Japanski reklamni slogani na engleskom nepresusno su vrelo zabave za nas gaijine.
Pardon, jesam li rekla engleskom ? Treba stajati 'engleskom'.
Jer, kao sto ce se svatko, pocevsi od osnovnoskolca s dva sata engleskog tjedno pa sve do friskog diplomca s Oxforda, moci uvjeriti nakon citanja 'bisera' iz moje male zbirke, sa stvarnim engleskim jezikom ti natpisi nemaju puno veze.
Decki iz marketinga stvorili su neki novi jezik, koji nas po gramatici i sintaksi doduse podsjeca na engleski, a koristi i engleske rijeci, no koji ipak zvuci nekako... hm, sepavo.
Lost in translation.
Cime punim svoj ceker:
Artiklima, uglavnom hranom, na cijem se omotu koce raznorazne dubokoumne krilatice, smisao kojih ostajem pogadjati na putu do kuce. Obicno ih ne odgonetnem, stoga ih marljivo biljezim u svoj tefter za neku kasniju priliku.
Za pocetak, jeste za caj ? Samo naprijed, s optimizmom !
Over-optimism modest chocolate and a soft marshmallow lead you in elegant tea time.
Kupila sam kruh pod imenom 'Shop 99 original bread':
Ne, ovo nije kruh pecen u tavi (engl. pan). Slucajno ili ne, na japanskom se kruh kaze 'pan', sto je porijeklom portugalska rijec i znaci - kruh...
Sjecate se kako sam se proslog ljeta penjala na Yamaderu ? E, pa ovo mi je bio omiyage (suvenir):
The place from which tastiness is transmitted. I feel something new in this taste. Eating together makes foods nice.
A fresh scent and fresh taste. It is delicious tea skillful also for appearance.
Zasto meni ovi jezicni fasiranci zvuce kao da ih je automatski izbacio BabelFish ???
Born from an exhaustive research of refined tastes. We provide a first-class taste brought directly from the earth.
Space food ? Ne, nego reklama za inace vrlo ukusne kekse.
A taste that makes sense comes from a production process that makes sense. Please try it.
Does it make sense to you ?
Super krilatica, mozda ne bas za slatkis, ali recimo za kakvu skolu stranih jezika (da sam ghostwriter a ne kucanica):
Learn Japanease at your ease.
Japanease is easy.
Izi djepenizi !
Znam sto cete reci. Tko mi je kriv sto sam skribomanka kakva jesam, i sto osim toga citam sve na sto naletim, cak i ona sitna slova na omotu A4 fotokopirnog papira, dekorativni tekst koji s proizvodom nema nikakve direktne veze:
We are now alive into society with much stress. The body will be spoiled if daily exposed to stress. Probably, most persons have a method for their stress alleviation.
There is stress every day. It is important to have the method of stress alleviation and to always aim at a change of air in everyday life.
Even if it is busy however or there are worries at work, it is good to make the method of a small break into a custom.
It is most fond of coffee as luxury goods.
Since caffeine is contained in coffee, a brain and muscles are stimulated and sleepiness in awoke.
Relaxed in soul - When the heart is exhausted with desk work etc. or it gets tired mentally, if coffee is drunk, feeling will feel it refreshed.
In addition, the effect which should be observed
- Diuretic effect
- Fat in the living body is decomposed
- Prevention of arteriosclerosis
- Anti-cancer action
Although these effects and actions could expect maintenance and sick prevention of health, it could be said that it is for the perfume to soften our heart whatever the use of coffee may be called.
It is a coffee break when the heart closes.
Full coffee is useful to a change of air, and cancels stress.
Nisam bas kao pjesnik zavapila 'rakije, rakije amo, jer utjehe nema u vodi'... ali jedna jaka kava mi je nakon citanja ovog dobro dosla.
Naisla sam i na zgodnu pricicu o bakinoj peci.
Sagu je na svojim plasticnim vrecicama prosirio lanac pekarnica pod nazivom 'Saffron' (imaju izvrstan crni kruh, gotovo jednako dobar kao onaj kod kuce). Njihovom engleskom, doduse, nemam sto prigovoriti, ali...
Ma, salji ti tu baku meni odmah, s krusnom peci ili bez nje. Zazeljela sam se dobrog domaceg kruha.
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