07 veljača 2021

Oh my dear, the world is fucked
People dig in wrong places for luck.
They don't understand who they are
and then get blinded by the lights of stars,
And keep hurting whitout a clue
because of them some is blue.
I felt that too, they pulled me down
They left me wait whitout a sign.

I felt like, falling
Spinning in vortex
Loosing mind
I must deserve this.

Then I heard a tender voice
Speeking gently trought this noise
"Just let yourself in this
Give yourself to me,
Enjoy the moment of bliss
That only love can see!

Do not care about unjustice
Do not let it put you down
Walk proud my litlle girl
You wear a golden crown!
You wear it proudly, fierce
Enough already, wipe of that tears!

You show the world what's real
Show the world what you feel,
Do whats right for you
Try best to keep your friends true,
Help them and they will help you,
Circle of friendship is love of life, too.

Then litlle girl, find strenght to carry
Another soul in this world, wounded, heavy,
Find a man that will keep you safe
You keep him wild and just be brave.

Be true be you, be what you stand for
Never be afraid of taking a downfall.
Listen to heartbeat and you'll understand
Hold firm, in crazy days don't let his hand.
Life opens doors of heavean on earth
Let the sunshine in heart be rebirth."


16 prosinac 2018

“I think anybody who falls in love is a freak. It’s a crazy thing to do. It’s kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity.“

bang bang, two shoots fired, man down one fool one liar

30 lipanj 2018

zbog nemirnih noći
nemirni mi dani.
zaboravih kada
treba reći stani.
glavom kroz zid srljam,
na ranu sol trljam
stobom ja si, dušo
ovu dušu prljam...

jel osjećaj pravi,
il me život trenira,
sve što kažeš meni
srcu boli servira
pričaš kako život jedan
treba iskoristit,
neki žive jedan način,
nismo ni svi isti.

ljubim te
jer tako slatko
niko se ne ljubi
ko u mraku dvoje ljudi
sto razum sav gubi,
gorim sva i želim sve
ne mogu ni disat,
gušim se u nama, srećo
ne mogu opisat,
što mi činiš
zašto sliniš
nadamnome tako,
znaš da sutra bez tebe mi
neće biti lako.

suzi malo fali, mali
da zbog tebe klizne
oteo mi komad srca
i sad duša kisne........

wake up!

23 rujan 2017

I feel you baby rhythm
come closer to your girl
le' me taste your sweetnes
your tastiness, you wear
pure pearls around your neck
your legs are high up long
you make me move like Jagger
you make me hit the road
like Jack, this track sends me back
to good old days when I wasn't this wack

I was unawere of all pain and hurt
and did not know in how much dirt
some of us livin, and don't even get
meaning, and strugle just to pay bread
they have crazy wives who sits at home alone
and try to raise sons and daughters on throne
shiny throne that media shows on tv
makes us grieve
make us howl like wolves at the moon and
rules us till our last dawn come
they make fantasies true, our wishes they know
every thought is directed in fake plastic show
our children grows in polluted world,
the air they breathe makes them puppets of cruel
our minds are filthy, greedy and lost
and living this present we'll only become ghosts
scared and wandering souls of the streets
which has no names, where no one greets

To you baby rhythm
I'm sendin' this notes
please help me, baby
to wake up this bots

Release you golden poison
cointain enviroment with flow
cover them in lotion
of prosperity and grow
precaution, the dangoures vibe you'll get
will make you look around and see things you won't regret
just try just go, find better solution
find your own question and conclusion

Poezija se ne mora rimovati nego doticati

16 veljača 2017

Otpuhujem te iz stvarnosti kao imaginarni dim cigarete jer više ne pušim...
i vidim te u ormaru čija široka krila zatvaram i spuštam se s tavana.
Gledam tvoje lice u kamenu koji tone na dno bare i zamišljam ga kako
dotiče dno navlačeći muljnu zavjesu na prozor naše ljubavi... Blijediš.
Blijediš kao što je svijet nekad blijedio u tvom zagrljaju,
i tiho nestaješ kao svaki problem što je nestajao pod pokrivačem naših snova
u našoj kupoli satkanoj od svemirske prašine koja bi ostala netaknuta taman da se cijeli svijet urušava...

Crazy reality.

13 veljača 2017

Winter is knocking on my door

14 prosinac 2016

I fell for your eyes and the way they gleam
and your precious smile, sweet like sweet cream.
You vibrate atracting every cell of my being
in moments of silence you're the one that I'm seeing.
Can't help it babe, I'm so into you
I need you to take me like you said you'll do.
Oh baby, baby my soul is weaping,
I want to rip your clothes, don't care who's creepin'.
I want to devour every inch of your body,
taste your shiver on my lips cause it's so naughty
to feel, to touch, to hear you moun,
I adore you, I'm helpless, I'm losing control.
If I don't get to love you soon enough
my mind will wander in dark of the night.
I will get lost if you let go,
and turn ice cold, like winter snow...

Nemir mi je lajtmotiv

31 listopad 2016

Hladna noć me ljulja, osjećaji naviru,
pod toplim poplunom, nemiri se sabiru.
Djevojčice malena, to si samo ti
Svojim mislima snenim izgubila si bit.
Opusti se, toni, u dubinu mora
Dok te ne raspline topla, nova zora.

A srce o ljubavi... pusti ga nek čezne,
Bolje bi mu bilo da je nekad bez nje.
Žudi gorkom tugom, ne zna više kako,
čujem glasno lupa kao od stol šakom.
Traži odgovore, prisjeća se svega,
ljubavi i mržnje, susreta i bijega.

Priziva trenutke, koji sreću bude,
zašto izgubismo to što spaja ljude?
Onu nit topline, koja nas zaplete
u čvorove strasti, u beskrajne petlje
što sva snaga svemira nikad ne otplete.

21 lipanj 2016

When you consider things like the stars,
our affairs don't seem to matter very much,
do they?

Virginia Wolf

Tiha kiša kroz prozor piša

12 lipanj 2016

Kad si tu mirišu jače lipe,
pored tebe kiše slađe, tiho sipe,
sa tobom svaka sekunda koja teče životom je laka,
bez tebe praznina me izjeda, tupa i jaka...
i rupa u grudima gori,
dušu mi uzeše ljubavni zlotvori...

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