black Morning
When this life is over
I know
I'll see your face

Outro: 112

Every night I pray, every step I take
Every move I make, every single day
Every night I pray, every step I take
[Puff] Every day that passes
Every move I make, every single day
[Puff] Is a day that I get closer
[Puff] To seeing you again
Every night I pray, every step I take
[Puff] We miss you Big... and we won't stop
Every move I make, every single day
[Puff] Cause we can't stop... that's right
Every night I pray, every step I take
Every move I make, every single day
[Puff] We miss you Big

Faith Evans:

Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you

Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you

Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
- 16:10 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

Cypress Hill Lyrics

Cypress Hill

Rap Superstar

(feat. Eminem, Noreaga)

[Eminem Speaking]
Most people don't see how much work is really involved
in this rap shit
I didn't know it
I didn't see it
I never saw it until i was actually in it
You really gotta be in it
To understand what its like
But you always gotta
People always gotta see your smile
You always gotta put on that fake
You know what i'm sayin
No matter what u just been through

So you wanna be a rap superstar
And live large a big house
5 cars, you're in charge
Comin up in the world
Don't trust nobody
Gotta look over your shoulder constantly

I remember the days when i was a young kid growin up
Lookin in the mirror dreamin about blowin up
To rock crowds make money
Chill wit the honies
Sign autographs and whatever the people want from me
Shits funny
How impossible cream manifest in the games that be comin with it
Never the less you gotta go for the gusto
But you don't know about the blood sweat and tears
and losin some of your peers
And losin some of your self
Music has past gone by
Hopefully you don't manifest for the wrong guy
Egomaniac in the brainiac
Don't know how to act
Shits deep
48 tracks
Studio gangsta mack
Sign a deal emcees wanna make a mill
But never will
Till he crosses over still
Feelin no hate
But fantasies come wit these
Just to sacrifice the taste of makin cheese
You wanna be a rap superstar in the biz
And take shit from people who don't know what it is
I wish it was all fun and games
But the price of fame is high
And some can't pay to play
Trapped in what you rappin about
Tell me what happened when you lost clout
The rout you took started collapsing
No fans
No fame
No respect
No change
No women
And everyone shits on your name

So you wanna be a rap superstar
And live large
A big house
5 cars
The rent charged
Comin up in the world don't trust nobody
Gotta look over your shoulder constantly
To be a rap superstar
And live large
A big house
5 cars
The rent charged
Comin up in the world don't trust nobody
Gotta look over your shoulder constantly

[Noreaga Speaking]
When you sign to a record label
You don't know you sign your life over
And these whiteboys don't care about you
Cuz the minute you fall off
They'll find another Noreaga
And they'll find another Capone-n-Noreaga
And they'll find another B-Real
So you need to just keep
Stack your chips up
Do what you gotta do while your hot
And mafuckin get out the game
Stick to the drug game
And the drug game is even worse
Because if someone jerks you
You can shoot em and kill me
But in this game if someone jerks you
You gotta be humble

[Eminem Speaking]
No matter what you just been through
Shit has gotta be right
You gotta approach people
You gotta be on the up and up
And everything gotta be all good
When you see someone slap hands with em
You know what i'm sayin give em a pound
Or whatever it is
But you always gotta act like it ain't shit


My own son don't know me
Sittin up in the hotel room lonley
But I thank god I'm wit my homies
But sometimes I wish I was back home
But only no radio or videos
Cuz they show me no love
The phony gotta hit the road slowly
So the record gets pushed by sony
I'm in the middle like monie
And the press say that
My own people disowned me
And the best way back
Is to keep your head straight
Never inflate the cranium
Your crew worried about them honies at the paladium
Who just wanna cling on swing on
And so on and go on and fall off
The hoes fall off
To the next rap superstar
Wit no shame give him a year
And they'll be right out the game
The same as the last one
Who came before him
Gained fame
Started gettin ignored
I warned him
Assured him
This ain't easy take it from weezy
Sleezy people wanna be cheesey
They talkin evil


- 16:07 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Cypress Hill Lyrics

Cypress Hill

What's Your Number?

(feat. Tim Armstrong)

Let's go

I met her a club, her friend liked me but she didn't
She noticed a lot of girls giving up their phone digits
She didn't wanna be one of those hoes
In clothes exploiting her body from head to toes
She had glossy lips she was swaying her hips
On the dance floor and every nigga's flashing her grip
Trying to impress her in vain she gave no play
Niggaz hit her up for numbers and she said no way
I thought to myself let it go and roll on, B
But like Smokey said she really had a hold on me
I couldn't stop staring I started to fantasize with her
Voices in my head said she's tantalizing ya
Even if I moved to the other side of the party
I had pictures in my head of her moving that body
I was beside myself with hunger pain
So I slowly walked over and I asked her name

[Chorus: repeat 2X]
What's your name, what's your number?
I'd like to get to know you
Can we have a conversation?
The night is young, girl give me a chance!

She gave a smile but I got no answer though
I took a while before she gave a chance she's acting cold
I offered her a drink she turned me down blat
She said if you want my name you gotta do better than that
I said OK, now your shit don't stink
I'ma walk away only tried to buy you a drink
As I began to walk away she said I'm sorry for real
But every guy in the club tried slipping me pills
I don't trust guys each and every one will lie to you
I said I understand but it's not what I try to do
I wasn't even gonna come to your table
But if I didn't I knew that I'd regret it later
I go after what I want but I got class
For me no need to slip a pill if I want ass
She gave me a funny look I couldn't tell what it meant
She let her guard down and on our conversation went


She said I want a man with a plan and ambition
Not an immature nigga on a "pussy-hit mission"
I'm too good for that I have so much to offer
Got a good job working at my mom and dad's law firm
You got goals, that's what she asked
Yeah I wanna fill my home with platinum plaques
It takes hard work but you know it's coming after
She said 'oh my God you must be a famous rapper!'
I do all right but I'm never satisfied
I'm told when you still love what you do it never gets old
I strive for more but that's enough about me
Why don't we skip out the club and take a walk on the street
We slipped out of the club with no worries
Seems she wanted to get out in a hurry
We hung all night till we lost our friends
Till they caught us bangin in the back of a Benz

[Chorus - 2X]

- 16:06 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

J-Kwon Lyrics



Teen drinking is very bad.
Yo I got a fake ID though.
Yeeah, yeeah, yeeah, yo, 2 step with me, 2 step with me.

[Verse 1:]
1, here comes the 2 to the 3 to the 4,
Everybody drunk out on the dance floor,
Babygirl ass jiggle like she want more,
Like she a groupie and I aint even on tour,
Maybe cause she heard that I rhyme hardcore,
Or maybe cause she heard that I buy out the stores,
Bottom of the 9th and a nigga gotta score,
If not i gotta move on to the next floor ["whore" - dirty version],
Here comes the 3 to the 2 to the 1,
Homeboy trippin' he don't know I got a gun,
When it come to pop man we do shit for fun,
You aint got one nigga you betta run,
Now i'm in the back gettin head from my hunz,
While she goin down i'm breakin down what i done,
She smokin my blunt sayin she aint havin fun,
Bitch give it back now you don't get none.

[Chorus x4:]
Now everybody in the club ["in this bitch" - dirty version] gettin tipsy,
Everybody in the club ["in this bitch" - dirty version] gettin tipsy

[Verse 2:]
2, here comes the 3 to the 4 to the 5,
Now i'm lookin at shorty right in the eyes,
Couple seconds passed now i'm lookin at her thighs,
While she tellin me how much she hate her guy,
Said she got a kid but she got her tubes tied,
If you 21 girl that's alright,
I wonder if a shake comin with them fries,
If so baby can i get em super sized,
Here comes the 4 to the 3 to the 2,
She started feelin on my johnson right out the blue,
Girl you super thick so i'm thinkin that's koo,
But instead of 1 lifestyle i need 2
Her eyes got big when she glanced at my jewels,
Expression on her face like she aint got a clue,
And she told me she don't run with a crew,
You know how i do but i guess one gotta do.


[Verse 3:]
3, here comes the 4 to the 5 to the 6,
Self explanatory I ain't gotta say i'm rich,
This single man ain't tryna get hitched,
Nigga waste it on me man son of a bitch,
Brushed it all off now i'm back to gettin lit,
Grisa orange juice man this some good ish,
Homeboy trippin cause i'm starin at his chick,
Now he on the sideline starin at my clique,
Here comes the 5 to the 4 to the 3,
Hands in the air if you cats drunk as me,
Club on the set kwon cut out them trees,
Dude i don't care i'm a p.i.m.p.


Everybody in the club ["in this bitch" - dirty version] gettin tipsy [x4]

- 13:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Xzibit Lyrics



(feat. Nate Dogg)

I've beeeeen this way and I can't stop (ah)
Hands on the ball and I won't drop (no)
Half-assed rhymes that you can't watch (no)
It ain't cause I want to it's cause I got-ta
Get it Crip while the gettin is good
before the game is 10% skill and 90% Hollywood
I don't need that, I don't believe that
E'rybody gon' get hurt, if I do dirt
I flirt with the idea of quittin' the game
Nah!! I'ma evolve continue to change
It take brains, balls and backbones to get it on
and keep it on, we keepin it movin, to each his own
So I spit about it, whatever I feel about it
I'm just bein real about it; X get hot nigga forget about it
Speech don't failllll me now
Dedicated to the enemies and friends that hold me down

[Chorus: Nate Dogg]
(We) back on line (We) came to ride
(We) deal (We) stack (We) multiply
(We) stay on the grind (Until) we die
And back for mo', cause we can't get enough

Above the rest, accept no less
Go ahead, check the game, be my guest
Somethin brand new and heavy to get off my chest
Win time after time 'til there ain't none left
Hardhat, punch the clock, back to work
I'm bigger, stronger, faster, built to hurt
everybody and anybody who come to my party
like they ready to get roudy and touch somebody
Who's that nigga y'all came to see? "X!"
Often imitated, but cannot be, "X!"
What's next, collect respect like paychecks
Straight to the bank with my bitch and have safe sex
What do you believe in? I believe in
seizin the moment, livin and dyin to spit with a vengeance
Here for redemption - been around forever
Y'all cats were just too blind to listen


[Nate Dogg]
It ain't my fault.. we keep droppin hits
And you can't spit like this, so I'm takin yo' bitch
It ain't shit changed.. we gon' bang like this
And I'm drinkin this fifth, we still don't take no shit

I got a "Sixth Sense," that tells me you ain't worth six cents
I'm sick with my sixth sense
Whattup Doc? I'm gettin down to business
Crooked ass the cops to the Rampart district
Loose yourself in the music, move it or lose it
Abuse it, let's booze it, please don't confuse it with the
next man, it's the X Man rollin
Stand firm, solid as the ground I'm holdin
Make mine +Golden+, permanent +State+ issue
Stacked with the wealth that you can't take witchu
Long range missile, if we got issues
I'ma squeeze this shit and nobody gon' miss you
I'ma keep swingin 'til the medics come get you
We busy, stay off my line, you can't get through
Peep the design from the mastermind
Yo Dre, bring that shit back one more time!

[Chorus - repeat 2X]
- 00:27 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

Xzibit Lyrics


Hey Now (Mean Muggin')

[Verse 1]
I'm a menace, to society baby
the police want to relocate me
they run up with gun up, but they can't faze me
they wanted to come up, but they ain't crazy got ?
Six train Chevrolet rolln' without no top
got them hydraulics is dumpin and make it drop
California to Virginia, Timmy makin it hot
takin long rides in a G4 plane
X-Man to the stage got em goin insane
Yeah nigga got the world sayin my name
I'm bout to make a little change, I'm a keep it the same
X to the Z baby, run up on ya, hittin corners
Phantom platinum grill
X be the life of the party,
don't be scared girl, reach out and touch somebody

Can you feel the speakers jumpin
other cats surroundin' but they won't say nothin
Muggin in the club like they wanna do somethin
feelin kinda rowdy, huh?
Hey Now, Hey Now
All the girls mean muggin
cuz they musta seen what a girl pulled up in
In the club like they wanna do somthin
feelin kinda rowdy, huh?
Hey Now, Hey Now

[Verse 2]
Hey girl, look where I live
40 acres and a Maybach Benz
you wanted to party, but I got biz
this ain't entertainin, I'm feedin my kids
On a 4-oh-5 in the car pool lane
Got to hit some corners, I'm ridin the cane
Wanna ride out to a island, and tan your frame
and just waste away a couple of days,
Holla back at me!
Look where I rap, make the crowd get loud like the sound of a gat
LA on my baseball hat, where they wanna ride up on you in that black on black
Move, betta, bounce like a mother
when brother got mass weapons of war with each other
X getting big, not ready to die yet, my militant mindset
got you runnin for cover


I'm the life of the party,
I got a moon roof, we poppin up out of
Look at the whole world they talkin about us
I got a mean hook, to rattle ya body

[Verse 3]
I wanna talk a little, pick ya brain
wanna see you in somethin little, walk around the plane
I got a lot to gain, getting my record off the ground
like David Blaine
So now, what you know bout me?, I'm a self-made man from poverty
Now I own a lot of property
I pimp rides, lifestyles, and companies
Now let me spit you the facts
I used to hustle the corner, but I ain't bringin you that
I'm like swingin a bat, run at yo kneecaps for comin out ya face like that
baby girl touchin my chain, now let me tell you who I ain't
Bitch you can't run no games, (A gangsta baby, ain't nothing changed)


- 00:11 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

22.08.2005., ponedjeljak


dođe lik u kafić i kaže onom pederu na šanku ja bi pivo
a ovaj mu kaže pa pivaj.

istinit događaj.neću govorit imena.

dva lika se napila i idu autom.
zaustavi ih drot i pita jesu što pili.
vozać kaže jedno pivo,
a ovaj pokraj njega što je već bia u polusnu kaže ˝može i meni jedno˝

opila se neka ekipa na rivi i prolaze dva drota.
kad su se vec malo udaljili dođe jedan lik i vikne panduri.
drot dođe do njega prosviri ga šakon,ovaj padne a pandur lagano odšeta ća.

dokaz da su panduri glupi

idemo ja,talijan,pirelli i poljoprivrednik doma priko voštarnice.
vidimo auto s njujorškin tablicama i krenemo ih skidati talijan zadnje ja prednje,a ova dva su lagano produžila.vidim ide auto kroz mrak prima nama i ja se maknem,vidim ja diže se i talijan dođe do prednjih tablica i poćne ih odvidavati.ja njemu kažem ide auto.on ne jebe dva posto.dođe auto na svitlo 2m od talijana viš ono murja.tal. se malo makne od auta a ja poćnem hodati koda nemam veze s njim.izađu drotovi iz auta i ovaj seljo odma uzme talijana a ovaj drugi se dere da se vratim.dok sam prilazio ja govorim kako ne poznam tog lika,samo sam ga par puta vidio i nemam veze s njim.kaže on meni da mu dam osobnu,ja mu dam i on provjeri.bia je mrak al nisam bia siguran jel nije ima prednje zube ili su bili crni.kaže on da san cist i da mogu otici.talijan mu cilo vrime objašnjava da je veziva špigetu a ni ja ni on ne vežemo patike.a ova druga budala kaze da pokazem đepove da nemam maricu ili drogu.još mu ja kažem da mi smeta dim ono da nemogu pušit.(popušim skoro kutiju cigara nadan)o tal. napisa cili njegov životopis.i sve dobro ja cist mogu ca,a berlavi tal.kaze sacekaj me.jos su nam odrzali predavanje kako radi pizdarije imamo mrlju u životu i blablabla.i talijanu je reka da ne veže špigete tako blizu auta jer je sumnjiv.

uglavnom budale su popušile pricu o odvezanoj patici.
- 19:59 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nemam bas ideje danas pa evo ...

sto san danas radia?zaspa san jutros oko 5:40 i probudia se oko 15:30.
poia nesto i otisa u mercatora u newyorkera,pa u onaj kurac s tehnologijom i tamo smo gledali lotr.
posli san došo doma i otišo na net.pogledo mejl,koliko jos mogu skinuti i došo vidit što ima na blogu.nisan zna šo ću pa evo pišem ovo iz pizdarije.
- 19:45 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Man vs. Makina
- 00:39 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #


svidja mi se bila boja...
- 00:36 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


uci letit
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ovo mi je na destskopu
- 00:33 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


ne gledaj me tako
- 00:31 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


mr. x to the z
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21.08.2005., nedjelja

2Pac spit

on radi po paparacijima isto sto i ja po onima sto me vriđaju
- 00:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


ljudi naucite spanjolski il koji je to vec jezik a evo jos jedna slika
- 00:17 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

cypress hill

Yo Quiero Fumar
- 00:15 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

cypress hill

svi ste vi loco en el coco sto ne komentirate ovaj blog
a jos vise oni sto ga ne posjecuju
- 00:11 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

dobra recenica

neznam ko je ovo napisa al dobro je napisa

I neva fucked anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?
- 00:04 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

2Pac`s biography


2-Pac Biography
During his short life, Tupac Amaru Shakur (a.k.a. 2Pac) became a living symbol of his generation's frustration and rage. As a rapper, his songs often detailed the misery, desperation, and violence of ghetto life. As a personality, he easily embodied the false bravado and urban nonchalance that reflected a tough, unforgiving upbringing. As an actor, he was good-looking and charismatic, and his appearances in five feature films suggested he had great potential on the big screen in a variety of personas. But Shakur never had time to realize any of these embodiments. On September 7, 1996, he was gunned down in a drive-by shooting on a neon-lit gambling strip in downtown Las Vegas. He died six days later as a result of those wounds. He was twenty-five. The case is still unsolved.

The son of political activists Afeni Shakur and Billy Garland, Tupac Shakur grew up a troubled and precocious child. His home life was unstable, and he ended up moving from one inner-city community to another. Because of that instability, Shakur sought to assert himself through gangs. By the time he was twenty, Shakur had been arrested eight times, even serving eight months in prison after being convicted of sexual abuse. In addition, he was the subject of two wrongful-death lawsuits, one involving a six-year-old boy who was killed after getting caught in gang-war crossfire between Shakur's gang and a rival group.

In the late eighties, Shakur teamed up with Humpty-Hump (a.k.a. Eddie Humphrey, a.k.a. Gregory "Shock-G" Jacobs) and other Oakland-based rappers to create Digital Underground, a band intent on massive bass beats and frenetic, Parliament-Funkadelic-style rhythms. In 1990, the group released its debut and best album, Sex Packets, a pulsating testament to the boogie power of hip-hop, featuring two classic tracks, "Humpty Dance" and "Doowutchyalike." After an EP of re-mixes in 1991, D.U. released Sons of the P and, the following year, The Body-Hat Syndrome, all on Tommy Boy Records.

In 1992, Shakur entered a most fruitful five-year period. He broke free of D.U. and made his solo debut, 2Pacalypse Now, a gangsta rap document that put him in the notorious, high-speed lane to stardom. That same year he starred in Juice, an acclaimed low-budget film about gangs which saw some Hollywood success. In 1993, he recorded and released Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z., an album that found Shakur crossing over to the pop charts. Unfortunately, he also found himself on police blotters, when allegations of a violent attack on an off-duty police officer and sexual misconduct arose. The same year, Shakur played a single father and Janet Jackson's love interest in the John Singleton film Poetic Justice.

In November of 1994, he was shot five times during a robbery in which thieves made off with ,000 worth of his jewelry. Shakur miraculously recovered from his injuries to produce his most impressive artistic accomplishments, including 1995's Me Against the World, which sold two million copies, and the double-CD All Eyez on Me, which sold nearly three million. As his career arc began a steep rise toward fame and fortune, Shakur was shot (most say suspiciously) and killed after watching a Mike Tyson fight with Death Row Records president Marion "Suge" Knight. Though his death was a jolt to his fans and the music community, Shakur himself often said that he expected he'd die by the sword before he reached thirty.

Following his passing, Shakur's label released an album, The Don Killuminati, under the pseudonym "Makaveli." The cover depicted Shakur nailed to a cross under a crown of thorns, with a map of the country's major gang areas superimposed on it. In January of 1997, Gramercy Pictures released Gridlock'd, a film in which Shakur played the role of a drug addict to mostly good reviews. His final film, Gang Related, is due to be released in 1997, and Death Row is said to have several unreleased recordings in the vaults for potential future release.

After leaving da Tyson fight on September 7th, 1996, Tupac was hallegedly shot 5 times!
He woz pronounced dead on Friday September 13th, 1996.

'Ere are da suspicious factz dat prove dat he ain't dead at all - not even slightly...

1. Friday 13th iz an extremely suspicous day!

2. My man 2-Pac officially died at 4.03pm. 4+3=7!!! A coincidence? Cumofit. Also he'died' at the age of 25, 2+5=7!!!

3. 7+2=14. Den take dat number and minus 1. Wot do you get? 13. Recognize dat number? Yes, hobviously u do. Ye know remember de fing about Friday de 13th.

4.2-Pac's album 'All Eyez On Me' woz released on February 13th, 1996. 2-Pac 'died' on September 13th, 1996. It iz quite a coinsidence dat de 2 dates iz hexactly 7 months apart. Me finx dat me haz already stated dis piont though!.

5. If u rearrange de lettaz of his album title 'Makaveli' u can make de wordz 'make alive'! Don't beleeve me, try it yaself.

6. Get dis, in de song 'God Bless The Dead' 2-Pac sez de wordz 'Rest In Peace To My Motherfucking Biggie Smalls'. He iz sayin' dat Biggie Smalls iz dead, but, Biggie Smalls died 6 months after me man 2-Pac!!!! How comez he iz sayin' dat den?

7. Another fing iz dat in de video 4 'To Live & Die In L.A' 2-Pac iz wearin' Michael Jordan shoez. So wot, u may fink. But 2-Pac died B4 dease shoez woz sold! Coinsidence? I fink not!

8. In most of his songz 2-Pac talkz about bein' buried when he diez, so why woz he hallegedly cremated de day after he died? And since wen do dey cremate someone de day after death, hespecially wen it iz murda?

9. Tupac's alias is Makaveli. Though de spelling is slightly different, Machiavelli woz a 16th century italian philosopher who advocated de staging of one's death in order to evade one's enemies and gain power. Dis iz another bit of hevidence 4 de conspiracy of 'more cash for Death Row!

10. Part of de title of the Makaveli album is 'The 7 Day Theory'. 2-Pac was shot on September 7th, and survived on De 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 'died' the 13th. Dere woz 7 dayz between de day he woz shot and de day he 'died'. As well as dis, 2-Pac's album, 'All Eyez on Me' woz released on February 13, 1996. 2-Pac 'died' on September 13, 1996. Itz quite a coincidence that de datez are hexactly 7 months apart.

11. As id dis wosn't enuf proof, me mate Jazzy Jeff saw him in Dixon's in Bracknell hexactly 2 months ago today. Coincidence? I fink not! Today iz de 7th of November 2001, which ment he saw him on de 7th of September 2001, hexactly 5 yearz since de day he woz shot! Also in dis story dere iz a 5 and a 2, 5+2=7!!!! Me sed dat Jazzy saw him in Dixon's innit, well he woz buyin' some batteries, So wot! Yeah datz right, dey cost ÂŁ6.99, not hexactly 7. But guess wot, me mate Jazzy heard him say 'keep da change blood'. Makin' it hexactly 7 squid, Fank You.


ako netko vec ovo ima na svojem blogu.onda sorry al nemam bas vrimena citati okolo.

nadam se da ovo vec nisam objavia
- 00:01 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

20.08.2005., subota

˝dugo me nije bilo˝ - dva dana pa evo jos lajriksa

P. Diddy Lyrics
Bad Boy For Life (Remix) Lyrics
(feat. Busta Rhymes & M.O.P.)

[Intro: P. Diddy (Busta Rhymes)]
Stick 'em up!
As we proceed
Stick em up motherfuckers!
To give you what you need
Put your hands in the air
It's star time (Bring the fire along, c'mon)
We still here (Bring the fire along, c'mon)
It's star time (Bad Boy, M.O.P., Busta Rhymes)
Yeah, c'mon

[P. Diddy]
I'm the definition of - fuck it y'all already know
I stack heavy doe, sell out every show
It'll never die, we live
And we gon stay big time 'til it's time to see Big (B.I.G. forever!)
Get a grip, Bad Boy never slip
We, runnin strips while y'all runnin lips
Haters wanna stop my lute
They don't want me wearing Sean John, they want me wearing lawn suits
P.D. increase the heat in ya streets
Keep ya tapes on rewind, CD's on repeat
My mental, more older, jewellery, more colder
Got a lot like its '97 all over
You know what I came to do; change the rules
Even when I stand still I'm makin moves
I, paid my dues as soon as I stepped in
P. Diddy a.k.a. News at Eleven

[Chorus 2x]
Throw your hands up in the air now
We're gonna hit you with the heat
For the streets
Throw your hands up in the air now
We won't stop
It's Bad Boy For Life

[Lil' Fame (Billy Danze)]
Catch me walking on the wildness side of your block
Yo, I bang mine, niggas showing me hood love throwing up gang signs
(Yo, is that who I think it is?)
You see it, Brooklyn Military remains in blazin
Respect our hood because the clove is a ghetto
But niggas start switchin like hoes in stilettos
(It's Lil' Fame and them!)
Remember them niggas from the hill up in Brownsville
We still bangin 'em!

[Billy Danze (Lil' Fame)]
Sound the alarm
It's the First Family and we're back to drop bombs, boom! (Napalm)
Nuke those justice, it's the worlds, famous, fast Caress' street
Vow, to keep the homies proud in the street
To make our music loud and stomp over beats
Like (ba ba bom bom ba bom bom!) There you go!
Yeah, we ain't goin nowhere

[Chorus 2x]

[Busta Rhymes]
Niggas put a hundred grand up
Stand up, before I stick your bitch-ass you better put your hands up
Hate if you want and front like you ain't wit it, nigga
I bust your motherfucking head with a skillet, nigga
More rugged nigga, heat for the track
I'm like a Pick-up Truck with broken concrete in the back
Now let me add a couple G's to the stack
I know we got you dumb and how we put this together
And run when you didn't even see it coming
Back the fire armor and pop your car
Nigga watch me shatter your windshield with a rock guitar
We be them zero tolerance niggas
I'll turn on your ass, bitch
And melt you niggas like a fire, burnin yo' ass bitch
Relax bitch, the fact is we trifil with heat
With cycles with lyrics right from the street
Soldiers get up, faggot niggas need to sit down, what?

[Chorus 2x]
Bad Boy For Life Lyrics
(feat. Black Rob, Mark Curry)

[P. Diddy]
Aiyyo, you ready?
Let's do it [music starts]
Mmm, yeah, uhh..
Yeah, uhh.. c'mon

I'm the definition of, half man, half drugs
Ask the clubs, Bad Boy - that's whassup
After bucks, crush cruise after us
No gaze, we ain't laughin much
Nothin but big thangs, check the hitlist
How we twist shit, what change but the name?
We still here, you rockin wit the best
Don't worry if I write rhymes, I write checks (ahh!)
Who's the boss? Dudes is lost
Don't think cause I'm iced out, I'ma cool off
Who else but me? (who else?) And if you don't feel me
that mean you can't touch me, it's ugly, trust me
Get it right dawg, we ain't ever left
We just, moved in silence and rep to the death (yeah)
It's official, I survived what I been through
Y'all got drama, "The Saga Continues..."

We ain't, go-in nowhere, we ain't, goin nowhere
We can't be stopped now, cause it's Bad Boy for life
We ain't, go-in nowhere, we ain't, goin nowhere
We can't be stopped now, cause it's Bad Boy for life

[Black Rob]
Aiyyo strait from the Harlem streets
I don't play, I push it down wit the Harlem Heat (uh-huh)
All a sudden niggaz got a problem wit me (Black, what happened?)
They run around actin like the black don't care eat
And you know what? (what?) For some strange reason (uhh)
I want this medication full of deranged eatin
For y'all to put the word out (c'mon, c'mon) we ain't leavin
We tryin to be rich before we do stop breathin
Then fall (what?) we kinda hustle lanes
Stay layin down on muscle games (c'mon)
Still turn niggaz dreams to flames (yeah)
You got the wire, if not I ain't sayin no more names
You soon expire; (heh) no pain (nuh-uh)
I feel remorse, the shit causes me and Diddy up first
Racin Porsches wit the beat swing vaul exhausters [screeching] (yeah)
On the cover of ya five (hehe) XXL's or (yeah) Source's (c'mon) bitch


[Mark Curry]
Yeah, yeah, yo, yeah
It ain't shit changed, since the Notorious (We miss you B.I.G.)
See everything still glorious (yeah)
We still got Oreos, still be the victorious (that's right)
See it's a lot of them, but it's more of us
Still got cash to blow, raps that flow
Still them cats that know, pack ya flow
That's fo' sho', bottles that pop
Joints that rock, play the background
Hand 'em a jock, hold 'em a glock (hahaha)
Money to get (yeah), cars to flip (uhh)
Bars to sit at and sip Cogniac wit Jews that drink (c'mon)
Hoes to see (uhh), make sure they knowin it's me (they know ya shit)
Drop that beat, can't believe that I MC (haha)
Bad Boy 'til the casket drop (Bad Boy)
Gotta love it, place nuttin above it (nuttin)
It's on like that (c'mon), don't believe, we ain't goin like that
For always gonna be here (yeah), be there (uhh)
Every (what?) motherfuckers here!

[Chorus - 2X]

[P. Diddy over Chorus]
Bad Boy.. we ain't goin nowhere
Uh-huh.. uh-huh.. what?
We ain't goin nowhere.. we gon' stay right here
For ever, and ever, and ever, and ever.. c'mon
We ain't goin nowhere.. we gon' stay right here
We ain't goin nowhere.. we gon' stay right here
Yeah, uh-huh.. uh-huh, uh-huh
Cause it's Bad Boy for life!

- 23:46 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

17.08.2005., srijeda

Ako ko zna svirati pa evo.

/Plavi orkestar

Am G Am E G
Kad pomislim na te stara ljubavi,
Am E Am E Am
žao mi je što smo bili, samo dobri drugovi.

A život leti, leti mladost kraća je,
sve će jednom da se vrati, samo ona ostaje.

Am E Am
ref: Bolje biti pijan nego star,
bolje biti pijan nego star.
Dm E Am
Vino nezna da smo nekad bili sretni par,
C E Am
bolje biti pijan nego star.

Kad dođe zima i prve pahulje,
čekat ću te moja buco, kraj 1. gimnazije.
A nećeš doći znam te dobro znam,
možda je i tako bolje naviko' sam biti sam.

- 14:20 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #


Locked Up Lyrics

Im steady tryna find a motive,
Why do what i do?,
Freedom aint gettin no closer,
No matter how far i go,
My car is stolen, no registration,
Cops patrolin, and now they done stop me,
And i get locked up,

They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (im locked up)
They won't let me out no, they wont let me out, (im locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (im locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out

Headin up town to re-up,
Back with a couple keys,
Corner blocks on fire,
Under covers dressed as fiends,
Makin so much money,
Products movin' fast,
Put away the stash,
And as i sold the last bag fucked around and got locked up

They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (my nigga im locked up)
They won't let me out no, they wont let me out, (i got locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (baby girl im locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out

Cuz visitation no longer comes by,
Seems like they forgot about me,
Commissary is getting empty,
My cell mates getting food without me,
Can't wait to get out and move forward with my life,
Got a family that loves me and wants me to do right
But instead Im here locked up

They won't let me out, they won't let me out,
(ohhh im locked up)
They won't let me out no, they wont let me out,
(my nigga im locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (im locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out

Maybe a visit (they won't let me out)
Send me some magazines (they won't let me out)
Send me some money orders (they won't let me out, no)
Maybe a visit baby (they won't let me out)
Cuz im locked up, they won't let me out.
Wheres my lawyer? (they won't let me out)
Im locked up, they won't let me out, no.
Get me outta here (they won't let me out)
Im locked up, they won't let me out, they won't let me out.
Baby Im locked up they won't let me out, no
Where's my niggaz?
On the lock-down.
Damn, im locked up, they won't let me out.
Im locked up, they won't let me out.
Ohhh... they won't let me out.
Can you please accept my phone calls?
Cuz Im locked up, locked up, locked up.

Ghetto Lyrics

Ghetto, Ghetto, Ghetto, Ghetto livin

[Verse one]

These streets remind me of quicksand (quicksand)
When your on it you'll keep goin down (goin down)
And there's noone to hold on too
And there's noone to pull you out
You keep on fallin (falling)
And noone can here you callin
So you end up self destructing
On the corner with the tuli on the waist line just got outta the bing doin state time
Teeth marks on my back from the canine
Dark Memories of when there was no sunshine
Cause they said that I wouldn't make it
(I remember like yesterday)
Holdin on to what god gave me


Cause thats the life when ur
Living in the (ghetto)and
Eating in the (ghetto)or
Sleeping in the (ghetto) (ghetto)
Cause thats the life when ur
Living in the (ghetto)and
Eating in the (ghetto)or
Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)

[Verse two]

No need to cherish luxuries (cause everythin' come and go)
Even the life that you have is borrowed
(Cause your not promised tomorrow)
So live your life as if everydays' gon be your last
Once you move forward can't go back
Best prepare to remove your past

Cause ya gotta be willin to pray
Yea There gotta be (there gotta be) a better way oh
Yea ya gotta be willing to pray
Cause there gotta be (there gotta be) a better day (ay)

Whoever said that this struggle would stop today
A lot of niggas dead or locked away
Teenage Women growing up with aids


Cause thats the life when your
Living in the (ghetto) oh
Eating in the (ghetto) or
Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto)
Thats the life when ur
Living in the (ghetto)oh
Eating in the (ghetto) or
Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)


Gun shots every night in the (ghetto)
Crooked cops on sight in the (ghetto)
Every day is a fight in the (ghetto)
(oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto)
Got kids to feed in the (ghetto)
Selling coke and weed in the (ghetto)
Every day somebody bleed in the (ghetto)
(oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto)


Thats the life when your
Living in the (ghetto)oh
Living by the (ghetto)oh
Eating in the (ghetto, ghetto)
Thats the life when your
Living in the (ghetto)oh
Sleeping in the (ghetto)
Living in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)


Lonely Lyrics

Lonely I'm Mr Lonely,
I have nobody,
For my owwnnn
I'm so lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely
I have nobody,
For my owwnnn
I'm so lonely,

Yo this one here goes out to all my playas out there ya kno got that one good girl whose always been there like ya
Kno took all the bullshit then one day she cant take it no more and decides to leave

I woke up in the middle of the night and I noticed my girl wasn't by my side, coulda sworn I was dreamin, for her I was
Feenin, so I hadda take a little ride, back tracking ova these few years, tryna figure out wat I do to make it go bad, cuz
Ever since my girl left me, my whole life came crashin

I'm so lonely (so lonely),
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl

I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl

Cant belive I hadda girl like you and I just let you walk right outta my life, after all I put u thru u still stuck
Around and stayed by my side, what really hurt me is I broke ur heart, baby you were a good girl and I had no right, I
Really wanna make things right, cuz without u in my life girl

I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl

I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl

Been all about the world ain't neva met a girl that can take the things that you been through
Never thought the day would come where you would get up and run and I would be out chasing u
Cuz aint nowhere in the globe id rather be, aint noone in the globe id rather see then the girl of my dreams that made me
Be so happy but now so lonely

So lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own)

I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girrll

Never thought that id be alone, I didnt hope you'd be gone this long, I jus want u to call my phone, so stop playing girl and
Come on home (come on home), baby girl I didn't mean to shout, I want me and you to work it out, I never wished Id ever
Hurt my baby, and its drivin me crazy cuz...

I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own)

I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girll

Lonely, so lonely
So lonely, (so lonely),
Mr. Lonely, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely, (so lonely), Mr. Lonely

Trouble Nobody Lyrics


Ok, Akon, Stay outta trouble now son, Akon, Stay outta trouble now son

[verse one]

Let me tell you what hurts the most, I'm a convicted felon and I can't work. No matter where I
Go I try to get paid, they never give me good job cause they are afraid-that-I'ma stick 'em up,
Oh yes, stick it, rob the manager and everybody in it. That's the everyday life of a
Convict-tryin to make it.Why their saying to me -

[chorus 2x]

The judges said dont trouble nobody.
Probation said dont trouble nobody.
Stay outta trouble dont trouble nobody.
And i'ma try not to trouble nobody.

[verse two]

Me an' my niggas on the block all day - blocking dimes - lookin out for police. Cause this the
Type of shit that we go through up in the ghetto just to make some cheese. The street type got me
Gettin locked up about 5-6 times a week. And then i make mon'- take it from the profit of the
Weed. All this just to feed my seeds (yeah.)

I gotta stop this livin. I witness one too many killings. I don seen the hardest nigga street
Talk to the clown that was never ever found. Sooo

[chorus 2x]

The judges said dont trouble nobody.
Probation said dont trouble nobody.
Stay outta trouble dont trouble nobody.
And i'ma try not to trouble nobody.

[Verse three]

I'm trying to stay away from trouble everyday, but its hard when the things you need. Picture
Lookin at your babies in the face when they hungry and they need to eat. I'm tryin not to do
Wrong - But they wont let me do right. Even tho I done changed my life criminal records' what
They judging me by. -thats why


The judges said dont trouble nobody.
Probation said dont trouble nobody.
Stay outta trouble dont trouble nobody.
And i'ma try not to trouble nobody.

My mamma said dont trouble nobody.
My Pappa said dont trouble nobody.
Stay outta trouble dont trouble nobody.
And i'ma try not to trouble nobody (so i wont trouble nobody)

The judges said dont trouble nobody (can't trouble nobody.)
Probation said dont trouble nobody (wont trouble nobody.)
Stay outta trouble dont trouble nobody (wont trouble nobody.)
And I'ma try not to trouble nobody (So I wont trouble nobody.)

My mamma said dont trouble nobody (can't trouble nobody.)
My Pappa said dont trouble nobody (won't trouble nobody.)
Stay outta trouble dont trouble nobody (wont trouble nobody.)
And i'ma try not to trouble nobody (yeah.)

- 14:17 - Komentari (31) - Isprintaj - #


Bump, Bump, Bump Lyrics

[p diddy:]
we sendindg this out to all the ladies all over the world
all the ladies all over the world
all my sexy mamas come on
come on a come on now
as we proceed to give you what you need
you kno i like it when your body goes

bump bump bump

[p diddy:]
bad boy, b2k, yo o, talk to em player

i like your lil sexy style
i love it when you getting wil' (uh, i see you)
girl in the club wit me
(come over her let me talk to you for a minute, yeah
i wanna tell you something)
girl you need to be in magazines
wit a crown on your head cause you's a ghetto queen
like bling bling bling (uh come, let me find out)
the way you shakin that sexy (oh)
shaped like an hour glass (ow)
let me spend some time
(yeah, lets do it ya'll)
i wanna get you to myself
i mean me and nobodyelse
yo do the things we do
baby there is something that i need from you
(uh, come on, check it out)

baby turn around,
and let me see that sexy body go
bump bump bump (yeah)
that is all i want to see,
baby show me (come on)
baby turn around,
and let me see that sexy body go (yeah)
bump bump bump
the way you throwin that thing at me (uh yeah)
i can take it

[2nd verse, come on]
girl why you teasin me
you gonna have to stop pleasin me (stop teasin me, i want you)
while we're on this floor
you dippin' it roun' and roun'
i love the way you put it down
you makin me scream for more (oh, gimme more, let s go, don't stop come on)
put your 2way next to mine
baby hit me anytime
baby you and me behind close doors (oohh)
do you want to be my main squeeze
cop whip, cop shiny things
girl just come wit me
and go over to the dance floor

baby turn around,
and let me see that sexy body go
bump bump bump
that is all i want to see,
baby show me
baby turn around,
and let me see that sexy body go
bump bump bump
the way you throwin that thing at me
i can take it

[p diddy:]
(yeah, its bad boy baby, check this out
they call me diddy)
uh dance for nothin mami
plans for take a
get on the floor
set it up more
shake it mami
lets ride
im your clyde
you can be my bonnie
see you type for me
mami so right for me
man she can move it
love when she dance to the music
make me wanna stand like a pool stick
hands is the smoothest just a simple touch make me lose it
girl, that's enough
stop moving
bump that
i pump that
girl bring it to me
bump that
i want that
girl sing it wit me like
du du du du duda du du du
du du du du duda du du du
so lets do it again mami
you and a friend mami
money aint a thing mami
what i gotta spend mami
put up you hands for me
that's how you dance for me
shake it like you can hunni
take it from your man mami

baby turn around,
and let me see that sexy body go (oooo)
bump bump bump
that is all i want to see,
baby show me (let me ya)
baby turn around, (b2k)
and let me see that sexy body go (bad boy)
(they call me diddy) bump bump bump
the way you throwin that thing at me
i can take it

i see you chris

you kno i like it when your body go
bump bump bump

don't stop

lets go, lets go

baby turn around and let me see that body go
bump bump bump

lets go
lets go

and another one

its pandamonium baby

- 14:08 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

16.08.2005., utorak


Oprostite sto je post prije ovoga nije na hrvatskom.skinut je sa stranice koju imate tu livo među li(n)kovima.


- 14:32 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #



Ova slika pokazuje gubitak serotonina koji je glavni neuropokretac svih nasih emocija i raspolozenja. Posto kad se uzima ekstazi gubitak serotonina je uduplan cak i poslije 7 godina sve ovo mora da vodi ka nekoj depresiji.

Ekstazi je vrlo popularna droga svugdje u razvijenom svijetu, a eto, izgleda i mi pripadamo makar po toj osnovi razvijenom Zapadu. Zbog radi toga, odlučio sam da posvetim ovoj temi nešto pažnje. Kao prvo, s obzirom da je zvanični stav organizacije Vutra protivljenje hemijskim drogama, složiću se s tim stavom, s tim što neću biti toliko oštar kao u izlaganju o heroinu.

Razlog je prvo u tome što ekstazi definitivno ne spada u teške droge, a kao drugo izuzetno je dostupan (praktično je dovoljno da odete na bilo koju Techno, Trance, Electro žurku) za razliku od heroina i kokaina koje smo Vutragenjo i ja popljuvali u odgovarajućim topicima. Elem, šta zapravo podrazumijevamo pod "ekserima"?

Supstanca s hemijskim nazivom 3,4-metilendioksi-n-metilamfetamin, ili skraćeno MDMA, je jedinjenje srodno amfetaminima. Spada u "dizalice", tj. droge koje podižu raspoloženje i želju za aktivnošću. Međutim, zbog velike tražnje za ovom supstancom, a u nedostatku ponude, na ulici/žurkama nude se tablete sa raznoraznim sadržajem koje najčešće nisu čisti MDMA.

Pored MDMA u tabletama koje se prodaju kao ekstazi mogu se naći kofein, efedrin, amfetamini (spid), MDA, MDE, a pojedine tablete ni ne sadrže MDMA, već samo neku od iza navedenih supstanci. Stoga efekti različitih "marki" tableta variraju, kako po kvantitetu, tako i po kvalitetu.

Tako sam ja od drugova koji su probali razne tipove eksera saznao za izvjesne tablete koje su se nalazile na našem tržištu, a koje su izazivale izuzetno jake halucinacije i imale poprilično dugo dejstvo, čak i u manjim količinama - pola tablete/jedna, dok su dvije već dovodile do neprijatnih iskustava. S druge strane, današnja omladina uzima po 3, 4 pa i više eksera na jedno veče (naravno, ovo se odnosi na pojedince) i nemaju većih problema sa tim količinama.

Naravno da tu ulogu igra i tolerancija, ali suština je - zaključujem na osnovu informacija koje sam prikupio na internetu - u tome šta se nalazi u tim tabletama. Tako su ove prve vjerovatno sadržale čisti MDA koji je ima izrazitija halucinogena svojstva nego MDMA, dok ove "slabije" tablete vjerovatno sadrže neku manje euforičnu supstancu uz traženi MDMA.

No, ono što je zajedničko svim ovim tabletama, to je da podižu raspoloženje, čine da vam je sve lijepo, ubrzavaju rad srca i povećavaju trošenje organizma, dovode do prekomjernog znojenja i širenja zjenica. Osobe koje su uzele ekstazi MORAJU da unose tečnost ali NE SMIJU uzimati više nego što im je potrebno, i takođe NE BI SMIJELE konzumirati alkohol. Ovo naglašavam, jer znam da će na kraju ipak mnogi uzeti ekstazi, možda ne vi koji čitate, ali neko iz vaše okoline sigurno hoće, te stoga želim da spriječim da dođe do neželjenih posljedica.

Ekstazi sam po sebi nije smrtonosna supstanca, čak ni u velikim dozama (čuo sam da postoji izvjesna granica tolerancije kada organizam prosto odbija da luči određene hormone, koji dovode do naekserisanog stanja, bez obzira na ponovno unošenje tableta... nisam najbolje upućen u tu materiju, ali nemojte pokušavati ovo kod kuće, i jedan ekser je previše).

Međutim, ekstazi može biti koban utoliko što može doći do hipertermije (pregrijavanja organizma) uslijed nedostatka vode u organizmu, s jedne strane, ili do hipoanatremije, odnosno nedostatka soli u organizmu, s druge strane. Stoga, ako ste već uzeli ekser (vi ili neko od vaših drugova/poznanika/rođaka/...), vodite računa koliko tečnosti unosite u svoj organizam. Najbolji recept bi bio - taman onoliko koliko treba, tj. koliko organizam osjeća potrebu za vodom.

Iako je stanje nakon konzumacije eksera neprirodno, organizam zadržava svoje odbrambene mehanizme i u stanju je da osjeti šta mu fali, a čega ima na pretek. Ono što definitivno ne treba da radite jeste da konzumirate alkohol, i tu neću da dužim. Takođe, ako je nekome palo na pamet da izmrvljene eksere uzima putem nosa, tj. da ih ušmrkava, jednostavan savjet - NE RADITE TO.

Posljedice mogu biti kobne, Vutragenjo je naveo slučaj izvjesne djevojke koja je šmrkala kokain i ostala unakaženog lica. A ono što bi vam još više moglo pomoći da ne padnete u iskušenje - ne isplati se! - efekti su slabiji i kraće traju. Pamet u glavu! E sad da bih bio objektivan moram da kažem i par pozitivnih stvari o ekstaziju.

Naime, ta droga bi mogla svoju primjenu da nađe u psihijatriji, za razriješavanje problema između bračnih partnera, jer dovodi do stanja u kome ste otvoreni i željni za razgovorom. Netačno je da ekstazi djeluje otuđujuće, zapravo je droga koja prosto tjera na socijalizaciju, ali ovaj efekat se najverovatnije gubi na Techno, Trance i sličnim žurkama u kojima ni u trijeznom stanju ne možete da čujete ni sebe kako razmišljate, a kamoli nekog od sagovornika.

S obzirom da se nalazimo na forumu organizacije Vutra, da kažem nešto i u prilog konzumiranja marihuane nakon ekstazija. Naime, dva-tri dima mogu da pomognu da spuštanje iz euforisanog stanja bude bezbolno (gandža mu dođe kao padobran ).

Ovo je izuzetno bitno, jer pojedine osobe nakon prestanka efekta prvog eksera u želji da se vrate u "carstvo ekstazija" uzimaju novu dozu, što može da se nastavi do u nedogled. Živjela majka priroda! :)

LSD 25-lysergic acid diethylamide

Mi moramo jos jednom skrenuti da Vutra Organizacija je protiv svih hemijskih droga i da neki od nasih tekstova su iskustva pojedinaca. Ja licno sam probao i ne bih nikome savjetovao posto iskreno je veoma prljava i odvratna droga. Opet to je moje misljenje. Za diskusiju pogledajte nas forum za Hemijske Droge.

Albert Hofmann , briljantni hemicar (koji ima sada 97 god.-februara2002) iz Svajcarske, radio je u hemijskoj firmi ,,Sandoz'' u Baselu. Godine 1943, 16 aprila tacno, eksperimentisao je sa novim lekom ,,za mrsavljenje'', (a vec 1938 god. bila je napravljena hemijska sinteza od uLSD u spisima od Hofmanna) slucajno preko prstiju uneo je malu dozu oralno, i tada je poceo da dozivljava prvi hemijski trip u istoriji covjecanstva! Posto se osjecao malo nezgodno, zamolio je sekretaricu da ga doprati do kuce. Na putu prema stanu na biciklima, Albert je zapao u vise sfere tripa, i kasnije opisao taj trip ,, kao nesto najcudnije sto mu se desilo u zivotu, vozeci se kroz panoramu sela sa iskrivljenim i nasmijanim kucama, kao kroz neki crtani film'', i da u zivotu nije nikada tako brzo vozio biciklo kao tada''. Poslije nekoliko tripova sa kolegama, uvidio je da LSD ima i te kako veliku moc u promjeni ljudske psihe! Tri dana kasnije Hofmann je ponovo svesno uzeo drugu dozu LSD, a taj trip nije bio bas pozitivan! Hofmann je sa kolegama redovno ekserimentisao u cilju da dublje odkriju tajne naseg nepoznatog mozga, a pedesetih godina, takodje i psihajtrija pokazuje veliko interesovanje za LSD, kao lijek za sizofreniju i traume, pogotovu za prezivele zrtve nacistickih logora smrti, i naravno za eksperimente za prosirenje ljudskog uma. Firma ,,Sandoz'' izvozila je LSD na farmacuetsko trziste sve do 1947 god. pod imenom ,,Delysid''.

Americka CIA je odmah pokazala interesovanje za LSD, i odkupila veliku kolicinu od firme Sandoz, sa ciljem da ga koristi kao ,,serum istine'' prilikom saslusanja osumljicenih za spijunazu i sl. i da prouce mogucnosti ,,boloskog'' ratovanja!! Hiljadama neduznih amerikanaca, ljudima, zenama, vojnicima, bez njihovog znanja, davan je LSD-25 u vodi, picu, hrani, sa teskim posledicama, a tek 20 godina kasnije, objavljene su kriminalne metode americke vlade i CIA u javnosti!

U medjuvremenu, rasla je i grupa ljudi, koja je pokazivala vise interesa za ,,psihodelicno'' dejstvo LSD-25, umjesto vojnih eksperimenata!! Pisci kao Aldous Huxley i Ernest Junger, koristili su LSD kao kljucno sredstvo za vise sfere intelegencije! Hofmann je citajuci kjnige od Huxliya (i Ernst Junger-a), znao da su oni koristili LSD i mescalin od kaktusa Peyote, i slucajno su se sreli u Baselu, gdje je nastalo dugogodisnje prijateljstvo. Huxley je detaljno opisao koriscenje peyote u njegovom romanu ,,The Doors of Perception & Heaven and Hell’‘, (koja je prevedena na Srpskom jeziku kod izdavaca ,,Esotheria’‘ u Beogradu-,,Vrata percepcije-raj i pakao",, i u utopistickom romanu ,,Island'', solidno je opisao koriscenje magicnih pecurki! Huxley je umro od raka 22 nov. 1963 god. na dan kada je ubijen americki presjednik Kenedy. Zadnji dan u bolnici, Huxley je zamolio suprugu da mu usprica injekciju LSD od 100 mcg!! Umro je srecno pod tripom, bas onako kako je pisao utopisticki u romanu ,,Island''! U pocetku eksperimenata sa ,,drogama'' Huxley je smatrao i predlagao kolegama da tu privilegiju treba cuvati u uzem krugu elite, jer siroke mase ne zasluzuju to bozansko znanje! Ostali se nijsu slagali sa tim, i Huxley je popustio, i poceo pisati knjige bas o upotrebi ,,bozanskih droga''.

Do pocetka sesdesetih godina, LSD je koristila manja grupa ,,psihonauta'', naucnika, umjetnika, muzicara, pisaca. Godine 1962, grupa mladih naucnika i studenata na Harvard Universitetu, dobili su vecu kolicinu SLD-25, i poceli sa masovnim eksperimentima, u kojima su dozivljavali ,,bozanska i kosmicka'' iskustva! U San Francisko pocinje ,,psihodelicna revolucija'' zahvaljujuci uticaju LSD-25, a takodje i u ,,magicnom'' centru Amsterdamu, (Holland) i odatle se prosiruje po evropskim gradovima! Pocetkom 1954 god. holandski psihijatar C.H. van Rhijn poceo je sa vise kolega da povremeno primenjuje LSD-25 u psihoterapiji, a tek 1956 god. poceo je sistematski da proucava uticaj LSD na psihijatrijske pacijente, sve do 1966 god. kada je LSD pao pod ,,zakon o opijatima'' i zabranjen!! LSD se koristio uspjesno za lijecenje alkoholicara, 45% bilo je izlijeceno!! (nastavlja se...)

Timothy Leary

U istoriji LSD, poslije Alberta Hofmanna vazno mjesto imaju psiholozi Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner i Alpert Richard sa harvardskog universiteta. Larijeva uloga kao vodje ,,psihodelicne revolucije'', dostigla je tako veliku popularnost da je americka vlada ,,zbog unistenja morala omladine'', zabranila daljnje eksperimente sa LSD na universitetu, i dobija odkaz 1963 god.! Larijeva karijera kao ,,psihonauta'' pocela je u Meksiku 1959 godine, gdje je prvi put jeo magicne pecurke, koje su uticale na promenu citavog njegovog zivota!

Prilikom putovanja za Meksiko 1965 god., na granicnom mostu kod Lareda, policija hapsi Larija zbog posedovanja desetak grama marihuane, a teksaski sud i ziri, osudjuju ga 2.marta 1970 god, na 30 godina robije! Sud u Kaliforniji na 10 godina robije!Poslije sedam mjeseci robije, Lari bjezi iz zatvora uz pomoc organizacije ,,Weatberman'', koja mu dobavlja falc pasos i papire sa kojima je uspeo da pobjegne u Alzir, kod vodje crnacke organizacije ,,Crnih pantera'' Eldriddge Cleaver. Februara 1971 god. posle svadje sa Cleaverom odlazi za Svajcarsku, putuje po sjevernoj Africi, Evropi i u Avganistanu na aerodromu sacekuje ga americka policija, hapsi i sprovodi za USA. Vlasti ga osudjuju na 25 god. samice!

Tri godine kasnije, 1976, sledi pomilovaje zbog pada Nixona i liberalnije politike, Leary izlazi na slobodu, i pise njegovu popularnu knjigu ,,Turn- on, Tune-in, Drop-out'' . Lari umire sa 75 god. 31 maja 1996 god. u Los Angelosu.

Kako se (i pod kojim uslovima) tripuje sa LSD-25 !!

Vazno je da svi oni koji budu odlucili da probaju LSD, prvo znaju pod kojim uslovima mogu da uzmu ,,trip''! Strogo obratite paznju na sledeci tekst, jer je od ogromne vaznosti za Vas dragi citaoci, da ne bude katastrofalnih posledica po vase mentalno zdravlje!! Tripovati sa LSD nije sala, nije zezanje kao sa marihuanom, hasisom ili bilo kojom vrstom prirodne ,,droge''!!

Ovdje se radi o vrlo jakoj hemijskoj drogi, zato procitajte pazljivo i upamtite sledeca jako vazna pravila (isto kao i za magicne pecurke)!!!

- 14:06 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Gangsta´S Paradise

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life and realize there's nuttin' left
'Cuz I've been blastin' and laughin' so long, that
Even my mama thinks that my mind is gone
But I ain't neva crossed a man that didn't deserve it
Me be treated like a punk you know that's unheard of
You betta watch how you're talkin', and where you're walkin'
Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk
I really hate to trip but I gotta, loc
As they group I see myself in the pistol smoke, fool
I'm the kinda G the little homies wanna be like
On my knees in the night, sayin' prayers in the streetlight


Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise

THEY GOT the situation, they got me facin'
I can't live a normal life, I was raised by the state
So I gotta be down with the hood team
Too much television watchin' got me chasin'dreams
I'm a educated fool with money on my mind
Got my 10 in my hand and a gleam in my eye
I'm a loc'd out gangsta set trippin' banga
And my homies is down so don't arouse my anga, fool
Death ain't nothin' but a heartbeat away,
I'm livin' life, do or die, what can I say
I'm 23 now, will I live to see 24
the way things is goin' I don't know


Tell me why are we, so blind to see
That the one's we hurt, are you and me
Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise

Power and the money, money and the power
Minute after minute, hour after hour
Everybody's runnin', but half of them ain't lookin'
What's goin' on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's cookin'
they say I got ta learn, but nobody's here to teach me
If they can't understand it, how can they reach ME
I guess they can't, I guess they won't
I guess they front, that's why I know my life is out of luck, fool

Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Tell me why are we, so blind to see
That the one's we hurt, are you and me
Tell me why are we, so blind to see
That the one's we hurt, are you and me
- 14:05 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Istinita Prica

(nevezano za pricu - ovaj graffit se nalazi u zadru)

Nakon osam god. prolaska kroza sami pakao(osnovna škola)upisao sam se u srednju skolu u kojoj je vec bolje.poceo san pusiti i piti od muke kad san vidia s kim idem u razred.vratimo se na pricu.os.posli onog tretmana otporan sam na sve(psovke i vridanja).univerzalni vojnik.razred je bia u teskoj kurcini iako smo svi bili zajedno.jedna spodoba(teska glupaca)je tupila s onim pederom eminemom.i tako sam zamrzio rap.poceo sam slusati kraja osmog razreda svi su ga slušali jer je jedna takozvana faca u 7. raz. uletila s majcom guns n` roses. i naravno svi su ga pratili.meni je rock polako dopizdivao.vracao sam se lito 2004.poceo sam slusati rap i slagati rime.kao sto pise u autobiografiji nisu slicile na nista.isto lito poceo sam slusati malo tehno i reggae.najvise slusam rap i on je najbolji ali nevolim komercijalu bas slusat.jos i dan danas znam slusati rock,tehno i reggae ali to prođe za dan dva.KAD SE NEMATE KOME OBRATITI,I SVI VAS JEBU U MOZAK PUSTITE MUZIKU.po mogucnosti hip-hop - r&b ili reggae.
- 13:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

15.08.2005., ponedjeljak

ovo ću zalipiti na uredu

ovo ću zalipiti na uredu
- 15:22 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
istina. al ja ih ipak volim
- 15:21 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
evo što je praksa
- 15:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
lejdiz end đentlmen,world kles diđej
- 15:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
kao i ovo
- 15:17 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
ovo i meni treba
- 15:11 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

za mobitele --- fun sms

Zena se razgovara s jednim muskarcem, gleda drugoga, a misli na trecega.

Zene nikada ne vidiju ono sto za njih uradimo; uvijek vidiju sama ono, sto ne napravimo.

Zene su opasnije od ulicnih razbojnika. Razbojnici traze samo novac ili zivot, zene pa i jedno i drugo.

Zena je kao sjena; ako trcis za njom, izmice ti se, ako bjezis pred njom, tece za tobom.

Zivot sa suzama pocinje i sa suzama zavrsava.

Tvoji zobi su kao dijamanti... Ne tako lijepi, nego tako rijedki…

Operi si vrat.......Tvoj vampir

V Cernobilu kcerka mami: "Mama, mama, raste mi treca sisa!" Mama:"Boli me kurac!"

Znas zasto kurac nije zavrsio osnovnu skolu?-Jer ima rupu u glavi. Zasto nije zavrsio srednju?-Jer previse sprica. Zasto ne moze dobiti posao?-Jer ne moze stati 8 ur.

Zasto su zenske bedaste? Zato, jer zbog jedne kobasice uzmu cijeloga prasca…

Ti si moje zlato, ti si moje srebro, al ako me zajebeš slomit ću ti rebro.
- 14:52 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

za mobitele --- love sms

1. ****** **** ***** ********** ***** ******** ** * ******** ************ ***** To nije snijeg, to nije kisa vec moje suze za onom kojoj moja poruka nece stici.
2. ...a kada se dvoje susretnu i kada im se ukrste pogledi sva proslost i sva buducnost izgube bilo kakvu vaznost te postoji samo taj trenutak ta nevjerojatna sigurnost...
3. ...kad jednom shvatis da sam samo san - neces me ni sanjati...kad shvatis da sam zvijezda - neces me dotaknuti...kad osjetis da sam bol - preboljet ces me!
4. ...kad jednom umres, tvoje ce se srce rasuti na hiljade zvijezda, i svaki covjek koji pogleda u nebo zaljubit ce se u noc..
5. ...zamisli moje misli kao svemir...u tom svemiru 1000 tim planetima 1000 mora...i u svakoj kapljici TI!!!!
6. ...zamisli sebi nesto najljepse, najslade, dodaj k tome beskrajnost, prosiri sa vjecnoscu, ukrasi sa zvijezdama, tek tada ces bar malo znati koliko mi znacis...
7. ..u snovima zivim ja! Za mene ti si jedina! Ali uzalud je sve, kada mama probudi me!..
8. --<--<@ --<--<@ --<--<@ --<--<@ --<--<;@ Samo za tebe... Volim te najvise...
9. …jedan savjet…CUVAJ SE…jedna molba…NE MJENJAJ SE…jedna zelja…NE ZABORAVI ME…jedna laz…NE VOLIM TE…jedna istina…PUNO MI NEDOSTAJES!!!
10. 1.dan Bog stvori svijetlo, a djavo tamu, 2.dan Bog stvori sex, a djavo brak, 3.dan Bog stvori ljubav, a djavo ljubavnicu, 4.dan Bog stvori tebe, a djavo se nasmije.
11. 100 je suza u mojim ocima bilo, 100 je zelja koje mi zivot nije ispunio…malo je ljubavi koje osjecaju svi, a jos manje prijateljica kao sto si ti!
12. 3(2x-3) (Vx+5) -(Ox-8) (L+4x)= 3-(3x-2)(Ix+4)=(M+8x)+(T+4x)+E=VOLIM TE
13. Ako cujes nocas vjetar i gromove, ne boj se jer to ti ja saljem andjele! Saljem ih da cuvaju srce tvoje je ne zelim da drugi ukradu ono sto je samo moje!
14. Ako ikad budem voljena trazit cu da to bude od tebe, da te volim istina je stvarna imam sve u zivotu a moj zivot si ti.
15. Ako ikada dozivis poraz ne dozvoli da u tvome oku zablistaju suze, jer ljudi su zlobni i na rusevinama tvoje srece, sagraditi ce spomenik svojoj pobjedi.
16. Ako je grijeh sto te volim neka mi se to nikada ne oprosti...
17. Ako je ljubav droga, onda sam ja najveci narkoman!
18. Ako je zivot ruza, ti si mu najljepsa latica, ako je zivot kisa, ti si mu najljepsa kapljica, ako zivot s tobom ubija -SPREMAN SAM UMRJETI ZA TEBE!
19. Ako kriv sam - optuzi me. Ako pogrijesio sa - okrivi me. Ako razumjela nisi - ponovit cu. Ako me ne zelis - otici cu.
20. Ako me ikad pozelis, pa makar i u snu, ako samoca boli, a kise padaju, ako te jutro probudi na hladnom jastuku maleno moje – ne boj se nego uzmi mobilni i nazovi me!
21. Ako me ikada budes izgubio, potrazi me u vrtlogu vremena, jer sam se vjerojatno tamo izgubila - trazeci tebe!!!
22. Ako me ikada budes napustio... smijem li onda poci sa tobom??
23. Ako me ikada budes ostavila ostavi me na kisi da ne placem sam.
24. Ako me volis, ne daj da gazim stazama tuge, ne daj da me grle tudje ruke! Jer bez tebe sam ko nebo bez zvijezda, ko nebo bez duge, zato ne daj da me tudje usne ljube!!!
25. Ako me volis, ne pricaj nikome. Ako me zelis, ne daj me nikome. Ako me ljubis, ljubi me njezno. Ako ni jedno od toga nije, vrati mi srce, oprosteno ti je…
26. Ako mi ne odgovoris za 25 sek. od cega je vec proslo 15, ako poruka ne stigne za 10 sek. od cega je vec proslo 8 dugujes mi 1000 pusa! ...Vrijeme isteklo!
27. Ako negdje postoji sjaj onda je on u tvojim ocima. Ako negdje postoji bol onda je to zivot bez tebe. Ako je itko na ovom svijetu voljen onda si, vjeruj mi, ti!
28. Ako nekad, na krilima svojim, uspomene donesu mi tugu, smijem li opet do tebe da dodjem kao starom i iskrenom drugu?
29. Ako neko uspije da ledom ispise tvoje ime po suncu priznat cu da te voli vise od mene !!!
30. Ako nekog volis, voli ga polako, sve sto ide brzo ide naopako. Ljubav koja brzo plane, brzo se i gasi, ljubav koja tiho tece, vecno zivot krasi!!!
31. Ako odem na nebo prije tebe, na svaku zvijezdu cu napisati tvoje ime, tako ce svi andjeli znati koliko mi znacis...
32. Ako postoji RADOST, onda je to SUSRET S'TOBOM... ako postoji BOL, onda je to ZIVOT BEZ TEBE.. ako postoji neko koga ZELIM, onda si to TI!!!
33. Ako sam daleko ne znaci da te ne volim, ako te cekam znaci da si mi sve na svijetu, doci cu po tebe uhvatit cu te u letu i zauvijek zivjeti u nasem svijetu!!!!!!!!!
34. Ako se ikada budemo rastali, gubimo oboje. Ja jer sam te voljela. Ti - jer si bio taj kojeg sam voljela. Ali ipak gubis samo ti, ja cu naci nekog drugog kog cu voljeti.
35. Ako se ikada pozelis javiti, javi se, sve je ostalo isto i broj i adresa...samo mi je ime promijenjeno, jer otkad si ti otisao iz mog zivota, moje ime je tuga.
36. Ako se probudis u ove sitne sate, vidjet ces da neko misli na te, a ako te ne probudi zvuk poruke ove, spavaj andjele najljepse ti zelim snove!
37. Ako se umoris od lutanja, ako izgubis vjeru u ljude, slobodno svrati u moje srce za TEBE mjesta mora da bude!!!
38. Ako si daleko nista ne smeta, vjecna ljubav ostaje i da si nakraj svijeta.
39. Ako si kap vode u oblaku, u kisi sto pada na moje ruke, lice i kosu sacuvat cu te na dlanu, ljubavi moja, kao latica cvijeta sto cuva jutarnju rosu.
40. Ako smatras OBAVEZOM da me se sjecas ZABORAVI ME!
41. Ako sunce sja, to su tvoje oci. Ako vidiš mjesec, to je tvoj osmjeh. Ako vidiš dve zvijezde, to smo ti i ja. A kad pada kisa, to su moje suze, a tebe nema...
42. Ako te nekada naljute ljudi, ako te dusa gorko zaboli, sjeti se da postoji prijateljica koja te iskreno voli.
43. Ako te ometam zovi 92, ako te palim zovi 93, ako te povrijedim zovi 94, a ako me zelis imas moj broj!
44. Ako ti gorko zaplace oko, ako te neko povrijedi duboko, ako ti ikad zadrhti dusa, ako nema ko da te slusa, ako ikad vrisnes u snu nazovi me i JA CU BITI TU.
45. Ako ti se veceras veliki smijesni covijek uvuce u krevet i stavite te u svoju torbu, ne brini se. Od Djeda Mraza pozelela sam tebe.
46. Ako treba ugasit cu svijecu i sunce i mjesec i zvijezde. Ako treba porusit cu mostove, unistiti proslost, otici u nepovrat samo zbog tebe.
47. Ako voda nosi poljupce ja cu ti poslati more...ako lisce nosi zagrljaj ja cu ti poslati drvece...ako je ljubav zauvijek ja cu ti dati vjecnost...
48. Ako volis nemoj kriti jer nije zabranjeno zaljubljen biti.
49. Ako za trenutak zatvoris oci i otvoris srce, znati ces da je sreca, kad imas nekoga na koga mozes da se oslonis i kad je taj neko koga volis gdje god bio pored tebe.
50. Ako zaspim-SANJAT CU TE, ako se probudim-VIDJET CU TE, ako te vidim-ZALJUBIT CU SE, ako te poljubim-OTOPIT CU SE! Zato reci mi molim te sto da radim sa TOBOM?!
51. Andjele, sklopi okice i u tami noci pronadji svjetlo mjesecine da ti obasja snove i u njih dovede one zbog kojih se vrijedi sutra buditi!
52. Andjeli ce te cuvati, kisa ce za tebe padati. Neko ce ti sa neba zvijezdu skinuti, svijet pokloniti. Ali te nitko nece kao ja voljeti.
53. Another month, another year, another smile, another tear, another winter. A summer too... but there'll never be.........another you!
54. Baci casu visoko, past ce na tlo. Baci kamen u vodu, dodirnut ce dno. Baci granu u vatru, izgorjet ce sva. Baci mene od sebe, umrijet cu ja.
55. Bijela ruza tiho vene, nemoj nikad zaboravit mene, ni ja tebe zaboravit necu, dok mi smrtnu zapale svijecu. I dok svijeca polako gori jos ce moje srce da te voli!
56. Bijeli golub na prozor mi sleteo i sapnuo mi da je od tebe doletio. Poljubac mu dadoh da ga preda tebi, jer nikog sada radije poljubio ne bi...
57. Bila bih postelja u kojoj spavas i jastuk na kojem se budis, zvijezda koju sanjas, suza kada places, osmjeh kad se smijes, usinila bi sve samo da sam uz TEBE!
58. Bilo gdje da si svjetla ne gasi... ne zatvaraj vrata, slusaj kazaljke sata... kada se kazaljke spoje sa tobom su misli moje...
59. Bio si grub suza je potekla, voljeo si me savjest te je pekla a da si znao koliko tada patim ne bi me pustio da odem molio bi me da se vratim.
60. Bio si kao staklo, nisam te ni primjetila dok me nisi posjekao!
61. Bit ces moj- bogat i lijep, bit ces moj- za druge slijep, ljubav prosit ces kad se zaljubis, bogatstvo dat ces da me zadrzis!!!
62. Bit cu tu vjeruj mi kad te svi zaborave, ljubit cu te kao NIKO, kad te drugi ostave! ZNAJ ZIVJET CU da budem pored tebe, jer hocu tvoju ljubav SAMO ZA SEBE
63. Biti cu sjenka kad pozelis da te pratim; strazar - od straha da te cuvam; u nevolji da te shvatim; biti cu ono sto vec jesam - TVOJA NADA I TO ONOLIKO KOLIKO TI POZELIS.
64. Biti cu slobodna, necu se vezati, vazno je samo dobro se zezati. PS. Ti si jedini izuzetak ove poruke.
65. Bog ce tebi samo dobro dati, jer dusa je tvoja velika i cista a u ovom svjetu punom tuge i patnji, bogatstvo je znati nekoga poput tebe.
66. Bog je stvorio Nebo i Zemlju i dao im 3 svjetla: jedno malo za noc, jedno vece za dan i najsjajnije i najlijepse svijetlo dao je tvojim ocima.
67. Bog je svim andjelima dao krila osim tebi, jer nije zelio da mu najljepsi odleti!
68. Bogata si, ljubavi moja, onoliko koliko ljubavi mozes da pruzis a usamljena si onoliko koliko se boris protiv ljubavi koja ti se pruza!!!
69. Bojim se kada pada kisa, bojim se kada pada mrak, bojim se kada vani grmi i kada se sprema oluja, stvarno se bojim... Mogu spavati s tobom?!
70. Bojis se da ces se zaljubiti a otici cu opet? Opusti se i uzivaj u onome sto ti pruziti mogu kada sam tu i sanjaj o tome kada nisam.
71. Bolja sam od svih koje znas, ja samo hocu da ti nesto dam. Ti si moja cokolada zbog koje je nastala ova balada i da ti nije palo na pamet ovo brisat jer ti vise necu pisat!
72. Bolje je ne imati i voljeti nego imati i biti prevaren.
73. Bori se za srecu, za ono sto zelis, ono sto mnogo ti znaci nemoj dijeliti. Ne brini za druge, drugi ce se snaci, a ljubav poput tebe tesko je naci!
74. Brzo, otvori prozor! Jesi li? Jos nisi? Hajde! A sada lovi...jos malo...evo ga dolazi...doletio je samo za tebe...NAJVECI POLJUBAC NA SVIJETU!
75. Budi tajna moje duse, tajna sto tanke strune ljubavi nocas plete mi. Budi tajna u moru sto ljubeci svoje obale neznost izgovara, tajna nepoznatog predela gdje nebo prestaje
76. Cao ljubavi, samo da ti se javim,evo me u bolnici, nasli su mi kamen u bubregu, bakteriju u zelucu, i TEBE U SRCU.
77. Cekala sam tebe, a ti drugu uze, zelim da ti vratim ja suze za suze. Imala sam tebe , a ti zivot svoj hocu da ti vratim samo bol za bol!!!
78. Cesto je tesko pronaci rijeci, jer onih pravih tako je malo. Zar su uopste potrebne rijeci da shvatis da mi je do tebe stalo!?!?!
79. Cilj ljubavi nije naci savrsenu osobu, nego voljeti nesavrsenu osobu savrseno! Ja te volim savrseno...
80. Cokoladni bomboni. Ne. Cvjetni med. Ne. Sladoled od cokolade. Ne. Secer. Nema sanse. Jebi ga, i dalje ne nalazim nista sto je sladje od tebe.
81. Covjek se budi najcistije duse koja ceka da ju oblikuje buduci dan. I zato priusti sebi da ti prvo "dobro jutro" pozeli onaj tko te voli. DOBRO JUTRO!
82. Cuvaj me jer ja sam tvoje zrno pijeska u pustinji, ako me izgubis nikada neces me naci a svako ce ti liciti na mene.
83. Cuvaj me u malom kutku svog srca! Neka ti moje misli ne remete ni jedan trenutak zivota, a voli me tek toliko da znam da postojim!
84. Cuvaj moju sliku, srce te moje moli, jer kopija te gleda a original te voli.
85. Cvjeta ruza usred zita, ljubim onu koja cita, ljubi i ti onog tko salje, pa nek ruza cvjeta i dalje!!!
86. Da je zrno pijeska jedinica za ljubav, sve pustinje ovog svijeta ne bi bile dovoljne da ti kazem koliko te volim!!!
87. Da li da budem sretna jer si mi prijatelj ili da placem jer je to najvise sto ces mi ikada biti.
88. Da li znas koliko mi nedostajes? NE! Da li znas koliko mi znacis? NE! Da li znas koliko te volim? NE! Moras priznati da u zivotu za neke stvari NEMAS POJMA!
89. Da sam tihi povetarac i da imam takvu moc, sletio bih na tvoj prozor da ti pozelim nalepsu laku noc.
90. Da sam zvijezda da li bi me gledala? Da sam vazduh da li bi me udisala? Da sam krv da li bih tekao tvojim venama? Da sam zivot da li bi me uzela?
91. Da se sva mora svijeta razbiju u kapi, koliko bi ih bilo? Da se sve zvijezde svemira zbroje, koliko bi ih bilo? Ne znam, ali mojih poljubaca bi bilo vise.
92. Da si nebo, zvijezda bih postao. Da si otrov, ja bih te popio. Da si vazduh, ja bih te vidio. Da te nema, ja ne bih zivio.
93. Da si ti suza u mome oku nikada ne bi zaplakala od straha da te ne izgubim, a da sam ja suza u tvome oku polako bih kliznula niz tvoje lice da umrem na tvojim usnama...volim te ...
94. Da te vodim na more-utopit ces se... Da te vodim na skijanje- slomit ces se...Da te vodim na korzo- gugva, izgubit ces mi se.. Ma hajmo mi u krevet, prilagodit ces se!!!
95. Da ti poklonim SRCE malo je, da ti poklonim VJECNOST kratka je, da ti poklonim ZIVOT bijedan je, da ti poklonim LJUBAV ne zelis je...ZATO TI EVO PUSA, CUVAJ SE!!!
96. Da ublazi BOL Bog je LJUBAV dao a da BOLI za to nije znao !!!
97. Daj mi 5 minuta i skrenit ces sa mnom s puta. Kad osjetis ljubav pravu za mnom ces izgubiti glavu..i sve moje sto te mami imat ces kad budemo sami..!!!!
98. Daj mi TVOJE USNE da na njima GORIM daj mi TVOJE SRCE vidis da te VOLIM, daj mi TVOJU LJUBAV neka bude moja, daj mi SEBE jer SUDBINA SAM TVOJA!
99. Daj mi tvoju ruku i zazmiri. Cujes li kako moje srce kuca? Razumijes li sta kaze? Prica o mojoj ljubavi prema tebi!
100. Daleko sam ja od tebe nek te to ne boli, znaj da moje srce samo tebe voli. Nemoj tugovati, nemoj suze liti, znaj da sam tvoja i da cu uvijek biti!

- 14:28 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

autobiografija MC PEPELJARE

02.06.1989. Rođen U Bolnici U Zadru.Pravo ime Toni.prezime V*******.Nadimci:Tv,Rapper,Narkoman, Diler,Kreten,Idiot.
Zašto mc pepeljara?jedan frend je reka jednom liku što je iša sist pokraj mene, neš valjda sisti pokraj te pepeljare.eto zato pepeljara.
Išo sam u osnovnu školu stanovi i moj razred je bio najgori po ponašanju.2003/04 8c.
Rap sam ispočetka mrzio, jer je jedna kuja iz razreda stalno spominjala eminema i dopizdilo mi je to slušati
pa san slušo kamenje(rock).Na lito 2004 g. sam počeo slušati RAP koji sam čuo kod rođaka.
počeo sam ga slušati pa i posli pisati rime.u početku je to lićilo u govno na papiru(doslovno)
a sad to već liči u nešto.također sam poćeo crtati i malo brejkati.upisao sam se u medicinsku školu u zadru.sad više nemam toliko vrimena koliko sam prije imao pa baš više i ne pišem,crtam ili brejkam.
s vrimena na vrime potegnem rukom iz pizdarije (tegam po gradu,napravim koji friz,napišem koju rimu)
Samo želim reći ako ikad postanem slavan neka niko ne ide mojim stopama savjetovao bi mu.
pogotovo da na živi u okruženju sličnom mom.sami metalci,rokeri i brijači.naravno ima ponešto rappera.
kud god prođem ljudi se okreću i gledaju u mene koda san Isus.el zbog cigare il robe.e zaboravih, ovi novi srednjoškolci koda su popili svu snagu svita svi se žele tući znam zašto.živim normalno,boli me kurac za sve što se događa oko mene.

oće mi ko prodat gun?


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14.08.2005., nedjelja

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Sacramento Kings
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Run D.M.C.

Run-D.M.C. was the Hip Hop group that took rap music back to a tougher "street" level. Formed by Joseph Simmons (Run), Daryl McDaniel (D.M.C.) and Jason Mizell (Jam Master Jay) in 1982,their songs weren't marathon party-oriented funk anthems, they wore their street clothes onstage and their voices were far rougher than those of The Furious Five, The Sugarhill Gang and other contemporary competitors. Their first single "Sucker M.C.s" gave them the jump on the competition and started a new street music revolution.

On their first album, Run-D.M.C., (1983; Profile), the music was pared down to two voices with occasional record scratches from Jam Master Jay laid thick over a heavy drum-machine backbeat. When a little extra was needed in the mix it was kept minimal; just an occasional synth blast or funk bassline here ("It's Like That") and some Hendrix-style metal guitar there ("Rock Box") ; nothing much to get in the way of their new bragging rhyme style and socially-conscious messages. The album blazed the trail for many a rapper to come and the preaching style foretold Run's subsequent career as a reverend.

Their next album King Of Rock (1985; Profile) was a temporary let down. In their frenzy to"keep it real" they almost drove their trademark sound into the ground with dull, formulaic beats replacing fresh ideas. Yet they managed to return strong with Raising Hell, (1986; Profile), which went on to become the first African-American double-platinum-selling Hip Hop album. An improvement on their "huge beats with a minimal arrangement" formula, the album featured the first metal/ Hip Hop collaboration ("Walk This Way" with Aerosmith) and won back the attention of the growing Hip Hop audience. The single was a crossover success on the pop charts and, combined with their triumphant role in the Raising Hell tour of 1986-87 (appearing alongside Public Enemy, the Beastie Boys, and L.L. Cool J) brought them back in style and saw them featured in 1986 as the first African-American rap act to make the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.

Raising Hell's producers Russell Simmons and Rick Rubin financed a flick - Tougher Than Leather - with Rubin directing, in 1988 which, whilst not exactly the second coming of The Harder They Come or Shaft (or evenWild Style, for that matter), had a Run-DMC soundtrack that did steady business and would've made a good double albumwith the best of Raising Hell . Run and DMC remained lyrically sharp - even on an odd cover of The Monkees' "Mary Mary" (with thankfully no members of The Monkees in sight).

The Hip Hop revolution was still going on. But revolutions, once they get started, sometimes see the mob outpacing the leaders. A brand new wave of rappers would leave Run-D.M.C. in the dust both artistically and financially. By late '89, young guns were aiming for the Hip Hop throne from all over. Rhyme-style-wise, Run and DMC were beginning to sound old when compared to the flows of the Cold Chillin Records' posse (Big Daddy Kane, Biz Markie, Kool G. Rap) and the Native Tongues crew (De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest.) Music-wise, even their sparse arrangements looked weak next to the sounds of Boogie Down Productions and Raising Hell tourmates Public Enemy. Finance-wise, Tone Loc's "Wild Thing" matched Raising Hell's double-platinum sales in a few months. Even street-wise, the authenticity they had pioneered was being redefined by Ice-T and NWA.

Their next couple of albums looked to new trends and guest appearances to spark renewed interest. Back From Hell (1990; Profile) was their attempt at New Jack Swing-style R&B and is the weakest album they've ever made. The "guest appearance mania" of Down With The King (1993; Profile) - which featured Pete Rock, C.L. Smooth and a number of other talented rappers- was incidental to the much improved music and the album proved they could hold their own with anybody from the new-skool rap crews.

Since the early 90's the camp has been pretty quiet. Jam Master Jay signed and produced Onyx and is working in A & R for Profile records. Run, true to his socially-conscious lyrics and tone, became a minister, started a christian church and Hip Hop label, Rev Run Records. Recently techno dance act Jason Nevins remixed "It's Like That" back to life for the speed garage generation selling millions worldwide to a new generation of break dancing, Adidas stomping, Saturday-night kids.

Run DMC last recorded together on a Christmas single for the Very Special Christmas 2 charity album and contributed to the Beavis & Butthead TV soundtrack. They were briefly reunited for a TV commercial in the Jason Nevins-induced fallout and new album rumors abound but one thing is clear: "The Kings From Queens" have earned their royalty status.

Jam Master Jay, Run-DMC DJ, Killed In Shooting

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The Wu-Tang Clan's chief producer, RZA (aka the
Abbott, Prince Rakeem, the Rzarector, and Bobby Steels) was born Robert Diggs; he first surfaced during the early '90s as a member of the rap unit All in Together Now, a group which also featured fellow Wu-Tang members the Genius (aka GZA) and Ol' Dirty Bastard. Following All in Together Now's dissolution, he signed to Tommy Boy under the name Prince Rakeem, issuing the 1991 EP Ooh We Love You Rakeem before joining the Wu-Tang; the group's 1993 debut, Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers), was one of the most influential hip-hop records of the era, with RZA's lean, menacing production work much imitated throughout the rap community in the years to follow. In addition to remaining a member of the loose-knit Wu-Tang family and producing many of the group members' solo efforts, RZA also joined the Gravediggaz, helming their 1995 debut 6 Feet Deep; his first full-length solo LP, RZA as Bobby Digital in Stereo, followed in 1998. In 1999, RZA Hits, a compilation of some of the Wu-Tang family's best-known tracks, from both group and solo projects, was released under RZA's name. ~ Jason Ankeny, All Music Guide

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(feat. Anthony Hamilton)

It's dat real
Yo, why is Jadakiss as hard as it gets
Why is the industry designed to keep the artist in dept
And why them dudes ain't ridin' if there part of your set
And why they never get it poppin' but they party to death
Yea, and why they gon give you life for a murder
Turn around only give you eight months for a burner, it's goin down
Why they sellin' niggaz CD's for under a dime
If it's all love daddy why you come wit your nine
Why my niggaz ain't get that cake
Why is a brother up North better than Jordan
That ain't get that break
Why you ain't stackin' instead of tryin' to be fly
Why is rattin' at an all time high
Why are you even alive
Why they kill Tupac n' Chris
Why at the bar you ain't take straight shots instead of poppin Crist'
Why them bullets have to hit that door
Why did Kobe have to hit that raw
Why he kiss that whore

[Chorus: Anthony Hamilton]
All that I been givin'
Is this thing that I've been living
They got me in the system
Why they gotta do me like that
Try'd to make it my way
But got sent up on the highway
Why, oh why
Why they do me like that

Why would niggaz push pounds and powder
Why did bush knock down the towers
Why you around them cowards
Why Aaliyah have to take that flight
Why my nigga D ain't pull out his Ferrari
Why he take that bike
Why they gotta open your package and read your mail
Why they stop lettin' niggaz get degreez in jail
Why you gotta do eighty-five percent of your time
And why do niggaz lie in eighty-five percent of they rhymes
Why a nigga always want what he can't have
Why I can't come through in the pecan Jag
Why did crack have to hit so hard
Even though it's almost over
Why niggaz can't get no jobs
Why they come up wit the witness protection
Why they let the terminator win the election
Come on, pay attention
Why sell in the stores what you can sell in the streets
Why I say the hottest shit but we sellin' the least


Uh, yea, yo
Why Halle have to let a white man pop her to get a Oscar
Why Denzel have to be crooked before he took it
Why they didn't make the CL6 wit a clutch
And if you don't smoke why the hell you reachin' for my dutch
Why rap, cause I need air time
Why be on the curb wit a "why lie I need a beer" sign
Why all the young niggaz is dyin'
Cause they moms at work, they pops is gone, they livin' wit iron
Why they ain't give us a cure for aids
Why my diesel have fiends in the spot on the floor for days
Why you screamin' like it's slug, it's only the hawk
Why my buzz in L.A. ain't like it is in New York
Why you forcin' you to be hard
Why ain't you a thug by choice
Why the whole world love my voice
Why try to tell 'em that it's the flow son
And you know why they made the new twenties
Cause I got all my old ones
That's why


- 13:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

wu-tang clan

Emerging in 1993, when Dr. Dre's G-funk had overtaken the hip-hop world, the Staten Island, NY-based Wu-Tang
Clan proved to be the most revolutionary rap group of the mid-'90s -- and only partially because of their music. Turning the standard concept of a hip-hop crew inside out, the Wu-Tang Clan were assembled as a loose congregation of nine MCs, almost as a support group. Instead of releasing one album after another, the Clan was designed to overtake the record industry in as profitable a fashion as possible -- the idea was to establish the Wu-Tang as a force with their debut album and then spin off into as many side projects as possible. In the process, the members would all become individual stars as well as receive individual royalty checks. Surprisingly, the plan worked. All of the various Wu-Tang solo projects elaborated on the theme the group laid out on their 1993 debut, the spare, menacing Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers). Taking their group name from an powerful, mythical kung fu sword wielded by an invincible congregation of warriors, the crew is a loose collective of nine MCs. All nine members work under a number of pseudonyms, but they are best known as RZA (formerly Prince Rakeem; aka Rzarecta, Chief Abbot, and Bobby Steels; born Robert Diggs), Genius/GZA (aka Justice and Maxi Million; born Gary Grice), Ol' Dirty Bastard (aka Unique Ason, Joe Bannanas, Dirt McGirt, Dirt Dog, and Osirus; born Russell Jones), Method Man (aka Johnny Blaze, Ticallion Stallion, Shakwon, Methical, and MZA; born Clifford Smith, Raekwon the Chef (aka Shallah Raekwon and Lou Diamonds; born Corey Woods), Ghostface Killah (aka Tony Starks and Sun God; born Dennis Coles), U-God (aka Golden Arms, Lucky Hands, Baby U, and 4-Bar Killer; born Lamont Hawkins), Inspectah Deck (aka Rebel INS and Rollie Fingers; born Jason Hunter), and Masta Killa (aka Noodles; born Elgin Turner).Although he wasn't one of the two founding members -- Genius/GZA and Ol' Dirty Bastard were the first -- the vision of the Wu-Tang Clan is undoubtedly due to the musical skills of RZA. Under his direction, the group -- through its own efforts and the solo projects, all of which he produced or co-produced -- created a hazy, surreal, and menacing soundscape out of hardcore beats, eerie piano riffs, and minimal samples. Over these surrealistic backing tracks, the MCs rapped hard, updating the old-school attack with vicious violence, martial arts imagery, and a welcome warped humor. By 1995, the sound was one of the most instantly recognizable in hip-hop. It wasn't always that way. Like most rappers, they began their careers trying to get ahead whatever way they could. For RZA, that meant releasing a silly single, "Ooh, I Love You Rakeem," on Tommy Boy Records in 1991. On the advice of his label and producers, he cut the humorous, lover-man single that went absolutely nowhere. Neither did the follow-up single, "My Deadly Venom." The experience strengthened his resolve to subvert and attack record-industry conventions. He found partners in Genius and Ol' Dirty Bastard. Genius had also released a record in 1991, the full-length Words From the Genius on Cold Chillin', which was preceded by the single "Come Do Me." Both records were unsuccessful. After the failure of his album, Genius teamed with an old friend, Ol' Dirty Bastard, to form the crew that would evolve into the Wu-Tang Clan within a year. RZA quickly became part of the crew, as did several other local MCs, including Method Man, Ghostface Killah, Raekwon, U-God, Inspectah Deck, and Masta Killa, who rarely raps. The nine rappers made a pact to a form an artistic and financial community -- the Wu-Tang Clan wouldn't merely be a group, it would be its own industry. In order to do this, they decided to establish themselves through a group effort and then begin to spread the word through solo projects, picking up additional collaborators along the way and, in the process, becoming stronger and more influential. The first Wu-Tang Clan single, the hard-hitting "Protect Ya Neck," appeared on their own independent label and became an underground hit. Soon, the record labels were offering them lucrative contracts. The group held out until they landed a deal that would allow each member to record solo albums for whatever label they chose -- in essence, each rapper was a free agent. Loud/RCA agreed to the deal, and the band's debut album, Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers), appeared in November of 1993. Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) was both critically acclaimed and commercially successful; although its financial success wasn't immediate, it was the result of a slow build. "C.R.E.A.M.," released in early 1994, was the single that put them over the top and won them a devoted following. The group wasted no time in pursuing other projects, as a total of five of the members -- Genius, RZA, Raekwon, Method Man, and Ol' Dirty Bastard -- landed solo contracts as a result of the success of "C.R.E.A.M." RZA was the first to re-enter the studio, this time as a member of the Gravediggaz, a group he founded; in addition to RZA, who was rechristened RZArecta, the group included De La Soul producer Prince Paul, Stetsasonic's Frukwan, and Brothers Grimm's Poetic. The Gravediggaz's album 6 Feet Deep appeared in August 1994; it eventually would go gold. Labeled "horrorcore" by the group, it was an ultra-violent but comical tour de force that demonstrated RZA's production prowess. Shortly after its release, Raekwon released his first single, "Heaven and Hell," on the Fresh soundtrack; the song was produced by RZA and featured Ghostface Killah. The first Wu-Tang member to become a major solo star was Method Man. In November 1994, he released Tical, the first official Wu-Tang solo album. Again, RZA produced the album, creating a dense, dirty sonic collage. Tical became a big hit in early 1995, as did Meth's duet with Mary J. Blige, "I'll Be There for You/You're All I Need to Get By." Ol' Dirty Bastard followed Method Man's breakthrough success with Return to the 36 Chambers, which appeared in March 1995 on Elektra Records. Thanks to the hits "Brooklyn Zoo" and "Shimmy Shimmy Ya," the record became a gold success. Out of all the solo albums, it was the one that sounded the most like Enter the Wu-Tang, although it did have a more pronounced comic bent, due to Ol' Dirty's maniacal vocals. Tales From the Hood, a movie soundtrack featuring Inspectah Deck's first solo track, appeared in May.Later in 1995, the two most critically acclaimed Wu-Tang records appeared: Raekwon's Only Built 4 Cuban Linx and Genius/GZA's Liquid Swords. Raekwon released his album on Loud/RCA in August 1995; the record featured extensive contributions -- a total of 12 songs -- from Ghostface Killah, his greatest exposure yet. Genius' second solo album was released by Geffen Records in November 1995. In February of 1996, Ghostface Killah's first solo track, "Winter Warz," appeared on the Don't Be a Menace to South Central While You're Drinking Your Juice in the Hood soundtrack. Later that October, he released his own solo debut, the critically acclaimed, '70s soul-flavored Ironman; the record was the first released on RZA's new Epic subsidiary, Razor Sharp Records.The Wu-Tang Clan finally reconvened and returned with their second album, the double-CD Wu-Tang Forever, in June of 1997. Hugely anticipated, the album entered the charts at number one -- selling over 600,000 copies in its first week alone -- and quickly spawned the hit single "Triumph." There were several contributions from guest associate Cappadonna (born Darryl Hill), who'd appeared on Only Built 4 Cuban Linx and Ironman, and would later become the tenth member of the Wu-Tang Clan. The group toured extensively in support of the album, getting into a few minor scuffles with the law along the way.In the meantime, the next phase of the Wu-Tang plan started to take shape: unearthing new associates and spinning the resulting stable of talent into a brand-name franchise. A group of Wu protégés dubbed Killarmy released their debut album, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, on Priority Records in August 1997, drawing heavily upon the Clan's martial imagery. 1998, however, was truly the year for Wu-related side projects. In March, Cappadonna released his solo debut The Pillage on Columbia. The same month, Killah Priest -- not an official part of the Clan, but a frequent guest and a member of another protégé group called the Sunz of Man -- made his solo debut on Geffen Records with Heavy Mental, an acclaimed album filled with spiritual imagery that established him as one of the more distinctive solo artists in the Wu-Tang orbit. In July the Sunz of Man released their own debut album, The Last Shall Be First, on Red Ant, and yet another group of up-and-comers dubbed the Wu-Tang Killa Bees released their first album, The Swarm, Vol. 1, on Priority, featuring a number of guest appearances by Wu members and associates. In August, Killarmy issued their second album, Dirty Weaponry.1998 was also the year Ol' Dirty Bastard began a long and bizarre saga of erratic behavior and run-ins with police that found him making headlines with alarming (and ridiculous) regularity. In February he interrupted Shawn Colvin's acceptance speech at the Grammy Awards to protest the Clan's loss in the Best Rap Album category; shortly thereafter, he announced he was changing his name to Big Baby Jesus, an idea that never picked up steam. This was only the beginning -- over the next year and a half, ODB would be arrested for a litany of offenses that included assault, shoplifting, making terrorist threats, wearing body armor after being convicted of a felony, possessing cocaine, and missing countless court dates. Plus, in early 1999, the whole Clan fell under suspicion of masterminding a gun-running operation between Staten Island and Steubenville, OH, charges that were never proven to have any validity.In the midst of this legal sideshow, the Clan kicked off a second round of solo projects in late 1998. This time around, RZA curtailed his activities somewhat, making appearances but often leaving the majority of the production duties to his protégés. Still, he released his own solo debut, the soundtrack-styled RZA as Bobby Digital in Stereo, in November of 1998 on V2; the same month, Method Man's second album, Tical 2000: Judgement Day, debuted at number two on the charts. June 1999 saw the release of an excellent singles compilation, RZA Hits, which covered the first Wu-Tang album and the first round of solo albums (1994-1995); the very next week, Genius/GZA's second album, Beneath the Surface, was released. September brought plenty of new Wu product: Ol' Dirty Bastard's Nigga Please, released while the rapper was in rehab; Method Man's acclaimed duo album with Redman, Blackout!; and the first-ever solo album by Inspectah Deck, Uncontrolled Substance, which appeared on Relativity. Another Wu member made his solo debut in October, when U-God issued Golden Arms Redemption on Priority; Raekwon returned the following month with Immobilarity. Finally, Ghostface Killah issued his well-received sophomore set, Supreme Clientele, in January 2000.However, this second round of Wu-Tang solo albums didn't attract as much attention, either critically or commercially. True, Method Man remained a popular solo star (and, to a lesser degree, so did ODB), and reviews were highly positive for Ghostface Killah (and, to a lesser degree, Genius/GZA). But the Wu franchise was suffering from inconsistency, overexposure (they'd spawned a clothing line, a video game, a comic book, and more), and a flood of musical product that even diehards found difficult to keep up with. Their once-distinctive sound was becoming commonplace and diluted, not just through the collective's own releases but also RZA's many imitators; plus, by this time, Timbaland had taken over the mantle of hip-hop's most cutting-edge producer.Indie filmmaker Jim Jarmusch commissioned RZA to compose a soundtrack for his acclaimed Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, the results of which were unveiled in early 2000. Other than that, the Clan reconvened for a new album and was mostly quiet during much of 2000 -- aside from Ol' Dirty Bastard, who unfortunately continued to spiral out of control. He spent some time in a California jail for violating the terms of his probation, but appeared to be on the right track when suddenly, in October -- with just two months of rehab to go -- he escaped the California facility and spent a month on the run from the law. Fans were shocked when ODB turned up on-stage at the New York record-release party for the Clan's new album, The W, which was released with considerably less fanfare in November 2000. A leaner, more focused collection, The W featured only one track from ODB and pictured Cappadonna as a full-fledged member of the group (though he remained unnamed on their official contract with Loud).ODB managed to exit the club after his surprise performance but was soon captured by police in Philadelphia and extradited to New York to face charges of cocaine possession. In April 2001, he cut a deal with prosecutors that resulted in a sentence of two to four years in state prison, bringing his outlaw saga to a sad end. In August 2001, RZA issued his second Bobby Digital album, Digital Bullet; November brought solo albums from Ghostface Killah (Bulletproof Wallets) and Cappadonna (The Yin and the Yang). This time, though, there was no full round of solo projects in between Wu albums; the full group (minus ODB) assembled for their fourth album, Iron Flag, which was released in December 2001, just one year after its predecessor. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine & Steve Huey, All Music Guide

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13.08.2005., subota


zna on šo vridi pušiti
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see him 2
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gledate u legendu
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oprostite što su ova 2 posta prije na srpskom.
to je skinuto sa srpske strane

- 20:40 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


Unutrasnje Uzgajanje Marihuane

Kod unutrašnjeg uzgoja jedna od neophodnih stvari koja če biti i malo veči izdatak je rasveta-svetlo. Kod rasta marihuane najvaznije stvari su:svetlo,voda,hrana,PH,temperatura,vlaga

Unutrašnji uzgoj biljke je forsiranje da ti biljka u optimalno što kračem vremenu da urod koji si želeo.Kako po kvaliteti i po vrsti sorte,tako i kolicinski.Meni je osobno vrlo važno da na kraju dobijem rezultat ili karakteristike koje bi vrsta trebala da ima.


Počeču sa spektrom boja koji je za lepu biljku važan. Za vegetativnu fazu biljki je potreban plavi spektar,dok je za fazu cvetanja i dobar urod neophodan crveni spektar. Ali isto toliko bitna je i jakost svetla koja je kod fluoruscentnih lampi izuzetno slaba.

Pod ta svetla spadaju FLUORA koja se koristi u akvarijima i košta oko 2-3 eura ali 60w ima nešto više od 1000 luxa, isti sličan spektar ima i neonska svetlost COOL WHITE koja je paradoksno najeftinija manje od 1 eura ali je isto daleko slabija.

FLUORA ili COOL WHITE nam mogu dobro poslužiti za klonove.A COOL WHITE i za mamu, to je kad biljka odcveta i zadovoljni smo s njom pa je ostavimo za klonove,ako pazimo na nju i neprocveta više možemo je imati za klonove i do 5 godina. Za sve ostalo su ova vrsta svetla preslaba, biljka počne normalno rasti ali kad dostigne 10-ak cm nema više dovoljno svetlosti za normalan rast,a o cvetanju i urodu da i ne govorim.

Dobra strane ovih lampi je jedino što se ne griju pa vezano za to nemamo toliko problema sa regulacijom temperature i CO2. U uzgoju se koriste najviše HPS sijalice(NATRIJEVE)koje možete jedine koristiti od početka do kraja a da imate lep urod.

HPS sijalice imaju maltene samo crveni spektar koji je idealan za urod-cvetanje.Ali zato postoje i posebne HPS koje su namenjene za uzgoj biljaka.Te imaju i nešto plave svetlosti ali u uzporedbi sa neonkama su daleko snažnije.

Naprimer 400w HPS Gro-lux(proizvodi SYlvania) mislim da imaju preko 52000 luxa pa sad usporedite koliko treba neonki za to. Postoje i MH(metal halid) žarulje koje imaju plav spektar pa se koriste za vegetativnu fazu ali nisu toliko dobre za cvetanje jer cvetu stvarno treba crveni spektar. Sa HPS čete imati tjedan dana kasnije obiranje ali je urod zato daleko veči i lepši.A pored toga su MH puno skuplje i manje traju.

Ja osobno koristim Philips SON T PLUS ali sam probao sve i SYlvania HPS(obična),gro-lux.HPS hortilux(daleko najslabija USA) . Proizvođači kažu da če vam posebna HPS dati i do 25% više nego obična HPS što važi malo kasnije kad sve štima i ostali uslovi budu na max a i tada neznam dali ce biti baš tolika razlika.

Veliki problem kod ovih vrsta žarulja je da se abnormalno griju pa moramo paziti na odvod tog toplog zraka i dovod svežeg a i da nisu preblizu a o tom čemo opširnije drugi put. E sad malo o tom koliko možemo da gajimo sa cim.Neki normativi su da može 125w 0,5m2, 250w-1m2,400w-1,5m2.E sad zavisi od vrste uzgoja i biljki... koliko če tu stati.To su norme za ultra uzgoj sve što je pored rađa če ali daleko manje.

Neznam kako je sa prodajom takvih žarulja u Srbiji ali če to biti na početku največa investicija za onog ko se odluči da gaji kuči.Daleko najniže cene imaju Nemačka,Holandija i Belgija. Kako sam gledo cene USA je daleko skuplja a i u Evropi deru dosta njih.

Realna cena za 400w HPS -philips (kažu daleko najbolja trenutno) je za ceo komplet -žarulja,balast,starter,reflektor,nosioci reflektora, znači sve samo u šteker je oko 80eura,paradoks ali je 250w skuplji jer se manje kupuje.Sve ostalo je deranje.

Vanjski, Outdoor uzgoj

Ovo je vodič za amaterski uzgoj.Outdoor uzgoj je možda bolja opcija za početnike iz prostog razloga što većinu neophodnih uslova za uzgoj obezbeđuje majka priroda,tako da su mogućnosti za greške mnogo manje nego što je to slučaj kod indoor uzgoja.Ovde ćemo pisati,za početak,o osnovnim stvarima koje su neophodne za outdoor.

Saveti i sugestije potiču delom iz već napisanih priručnika a delom iz ličnog iskustva.Najvažnije je da svi koji žele da pokušaju treba da budu spremni da ulože trud i da se ne razočaraju ukoliko prilikom prvog pokušaja ne bude sve bilo baš kako su zamislili.Treba biti uporan i rezultat neće izostati.

Šta je potrebno?

1.Dobro seme

2.Lokacija tj. mesto gde ćete da gajite Vaše biljčice

3.Želja i volja da se uloži malo truda i malo para

4.Malo sreće - da Vas posluži vreme i da vam niko ne provali "sajt"

1. Semenke Da bi bili sigurni da posedujete dobro seme najbolje je da ga kupite.Tako možete znati šta sejete.Pogledajte ovde neke od vrsta za outdoor uzgoj na ovom linku.

Znaćete o kojoj je vrsti reč,kako će otprilike izgledati , mirisati i "raditi".Takođe ćete znati koji klimatski uslovi su joj potrebni i da li je Vašoj biljčici možda potrebno nešto posebno i sl.

Druga varijanta koja je jeftinija i jednostavnija,ali i nesigurnija je da uzmete seme od neke vutre koju ste pušili pa Vam se svidela. Seme treba da bude puno i tamno,i ne starije od 1 godine.

Što semenka manje odgovara ovom opisu manja je šansa da proklija. Evo kako izgledaju semenke :

Postoje dve vrste semenki : obične i feminizirane.Iz običnih će izrasti i muške i ženske biljke dok iz feminiziranih rastu samo ženske biljke (a to je ono što nam treba).Inače kod prodavaca su feminizirane semenke i do pet puta skuplje od običnih.

2. Lokacija ili "sajt" treba da budu na mestu koje vama najviše odgovara.Da bude dobro sakriveno tj. da je što manje ljudi u prilici da naleti na to mesto(pošto se kod nas to tretira kao krivično delo nažalost) tako da bi se rizik sveo na minimum.Sledeća važna stvar je da zemlja bude što plodnija,svako u svom kraju može da sazna gde je dobra zemlja.

Mesto ne treba da bude preterano udaljeno da bi mogli češće da ga obilazite.Treba obratiti pažnju da "sajt" ima najmanje 5-6 sati direktne sunčeve svetlosti (što više to bolje),a svakako treba da bude na mestu koje je osunčano tokom celog dana pošto je biljci svetlost neophodna.Što više svetla to bolje za biljku.

Ovo zavisi samo od vas lično! Kada ste obezbedili ovaj minimum uslova onda prelazite na sledeće korake :

1.Priprema zemlje

2.Klijanje semena

3.Sađenje ili sejanje (zavisi za koju se opciju odlučite)

4.Održavanje biljke - zalivanje,prehranjivanje,obrezivanje...


6.Odstranjivanje mužjaka (ukoliko želite biljke bez semenki a to je poželjno zbog količine i kvaliteta uroda)


Pa da krenemo redom :

1.Kada ste našli dobro mesto treba da pripremite zemlju.Od alata su poželjni ašov i motika(nema leba bez motike a bogami ni vutre ).Zemljište očistiti od rastinja svog mogućeg i izašoviti bar do dubine od 40cm.Potreban prostor zavisi od broja biljki koji želite posejati.Poželjno je da za svaku biljku bude oko 0,5 m2 prostora.

Što više prostora to bolje za biljku.Ukoliko je prostora manje biljka će biti manja i slabija i obrnuto.Kada ste odradili fizikaliju toj prirodnoj zemlji dobro je dodati humusa da bi bila plodnija.Humus koji je sasvim odgovarajući možete naći u gotovo svakoj poljoprivrednoj apoteci ili cvećari a i nije skup i uglavnom ima odgovarajuću Ph vrednost.Pomešati ga sa postojećom zemljom bar u odnosu 50%-50%.

Na kraju sve to dobro zaliti.Ukoliko želite da odradite maksimalno onda se može dodati u zemlju još i perlit,vermulit,stiropor(usitnjen) itd.

Ako Vas interesuju detalji pogledajte teme u forumu:

Tema Jedan

Tema Dva

Klijanje semena se radi pred samu setvu.Ima dosta načina kako proklijati seme.Ovo su dva načina na koji rade 100%.Najbrži način je da stavite seme u papirnati ubrus (onaj više slojni) a može i u toalet papir pa onda u neku kutijicu sa poklopcem.Navlažite papir destilovanom vodom,poklopite i stavite na neko toplo mesto.Svakih 8-10 sati otkrijite malo papir da seme dobije vazduh."NE PRČKAJ SEME !!!" - SLO-Era :)

Ponavljajte postupak dok ne proklija ,a to zavisi i od semena ali i od vrste.Neka će proklijati prvog dana većina za 5-6 dana.Kad klica naraste par milimetara stavite je u pripremljenu zemlju približno 1,5cm duboko.PAZITE DA KLICA (TO BELO) BUDE NA VRHU i onda lagano zatrpajte.Seme ne dirajte rukama nego lagano pincetom.

Zemlja treba da bude malo vlažna - ne mokra. Ako seme odmah posejete na "sajtu" priroda će uraditi sve ostalo.Ukoliko želite da kasnije presađujete biljku onda pripremite saksijice(može i one velike plastične čaše) sa zemljom i stavite na 1,5 cm duboko u zemlju i prekrijte zemljom.Pokrijte saksijice nekom crnom plastičnom kesom ili nečim sličnim i stavite na toplo mesto.S vremena na vreme podignite da uđe vazduh.

Čim izbije na površinu zemlje odmah staviti na mesto sa puno svetla. Drugi isto tako dobar način je da se seme namoči u destilovanu vodu koja ima PH vrednost oko 5,5, do 5,7.Za otprilike 12 sati uradite isti postupak kao prethodni.VAŽNO je da JE UVEK ŠILJASTI DEO SEMENA NA VRHU(mesto gde treba da izbije klica).

Ako ste sve uradili kako treba radi 100%

3.Sejanje ili sađenje odlučite sami.Najjednostavnije je da ukoliko imate dovoljan broj semenki,a to podrazumeva bar 10 puta više nego što očekujete biljki,odete na mesto,posejete te semenke u već pripremljenu zemlju,dobro zalijete (ukoliko su semenke proklijale ranije onda ne treba preterivati nego umereno) i čekate da priroda uradi svoje.Ovo bi trebalo uraditi čim vreme dozvoli(u Martu ili početkom Aprila) kako bi priroda stigla da uradi svoje.

Sađenje podrazumeva ustvari presađivanje.Ova varijanta ima svoje prednosti i svoje mane.Prednosti su što Vam je potrebno manje semenki,što ćete moći da pratite razvoj biljke u početnoj fazi rasta,i što će biljka već biti napredna kad je posadite (ukrali ste prirodi neke 2-3 nedelje).Mane su što je dosta teže odneti (i ostati neprimećen) saksijice sa biljkama nego semenke.

Potrebno je više vremena za presađivanje nego za sejanje.Takođe biljka doživljava stres,tako da se povećava mogućnost da biljka bude muška ili hermafrodit.Više o stresu pogledaj ovde.

Presađujte pažljivo i obratite pažnju da ne oštetite biljku,a posebno ne korenski sistem. Poželjno je da svaka biljka ima što više prostora za sebe,dovoljno je bar 0,5 m2,ukoliko želite da izraste i rodi maksimalno.A postoji i varijanta da na manjem prostoru posejete više biljki ali to znači da treba da imate mnogo(baš mnogo semenki).

U tom slučaju biljke neće dostići maksimum ali će ih biti više,a pošto će svakako biti manje,nego kad imaju dovoljno prostora,biće manja verovatnoća da ih neko primeti. Moja preporuka je prvi metod jer pravo je zadovoljstvo kad vidite rezultate svog rada u vidu biljke od 1,5-2 m.Na Vama je da odlučite.

4. Kao što smo već naglasili ovo je amaterski vodič tako da nećemo posebno,u detalje obrađivati ovu temu.Majka priroda će se pobrinuti za većinu stvari.Vaš zadatak je da samo pomognete prirodi.Obiđite biljke bar 2 puta nedeljno.

Ukoliko je suša obiđite ih češće.Biljkama je potrebna pažnja i one same pokažu kada im nešto fali.Videćete i sami.Ako je biljka "smorena",ako izgleda "ocmoljeno",kao da se suši znaćete da joj fali vode.Desetak minuta posle zalivanja videćete kako je biljka živnula.Ako raste sporo,ako je nejaka,fali joj ili svetlosti ili hrane.

Znači svaki put kad odete slobodno je dobro zalijte,jer kod outdoor uzgoja nećete biti toliki problem ako jednog momenta bude viška vlage,kao što može da bude kod indoor-a.Biljku možete hraniti na više načina sa više vrsta hrane.Može se hraniti preko korena(zalivanjem) ili preko lista(prskanjem).

Najjednostavnije je kupiti u poljoprivrednoj apoteci ili cvećari najkvalitetniju hranu za cveće u tečnom stanju.To nije skupo rešenje a može sasvim dobro da posluži.Postupite po uputstvu na flašici i nećete pogrešiti.Ako nemate problem sa finansijama onda kupite dve vrste hrane - za vegetativnu fazu i za fazu cvetanja.Biljku možete obrezivati ali o toj temi ćemo posebno pisati,jer ukoliko sve ostalo uradite kako treba bićete sasvim zadovoljni i bez obrezivanja.

Svaki put kada obiđete biljku obratite pažnju da li ima nekih "čudnih" promena.Moguće je da je napadnu insekti ili neko gljivično oboljenje.Ovo nije čest slučaj ali je moguć.Temu buba i oboljenja ćemo posebno obraditi. Da ponovimo Vaš je zadatak da samo pomognete prirodi,tj. da je oponašate kad ona sama zakaže.

5.Cvetanje teorijski može da počne 21.Juna,od kada dan postaje sve kraći.Međutim,najčešće cvetanje će početi krajem Jula ili početkom Avgusta."Okidač" za cvetanje je noć.Kada se dan skrati a noć produži na nekih 12 i više sati,biljka dobija "signal" da prolazi lepo vreme,da dolazi jesen i da treba da cveta.Ovo je poslednja faza kod uzgoja biljke i traje od 8-10 nedelja,zavisno od vrste i uslova.Biljka može da proizvede ženski ili muški cvet,a moguće je da se desi i jedno i drugo tj. da biljka bude hermafrodit.Za upotrebu u našem slučaju dobra je samo ženska biljka. Na početku cvetanja biće malo cvetova a prepoznaćete ih tako što ćete videti nešto nalik na bele "dlačice".

Vremenom će ih biti sve više,a pojaviće se i kristali koje biljka luči iz svojih žlezdi.Kada biljka uđe u fazu cvetanja,njen vegetativni period je gotov i ona neće više rasti(možda koji cm ali ništa značajno).Svu energiju će usmeriti na cvet.U ovoj fazi zalivanje treba da proredite i da zalivate samo kad vidite da je neophodno.

Takođe trebalo bi je obavezno prehranjivati da bi dobili što bolji kvalitet i veći prinos.U poslednjih 10-15 dana cvetanja biljku nemojte uopšte zalivati niti hraniti(tako će iscediti maksimum iz sebe).Cvetanje je gotovo uglavnom sredinom ili krajem Septembra,a prepoznaćete da je gotovo kada većina onih "dlačica" koje su bile bele promene boju i potamne,a biljka izgleda kao da umire (lišće žuti,ono najveće otpada,a biljka kao da se lagano suši).

Nemojte biti nestrpljivi i sačekajte da se cvetanje završi do kraja,jer može biti velike razlike u kvalitetu ako požurite sam par dana,a kamoli nedelju ili dve.Po ko zna koji put ponavljam pustite prirodi da obavi svoje. Evo u prilogu nekoliko sličica cvetova (kod nas poznatijih kao HED,pretpostavljam da potiče od engl. head=glava).

Cvet sredinom faze cvetanja:

Cvet na kraju faze cvetanja:

6.Prepoznavanje i odstranjivanje muških biljki je vrlo značajno ukoliko želite da dobijete vrhunski kvalietet i količinu na ženskoj biljci.Ukoliko ne odstranite mužjake oni će oprašiti cvetove na ženskoj biljci i onda ćete imati gomilu semenki na koje će biljka potrošiti dragocenu energiju,tako da ćete izgubiti na kvalitetu i količini prinosa.Muška biljka uvek procveta pre ženske tako da možete reagovati na vreme.

U periodu početka cvetanja.Ukoliko ste u mogućnosti obilazite biljke svakodnevno.Ako zakasnite jedan dan može doći do neželjenog oprašivanja.Preciznije o ovome pogledajte na slijedecem linku.

7. Kada ste procenili da je faza cvetanja završena možete konačno ubrati plodove svoga truda.Najbolje je ako možete da izvadite celu biljku i da je okačite naopako(koren gore) u nekoj mračnoj,suvoj prostoriji(dobro bi bilo da ima promaje).Sušenje traje 10-ak dana.Videćete i sami kada je dovoljno suva,a to je otprilike kad je stabljika suva i lako se lomi.Obavezno je da bude dobro osušeno da kasnije ne bi došlo do pojave buđi.

Kada ste sigurni da je suva najbolje je čuvati u hermetički zatvorenoj tegli ili slično,na tamnom i hladnom mestu.S vremena na vreme otvorati teglu da se malo provetrava i da kontrolišete da nije krenula buđ.

Napomene : Gajenje trave tretira se kao krivično delo u SCG - sami preuzimate odgovornost za svoje postupke - budite strpljivi i uporni - trudite se da samo Vi znate za Vašu "akciju",zbog sigurnosti biljki ali na prvom mestu zbog Vaše lične sigurnosti - gajite samo za svoje potrebe,nikako u komercijalne svrhe - nemojte davati maloletnim osobama plodove Vašeg truda - ako imate mogućnosti slobodno eksperimentišite malo sa biljkama,tako ćete najbolje saznati šta treba da radite - ovo je amaterski vodič u kome su obrađene samo osnovne stvari vezane za outdoor uzgoj

Priprema Zemlje

Ja ču malo u vezi zemlje opčenito unutra a moj prijatelj iz Srema malo više o vanjskoj pripremi. Ja sam pristalica sterilne kupovne zemlje.Budite oprezni da je PH od 5,5 pa do max 6,5.Ako imate na izbor bio zemlje super inače imaju sve više manje glavni dodatak of nutrients(đubrivo) i to razmerje N-P-K i dodatak Ca,Mg,Fe,Mangan..

Pošto za lepu biljku treba prije svega dobar korenski sistem.A on treba dosta kisika treba zemlji dodavati za zračnost PERLIT i VERMULIT.To možete nači najeftinije u tvornicama izolaciskog materijala,ovde košta 200 l vermulita 8 eura znači to je kod vas dosta jeftinije. Zamena u nuždi je fini pesak,šljunak,koren od drveta i malo krupniji pesak pomalo.

O drenaži smo več nešto rekli to je dobar sloj peska-šljunka za odtok suvišne vode. Ja odprilike upotrebljavam ova razmerja zavisi kolko puta ču da presađujem. -KORENSKI SISTEM RAZVOJ 50% zemlja za klone( to je isto kao kad baka pusti u vodi odrezanu grančicu ruže da pusti koren pa u zemlju ali o toj temi posebno)30%-35%perlita a ostalo vermulit. KOD VEGETATIVNE FAZE stavim malo više % zemlje jer je biljci potrebna zemlja za brzi rast.

Onda kad pocne cvetanje oko 18 dana ,zavisi od vrste i vidim spol-ženski cvet opet u veču posudu zavisi kolko mi se sviđa biljka tolko ču joj dati pažnje. U TOJ FAZI je opet dobro imati malo više zračnosti to znači viši % perlita i vermulita.

Uz normalno zalivanje sa dodavanjem 3% VODONIKOVOG PEROKSIDA(medicinski za dezinfekciju u svakoj apoteci)neko ko ima dobar odnos sa kemijom neka molim objasni kemijsku reakciju KISIKA prilikom zalivanja.

Svejedno te molekule kisika se vežu na koren i tako sprečavaju mogucu prevlažnost i daju korenu neophodan kisik Uglavnom takva zemlja radi ko sat. Izvinjavam se za morebitne(moguce :)) greške -ako jih ima popraviču

Ako očeš da pušiš nešto što je ludo dobro i pored čak ublažuje posledice neke bolesti ima ti da radiš oko biljke, moraš joj dati 6-7 puta više nego što bi ona imala u prirodi-OPTIMALNI UVJETI Naprimer u vazduhu ima oko 3-4% CO2 e sad kad ti njoj dodaš 100% nema tog đubriva što radi kao ono što je izmislila priroda.

- 20:38 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #


Indoor Vrste Marihuane

Napomena : Mada su predviđene za unutarnji uzgoj većina od ovih vrsta se mogu gajiti i napolju ukoliko to dozvoljava klima,tj. ako postoje uslovi. Ovo su neke od poznatih i priznatih Indoor vrsta :

Aurora Indica

Aurora Indica je F1 hibrid od Afghana i Northern lightsa. Aurora Indica raste nisko i proizvodi teške vrhove.Ova biljka ima izvanrednu proizvodnju smole a vrhovi su gusti. Aurora ima duboki, skoro crni hash i teški indica "high". Ova vrsta je verovatno jedna od najjačiuh indica.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se indoor.

* Visina biljke: niska- većinom Indica

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz

* THC nivo: visok 15-20% * Nedelja sazrevanja: 7/8 * Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 300

* Mesecžetve: 9/10

* Težina uzgoja: umerena

Big Bud

Big Bud je jedna od nastarijih komercijalnih lozi.

Big Bud je uzgajan za maksimalan urod bez prevelikog gubitka kvaliteta.Grane mogu postati tako teške zbog pupoljaka da se moraju vezati. Big Bud ima neke karakteristike Skunk-a i prilično dugotrajan high

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se indoor.

* Visina biljke: srednja- Indica/Sativa mix

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz

* THC nivo: srednji 8-15%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8/9

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 600

* Mesecžetve: 10

* Težina uzgoja: laka (dobra za početnike)


Genetika ove loze vuče korene sa planinske regije Hindu Kush-a, kraj seoskog okruga Chitral-a. Citral daje slab biljni okus,jako dobar urod i čvrste pupoljke. Za veći urod pustiti da naraste pre nego se promeni photo razdoblje. Aroma pupoljaka je sveža skoro kao omekšivač rublja.Oseaj koji ostavlja je vrlo zanimljivo cerebralno iskustvo uprkos njegovom indica nasleđu.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se indoor.

* Visina biljke: niska- većinom Indica

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz

* THC nivo: visok 15-20%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8/9

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 450

* Mesecžetve: 9

* Težina uzgoja: za iskusne


Koreni Haze-a počinju u podnoblju Bay Area, Californije u 1970-im.stabilna magična mešavina vrsta iz Kolumbije, Meksika, Thai-ske i Jamajkanske vrste. Haze ima pahuljaste pupoljke, dugo razdoblje cvetanja i ostavlja inzenzivan uzbuđujući high. Haze ima kompleksnu aromu koja mirise skoro kao da nije cannabis. Haze je loza koja bi mogla imati mnoge medicinske upotrebe.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se indoor.

* Visina biljke: visoka- većinom Sativa

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Sativa High- Cereberal Buzz

* THC nivo: visok 15-20% * Nedelja sazrevanja: 10/14

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 350/450

* Mesec žetve: 10/11

* Težina uzgoja: za iskusne

Hindu Kush

Hindu Kush je još jedna teška indica. Izvorno jedna od svetski pravih indica donešena iz krševitih Hindu Kush planina. Hindu Kush ostaje kratak i ima široke tamno zelene listove sa gustim vrhovima koji se formiraju na debelim granama. Dim ima ustajao zemljasti ukus i težak je kao Haš na plućima.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se indoor.

* Visina biljke: niska- većinom Indica

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz

* THC nivo: visok 15-20% * Nedelja sazrevanja: 8

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 400/450

* Mesec žetve: 8/9

* Težina uzgoja: umerena

Maroc x Afghan

Maroc x Afghan je istiniti F1 klasični hibrid od dva najslasnija haša znana čovjeku. Moroccanske sjemenke dolaze iz Keama haš plantaže i urođen je već 9 godina. Urodi su obećavajući. Odličan za male gradske operacije. Vodeni haš od ove vrste ima egzotični okus.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se indoor

* Visina biljke: srednja- Indica/Sativa mix

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz

* THC nivo: srednji 8-15% * Nedelja sazrevanja: 8

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 400

* Mesec žetve: 8/9

* Težina uzgoja: umerena


Papaya je brzo rastuća biljka, otporna na bolesti i obično rano sazreva. Papaya je teška, masna indica koja raste nisko i gusto te je pogodna za rast u moru zelenila. Papaya ima egzotični tropski miris koji podseća na miris od viski duvana za lulu. "High" osećaj papaye je letargičan, skoro narkotičan.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se indoor.

* Visina biljke: niska- većinom Indica

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz

* THC nivo: visok 15-20%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 500

* Mesec žetve: 8/9

* Težina uzgoja: umerena


Ova vrsta je nazvana po Shivi, hindu boginji transformacije. Shiva ima gene iz Indije dajući joj onaj istočnjački ukus. Shiva je grmasta biljka sa dobrim prinosom i kvalitetom. Shiva je dobar izbor za manje iskusnog uzgajivača zbog otpornosti na pesticide i zbog jačine. Shiva ima egzotičan ukus i daje jaki fiziči "high".

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se indoor.

* Visina biljke: srednja- Indica/Sativa mix

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz

* THC nivo: visok 15-20%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8/9

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 400/500

* Mesec žetve: 9/10

· Težina uzgoja: Moderate

Outdoor Vrste Marihuane

Evo nekih od najpoznatijih vrsta za outdoor uzgoj :

Durban Poison

Durban Poison je proizvod prvoklasnog ukrštanja sativne loze iz tajnog vrta odmah van Durbana, Južne Afrike , i jakog,ranog Dutch skunka. Ova vrsta raste visoko sa ogromnim listovima. Dugački, pripijeni pupoljci imaju slatkastu zemljastu aromu. Slavan po svom high-u nalik na trip.

* Tip biljke : Preporučuje se outdoor

* Visina biljke: visoka - Većinom Sativa

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Sativa High- Cereberal Buzz

* THC nivo: umeren 5-10%

* Nedelja sazrevanja : 8/9

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 450

* Mesec žetve: 9.

* Težina uzgoja: laka (dobra za početnike)

Early Bud

Early Bud je nova i unapređena vrsta Early girl-a. Daje glađi dim i jači high. Early bud je jedna od ranije sazrevajućih selekcija u kolekciji za vanjsko sađenje. Early bud ima lagani sveži ukus i jako dobar high. Dobar je izbor ako imate ograničeni prostor.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se za outdoor

* Visina biljke: srednja - Indica/Sativa mix

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz

* THC nivo: srednji 8-15%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1m2) : 500

* Mesec žetve: 8.

* Težina uzgoja: umerena

Early Girl

Early Girl je lagana za uzgoj i ne prejaka za početnike. U dobrim uslovima može dostići i do 2 metra. Early girl je jako otporna na insekte i plesan.Ukus je lagan ali i pomalo skunky.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se za outdoor

* Visina biljke: srednja - Indica/Sativa mix

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz

* THC nivo: umeren 5-10%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1m2) : 500

* Mesec žetve: 8.

* Težina uzgoja: umerena

Early Misty

Poznata Misty i ukrštena sa jako ranim skunkom. Early misty je jedna od najjačih vanjskih vrsta. Early misty raste nisko i ima široke listove. Early misty može podneti niske temperature i otporna je na insekte. Neke biljke daju skoro miris kafe ako su propisno uzgajane.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se za outdoor

* Visina biljke: niska - većinom Indica

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz

* THC nivo: visok 15-20%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1m2) : 450

* Mesec žetve: 8.

* Težina uzgoja: laka (dobra za početnike)

Early Special

Early Special je najranije sazrevajuća biljka. Njeni geni sadrže Siberian Ruderalis. Neke individue počinju rasti već sa samo 24 sata svjetla! Early special ima veliki urod sa umerenim nivoom THC-a. Ima glatki polu-voćni ukus koji može biti pojačan dobrim uzgajanjem i dobrim uslovima za rast. Early special ima brzo sazrevanje u dobrim uslovima i otporna je na bolesti. Ova vrsta je jako pogodna za početnike.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se za outdoor

* Visina biljke: niska - večinom Indica

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz

* THC nivo: umeren 5-10%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 7/8

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1m2) : 400

* Mesec žetve: 7.

* Težina uzgoja: umerena

Hawaii Maui Waui

Hawaii Maui Waui je tropska sativa koja je dugo bila glavna atrakcija na Hawajskim ostrvima. Ova vrsta ima limunasti miris i glatki voćni ukus. "High" osećaj je inspirišući. To je staroškolska genetika i nije toliko jaka koliko moderne unutarnje vrste jesu.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se za outdoor

* Visina biljke: visoka - Mostly Sativa

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Sativa High- Cereberal Buzz

* THC nivo: umeren 5-10%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 7/8

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1m2) : 450

* Mesec žetve: 8/9

* Težina uzgoja: za iskusne

Maui Waui

Originalni Maui Waui je mešan sa nizozemskim Skunkom #1. Ovaj jedinstveni F1 hibrid obično raste visoko sa isprva tankim okruglim listovima a posle samo tankim listovima. Mešanje sa skunkom dosta skraćuje vrijeme žetve bez previše gubitaka havajanskih karakteristika. Hawaii x Skunk #1 ima relativno gladak dim, egzotičan ukus i srednje jaki fizički "high". Hawaii x Skunk #1 je takođe pogodan za uzgajanje u stakleniku.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se za outdoor

* Visina biljke: visoka - Mostly Sativa

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Sativa High- Cereberal Buzz

* THC nivo: Visok 15-20%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 7/8

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1m2) : 450

* Mesec žetve: 8./9.

* Težina uzgoja: umerena

Holland's Hope

Holland’s Hope je stabilan miks Afghana i ranog skunka. Holland`s hope je idealna biljka za vanjsko uzgajanje jer može uspeti u hladnim klimama i gdje je leto dosta kratko te može ograničiti sezonu rasta. Ova vrsta je otporna na plesan i insekte i može dosegnuti i do 2 metra sa obećavajućim urodom. Holland`s hope ima slatki ukus i srednje jaki "high".

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se za outdoor

* Visina biljke: srednja - Indica/Sativa mix

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz

* THC nivo: umeren 5-10%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1m2) : 500

* Mesec žetve: 8.

* Težina uzgoja: umerena

KC 33 x Master Kush

Ovo je F1 hibrid poznatog Master Kusha i originalnog KC33 od glavnog uzgajivača K.C. Brainsa. Ova vrsta je uzgajana za vanjsku kultivaciju ali ima super rezultate i u stakleniku i unutra. KC 33 x Master Kush je srčan, otporan na smolu i lagan za kloniranje. Dim je gladak sa bogatim biljnim ukusom. Iako umeren u snazi KC33 x Master Kush ima dugotrajan "high" efekt.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se za outdoor

* Visina biljke: srednja - Indica/Sativa mix

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz

* THC nivo: umeren 5-10%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8/9

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1m2) : 550

* Mesec žetve: 8.

* Težina uzgoja: umerena

New purple power

U kasnim 80-ima poznate ljubičaste vrste su bile vrlo popularne za pušenje ali nisu dobro rasle u evropskoj klimi. New purple power je razvijena tako da bi pored kvaliteta finih ljubičastih vrsti koje poseduje,mogla rasti u hladnoj i mokroj klimi. Njeni predci su Thai/Kolumbijski uticajni Haze i jako rani holandski skunk. New purple power ima jedinstven slatko-kiseli ukus i umerenu jakoću. "High" je energetski. Vrhovi su tamnije ljubičaste boje ako su uzgajani u hladnijem okruženju.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se za outdoor

* Visina biljke: visoka - većinom Sativa

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Sativa High- Cereberal Buzz

* THC nivo: umeren 5-10%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1m2) : 400

* Mesec žetve: 8./9.

* Težina uzgoja: umerena


Swazi je originalna čista vrsta sative iz Swazilanda. Swazi može narasti do 3 metra sa velikim 13 prstnim listovima i ima dugačke ljepljive vrhove. Swazi je umeren u snazi i jako je pogodan za lagane pušače. Ova vrsta proizvodi aktivan "high" efekt koji je sličan slatkom korenu.

* Visina biljke: visoka - Sativa

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: High SATIVA

* THC nivo: visok THC

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 9-11

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1m2) : 400

* Mesec žetve: 8/9

* Težina uzgoja: umerena

Swiss Miss

Swiss Miss je originalno uzgajana u Švajcarskim alpima. Miks jako ranog skunka i vrste Nepal. Swiss Miss može izdržati teške noćne kondenzacije. Ova biljka je savršena za rast tamo gde su sezone za uzgoj kraće i hladnije. Swiss Miss ima lagani dim sa ugodnom skunky aromom.

* Tip biljke: Preporučuje se za outdoor

* Visina biljke: srednja - Indica/Sativa mix

* Fizički ili psihički osećaj?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz

* THC nivo: srednji 8-15%

* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8

* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1m2) : 500

* Mesec žetve: 9

· Težina uzgoja: umerena

Bijele vrste Marihuane

Ime ovih vrsti govori samo za sebe. Te vrste su u vezi sa familijom White Widow-a.

Od sredine 90-ih "AK" biljke su neverovatno popularne. AK-48 je jedna od najjacih ranorastucih biljaka. AK-48 daje tvrde vrhove sa izuzetno jakom aromom.AK-48 je indica - sativa hibrid ali ipak zadrzava vecinu svojih sativa kvaliteta. AK-48 je spreman u najranije 48 dana ako su uslovi savrseni.

* Tip biljke: Preporucuje se unutrasnji uzgoj.
* Visina biljke: niska- Vecinom Indica
* Fizicki ili psihicki osecaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz
* THC nivo: visok 15-20%
* Nedelja sazrevanja: 7/8
* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 400/500
* Mesec zetve: 10
* Tezina uzgoja: umerena

Blue Mystic
Blue Mystic je specifican, posebno zbog svojih laganih plavih nijansi koje se pojave negde na pola ciklusa cvetanja. Blue Mystic raste vrlo slicno kao i Northern Lights sa svim njegovim pozeljnim osobinama, te sa dodatim obojenim izgledom i blagim ukusom bobica nakon pusenja. Blue Mystic ima prirodan miris u odnosu na druge vrste uzgajane u kuci.

* Tip biljke: Preporucuje se unutrasnji uzgoj.
* Visina biljke: niska- Vecinom Indica
* Fizicki ili psihicki osecaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz
* THC nivo: visok 15-20%
* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8/9
* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 450
* Mesec zetve: 8/9
* Tezina uzgoja: teska (za iskusne)

Bubblelicious je razvijena u Midwestu, SAD, pa je donesena u Holandiju 90-ih te je dalje rafinirana. Bubblelicious raste snazno i rascveta se nakon 8 nedelja. Bubblelicious je visoko smolna i extra slatka. Neki ljudi je usoredjuju sa rozom zvakacom gumom.

* Tip biljke: Preporucuje se unutrasnji uzgoj.
* Visina biljke: niska- Vecinom Indica
* Fizicki ili psihicki osecaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz
* THC nivo: visok 15-20%
* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8/9
* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 300/400
* Mesec zetve: 10
* Tezina uzgoja: umerena

Chrystal je White Widow pomjesan sa Northern Lights-ima. Chrystal-ovi pupoljci su veliki i lepljivi.Aroma je skoro kao kerozin a high brzo udarajuci. Hibrid prve klase, Chrystal daje neverovatan urod cenjene trave neverovatne kvalitete. Lakse se odrzava nego White Widow. Chrystal je prvak Dutch Highlife Cup-a, 2002 godine.

* Tip biljke: Preporucuje se unutrasnji uzgoj.
* Visina biljke: srednja- Indica/Sativa mix
* Fizicki ili psihicki osecaj?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz
* THC nivo: visok 15-20%
* Nedelja sazrevanja: 9
* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 500
* Mesec zetve: 9/10
* Tezina uzgoja: umerena

Ice je uspesan pokusaj spajanja kvantitete i kvaliteta zajedno. Ice ima delove Afghani-ja, veoma posebnog Skunk-a, Northern light-a i Shiva-e. Naporni proces biranja izmedu hiljada biljaka je upotrebljen u trazenju ovog posebnog miksa. Cvetovi Ice-a su bogato prekriveni sa trychomes-om i imaju nepromenljivu gustocu. Vrhovi se formiraju uzduz glavnih grana i imaju veliki cvet posmatrano spram lista. Fantastican za hydro i zemljano sadjenje. Osecaj napusenosti je jak i aroma je slicna gorivu. Ice je pobednik Cannabis cupa 1998.

* Tip biljke: Preporucuje se unutrasnji uzgoj.
* Visina biljke: srednja- Indica/Sativa mix
* Fizicki ili psihicki osecaj?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz
* THC nivo: visok 15-20%
* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8/9
* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 500
* Mesec zetve: 8/9
* Tezina uzgoja: umerena

Misty je malena i jaka biljka. Limunasto zeleno mehurasti listovi su debeli i teski kao salata. Vrhovi su gusti i prekriveni THC zlezdama. Iako Misty deli gene sa White Widow-om, zavrsava ranije i proizvodi uze vrhove sa vecim urodom. Misty daje jaki mosusov miris, neki kazu da je kao stari znoj. Za razliku od svojega skoro agresivnog okusa Misty-in dim je sladak i ostavlja "secer" u ustima nakon pusenja.

* Tip biljke: Preporucuje se unutrasnji uzgoj.
* Visina biljke: niska- Vecinom Indica
* Fizicki ili psihicki osecaj?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz
* THC nivo: visok 15-20%
* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8/9
* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 500
* Mesec zetve: 8/9
* Tezina uzgoja: laka (dobra za pocetnike)

PPP Pure Power Plant
Pure power plant je jaka,vecinski sativna biljka razvijena u kasnim 90-ima od Juzno Africkih vrsta. Ogromni potencijal rasta ove biljke je odlican primer snage hibrida. PPP je zadnji trend medu holandskim komercijalnim uzgajivacima zbog njenog velikog uroda od vrhova velikog kvaliteta. PPP ima ugodan, pomalo zimzelen okus i jaki drustveni "high".

* Tip biljke: Best suitable for outdoor growing.
* Visina biljke: srednja- Indica/Sativa mix
* Fizicki ili psihicki osecaj?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz
* THC nivo: visok 15-20%
* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8/9
* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 500
* Mesec zetve: 8/9
* Tezina uzgoja: umerena

Silver Pearl
Silver Pearl je trostruki hibrid razvijen u ranim 90-ima. Early girl, Skunk #1 i Northern lights cine ovu ukusnu biljku. Silver pearl vrhovi su pokriveni THC-om, ali nisu jaki kao kod vecine "white" biljaka. Silver Pearl je veoma srcana: rascveta se rano pa je to cini savrsenom za pocetnike. Ukus je iznenadjujuce osvezavajuci i nije presmrdljiv. Urodi su komercijalnog tipa.

* Tip biljke: Preporucuje se unutrasnji uzgoj.
* Visina biljke: srednja- Indica/Sativa mix
* Fizicki ili psihicki osecaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz
* THC nivo: srednji 8-15%
* Nedelja sazrevanja: 7/8
* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 400/500
* Mesec zetve: 9/10
* Tezina uzgoja: umerena

Snow White
Snow White je jedna od selekcija najveceg kvaliteta iz "white" familije. Debeli cisti Indica otac daje Snow White gusci status nego White widow. Ovaj F1 hibrid daje veliki urod sa gustim lepljivim vrhovima pokrivenim THC-om. Prigodna za rast u hydro ili slicnim sistemima. Prijatan gladak ukus i mocni indica "high" cine biljku varijacijom Widow-a.

* Tip biljke: Best suitable for outdoor growing.
* Visina biljke: srednja- Indica/Sativa mix
* Fizicki ili psihicki osecaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz
* THC nivo: visok 15-20%
* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8/10
* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 350/450
* Mesec zetve: 9/10
* Tezina uzgoja: laka (dobra za pocetnike)

White Rhino
White Rhino je jak F1 hibrid White Widow-a i cudesno jake Severno Americke indica vrste. White Rhino bi mogao imati medicinsku primenu zbog svog visokog THC-a. Ukus ovog dima je hashy i pomalo ostar. Americki otac Rhino-a je vise indica nego White widow, stvarajuci tako redju i nesto manju biljku.Osecaj je jak i dolazi skoro odmah.

* Tip biljke: Preporucuje se unutrasnji uzgoj.
* Visina biljke: niska- Vecinom Indica
* Fizicki ili psihicki osecaj?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz
* THC nivo: visok 15-20%
* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8
* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 400/500
* Mesec zetve: 10
* Tezina uzgoja: umerena

U srednjim 90-ima rodila se legenda. White Widow se skoro odmah pojavila na svim menijima u holandskim "coffee shop"-ovima. Ovo remek delo je postavilo standarde za "bele" vrste. White Widow raste visoko sa osetljivim granama. Vrhovi su prilicno veliki s obzirom na bogatu kolicinu smole. Oslanjajuce se na njenu sativa stranu, osecaj je jak ali ipak energican i jako drustven.

* Tip biljke: Preporucuje se unutrasnji uzgoj.
* Visina biljke: srednja- Indica/Sativa mix
* Fizicki ili psihicki osecaj?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz
* THC nivo: visok 15-20%
* Nedelja sazrevanja: 8/9
* Prinos (Sea of Green na 1 m2) : 450
* Mesec zetve: 8/9
* Tezina uzgoja: umerena

- 20:27 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
how high
- 15:11 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #
doggy style
- 15:10 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


snoop D.O. double G
- 15:09 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
snoop d.o. double g
- 14:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
- 14:43 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
meth & redman
- 14:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
wu tang
- 14:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
- 14:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
- 14:23 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Ghetto Gospel Lyrics

Hit them with a lil' ghetto gospel

[Chorus - Elton John:]
Those who wish to follow me (My ghetto gospel)
I welcome with my hands
And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold
And peace to this young warrior without the sound of guns

If I could recelect before my hood dayz
I'd sit and reminisce, nigga and bliss on that good dayz
i stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to'em
They tested, it was stressed that fate under
In our days, things changed
Everyone's ashamed to the youth cuz the truth looks strange
And for me it's the worst, we left of a world that's cursed, and it hurts
cause any day they'll push the button
and yall condemned like Malcolm x and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin
Don't them let me get teary, the world looks dreary
but when you wipe your eyes, see it clearly
there's no need for you to fear me
if you take the time to hear me, maybe you can learn to cheer me
it aint about black or white, cuz we're human
I hope you see the light before its ruined
my ghetto gospel

[Chorus - Elton John]

Tell me do you see that old lady aint it sad
Living out a bag, plus she's glad for the little things she has
And over there there's a lady, crack got her crazy
Guess she's given birth to a baby
I don't trip and let it fade me, from outta the frying pan
We're jumping to another form of slavery
Even now I keep discouraged
Wonder if they take it all back while I still keep the courage
I refuse to be a role model
I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottle
I make mistakes, I learn from everyone
And when its said and done
I bet this Brotha be a better one
If I'm upset, you don't stress
Never forget, that God hasn't finished with me yet
I feel his hand on my brain
When I write rhymes, I go blind, and let the lord do his thang
But am I less holy
Cuz I choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homies
Before we find world peace
We gotta find peace in that war on the streets
My ghetto gospel

[Chorus - Elton John]

Lord can you hear me speak!!
To pay the price of being hell bound...

- 14:18 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

12.08.2005., petak


još jedna skica
- 19:58 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

method man

jedan od 9
- 19:57 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


kakva je moja skica?
- 19:57 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

jedna od najvažnijih stvari na svitu

sad reci da nije
- 19:52 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

2 pac tatoos are (3)

i još jedna slika
- 19:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

2 pac tatoos are (2)

još slika njegovih tetovaža
- 19:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

2pac tattos are

My only fear of Death is comming back reincarnated
Panther head
Jesus on a cross, burning
Only God can judge me
Mask, cry later
Boss playaz
Fuck the world
Exodus 1832
Mask, smile now
50 Niggaz over na AK 47
Queen Nefertete`s head, under it: 2 Die 4

- 19:23 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

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Nešto o meni

Ime: [B]Toni
Prezime: V...... fk y`all zasto bi ga reka i ovo je previše
Datum rođenja: 02.06.1989.[/B]
Škola: 2a Medicinska (opći)
Godina provedeno u BUKSI: Evo nekidan izasa
Godina smrti(uma): Prije par miseci
Broj pisama(kojima sam ja autor): Preko nekoliko
Broj nacrtanih grafita: Par
Broj nacrtanih skica: Pun Kurac
Tag: prvi mi je bia unique.nekad napisem JA ili TV. sad sam mono aka phase
Odjel na kojem me možete posjetiti u bolnici: a šo misiš pa PSIHIJATRIJA(najteži bolesnici)
Omiljena Biljka: Cannabis
Omiljena vrsta muzike: Hip-hop ,a volim skoro sve slušati
Najbolje grupe i pjevaći: 2pac,dr.dre,xzibit,ludacris,wu-tang clan,run d.m.c.,n.w.a,c murder,c-block, g-unit,i svi ćlanovi svake grupe.(neda mi se više nabrajati)
Idol: 2PAC
Najbolje jelo: Pica
Piće: Gusti,Šampanjac,Vino(crno preferiram,nije ni bilo loše),Neki kurac u boćici maloj ima okus ka fanta al ima postotak alkohola ka piva.
Što bi volija napravit: otic u SAD.postati nebit komercija(teška).imati nekoga ko će me poštovati.imati bandu i neko opako ime.proslavit moju vjeru.(na kraju cu napisati molitvu koju sam ja napisati).i imati vutre za pušit do mile volje.
Volim:Cigare i cure koje nisu umišljene,i šo ne trće za bogatunima(po mogućnosti da slušaju rap)
Grad u kojem sam rođen i živim: Zadar(najbolji grad na svitu ali ne za rappere)
ako ima sto jos sto nisam napisa podsjetite me


obećana molitva:
ono u ime oca i duha i bla bla


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